THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT. Aug. 13. 1896. Nervous Prostration Cared by Dr. Mile Nervine. Prolonged derangement of the nervous system not only ffe-t the brain and men tal powers, but develops disease In some of the vital organ. The most dangerous of . these Indirect results la when the heart la affected. This was the case of the Kev. N. F. Surface, Fawn Eirer. Mich., who write under date of Feb. 14, ISA: "Fourteen years ago 1 had a slight stroke of paralysis. Overwork brought on nervous prostration. I was exceedingly nervous and the exertion of public speaking caused heart palpitation that threatened my life. I used two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cuie for my heart trouble, and two of Dr. Miles Iteatorative Nervine for my nervous nasa and feel better than I ever expected to feel again. I can speak for hours without tiring or having my heart flutter as It for merly did, and I have you to thank that I am alive today." On sale by all druggists. Dr. Miles' Book on Heart and Nervous Disorders FKEE by mail Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Pr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. WAHT A WATOH? You dan Get a Good One For Little Work. We have secured through our adver tising department a large number o watches similar in size and style to the illustrations below. We have concluded to offer them as premiums to clubs of subscribers. Our agents take from 18 to '40 subscribers per day. A very little work will get you one. premium no. 1. This elegant gentleman's open face, GOLD FILLED, stem wind and set watch, made by the celebrated "Boss" Watch Case Co., with either Elgin or WaKhatn movement, as yon prefer, fully WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, will be given to any one sending us in a club of f 30.00 worth of subscriptions taken at our regular price of ft per year, 50c for six months, or 25c from now to the close of the campaign. It yon think the number of subscribers required is large, pou should rumember that it is because the watch is valuable as represented one that retails generally at f 20 to $25. There is no lottery in this. You get us the subscriptions and we will send you the watch. If you are not satisfied with the watch when you get it, you may re turn it to us within ten days from its re ceipt and we will pay you $10 cash to pay you for getting up the club. The clubs must be received at this office be fore November 1, 1896. PREMIUM NO. 2. A ladies' watch, gold tilled hunting case, stem wind and set, beautifuly engraved, with eith er Elgin or Waltham movem'nt fully war ranted for FIVE years, to be given for $35 worth of subscription, to be sent on same terms and conditions as in pre mium No. 1. If this watch is unsatis factory we will pay $11 for it if returned within ten days. If you want a good watch for yourself or for your friend you will never find a better opportunity than this. Make all remittances to the Independent Publish ing Co., 1122 M St, Lincoln, Neb. The American Federation. federal Union, No. 6332 moved Into the commodious hall, being out of debt, and having no rent to pay, and having a large member&hip of upright and use ful citizens, invitee all workingmen, all men engaged in any useful occupation, regardless of nationality, color, class or party, to unite with the American fed' (ration of Labor for mutual education h regard to all Questions affecting the material welfare of all. Meetings every Friday at 8 p. m. at 111 4 0 street. No invitation or admission will be charged NEBRASKA CROP REPORT. FINE BAINS AND GREAT CEOPS Except in Southwestern Part of the State. The Week Ending Monday, August 10, 189 1 tharm ULL1 OvtrEg3 . InohM ftainfall for the Week. The past week has been very warm the temperature showing a daily average excess (above normal) of five degrees in the western part of the state and nine degrees in the eastern part. The maxi mum temperatures have exceeded 90 degrees generally every day in the week and in many places have exceeded'a 100 on several days, The rain fall has been very unequally distributed. Heavy showers, with one to three inches of rainfall, have oceured quite generally over the southeastern section and in small areas in the central and western sections. Over the greater