- THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. .O.C -1 u i. . i. i i ii ii. AUg. 13. to9u- j r- Wanted-An Agent S. in every Bection, to canvass, 4.00 to f 5- a dy made 86,18 at BiRht; alB0 ,Can to sell staple goods to dealers, beet s Me line,75.00 a month. Salary or large ' 1 wmiseion made, experience unneces- r,f) For sealed particulars Bend stamp. Cl'fton Soap & Manufacturing Company, "rwnnntri, Ohio. Mention Nebraska JwnwpRNnKNT. 48-52-t r FREE ! Patronize those persons who adver tise in this paper., Tell them that you saw their ad in the Nebraska Independ ent, r H. D. RHEA, Attopi)etirgat-l-aii Offloe-Sft floor, Brovnell Block. HX.phon.108. MSCOM. GOING TO GOING TO GOING TO Chicago? 9u nun Black Hills? Central Wyoming? San Francisco? Los Angolos? 1 l n n..l5 t- rwiuanui V !t sifilctj KORTH-WESTEM r Eist Rati J v line. city office: U7 So. 10th St., - LINCOLN, NEB. M page Medical Refer aae Book, ctrinr valuable Information to any man or wi Bias afflicted with any form o!prlrte or special d i a e, AddreM tht leading PhystdaBS and Spe- elalista of this Coun- 11 UK. BATHAWAT CO., 78 BwiiWii strait, ra: cago, Uli. CURBS GIMRANTk-fD. The Populists' Choice For Vice President. SULPHO-SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium Comer MthftXSts., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 1 1 Tor the Young People. Every neighborhood needs to be waked np by a choir of singers who use Armaged don, tne SOng DOOK OI uio great- luviuo- trial class. It is a large book, fullof new songs, words and music fresh, and full ol humor, fire, pathos, patriotism and love of liberty. Ever home where there are lovers of truthand justice and opDOS ers of oppression should contain one or more copies of this song book. Get the young people to singing its songs. Open at All Hours Day and Nigrlit All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric. With Special attention to the application of NATURAL SALT WATER BATHS. Several ttmis stronger than ee. water. vkaniiMim. Skin. Bicod and SerYous Die taaas, LWer and Kidney TroBWes and Chrool tUmenta an treated successfully. gxSea Bathing) K. ..invait k all hmoii In onr large SALT IW1MMINO POOL, Mil feet, 6 to U feet deep, seated to uniform temperature oi u degrees. Drs. M. H. & J. O. Everett, ' ; , Managing Physidana, Unv Rain's Financial School, readlt, loan it to vour neighbor. Push the crnnA work eionir. We have them for Bale at 15 cents per coot. Citv ticket office Elkhorn-Northwesteni line, 117 So. 10th St. it II SAVE DOCTOR BILLS THE BOOK FOR EVERYBODY. An Encyclopedia of Medical Instruction by the Leading Medical Men of the Country A helpful companion for all classes and a storehouse ot the latest i,iwVr.nmnlete enCTdopedia on home nursing, on in- fant feeding; tells you what to do in cases of accident, how to Nurse and treat the sick. It gives the anatomy and physiology of both the 10MINEE WATSON. DONCEENING HIS CAREER. A Fiery Debater, Always Ready For a Fight. HE FIRMS 1SD PRACTICES LAW. Born a Country Lad-He toft College) to Teach School Hie First Legislative Hon ors Congress Appalled by Bis Sweeping Charge Bitten Contest With Major Black Crusade Against Finkerton. Thomas E. Watson, the Populist nom inee for the vice presidency, is another instance of the young man in politics. He is not yet 40 years of age, having been born in Columbia county,' Ga. , Sept. 5, 1856. He received a common school education and was then sent to Mercer university, Macon, Ga. At the end of his sophomore year he left col lege, probably because of lack of funds, and for two years engaged in school teaching. Afterward he read law in the office of Judge W. K. Mcliaws oi au cmara Or. . and was admitted to the har. cnmniencine the practice of the nrofession in November, 1876. In 1878 he was married to Miss fWirpia Durham, and several children were the result of the union. r Mr. Watson's political career com menced in 1882, when he was elected to the Georgia legislature on the Demo- Ruuuens. M they were trying to dis grace him, and eulogized himself. Walson attempted several oraniauo effects, at one- time saying that ho would talk if be was killed for it and at an other denouncing as a "reckless and in famous liar" any one who declared that he leaned toward Harrison. He bounded over the platform, swung his anas and exclaimed : "I have stood this abuse as long as I mm going to, and my friends have stood it as long as they are going to. We have been called the rag, tag and bobtail long enough. Here, where I am exposed to every man who chooses to make me his target, I, who have been denounced as a traitor, a juaas isouriui i any wm man who says I have betrayed anybody la a willful and deliberate liar. As he said this the high stand, which had become crowded, gave