uly 2.3 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. WHAT IHill WE DO? The Independent Takes a Referen dum on Bryan's Candidacy. POPS OVER THE STATE EEPLY. What They Think of the Present Situation. Most of Them are For Billy Bryan for President. The nomination of Mr. Bryan at Chica go bo changed the whole political situa tion that the editor of the Independent concluded he would take a referendum on the question as to the course the popij lists should pursue. Scores of postal cards were sent to prominent populists in all parts of the state asking them to express their views. The following replies are printed in the order in which they were received, each of them having come to us too late for publication in our last issue, when we printed five columns of these replies: New Castle, Neb., July 14. The popu list party of Dixon county favors the nomination of V. J. Bryau for president. We consider this the .only chance of uniting the silver force forthepresidential campaign of 1896. C. V. Schrum. Osceola, Neb., July 15. Regarding the nominations made at Chicago, we favor the nomination of W. J. Bryan upon "a populist platform," and we to name a vice president, for by so doing we can re tain our organization. J. E. Peterson, F. J. Hahn, C. W. Getts, H. M. Towers, Keen Ludden, W. O. Johnson, B.j F. Brown. Archer, Neb., July 14. If they will give us the cabinet, let us endorse them, if not, nominate Teller. M.H. Rawlings, committeeman for Rawlings county. Spencer, Neb., July 13. Personally, I am in favor of our party endorsing W. J. Bryan for president at the St. Louis convention. A large majority of the populists of Boyd county are also in favor of it. The Chicago platform is all we can expect at this time. Ed. L. Whiting. 1 Springview, Neb., July 13. Of two evils choose ye the least, and in order to accomplish one great reform before hope dies in the hearts of the people, we should endorse the Chicago nomina tions. No populist will be stultified by voting for Mr Bryan, considering the platform on which he stands. John F. Carr. Many men are no doubt saying, what shall we do about Bryan's nomination. I say pay no attention to it; do not en- j !. 7 - -L ..I t . a t .. : 1 uorse li. uvi iiiu jiupunnw) ouu nee ou- ver republicans hold their conventions and nominate men of their own, and then let them make overtures to the demo crats for a union convention, anew plat form, a new party and new candi dates. Then we will have a party that all silver men can join with no old preju dices to hinder. . Let the populists name Senator Allen and let the silver republicans name Teller, if they wish. Then let all nominees resign and let the union party name president and vice president N. H. Blackmer. Mullen, Neb., July 13, 189S If our party wants to meet the death that will have no resurrection they had better fuse with the so called reformed demo cratic party. If they have indorsed the principles of our platform and are honest they will support our ticket. It is hu miliating and disgraceful to ask our party to support their ticket. What object our party can have in running to the support of their party is more than I can see unless it be to perpetuate the name of the democracy. The very fact of their demanding our support in this way shows that they are not sincere in their declarations and if we unite our forces with theirs to support their ticket, my opinion is that it will only bring disaster to our party, and we will be disgraced before the eyes of the whole country, We have built the house and it is unfair and unmanly for our neighbor to ask us to move the house on his premises. No, sir, if die we must, let us stand by onr party and die like men. Wm. Barnebey. Hyannis, Neb., July 14, 1896. I am opposed to fusion in any form. We have nothing to gain by it and everything to lose. They have already stolen our plat form and now it is too much for them to expect us to indorse them. Air. tfryan is a democrat in every way except on sil ver, and we owe them no favors. Of course by nominating another man we will virtually be electing McKinley, but the silver plank is only a drop in the bucket compared with government banking and legal tender notes issued by the government direct to the people. The free coinage of silver would only give tempoary , relief at most. Let them get sick even unto death. Ex perience is the best aud safest teacher. They are learning fast four years more will be enough. Then adopting our plat form is only a bait to catch suckers. Keep in the middle of the road. Neither would I indorse Teller except he come out square on the Omaha platform. II. Greathouse. Bancroft, Neb., July 15, 1896. As that convention steals our platform we should turn the tables on them and nom inate Mr. Bryan at St. Louis; this is the sentiment of all the populist of Brancroft township. It seems to me to be the only Way out of the woods L. It. Fletcher. Ogalalla, Neb., Ju5y"l4, 189G.-At our convention held here Saturday last, every populist free silver democrat and republican in, the bouse expressed the de sire that our convention at St. Louis should endorse Bryan. The reform forces must consolidate. J. Wake Sheridan. Cedar Rapids, Neb., July 13, 1896.