Aug. 0, 1896 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT WRESTLING WITH FUSION MAS DEMOCRATS AND POPU LISTS SCHEMING HUTCHINSON GATHERING. sA ulckly Adjourns Attar - the Temporary Organisation and Appointment of ConmlttM David OTermyer ' Speaks (or Fusion on Bryan and Bewail Electors Populists at Abilene. H0TCHIN8OX, Aug. o. The party eadars did not arrive at the Demo cratic convention hall until long after the time set for calling the convention to order. At 11:40 o'clock Chairman Bacon of the central committee rapped for order and presented the Rev. Alfred Brown, rector of the Episcopal church in this city, who made a brief prayer while the delegates stood. Secretary Pepperill read the call for the convention, and then a letter from W. J. Bryan was read as follows: , "Lincoln, Neb.July 31. 1896. Frank Bacon, Esq., Choirman, Member Cen tral committee: My Dear Sir Your favor of July 81, inclosing letter of Mr. Hartley and OsweJl of Hutohin son, Kan., requesting me to speak at that city on August 4 has been re ceived. I regret very much that the duties of the campaign which are pressing upon me render it impossible for me to do so. No arrangement for speeches can be made until after the campaign has been outlined by the national committee, and until that has been done 1 deem it wise to make promises. Very truly yours W.J. From Kansas City Journal. EX-8KNATOB JOHN MABTIX. Bryan." H. 8. Mattin, temporary chairman. was called to the platform and was received with cheers. He thanked the convention lor the honor of his eleo tion to the chairmanship, and referred to the report of Democratic victory in Alabama, which brought forth pro longed cneers. men ne dwelt upon the question of majority and minority rule, and closed by lauding the Demo cratic national candidates The secretary was instructed to ex tend greeting and congratulations to Irovernor-elect Johnson of Alabama. after which J. C. Orr moved that the usual committees be appointed, with one member from each district. This was at once adopted. After the appointment of meeting places for the various committees the convention adjourned until a o'clock. As the delegates were rising from their chairs some one shouted for a speech from David Overmyer. Almost instantly the hall was in an uproar. Overmyer was escorted ' to the plat form by a score of delegates, when the applause had subsided he said: "Since we last met at Topeka there has been a convention at Chicago. That con vention performed a miracle. It has always been held as axiomatic in pol itics that a party cannot correct in ternal evils tending towards, its de struction. Yet at Chicago the Demo cratic party not only did this, but more. All forms of class destruction, of money power, of precedent and all forms of organized power were over turned, the people rose in their might and declared themselves. This was not an instantaneous development. It was the result of several years. It re , Jauired time to tass Democracy under v the yoke of plutocracy. The miracle I performed was that of self regenera ' tion, and the party now stands purged from its self-destructive ele ments, for the common people of America. (Cheers.) There is a famil iar saying that the unexpected always happens. It did happen. There is another saying that man purposes and God disposes. This (pointing to the picture of William J. Bryan) is God's disposition. (Prolonged cheers.) Tak ing man as man, William J. Bryan Is the representative American. He has not his superior. He will be the con queror of every heathen part of our land, like the young conquerors of old." Overmyer further eulogized the staudaid bearer, at every period be ing interrupted by cheers. He spoke for fifteen minutes on the money question, strongly asserting the ne cessity of free and unlimited coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1. In closing he said: "William J. Bryan is as certain to be elected as election day will come." And when the wild applause greeting this assertion had ceased, he continued with skilfully modulated tone: '-Provided we Democrats make no fatal mistake. See to it that in the state of Kansas there is fusion on electors for Bryan and SewalL Let this convention carry out the known will