A THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT. July 23. 1896. ST. VITUS DANCE A Physician Prescribes Dr. Mile Restorative Nervine. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.! My daughter Mattie, aged 14. was afflicted last spring with St. Vitus dance and ner vousness, her entire riirtit side was numb and nearly paralyzed. V e consulted a phy- PBMMht" Oil Minis tc ,f 1 11, stcian and be prescribed Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine. She took three bottles before we saw an; certain signs of improvement, but after that she began to improve very fasi and.I now think she is entirely cured. She bas taken nine bottles of the Nervine, but no other medicine of any kind. Knox, Ind., Jan. 5, 35. II. W. IIostktter. rtiyslcians prescribe Dr. Miles' Remedies because they are known to be the result of the ions practice and experience of oneot the brightest, members of their profession, and are carefully compounded by experi enced chemists, in exact accordance with Dr. Miles' prescriptions, as used in his practice. On sale at all druggists. Write for Dr. Miles' Book on the Heart and Nerves. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Giles Remedies Restore Cdtb WANT A WATCH? Ton Can Get a Good One For a Little Work. We have secured through jur adver tising department a large number o watches similar in size and style to the illustrations below. We have concluded to offer thera as premiums to clubs of subscribers. Our agents take from 18 to 40 subscribers per day. A very little work will get you one. I'HEMIUM no. 1. This elegant gentleman's open face. GOLD FILLED, stem wind and set watch, made by the celebrated "Boss" Watch Case Co., with either Elgin or Wal.ham movement, as yon prefer, fully WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, will be given to any one sending us in a club of f30.00 worth of subscriptions taken at our regular price of I per year, 50c for six months, or 25c from now to the close of the campaign. If you think the number of subscribers required is large, pou should remember that it is because the watch is valuable as represented one that retails generally at $'20 to $25. There is no lottery in this. You get us the subscriptions and we will send you the watch. If you are not satisfied with the watch when you get it, you may re turn it to us within ten days from its re ceipt and we will pay you $10 cash to pay you for getting up the club. The clubs must be received at this office be fore November 1, 1896. PREMIUM NO, 2. A ladies' watch, gold filled hunting case, stem wind and set, beautifuly engraved, with eith er Elgin or Waltham movem'nt fully war ranted for FIVE years, to be given for $35 worth of subscriptions, to be sent on same terms and conditions as in pre mium No. 1. If this watch is unsatis factory we will pay $11 for it if returned within ten days. If you want a good watch for yourself or for your friend you will never find a better opportunity than this. Make all remittances to the Independent Publish ing Co., 1122 M St., Lincoln, Neb. Tke American Federation. Federal Union, No. 6332 moved into the commodious hall, being out of debt, and having no rent to pay, and having a large membership of upright and use. ful citizens, invites- all workingmen, all men engaged in any nseful occupation, regardless of nationality, color, class or party, to unite with the American Fed eration of Labor for mutual education k regard to all questions affecting the material welfare of all. Meetings every Friday at 8 p. m. at 1114 O street. No invitation or admission will be cUarged. r $ fr 1 I Tit . 1 , W 1 - NEBRASKA CROP REPORT. RAIN NEEDED IN MANY PLACES Excellent Crop Prospects is the Gen eral Rule. Th Week Ending Monday, July 80, 1886. Hon or trao ED lu than cm Htoir Ineb I much ltoI locbci Or.r 3E inchM E Rainfall for the Week. The past week has been cool, the tem perature being below the normal on all except the first two days of the week and averaging between two and three de grees below the normal. The daily max imum temperatures have been generally below 90 except on the first two days when they exceeded 90 and in some places 100. The rainfall has been light except in the southeastern corner of the state where two or three inches fell. More than half an inch fell over a considerble portion of the southeastern and north western sections, while in the remainder of the state the rainfall was generally less than a quarter of an inch and in some localities no measurable amount fell. The harvest of small grain has been pushed and is now well advanced in most portions of the state. Thrashing is be ing commenced quite generally. Winter wheat is yieldiug well but oats are a light crop and the quality is poor being very light weight. Hay is a good crop and a large portion has