The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 13, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    Aug. 13, 1896
C M. Sheldon Temporary Chairman
The Fight on Chief Justice Martin
Waxing Warm Judge Garver
Enters the Field Against
"m Be Show Con
& lerable Strength.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 13. When the
Republican State convention was
called to order by Chairman Leland,
Hamilton hall, In which it is held, was
literally packed.
While the convention was assem
bling four Wichita young men pre
tented themselves and sang for
McEinley and Protection, causing
much enthusiasm. Then the Rev.
John A. Bright of Topeka sang an
original song entitled "Throw Out the
Life Line to the air of the good old
revival song of that title. He has a
"om Kansas City Journa .
fine voice and every line inspired the
vast audience with the wildest enthns
iasm. The chorus was sung by 2,500
throats, Mr. .Bright leading and some
women behind him on the platform
mingling their clear soprano notes
with his strong tones.
When Mr. Leland, at 11:45 o'clock,
called the convention to order and in
vited Mr. Bright to pray, it was in a
happy frame of mind. Mr. Bright
prayed about ten minutes, his words
invoking the divine blessing upon the
Republican party.
Mr. Leland then said that a reading
of the call for the convention would
be dispensed with, and demanded to
know "Who will you have for your
temporary chairman?" the committee
having voted not to recommend one.
Isaac E. Lambert of Lyon county
nominated C. M. Sheldon of Osage
countv and J. S. Dean of Marion
named J. F. Greenlee of Reno. Shel
don was put forward as the represen
tative of the Morrill sentiment of the
. convention, and Greenlee as the rep
resentative of the anti-Morrill senti
ment. The ballot resulted: Sheldon,
624; Greenlee, 229.
Mr. Sheldon's election was made
unanimous. He was presented to the
convention by Mr. Leland, and spoke
at some length, first paying a tribute
to the late Colonel George X, An'
thony, and closing with happy and
pleasing contrasts of the Democratic!
From Kansas City Journal.
and Populists parties with the Repnb
lican party, picturing the despair of
the former and the coming glories of
the latter.
The temporary organization was
then completed by the election of C.
b. Martin of Saline county to be sec
retary and Henry Brandley of Chase
and H. L. Millard of Rice assistants.
Upon motion the chair was directed
to appoint the usual committees, and
calling ex-Congressman Funston to
the chair, Mr. Sheldon retired to make
up his lists.
Calls for Ingalls, Burton. Blue and
others were made, but they were not
in the hall. Finally Joe Hudson,
Judges Beekman and Botkin delivered
short addresses
Chairman Sheldon now appeared
and Secretary Martin read the lists of
committees. The chairmen of the
committees aie as follows: Resolu
tions, J. L. Bristow; credentials, C. 8.
Jones; permanent organization, Phil
Kelley; rules and order of business,
J. G. Haskell. A recess was then
taken until 4 o'clock. -
The pronounced sentiment in favor
of Governor Morrill's renomination at
manifested by the convention in its
selection of its temporary chairman
was a revelation to Potter, Troutman
and Peters.
Potter said this afternoon that he
could see no good reason for him con
tinuing his candidacy anr lontrer un.
less an supporters should regard it as
good policy o force a show of
strength. & E. Lobdell, who has been
supporting Troutman, said that he
thought it would be safe for the news
papers to anticipate the withdrawal
of all opposition to MorrllL
Judge Martin Opens Headqeartsrs
Graver la the Knee).
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 12. Pressed by
the opposition, Chief Justice David
Martin last night opened headquar
ters in the Copeland hotel and his
friends began the organization of hit
forces for the contest for the chief
It was only after being urged by
bis friends that Judsre Martin decided
to make a fight for renomination. He
is the old fashioned man that believes
the office should seek the man, and he
studiously avoided any appearance of
contention for a renomination until
last night, when T. F. Graver, who,
until then had been refusing to be
come a candidate, came out openly
for the place.
