The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 06, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Aug. 6,
New Pcpulist Executive Committee Hat
. Control of Affaire.
The nine members of the retiring popu
list executive committee made a formal
settlement with the new executive com
mitte July 27th. They turned over to
Chairman Butler and Secretary Edger-
ton all the money on hand, had their ac
count approved, and were given a clean
bill of health. The affairs of the party
are now in the hands of Chairman Butler
and his associates.
Senator Bntler's associates on the ex
f ecntive committee are J. A. Ednerton,
Nebraska, secretary; M. C. Bankin, Indi
ana, treasurer: Ueorge r. vvasnDurn,
Massachusetts: John Bridentbal, Kan
sas; II. W. Reed, Georgia; John A. Dore,
California; C V. Taylor, rennsyivania;
John B. Sovereign, Arkansas.
Merit Wins and that is why Hood's
Sarsaparilla holds the abiding confidence
of the public. Hood's Sarnaparilla is
known bv the cures it has made. It is
the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Fills cure liver ills, constipa
tion'jaundice, sick headache, biliousness,
. 25c -
A Strange Proceeding-.
Nearly twenty years ago this country
decided to resume specie payment. From
that date machinery was set at work to
knock out one-half or more of the specie
to pay with. That is very strange. In
business matters a man that would do
that would be called a lunatic and the
court would appoint a guardian for him.
That it should take the people twenty
years to seewhatistbematter is stranger
But to talk about redeeming the dol
lar of the constitution the silver dollar
in gold, strpasses lunacy. Our lan
guage fails, and here we pause.
Everything Lovely,
We free silver follows are doing pretty
well, I thank you. We have one candi
date for president, and two for
vice-president. Charley Lemasters says
we have votes enough to elect
the whole blessed outfit. The boys were
a little blue Saturday when they heard
that Watson was selected for vice presi
dent, not because tbey didn'tllke him but
because it might make dissension in the
ranks rtf tha f tim a nam A . . 1
. ., ,.vj nnin at iuj. no a iij a. t- i
ter of fact Tom Watson has more friends 1
Here tlian Mr, Sewall. After sleeping
over this matter we have all concluded
that everything is lovely after all. Cen
tral City Democrat.
National Commltteo.
The new national committee is an ex
ceptionally strong one. Senator Marion
Butler, the new chairman, is young, vig
orous, energetic and intensely in earnest,
and we have every confidence that be
will make a most efficient chairman.
The old committee, though the recip
ient of many cruel stabs in the house of
its friends, retires crowned with honor
honor richly won by the success and
growth of the peoples party during its
administration. Chairman Taubeneck's
work will shine brighter and be more
and better appreciated as the years go
by. Progressive Farmer.
For Free Silver,
Lenox, Iowa, July 25, 1896.
Editor Independent: Mr. McLaugh
lin of Lincoln, Nebraska is now traveling
through southwestern Iowa pleading the
cause of W. J. Bryan and free silver.
Mr. McLaughlin said in conversation to
day "the common people are thinking as
they never thought before" and urges
that good speakers be sent out at once
as the people are ready and willing to be
taught. Mr. McLaughlin said, "In my
opinion W. J. Bryan will carry this state
without a doubt."
Lenox Silver Club,
A New York Prediction.
The nomination by the free silver re
publican convention and the populist
convention this week places Bryan of
Nebraska at the head of the greatest
popular movement of this century. It
makes him, more than was lamented
Lincoln, in his day, the popular leader
and represenative of the great American
Despite his chivalrous desire to link his
own success with that of Arthur Sewall,
we feel confident that Mr. Bryan will ac
cept promptly the populist nomination.
