The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 13, 1896, Image 1

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    The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 10.
An American Business Man Declares
that "Debased Currency" is not
a bad Thing After all
The Silver Standard Acts as a Pro
tective Tariff of Nearly 100 Per
Cent. Against all Imports.
Free Silver Proved to be Good for all
An American business man writes to
theN. T., World under date of city of
Mexico, July 3d as follows:
The writer is a resident and engaged
in business in . the City of Mexico. He
was driven out of the great west of his
native country the United States on
account of the depression and misery
brought about by the demonetization of
silver. He cannot refrain, therefore,
from furnishing a few facts and figures
to show that the great New York World
has been misled about the effect of silver
monometallism in Mexico.
No one can doubt the sincerity of the
" one can question its democ
racy nor fail to recognize the enormous
power of a newspaper with over three
quarters of a million of circulation, for
good or evil; none will deny the immense
service you have done to humanity by
jour relentless war ou trusts and mo
nopolies and your exposure of crime,
and that you are wavering on the great
question of the day, eager to get at and
impart the truth, is evident to every
reader, but that your great influence will
be Bwung into line before the close of the
campaign in support of the democratic
nominee and platform is here predicted.
True, Mexico is today on a free silver
basis, but instead of misery and depres
sion she presents to the world a condi
tion of conspicuous prosperity unpre
cedented in her history.
Her silver dollar is worth but 53 cents
in gold standard countries, but that
same silver dollar is worth 100 cents at
borne, and buys as much of the native
products of her soil as it ever did.
What has been the effect of the gold
standard countries treating Mexico's
dollar as bullion and refusing to receive
it except at bullion value (fifty three
cents) today? It has increased her ex
ports and decreased her imports. It has
placed her on a basis of industrial inde
pendence. It has resulted in an influx
of foreign capital to develop her im
mense interior resources. It has caused
.manufacturing, mercantile and other in
dustrial enterprises to spring up all over
the country, which have given employ
ment to thousands of hitherto idle
workmen and afforded them an oppor
tunity to raise themselves from the level
of a common Mexican peon and make
mechanics, machinists, engineers and
skilled artisans out of themselves, and
it has afforded Mexico an opportunity
to produce on her own soil such articles
as those gold Btandard countries refuse
to sell her, except at an enormous pre
mium of 85 to 100 per cent., and she is
silently taking advantage of it.
Has Mexico been clamoring for a rec
ognition of an international metal ratio
with other countries? No. She quietly
goes on in her march of progress and
sells these gold standard countries more
of her products than ever and buys less
of theirs, and all this on a silver basis.
Her mines are being opened. Smelters
and mills are being erected to market
- her lead, iron, copper, silver and gold
and her already great railroad system
is being expanded to connect the Atlan
tic with the Pacific. Even Buch wealthy
the great "Calumet and Hecla" mining
company with their forty-five millions
controlled by an English syndicate, after
paying dividends of a like amount, are
now seeking to invest the bulk of this
enormous capital in Mexico.
Does the New York World call this
a picture of misery and despair?
Now, as to prices of living, rent, etc.,
under the silver standard. A first-class
hotel room can be hud at the Jardin.
Iturbide or Quardiola, three of the lead
ing hotels in the city, at $1.50 per day
and meals at their respective restaurants
at $1.50 per day, or $1 per day by the
month. Cabs, of which there are three
classes, the first blue sign, $1
per hour; the second red, at seventy-five
cents per hour, and the third yellow at
fifty ceats per hour, and everybody here
who has got more sense than money
takes a yellow bird and pays fifty cents
per hour as per tariff rates, conspicusly
posted in every cab.
Sugar, flour, corn, milk, eggs, meat,
coffee and all similar articles produced
in Mexico cost about the same as in
New York, dollar for dollar. Sugar, for
instance, costs eight cents a pound. On
canned goods and all staples imported
from the United States and other gold
standard countries, if people here pre
fer them to home products, of course
they have got to pay the freight, duty
and gold premium.