-I am a populist and want the populist Srinciples to win by the shortest possi le route. The opportunity is now offered to elect a president standing on the plat form containing all the populist princi ples at issue in this campaign. V hut more could we ask? I am decidedly in favor of endorsi Ar yyan at the St. Louis conventioabui doing thia we will lose nothing and gain everything in sight. J. A. Baird. 1 Abbott, Neb., July 14, 1896.-I believe that the only wise course for ns now is to endorse the nominations. If we put up another free silver candidate we will split the forces and elect the gold stand ard and McKinley. Grover Cleveland and his goldbug followers will vote for Mc Kinley, and we must unite to beat them. J. L. Johnson. Holdrege, Neb., July 14, 1896.-Per-mit me to say, that in my judgment the objtt-tive point to which all eyes should be turned this fall is the defeat of Wall street at the polls. This I believe can be accomplished either by endorsing Bryau, or by nominating a straight populist and effecting a combination with the Bryan forces in the electoral college. The electoral college of each state to be composed of populists and democrats in proportion to the numerical strength of parties respectively as shown by the vote at the last general election iu the vari ious states. The effect, however, upon the rank and file of the populist party should we endorse Bryan must not be overlooked. The opposition to endorse ment involves a large percentage - of the populists especially in Nebraska. These are presistent in their demand for middle-of-the-road-action at St. Louis, and we must not over-ride their demands. Otherwise ' the disorganiza tion of our party is apparent. The fus ionists will be absorbed by the democrats and the balance of the party eventually drift back into the parties from which they came. Whatever action we takeit must not be such as will destroy the identity of our party organization. A. J. Shafer. Kearney, Neb., July 14, 1896,-If Bryan is willing to accept the nomina tion on a straight populist platform,' he is the logical candidate; pprsonally do not favor Sewatl. John A.Miller. . Valentine, Neb., July 13, 1896.-The populist party, in my opinion, should nominate a straight populist ticket. Middle of the road populists without fusion. (Not signed.) k Bancroft, Neb., July 15, 1896.-The free silver people regardless ot politics from this locality would like to see the Chicago, nominee endorsed at St. Louis. Have not seen a populist since the Chica go convention but what is hurrahing for Bryan. Chas. Graff. Bancroft, Neb., July 15. 1890.-I be lieve that the populist party ought to endorse Bryan for president. R. W. Cates, Hayes Center, Neb., July 14.-1 be lieve the democrats have nominated able men but they have made no concession of any account to the populists and ex pressing the views of those seen I be lieve there is no chance for indorsement. We would lose our organization. J. E. Hammond, member state committee. Elwood, Neb., July 13, 1896.-I am decidedly in favor of the populist party indorsing Chicago nominees. A vote for any third man is practically a vote for McKinley and a Bingle gold standard. Gosper county populist convention held in Elwood last Saturday endorsed Bry an 16 to 1. S. B. Yeoman. Haktington, Neb., July 13, 1896. Select straight populist delegates to tne St. Louis convention and nominate a man on the populist platform if advis able. It is my opinion the people have had enough of democracy. John II. Felber. iiui Keh Jnlvf 13. In order to bring about a speedy relief from theevils of gold monometallism, I am in favor of the populist party indorsing the nomi nees of the Chicago convention. In my opinion a division in the reform forces at this time would only contribute to wards the election of McKinley the 'agent of Wall street" and continue the present pauper-producing, property-depreciating and dollar-enhancing system ot finance. J neo. Aiann. Loup City, Neb., July 13. I am in fa- enr rvf nnminntinir W. J. BrVan On OUr nnm r I a t f n rin at. St.. Ionin. nrovidinir he is willing to stand upon it. There is nothing m the democratic piaiiorm xnai I nhifvt tn. Irft the erovernment fore close on the U. P. It. R. and run the sys tem as a feeler, add the referendum prin ciple and 1 will De tnorougniy sansneu. This can be done and if done, it will win. I desire to add that the above are not merely my personal views but are the sentiments of a vast majority of popu lists I have spoken with. II. M. Mathew. rton. Neb.. Julv 13. It is a condition and not a theory which con fronts us. In niy judgment either Mr. Mnfc'inW eir Mr. Brvan will be the next president of the United States. The lady or the tiger, which wes it? The question answered itself.