The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 13, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Aug. ii, i
2! Nebraska jtobepenbent
Indspsijdsqt Publihiqg Go.
It 110 K ItrMt,
$1.00 per Year in Advance.
Address J! eommaslcatloos to, and makt all
traits, mour orders, stc, payable to
Lmoomi, Nib.
Nebraska's choice for President
of the United States 1896-1900 is
"Burn down your cities and leave
our farms and your cities will
spring up again as If by magic ; but
destroy our farms and the grass
will grow in the streets of every
eity in the country." WV J. Bryan
at Chioago July 9, 1896.
The Arkansaw Kicker is dead.
Senator Teller will soon make a speech
in Boston. Massachusetts will give him
a cordial welcome.
What does Church Howe think of "the
old ship" now. Have impending catas
tropbies driven him speechless?
The plutocrats just at present are
weeping over the hard earnod savings of
the poor depositor in the Savings banks.
If gold should go to a "premium," as
they say, it would cost no more in
wheat, cotton, pork, corn or beet to get
it than it does now, and probably not
as much.
We can now answer the many en
quiries concerning a German free silver
paper. Send for the Chicago Freie Press
90-94 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. Daily $6,
weekly f 1. '
There was an annoying typographical
error in last weeks edition. The Mexican
silver dollar contains about 416 grains
of standard silver, the American dollar
412 grains.
Gen. Tracy says, in speaking of put
ting up a gold bug candidate: "Our only
object is to weaken the Chicago ticket
and prevent it from being elected." That
is to say; "We hope by this trick to se
cure the election of McKinley."
Mr. ,G. E. Biglow must have made a
telling speech at Table Rock Saturday
night, if we are to judge by the way the
Journal correspondent at that place
pitches into it. It wasn't the kind of
soeech the republicans wanted made at
all. ' ; ' : "
Bryan is the only presidential candi
date in the last twenty years who has not
been invited by the wall street bankers
to dine with them. He nay give them
something in his Madisot Square speech
that will so affect them that they won't
want to dine at all.
When Outhwaite of Ohio, now one of
the chief promoters of the gold bug demo
cratic effort to put up another presi
dential candidate, moved to repeal Tom
Watson's contest without a hearing,
Bryan was one of the three democrats
in the honse who voted against it.
During the silver session in 1893, gold
ite senators actually stood at their
desks and talked of fifty-one-cent silver
dollars when at the very time silver dol
lars were selling in Wall street for $1.03
and $1.04 in gold. People went to the
Hubirviuiui-y frith- $20, gold pieces and
begged for silver dollars or paper dollars
and could not get them.
The gold standard life insurance of
ficers whose salaries range from $0,000
to $100,000 a year are plutocrats who
have been made wealthy by the workers
of the world and having fixed salaries
they are in favor of gold. The way to
get even with them is for every freesilver
man in this state to get his insurance
hereafter in a fraternal or mutual com
pany. . ' , - - ' - , v
When a man goes out to make a
speech for McKinley he draws from Mark
Hanna's barrelm 1 fly to $200 per
speech. When a man goes out to speak
for Bryan, he must do it at his own ex
pense or depend upon the generosity of
those who come to hear him for his ex
penses. That is the difference between
upholding the banks and defending the
common people.
If the consciences of these life insur
ance fellows is so harrowed up over the
idea that free silver will enable them to
pay their policies in fifty-cent dollars,
why is it that they do not advertise the
moment free coinage is enacted, they
will pay two dollars for every dollar a
policy calls for. That is the only honest
thing for them to do if they believe what
they are now saying.
10 campaign subscriptions $1.00.
Send in your orders.
A party that will with premeditation,
malice aud aforethought, plan to make
a campaign on falsehoods does not de
serve courteous treatment either from
the press or public speakers. That that
is the plan of the republican party is
very apparent. It is not done through
ignorance or in the heat of party strife.
It was designed and planned long before
the campaign began.