Judge Garver's action followed the
caucus action of the Sixth district,
which voted unanimously to support
him. The Fifth district also held a cau
cus, but the vote to euppori him was
not unanimous, although W. S. 8 tarn
bough, one of the promoters of the
Garver boom, claimed every delegate
in the district
Judge Martin's friends made over
tures of peace to the Garvor people
yesterday afternoon, but the effect
was only to intensify the feeling be
tween the two forces. 4)
Clerk Brown of the Supreme court
is reported to have had an interview
with M. A. Low, who has arrayed
himself on the Garver side, but Low
would consent to nothing but a fight
in the convention. Afterward Judge
Martin himself met Low and in hit
modest way suggested that possibly
Low was making an unjust war on
him. "Not at all, Judge Martin,"
Low said, looking him frankly in the
face. "I do not regard you as a safe
man on the bench." Low spoke re
spectfully, but so coldly as to ohill the
warm hearted Martin, who, bowing
in his dignified way, said, "Very well,
I guess we will have to get along
without you."
Garver's forces have formed an alli
ance with Graves, the Emporia candi
date, and the latter's manager, J. E.
Lambert, is confidently claiming Mar
tin's defeat x
A Fireman Killed.
Kansas City, Kan., Aug. 12.
While making to run in answer to an
alarm of fire at the Swift packing
house last night, the big hook and
ladder truck from headquarters in
Kansas City, Kan., ran into a big pile
of rock in the street, throwing off all
the men riding on it and instantly
killing the driver, Andy McDonald,
his neck being broken. Assistant Fire
Chief James Beggs and Ladderman
Bert Dill and Hoseman William
Clark were bruised, the two latter
being so badly hurt as to disable them
for severl weeks.
A Cool Wave on Its Way.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 12. Reports
confirmed by the observations of the
United States weather bureau indicate
a drop of about 40 degrees by night
A cola wave is sweeping from the
Northwest Mercury has fallen it
degrees at Cheyenne and 12 degrees at
Havre, Mont
Clondbnrst to Indiana.
Fobt Watwk, Ind, Aug. 13.-
-At 9
o'clock last night Fort Wayne was
visited by a veritable cloudburst
Rain fell in torrents for half an hour,
and it was the heaviest rainfall in
twenty-one years. : Streets were over
flowed and oellers in all parts of the
town flooded.
Cornado in Indiana
WabkAw, Ind., Aug. 12. At4o'olocit
a tornado struck Winona Park near
here. Trees and tent were blown
down. The amphitheater is a mats of
ruins. Two people were injured and
the assembly grounds were desolated.
The money loss will reach $10,000.
Paper Published on n Kallroad.
St. Joseph, Ma, Aug. 12! The Bur
ling ton railway will soon begin the
publication of a daily newspaper upon
its passenger trains. Copies of the
paper will be distributed throughout
the entire territory traversed by the
company's trams.
Death ef a Centenarian.
Abilene, Kan,, Auir. 12. Catherine
Ryan, of Chapman, died yesterday.
aged 100 years. She clearly remem
bered events occurring in 1804.
The Earl of Limerick is dead.
Spain is, it is said, contemplating
conscription to raise more soldiers foi
Dan Wright and Ed Carter broke un
a negro festival at Troy, Ma, with
razors. Carter is dead.
"Divine Healer" Schrader was
stoned and run out of Fort Worth,
Texa. as soon as he was found to be
an in. muster.
The government report on the oot-
ton situation, cutting prospects mors
than ten per cent, has caused a rise
in speculative prices
O. ti. Winthrop, charred with kid
ntping Millionaire Campbell of Hono
lulu, and holding him for ransom, was
arrested at Oakland, CaL I
The Exertion of the Proceeding Days of
the Trip Forbade Addresses, Bow
ever Brief Mr. Bland as Sub
stitute Band Shakings In
dulged in The Notifi
cation Arrangements.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 12. William
Jennings Bryan and party left Pitts
burg at 7:00 o'clock this morning on a
special Pullman car provided by James
Kerr, ex-clerk of the House, on the
Say express over the main line of the
Pennsylvania road, bound for New
York, where to-morrow Mr. Bryan
will receive formal notification of his
nomination as Democratic candidate
for president There were goodly
crowds at the hotel and depot and
there were cheers. The day express
is a fast train and will make but few
stops on the eastward journey. This
was especially pleasing to Mr. Bryan,
who was beginning to show the effect!