- Wilber F. Bry ant. Lancaster, Neb., July 14. I am in fa vor of the populist party endorsing Messrs. Bryan and Sewell. George W. Leidigh. York, Neb., July 14. I think the nom iuees of the Chicago convention should be endorsed by our convention at St. Louis. Our county convention last Sat urday instructed the delegates to Grand Island to work for that and everything was unanimous for Bryan. J. D. P. Small. Precept, Neb., July 13. I say pay no attention to the Chicago nominations, but nominate Teller if he will accept our platform. If not, make no nominations but use our electoral votes if we get any to give to the one who will give us the most legislation and best cabinet officers. The reasons forthisare too numerous to mention in a short letter. C. F. Whieler. RFullerton, Neb., July 13. I will say it is bard for me to swallow anything but a straight pop, but it is a not a question who we had rather have, but who can we get to defeat the gold bugs. To put another ticket in the field means sure de feat for silver and serfdom for the labor ers of this country. The Chicago plat form is good in the main if they will only live up to it. 1 am in favor of nominat ing the same ticket. Yours for anything that is honorable to defeat t he gold bugs. The above are the views of nine-tenths of the pops in Nance county. William Dawson. Broken Bow, Neb., July 13, The pop ulist convention at St. Louis ought to adopt ita own platform and nominate W. J. Bryan. It can fail to do neither and be consistent. C. W. Beal. Lexineton, Neb., July 14. In my opinj ion W. J. Kryan is all right, he is u good man and I think the populists will make no mistake in him. E. D. Johnson, South Sioux City, Neb., July 13 There is a future as well aa a present. I therefore believe that our party should nominate the grand Teller from the west and a suitable running mate for bim from the east or south and go. forward. I would divide the electoral ticket of this state with the democrats thus insuring the state for sound money while conced ing to the Brilliant Bryan half the elec toral vote of his home. M. B. Slucum. LAY ASIDE PARTISANSHIP. Fears for Bryan's Life if Elected Presi dent. Editor Independent: I read your paper with much interest and am very much interested in the noble aud glori ous cause for whioli you are contending. I have been an , alliance man ever since 189,0. In 1889 I was a republican and a delegate to thecongressional and state conventions at Hastings and Lincoln and E learned there enough to kill my re publicanism with the exception of my Abraham Lincoln republicanism. That will never be killed. They have called me a mugwump, turn coat, pop, etc., but call me what they will, there is no old shell of partyism hanging on my body, nor has any old party boss got control over me or my vote. A pro gressive man is sure to be called names and a man who has tho principles of a true American in his heart will not wear the shell of partyism if he has the man hood to shak it off and assert his right as an American citizen. I am a thor oughbred Englishman, a son of Johnny Bull, but thank Heaven I am an adopt ed son of Uncle Sam and I know too much about the gold power of England and the overpowering oppression of roy alty and despotic tyranny to ever vote again for a gold standard, or any paid hireliug of the cruel money power of En gland. If the American people do not want the descendants of the half idiot, old King George the III, to sneak iuto their grand and glorious young nation and do what the half idiot's great army of soldiers could not do, steal it, they had better be tearing the masks from their eyes and the muddled coating from their brains and begin to look aud think for themselves and vote for the consti tutional gold and silver double standard bearers. I have a great respect for and faith in W. J. Bryan but my heart aches for the safety of his life if elected president of the United States with a gold standard hire ling of the money power of Fngland, for vice president, as I have been informed such is the reputation of the man nomi nated for the second place, for do I not remember about the assassination of that noblestof all men, Abraham Lincoln, and the brave and noble James A. Garfield. How can I help but tremble for the safety of any true American who is placed in the same position as they. God save America and Americana is my prayer. I would like to know why the gold power of England years ago disfran chised all the people in England except those who owned a certain amount of property real or personal, and after wards become so interested in sending all the pauper laborers they can to America where the ascents ot the gold power persuade them to declare their in tentions to become citizens 01 tne (jnitea States free men and voters, no matter if they do not own a half penny or cannot read, write or tell a big a from an oxes foot, but may still sing God Save the Uueen. I say to my fellow citizens, "open your eves, think for yourselves, court princi pie before party and when you go to the polls to cast your vote look duty square in the face and cast your vote accora inerlv. Yours for the constitutional double standard, J. B. Howell. Who is to Blame? George Gould is yachting. " His sister, who married a count without an ap panage,is squandering millions of Ameri can dollars in an endeavor to push her way into the ranks of the decendents of those who oppressed the people of France and from whom the producers of that country removed their heads by the guillotine. Cornelius Vanderbilt is spending millions on the palace in which he intends to entertain the nobles 'of Europe, who despise the producers of America; his niece who married the Duke of Marlborough, a member of the in famous Churchill family, is squandering millions in an attempt to force herself into the society of the titled fools, who mnl-B nn the London society of todav. and who live upon the money sweated from