portion of the state, however, the rain fall has been leas tbau a quarter of an inch. -, -... The wet weather in the southeastern section has delayed thrashing and stack ing but elsewhere in the state this work has made good progress. In the south western section of the state the hot dry weather of the past week has been injurious to the corn and in the extreme southwestern counties much damage has been done to the crop and iu a few instances the corn is beingcutfor fodder. Ia the other sections of the state the corn has grown remarkably well and the early planted is maturing in the southern counties. The prospect for an excellent crop of corn continues over the state generally. Cutting wildgrass for hay is in pro- fress and a large crop is being harvested, aatures continue excellent. REPORT BY COUNTIES. SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. Butler Corn has formed and matured rapidly during the week and promises a heavy crop. Chinch bugs are damaging oorn in southeastern part of county. Haying commenced on wild grass fields the crop will be a heavy one. Cass Corn continues in most promis ing condition. Thrashing has made good progress. Wheat and oats gener ally light yield and poor quality. Clay Corn going on to maturitv in good shape and promise well. Pastures good. Hay abundantand cheap. Some plowing for wheat has been done. Fillmore Pastures good. Thrashing of small grain well under way. The week has been very favorable for corn and prospects are for a full crop. Hamilton Soil in good condition for plowing. Corn immense. The hail did not do as much damage as was at first thought. Jefferson Corn is earing and filling well and the early corn is out of danger of drought. Late corn has been injured some by the dry weather. Enormous crop of hay. Johnson Corn is in as fine condition as it could be and will make a heavy crop if nothing further happens to injure it. A good deal of fall plowing has been done. Much small grain still in the shock. Lancaster Favorable weather for everything. Corn promises to be the largest crop ever raised in the county. Early corn about made. A large acre age of sugar cane put in for forage and shows an enormous yield. Fall plowing continues. Pastures good. Nemaha Hot, sultry weather. Corn splendid. Wet weather has done pom damage to stacked grain. Some fal. plowing done. Ground in good condi tion. Nuckolls Thrashing delayed by rains. Prospect for biggest corn crop ever known in the county. Corn maturing very fast. More fall plowing being don than common. Otoe The week has been one of mors sunshine and at times of intense heat. Corn is coming on rapidly and gives promise of a good yield. Grapes arc ripening and are a fair crop. . Pawnee Grain thrashing progressing as fast as the weather permits. The abundant rains have secured a good corn crop. ruit plenty and prices very low. Pastures never were better. Polk Corn is still making rapid growth and the prospects now are for one of the largest corn crops ever raised in the county. Some fall plowing done, 1 Pastures continue good. I Kicbardson The corn crop through out this county is the best ever raised. ! Fall plowing is in progress. Prospects j are for a good crop of clover seed. Saline The week lias been favorabls for corn and for the harvester. Not much rain but warm rain came just when needed. Corn maturing fast and pros pects for a very large crop. Pasture! fine. Saunders Seasonable rains and high temperatures have been favorable fot oorn. Seward Rather favorable week. Some localities too dry for best growth of corn but generally crop doing well. Pota toes fine. Hay good. Thayer Hot winds have damaged corn in spots but a large per cent of the crop is safe and a good crop. 