of the Democratic party, the Peo ple's party and a majority of the Re publican party." THE POPULISTS. Candidate Scheming for Position Fusion th Hrt Question. Abilene, K;t'. Aug. 5. It is agreed among the party managers that the first work of the Populist state con vention, which will assemble here to morrow, after the permanent organi zation shall have been effected, will " tiAfha ftrnninlmAnt rt a. unmmltta 4. confer with a like committee from the Democratic state convention in session at Hutchinson, on the question of presidential electors. This action will be taken in obedience to the wishes of the candidates for the state from Kansas City Journal. W. A. HARRIS. offices, who do not conceal their de sire for fusion with the Democrats. Borne go so far, as has already been published, as to express a willingness to give the Democrats alt of the elec tors in consideration of Democratic indorsement of the state ticket to be nominated here. About one-half of the delegates have arrived and have been busy with caucuses and conferences in the pretty park in front of the hotel since 6 o'clock. The majority of sentiment seems to favor Bryan and Bewail electors, but a strong following led by John W. Breidenthal, Harrison Eelley and J. M. Allen, are fight ing for a Bryan and Watson ticket. Others favor a . division of the ticket, five electors to each party with possibly a Democrat and a free silver Republican on the State ticket. Such an arrangement, however, would only come by the grace of the Democrats, who, it is admitted by the more prac tical of the Populist politicians, are in a position to dictate terms as to electors. They may take all or divide the ticket as they may see fit It is only fcr the sake of appearing to keep faith with the Populists of the Southern states that the proposition to give Watson representation on the electoral ticket finds favor. It es pecially is desired to conciliate the Texas Populists who will hold their convention to-morrow,, and Breiden thal is very anxious to wire them that Kansas has done the fair thing. Other politicians are not bo kindly disposed toward the Southern breth ren. They say that the middle-of-the road leaders cannot hold the Southern Populists in line; that 50 per cent of the rank and file will vote for Bryan and SewalL Among the candidates who take this ground is Colonel W. A. Harris. The news received this morning that the Democrats had carried Alabama by a sweeping majority has strength ened the position of advocates of Sew all electors. It is accepted as signifi cant that the Populists of the South, even with Republican fusion, are not equal to the task of turning down the Democratic electors. R. W. Turner of Mankato, a.leading free silver Re pub- From Kansas City Journal. L. D. LE WELLING. lican, says that if the Populists fail to nominate or indorse a full set of Bry an and Sewall electors the free silver Republican committee will nominate one and advocate it before the people. All of the candidates for governor, with the exception of George M. Mun ger, are here. They are W. A. Harris, L. D. Le welling, J. W. Leedy, L. P. King and George Campbell. Mr. Hun ger is expected to-night The Harris boom was given a little backset and the Levelling boom a boost this morn ing by the Douglas county delegates, who openly declared that they would not be bound by their instructions for Harris, but would support Le wel ling. Both Harris and Lewelling are mak ing an open fight. The other candi dates are quietly working, hoping that the two leading men will succeed in destroying each other. MILLIONS LOST. Moore Bros'. Liabilities Plaeed at Be tween 1)4,000,000 and 5,000,000. Chicago, Aug. 5. It is estimated by those in a position to know that the Moore Bros, have lost between 94,000, 000 and $5, 500.00 J in the Diamond Match deal Some say it has wiped out every cent of their immense for tunes. This morning the following was posted ou the front door of the Stock exchange: "The Chicago Stock exchange has adjourned subject to the action of the governing committee. J. R. Wilkins, Secretary." At a meeting of the governing com mittee a resolution was adopted call ing for the appointment of a commit tee of four, the chairman of which shall he