the producers 01 tne worm; ana tne farmers of the United States keep on walking at the plow tail, sweating, fear ing the banker and regretfully looking at the last shirt which John Sherman has threatened to take from him. If the people of the United States wish to con tinue to play the part of ill-paid super numeraries in the drama in which the VnnrWliilts. Goulds and others of their like are the star actors, why let them go ahead ana piay 11. J. en yeiirsiroin now, whan ihov nr hesTfrars on the hichwav. when their sons, for want of opportun ity and education, are iu jail, and their daughters in places which are worse, they will have nobody to blame but themselves. , ; They Srow Ktch. The Atlantic Constitution a few weeks ago published a map, its accuracy un challenged, showing the difference in the last two assessed valuations of all our country's property, and which shows a total falling away in the west and south of over a quarter of a billion dollars and a corresponding increase in values in the great money centres, the Eastern and New England states, a difference of a quarter of a billion dollars made within one year against tne rugged sons of toil, and in favor of the non-producers, those who own the gold. The soil has ceased to yield a profit and farms are rapidly falling in value. Wanted. An experienced man to solicit local advertising. Apply at thia office. BRYAN OR MCKINLEY. Our Patriotism Should not be Meatured by Party Fealty. "United we iaa J, divided we fall." Editor Independent: Thinking per haps, I could offer a few suggestions that might be of use to the great reform par ties of this government, I have been in spired to offer the following as a solu tion of the difficulties that now confront the jieople since those memorable con ventions at St. Louia and Chicago. As my motto has always been, "God hates a coward" and "principal before party" and aa no man has done more in the 11 counties in this judicial district to build up the reform movement than the writer, and aa 1 have heretofore been a middle of the road pop. HaviDg in herited this principal from theearly days of the greenbackism of the Peter Cooper brand, it may seem strange that one who has fought along thia line for so long should now pen the following thoughts on fusion. I can assure you that I have come to thia conclusion after the most careful and candid deliberation. All will agree that the conditions that now (and, have for years) existed should not be permitted to continue. All will agree that the money power of this and other governmenta must be dethroned, and that the wealth makers must and will have a voice in the affairs of the gov ernment they live under regardless of the wishes of other nations. What another four years of a single standard adminis tration will bring forth God alone can tell. , It must be Bryan or McKinley and which shall it be? Shall we be the means of electing another Golden Calf of the masculine gender to occupy the white house for another four years? If we do may God help the people for they will be unable to help themselves. To defeat McKinley is to defeat the inonied lords of Europe and America. It means a lesson to autocrats that there are two classes of people in this govern ment, to-wit the wealth makers and the wealth takers. To have McKinley elected means to have this free silver party in the field for such a time in the future that it will be able to get into power, for the great mass of the people believe in the free and unlimited coinage of silver and they will never be satisfied until it is given a trial. Thia silver movement will not down un til it is given a fair trial and there is no use disguising this fact. For the reform forces to be divided in to three political parties, to-wit free silver democratic party, peoples party and prohibition parties pitted against the administration party means the con tinuation of that party in power. I very reluctantly admit that unless we endorse W. J. Bryan at St. Louis at our national convention, we as a politi cal party will occupy third place in this country. I believe tens of thousands of independents will vote for W. J. Bryan this fall notwithstanding we might put up the best and ablest man in our paFty. Let us help them to get silver restored, and if relief does not come we will have them join with us in getting other re forms. No better system of campaign could be devised by the autocrats than to keep the opposition divided. The free silver republicans of the Teller brand will go to Bryan, they will not come to us for this year at least which will be the means of swellinir this party to a formidable foe. Let us make a dec laration of principles and for reasons stated indorse the nominee made at tni cago and if we are for reform in earnest we will elect those men next November in spite of other nations. Let us nominate men for congress through these United States that are clean of character and qualified for the position and we will elect them and give , , 1 1 j a jiry an sucn support in uis auuiiuiBira tion that other necessary reforms will follow. It will not do to put off any and all of these reforms for four or more years. Bryan represents us on the income tax, on the national banking question and on this silver question. But if he repre sented us on nothing