01 tne strain since last t riday.
About 600 people were gathered at
Irwin, but the train went through
without stopping, and arrived at
Greensburg at 8:31 o'clock. There it
stopped for only two minutes. About
2,0C0 people were at the station and
Mr. Bryan appeared on the rear plat
form and was greeted by a hearty
cneer. tie refused to speak, however,
and bowed his acknowledgements.
Mrs. Bryan also appeared and shook
hands with a number of those pres
ent Mr. Bryan has done what he was
frequently, cautioned by. Mrs. Bryan
that he would do talked h?mself
hoarse before he reached New York
and this morning his voice was in bad
shape. If it does not improve before
to-morrow night, it will materially
affect the force of his anticipated
speech at Madison Square garden.
Mr. Bland will do most of to-day's
As the train neared Johnstown Mr.
Bryan and Mr. Bland were escorted to
the rear platform by the committee in
charge for the purpose of permitting
Mr. Bland to introduce Mr. Bryan to
the large crowd of people who were
assembled to greet him, On the ar
rival there Mr. Bland said: "Fellow
Citiaens: I am glad to see that even in
staid Pennsylvania large crowds can
be assembled. Last night in Pitts
burg fully 60,000 people were in the
streets, at the opera house" He suc
ceeded in getting no farther in his
remarks, for the people wanted to see
Mr. Bryan and not listen to any talk.
Their shouts and cries drowned the
speech making, and Mr. Bland de
sisted from his effort, simply intro
ducing Mr. Bryan. During the five
minutes stop hand shaking and fra
ternal greetings and congratulations
were indulged in. t f
At Altoona several thousand people
were at the station to greet Mr.
Bryan. The streets outside of the
railroad fence were crowded for a dis
tance of two blocks or more. There
was one group of 1,900 workmen from
the railroad shops that constituted
but a very small proportion of the ag
gregate gathering. ' Crowds surcred
around the train and the scramble
for recognition was intense. Mr.
Bryan shook hands with as many as
possible during the five minutes' stay.
Mr. Bland spoke briefly.
The Notification Arrangements.
New YoRK.Aug. 12. Arthur Sewall,
Democratic candidate for vice presi
dent, arrived here yesterday and was
joined in the evening by National
Chairman Jones, Senator Gorman and
.To-morrow night in Madison Square
garden, the only persons, in addition
to the candidates, who will be seated
on the platform, will be Senators
Jones, Elliott, Danforth, Governor
Stone and possiblv one or two others.
Senator Jones will call the meeting to
order, according to the present pro
gram, and then resign the chair to
Mr. Danforth, who will preside dur
ing the subsequent proceedings. The
first speaker will be Governor Stcne,
who, after presenting the formal no
tification, will deliver a brief address,
appropriate to the occasion. Mr.
Bryan will follow with the speech of
the night, and then Mr. Sewall will
be heard briefly in acceptance of the
vice presidential nomination.
Thousands of applicants for tickets
of admission to Madison Square Gar
den Wednesday night will be disap
pointed. In fact, thousands have
already, been disappointed. Treasurer
St. John said that applications had
been received in the past forty-eight
hours for 150,000 tickets. Hugh Mc
Laughlin asked for 14,000 for the
Kings county Democrats Sunday
morning. He will get about 1,100.
Tammany received 5,000 tickets un the
first allotment, and subsequently
tsked for 8,000 more. The requests
from other quarters grew in like man
ner, and the treasurer was forced to
adopt the paring process. Nearly
every legitimate application has been
granted, less 50 or 75 per cent Un
usually poor judgment has been dis
played in the distribution of the
tickets, and many members of the
national committee and of the noti
fication committee will have to get
Into the garden as best they can.
Democratic Drnmmers for McKlnley.
Chicago, Aug. 12. The Commercial
Men's Democratic McKlnley club has
been organized. It starts with a mem
bership of 350 and expects to do great
work looking toward McKinley's
election. The club is composed of
(he traveling men of Chicago.
The Santa Fa's Chief Clerk Misting-.
Chicao, Aug. 12. Winfield H.
Scott, chief clerk of the Santa Fe
railroad, has been missing from his
dome for a week. Friends of the
missing man have visited morgues,
Bosnit&ls and police stations, but not
the least traee has been found.