been secured in excellent condition. Corn has made good growth in most portions of the state and continues in very promising condition except in the extreme western counties where the early planted has been injured by drought and rain is now urgently needed. While corn has not suffered over the state generally it would grow better in most portions with more rain as the ground is getting somewhat dry. In the region of heavy rainfall the past week the corn is in re markably promising condition. REPORT BY COUNTIES. SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. Butler Oats badly rusted and many fields will not be cut, straw too rank to plow under well and mnny fields being burned. Whe itand rye a good crop. Corn good but ut the critical stage and is needing more rain to make best crop. Clay torn doing well; pastures good. Thrashing wheat, rye and barley which are above an average crop. Oats, though damaged by rust, are about an average. Fillmore Oats nearly all harvested. early fields almost a failure the late oats will make a lair yield. Wheat good. Corn doing well. Gage Corn fine and in full silk. But little oats harvested on account of rust. Cane and millet hay immense. Some complaint of potatoes rotting. Past ures good. Too wet to plow or thrash. Hamilton Corn is looking finely but a little rain would do much good. Oats are nearly a failure, huudreds of acres will not be cut. - Harvest about done. Jefferson Thrashing wheat in pro gress, yield good but quality only med ium. Hay very good. Oats very light crop. Corn growing very fast but needs rain in the western part of county. Johnson Oats very poor and wheat below the average. Excellent corn weather. Corn silking and a big ear on every stock. Pastures in good shape. Lancaster Oats light and some will not be cut, Wheat a fine crop. Corn unusually promising and some of the early planted in silk. Millet looking well. Fall plowing commenced, ground dry.com rolling some in heat of day. JNemaha Drought broken by copious rains, ground thoroughly wet and corn doing wen. ueat in sricci and sr and some damaged by rain of Friday. Buckwheat and late millet will make a good crop. Nuckels Some thrashing done, wheat good, oats fair but many light in weight. Fruit will be more plentiful than was supposed some time ago. Otoe Thrashing of grain in progress with yield light and quality poor. First of week hot, followed by a good rain placing corn in an excellent condition. Pawnee Thrashing in progress,, oats yielding generally below the average and some very poor quality. Wheat and rye yielding about average, corn growing well and some early fields in roasting ear. Some dninage on low lands from heavv rain the last of the week. Folk Corn coming to the front at a rapid rate. Harvesting about through. Few oats good enough to cut. Hay the best for years. Some grasshoppers but not dning much damage. Richardson Corn laid by, looks good and the heavy rain of the week put it in promising condition. Oats below and wheat above an average crop. Hay good and much in stack. Potatoes an immense crop. Saline Oats mostly cut, generally poor. A good week for corn. Peaches are ripening. Not many apples. Pas- tures in good condition. Saunders Winter wheat turning out well. Spring wheat much injured by rust and chinch bugs. Grass in excel lent condition. Most of the corn tassel ing and silking. Seward Harvest about completed and stacking and threshing under way. Winter wheat good. Oats very light, soirfe not worth thrashing. Corn in very promising condition, stalks unusually large and well tasseled with ears well set on the early planted. Thayer Thrashing begun, yield gen erally below average for oats and weight about 20 pounds per bushel. Corn doing tat .. , , .. well, the early corn earing well and the late following clone behind. More rain needed. York Small grain with the exception of oats a good crop. Oats a poor yield and many fields not cut. Oats thrashed very chaffy weighing 16 to 20 pounds per bushel. Corn growing ana snooting ing well but needs rain. NORTHE ANTE BN SECTION. Antelope Harvest about over and some thrashing done. Most of the corn in tassel and doing well. Pastures and meadows (rood. Boyd Harvest progressing finely and oats about half cut Corn earing out well. Ground in good condition for the deveiopment of corn and potatoes. Burt Corn has grown well but is now tasseling and shooting ears and needs rain. Uats are being harvested ana are much injured by rust. Hay crop heavy and mostly cut and up in splendid shape. Colfax Oats falling down with rust and many fields harvested while green and grain in milk. Corn doing nicely but damaged some by grub worms. An abundance of hay. Cedar Oat harvest in progress, some damage by rust. Wheat ripening and some being cut and is a good crop. Corn very good