In another question the World, says
that it costs the Mexican laborer more
to live than it costs the laborer in the
States. His wages on an average are
lower, but 1 will prove to you - that it
costs him less and that he lives better.
The bread in Mexico is the "tortilla"
made of corn. For one cent the laborer
can get three fine hot tortillas the size of
a big American pan-cake, enough for a
meal. This tortilla is by no means to
be found on the table of the poor alone,
but the rich and president Diaz have
them served regularly. The bean comes
next. The good vholesome, nutritious,
brown "frijole," cCMied in any style, the
laoorer can uhiauuv viu w iui nu
cento. Thin ia the potato of Mexico, and
everybody eats them, including foreign
ers, and they wind up the meal at every
hotel and restaurant in the city. For
three cents the laborer gets enough meat
to cook a fine sopa (soup), seasoned
with vegetables and rice (caldo,) and
after he has consumed that and wishes
to be extravagant, two cents worth of
fruit will fill bira up.
Coffee and milk are as cheap as in the
states, but the laborer prefers and drinks
Dulaue. the. national drink of the coun
try, and found on the table of the poor
and rich alike. It is a medicinal bever
age of inestimable value in kidney dis
eases. H or one cent a large glass, ana
if the laborer feels like getting on a spree,
five glasses will put him to sleep for
twenty-four hours. T rut tnree glasses in
front of a Mexican, one of pulque at one
cent, one of beer at ten cents ana one
of champagne at 9 1 ana asK mm to neip
himself and take his choice, and he will
jump at the pulque every time. He needs
no luxuries importea trom goia coun
tries at 85 per cent, premium and wants
none. Thus for thirteen cents the labor
er in Mexico can get a good wholesome
meal and a jag thrown in, which the la
borer couldn't get in the States for thir
teen dollars.
Will the New York World volunteer to
publish this for the benefit of American
laborers? Will it take facts and figures
from American business men in Mexico,
who are on the ground and know where
of they speak, or do they prefer articles
from the minister to Columbia, who holds
his tenure under a gold standard admin
istration at Washington, and dare not
speak the truth and uphold the silver
cause? Let us hope not. The greatest
American newspaper says it is open to
argument and invites discussion from
the people of the common ranks on this
great question of the day and must and
will publish the truth, and we firmly be
lieve and predict that before the cam
paign has progressed much further, the
World will be found 'on the side of the
people, pulling for Bryan and the plat
form he represents, not only in support
of the silver doctrine, but demanding as
does-that platform that the wealthy
as well as the poor shall bear the
just burdens of our great government by
paying an income tax on a basis i of
equity and equality and thereby avert
an impending conflict greater and prob
ably more dangerous than the threat
ened conflict with England over Venez
uela, that the timely interposition of the
World s great power and influence tor
conciliation stifled and obliterated, and
may it continue to permit its great voice
to thunder in opposition to trusts ana
monopolies which never have and never
will gain a foothold on Mexican soil.
Otto Heckelman
10 campaign subscriptions $1.00.
Sead in your orders.
Foretold the Effect of the Demonetiza
tion of Silver.
Those republicans who claim that
their once great and glorious party has
not deserted its former principles as the
friend of the common people, and be
come the champion of the rich and aris
tocratic, should get a copy of James G.
Blaine's speeches and read them. They
' s5',ill see that the principles taught by
iiiaine are not the principles of the re
publican party of today. Here is an ox
tract from one of his speeches on the
coinage of silver delivered in the senate
of the United States in 1878. It reads
more like history than prediction. Time
has verified the truth of every word.
Bead it carefully, and decide whose
teachings you will follow, those of Blaine
or those of Pierpont Morgan and Marcus
Hanna. Blaine said:
"I believe the struggle now going on
in this country and in other countries
for a single gold standard would, if suc
cessful, produce widespread disaster in
the end throughout the world. The de
struction of silver as money and estab
lishing gold as the sole unit of value
must have a ruinous effect on all forms
of property except those investments
which yield a fixed return in money.