Makes Two Speeches Before Eothaslas-
tie Andleaees at Flttsbarg.
PiTTSBt'Ro, Pa., Auir. IS. The Bryan
meeting in this city has proven a fit
ting capsheaf of the day's triumph. It
has excited the amazement of the peo
ple of Pittsburg, and the joy that it
has afforded Mr. Bryan and the re
doubtable "Silver Dick" has mani
fested itself in their beaming features
since they struck the city limits.
The evening meeting had been an
nounced to occur at 3 o'clock in the
Grand opera bouse and the Avenue
theater, kindred halls side by aide and
owned by the same parties. Each
haii will seat between S,5()0 and 3,000,
and meetings were held in each. Long
before the hour for opening the doors
the entire street in front of these
structures was packed full along the
entire block, and after the doors had
been opened and the structures were
filled the crowd outside had suffered
but little perceptible diminution. A
corps of about 100 policemen was on
duty at the various entrances, and in
the course of the early evening there
was an incipient riot in which one
person was severely beaten and some
of tbe officers had their brass buttons
torn off. v '
When Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and mem
bers of their party rode arouud from
the hotel and entered the first hall
both of them were packed to their full
standing room capacity, and it is said
that half who applied had not been
admitted. The crowd lingered outside
in a noisy but peaceful disappoint
ment, singing, cheering and burning
red fire, and a tolerable rain that came
soon after the speaking began dimin
ished it but little, the streets remain
ing full until the meetings closed.
At the first meeting Mr. Bryan was
introduced by Mr. James Mills, editos
of the Pittsburg Post, and spoke ar
"Mr. Chairman and Ladies and Gen
tlemen: Fellow Citizens: I thought it
might be necessary in coming so far
toward the East to bring a few of our
people to keep up the enthusiasm,
while I presented the truths set forth
in the Democratic platform.' (Loud
cheering.) But after I have seen a
few audiences like this I wondered
whether I might not take back a few
of you to set an example of enthusiasm
to the people of tbe West (Laughter
and cheering.) There is no more 'wild
West;' it is the wild East" (Tre
mendous cheering and laughter and
cat calls.)
Mr. Bryan resuming: "I am not
expected to enter into a discussion of
tbe issues of the campaign because it
is not considerate to discuss the cam
paign at least for a candidate to do
so until he has been formally noti
fied of the nomination. Therefore I
am going to leave to those who come
after me the discussion of such ques
tions as may be pertinent at this
time, and I shall simply thank you for
this extraordinary and unexpected
manifestation of intetest"
Mr. Bryan spoke at some length
here and also made a long speech
afterward at tbe Avenue theater.
In Greater New fork Alone the Death
RoU Is 188.
New 4 York, Aug. 12. The number
of deaths caused . by the heat in
Greater New York is 168, and addition
al victims are reported hourly. The
prostrations are almost innumerable
and no accurate statement of them
can be made. Ambulances and patrol
wagons have been running about all
day. Street car horses have dropejed
in their tracks by scores. Out of door
work has been largely suspended and
many factories have been temporarily
Girls Faint In the Department Stores. -Chicago,
I1L, Aug. 12. The con
tinucd heat has greatly affected police
patrolmen and letter carriers. About
fifty of the latter have been compelled
to quit work temporarily and two or
three may die. Some of tbe big de
partment stores have, during the past
few days, practically been turned into
hospitals The girl clerks have fainted
by the dozens at their counters and
hundreds of them have quit work on
account of tbe heat. Last week 57?
deaths were reported to the "depart
ment of health, which is the largest
record ior any week in many years.
It is estimated that over 1,000 animals.
killed by the heat, are lying in differ
ent parts of the city, and the author!
ties admit that they are unable to re
move the animals promptly.
Bland Calls Upon McKlnley.
Castcs, Ohio, Aug. 12. Dis
tinguished callers yesterday on Major
McKlnley were the Hon. R. P. Bland
and Mrs. Bland. They came here
with a committee from Pittsburg
which made the trip from the Iron
City to meet the Bryan party here.