N. Y. Mecury.
$100 Reward $100-
, . The readers ot this paper will b pleaded to
learn that there la at leaet one dreaded disease
that eclence baa been able to care la all Ita etafcea,
and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the
only positive cure known to the medical frater
nity. Catarrh being aeonatltatiosal disease, re
quire a coneiltutional treatment. Hall e Ca
tarrh Care la taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucona anrtacee ot the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation ot the
disease, and kItIiik the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting na
ture In doing its wore. The proprietors have ao
much faith In Its curative powera, that they of
, far One Hnndred Dollars for any case that It fails
to care. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. 1. CHENEY ft Co., Toledo. O,
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Party and Patriotism.
The St Louis convention tried the
principles of the populist party as no
other party was ever tried, and it proved
to the world that as a political party,
it placed principle far beyond mere par
ty fealty. True patriotism forgets party,
when the good of humanity is the issue.
News Reporter.
Defeat the Gold Standard.
The People's party has a platform
and two national candidates in favor of
money reform beyond a shadow of a
doubt. No man can aake a mistake
when supporting them. If he wants to
defeat the gold standard forces, he will
work for Bryan and Watson.-Indepen-dent
AH for Bryan.
Count the republicans in the Republi
can valley who have turned their backs
on McKinley and will vote for Bryan.
Over 100 at Wymore, SO iu Superior, 40
m Red Cloud, 25 in Riverton, 150 in Mc
Cook and so on to Colorado where they
all vote for Bryan.-Red Cloud Nation.
10 campaign subscriptions 8100.
Can4 in your orders.
Ratalng Out.
Hazard, Neb., July 20, 189G.
Editor Independent: I have figared
on the profits of thirty acres as follows;
Plowing tfce BfQHnd.... .....$ 30.00
Rwl. (to bu. at is et. per an -
Hmlni and iiarroKlDX 10.00
rutting and twin - Z 0
Ktacklnfi tbrm dayi wltb two men juuv
ThraahlDflr t eta. DOf bo. 1.000 bu 2M0
Ntx men to thraab ea
Board nar thraahen .... 8. 00
Total......... $107.00
Got 1,000 bushels; they offer 6 cts. pp
htiishel at the station making witlion
hauling $60.00. Profits to the other
fellow 47.00.
Interest on money on the land an
taxes is not counted. S. G. Swigart.
Sufferers need suffer no longer. I will
send to any one the formula for a com
plete cure of this painful disease, the in
gredients of wbicn can be procured at
any drug store lor a trill".
Send $1.00 in stamps or p. 0. money
order. Address. u. Al. Mackintosh.
Room 4 McVickcr's Theatre BIdg.
49-13. Chicago, 111.
No Fusion in lllnolH.
Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, has de
clared that he will not accept the popu
list nomination unless all other candi
dates on the democratic state ticket are
The Bank Patriots.
One bank in Omaha has a paid-up cap
ital stock of one million dollars, and yet
all the banks in the state of Nebraska
have listed ouly f 840,000 for assess
ment. Papillion Times.
10 campaign subscriptions $1.00.
Se nd in your orders.
The Way is Clear.
We believe, however, that the way will
be clear to accept the action of the con
vention, and that Bryan and Watson
will be the ticket. Missouri World.
Consumers Purchasingngency, will buy
anything you want at cheapest possible
price. D. Clem Deaver,
Room v Granite blk., Omaha, Neb.
Minnesota Silver Democrats Expel Three
Old Leaden ration Nominations.
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. ft, While
the Minnesota delegation at the Chi
cago convention was tor the gold
standard, the action taken there
strengthened the hands" of silver del
egates to such an extent that they
were able to capture the primaries for
the State convention without dif
ficulty, the gold men either refusing
to vote at the primaries or swinging
Into line for the platform and oandi
lates. When the report of the credentials
committee was presented yesterday
recommending the expulsion of Na
tional Committeeman D. W. Lawier,
and F. W. McCutcheon and Judge Mo
Cafferty of the Ramsey county delega
tion on the ground that they had
bolted Bryan and the platform, an
attempt was made to give Lawier and
MeCutoheon a hearing, but when they
attempted to speak they were howled
down. Both spoke defiantly and de
clared that while they could not vote
for MoEinley they wonld not vote for
Bryan. MoCutcheon is to be the Min
nesota representative at the gold
Democratic conferenee at Indianap
olis. All attempts to preserve order
proved futile and McCutcheon left the
plattorm with the remark: "All right,
gentlemen, we will meet you at Phil-
The three men left the hall amid
the derisive shouts of hundreds of an
gry men.