These would be enormously enhanced in
value, and would gain a disproportion
ate and unfair advantage over every
other species of property. If, as the
most reliable statistics affirm, there are
nearly $7,000,000,000 of Coin or bul
lion in the world, not very unequally di
vided between gold and silver, it is im
possible to strike silver out of existence
as money without results which will
prove distressing to millions and utterly
disastrous to tens of thousands."
Who are the benefactors of this gold
standard legislation? Who are those
who have "investments which yield a
fixed return in inonefl" It Is the gov
ernment bond holder, where the rate of
interest is fixed and the return is in
money. It is the holders of state, county,
and municipal bonds; the holders of real
estate mortgages, public officials with
fixed salaries from the government, state
or county.pensionera and annuitants. In
order to be benefited by the gold stand
ard, two conditions are necessary. Your
income must be fixed and it must be
paid in money. The income of the farmer
and mechanic maybe fixed but it con
sists of the product of his toil, of the
crop that he grows or the article he cre
ates. The return is in products not in
money. The salary of the clerk or the
laboring man may be paid in money but
the amount is not fixed; it is subject
alone to the will of the employer. If the
value of the money is enhanced, the em
ployer will reduce the salary. If money
is plentiful business will prosper, work
will be plentiful and employees will com
mand an increase in their salaries.
In legislating in the interest of the gold
standard the republican party will build
up in this country at the expense of the
wealth producers, an arrogant and daz
zling aristocracy, the like of which the
world has never seen. , .
Which are you for, the principles of
Blaine or the glory of Hanna?
The Bankers Began it in 1877.
They rnrsne the Same Methods Today.
The following is from the Chicago Inter-Ocean,
Monday, October 29th, 1877.
"The Inter-Ocean acknowledges the re
ceipt of the following singular document.
which came to this otlice from New lorK,
Saturday morning: . i
The American Bankers' Ass'n 247 Broad
way, Boom 4.
New York, October 9, 1877,
Strictly Private.
Dear Sir: Please insert the enclosed;
printed slip as leaded matter on the ed
itorial page 01 your nrst issue imme
diately following the receipt of this and
send marked copy with bill to yours
truly James Buel, 247 Broadway, room
"Comments on bud not to exceed hail
a column will be paid for if billed at the
same time. J. B."
The following is the document we are
asked to insert as leaded matter on ed
itorial page, in other words as a state
ment made by the inter-ucean:
"The greenback party has offered
through its managers to sell out to the
democrats, and hereafter work in demo
cratic harness if a place for a few of their
leaders can be provided, inis merely
shows how much dependence there is to
be placed on the leaders of lunatics who
clamor for money based on nothing."
We insert this but Bend no bill for it.
We shall send no bill because in the first
place we do not follow directions about
it, secondly because we are compelled to
say that we don't believe a word of the
statement to be true. The attempt to
thus maliciously destroy the greenback
party without submitting a word of
proof is a piece of shameless and brazen
effrontry which ought to be beneath any
bodv of commercial gentlemen and es
pecially the American Bankers' Associa
tion." .
The following circular was aent to the
New York Sun:
The American Bankers' Association
247 Broadway, room 4.
New York, October 9, 1877.
Strictly Private.
Dear Sir: Please insert the enclosed
slip as editorial and send marked copy
with bill to James Buel. Sec'y. 247
Broadway Boom 4.
Comments on slip not to exceed half a
column, will be paid for if billed at the
same time. J. B
"The prospect is that in six months
there will not be a trreenback leader in
the land. Overtures have been made by
the leaders of the greenback movement
to President Hayes to abandon the
Greenback movement as a lost cause,
providing he will give good official po
sitions to about twenty of the most
blatant of theclamorous lor more money
that is based on nothing.
The Sun published the document with
editorial comments from which we quote
as follows:
"This we say is an extraordinary slip.