Take the declaration that the only
reason that silver dollars have the same
purchasing power as gold dollarsTis be
cause thTyre redeemable in gold,or,"are
backed by gold" which every voter who
reads republican papers only .honestly be
lieves and we find that it was started by
John Sherman in 1890. Then several sen
ators who knew nothing of the money
question repeated it on the floor of the
senate. Finally, Senator Teller arose
and denounced it as a falsehood and read
statements from the secretary of the
treasury to the effect that there was no
law, or practice of the treasury depart
ment, authorizing the redemption of
silver dollars in any other kind of dol
lars. Neither John Sherman or any one
of these goldite senators ever retracted,
but every effort seemed to be made to
extend the circulation of the falsehood
through the goldbng dailies, until today,
perhaps half the people honestly believe
that silver dollars are redeemable in
Not only has the goldite press con
stantly circulated this falsehood, but
eminent corporation lawyers are con
stantly repeating it,
Mr. J. R. Webster and Mr. Lambert"
son have both publicly made that state
ment, and neither one, to our knowledge,
has ever corrected it.
The state journal has time and again
repeated it, and it persistently refused to
state the truth about it.
It will 'readily appear to any honest
man that a cause that can only be sus
tained by the constant utterance of false
hoods must be a very bad cause indeed.
This assertion that silver dollars are re
deemable in gold dollars is a positive fals
hood, without any shadow of excuse what
ever. o are tneir assertions aDOun ex
ports and imports and many other things.
These are not matters of opinion on
which men could honestly agree. They
are premeditated falsehoods concerning
well known facts. They will learn before
this campaign is over that honesty and
not lies, win American voters.
Very often the overbearing insolence
of the defenders of goldbugism causes
honest, decent men to accept in silence
the most preposterous statements.
Again these assertions are made with
such vehemence that the partially in
formed accept them as the truth.
It is constantly asserted, and with an
air that the statement is an accepted
axiom of political economy that the
government cannot fix the price of any
thing, when the truth is that govern
ment, since the beginning of organized
society always has and always will fix
the price of all things. The price of
things is fixed by the volume of money.
The government says what money isand
how much there shall be. It allows no
man to make money withoutitsconsent.
It inflicts heavy penalties on any man
who makes money or a similitude of it
It is impossible for money to exist with
out the sanction of law. The govern
ment may farm out . the right to make
money to banks, but it is by govern
ment authority that it is issued after all.
This being true, it follows that the
government fixes all prices by fixing the
number of units that shall circulate as
as money.
This government can fix the price of
wheat at ten cents a bushel, or it can fix
it at two dollars a bushel and make it
remain there by increasing or diminish
ing the amount of money in circulation
and the man who asserts that it does
not, or cannot do it, does not know the
firbt principles of political economy.
The next time a goldite asserts that
the government cannot fix the price of
anything, not even of a loaf of bread, re
ply that governments always have fixed
the price of all things for sale and all
services for hire.
The government fixed the price of corn
in Nebraska at less than fifteen cents by
the repeal of the Sherman act and the
total stoppage of the issue of any more
money. The government can, and will
hold it there, or put it lower, if by your
votes, you put a congress and president
in power in favor of doing it.
No greater nonsense was ever uttered
than that the government cannot fix the
price of any thing.
In these days there seems to be no end
to the formation of new parties. The
last one was ushered into existence at
Indianapolis last Friday, (hangman's
day) under the name of National Demo
cratic party. A convention has been
called to meet September 2 to nominate
another candidate for president.
The undisguised object is to defeat W.
J. Bryan and help elect Wm. McKinley,
and after that to get control of the old
democratic organization and hold it
safe for the gold standard.
We say the undisguised object, advia-
idly. Mr. F. W. Cutcheon, .one of the
chief promoters said: "It is worth our
while to maintain the democratic party,
We do not want to be absorbed by the
republican party and therefore cannot
vote for McKinley. In Minnesota a
third ticket would draw twelve demo
cratic votes where McKinley would not
draw one."