The fusion plan was then adopted
bnd the Democrats named John Lind
for governor, Julius J. Heinrichs for
Secretary of state and Alexander Mo
lnnon for state treasurer, leaving
tne llentensnt governorship and the
attorney generalship to be fille'd by
the Populists The Democrats also
named four presidential electors. The
Populists will name the remainder. A
feature Of the convention was a caar
aoteriatie speech by Ignatius Donnel
ly, pledging harmony in large cargoes
and a magnificent victory for all ail
verttes in November.
KaUoaal rarty Xomlaeea Aeeept
Alliance, Ohio, Aug. 0. Charles
IX Bentley of Linooln, Neb., and
fames H. Southgate of Durham, N. C,
have filed their letters of acceptance
of the National Prohibition party
nominations for president and vice
president respectively. Mr. Bentley
Itronglv wrgas the causa of prohibi
tion and holds that suffrage without
distinction of sex is a cardinal princi
ple of the party. He declares for
tree silver and against high tariffs
and the national banking system.
Dr. Sims gives special attention to ar
tificial teeth, crown and bridge work.
Burr Bl'k. 14.
Osafsa on a Mew Tack.
Pawhuska, Okla., Aug. 6. Sauoy
Chief, candidate of the halfbreeda,
Das been eleoted chief, or governor, of
the Osage nation, after a hotly eon
tested election. The halfbreeds also
lafm tha eleotlon of a majority of tha
aounoil, among whom will be John
Palmer, a Progressist leader. This
leotlon marks on epoch in the affairs
ftf the Osages, as the government of
tne nation will pass into tha hands of
the progressive element, who favor
taking allotments and becoming clt
tsens of the United Statea
For Killing Artist Atwaten
8 Loins, Mo., Aug. o. John
Schmidt was found guilty of murder
In the first degree yesterday afternoon
af Olayton for his part in the murder
of Bertram Atwater, the Chicago art
1st, at Webster Orove, last January.
Sentence of death will be passed in
case the conrt overrules the usual mo
tion for a new trial "Cotton" Schmidt
and the negro, Sam Foster, are under
sentenoe for their part in the crime.
Matrimonial triumphs ot gentlewi
m trade cause more to go into it.
Kaaas Democrats la State Coaventloa
at nntcblnsoo.
Hutchinson, Kan., Aug. 6. Tha
Democratic state convention baa of
fered to do its part to effect a fusion
with the Populists. It has voted to
Indorse the Populist state ticket if the
Populists will nominate the Bryan and
Sewall electora A conference com.
ml t tee with full power to act left for
the People's party convention at Abi
lene last n I? tit to consummate tha
deal if possible. The Democrats," af
ter nominating electors, adjourned
their convention until the committee
should report the result of its labors.
The resolution committee reported
a platform which indorses the Chicago
platform, the nomination of Bryan
and Sewall, denounces the demone
tization of silveY and demands a re
submission of the prohibitory amend
ment to the State mrmtitiitinn Tha
order of business provided for tha
naming ox fjrresiaential electors, not
formally nominatincr thorn, and tha
appointment of a committee to confer
w ivu me ropuusis to oner tne trade ot
State for electoral tlnlrnhB Tha al antni-a
named are! Hid nan Tlaurlan nf Hnlton
J. J. Ooshorn of Iola, W. H. Liviston
or cnerryvale, is. M. Blacksheere of
Elmsdale. C A. Tllllnr nf Snlino .T t?
1 - v MWtiuW r A4a
Logan of Lincoln, J. II. Rootzell of
Ellinwood, Morris Cliggett of Pitts
burg, Albert Perry of Troy and
George T. Pitts of Wellington.