the president of the stock ex change and the other three to be ap pointed by him to confer with the cankers of Chicago and the Moore Bros., to arrange upon a basis of set tlement Chicaeo banks and bankers, who hold approximately $4,000,000 worth of Diamond Match stock as collateral for money loaned, will not press bor rowers for settlement Another thing iM Danks have decided to do is to ac cept the stock of the Diamond Match owned by Moore Bros, at a cash value of 170. The German irovernmnnt baa il pies on the movements and doings of all the prominent socialist leaders of Germany. CANDIDATES IN POSSESSION AT JEFFERSON CITY. WAR HORSES LINING UP. Governor Stone's Alleged Slate In Behalf of lion V. ' Stephens for Governor Likely to Be Pnt Through Ball and Waddllt Mot Yet Beady to Gle Dp Judge Gib son a Dark Hone. Jefferson Cit. a-- ag. 5. Dele gates and politicly J o gathering in hosts to attend ttr emocratio state convention, whictl open to-morrow. Early this i ning there were at least 600 stransrr,. In the city. By to-night the numo- will be doubled. Six weeks ago there was published the story that the Stone forces, had concentrated their strength to nomin ate Lon V. Stephens for governor, J. M. Seibert for state auditor, Frank Pitts for Btate treasurer, A. A. Lesuer for secretary of state, Ed Crow of Webb City for attorney general and H. M. Ramey of St. Joseph for su preme judge, leaving the other places 105.V, STEPHENS. on the ticket to be fought for by who ever might choose to enter the race. The best informed politicians who are here to-day .; do not vary the slate much. It is generally conceded that there will be a hard fight between Crow and Morton Jourdan for attorney general. with' no particular advantage on either side; that Judge Tbeodre israce, the present incumbent, and D. P. Stratton of Vernon county are giving Judge Ramey a very interesting race nd that there is always a chance for a whole slate to be broken. Since the, delegates began to gather there has been a little boom started for Judge Gibson for governor. This morning he was active among the del egates, but appears as a dark horse only. . ' For lieutenant governor there are these candidates: G. T. Dunn of Troy, A. H. Bolte of Washington, John B. O'Meara of St Louis, John A. Lee of St Louis, J. F. Davidson of Hannibal, Henry W. Hickman cf Jefferson City, T. K. Gash of Liberty, 13. S. McCarty of Cape Girardeau. It is considered a good guess here to say that the race is between Bolte and O'Meara and that the Stone-Stevens crowd will try to pull Bolte through. Bolte is a German, and since the Republicans have placed Rudolph Hirzel on their ticket the Democrats are desirous of making a bid for the German vote. Frank Pitts of Farris is the only man talked of for State treasurer. R. W. Carey of Kansas City and M. K, McGratb of St Louis are A. A. Lesueur s opponents for secretary of state. Carey's name may not be pre sented to the convention. These are the entries in the race for railroad and warehouse commissioner: A. J. Connelly of Warrensburg, T. J. Hennessey of St Louis, B. F. Bourne of Memphis, Charles Rain of Brook field, J. W. Morris of Westboro, Jo seph Garnett of Kansas City, A. C Head of Moberly and F. P. Bronaugh of Henry county. It appears to be anybody'r race, with, no particular favorites. Bishop Newman Challenged. Boston. Aug. 5. George F. Wash burn of this city, eastern member of the national executive committee of the People's party, has issued a chal lenge to Bishop John P. Newman of San Francisco to name a single Popu list who is known as an anarchist The challenge is in reply to a news paper report which stated that Bishop Newman had made a statement that the Populists were no better than an archists and were not good American citizens. A Kentucklan Murders His Family. Providence, Ky., Aug. 5. Tom Brown. 