T Aug. 13, 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. STUDYING ECONOMICS. eople Puzzled over the Phrases "Stand ard Money" and "Unit of Value " Tmrnrnnn Veh Ann. 1 ISflfi Lditob Independent: In the last is- Anerican silver dollar Is standard money of the United States." Some of our people are declaring that you are mistaken in this. They assert that it is of standard weight and fineness, but that it is not the standard of value the ' monetary unit. They ask what the re publican party means by declaring that - the present gold standard must be main tained, if as you say, the silver dollar is the standard. They call attention to ' that clause ' of the act of February 12, 1878 which says: "That the gold coins of the United States shall be a one dol lar piece which at the standard weight of twenty-five and eight tenths grains y shall be the unit of value," and ask if it does not repeal that portion of the law of 1792 by virtue of which the silver dol lar was the standard. They say that it is of the very essence of their complaint, that though they receive pay for their products in other forms of money, yet the value of the same is measured by Sbylock's golden units. And finally they ask, "Is not this the battle of the stand ards?" Upon this question our people look to the Independent for more light. William M. Walters. ; answer. ' Gold is standard money and silver dol lars are standard money, that is, both are money of final redemption. They pay a debt. The creditor must take either in satisfaction of his claim ang discharge the debtor, if the debt is not specifically made payable in gold coin in the written contract. The "standard of value" as it is called, is another thing al together. In newspaper writing and in political platforms the term "gold stand ard" is constantly used, but no nation COMRADES. in the world is really on the gold stand ard, not even England. An absolute gold standard would mean the destruc tion of all other money and the use of gold alone. Scientifically there is no such thing as a ."standard of value" and can not be. Value is the estimation men place upon things, what in their minds they think they are worth. Value is an idea. If V"1 want to "'rive at the value ' a 7 Thing, there is no standard to measure it by. If value may be said to be mea ured at all it is measured with brains and not with gold. You can take a yard stick and measure the "length" of a bolt, of cloth but you cannot take a piece of gold and measure its "value" with it. The arriving at the "value" is a men tal operation. You examine the cloth, look at its texture and "estimate" the value. Neither is there or can there beany such thing as "a unit of value." How many units are there in an idea? How many ideas make a gold dollar? Value is an idea or estimation. How can you divide it into units? The situation would not be changed 1 one whit if a law should be passed to morrow declaring that the silver dollar was the "unit of value." The moment, however, the United States began to coin "more" dollars, the situation would change, and just in proportion as mo re dollars were made, the dollar would grow cheaper and the products of farm and fifitory would rise in price You might declare by law that the silver dollar was the "unit of value" or that the gold dol lar was the unit, or that there was no V unit of value at all, and itwouiueneci V nothing. More legal tender dollars win and is the only thing that will produce or effect for good. There is "a unit of aocouut" but a unit of value never.-ED- itob Independent. Eipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. ConvvnHon Note. Hon. A. II. Weir, temporary chair man, made a hit when he declared that he would rather be one of the populist anarchists described by Bishop Newman than to be in the place of the notorious Methodist church official. Chairman Gaffin's rulings were char acterized by firmness and fairness. Governor Holcomb talked an hour and a half and the delegates listened with wrapt attention. All were glad to hear from bis Excellency and to know more about thesquirmings of republican state officials who have found that he has an eagle eye to watch them when they take to dark and devious ways. Senator Allen sat with his Madison delegation but when the delegates wanted his advice he had to come to the front. Uncle Jake Wolf is in the fight to win and be will have the distinction of suc ceeding in office the most venemous re publican partisan ,and unconscionable official who has ever yet occupied an office at the state house. Frank B. Hibbard of Irvington is one of the original pops. lie wanted the nomination for land commissioner, but you can bet your last cent no man will give Uncle Jake Wolf more loyal sup port than he. Douglas county is to be congratulated on the personnel of its delegation which was a decided improvement on some which have been sent to the populist state conventions. It furnished the con vention with some of its best workers. Every delegate went home with the highest regards for Elmer Thomas of Omaha, and Sorenberg of Saunders. These gentlemen were leading candidates with Captain Ashby of Beatrice for the nomination for attorney-general, but generously withdrew in order to leave a place for the free silver allies to fill. The free silver democrats wilK loyally sup port the populist nominees and deserved consideration. The mutual insurance people will see to it that a man who cannot be con trolled in the interest of the old line com bine is elected state auditor. That man is John F. Cornell of Auburn. ; New York News. 0. Nelson, of Schuyler, gave Cornell a close fight for the nomination for audit or. Nelson is one of the wheel horses of Nebraska populism. 