and is tasseling and silking. Millet and grasses need rain. Cuming Early oats will not yield much, late oats somewhat better. Wheat ou new ground good but on old will not be much. Excellent prospects for corn. Dixon Corn doing well but needing rain. About hail the oats naraiy wortn cutting. Wheat nearly ripe and a fair crop. Dodge some oats thrasnea, straw heavy but yield of grain light,, testing from 18 to 20 pounds per bushel. Corn coming to critical stage with plenty of moisture so far. Douglas Corn nearly all laid by, has grown wondenuiiy ana is snowing tas sel. Some oats damaged by rust but general outlook good. Late potatoes doing well. Holt-wOats heavy straw but light grain. Wheat still in gooa condition and about ready for the binder. Corn has grown well and is in promising con dition. Knox Extremely hot the first of the week bnt crops stood it well. Oats har vest in progress, borne fields badly rusted. Wheat short crop. Rye and barley good. Corn making rapid growth, generally tasseling and some fields in silk. Hay good and millet extra good. Madison Half the oats harvested, Wheat harvest beginning. Corn is be ginning to need rain, but is unusually good and ears are forming. sugar Deets in excellent condition with acreage much increased over last year in the northern part of the county. ' 1'ierce Oats being harvested ana gen erally a good crop, some very rusty but will make a fair crop, home rye has been thrashed and is a full crop. Hay very good. Corn is silking. Platte Corn making gooa growtn. Oats as a rule not worth cutting and many fields will not be touched on ac count of rust. Wheat, rye and barley light crop. Alfalfa fair. Sarpy Corn lu good condition yet but needing rain very badly. Wheat has been cut and crop considerably dam aged by chinch bugs and rust. Oats most all harvested and promise a good Stanton Harvest begun tnis week. Oats very poor in some parts of county. Some damage is being dona by army worm. Thurston Small grain light but wheat doing fairly well. Oats much in jured by rust and some fields totally worthless, torn growing nicely but needs rain, Borne fields are tasseling. Washington Corn is in fine condition but oats much injured and wheat some what injured by rust and lodging. Wayne Oats being harvested, much damaged by rust, many neids not worth cutting. Wheat damaged some by rust, Corn making a vigorous growth and ia tasseling out. Hay exceptionally good. Beet crop looking finely with a two thirdsstand. CENTRAL SECTION. Blaine Sintll grain mostly harvested and will be an average crop. Corn look ing fine and promises a good crop. Boone Oats much less than an aver age crop injured by rust. All othei crops fine Custer Oats and wheat being cut. Corn looks fine in most parts of county and is generally needing rain. Second crop of alfalfa cut and some left for seed in bloom. Dawson Spring wheat and oats a light crop and about half cut. Much ol second crop of alfalfa saved for seed. Corn will be another failure if we do not have rain soon. Greeley Corn growing well; much ol it tasseled out: some in silk. Oats not filled well, due to rust. Wheat ripening up last, not badly rusted. Hall It is beginning to get dry and corn would be greatly helped dv rain. Nearly all lowland oats ruined by rust; on up land it is better. Howard tine growing weather, al though a good shower would be accept able, ah winter and much spring grain cut. Excessive growth and rust have caused some damage. Oats a light crop. Corn and grass doing finely. Loup Weather hot and dry. Crop prospects growing worse every day in south part of county, some parts of county better. Merrick Corn beginning to tassel and silk in good condition, although rain is needed. Wheat good. Oats almost a failure because of rust. Sherman Oats poor; wheat fair. Corn needs rain. Harvest progressing fast. Valley Harvesting half done. Corn growing very fast. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Chase First of week very hot and dry and early corn injured. Last of week cloudy, with local showers, and where they fell corn growing nicely. Small grain about a failure. Potatoes poor. Hay, cane and millet fair. Dundy Small grain being cut; mostly light and damaged, but some good pieces. Good shower in parts of county, in other parts corn needs rain. Franklin Corn looking good; plenty of moisture. Small grain nearly all in the shock or stack Oats and spring wheat will be a light crop. Frontier Harvest over and threshing commenced. . Corn is growing finely, with the best of prospects. . Furnas A few pieces of early corn in jured by hot, dry weather, but generally looking fine. Second crop of alfalfa be ing cut a heavy yield.