30years old, a farmer living near Clay, beat his mother-in-law, Mrs. Cash, to death with the poll ot an axe, Sunday night, chopped his wife to death with the blade and beat his infant in the face and head, pre sumably with his clenched fi-t Then he went to the house of his nearest neighbor, told him what he had done, and asked him to shoot him. He was arrested. Theater Managers Combine. New York, Aug. 6. A meeting at Hoyt's theater yesterday, attended by all the local managers and most of the traveling managers of theatrical com panies, organized the United Asssocia tion of Theatrical Managers, the object of the association being mutual protection. Mrs. Ben S. Henderson, wife of the well known Kansas lawyer and poli tician, has brought suit for divorce at Kansas City, Kan. Infidelity is the principal charce. RECORD BREAKING HEAT. The Southwest Warmer for Ten Days Than Has Ever Bean Known. Washington, Aug. 5. The weather bureau issued the following special bulletin to-day: "Intensely hot and unusually dry weather has prevailed throughout a portion of the South west, including Western Tennessee, Northern Louisiana, Northern Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and the Indian Territory during the past ten or twelve days, the temperature reported being, in many instances, higher than any previously record ed by the weather bureau during this season of the year. Maximum temperature of 100 degrees and over have occurred daily in Arkansas and Oklahoma during the period men tioned and throughout most of the re gion the temperatures have ranged continuously above 95 degrees. At Little Rock and the city of Oklahoma maximum temperature of 104 degrees occurred on August 1, which were, re spectively 5 and 7 degrees higher than any previous record at these stations during the first ten days of August During the past twelve days the max imum temperature at Little Rock has been 100 decrees on seven days, 103 degrees on seven days, 103 degrees on four days and 104 degrees on one day." SWEPT BY DEMOCRATS. The Slae of the Majority In Alabama the Ooly Question Fraud! Charged. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 5. The size of the Democratic majority seems to be all that remains in doubt with re gard to the result of yesterday's state election, though Populist leaders are claiming frauds of the grossest kind. Because of the slow process of count ing the votes under the new ballot law, returns are necessarily slow, but there is no doubt of a complete Dem ocratic victory. Incomplete returns from about half the counties, so far received indicate Democratic gains in all but Mobile and Macon. In the former the Democrats appear to have lost some 500 votes by stay-at-homes,, but the county is still in the Demo cratic column by 500 majority. In Macon county, which gave Oates a majority of 800 in '.694, the result is doubtful - To-day the lowest Democratic esti mate places the majority at 25,000 and the highest at 00,000. The legislature is safely Democratic by at least two thirds. The Populist leaders in Birmingham claim that thousands of fictitious votes were cast in the "black belt" and they threaten that if Goodwyn is not elected they will organize the Populists of the State against Bryan and carry Alabama for McKinley in November. IRISH RELIEF PLANS. Features of the Beport of the Special Commission State Aid Proposed. London, Aug. 5. The Chronicle this morning gives a summary of the re port ot the commission appointed last year through the instrumentality of the Right Hon. D. R. Plunkett, Con servative member of Parliament for Dublin university, to consider any practical means of benefiting Ireland. The McCartbyites refused to join this commission, which was formed of Unionists and Parnellites, including Dr. Kane, John Redmond, Joseph E. Kenney, M. P. for Dublin, and Mr. GilL The report favors the creation of a department headed by a minister and responsible to Parliament for the de velopment and furtherance of Irish industry, agricultural or otherwise, with a consultative council of forty two members representative of Ire land's various commercial and indus trial interests. The scheme would involve state aid and the Chronicle learns that the government is seriously inclined to take some action in the direction suggested. The department would give bounties to promote agri cultural experiments and encourage co-operation in dairy and other indus tries. ' SILVER LESSONS. Armour Gives fteat and Mexican Dol lar for an American Dollar. Chicago, Aug. ft. Philip P. Armour, the packer, has had printed notices distributed among his 5,000 employees