way in the rear, throwing a score of people to the ground', but the front on whicn tne speakers stood remained intact The crowd bad become very noisy, and soon many of them crowded upon what remained of the platform. With a Hon and the greatest volume of bellig erency emanated from himself. Some of his tirades against fellow members of the house were particularly violent, and one charg against congressmen in gen eral, contained in a campaign pamphlet written by Mr. Watson, aroused such general indignation that the expulsion of the Georgia member was said to have been seriously considered. Bis Charge. Against Member of Congress. It was Watson who gave currency to the phrase "Where am I at?" he having attributed it to Congressman Cobb of Alabama, who, he alleged, used the ex pression while under the influence of liquor and while addressing tne cnair on the floor of the house. The congres sional investigation which followed the charge and the result showing that tne representative from Alabama did sip itimulants during a speech are well re membered by those who watch the proc ess of events at Washington. In a stump speech made during his canvass in 1893 Mr. Watson made tne following reference to these proceedings: "Now let's go to this drunkenness. While I was there and those absentees great crash it gave way and precipitated fa l wrote a boot i everyooay on w to i g. tended that book to hurt, and it nas below, amid the broken planks. No one hurt j intenae,i to expose what I saw was injured, and Watson, who is agile . ther(J etrimeutal to the best . l:i l; inA i Initb ff ha I . as a cat, ui uuuu mo ot "-'j intprfists of the neooie. ine man wno pulled a table from the wreck, jumped upon it and cried out: "This was an old, weak Democratic niatform. but I will now speak to you from a People's Party platform, and it will stand like a stone wall." Then he went on intimating that un less he had followers at all the ballot boxes in November the Democrats might ttnmnt. tn nmint him out. WVVV " . Major Black spoke lor an nour ano a half. Mr. Watson, he said, had ar- rai i?ned the Democratic party. He would defend the party by impeaching the witness. "I would not, " said he, "con- Portrait and 129 So. 11th St. r; GALLERY ESTABLISHED IN 187L Work Guarantssi Prices lox New Filer via Missouri Pacific Beginning May 20tb the Missouri Pa cine will run a fast train daily, leaving Lincoln at 8:20 p. m. arriving at Kansas City at 11 p. m. and at St. Louis at 7:20 a. m., reducing the time five hours. This last train will make better time by several boors to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Philadelphia, New York and all eastern points, than any othei line out of Lincoln. Time is money and wecan saveyou both. For any information abont rates, time etc., or for sleeping car berths, call at city ticket office 1201 0 street. F.D. Cobneli, CP. AT. A. sees legislative abuses growing up under his eyes and does not denounce them to the Txsonle is not true to the best inter ests of the people. Here is tne paragrapn that made the lion roar: ' The congress now sitting is one il lustration pledged to reform. They have not reformed. I have shown you why thev did not dispute it Pledged to economy, they have not economised. No man will deny it Pledged to legislate, they have not legislated. And no one denies it Absenteeism was never so pronounced. Drunken members have rewind ahnnt the bouse a disgrace xor 8amraur Trips at Beduoed Bates. The Northwostern line is now selling tickets at reduced round trip rates to many tourist points in the "western, north era and northeastern states and Canada. Any one designing a summer tnp would do well to secure our figures before pur chasing tickets elsewhere. eider myself honest to denounce a party th renQhiic, Drunken speakers speak Business Directory. Hen whose advertisements appear in this ini art thoroughly reliable, Billies) ; traeted to them will reoeiTe prompt and eareinJ attention, whose commission I held in my pocket Then turning and pointing his finger in Watson's face he said "Whatever crime or iniqnity the Democratic party is responsible for you were a part of it Watson." said he. "calls himself a w. c"Qvoo T-Tvo-ifine of the home and OVA. - 7 O ' of the sick room, cnuaren s uib- remedies. Over hve .1 is ---h. ,ial A ' ,i ... i 4.Un,n kr elmrilp and safe eases ana now to ucni mem u3 "-r hundred prescriptions. . JL Iw of the HemedieB Advised. ADVICE TO MOTHERS-The, book is worth many times the price asked for it to mothers who have the care of small children The section devoted to children's diseases is the most modern of anything vet published. It is brought up to date 1896. - . ; NURSING Nothing is more conducive to the comfort of the sick an able nurse. By following