In this statement lies the gist of the
whole matter. A new democratic ticket
is to be put in the field by these sharp
ers because they know that thousands
of voters have been kept fn such total
ignorance of the issues now before the
people, by the monopolization of the tel
egraph and suppression of news by the
great subsidised dailies, that they wil)
vote the ticket headed democratic, from
prejudice or habit, without regard to
platforms or principles. With but one
democratic ticket in tbeflield, all of these
men would vote for Bryan and not pne
in twelve could be induced to vote for
McKinley whom they have been taught
to hate.
These men who have done this thing
are shrewd workers for the money power.
Their object is to elect McKinley and
they think this is the best way to do it,
It is now the duty of every patriot to
cement more closely all persons and
parties who are opposed to the gold
standard into one concrete mass of
earnest, enthusiastic supporters ofW.
J. Bryan. Any man who at all under
stands the money question and says one
word or makes one movement to lessen
the chance of the election of Bryan is a
traitor to the principles be professes to
believe. The only hope of the common
people is the success of Bryan. With
Bryan defeated and McKinley elected no
man can imagine the misery that will
Old pop, if you ever worked, work
now. Talk, write, attend meetings, dis
tribute literature, circulate papers, be
instant in season and out of season,
never stop until the last vote is counted
and save your country and your home
if yon can. .
The great dailies of the east still con
tinue to assault Bryan with the epithet
of anarchist on account of his defense of
the income tax. If Bryan is an anarchist,
then at least four judges of the supreme
court are also anarchists.
They have said severer things about the
income tax decision than ever Bryan said
about it. ,
Justice Harlan said:
In my judgment this decision strikes
at the very foundations of national au
thority, in that it denies to the general
government a power which is, or may be
at some time, imperatively needed, in a
great emergency, say in case of war.
The practical if not the direct
effect of the decision today is to give to
certain kinds of property a position of
favoritism and advantage that is incon
sistent with the fundamental principles
of our social organization, and to invest
them with power and influence that is
perilous to that portion of the people
upon which rests the larger part of the
burdens of the government, and who
ought not to be subjected to the domin
ation of aggregated wealth any more
than the property of the country should
be at the mercy of the lawless."
Justice White said:
"The injustice of the conclusion points
to the error of adopting it. It takes the
invested wealth and reads it in to the con
stitution as a favored and protected
class of property, whilst it leaves the oc
cupation of the minister, the doctor, the
profespor, the lawyer, the inventor, the
author, the merchant and all the various
forms of human activity upon which the
prosperity of a people must depend, sub
ject to taxation without apportion
Justice Jackson said that he concur
red fully in the opinion expressed by
Justice White, and declared that:
"The decision reverses the common
rule of taxation by exempting those who
are best able to pay and forcing the
burden upon the shoulders of those who
are least able to pay." v
In concluding Justice Jackson said
that in his opinion the decision was "the
most disastrous blow ever struck at the
constitutional power of congress. It
struck down an important, vita! and es
sential power of the government. It
left the government, in case of necessity,
without power to reach by taxation in
any form the vast incomes derived from
the real and personal property of the
country." -- ' ' ' .
Ex-Governor St. John, in speaking of
the gold bug cry that all the silver in the
world will be dumped into the United
States if we enact free coinage, said: "I
always say, let 'em dump if they want
to be so foolish. If they dump all the
silver in the world here and take out all
the gold, we would have $60 per capita
of standard money, every dollar worth
100 cents, while the rest of the world
averaged about $3 per capita in gold.
The effect of such a transaction would be
unexampled prosperity in this country
and ruin and bankruptcy unparalled in
the others."
It is not strange that the republicans
stick to their lie about the redeemabil
ity of silver dollars, for if they should
acknowledge that the silver dollar, with
only 53 cents worth of metal in it was
not "backed by gold" and was still
worth its face in London, it would knock
the very foundation out from under
them. The silver dollar stands today a
plain demonstration of the fact that a
legal tender dollar of the United States
is equal in purchasing power with the
gold dollar any where in the world. "It
is money good in Europe."