announcing that for an American sil ver dollar he will give them SO cents worth of meat and a Mexican silver dollar in change. He also has pre pared a circular showing the rates cf wages . and prices of goods for the working classes in Mexico as com pared to what Is received in this coun try. A ready-made clothing merchant has also hung out a placard saying that he will give for an American sil ver dollar 5o cents' worth of goods and a Mexican dollar for change. Judge Pratt of New York Dead. New York, Aug. S. Justice Calvin Pratt of the appellate division of the state supreme court died suddenly yesterday of apoplexy at Rochester, Mass., agea 63 years. His health had been poor for years, owing to a wound he received in the late war. In poli tics he was a Democrat He had a distinguished war record and left the army with the rank of brigadier gen eral. Pern Borrows 916,000,000. Lima, Peru, Aug. 5. President Pierola has effected a loan of $16,000, 000 guaranteed by a salt tax and other revenues. It will be subscribed partly in Paris and partly in Lima. It will be submitted to an executive session of Congress for ratification. The gov ernment's object in raising the money is to ransom the province of Tacna and Arioa. Cecil Rhodes Reckless. Capetown, Aug. I. Cecil Rhodes displayed great courage in the field while bullets were raining around him, a war correspondent from Mata beleland reports. The former pre mier said that he could not see that anything was to be gained by his go ing into a hot corner, but if he did not do so he would be tainted witt cow ardice. Therefore he exposed himself nnnecessarily to stop the mouths of his enemios. ASTUPENDQUS COLLAPSE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSED TO PREVENT A PANIC. TWO BIG BUBBLES BURST. Bottom Drops Oat of the Diamond Match and New York Bleenlt Speculations Biggest Deal of the Rind In Ills tory Many Millions Lost Moore Brother the Principal Victims. Cihcago, Aug. 5. The speculative deal in Diamond Match and New York Biscuit stock has come to an end. The Moore Bros, have failed. The great est speculation ever known in Chicago bas culminated in the failure of the people who were behind the deal. The ' Chicago stock exchange ad journed at 10 o'clock this morning for an indefinite period. This action was decided upon at a meeting held last evening at which were present the members of the stock exchange, gov erning committee and a number of prominent capitalists. The speculative deal of which the failure is the culmination is by all odds the most important In the history of Chicago stock exchange affairs. It began early in this year. The stock of the Diamond Match Company had been selling along liiO for quite a time and there had been no special activity in the market Just prior to the Ven ezuela incident, the tip had got out in inside circles that there were to be some important European develop ments in connection with Diamond Ma ten affairs and the buying of the stocks commenced by strong people. The Venezuelan panic interfered with the speculation and the stock dropped during the general decline at that time to 115. From there the rise started which is the most remarkable in the history of the exchange. A strong group of speculators, headed by John H. Moore and Will iam II. Moore, began buying the stock. It moved up with scarcely a halt The bears occasionally endeav ored to interfere with the rise, but they each time found that there was both speculative genius and financial strength behind the market, which was unlike anything in local specula tive affairs. The rise went on for a considerable time before the general public had any intimation of what was really behind the advance. When the decline in stock markets generally came, following the Demo cratic convention, the stock was sell ing at 234. The values of other se curities tumbled day after day, but Match was held steadily without so much as a fractional decline. The Moores bought the stock with con fidence that inspired confidence in others. The people who had the best information about the company's prospects seemed to feel absolutely certain of the value of the security, and prices were held through all the sharp fluctuations in other stocks fluctuations