the instructions and study ing carefully the section devoted to this branch of the healing art, you can become perfectly proficient in this science, xvery wumau .uM., know what to do and the best way. o doing it in case they are sud AnUr -allpd nnon to care for the sick. . v tnfaNT FEEDING This section alone is worth many times v, nr BVd for the book. Here the mother, whether she be young Arir.d: or whether she may have had a world of experience, ii words of wisdom. She will find what is the best food for the uk., ,i rh vorv latest and best way to prepare it DISEASES OF CHILDREN The treatment of children's dis- wKocn rpvnlntionized during the past few years; all that is eases liaa li-wi. - - . . h prnsrience oroven to be the best, has been incorporated m t i. Avon fnr linr.tnrs. is as ad- this section. Wo Dook oi recent uC) r " " " tu vanced in its treatment of this important branch as this book. Ths late treatment for that dreaded disease-Diphtheria-which has proven so fatal to so many, is here fiiven. T ' v -n k DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN In this section will be found invaluable information for every woman and for every maiden ust merging into womanhood. .The advice ana treatment ue B.vCu the latest and best. It is by a physician wno rs -i- ist in this class of diseases. , , THE STOMACH There is no one but what .recognizes me iaui that a sound stomach is the prime requisite for a sound body. The of triisimoortant organ have been dwelt upon at great length. The verv best means are minutely described for restoring this organ to v,airr.fn1 state after being once deranged. THE LIVER Every individual knows the vast role this organ : tv, nman onanism. If it be out of fix the whole family and most of the neighbors know it, for he is a nuisance to himself and all about him. This book gives a . minute description of this all-import- and a clear Dortraval of its varied diseases. how these may be corrected and the organ restored to its healthy con- dition' : smroiusDS more There are Prescriptions and Simple Remedies for Asthma, Chole- r,n,,n Diarrhoea. Ear Ache, Erysipelas, Hay tever, ingestion Kidney Troubles, Worms, Measles, Nose Bleed, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, Ringworm, bcaias, sprains, ouu, - etc., any one oi which might save not only a -doctor bill, but a life it r n(tnA tn Kb withnnt it? weu. r.ut Tu.' r..r 'i: and Pives the very latest pre- II treats oi au mc u.uu. 0- .,,,,. tar (nr all Maht as well as serious ailments. What you pay tor "'T." 1 . ?. " " fnr nvPrfi00 of the latest and best one prescription wm muic won fj - : " . u-:i,o Thp r. . r i iv. oioVio nfnrmation besides, ine prescriptions, ana a weanu , t book is meeting with an enormous sale in the east. Price $2.50 By special arrangement with the publishers ,we are enabled ttt ttVittm-t i, nni tl . Send for a copy. If you do not rnnsider the book worth a dollar after you have examined it, you may THOMAS E. WATSON. A con", 0 -: Z- n -i, oi the amount paid and send senQ I" 5." " :A mVT f ns vP.ar as directed. Address J the .NH-DKAurvrv inum u"""" r Independent Publishing Co., Lincoln, Nebraska. cratic ticket In 1888 he again took a prominent part in politics as a Cleve land presidential elector for the state at N': . . li,. 'a He was elected to we .cuij-iu congress as a Democrat, receiving 5,4&o votes as against 597 votes cast for An thony E. Williams, the Republican nominee. He served only one term in oongress, being succeeded by James C. Black, who was elected as a Dcmor crat, Watson having identified himself with the People's Party, tie aiso ran as a Populist for the Fifty-fourth con- !, but was again deieaiea Dy jir. Black. . The various controversies and foren sic wars that were waged by Watson and Black in the course of tneir cam paigning form an interesting page in Georgia politics. Both of these contest ants for congressional nonors are no blooded and bellicose, and both are pos sessed by that variously defined quality supposed to be essential to a fight "nrva. ' A newsnaner account of one 01 tne many Watson-Black encounters so fully sets forth the politics and character of Tom Watson, as he is familiarly caiieo, that the insertion of it here is not map- nronriate. The article was a bit of cor- resoondence. dated at Crawfordsville, Oil. Sent 8. 