The convention adnnUul a nlan fro
th e organization of Bryan and Sewall
clubs. Drenared bv W. A. Tlfifnrd nf
Ottawa, and adiourned to 4 o'clock
this afternoon. The State central
committee organized by electing Mao
Love of Arkansas City, chairman; W.
H. L. Pepperill of Concordia, secre
tary, and Frank 1 nomas, of Topeka
the Senator Asks the Voters of Kansas
to Give Him Another Term. -
Topeka. Kan.. Aucr. 6. Senator
Peffer announced formally to-day his
candidacy for re-election to tha
United States Senate. He says that,
while he lays no claim to the office,
and can urge but a single quallnca-
t.l OT1 Ytnfc V . '
. rvoocaaou ujr any otner one
of 500 other Populists that might be
named in the state six years expert-
nnainil u - 1 ' . . . . .
time, felt called upon to say anything
about it. If oa the record he has mad
in tha Kan at, l. .
--- j'cupio return aim
T t t fa S Vi-v a- - 1 m H ,
.v uuujr, no wouia regard it aa
added honor and would accept their
suffrages, greatly assuring them of
his best service. He would feel him
self under renewed obligations, and,
he says, would enter upon his second
term hattai. 1.
MUiricu ivfl VY U11L
In In niihliM . i .
luicint iuaa ae wae
whet W" firs term began.
Koted Bandits Rtcaptnred by DepntJ
Marshals Near Loea.
Wichita, Kan., Aug. 6. The Chris
tian brothers, the famous bandits who
escaped from the jail at Oklahoma
City about a year ago through the
connivance of a female bandit who
smuggled arms to them, who were
then under sentence for murder, and
who committed another in order to
escape, were recaptured near Loco,
in the Indian Territory, yesterday
afternoon. Hunger Lad driven them
from their retreat. The officers fol
lowed, and, having overtaken them,
started to pass, when just opposite
them they drew down on them with
Winchesters, and, taken completely
off their guard, the bandits tamely
submitted to arrest, though heavily
- Alabama Election.
BnunBGKAJf, Ala., Aug. 6. Further
election returns confirm the first re
ports of a eomplete Democratic vic
tory with surprisingly large gains.
The count in the large counties has
been slow, especially in the big cities,
but official and estimated returns,
the latter based on reports received
from a majority of the boxes in the
counties reporting, show that Johnson
and the Democrats have certainly car
ried forty-five out of fifty-six counties
Ooodwyn, Populist, has fifteen coun
ties. Six counties have not been
heard from or are too close to figure
upon. Of the last named Johnson
probably has four and Goodwyn two.
It is believed that the f nil returns will
show a majority of not less than 45.
000 for Johnson, and possibly 60,000.
As oompared to the election in 1894
the Democrats have carried certainly
fifteen counties that gave Populist
majorities two years asro.
The Koted Kansas Republican Unaon
soloas and Beyoad Hope.
Tofxka, Kan,, Aug. a Ex-Governor
George T. Anthony, state insurance
commissioner, is unconscious and phyw
sicfans say death Is likely to occur
within twenty-four hours.
Chicago, Aug. a. The hottest place
in the United States yesterday was
St Panl, where the mercury crawled
up until it rested On the 100 mark.