0. C. Weesner of Hastings developed great strength in his candidacy for sec retary of state and should not feel dis couraged because he was defeated by Porter . of Merrick, who is a familiar figure in populist conventions. Weesner is a tireless worker and made a host of friends by his candidacy. Porter, of Merrick, will relieve the sec retary of state's - office of a small bore politician, and the reform press will get the publication notices next time, too. The record of W. A. Meserve of Red Willow county in straightening out the county's financial troubles shows him to be an honest man of pronounced ability and fearless in the discharge of his duty. When lie steps into the state treasurer's office next January the cash must be counted out and deposit slips will not be received in lieu thereof. The school fund will be invested and the state's surplus cash placed in state depositories and not placed in the custody of favorite banker politicians. His old soldier friends will take care of Meserve. The populist party has no more val iant member, no more noble supporter and friend than Peter Ebbeson of How ard county. Such men add strength to the reform movement. Mayor Evans, of Hastings, sounded a popular chord in his address of welcome when he lauded the administration of Governor Holcomb. The asylum for incurable insane near Hastings, was visited by many delegates who received there a practical impres sion of the benefits of populist manage ment of state affairs. Superintendent Dammerell, ably assisted by Dr. Steele and Steward Scott has very materially decreased the per capita cost of main tainance at the asylum yet, at the same time the food and treatment of patients has been better than under republican rule. , Professor Jackson is popular among the school teachers all over the state. Id clubs often or more campaign subscriptions 10c each. No com mission allowed. Dr. Sims gives special attention to ar tificial teeth, crown and bridge work. Burr Bl'k. 14. NATIONAL TICKET. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. THOMAS E. WATSON, of Georgia. STATE TICKET. For Governor.............Silas A Holcomb For Lieut. Governor J E Harris For Secretary of State W F Porter For Acl'tor Pub. Accts.........J F Cornell For Land Commissioner..... J V Wolfe For State Treasurer... J B Meserve For State Supt....... W R Jackson For Judge, long term Wm. Keville For Judge, short term...John Kilpatrick For Regent A A Monroe The above is a ticket which commends itself without argument from others, to every honest, patriotic citizen of Nebras ka. Not one word can be truthfully said against the private character, per sonal probity or the daily life of any one of them. Governor Holcomb, in his public and official career, is known and approved of by all men. Even such a vigorous and unscrupulous foe as the republican party cannot and does not assail his ad ministration of public affairs. It is a common saying, everywhere accepted as true, that Governor Holcomb has made the best governor Nebraska ever had. The nominee for Lieutenant Governor is a farmer of wide intelligence and much experience in public affairs, who has in every position of trust in which he has been placed, proved honest and true. He is respected by all who know him. W. F. Porter, the nominee for secre tary of state, is also a farmer widely known throughout the state as an earn est worker in all causes which have in view the upbuilding of Nebraska and the prosperity of the people. For auditor of public accounts Mr. J. D. Cornell is preeminently fitted. He is a man of unswerving honesty and up rightness, of long residence in the state and every way qualified to perform the duties of the office. He is deeply inter ested in all forms of mutual and fra ternal insurance, both fire and life, and when elected will be a friend and not an enemy of these companies. Everyone in Nebraska knows J. V Wolfe. Perhaps no man in the state has spent more time and money to induce the people to study and understand the cause of the present distress among all classes of our citizens than J. V. Wolfe. Years ago he came to Nebraska, settled on a farm and has staid there ever since. No man has more personal friends whom he has won by his genial good Dature and manly uprightness. As commis sioner of lands and public buildings, he will