The time spent at the McKinley home
by Mr. and Mrs. Bland was apparently
very aereeable to both the honored
callers and to Major and Mrs. Mc
Klnley. , .
Heavy Mortality In St. Louis.
St. Louis, Ma, Aug. IS. The deaths
in St Louis due directly to the heat
since August 1 number eighty-five.
Saturday last was the worst day yet,
twenty-three deaths from that cause
naving occurred, mere were not so
many prostrations yesterday as on
previous days of the present hot
spell, a cool wind tempering the heat,
and there are prospects that cooler
weather will prevail for a time.
Charged With Embezzlement.
Clinton, Ma Aug. 13. Ed T. San
ders, secretary of the Missouri Lum
ber Company at Windsor, a prominent
Democratic politician and a delegate
to tbe state convention at Jefferson
City from this county, was arrested
yesterday on a warrant sworn out by
B. W. Zimmerman, manager of the
lumber company at Sedalia, charging
Sanders with embezzlement.
W. M. Pertle Killed In a Runaway.
Warbensburo, Mo., Aug. 13. A
message received here announced the
untimely death of William Pirtle, in
a runaway, at Lowery City, Mo. He
was formerly owner of the famous
Pertle Springs park of this city.
Ills ton Tells Bis Position on the Cur
rency Question.
Ixdiahapoms, Ind., Aug. 12. In
reply to a letter from Attorney Gen
eral W. A. Ketcham of Indiana, Fred
D. Grant has written as follows under
date of New York, August 7:
"My dear sir: Acknowledging re
ceipt of your communication of Au
gust 4, in which you ask me as to tbe
truth of a statement which is, and hat
been for years going the rounds to the
effect that my father, General Grant,
at one time said that he did not know
when he signed the coinage act of 1873
that the silver dollar was dropped
from the coinage, and that if he had
known the fact, be would have vetoed
the bill.
"I hasten in reply to sav that I fre
quently talked with my lather upon
the question of standards of currency,
and that I never heard him intimate
any Buch sentiment as is credited to
him above. I am in receipt almost
daily of letters similar to yonrt in
quiring as to whether my father made
the statement attributed' to him in the
little book entitled 'Coin.' I can only
say that he never intimated such a
statement to me. In all his conversa
tions with me, he seemed to take the
ground that it was a great misfortune
for any country to have as the basia
for their circulating medium any
metal that had the least element of
nncertalnty about it, and that the
workman, when he collected his sti
pends at the end of the week,, should
be absolutely certain that there would
Joe no question as to the value of the
currency which be had to supply hit
New York World Asks for Information
on Several Points.
New York, Aug. 13. The World
prints a four column "Open Letter to
Mr. Bryan," asking him to define in
his speech of acceptance his position
on several planks. In the Chicago plat
form. It says that upon many grounds
the World stands with Mr. Bryan, in
stancing the income tax, opposition
to tariff changes, hostility to trusts
and monopolies and to bond issues in
times of peace without explicit au
thority of Congress. It denounces
the Chicago planks in regard to the
supreme court and condemnation of
President Cleveland for putting down
the riot of Chlcaga It then antagon
izes sharply the demand for free coin
age, and tells Mr. Bryan tbia is the
main reason for the disruption of the
party. The World says that if Mr.
Bryan can convince the undecided
Democrats that it is safe for them to
vote their party ticket, the World
will comply with Mr. Bryan's invita
tion to support him, not because "it
is blind to the grave faults of the
platform on which he stands." but "in
spite of it, and regretting it with un
diminished and unchangeable con
Kansas Will Be Represented.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 12. Eugene
Hagan, who is looking after the inter
ests of the gold standard Democrats
of Kansas, says that a conference will
shortly be called for the purpose of
electing twenty delegates and twenty
alternates to attend the Indianapolis
convention, September 2. It also will
be decided at this conference what
action the gold standard men will
take in regard to State politics.
Kansas Citt, Mo. Aug. IS. -Receipts of
wheat were fair for Tuesday. There was s fair
demani at about steady prices, though low
grades sold vary slowly. Soft wb&at was
Hard Wheat-No J, 52 c; No. 3, 49o; No.