- Harlan Wheat and oats nearly all cut and not very good. Potatoes large and nice. Cutting alfalfa the second time. Corn all laid by, a good deal in tassel and looking fine, some of it being higher than a man can reach. Kearney Grain mostly harvested, with a lighter yield than generally esti mated a month ago. Potatoes matur ing nicely. Corn in excellent condition but needs rain to complete the crop now promised. lied Willow A dry week, witn iust a sprinkle on the 15th. Corn shows some burned places, but with rain soon will be all right. Buffalo grass very dry, other grass looks better. Webster Uats and wheat nearly all harvested and some threshing done. Winter wheat good; spring wheat and oats below average. Some oats not worth threshing. Corn is doing finely. WESTEBN SECTION. Banner Drouth and hot weather has injured wheat in places very much. Cheyenne and Deuel Most ol the small grain has been cut to save it from the grasshoppers. Corn is curling and drying very fast, and unless it rains soon it will be a total failure. Hay is good, but pasture is getting a little dry. Lincoln Corn and small gram badly damaged by drouth in part of county. Good rain in southern part of county helped crops. Logan Wheat and oats are being cut and are badly damaged by rust. Rain very much needed for corn and vege tables. NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Box Butte Our usual summer dry spell has set in, and crops are dying ac cordingly. Cherry Warm days wilted vegetation some the first of week, but good showers last of week improved conditions. Hay doing well and haying commenced. Keya Paha Not a trace of ram. Oats and barley about all cut. Some hot days ripened wheat very fast. Wild hay being cut. Rock Week dry but shower on the 17th refreshed all vegtation and corn is in good condition. Sheridan No change in condition of small grain, corn may be benefited .by showers the last of week. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director. BEGINNINGS OP ROMANOFFS. Feter the Graat Tortured His Own Son to Death. During the long civil wars in Russia which followed the extinction of the Rurik dynasty, the imperial title was still claimed by upstart usurper czars, says the Fortnightly Review. In 1863 a new dynasty was chosen to put an end to the rule of pretenders. Michael Romanoff, the son of Philaret, the met ropolitan of Rostoff, was elected by a kind of states-general convoked for the purpose. There had been various can didates, but a letter, said to be writ ten by Philaret, having been placed be fore the assembly, which was couched in terms advocating constitutional gov ernment, the son of that church digni tary was elected. The latter said that the assembly ought not to confer ir responsible power upon the monarch whom they would appoint, but that the legislative power should be divided be tween the czar, the house of Boyars and the states-general. The oath imposnd upon Michael Romanoff was, therefore, to the effect that he should neither de cree laws nor declare war nor conclude treaties of pfice or alliance nor inflict capital punishment or confiscation of property upon any person except with the assent of the Boyars and the parli ament. Afterward this letter, when it had served its purpose, was declared to be a forgery. A few years later the young czar ordered the charter of 1613 to be destroyed and to be replaced by another in which it was laid cown that Michael Romanoff was elected czar "and autocrat" of all the Russias. Gradually the convocation even of a merely consultative assembly became less and less frequent. Finally its existence was altogether done away with. After 1682 no convocation took place any more except once under Cath erine II., for a mere temporary object. It is to these sporadic cases of states general, if they may be called so, and to a charter enshrouded in some historical doubt that R issian liberals have in our time now and then referred as to a pre cedent. At least they did so in writ ings published abroad, Russian censor ship having forbidden the subject to be touched upon at all. Peter I., Cather ine I., Peter II., Anne, Elizabeth, Peter III., Catherine II., Paul I., Alexander I., Nicholas I., Alexander II., Alexander III., all ruled on the strict autocratic principle which Nicholas II. is still bent upon continring. Peter I., the Great, enlarged upen it by extending the lia bility to corporal punishment from the nobility to the imperial family itself. He had his own sister whipped. He put his own son to the torture, who died from it He, too, took a delight in chopping oft the heads of a row of political offenders while quaffing brandy between each fatal stroke of his reddened ax. It was sultanism with a vengeance. The Bicycle Inventor. Nothing can stop the bicycle Invent or. His applications are received at the rate of a hundred daily at Wash ington, and already outnumber the to tal of washing machines, churns and automatic