The republican press has lied bo per
sistently and constantly about our im
ports that it seems almost impossible to
convince men that our exports exceed
our imports. Again, some of our sub
scribers do not seem to have read this
paper carefully. Some have lent it to
neighbors and could not get it bacfc
when tbey wanted to use the figures it
contained, etc. Now, once again, we
print the facts about exports and im
ports. Cut it out and put it in a scrap
book where you can get it when you
want it, and don't ask us to print it
again. It is a tact that our exports ex
ceed our imports and that imports of
m anufactured goods have gradually de
creased since the repeal of the McKinley
bill. It is not, however, on account of
the slight change in the import duties
made by the enactment of the Wilson
Gorman bill, but because the people are
bo poor that they can buy but few goods
of any kind; whether imported or home-
From a circular recently issued by the
department of agriculture on imports
and exports for the past three years, we
have taken the following figures:
Years coding J nne 80.
881,030,785869,204,937 1793,397,890
615.382,98 628,363,0SS 553.215.X17
215,647.7991 240,841.89U 240.182,678
Imports. 866,400,9221 654.994.622 731.957,876
While the value of agricultural exports
was $75,000,000 less in 1895 than in
1894, the quantity was larger. That is,
we sent abroad more bushels of wheat,
pounds of beef, pork and cotton, and
got less money for it. That is what the
English manufacturer likes. And the
American manufacturer, who dares not
say his soul is his own because he runs
his business on "accommodations" from
the bankers forced to say he likes it too.
A big Illinois factory was polled the other day.
There were 8,680 votes. Of these 8,341 were for
McKinley and only 839 were for Bryan. The
workingmen of the United States, let it be
remembered, are for protection and sound
money State Journal,
The republican papers are full of items
like the above. It will be noticed that a
good many things are omitted in the
above statement, chief among which is
that it don't say at whatplace in Illinois
that factory is located, or any other
thing that would enable any one to find
out whether the statement is true or
Now here is one or two on our side to
match it.
At a meeting of the citizens of a large
town in western Nebraska composed
principally of merchants, bankers, and
lawyers, a poll of the crowd showed 307
for Bryan, one for Mckinley and one for
Bently. Let it be remembered that the
merchants, western bankers and lawyers
are for Bryan and free silver.
Here is another:
In a populous county of Illinois a
larger part of the inhabitants were at
tracted to the county seat by a sensa-
tional murder trial. The immense crowd
was polled very carefully. The result
was 3,123 for Bryan and 17 for McKin
ley. Illinois will be almost unanimous
for free silver and prosperity. '
Some of the dailies are wondering why
the populist papers did not brag about
the universal sobriety of the delegates to
the populist national convention. It at
tracted the notice of the newspaper men
and they wonder why the populist edit
ors did not say something about it.
The fact is that the populist editors,
who were at St. Louis in great numbers,
are in the constant habit of attending
populist conventions of various kinds,
and as they never see any drunken dele
gates at any of them, the absence of
drunkenness was not a matter of sur
prise to them, as it was to the other
newspaper men whose duties call them
to old party conventions. ,
Mr. James A. Wilson, reporting for
the Farm, Field and Fireside, says of
this: "Let me say for the silver men and
populists that although I have freely
circulated around among them in the
hotel corridors and other places where
they were wont to congregate, not one
case of drunkennrss did I see. I wish as
much could be said for the republican
convention. Hotel clerks and waiters
and those in a position to know tell me
that they never saw so much drunken,
ness, especially the night before the
adoption of that gold platform. They
also tell many stories of delegates, es
pecially from the south, who came in
threadbare suits and returned spic and
span in the best the city afforded. Mark
Hanna, they say, is a good paymaster."
TheStatJ Journal publishes an old
story that has been going the rounds of
the gold bug press for several years
about a farmer who had $400 in coin
$200 in gold coin and $200 in silver. The
house burned down, the coin melted, and
the farmer sold the gold for $200 and
the silver for $120. The conclusion is
that we should have no money but gold
Suppose we try that and destroy all
the greenbacks, silver certificates, na
tional bank notes and silver dollars and
have nothing but gold money, because,
you know, the house might burn down.