make a faithful and efficient officer. J. B. Meserve, the candidate for state treasurer is just the sort of a man that the state of Nebraska needs at the pres ent time to take charge of that import ant office. He was appointed county treasurer of Red Willow county against his wish, but took charge of the office and soon brought order out of confu sion. He was afterward elected treasurer and has so managed the finances of that far western county, notwithstanding droughts and hot winds, that warrants of Red Willow county are today at par. Mr. Meserve is also a farmer. For State Superintendent of Public schools, the convention nominated W. R. Jackson, who has long been in the school work, and was so well thought of that Governor Holcomb named him as one of the trustees of the Peru Normal school. No one will doubt the eminent fitness of Judge Wm. Neville for the position of one of the judges of the supreme court. He is a lawyer of wide practice and em inent learning, and hs previous exper ience as a judge fully qualifies him for the responsible position. The convention did a wise thing when it resolved to give some recognition to the very large number of new recruits who have recently bolted the republican party and united with us in the support of W. J. Bryan for president. This rec ognition fell upon John Kirkpatrick, a lawyer of high standing, practicing in all the courts at the state capital. He was nominated for judge of the supreme court for the short term. No nomination for Attorney General was made and the place was left vacant to be filled by the state central commit tee. . Populists should pay more attention than heretofore to the office of Regent of the University. It is not only just and right that the University should be con ducted in the interest of all the people but that the true and scientific princi ples of political economy should be taught to theyoung people who are there educated. Mr. A. A. Monroe who was nominated for regent is well quali fied to fill the position and should re ceive every vote cast for the head of the ticket. ' Farmer's Congress. Albion, Neb., August 3, 1896, Editor Independent: Some time ago I wrote you about the Farmers Com mercial company organized in this county, (Boone) with eighty members. To us it looks strange that every county in the state would nor organize imme diately. We are going to have our first state meeting in September and wish each county in the state could be repre sented. The average man is all absorbed in politics at present but we must re member that even after election we will have our farms to run and our produce to market. Of coarse we pops expect to elect Bryan and expect better tunes in that event, but be this as it may the cor porations syndicates will continue to ex ist and unless we are properly organized we stand a very poor show. There is no good reason why the farmers should not organize to demand their price for their products the same as coal dealers, oil men and even the grain men who tell you what they will give you. What an outrage! Raise a crop and let the other fellow price it for you and he price it be low cost. Let some man of grit and enterprise who sees this article writ S. M. Cook, Hartwell, Nebraska, and learn bow to organize your county. By all means get in it for our September meet jng. If you can't get the county oran ized by that time, then come anyhow and we will talk face to face with you. This must and will win. " D. J. POYKTER. Resolutions on the Death or Henry T. Johnson At a meeting of the Dorcas society of Denton, Nebraska, held July 7, 1890, the following resolutions were adopted. Whereas, we are called to mourn the death of our friend and member of our society, Henry T. Johnson of Rokeby, Nebraska, and Whereas, in our intercourse our de ceased friend by his uniform kindness and strict integrity has won our esteem. Therefore, be it Resolved, that we as members of Dor cas society have lost a friend and well wisher. And while we bow in humble submission to the decree of an all-wise providence, we would not withhold the expression of deep regret we feel. Resolved that we offer the kindest con solation and sympathy to the family of our deceased friend in their bereavement. Their loss is his eternal gain. Resolved that a copy of these resolu tions be sent to his family, also, pub lished in the Lincoln News and Indepe ndent. . . Mrs. Morris, Miss Hattie Marshall, Mrs. Olney. 