but the silver ques tion we should indorse him for the rea son that he is in opposition to the monied lords of this and other countries, which we recognize as a common enemy to the common people, the producing clnsses Other reasons might be ottered but I think the above ia sufficient for the present. I. N. Haebacgh. Postal Savings Bank. I have corresponded with a large num ber of congressmen concerning the need for postal savings banks, stating that particularly all the rest of the civilized world has them, and put the question, "Why should we not have them?" In reply, Congressman W. W. Bowers, of Snn Diego, Cal., incloses his "Postal Sayings Bill," which he says has been pending in congress for four years and he writes: "The bankers and. sharks don't want any postal savings bank sys tem. That's the answer to your 'Why not?'" In England these institutions were es tablished in 1861; in Canada, in 1808; in Austria-Hungary, in 1883; and tbey ha ve also been established in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Ger many. Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzer land, India, Ceylon, Finland, Japan, Ar gentina, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and Trinidad. But, doctors of the United States of America, you and your clients can't have them, because the "bankers don't want them!'? Merchants, you can't have them! Farmers you can't have them because the bankers don't want theral Merchants, you can't have postal savings banks in which to place securely your savings, because the bankers say that you must deposit with their institutions, if anywhere. Voters, howevermuch yon desirethe benefit these institutions would be to the masses of the people and to the government, you can't have them because the private bankers don't want you to have them. How do you like it? What areyou going to do about it? This is a free country for the bankers and other privilege classes; if they thiuk postal savings banks would be against their personal interests, they can prevent the people from having tbeml These institutions would place a eav ings bank with absolute security within the easy reach of every citizen of this great country. How it would bene.1t the people and you, doctor, is so appar ent that it need not be explained. Rich men put their spare money in United States bonds for safety and interest; poor men should have the opportunity to place their savings into United States banks. Actors are a very superstitious and cautious class of people. They don't like to trust the average savings bank. I understand that it is their habit, when they receive their pay on the road, to go to the nuareet money order postoff.ee aud with the portion of their salary that they can spare, buy a money order pay able to themselves in New York. Then when the season is over (winding up in New York,) they collect these money orders whenever they want money. Thus the postoflice department is really their banker, and the money orders are really certificates of deposit. So you see how near we have this system already; but the depositor has to pay for making a deposit; no interest is allowed; payment is made at a different place from the de posit and presumably to a different person. Change these features and the thing is done. A citizen with a bank account is a better, steadier and more industrious and sober citizen than one without a bank account; and if the United States is his banker, he is a more patriotic citizen. -Dr. C F. Taylor in The Medical World. An Exclusive Luxury. The British people keep an expensive luxury, the royal family, all, like queen bees, fed by the workers; numerous chil dren, grandchildren, etc., each drawing an income from the government for his or her support. We in this country don't have a royal family. But we have a telegraph monopoly to which we con tribute just about as much each year as it takes to support the British royal family, with all its branches, palaces, castles, etc. The British have gotten rid of their telegraph monopoly, and now they have a government telegraph, which is a part of their postal system, and operated not for profit but at cost for the service of the people. They would uot think of going back to the private monopoly plan. We would not think of having a royal family in this country, but we contribute the money just the same to a family whose nanme begins with G. Can you guess it? We don't contribute it in the form of annuities, as the British people do; but as dividends on watered Btock, exorbitant charges for telegrams, etc. The British royal family stays at home as a rule, and its members spend the money given them in their own country; but our "G." fam ily hobnobs with aristocracy in foreign capithls, sails yacht races with royalty iu foreign waters, and has recently es tablished a branch in France, all on the money that we give them mainly through our telegraph service. We would be hor rified at the idea of placing our postal system in the hands of private monopoly and having to pay about ten cents in stead of two for every letter, and have inferior service, and strikes by under paid postal employes. Yet we complac ently do thia with our telegraph service and have you forgotten that extensive telegraph operators' strike not many years ago which crippled all kinds of