Wouldn't the farmers be in a blessed
state of happiness, because, if the house
burned down his gold coin would be
worth just as much as before it was
A farmer is not interested at all in the
price he receives for bis hojjs and cattle,
his wheat and corn. He will only be
happy and contented when he knows
that if his house burns down his melt
ed gold coin will sell for as much as it
did before it was melted?
What profound scholarship and learn
ing these goldite editors exhibitl They
are the wonder of the world. The only
trouble is they are not careful to pre
serve a continuity in their statements.
If the silver coin is bad because when
the house burns down the melted dollar
brings only half aa much as it did be
fore, how about the national bank notes?
How much wiil they be worth after the
house burns down? Yet all these
writers think that national bank notes
are "sound money."
If the writers don't do better than
that in the future, Rothschilds will be
justified in cutting their salaries one
half. When they write that kind of
trash they are not earning their salt.
Abraham Lincoln in his first inaugur
al address, delivered to congress March
4, 1861, expressed exactly the populist
position in regard to decisions of the
supreme court He said: .
"I do not forget the position assumed
by some, that constitutional questions
are to be decided by the supreme court;
nor do I deny that such decisions must
be binding in any case, upon the parties
to the suit, as to the object of that suit,
while they are also entitled to very high
respect and consideration in all parallel
cases by all other departments of the
government. At the same time
if the policy of the government
upon vital questions, affecting the whole
people, is to be irrevocably fixed by de
cisions of the supreme court the
people will have ceased to be their own
rulers, having to that extent practically
resigned their government into that em
inent tribunal.
The populist state convention held at
Hastings did not conclude its labors in
time to publish its proceedings in last
weeks issue, but it was the most import
ant and harnftnious populist nominat
ing convention ever held in the state.
There was a total absence of old party
scenes and methods. The temporary or
ganization by which ex-Mayor Weir and
F.D. Eager were made respectively chair
man and secretary, was effected unani
mously. Then the convention went to
business and worked like a well organ
ized committee and kept at it until the
work was done. , ' '
The convention was largely made up
of farmers, and in that respect resem
bled the old Alliance conventions we had
some years ago.
The special correspondence of the re
publican dailies and the press reports
were so false, unfair and malicious that
even the Newspaper union refused to use
them. That left the weeklies, using
plates or patent insides with only a stick
full of news concerning thegreat conven
tion for their readers.
None of the scenes reported by hired
liars occurred. There were no protests
or threats and no bolts such as were re
ported. The only thing that induced
discussion, was the appointment of a
committee to confer with the committee
appointed by the democratic state cen
tral committee, but their final disposal
of the report of that committee which
made no recomendations showed that
even in that matter the convention was
practically unanimous.
The convention made no nomination
for the office of Attorney General, with
the purpose of allowing the democrats
to fill the place. .
The silver republicans were civen one
place, that of supreme judge for the short
term. All this was done, and wisely done,
for the purpose of uniting all the forces
of the state that are opposed to the
money power. ;
The nomination of the electoral ticket
was wisely left for future action by the
state central committee with lustrae
tions to put on at least four straight
The speech of Governor Holcomb ex
plaining to the delegates the long con
test he has made to preserve and invest
the permanent school fund and prevent
the robbing of the state by the Churchill
Russell crowd by manipulating the peni
tentiary, was just what was needed, for
there were influential citizens there from
every part of the state who wanted to
know just what he told them.
The ticket is a good ticket from top to
bottom. Governor Holcomb's nomine,
tion by acclamation was just what every
citizen of the state who desires an effi
cient and honest state government wan
ted. The whole ticket will be elected by a
good round majority.
John L. Webster takes tho same po
sition in regard to the price of wheat as
Baron Rothschild. At the Brussells con
ference Baron Rothschild argued that to
lower the price of wheat, instead of being
an evil.wasathing to be desired. That is
what Webster says. He and Rothschild
perfectly agree.