It will be seen that the slip is or assumes
to be, an item of news. It is an item
that none of the ubiquitous reporters of
the Suu had been able to get hold of. If
any one of them had brought it to us
properly authenticated by documentary
or other evidence, we would not have
asked him to pay us for printing it. It
will be observed however, that the scan
dalous item which we are asked in the
name of the American Bankers' Asso
ciation to publish, has two peculiarities:
First, no proof of its accuracy is fur
nished; and, secondly, we are offered
money for its publication as 'loaded
matter on theeditorialpage of this day's
Sun. This is remarkable business to be
performed in the name of the American
Bankers' Association. Our astonish
ment is increased by the postcript which
pears at the bottom of this circular. It
informs us that comments upon the
Blip not to exceed half a column will be
paid for. This means of course, that the
editorial comments that are to Ibe paid
for must sustain the slip on the editorial
page that is to be paid for. But is this
attempt to bribe and corrupt the press,
by the direct offer of money for editorial
articles made under the authority of the
American Bankers' Association, the
name of the secretary of which is signed
to the circular above printed? -We call
for information upon this point, and
shall wait for it. If authority has been
given to bribe the press, then very, cer
tainly an attempt will be made to bribe
congress and corrupt the sources of in
fluence at Washington in the same inter
est. It is a shameful business, if there be
not some mistake about it. Let the
truth be brought out. Let the responsi
bility for this circular be fixed. If this
circular is a forgery we shall be glad to
make it known."
It will be observed that to the Inter
Ocean, a republican paper, they stated
that the greenback party would sell out
to the democrats, and to the Sun, a dem
ocratic paper, that the greenback party
would sell to the republicans. Cold
He Defines His Position in This Cam
paign. Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. 6, 1896.
Mr. George P. Garrison, Chadron, Neb.:
Dear Sir: Your favor of the third inst.,
with newspaper clipping attached, has
been received. The report that I have
declared against free and unlimited coin
age of silver is wholly untrue and with
out foundation.' I have declared in fa
vor oT free silver, although I have said
that tree coinage alone would not bring
any permanent or substantial relief to
workingmen. It is decidedly preferable
to the gold standard, but it does not
solve the vexed fin ancial pro blem. I am
opposed to the whole scheme ' or private
bauking. The constitution of the
United States never contemplated the
farming out of this important function
to private persons for private gain. It
ia a government function, and not until
it is restored to the government and our
monetary system is operated for the
public welfare instead of for the enrich
ment of a grasping few, will any perma
nent relief come to the people.
For Mr. Bryan I have the highest per
sonal regard. I shall support nira, lor i
feel and know that so far as he has the
power he will stand by thepeopleagainst
their exploiters and oppressors. For
the democratic party, however, 1 have
no use, I quit it after having belonged
to it for years because ot its treason to
the people and 1 shall not return to it.
Indeed, I propose to maintain my politi
cal independence and support only such
parties and candidates as in my judg
ment will best serve the people. In this
campaign I am with the peoples party,
aud I support Mr. Bryan as the nominee
of .that party. The democratic party,
through its official and authorized rep
resentatives, earnestly solicited and
finally secured the nomination of their
candidate for president. Without the
support of the populists the democratic
party could not win. The populists, an
imated by patriotic motives, accorded
first honors to the democrats, and the
democrats, if they are influenced by sim
ilar motives, will now accord the popu
lists second place by placing Mr. Watson
on the ticket with Mr. Bryan. Mr. Sew
all can well afford to step aside to effect
this union of the two great forces and
insure the election of the peoples candi
dates. Such action on the part ot Mr.
Sewall would make him a far greater
man than the vice presidency. Failing
to accord the peoples party such recog
nition by giving them a place on the
national ticket, there will be dissatis
faction, which may culminate in open re
volt, especially in the southern states,
where populists have suffered all sorts
of indignities at the hands of the bour
bon democracy. And this may cost
Bryan his election and pnt McKinley and
goldbugism in power. For the mere
offices we care nothing, for we scorn
spoils in any form. But for the principle
involved we care, and have a right .to
care, much. There is a vast difference
between Mr. Bryan and the democratic
party. jlf the latter's only ambition is
to swallow the peoples party so aa to
K place them in power and get possession
01 the offices, their design will and should
be thwarted. 1 would far rather see
McKinley elected than have another
democratic administration such as that
of Cleveland. The campaign this fail
will bring' the real issues prominently
before the people. From this time for
ward there will he a mustering of the
people against the plutocracy. The
present system, which breeds million
aires and mendicants, is doomed. Com
mercial competition has had its day.