'More rain needed in the southwestern part of the county. ' - York A good week for corn which has made rapid progress. Early corn begin ning io dent. Fall plowing progressing and some fall wheat will be sown soon. 1 NORTHEASTERN BECTION. Antelope Wheat and rye a good crop and oats a poor crop. Stacking about half completed. Thrashing commenced. Cora is making a phenominal growth. Grass excellent. I -" ' "" ' " "Vy Li..' ' hi mm 11 ." T nJ. - 'fly Burt A busy week stacking and thrashing. Most all gram being thrashed out of shock. Corn has road a wonder ful growth and looks splendidly. Millet is ready to cut for hay. Cedar Stacking about done and thrashing in progress. Corn looks good after the late rnins and will be a large crop. Flax looks finely. Millet turned out a large crop. Much hay is being put up. j Colfax Corn is doing well except where planted in stocks; there the grub worm has done much damage and is still at work. Cuming Good corn weather. Small grain about all stacked and soma thrash ing going on. Grain not turning out very well. Dixon The past week favorable to stacking and thrashing. Wheat and oat yield below average. Corn doing finely. Dodge Small grain all cut and stack ing in progress. Sugar beets have had a steady continuous growth and will make a good yield in tonnage. Corn is growing rapidly and forming ears in good shape. Douglas Conditions for corn perfect and the crop is in No. 1 condition all over the county. Late potatoes prom ise well. Hay crop very good Holt Small grain all cut and most of it stacked. Very little thrashing done. Corn is the best ever known here. Knox Therains the first of the month have damaged the grain in shock some. Hail has done some damage to corn in patches. Thrashing has commenced and the returns are better than was antici pated. Corn is makinga splendid growth. Madison Early corn is hardening. Late corn coming on nicely. Stacking small grain nearly completed. Pierce Wheat harvest is over and thrashing has commenced. Wheat not a very good crop. Oats turning out well and better than was expected. Corn in roasting ear. Corn promises the largest crop ever raised in the county. Platte Week very favorable for push ing the corn along, and it has made nhenompnal advancement. Aroodweek for curing the hay, but hard on the hay makers. Washington The wet weather has done some damage to am ill grain, caus ing it to sprout in shock. Stacking about done. Corn splendid and earing out finely. Hay immense, Wayne Hot and dry all the week. Wheat cut and some, thrashed. Yield very poor. Corn prospect exceedingly fine, only exception being some fields where a small worm is at work on the roots. Other fields looking finely. CENTRAL SECTION. Buffalo Week mostly hot. Good rain on the 4th. Early corn looking well, but late corn materially damaged by intensely hot weather. Custer Week has been very hot, fav orable for stacking and thrashing. Corn in fine condition. Dawson A very dry, hot week. Much grain has been stacked, some thrashing out of shock. Haymaking commenced. Corn suffered very much where not irri gated. Hall A very hot week, but rain enough for the crops. Corn is secure, as most of it is in the milk. Much wheat will be sown this fall. Many fields of oats will not be touched. Howard Most of the small grain in stack and thrashing commenced. Cut ting of native grass in progress. Corn looks finely, though in some parts of county a good rain would be beneficial. Loup Recent rains have improved corn prospects, pastures also greatly benefitted. Yield and quality of wheat very poor. Merrick No harm from , the unusually hot weather; corn coming on rapidly, and the crop will be the heaviest ever known in this locality. Haying in full blast; crop heavy, though weedy. Some little plowing done. Sherman Small grain about all in the stack. Fall plowing begun. Cornin good condition, but rain would benefit late corn and potatoes. Valley Hot weather is damagingcorn and ram is needed very much. Stacking and thrashing gram is in progress. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Chase Hot, dry week, and corn is a failure. Cane, millet and grass too dry to cut for feed. Corn same way. Dundy Hot, dry week, and corn about all dried up. Late potatoes a failure. Furnas Just a trace of rain and weather very hot. Rain is needed. Harlan Week hot and some cornfields badly burned. Rain is needed but most corn still in good condition. Pastures good, hay plenty. Hitchcock Week hot and dry. Corn about all gone now and some being cut for fodder. Kearney The hot, dry weather of the week has placed most corn in a critical condition, needing rain soon to perfect one of the greatest prospective crops ever grown in the county. Red Willow This has been a dry week, to the detriment of corn, and much of it is burned up. Grass is drying up fast. WESTERN SECTION. Cheyenne