One of the chief promoters of the new
gold bug democratic party which is or
ganized to elect McKinley and defeat
Bryan, is Senator Palmer, who bribed
his way into the United States senate,
the history of which maneuvre is very
familiar in every populist household.
r The Press reports say that Mr. Thurs
ton, during his Wisconsin speech, exhib
ited a piece of gold which he said had
been taken from an ancient tomb and af
firmed that that piece of gold had now
the same value that it had when it was
placed in that tomb. The Press report
does not Bay what conclusion Mr. Thurs
ton drew from that fact, if it was a fact,
but we suppose the conclusion was:
"Therefore we should bo contract the
currency that oats will Bell for only six
cents, wheat thirty cents and corn ten
cents a bushel, and render the farmers
and wage earners so poor that they can
buy little or nothing, which will force
the merchants and professional men out
of business."
But we positively deny that there is
any proof that that piece of gold has the
same value now that it had when placed
in that tomb. The value of it at the
time it was placed in the tomb depends
entirely upon the date. If put there
when the mines of Greece and Spain were
pouring out their streams of gold and
silver and the Roman Empire was at
the height of its glory, it had less
valne, that is, it would exchange for less
than it does now. If it was placed there
just before the fall of Rome, and some
time after the mines of Greece and Spain
had become exhausted and the contrac
tion of the volume of money had concen
trated all property in the hands of a
few, when Rome was tottering to its fall
if placed there at that date, its value
at that time was greater than it is now.
Again if it was put in that tomb some
two hundred years after Columbus dis
covered America when' the Spanish ships
were carrying their loads of gold and
silver from the mines of South America
to the shores of the old world, it was
worth less than it is now.
The idea that Mr. Thurston sought to
convey was that the value of gold never
changes, an idea that is repudiated by
every standard economist in the whole
world an idea that would disgrace a
school boy essayist.
The Hanna managers place the intelli
gence and patriotism of the old soldier at
a very low point when they think
they can induce them to vote for the
gold standard by telling them that their
pension money will buy more under the
gold standard than under the bimetallic
standard. These men Were willing to
fight for their country and take their
pay in twenty -five cent dollars and only
got thirteen of that kind a month.
Hanna had better study the character
of these men before he tries to bribe them
with two hundred cent dollars to betray
their country and leave a heritage of
poverty and serfdom to their children.
Old soldiers are not the kind of men who
can be bribed to turn this country over
to the tender mercies of Rothschilds.
At St. Louis, a delegate from Kansas,
we believe, though not certain, residing
in Osceola, handed the editor a dollar
for this paper, and his address was lost.
We hope no Kansas man will ever do
such a thing again. However, if he will
send his name, photo and history, and
an affidavit that he is a true pop, he'll
get the paper. '
The people of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, and Pennsylvania shouted them
selves hoarse as Bryan passed through
those states on his way to Nett York.
There has been no such ovations to any
man since the days when the people
turned out to honor Genera! Grant.
The press reports indicate that during
the trip of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan from
Grinnell, Iowa, to Chicago last Saturday,
they were seen by 100,000 persons, a
large proportion of whom were reached
by Mr. Bryan's voice in the numerous fe
licitous short speeches which he made.
There was an increase of exports for
the fiscal year ending June 30,1896, over
the previous year of $85,000,000. When
our exports are reduced to dollars, at
the present low. prices, it indicates the?
enormous amount of toil it takes to
produce them.
The populists did somecalamity howl,
ing in years past, bnt now that the gold
bugs have got at it, the old time pop
howler isn't in it at all. The gold bug
screamer can foretell more calamities in
five, minutes than the avernge pop could
think of in an hour.,
The New York World is patting the
socialists on the back because tbey are
for the gold standard. Not long since it
was singing another tune altogether.
Nearly 300 Bryan clubs have been re
ported from the various towns and cities
of this state, averaging in membership
from 34 to over 500.
Bryan's short speeches at the railroad
stations as he passes through the country
are models of campaign oratory.
Makes Him Happy.
When a farmer has toiled like a slave
for a year, only to find that his produce
will not pay his expenses of living, it
sooths his feelings and makes him happy
and contented to be told that he is an
anarchist and a lunatic. And he is par
ticularly happy when he reflect that the
persons calling him an anarchist are
those who profit by the laws that rol
him. Denver News.
Ripana Tabules cure biliousness.
" r
4. "