Collective ownership for the public wel-
fare instead of private ownership for the
gratification of private greed, is to be the
future shibboleth of the disinherited
masses, and the agitation will proceed
until the co-operative commonwealth
blesses the world. Yours very truly,
Eugene V. Debs.
Republicans ask Them What They
, Want, Then Give it.
Bostwick, Neb., August 3, 1896.
Editor Independent: I was much
struck on reading that stalwart republi
can paper the New York Tribune just as
the late republican convention was be
ing held at St. Louis that the delegates
from sixteen states had called by invita
tion on Senator Piatt in order to formu
late a platform and that they together
drafted a gold plank and sent a dispatch
to J. Pierrepont Morgan the financial
agent of the Rothschilds to ask that
personage if it was acceptable to him
and if he consented to its adoption in
the republican platform and that he
wired back his acceptance and compli
mented them on it. now sir i ask did
any person or party ever do the like of
this before since the time 'that Jacob
sold his brother's birthright for a mess
of pottage.
And t&ose leaders wno cannot formulate
a platform without first sending to a
foreign Jew money loaner had better
sneak off to Europe like Benedict Arnold
did while we with banners flying, bugles
playing and an ever increasing army ot
voters will march triumphantly along
till wo place W. J. Bryan in the White
House. This is a campaign ol education,
the false footing of the gold bugs is slip
ping from under them. All we ask in re
gard to silver is that the law be placed
back where it was in 1873 and in the
same words, that is, for the free and un
limited coinage of silver at the present
ratio of 16 to 1 and we claim that the
silver dollar which was worth more than
100 cents in 1873 will again rapidly
rise from a fifty cent dollar (bullion val
ue) to be again on a par with gold. We
held a grand Bryan ratification meeting
at the court house at Nelson our county
seat on July 25. We had bands and
all the speakers were men who had just
left the republican gold party and there
was much enthusiasm and a silver
league was formed. I tell you there will
not be many Mckinley men about here
next election day if people continue to
come over to our side as they do at pres
ent. We have good clean candidates for
all offices. Our favorite for congress in
this district is R. D. Southerland our
present county attorney. He is a most
eloquent man and a true populist aud a
man as straight as a string and would
if elected make his mark in the balls of
congress. Mark Hanna will be considered
a false prophet and a back number when
people remember he claimed the tariff
was going to be the leading issue.
With three times throe for Bryan. Your
for Victory, " H"
Threats to Foreclose Mortgages Don't
The bankers and trust companies have
been sending threats to every man in
Nebraska who has borrowed money of
them, but their threats have terrified no
one. The following letters exposes their
game and how they come down when
they have to.
E. II. Ambler, Real Estate Loans. Office
with the Smith Bros, Loan and Trust
Co., Beatrice, Neb.
July 28,1890.
Edward Arnold. Odell. Neb. Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your letter of the 25th
inst., and carefully note contents. Your
letter refers to loan No. 8778, f due
Nov. 30th, and is in responce to my let
ter of July 10. If conditions will permit
I shall be pleased to undertake to secure
a new loan for you. I find that eastern
investors are very much disturbed be
cause of the sentiment in this and other
western states favorable to the free and
unlimited coinage of silver, and some of
them are writing that they will not haz
ard any more investments in farm loans
until the question is settled. Ot course
this practically means that if the free sil
ver sentiment is endorsed by a majority
of the votes represented ia the electoral
college they wiU not deem it wise to
make any further investments here. This
being the case 1 cannot positively agree
now to furnish you the funds to provide
for payment of loan No. 8770,when due.