4, 4 c: rejected, 37c: no grade, 09 Si Soft
Wheat-No. 2, 5 c; No. 3, .Bo; No. 4, 5jo
rejected, 4) g 44o ; no grade. 3S tOo.
Corn No. 2, -le; No. 3. 21c; No. 4, 1920o
no grade, 16c White oorn, No 2, Who; No. 8,
2 c; No J. 20c
Oats-No. 2, 17c; No. 8, lie; No. 4, 12 14c; no
grade. 83i 12o; No, 2 whin oats, -io; No. 8
white, 21os Na 4 white, 14c.
Bran 33 jiSlo in 10) pound saoks; bulk 6o
Ky o. , iT wo. o, e,ao jnu. 4, no.
Hay Choioe timothy. 7:7. 0;No.l $6V0;
No. i 8;No, 8, UQl. O; prairie, choice $40
4.50; No. 1. $a04;Na i, ;8.5U; No. 3, 2 2. iO.
Eggs -Kansas and Missouri strictly candled
Letock. o dozen.
Poultry liens, 5o a pound; r oaten, ISo
each, springs, 7c: turkeys, hen a Co; gobblers,
5c; old, 4 c; spring docks, 7o; old Ho; geese,
spring, Co; pigeons, '$1 doxsn squabs, scarce
and wanted, $1.2 ) do sea
Batter Creamery, eitra (amy separator,
13c; fir .ts, 12o. dairy, fancy, 12c; fair. lOo; store
packed, fresh, 7 4 So; packing stoak. 7c.
Potato js The ruling price was 1 4 20o per
bushel in a small way ; round lots, 1 -'He. Sweet
potatoes Not much life to the market; 'MhgtiOe
in a small way; new stock M-i 8 c per basnet.
Chicago Board of Trade.
Ihioaoo, logl 3 The following is the range
of prices of the grain aiid iwvvialuu market on
the Board of Trade;
Ang 1J.
6 85
6 57
7 10
3 17i
3 it)
8 57
8 85
8 85
8 2
Live Stock.
KANSAS Cm, Mo., Ang. li Catttle Re
ceipts, 8,426; calves. 1,491 r shipped yesterday,
2,).. 5 cattle; 15) calves. Tbe market was steady
to strong on native and generally steady on
Westerns. Texans were slow, best vbout
Dressed beef and export steers $14034.80
Texas and Indian steers 2. 10 1 175
Native cows l.WSai'5
Native heifers 2.7JQ3.25
Stock era t.W tin
Calves .2?9.00
Hogs Kecoipts IMi; shipped yesterday,
259. The market was So higher.' The ton sale
w.n 9.10 and the built of sales from $iW
Shesp Receipts. Mia shipped yesterday,
1.2 2. The miriest was steady en natives and
10c lower on Westerns.
Following are representative sales :
28 lambs, 7J..... 4 a
117 lambs, 62......... 4 25
11 lambs, 72. 1 35
lambs, 69.... 4 W
89 lambs. 66 4 59
Sshee-p, 150 .....l 75
Istifp, tt 73
High. Low. Og
August....... 51 6" Mi
September. .. 57 iV4 16
December..,. 6 J (4 59ft 19J
August - .1 '.&.
September... ZVt iS
May 27 11 27
August...... , 15 X
Beptember... 1(5', ' 16 ,8
May 19 1 19
Angast S 40
beptember... 6 75 6 45 8 45
January 7 12'4 7 CO 7 00
Augnst , 823
Beptember... J 27 8 25 2 25
January 8 62 3 W 8 60
Shout Ribs
August 8 85
Beptember... 1 4) 3 23 185
January 8 57 8 52 8S2'4
AIra Hallcy, Makes the Trip to Chlcaga
on Ills Hike Good Tine Made.
Lixcoi., Neb., Aug. 11. Alva Hal
ley started some days ago to Chicago
on a bicycle. 9 His last day's ride was
over bad roads with the thermometer
registering 100 degrees in the shade,
yet he covered 173 miles in seventeen
and one half hours, the best time ever
made on that course. The Chicago
Inter-Ocean of Friday morning says:
"A. H. Halley, president of the Lin
coln, (Neb.) Y. W, C, A. and Y. M. C. A.
cycling club, Irrived in this city Wed
nesday night, having made the trip oa
a bicycle. He came by way of Cedar
Rapids, Davenport, Rock Island and
Peoria. He arrived in Peoria Saturday
and left there Wednesday morning.