1 Com. They Could do It. The reason why the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 1C to 1 in 1896 or 1897 would not restore the market value of silver dollars to a premium of three cents or even to par is because all the national legislatures and parliaments on earth are impotent to re store theconditions of 1873. They could no more make an ounce of silver worth f 1.82 cents now than they could make a sewing machine that is selling now for $25 worth $90, or the price for which it sold in 1873. Omaha Bee. Well, they could make a sowing ma chine worth $95 just as easy as they now make it worth $25. "The legislatures and parliments of earth" could issue full legal tender standard money in sufficent quantity to make a sewing machine worth $500, and one with common sense knows they could. Nearly all for Bryan. Brock, Neb.. July 31, 1896. Editor Independent: In coming here yesterday in a wagon with my friend, Wm. Hawley, we found on the road, by interviewing the farmers we met or we passed, that out of forty-nine so inter, viewed forty-one were for Bryan and eight for McKinley. This is solid fact and Mr. Hawley or ray son will verify my record. This is a good index of the feeling among the farmers. In the towns of Cnadilla and Syracuse the merchants told us that Bryan would carry the towns by a good majority. In one threshing outfit of twenty-seven men, all were for liryan except one. In a German precinct of Otoe county, an intelligent German told us that a large majority of Germans were for Bryan and so it goes, a whirlwind and tornado for the McKinleyites. W. F. Wright. Will Kill Bryan if Elected, Editor Independent: I have been in formed that I made a mistake in accus ing one II. W. Russell as agent of the St. Paul Dispatch of using the following language towit: "We will kill W. J. Bryan if elected, we will beat you for vice-president and we will have the pres ident after al," set up in your paper of August 6, 1896. It seems that this should be charged to the Minneapolis Journal's agent instead of the Dispatch. I am glad to make this correction. . I do not wish to make any false statement or to accuse any person or corporation wrongfully. It is bad enough to tell the truth on them, the gold bugs. The per son that used said language was Charles H. Knapp, agent for the Minneapolis Journal, so we will take it back as to the Dispatch and charge it up to the Jour nal, I. N. Harbaugii. At It Again. Tho railroads have already begun their work of intimidation in the inter est of McKinley. One of the Gould lines is sending out circulars to all employes demanding that they express their pref erence on the questions of coinage. No purpose is indicated in the circular, but it so clear that those who run may read. - One Honest Man Dear Editor: Please inform your read ers that if written to confidentially, I will mail in a sealed letter the plan pur sued by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from Nervous Weakness, Loss of Manhood, Lack of Confidence, etc. I have no scheme to extort money from any one whomsoever. 1 was robbed and swindled by quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but, thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to make this certain means of cure known to all. Having nothing to sell or send C.O.I-)., I want no money. Address Jas. A. Harris, Box 825, Delray, Mich. Hasting Old Soldier. Mr. Dalby, a veteran of the late war and one of the leading business men of Hasting has been canvassing among his republican friends in that town getting up a Bryan club. He takes only those who have always been republicans, and already has a list signed by forty-two. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Officers. Idenbers and Executive Committee of the Peoples Party of Nebraska. TiaroiuRT omcBits. Chairman Captain P. H. Barry. Secretary Frank li. Eager, Troacorer Austin 11. Weir STATE EXPCPTIVE COMMITTEE. -First Dlstrlet-C. W. Hoxle. Lincoln. Second District A. J. Wiiilatna. Irvlnrrtoa. Third District Warwick Saunders, Colombo. Fourth District F. M, Howard; Aurora, Filth District I. A. Sheridan. Indiaiola. Sixth District P. U. Barry, Lincoln. COUNTY COMMITTEEMEN. County Name Postofflce Adams J. T. Steel..., Hasting . Antelope J. D, Hatfield Neiligb Banner........ , Blaine W. K. Brewster Brewster Boone W. A. Poynter Albion Box Botte G, M, Sullivan.... ..Alliance Boyd Brown........ Buffalo , E. Wyman...; Nhelt'on Burt ..E. W. Peterson Tekaaiah Butler... Thos. Welch David Citv Cass Jsa P. Rouss... alvo Cotlar John H. Pelber Hartli.gton Chnse ....Otto r'llesbach Imperial Cherry 0. P.' Crabb........ Valentine Cheyenne Clay Henry Beutln Haroa villa Collax John C. Sprecher..,,Bubuylttr Cuming..,. ,. Custer John Holland Broken Bow Dakota ,. , ,,,,, Dawes J.J.Adams Crawford Dawson ..J. H. Donahue. .....Lexington Deuel., Dixon Warner Starr. Allen Dodge k. D, Keller. Fremont Douglas A. J. Williams Irvington Dundy L. E. Walker.... ....Bsnxleman Fillmore; O.D.Wilson Geneva Frauklln Jams Thompson... Blooinington Frontier D, L. Melt ride Cnrtls Furnas W. J. McKsnnan,... Arapaho Gage W. A. Wagner.... ..Beatrice ; Garfield T, 0. Hem met Burwell Uosper 8. B. Yeoman Elm wood Grant Greeley ...P. II. Barry Greelev Hall E. E. Shuinan Grand Island Hamilton. F. M. Howard.... ..Aurora Harlan Theo Mann Alma Hayes J. B. Hammond.. .. Hayes Cent'r Hitchcock O, W. Carter........ Dlk Holt G. A. MeCutcheon..O'NU Hooker , ,,, Howard ...C. Bradley St. Paul Jefferson. ....... Thad Williams Fairbury Johnson W. G. Swan Tscumseh Kearney E. 0, Smead Kearney. Melth J. W. Sheridan Ogallala Keya Paha.... H, Malay.... HpringValley Kimball Knox C. C. Crocket Niobrara Lancaster. C, W. Hoxle Lincoln Lincoln T. T.Kllllher North Piatt Logan.. W. A, Mansfield Gondy Loup F. A. Wlrslg Taylor Madison Joe Martin Madison McPherson Merrick W, F. Porter Clarks Nance W. P. Hat ten Fullerton Nemaha S. P. Robertson... ..Brock Nuckolls.... ...D. Gross Nelson Otoe ,. W.F. Moran Nebr. City Pawnee Perkins.. C.P.Logan ....Grant Phelpa A. J. B hater Holdredg Pierce R. A. Towner Pierce Platte.......... Warwick Saunders. .Columbus Polk Keen Lndden...,. ...Osceola Red Willow....!. A. Sheridan Indianola Richardson.... J, M, Whittaker.. ..Falls City HOCK Saline., W. H. Stout ...DeWItt Sarpy J. A, Wlnrlght Gretna Saunders , P, B, Olsoa. Wahoo Scott's Bluff , Seward..,. ...,M. A. Courtrlght... .Seward Sheridan ......Stephen Larabee....Rueklns Sherman H. M, Matthew Loup City Slonx Stanton W. H. Woodruff.... Stanton Thayer F. S. Mickey. .......Hebron Thomas Thnrston Valley C. A. Munn ...Ord Washington. ...C. A. Whitfield Arlington Wayne Webster J. H. Walsh Bed Cloud Wheeler... R. H. Sbafland Bartlett fork Wm, Kremsor..., ..York Jk & 'mm m ' T J! Retail Lumber at w.r m:?rr fl Whnlpcalp PrirpQ A. L. PATRICK LUMBER 7 ; wnoiesdie nices. 00MPANY, Omaha, Nebr. ! i We will make you prices on your bills DELIVERED at your station. i Ml WATCHES. aojj vweb.. ,!, ,35, , pjc. j; flgj,,; vValthani.' Hamp' Silverme wpebJpre:?nuadie8, watche6tOn, 311(1 SpNIlgf IGl Cl S These prices have been cut for the special occasion of the Soldiers' Reunion. Be sure and see the goods before buying elsewhere: 033 O STREET SSowtli oFPostoillce mm wmk j?"; ventre Sixteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Nebraska. The oldest, largest and besf College of its kind today, west of Chicago. It provides instruction in the following branches: Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmethic, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and Pen Art. Fflll TSMI Opens September i. Students should begin then BO 3 rd Fr three hours work each day. Write at once if you want a place. QgfglQg Free to any address; also specimens of penman ship. Address, Rohrbough Bros, Omaha, Neb. 3D3SKTTIBT 2 0. P. LftMBRTSON, D.D.S. l$20-5 O STREET, LINCOLNi Roothh St to 84, Inoliiiwive. Artificial teeth on gold and rubber plates. Gold and. porcelain crowns. , Satisfaction President Ciarfleld Favored Tree Mirer. The following language used by Gen eral James A. Garfield ou the floor of congress when a member of that body shows clearly that he favored the free coinage of silver and considered it the policy of the republican party at that time. Since the republican party has deserted its principles wo ask oar repub lican friends which it is better to no- port, the principles or the party. "Krery ma who la opposed to the use of silver coin as a part of the leiral currency of the soaa try, I disagree with. Every man who is opposed to the actual legal ns of both metals, I disagree with. I woold endow the two metals with equal ity and make the coinage free." 10 campaign subscriptions (1.00. Send In youi- orders. Missouri PopnliaU. In the address reported by the com mittee ou resolutions and passed by the stale convention of the peoples party in Missouri is tne following declaration: "We no offer to all voters and parties of our state an honorable alliance for the campaign by a union of forces on na tional electors on any basis that is fair. just and legal." In the same report the state committee was given full plenary powers to decide what basis of union was fair, just and lea-al. A. Rozelle was re elected state chairman and M. V. Car rol!, of Lamar, was chosen secretary of the state committee. ' Dawson County for Bryan. At ljexington in Dawson county, the home of Jack McColl, the republican candidate for governor, tht Bryan men have organized a Bryan club. It started out with 204 members. There are sev eral additional lists not yet reported to the club. The president of the club, Mr. F. Zimraer was a union soldier and be fore has always supported the republi can ticket. Mr. J, L. McMinn, the secre tary has been deputy county clerk tinder a republican county treasurer. The re publican ex-sheriff of the county, an old soldier of influence is also a Bryan man. A conservative ' estimate indicates that at least 800 republicans in Dawson county have signed for Bryan. KlGa3 Are the Telegraph System of the body, extending from the brain to every part of the system. Nerves are leA Dy tuo Dlooa. nd are there fore, like it weak and tired it the blood Is thin, pale, Impure Nerve &re strong and steady, there Is no neuralgia, brain Is unclouded If the blood is rich, red and pure. Nerves find a true friend in Hood's Sarsapa rilla, because It makes rich, red blood, gives good appetite and digestion. Kl Garsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $L j, r.i cure all Liver Ills and riOOU S PUIS Sick Headache. 25 cents. a. . . J I 1 1 A A. f II UNREDEEMED GOLD AND SILVER M. POLSKY COttSOUUiTtoZ'ill't'' Onaranteed. I TOG 1 S t. ij i1 A