At the same time if you think desirable
to make an application to be placed on
file to be acted upon if Investment funds
are to be had. please use the blank en
closed herewith. The rate of interest
wOuld be 8 per cent per annum, interest
payable semi-annually, unless you prefer
to pay a eash commission, In which oase
the interest ' would be 6 per cent per
annum, with cash commission of $150.
Very truly yours, E. H. Ambler.
E. H. Ambler, Real Estate Loans. Office
with the Smith Bros. Loan and Trust
Co., Beatrice. Neb.
July 10. 1896.
Edward Arnold, Odell, Neb. Dear Sir:
By reference to the records of the Smith
Bros. Loan and Trust Co. I find that
they loaned you on 160 acres in 16-1-5,
and that the loan matures Nov. 80,
It it is your intention to get a new loan,
I would be pleased to hear trom you. as
I have no doubt I can name terms which
would be satisfactory. Very truly yours.
hi, 11. Ambler.
What Mr. Rosewater Thinks of the Pop
ulist State Ticket.
The state ticket nominated by the
populistsof Nebraska is in the main com
posed of men who are representatives of
the party.
The renomination of Governor Hoi
comb was a foregone conclusion and the
endorsement of his administration was a
compliment which his party owed him.
Republicans can not gainsay the fact
that Governor Holcomb has elements of
strength which no other populist of Ne
braska can boast.
The candidate for lieutenant governor,
John E. Harris, and the candidate for
secretary of state, W. F. Porter, have
served in the state legislature and have
in some measure acquired familiarity
with state affairs.
' The other candidates, Messrs. Cornell,
Meserve, Jackson, Wolfe and Monroe for
the offices of auditor, treasurer, superin
tendent of public instruction, land com
missioner and university regent, respec
tively, have never filled any legislative or
state office, but are reputed to be fairly
equipped for the position to which they
aspire. Judge William Neville, candi
date for supreme judge, is now a judge
of the district court, and was atone time
a representative from Douglas county in
the state legislature. Mr. S. Kirkpat
rick, the other candidate for supreme
judge, is a lawyer of fair ability, but so
far as we know has had no judicial ex
perience. .
While the populists have put up a cred
itable state ticket, the conditions under
which they enter the campaign as part
and parcel of the democratic coalition
with Bryan at the head and Sewalt and
Watson at the tail, will seriously handi
cap them and tend to create dissension
and confusion. Omaha Bee.
Jay Cooke on Silver,
The old veteran financier, Jay Cooke
who was such an important aid to Lin
coln in the first year of the war, sent a
letter to the St. Louis Silver convention
which did not appear at the time, but is
printed in the Farm, Field and Fireside
In it he says:
One of the great and terrible results
ot gold monometallism is now and will
be the direct competion of all strictly sil
ver countries, which under the influence
of cheap silver (which is the only curren
cy ot over one thousand million of the
world's population) will gradually, if not
speedily, even with large tariff protec
tion, so increase their production of
wheat, cotton and various manufactured
articles, as to utterly take possession of,
not only their own home markets but
those of the whole world.
I see little reference to this terrible
danger in any of their arguments used
against the gold standard, and yet this
danger exists and is increasing hourly.
In India, for instance, hundreds of
miles ot railroad are being built, open
ing up rich alluvial soils for the cultiva
tion of cotton and wheat: the best Amer
ican and European machinery is being
und and made familiar to the Orientals;
1 adredB of cotton and other manufac-
tories are being erected, while thousands
of Euglinliuian, Germans and Americans
are reaping large salaries as directors,
managers and tutors of this immense
horde of docile, bard-working people,
who, with wanes not one-tenth as great
as those paid in this country, are' rapid
ly becoming skilled in every mode of ag
riculture and maunfactures: their wages
are paid in silver, and the goods, the
wheat and cotton which they export,
bring those countries (even at the pres
ent low price 01 wnoat ana cotton) enor
mous proms, it is astomsbing tnat our
DUblio men. our bankers, nnr fnrmnra
our manufacturers, our cotton raisers,
etc., do not take instant alarm at this
prospect of overwhelming competition.
It is comparatively small competition
11 n tn data which hna hImiiIv rlnma ninA
our nation to the extent of hundreds of
millions per annum.