couplers for railroad cars. He seems to be filled with the idea that a bicycle to be operated by hand in stead of foot power is the real, origi nal, long felt want. Such a machine might be operated by the legless won der of the dime museums, but what any one else would want with it is not clear. Many of the inventions are, however, of merit, and they relate to details in the intricate portions of the machine. There are some new things in the line of package carriers, and in the smooth paved cities a year hence at least 90 per cent of the light delivery of dry goods, millinery, hats, shoes, flowers, confectionery, groceries, pro visions, etc., will be through the me dium of vehicles operated by boys and young men. New York Journal. Orn( Treet for South Africa. Cape Colony has ordered young orange trees from California for ex perlmental purposes. Until the ladies have recognized or refused to recognize a man's merit hio Boclal position Is not determined. Ex. VISIONS WHICH WARNED. Two Instances Where Dreams of Horses and Fire Came True. From the Trotter and Pacer: Dreams, like girls, "are queer," and dreams wherein horses figure largely take rank among the queerest It is usual to head this column with a little horse talk a sort of bait to tempt the wary horseman into the discussions of minor subjects, and this time I shall give a few dreams, not of "fair women," but of horses, told one day between heats. In the year eighteen ninety something a gentleman entered a promising pacer for a race to come off some time during the last of the snow, and wrote to his wife, who was visiting in a distant town that his prospects for a race horse were rosy. That night the lady, al though not especially an admirer of horses, dreamed that she was sitting in the stand watching the finish of the race wherein her husband's horse was to take part. Replying to the letter, she said that his horse would win the race the last heat several lengths ahead of a gray horse, the only other one she saw in her dream, and that the judge announced the time 2:20. The letter caused a good deal of amusement in the family during the months previous to the race, and finally when the day came five horses started, among them being a dark gray. The dream came true in every respect, the race being won in three heats, and at the finish the gray was the only one in it; the rest just coming into the stretch; time, 2:20. The dream I can vouch for, as I saw the letter weeks before the race took place. Another gen:leman who was sleeping at an inn bes.de the track where his horses were sta'ded dreamed that he saw the window of a stall con taining a valuable young horse being stealthily opened from the outside. Then fire flashed and fell among the straw, revealing the horses in a state of terror, pawing and snorting loudly. The dream was so vivid Uat he awoke and fancied that he could in reality hear the horse striking the walls of his cell. He partially dressed and ran out, and, not a moment too soon. Some miscreant had thrown a cloth burning and soaked with oil in through the window. This had ignited the straw and in a few seconds more the horse must have perished, though fortunately as it was he was but slightly injured. THE PORCELAIN SKIN. It Is Kept in Roseleaf Parity by en cumber Cream. - With many French and German ladies the cucumber is a sovereign cos metic. They buy cold cream, beat it in a plate until soft, and drop in the juice of a boiled cucumber. Milk is a very valuable cosmetic, and may be used freely to bathe the face in. Lanoline cream, which is considered excellent as an emollient for the skin, may be made as follows: Obtain half a pint of lanoline and half a pint of pure oil of sweet almonds. Then, put ting a tablespoonful on a china plate, add an equal quantity of almond oil; mix thoroughly and add from half a teaspoonful to a teaspoonful of tincture of benzoin, until the paste drips from the knife a steel caseknife is best for the mixing process in about the con sistency of very thick cream. All three of these ingredients are absolutely harmless. It should be rubbed in at night. He Knew. Teacher (with reading class) Boy (reading) And she sailed down the river. Teacher Why are ships called "she?" Boy (precoously alive to the responsibilities of his sex) Because they need men to manage them. Hunting the Wild Goat The white goat, or Rocky Mountain goat, as it is indiscriminately culled, is a species of big game rarely hunted by sportsmen. This is not so much because of the difficulty of killing the animal, nor because of its actual rarity. It is a si u pid animal, easily shot when once found. It is not, however, found in the unual hunting grounds, as are bear, deer, elk, etc. It is remote from the common lo calities, but where found is in .goodly numbers. It ranges very high