bus iness so badly! Dr. C. F. Taylor in The Medical World. GREENBACKS AND GOLD. The Full Legal Tender Notes Always Aa Good aa Gold. The following is from Wharton Baker's paper, The American, Philadelphia: Editor of the . American: Not long since I noticed in some paper a state ment which, if true, is a very Btrong point in favor of the power of the fiat of this government. It was as follows: "During the long days of the civil war the government issued a considerable amount of full legal tender greenbacks, which always remained at par with gold. These greenbacks were unlimited legal tender, in that they did not contain the exception clause, and, consequently. were receivable for duties on imports." If this statement is correct, it proves be yond any question the claim that any thing upon which the United States puts its stamp of legal tender, is, if issued within reasonable limit, aa good as gold If it was true then, when the country was rent by that great fraticidal strug gle, when our manufacturing was iu its infancy, when our commerce was impeded on land and sea, when our national wealth could not compare with that of today, how can we doubt that our coined dollar, with its 371 grains of pure silver, would not meet a glad wel come in every port, backed by the pro ducts of the wealthiest nation on the globe? Surely no man who investigates can doubt, and from the signs of the times, many who did doubt now believe, P. G. Awtry. On August 5, 1861, congress passed an act providing for thefundingof the "7-30 notes," and also authorizing the issue of $50,000,000 non-interest-bearing de mand notes, nominally payable in coin, and receivable for "public dues." These notes were to be issued in denominations of less than $ 50 and not less than $ 10 At first they were not receivable in pay ment of customs duties, and they at once went to a discount, but when, a lit tle later, the secretary of the treasury ordered them received for duties, they at once went to par with gold, and at par tbey remained. American. Forty Billions of Debt. Our. country's debts have been esti mated in round numbers at forty bill ions of dollars. That sum at four per cent per annum amounts to over a bill ion and a half, equal to every dollar in money that we have, in gold, silver, and paper, to be paid every year. The only reason we ure not bankrupted every year is because we have something to sell.but we now have the disadvan tage of selling at half price, in competi tion with silver using countries, the diff rence in exchange aginst us, and we have to pay our debts, intrest, and fixed charges on a gold basis, two dollars for one. Special Inducements are offered to passengers traveling via the Nickel Plate road to Cleveland on occasion of the Biennial Encampment Knights 01 Pythias, Uniform Rank, August 23d to 30th incluselve. A smooth roadway, quick time; a train service that is unapproachable and that affords all the comforts available iu travel, besides being $ 1.00 lower than rates offered by other lines. For this occasion tickets- will be on sals August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th at $3.50 Chicago to Cleveland and return good returning until August 31st J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, III. 11 BUTLERS ADDRESS. The Temporary Chairman Land Popo llam la HI) Opening Speech. 8ntor Butler w received wits hearty ap plaueand atthe sagge-tion of Committeeman . Washburn three cheers were given. We art here." lal-l Senstor Butler, "became there is need for us to be here.8 He referred U the (act that two national parties had already hold their oonventiuut. Those two parties had had charge of tin government for twenty-five ream. The people had daring this time done their duty in the matter ot the creation of wealth. They had canned the country, to far as they could, to blosaom aa the roes. Bat throe parties had been unfaithful to their trust and had brought the country to 'the verge of bankruptcy. The leaden of both had been unfaithful to their trust. Hence the need for, the People's party. He referred to Mr. Mc- ' Kinloy as the candidate of "aggregated capital and combined greed." He declared that both the old partus had for yean kept the greater issues in politics in the biolc ground Tbey woull stinn issues and fight shnm battles No natter where the vlotory lny. Wall street and Lombard street won. Meantime, he said, the Populist party organ ized to bring relief to the people, had groVrn steadily. The agitation had been kept op: victory against greed had won. The South and West had joined hand. Ho described the va rious campaigns through which thepRrtyhad parsed iu various states, tlte bar Ishlps en dured, the flings and ridicule to which they had been subjected, and declared that it hid triumphed, had at last torn the mak from the old parti -S Some weeks ego the Brpublican party had bten forced to align tueir with tne moneyed kings of Wall street and Europe, The Demo: re ic party t Cliioairo wis driven to the alternative of siding wi h gold or the people Tbey ware so frightened that in their desperation, they finally committed grand and petit larceny, stealing the Punuli-t platform and trying to steal into the Populi't party. This statement s -t the convention wild. "Why didn't they steal oar tran-portation