Tbe last stage of the journey, from
Peoria to Chicago, was made - at ex
cellent speed. He left there at 5
o'clock in the morning, being checked
by J. J, Mahoney, and arrived in this
city at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday even
ing, covering the 173 miles in seven
teen and a half hours. This is very
close to the record, if it does not cut
under it." .
Cracksmen Test a Hafe at Tobias
and are
Tta.ri1r lYufflAfl-' "
Tobias, Neb., Aug. 11. -Burglar
broke into the postoffice last Friday
night and attempted to rob the safe,
but were not successful. They broke
the outside combination of the safe,
thinking that would let them in, but
in this were disappointed. They then
drilled two holes through the door and
put in some dynamite or other ex
plosive, to force door open. In this
they were again baffled, as it only had
the effect of partially breaking the
door and did not blow it off. Parties
heard the noise of the explosion and
hastened to the scene of action, but it
was too late, as the cracksmen had
fled without securing anything. En
trance to the postolllce was effected by
cutting a panel out of the rear door,
thus giving them a chance to reach in
and withdraw the bolt. In their haste
to escape the burglars neglected to
take their kit of tools.
Prospects Good for One of the Very Best
of Expositions.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 11. The state
fair managers now have a force of men
working under their direction erecting:
hog and sheep pens and making other
improvements on the buildings at the
state fair grounds. The pens for these
kinds of stock were inadequate to ac
commodate the exhibits last year, but
there will be no trouble on that score
this season. There has never been
such a fine prospect for an exhibit as
this year, both as to quality and quan
tity. The people throughout the
country are preparing to come to the
fair and bring something to exhibit.
With good weather the fair this year
will eclipse anything ever held In the
west and the attendance promises to
be in keeping with what will be found
to look at.
Terrible Sufferings of a Young Girl ef
Gage County. ,
; Beatsice, Neb. , Ang. 11. Miss Nora ,
Switzer, the fourteen-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Samuel Switzer,
who live near Holmesville, was bitten
on the finger a few days ago by a rat
tlesnake while picking up apples. She
thought so little of the occurence that
the killed the snake, secured its rattles
and continued the work of picking up
apples. After going home, however,
her arm began to swell and give her
pain. - A physician was summoned, and
he succeded In extracting the poison
by cutting the finger. Before this was
accomplished the girl writhed in agony
and her tongue shot out of and in her
mouth in exact imitation of the snake.
Struck by Lightning;.
i Fremont, Neb., Aug. 11. During an
electrical storm a stable on Ben Mitch
ell's farm, seven miles west of the city
was struck by lightning and two horses
ltillftd. Thsi antics nf fh liorbt.nlnr
. o B
were very peculiar. It entered the
stable through the loft door, and upon
striking the hay, separated. There
were sixtasn horses is the b&ra, "eight :
on either side, and they were all
knocked down. One of the farm
hands had just gone into the barn to
feed the horses, it being about 5 a. m.,
and when others reached the stable he
was lying with the horses,unconscious.
He pulled through, but half of his
body was blackened by the electricity.
Epworth League Training SchooL
Edgar, Neb., Aug 11. An Epworth
league training school is to be held on
the M. E. camp grounds near Edgar
August 13-17 inclusive, under the di
rection of Rev. Rev. T. H. Worley of
this city, who is an enthusiast in the
work. He has secured a corps of able
lecturers and instructors, who are spe
cialists in their line. The grounds are
located in a beautifrl grove on the
Blue, and are in fine condition. The
training school will be followed by
the Hastings district camp-meeting
under the supervision of Rev. W. B.
Alexander. The attendance promises
to be large and a good time is expected
by alL
A half-inch rainfall is reported from
Lightning struck the ice houses of
the packing company at Nebraska City
setting them on fire. The loss Ls esti
mated to be about 910,000.
The executive committee of the Ne
braska press association met at Grand
Island and arranged a program for and
fixed the date of the next meeting, de
ciding on January 14 and 15. 1