Memphis, with 08 degrees! was tha
National Encampment 0- A. K. St Pad,
Minn. ;,
The N. E. G. A. R. to be held this year
at bt. l'aul September 1 to 4, will at
tract an uuusually large attendance of
old soldiers, as well as all classes of peo
ple, from this territory, aa the oppor
tunity to attend such a reunion at so
low a cost ae only f 9.90 for the round
trip from Lincoln, will not soon be pre
sented again. People who have not
taken their summer vacation can do so
at this time at a very low cost and go
to the most attractive section of coun
try for that purpose: a section that
abounds in lakes and streams stocked
with fine game, fish, and a country that
anords splendid bunting for those who
like that sport As most of these re
sorts are on the Northwestern line, the
direct line from Lincoln, no doubt that
great railroad will do the business. 9-4 1
To St Paul, to St. Paul, to St Paul
Only $9.90 to S't. Paul, Minn., and re
turn by the Northwestern route the
Short Line August 30 aud 31 account
the O. A. R. meeting there. As the tick
ets have an extended limit to September
30th, an opportunity is offered for a va
cation among the lakes and streams of
Minnesota and Wisconsin, fishing and
hunting, at a very low cost. Get pam
phlet on "Hints to Tourists" at city
office 117 South 10 street, and make
your arrangements for this delightful
trip. 9-4 1
One Fare to Cleveland and Beturn-
For the Biennial encampment of the
Knirfhts of Pythias, Uniform Rank at
Cleveland August 2--5il to 30th, the Nickel
Plate road will sell tickets August 22d,
23d and 25th at $8.00 for the round
trip, Chicngo to Cleveland and return,
being $1.50 lower than via other lines.
Tickets available on all trains, return
ing until August 31st. Further informa
tion cheerfully given on application to J.
Y. Calahan, 3en'l Agent, 111 Adams
St., Chicago, 111. 11
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat.
Official Route for the Convention
of Fire Engineers, Salt Lake
City, Utah, August
10-14, 1896.
The Union Pacific, will on August 7
and 8, sell excursion tickets to Salt
Lake City, and return, with final limit
August 31. Fare $30, plus $2. Only
one night out, and passing through
Weber and Echo Canons and by the
Devil's Slide, in the day time. For infor
mation regarding routes stop-overs, etc.
call at city ticket office, 1044 O. St., or
Depot, 5th and O.
E. B. Slossom, J. T. Mastin,
Gen. Agent. C. T. A-
Wtf. LEE8E,
Attorney at Law, Lincoln, Neb.
Sheriff Sale
Notice is hereby driven, that by virtue of aa
order ot sale loaned by tha clerk ol the district
conrt ol the Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, In an action
wherein the Woonsocket Institution for savlntca
Is plaintiff, and Flora E. Grimes et al., defendants
I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on tha eighth day of
September A. D. lS'M at the east door of the
court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
eonnty , Nebraska, offer tor sale at public auction
the following described real estate to-wlt:
Lots one (1), two (2), three (8) and four (4), In
Lincoln Land Company's subdivision ot lots one
(1) and two (2), in block one hundred and four
(104). In tha city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,.
Given under my hand this 80th day of July A.
D, 1H98. JOHN J. T ROM PEN'.
8-5t Sheriff.
Attorneys at Law, Linooln, Nebraska.
In the District Oourt of Lancaster County
Mary E. Irwin, Plaintiff,
. vs.
Mary E. Say re, Phlletus Peck, Sultaa Boggy
& Cart Co., Reuben R. Tingley, Henry 3.
Green, and Wallace Taylor, Defendants.
To Mary K. Say re, Philetas Peck, Saltan Bag
gy A Cart Co., Henry S. Green, and Wallace Tay
lor, non-resident defendants: You aud each of
jon will please take notice that on the 28th day
of July, 189, Mary R. Irwiv, plaintiff herein,
filed her petition in the district court of Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, against the above named
defendants, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed by
the defendant, Mary K. Sayre, to the plaintiff
herein, upon lot 33, tu block 8, In Lincoln Driving
Park Company's First Sub-Division, in Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment ot one certain promissory note, dated
Jnna rl, 1ftn?t for the aum n' i9f SA. and ten In
terest coupons theaeto attached; said principal
note due and payable in five years from the date
thereof; that the defendants and each of them
have failed, neglected and refused to comply with
the terms and conditions of said mortgage deed,
whereby the sains has become absolute.
There Is now due and payable npon said note
and mortgage the sum of $450, for which sum,
with Interest from August 1st, 1898, plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
Yon and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before the 7th day of Septem
ber, 1880. Mary R. Irwin, Plaintiff,
11 By Bane 4 Altschuler, her Att'ys
Dated this 22d day ot July, 1896.