which carried West Chi cago to the lowest point in its history, and marked startling declines in all other securities. Yesterday the stock was held with hardly a waver at 222, but there was an outpouring of long stock which led the keen observer of the market to fear that the load might become too heavy, and the events later in the afternoon proved that those fears were correct The deal in Diamond Match was only part of this great speculative op eration. The Moore Bros, had organ ized the New York Biscuit company several years ago, after the first great success of the Diamond Match com pany. The panic of 1693 had hit the biscuit company severely as it d id all the other industries and the stock was far below par. The success which was met with in a speculative manip ulation of Diamond Match led to a desire to see what could be done with New York Biscuit and that stock was taken several months ago and ad vanced from 70 to 108. From that it dropped back to 92,and for weeks was held close about that figure, in spite of the sharp declines in other securities. Enormous quantities of this stock were also poured upon the market, but they were taken with the same steadiness whieh marked the action of Diamond match. The accum ulations, however, represented a great sum in time, and the operations in the stock will add largely to the total of the amount involved. ' It is not at the present time possible to make any estimate of what the figure ia The Moore's have unques tionably purchased an enormous line of New York Biscuit and Diamond Match. The high price at which Match has been selling makes the sum involved extremely large. The capital stock of the Diamond Match Company is $11,000,000, and of New York Biscuit $9,000,000. Fusion Effected In Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 5. A secret conference was held Sunday night between National Committee man Walsh, Democratic, and the lead ers of State Populists. Judge C u Cole, J. B. Weaver, Thomas Meredith and others represented the Populists. The conference was to arrange a basis for the two parties for the State and electoral ticket. Unofficially it is re ported that the Populists will receive two places of importance on the State tickt, and three on the electoral ticket These present felt no douot of their ability to, carry out the agree ment Gorman to Lend His Aid. Washington, Aug. 5. Senator Gor man has decided to aid Chairman Jones in the conduct of the Democrat ic campaign. He has stipulated, how ever, that be shall be a silent partner, giving his advice and the benefit of his experience as a political gen eral, but not being known publicly as a member of the executive or any other com mittee. SANTA FE COLLISION. Passenger Train Come Together Near Doe worth. Mo.--One Killed. CARROU.TON. Mo., Aug. 6. A head end collision of passenger trains on the Santa Fe took place two miles east of Bosworth, a station fifteen miles east ot here at li o'clock yesterday morning, resulting In the death of Engineer Fred Heady of Fort Madison, 'and the serious injury of Express Messenger. Leads Bndway of Chicago, and the painful maiming of eight others. The company lost property in the wreck worth thous ands of dollars. Considering the cir cumstances and the location of the collision, it is marvelous that the rieath list is not much larger. The wreck was caused by either lax orders being given by the dispatcher, or the forgetful-ess of the dead engineer. STONE TO NOTIFY BRYAN. Missouri's Governor Will Tell the Can didate of His Nomination. Jefferson Citt, Mo., Aug. 5. Sen ator Stephen White of California yes terday telegraphed Governor Stone that he would not be able to be in New York city upon August 11 to no tify Mr. Bryan of his nomination ac-, cording to the plans of the Democratic national committee, and asking him if he would not act iu his stead. Governor Stone at once answered that he woold. The notification will take place at Madison Square garden on the even ing of August 11, and it will mark the formal opening of the campaign. Governor Stone will leave Jefferson City as soon as the nomination for governor is mado, and it ia ,propable that as soon as Mr. Bryan hears of the change of program he will invite Governor Stone to accompany Mr. Bland and himself on their trip to New York. FINE TROTTERS MAIMED. rtorses Worth 8)60,000 Injured In a Wreck .