and Deuel Corn continues to look well, and there will be a large crop if frost does not come too early. Potatoes safe and a large crop. - Keith Heavy local rains, accompan ied by hail, destroyed crops in localities. Entire week very warm. Lincoln Generally corn is doing well but some fields have been badly burned by dry weather and other pieces dam aged by hail. Haying and fall plowing in progress. Logan Fine growing weather for corn. Harvesting finished and thrashing com menced. ; Scott's Bluff Heavy rain and hail storm the last of July did considerable damage. Harvesting in progress. NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Cherry Grain all cut and average bet ter than was expected. Corn will make a fair crop. Hay splendid. Keya Paha Wheat about all stacked. Early corn in roastmz ears, uood rain the last of week keeps the prospect for corn and all crops good. Rock Very hot and needing rain, though corn is assured by previous rain. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director. In clubs of ten or more, Cam paign Subscriptions 10c each. No commission allowed. D. P. Sims, dentist rooms 42, 43 Burr Bl'k., Lincoln, Nebraska. " ' ; 14 Wanted An Idea Who can think of some ilrnple thing to patent? Protect ronr Mean; thev mar brine yob wealth. Write JOHN WKDDEKBUR.N ft CO., Patent Attor ney. Wuhlnf ton, O. C tor tbelr tl.auo prise offer Had Hit of two bundled LaTentloni wauted. Kim ballS rv MAIL 1 o A. I il Gt IN" d. A. Drop Us FOR CATALOGUE AND X-oizr SFrlces On High Grade Pianos and Or gans. $100.00 new Organs, $48; $400.00 new pianos, $185. Reliable Goods, Easy Trm8, from the only whole Bale music house in NEBRASKA. AGENTS WANTED. Address Gen'l Ag't A., HOSPE,Jr. 1513 Douglas St., Omaha, Velr. To Our Patrons- , The following is a list of the principal business firms that place advertisements in this and other populist papers. You should remember tbem with your pat ronage. They are not all populists, but tliey are liberal-minded, sensible business men who concede the right to every man to think and act and vote with any po litical party he may desire. Give them a call; they will treat you right: - Miller & Paine, dry goods, Lincoln. Alliance Store, groceries, 245 S. 11th street, Lincoln. Boston Store, department store, Oma ha. Browning, King & Co., clothing, Lin- coin. Challenge Wind & Feed Mill Co., Bata- via.. 111. Des Moines Incubator Co., DesMoines, Iowa. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., pumps, en gines, etc., Omaha. lutselman Bros., wire fence mfg s. Ridgeville, Ind. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln. McCormick Harvesting Co., Chicago. Nebraska Clothing Co., Omaha. Nebraska Seed Co., Omaha. Summers, Morrison & Co., Commis sion, Chicago. J I. S. W illiamson, hogs, Beaver City, Ncbr. J. V. Wolfe, hogs, Lincoln. Cut this list out and put it in your pocket for rffrrence. Notice the Cheap Bates and the Number of Excursions to be Run This Year by The Burlington. To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pu eblo, only $24.15 round trip. To Hot Springs, S. D., $24.80 round trip. , To Yellowstone National Park, special rates. To California and to Europe; besides these, many personally conducted excur sions to points of interest. On August 31st and September 1st wfc nrlll U ti,lrAa 4-n Sf Paul anA rpfllrn for $9.90, account annual encampmentO Grand Army of the Republic. If you contemplate a trip anywhere, before purchasing your ticket please al low us to quote you rates. Full infor mation at B. & M. depot, 7th street, be tween P and Q streets, or city office, cor ner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A., 59-8 Lincoln, Nebraska. Hunting, the Wild Goat. The white goat, or Bocky Mountain goat, as it ia indiscriminately culled, is a species of bis: game rarely hunted by sportsmen. This is not so much because of the difficulty of killing the animal, nor because of its actual rarity. It is a stu pid animal, easily.shot when once found. It is not, however, found in the usual hunting grounds, as are bear, deer, elk, etc. It is remote from the common lo calities, but where found is in goodly numbers. It ranges very high up in the mountains, above timber line usually, among rocks and cliffs. This requires great labor to get at it, but once