What will be the effect if this competi
tion is further stimulated by the cootin
uance in our country and in the coun
tries of Europe ot this single standard ot
No amount ot nrntnntlnn luin nnaaihlv
shield us from the importation of pro
ducts irotn tnese Oriental, south Ameri
can nations, whose laborers receive from
8 to IS cent nnr riav. n.nri that, in ailvap
purchased with the products of their ex-
puns at ou cents on me aouar.
With kindest wishes, and giving yon
full authority to publish or suppress this
letter, I remain, yours truly,
J. Cooks.
K Hundred Republican Majority Turned
aoo for Bryan.
Bancroft, Neb. August 10, 1896.
Editor Independent: Your paper is
getting better with every issue and
should be read by every populist in tha
state; but times are so bard they haw
cot the 16 to 1 to pay the subscription
price. Many tell me they will subscribe
for it as soon aa they can get the money.
Small grain ia almost a failure, especially
oats that are weighing only about 12
bushels to the acre and of very poor
quality. Many fields have not been har
vested. Where, oh! where are we at, and
will continue to be II the gold standard
prevails ai tue novemoer election r j&cuo
answers where. But If the votes all over
the country do as well as we expect to
in Bancroft township for the silver ticket
then the gold standard will die and be
forever buried. As you well know, the
republicans in this township have usually
bad about a hundred majority at a
national election. We have now enrolled
as members of the Bryan club nearly 200
while there are only about three hun
dred voters in the township. The club is
composed of pops dems and reps. Pros
pects surely are most encouraging.
Will you kindly give me the address of
Mr. Devine as we wish to secure him
to address the club in the near future.
L. K. Fletcher.
Mr. Devine's address is Sun Building
Washington, D. C.
The Honor of the Nation.
Gentlemen who dine in the evening and
wear dress suits while doing so, who
have boxos at the opera and carriages
to take them there, have much to say at
this time about the national honor. No
where do they condescend to explain
what the national honor is. The phrase
is a high soundingione and may mean
anything or nothing. In the mouths ot
men who ridicule Bryan's crown ot
thorns and cross of gold this cry of hon
or reminds one of FaJstaff.
The constitution of the United States
is the highest - authority we recognise.
That constitution says that congress
shall have power (Art 1, Sec VIII) "to
coin money, regulate the value thereof,
and of foreign coin, and fix the standard
of weights and measures." Nothing
that we do in accordance with the con
stitution can be a sacrifice of our honor.
If the people have a law and are not sat
isfied with it they can change it. In ac
cordance with law silver was demone
tized. In accordance with law it can be
remonetized. No foreign element can
step in and forbid the people to pass
any law because it would sacrifice our
national houor whatever might become
of the national sense of humor. In a
word, the will of the people is the high
est law. That is the theory of our gov
ernment and the people have never
bound themselves to forfeit their privi
lege. These bankers with their talk of the
national honor must therefore be ex-
S licit. They must tell us where the dis
onor comes in. To whom do we owe
and what have we agreed to pay it in?
Have we taken anything from anybody
and refused them an equivalent? Have
we ever agreed by treaty or in law never
to change our money standard? Have
we borrowed in one standard and sought
to pay in another? To tell the people
that their national honor is at stake is
a serious thing. We all think too much
of the national honor to permit it to be
traded in by speculators. When any
party cries out that it has been sacri
ficed it must prove the assertion or be
despicable for all time. Twentieth Cen
tury. t
A Letter from Brooklyn.
A former Nebraskan now in Brooklyn,
N. Y., in a letter to Mr. J. H. Edmisten
referring to the great popularity of Mr.
Bryan among the middle and laboring
classes in New York state says that the
millionaire leaders have bolted but the
rank and file are for Brvan: Illustrative of
this he states that he has fifty-four men
in his employ and that a secret poll
showed that forty-nine of them were tor
Bryan. He adds in closing. "The great
est reception ever given to a man will be
given to the gallant leader of the com
mon people on hia arrival in New York."