-.;..-- -- Fear Attendants Hart - Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 5. A wreck this morning at North Indian apolis on the Big Four road caused a car containing trotting horses belong ing to J. E. Bush of Louisville to upset and every horse was so much injured that it is thought none will ever race again. The value of the animals is said to have been $tt0,00C. David Bar num, in charge, Dennis Porter of Louisville, George Fagan of Lexing ton and Charles Brock of Kentucky were injured, none fatally. The wreck was caused by a hot journal The horses were on their way from Freeport, lit, to Louisville. Their names were May Queen, 3 years old, no record; Hal Corker, 2;12; Sally Bronson, 2:13 King Henry, a green colt of great promise; Minnie Defoe, 2:15; Buster, 2:!2. Bev. J, E. Scott Adjudged Insane. Watebloo, Ia., Aug. 6. Rev. J. E. Scott, the Methodist clergyman who eloped from Waterloo with a 16-year-old girl, was yesterday adjudged in sane by the commissioners, after a three days' bearing: THE MARKETS. Kansas Cm, Mo., Ang 5. Low grades eon. ttitute the bulk ot the wheat offering, and they sol I slowly and lower In tome oases. Choice samples were in fair demand and were (Irmly ield. Hard Wheat-No. 2, 5:ie; No. 3, .' me; No. 4, s7c; rejected, 4le; no grade tOtJSJe. Soft' Wheat-No. ,57c; No. a, UXo; No. 4, ItfjWe; rejected, 0c; no grade, 354do. Corn Receipts of corn hen to Jay, ears; s year ago, 8 1 oars. No. Zlo; No. 3, tlKic; No 4, 20c; no grade. Wglrie; white corn,, ttlte: No. 3, se; No. 4, S1 . Oats -Receipts. 17 can; a year ago, 3 cars. No. 2, ZVa; No. 8, 17c; No. 4. Ho; no grade, 12c; No. white oats, 23c; No. 3 white, 22o; No. I white. 154817c Bran 26 3 7o in 10 Mb s acks; bulk, 6o lees. Kye No. 2, .5c; No 3, 28c; No. 4, 21c Hay Choio prairie and No. 1 car 50ot31 lower. Choice timothy, (7f 7. 5 ; No. t $8g& 50 ; No 2. f : No. t, Hi H0; prairie choioe, Sl8 I SO; No, 1, ft 04: No. $3 4 8.50; No. 3, ft 82.50. Eggs Kurmas and Missouri, strictly candled stock 8c docen Poultry Hens, 5o lb.; roosters, lie eafh; springs, 7o; turkeys, hen, 6c; gobblers, 6c; old, Ho; spring ducks, 7e: old. Be; geese, spring-, 6c; pigeons, fldozou; squabs, scarce and wanted, It 25 dozen. Batter Creamery, extra fancy separator, 13e ; firsts, lei dairy fancy, ic; fair, luc ; store pack id, fresh. 7g8c; packing stock, 7 c. Apples Maiden Blush seem to form the bulk of the snpply, and are selling at li)4j Vo a busheL Other varieties exoept fancy stand stock, sell from 20g40c a bushel. Fancy Whits Holly and Red ones, for stand purposes sell from 6 -&9)e a btuh il Tomatoes The market opened with little trading until the prices werj put down to IS snd 20 cents. . - " Chicago Board of Trade. Chicago, Aug J. The following is the range of prices of the grain and provision market on the Board of Trade: tii., t Close Close High. Low. Aagi kug i l , Whsat August ...... 18 Mtt September... 18 M t December.... 61 tU 61 60X COBM ' , August n uh September... 25 2m 15H 24 Hay... US 27X 184 18 Oats . August 17 17 September... UH 17 X 1H 18H May 20 20 20 2uX POBB August 1 20 4 10 September... 7 25 47 7 25 S 15 January 7 2 7 07 7 17j 7 02 Lard ; Auaust.. 3 82 3 25 SeptemHer... HlV, 3 23 2 87 3 30 January 3 7i 3 3 67 1 6.' Short Ribs August 3 47 3 40 September... I 12 3 40 1 52 8 40 January 3 62 3 55 8 82 3 55 Lire Stock. Kansas Cm, Mo , Ann. 5. Catttle Receipts 6 IU; calves 758: shipped yesterday, 2,781 cat tle; 421 calves .Handy native cattle were steady to strong and Westerns steady. Dressed beef and export steers $3.00 4.25 Texa and Indian steers ?.05S);.75 Native.rows 1.003.10 Nati' .oifers 1.0c3..Si Stod .8 i; 2.6J Calvei 6 90 $10.00 Hogs Hiceipts 5, 4S77 shipped yesterday.none. The market was 5 to 10 cents higher. The top sale was $J.l- and the bulk of sales of light bog-s from $3 0. to $'1. 10 and bulk of sales of bea! hogs from $2.91. to $i9 fitcep -Receipts. ,i"9: shipped yesterday. 567 Natives were stead to strong; Wei terns, lOri higher. Following are representative sales : 34 lambs, 76 00 12 lambs. 74 S 91 1 lamb, 60 4 OJ 27 lambs. 62 8 W 53 sheep. 73 .....190