there, the hunter will get his game nine times out of ten. If you care to read of a goat hunt made in the Bitter Root range in Mon tana, in the fall of 1895, send six cents to Charles S. Fee, General passenger agent, Northern Pacific railroad, St. Paul, Minn., for Wonderland '96, which recounts such a hunting expedition. One Fare to Cleveland and Beturn- For the Biennial encampment of the Knights of Pythias, Uniform Kank at Cleveland August 20d to 30th, the Nickel Plate road will sell tickets August 22d, 23d and 25th at $8.60 for the round trip, Chicago to Cleveland and return, bping $1.50 lower than via other lines. Tickets available on all trains, return ing until August 31st.! Further informa tion cheerfully given on application to J. Y. Calahan, 3eu'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 11 ... t:EW WEEKLY T,- ROGKy MOUNTAIN 1X6 WS The Best WFF.KLY Publishes $1.00 Per Yu In Adranct.' LEADS the Silver force ft America. LEADS in Mining and Mining Stock Reports. LEAOS in Special Departments. LEADS in developing Colorado's wonderful resources. LEADS la Newslness, Brightness. .Compre- hensiTeness. LEiB S In Commissions to Agents. (Write lor Term) I The Great . Silver Daily The Newi ptibluties Am representative paper (dally ud Sunday) wet of St Loaia; cartoon with every iatua. U a moath -S1.S0 Jot month ia advance. Far tampla copy of any ban a, add ma, iTh HEWS PRIXTIKG CO, Denver, Colorado. a Card Capital Steam Dyeing R. S. MANN, CITY OFFICE I 15 NORTH I2TH STREET, LINCOLN, NEBR. DYE WORKS 126 SOUTH I9TH ST. Ladies', and Gent's Clothing of Every Description Dyed . Cleaned and Nicely Pressed. Lowest Prices, Only First-Class Dye PHOTOS 50c FOR A LIMITED Then Gome and Take Advantage of These Un paralled Prices Before it is Too Late. Per Dozen: Little Queens 5Qc; Cabinets $1 ; Very Best Cab'ts. $2. The Zenith Studio, 938 P St., Lincoln. ' STATE REUNION, 0 IM 1 a(1m I II I'll II II U IblllUUUH P GENERAL iniu&D MONDAY, AUG. 24. - Dedication Day, at which Governor Holcomb and all ex-governors, and all state officers of Nebraska, will be present. Judge Hayward of Nebraska City will 'deliver the dedicatory address and turn the camp over to Commander Culver. , TUESDAY, AUG. 25. Shiloh Day, Speakers General Prentiss, of Missouri; Ex-Govern-. or Thayer, and Hon. H. C. Russell, of Nebraska. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 26. Chicamauga and Chattanooga Day. Speakers General Palmer of Illinois, and General Manderson of Nebraska. THURSDAY, AUG. 27. Gettysburg and Vicksburg Day. Speakers General Sickles of New York, Senator Allen, Senator Thurston, and A. V. Cole, of Nebraska. s, FRIDAY, AUG. 28. Appomattox Day. Speakers Vandervoort and Hon, J. L. Caldwell of Nebraska. SATURDAY, AUG. LOCAL COMMITTEES. L.C. PACE, Chrn.; C.H. RUDGE, SUB-COMMITTEES. Location Committee O. W. Webster, Chairman; J. D. Garner, John W. Bowen, J. D. Woods. Committee on Tents and Barracks Joseph Teeter, Joseph Burns, J. E. Concessionary Committee John McClay, Chairman; H. Herpol sheimer, J. H. Wescott, C H. Rudge. Quartermaster Supply Committee C. M. Parker, Chairman; Brad Slaughter, Dr. Hoover, R. W. Johnson. Committee on Transportation and Finance O. W. Webster, Johiy L. McConnell, C. M. Parker, John McClay. HALF FARE Of ALL ROADS THE CLEVELAND We don't care to come before the public with the stereotyped "best on earth" proposition. We wish to state briefly that we are making and selling a wheel that's right, and although the price is f 100, we put honest value in it; don't fail to remember this point. We would like to send you a catalogue. Its to be had for the asking. IMS-CLEVELAND BICYCLE, H A. LOZIER & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. BRANCH HOUSES-337 Broadway, New York City; 330 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., 804 McAllister street, San Francisco, CaJ.; 18 Holburn Viaduct, London, Place de la Madelaine, Paris. FACTORIES Toledo, 0. Thompson ille, Ct. & Toronto, Junction, Ontario; (Mention this paper.) and Cleaning Works Proprietor. Finest Work. Works in the City PER DOZEN TIME We will take your pho tos at greatly reduced 1 prices. Bead and see, PROGRAM. General Henderson of Iowa, Paul 29, Breaking Camp. Treas.; J.H. WESTCOTT, Secv. John L. McConnell, Chairman; Miller. err III r V; 1 -A;