1892. Here it is: . - m rrt a. The ioint debate between xom wai- son and Major Black, the candidates for congress from the Tenth ueorgia ois trio., nnaned here today, reopte came from all sections of the state. Special trains were run. Farmers drove to town from 50 miles around, some of them makine a three days' journey to get here. The debate was held under the great oaks in the yard of Liberty Hall, the home of the late Alexander a. tstepnens. A stand had been erected under the spreading bonghs of one of the largest trees, and a crowd of 10,000 enthusi astic Democrats and third partyites crowded around. His Campaign Methods. Mr. Watson opened the debate and spoke for an hour. He pitched into the Democratic and Republican parties and their candidates, declared that the Dem ocrats had tried to disgrace Alexander . TN. A rwitnfwrat a Jeffersonian uemocrai. Vnn renresent a Dolicy that is totany at war with everything that jenerson nas ovnr said." As the audience grew boisterous major Black urged it to keep quiet , I am not coing into any tneamcai performance," he said. "Nobody is going r.n kill anvbOdV. u 1 wongui nujuwj was going to shoot at me, I would not be np here. , 1 tmnK my menu v itm knew he was safe, else ne wouia no have done the theatrical act But in November somebody is going to gei killed politically." Talking to the tmra party men, ma jor Black said: V "Four years ago your leaner wean "u of the district with the flag of Democ racy. Where is it now? I call upon him we want our flag, wnat nave you aouo With it?" .... A Voice Mrs. Lease took it irom him! "I tell you what he did with it lie should have held it aloft in the face of the enemy. Instead of planting it on the battlements of the enemy, he laid it down, trampled it underfoot and came back with the sword of the enemy crim son to the hilt with the blood of the party that had made him. He not only turned his back upon the party, but he denounced it "Even the dead haven't been spared. He has gone into the grave of Samuel j Tilden and declared that he obtained his wealth by piratical methods and dto not have sense enough to write his own will. Shame!" At this moment some one cried, "Ch Watsnn has been bribed to do this!" Watson heard the cry, jumped to nis fWfc and made for his accuser through th crowd. Had it not been for his friends, who held him and hustled the other fellow out of the crowd, tnere would have been a fight which would have resulted in a general riot for the crowd was aroused to an intense pitch of excitement A Mr. Watson's career in congress was hardly less stormy than were the pen ods of his urevious and subsequent can- th difference being that the conflicts were largely of his owners ers on the floor in the midst of maudlin ramblings, have been heard to inquire, Mr. Speaker, where was 1 atr" He then referred to the testimony taken before the investigating commit tee and conoluded with : And now what does this evidence show? It shows that a man maoe a speech on the floor of the house who was drunk. First, I charge a case of drunkenness during the debate on the river and harbor bill; another time, when the pension bill was up, and an other time when a dnrhkon man was trying to have a dialogue with another fellow who was drunk and his own question kicked him over to the floor. If that is not the trutn, 1 am tne mac fist, toniraed liar that ever spoke. " This sort of invective seems toDeaia- vorita form of sneech with Mr. Watson, and he employs it with groat effect, xor Via ia a rcallv brilliant man and an orator of first class ability. Mr. Watson is essentially a fighter in a physioal as well as a moral sense, and any one who watches his flashing eye and the emotions demoted in his thin, dfitfirmined face knows Well he Will "back uo" what he says. ' 1 One of his most famous crnsaoes was made against the Pinkertons, and ms determination to continue his warfare upon the huge detective agency was one of the claims for re-election which he put forward during bis canvass in 1892. . . j l. KnW tie constantly arraigueu mo tons as outthroats and lrresponsiuio blackguards. On one occasion he de clared his belief that congress would pass a law which would render the ob noxious detectives outlaws. "These Pinkertons," said he, "have claimed that in one day they could turn over to a big corporation 85,000 men, provided the place where they were to be congregated was near any of the larirfi cities. Mv attention was first at tracted to this great evil at the time of the Missouri Pacific railroad stme. During that period the Pinkertons ad vertised for men. and in the advertise ment it was stated that only men who had courage and meant business need antilv. This is the only qualification that the Pinkertons require from their men. Thev do not care what their char acter mav be. and the chances are they would prefer a lot of ruffians and tough characters, many of them undoubtedly beinsr ex-convicts. The eccentricities of Mr. Watson have ; long been a subject of comment m tne , south and at Washington. It was to him that bluff Tom Reed of Maine ap plied the uncomplimentary title "colt of the wild ass," and in his own state his oddities and his violence have caused not