up in the mountains, above timber line usually, among rocks and cliffs. This requires grent labor to get at it, but once there, the hunter will get his game nine times out of ten. If you care to read of a goat hunt made in the Bitter Root range in Mon tana, in the fall of lt95, send six ceuls to Charles S. Fee, General passenger agent, Northern Pacific railroad, St. Paul, Minn., for Wonderland '96, which recounts such a hunting expedition. THECLEVELAND We don't care to come before the public with the stereotyped "best on earth" proposition. We wish to state briefly that we are making and selling a wheel that's riRht, and although the price is f 100, we put honest value in it; don't fail to remember this point. We would like to send you a catalogue. Its to be had for the asking. , IS CLEVELAND BICYCLE, H.A. LOZIER & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. BRANCH HODSES-337 Broadway, New Pa.; 304 McAllister street, San Francisco, Cal Place de la Madelaine, Parrs. FACTORIES Toledo, O.j Thorapsonville, Ct. & Toron (Mention this paper.) lo Our xatrons- The following is a list of the principal business firms that place advertisements in this and other populist papers. You nliould remember them with your pat- ronage. They are not all populists, but they are liberal-minded, sensible business men who concede the right to every man to think and act and vote with any po litical party he may desire. Give them a call; they will treat you right: ililler & Paine, dry goods, Lincoln. Alliance Store, groceries, 245 8. 11th Btreet, Lincoln. Boston Store, department store, Oma ha. Browning, King & Co., clothing, Lin coln. Challenge Wind & Feed Mill Co., Bata via., III. Dbh Moines Incubator Co., DesMoines, Iowa. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., pumps, en gines, etc., Omaha. Kitselman Bros., wire fence mfg's, Ridgeville, Ind. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln. McCormick Harvesting Co., Chicago. Nebraska Clothing Co., Omaha. Nebraska Seed Co., Omaha. Summers, Morrison & Co., Commis sion, Chicago. H. S. Williamson, hogs, Beaver City, Nebr. J. V. Wolfe, hogs, Lincoln. Cut this list out and put it in your pocket for reference. Notice the Cheap Bates and the Number of Excursions to be Run This Year by The Burlington. To Buffalo, N. Y., N. E. A. convention, one fare plus $2. To Washington, D. C, for the Chris tin 11 Endeavor convention, one fare. To St. Louis, Mo., account republican national convention, one fare. To Chicago, III., accouut democratic national convention, one fare. To Pittnburg, Pa., account prohibition national convention, one fare. To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pu eblo, only $ 24.15 round trip. To Hot Springs, S. D., $24.80 round triii. To Yellowstone National Park, special rates. To California and to Europe; besides these, many personally conducted excur sions to points of interest. On August 31st and September 1st wK will sell tickets to St. Paul and return for 19.90, account annual encampment Grand Army of the Republic. If you contemplate a trip anywhere, hfnro nuritlinflinir vonr ticket olease al low us to quote you rates. Full infor mation at B. & M. depot, 7th street, be tween P and Q streets, or city office, cor ner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A., 59-8 Lincoln, Nebraska. Do You Want to Save Money and TimeP Then take the new flier leaving Lincoln daily at 3:20 p. m. via the Missouri Pa cific when you go east. Several hours saved to St. Louis, Washington, Cincin nati, New York and all eastern points and southern. Close connections made with all lines in New St Louis Union Sta tion, the most costly and magnificent depot in the world. For further infor mation call at city ticket office 120 O street. F. D. Cornell, C P. &T.A. FARMING LANDS FOR SALE CHEAP on line of the PRAIRIE LANDS in Minnosota and North Dakota. TIMBERED LANDS S You can obtain valuable information by answer ing 1116 following Queries: 1 Which STATE do you proferJ 2 Do you want TIMBERED or PRAIRIE landt 3 How MANY ACRES do you desire? 4 What TEAMS and TOOLS have yon? 5 Have you NEIGHBORS who will join you in forming a SMALL. COLONY, if the right location is found? We have lands which will suit yon, either in the RICH HARDWOOD country or on the FERTILE PRAIRIES. Unimproved Lands at from $3 to $10 per acre depending upon QUALITY and LOCA TION. Terms to suit. Homesteads in North Dakota. HALF FARES &Sr Seekerand REDUCED RATES on Household Goods, Tools, Teams, Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to any one who will bring a colony. Address, T. I. HURD, Land and Colonization Agent, Soo Railway, Minneapolis, Minnesota. This paper and The Silver Knight both for one year for $1.15 in advance. ch St., Philadelphia, "n Viaduct, London, function, Ontario; 18 Hnrj in 1