OvarSOStyleslThe begtoxE&rth. Horse high,
tltfht. Toucan make from 40
to 60 rod" per day for from
14 to 22c. a Rod.
l)l!i-t'-uel Catalogue Free.
Riatfevnle, - Indiana.
I I 1 I M I I I ) 1 I U
winL. Picket Lawn-Fence
Steel Posts, steel Ralls and Steel Oatesi Steel Tree,
Klower and Tomato Guards, Cabled Field and Uoa
Kence, W toWln. hlsh, Pool try. Garden and Babbit
Fonco! Steel Wire Fence Board .eta Catalogue free.
OeKALB FENCE CO. ia9 High U OeKelh, III
iM ma .row p.
vi uraa eaain oman. sm
' aOlfla M.CM WlbaAAra.Ckasta,
ito I'loriia ii 's Circle
In strength, lightness, grace, and elegance
of finish and equipment Model 41 Colum
bia is unapproached by any other make
Beautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles la free if you call upon any
Columbia Agent ; by mail from ua for two a-cent stamps.
POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford. Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies In almost every dty and town. If Columbiasare not
properly represented in your vicinity, let ua know.
R01G DUCHH, Agts.,
S. LICHTY, President,
Falls City, Neb.
rhe Nebraska Mutual Fire and Cyclone Ins. Co.
Is four years old. Has nearly a million at risk. Has sus
tained nearly $1,000 in losses. Insurance has cost the
Members only $4.50 for i,ooo. Who can afford to lay
awake worrying when $i.i24 has been the cost for
carrying $1,000 for one year against a Nebraska blizzard.
Remember our fees are but $3.00 for $1,000 and 10c for
each additional $100.
J .1T-1M. SWIGaA-lRT,
Agents Wanted.
Second Floor Burr Block.
Teeth oa Banker. Flattens, Gold, Alamlaam, ana
aad Orown Work. eald. Poreelala, and Aaabjaai
f.8 .
If yon want a good suit of clothes at a rer j low price, send to ns for oar oa
plete Chart of figures for measurements, (so simple a child can take a correct meas
ure,) and our handsome illustrations, and description of suits, each accompanied
by samples of goods. Our clothes are equal in style and finish to best eastern
made. We tend all of the above by mail free, and if you order a suit and it is not
exactly like sample, and yon are not satisfied, you wilt be out nothing, for we will
pay expressage both ways. Please mention Nebraska Independent when yo
write, for it is our reference. PEOPLES' SUPPLY CO.
e o w Suite 11 Adams Express Bldg. Chicago, Ilia.
1 Furnas County
C jPoland China and
Berkshire Hogs, Holstein Cattle, at Half Price!
Two Berkshire Boars and three Sows bred. Fall pigs of both breeds, Three
yearling Holstein balls and two heifers. One two-year old heifer bred. Orders
booked for Spring pigs. Produce of 20 top sows and 4 first class boars. All
stook guaranteed asrepresented. H. S. WILLIAMSON,
Mention Nebraska. Independent 44-52t Bearer City, Neb.
Ground Rock Salt for Stock RQHK SALT
Hides, Pickles, Meats, Ice Cream,
Ioe Making, Fertilizing, &c, Ac.
Mines and Works
Lyons and Kanopoll, Ksa.
Soto Agent for Lyons Bock Salt Co., and
saddles are recommended by riders and
physicians as proper in shape and adjust
ment, and every detail of equipment
contributes to comfort and pleasure
"The) addad pleasure) of riding a Col
umbia is worth svsry dollar of Ltho
$100 a Columbia costs."
I. N. LEONARD, Vice-President
Lincoln, Neb.
Lincoln, Neb
' ' 'i agaaaaen '
Vorcelain Plates. OoM eat roreelala BrMa.
wwi a 1 ...if
Western Rock Salt Co., St Louis, f,!o.
Royal Sal Co. apr28-12t
-rm rival ot tst. r aul.