only adverse criticism but actual doubts as to his sanity. On the 26th day of October, 1892, the following telegram was sent out from Atlanta and published far and wide throughout the land: "Is Tom Watson's mind weakening under the strain and excitement of the campaign? That question is being asked all over Georgia today, tteoent develop ments in the campaign in the Tenth and Watson's . wild utterances have caused many men who are the little congressman's friends to fear that some- thing is wrong with him. tiis wna iaj in summoning armed followers from far and near to protect him and his Re publican henchman and following this bis open enorts to mauce uu iuuu to declare a Dovcoti agauibi, mo ukm- chants of his home town have seemed to cap the climax. There are grave fears that the campaign has Deen too mucn for Watson. : "The papers of the state are full of this inquiry. Watson's physical strength has given way under the ordeal through which he is passing, and his advice to his followers to shoot down the Demo crats if there is any trouble and other like talk is taken as evidence of mental weakening as well" kThat this report was ill founded, if not, indeed, a gratuitous prevarication on the part of his enemies, is fully proved by his subsequent success both as a lawyer and as a farmer. Just what effect his most recent political elevation wilt have noon this remarkable man of t. Ki hrata. the weak body and the VMV w w v - vehement spirit remains to be seen. CNERNKT EAGER, Attorneys-at-law, MM 0 Street, Unoom. Hen. -xeispnw . Ii. STARK, Attorn.j-at-Lw, braaka. Aurora, H ONO MATHKW, Attoouejs-at-Law, Lone City, Nebraska. rvB. H. B, J coin. Nebraska. LOWKT, UT Horth lit Strest, LI . . . . . . A. aVsw CHARLES A.MUHH, Atwnerwsw.w... braaka. jyj a. MILLS, Altonier-st-La oteeoia, me- ttrand Is k it nw inns. Attorner-at-Law, II. land. Neb. Offlos over First Matt Bank DR. . H. LUCAS, DeaHtt, Brace bioce, wa coln. Nebraska. J6HAMF IMPLEMENT CO., Booanaa Jiu Lincoln. Nsb. Farm Machinery a specialty. Machines shipped to all parts ot the stats. JT. If. SW10ABT, Mutual firm ana uyo Insurance. Lincoln. Neb. Agents wanted. WHEN In Lincoln, Popnllst. should stop at th. Lind.ll Hotel. It Is Fopnllst hsadquartwe. WM. LEESE, Lawysr, 1 South Eleventh Street, Lincoln, Neb,, Will personally at.s to all business with ear. and promptness. OBEBT WHML1JL Attorney-AVLsw. V Bonth Ilth street, Lincoln, Ksb, Ex-Juflgs Fifth District. Baelnets gives prompt attention thronghont the state. C ALESMEN WANTEt)-$100 to J125- per month .1 and exnenaes nmpio iim. r""", .r ttMLtit and desirable. Addre W-!-Uf. i'n V ITS. V mug aiin - Address, with sUaap, 175, Chicago. THE NEW YORK WORLD, THEICE-A-WEElt EDITION. Is larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published and : will be or espe cial advantage to you during the PBrJJi DENTIAL CAMPAIGN, as it is published every other day, except Sunday, and baa all the freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long lt of interesting departments, unique fea tures,cartooiis and graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. The price is one dollar per year, we offer this unequaled newspaper and THE Nebraska Independent together one year for f 1.50. .ivvuuaa Bald .1 tHeads Dont You Know That there is nothing to ths av erage conception of humanity that is more unbecoming than a bald head? Yet many careless young men will oomb out a nice head of hair and be content to be bald the remainder of their lives. It is a burning shame. Would they pause for a mom ent's reflection they might well know that the crowning beauty of any person, as nature so in tended, is a nice head of hair. To be otherwise will greatly de preciate their personal appear ance and more or less in many ways effect them both from a professional and social stand point. Our preparation has been on the market for years and it does all we claim for it We have many testimonials from parties who have been bald for years, but now have a good head of hair from the use of our Treatment. One party writes us as follows: Omaha, Neb. 8. A. Pbatt, Lincoln, Neb: My name is Josepm Hewelsman, and I live at No. 1335 Sherman Avenue, Omaha, and worn for the W. T. Seaman Carriage Reposl tsxra nn Anmist 1. 18B9. I commenced the use of Pratt's Treatment, being at that time entirely bald. I have today as good a head of hair as anyone could 4.,f t nana air bottles of the Treat ment. I can fully recommend it to all who have lost their bair. JOSBP HSWBXSMAK, 1335 Sherman Ave. Our Treatment will stop the hair from falling out, and will renew its growth. One bottle will thoroughly convince you. Our remedy is the best Send for testimonials and prices. Address: PRATT REMEDY 0 Box 892. LINCOLN. NEB. 'A .ifis, di -.j-Lincoln, y N. rv