plankt" shouted a California dolegata "Ah," replied henator Butler, 'thj old Dem ocratic habit got the bstterof them there. They straddled that question." HOT FLEA. FOB INDEPENDENCE. Mr. Butler pleaded for the mantenanoe of the organization of Un People's party "If the People's party should abandon it organisa tion," he said, "the Democratic party at ita next annual convention would repudiate the platform adopted at Chicago and Bryan would not have any more chance of being nominated than Thomas Jefferson would if he were alive to-day." The financial question. Mr. Butler con tinued, has been as much an issue since ISTa at it was to-day, but it remained for the People's party to force this issue to the front "Hight here," he says, "conn t onr responsibility the greatest responsibility that ever fell to any party. Shall we save the party or allow it to go down in defeat? Hhould it be said that thia band of patriots, who had broken all party ties, bad allowed themselves to be controlled more by prejudice than by patriotism?" This query was responded to by criet of no. and by l ind applanse. Mr. Butler appealed for the cessation of petty prejudices. He had heard it intimated by one extreme that Mark Hanna was running the party, and by the other, that the Demc eratio party wat doing it As for himself he had enough faith in the Integrity of the party to foal convinced that the party would not make itself an annex to the Democratic, party. This statement gave the middle-of-thiroad-ert a chance to cheer, but the Bryan followers were afforded an opportunity to shout when he addel that there wat a grave danger that il might be mads Bipublioan annex. "One danger," he said, "is as great as the other. Let ns find the truth in the middle way." This was the keynote of the spsscli, but it wat noticeable that there wat no tpecial applause at thii evident suggestion of a compromise. The party, he continued, should be true to it self. "If this convention," he shouted pas sionately, "doesn't fallow its own teachings, it is unworthy to represent the people. BBYAIf CHEEKS CAUSES A SCENE. "Hurrah for Bryan," cried an Alabama dele gate. "Pot him out," yelled several Texas delegates In a chorus What shall ws doV asked Senatoi Butler, as he essayed to resume his speech. "Nominate Bryan," replied the tame Alabama delegate "Shut up," "Put bim out," shouted several hundred voioes. "Is he a Democrat," calls 1 out someone. "Yes," "No," were the intermingled cries, while others continued to shout, "Put him out" The interruptions became so frequent that Senator Butler, after waving his arms appeal ingly to restore quiet, said: "Whom the godl wish to destroy they first make mad. .Every time yon interrupt me," he said, "you endanger your causa This convention bat not bean crushed by either of the two old parties, and will not be stampeded Our duty it to approve what is right and condem n what is wrong. " , "I am tolling yon what you will find when you net home," Mr. Bailor went on. "I have be?n down among the costless farmers of my Stats and I know what I tay is true, when I tell you that they expect us to rise to the level of patriotism and travel in the path of con science If you waver from your position of principle then you become no better than that old parties." - . The speaker believed the convention way going to do what was wisest and added: "It it going to ttanl together; it ia not going to tplit." Concluding. Mr. Butler said: "We shall stand together, go away united, ttrip our coats for the fray and be prepared tor any emergen cy, however great Bemember that we are People's party men; remember that you have accomplished more in four years than the other parties and remember that, if you do your duty now, you will very soon be the party of the majority." Mr. Butler closed amid vigorous applause, among those who shouted most lustily for him being Congressman Howard of Alabama, who had been shouting for Bryan during the pro gress of the Senator's speech. The states were then called for members of the committee on credentials aud at the con clusion the convention at 2:10 o'clock took a recess until 8 o'clock to-night. Senator Butler said just before the recess: "I do not want to be misunderstood. I am a middle-of-the-road Populist, but I do not want to place tho middle-of-the-road people above prin-iple. Principle first and party after wards." A Georgian Annihilates Bit Family. Elberton, Ga., July 22. Last night three miles from Royston, David Ber ryman killed his wife and three chil dren and then committed suicide. He was crazed with drink and it is sup posed he killed his family in a moment ol frenzy. Help' Is needed by poor, tired mothers, debilitated and run down because of poor, thlnbloodi Help Is needled by the nervous sufferer, the men and women tortured with rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, scrofula, catarrh. Help comes quickly when Hood's Sarsaparilla begins to en rich, purify and vitalize the blood and send it In a healing, nourishing, invigorating stream to all the nerves, muscles and organs of the body. Sarsaparilla te the One True Blood Purifier. AU druggist. L Prepared on If by C, t Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. mm - euro Jjjver jmis; vkj w HOOd S FlllS take, easy to operate. 25C - T (HM lt. A Hood's