! THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT July 23, t8g6. B? Xcbraeka 3nocpcnocnt THE WEALTH MAKERS ni LINCOLN INDEPENDENT, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY v rat IndepGijdeit Publishing Go. At 1120 X Strwt, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. TELEPHONE 638. $1.00 per Year in Advance. Addreat U communication! to, and mak all draft , money order, ate, payabta to THE INDEPENDENT PDB, CO, Lixcoli, Neb. Nebraska's choice for President of the United States 1896-1900 is WM. J.BBYAN. Mr. 0. Nelson of Colfax will be a candi date for auditor. The liee ia in a terrible state of mind. In its Sunday issue it bad eleven diHtinct editorials about Mr. Bryan, two of tbem nearly a column long. Tbe first duty of our new state com mittee will be to make an arrangement for one or two speeches by Senator Tel ler in this state. Tho Independent is dumfounded to see tbe extended advertising that many of tbe populist papers are giving the State Journal. It is incomprehensible that a populist paper would print such a noticeeven for a cash payment. What the goldites want is not so much the parity of European and Amer ican money, as the parity of American and European labor. Tbe gold stand ard will force such a parity in spite of all the efforts of organized labor. Clevoland had his state delegation against him, and he was nominated. Bryan had to contest to get in, and he was nominated. It seems to be a pretty good thing not to have your own state solid for you if you want to get a demo, oratic nomination for president. Which have you the most of, money or property? Ninety-nine men out of a hundred have very much more property than money. Which, then, will be most to your interest, to have the value of money or property advance? If a man has twenty dollars in money and f 1,000 in property, is it to his advantage to have money appreciate rather than to have property appreciate? Some men's fortunes are all in money, or that which is equivalent, bonds and mortgages. Others, and they constitute the vast ma jority, haveall theirfortunes in property, and yet multitudes of them will vote to increase the value of money and decrease the value of property. It is strange, but it is true. The decadence of honor and upright ness in public men is shown by the re. cent course of Congressman Hepburn of Iowa. Mr. Hepburn is one of the few members of the 53d congress who was a thorough economist. He made the most scholarly speech that was made against the repeal of the Sherman act. He was re-elected as a free silver republican. He was among those at St. Louis who protested against the adoption of the gold standard. The next we hear of him is at tbe Iowa republican state conven tion where he was chosen chairman. The papers in reporting the convention said that the 2 selection of congressman Hepburn was due to a desire to please those members of the party who are in clined to be favorable to silver because of his record at St. Louis against the adoption of the gold standard. Some of the gold men were inclined to object to the selection, but were appeased by a promise that Congressman Hepburn would indorse the JSt. Louis platform in his address. This he did. In former times we had men who would die for principle. In these latter days, they will barter their principles for a con gressional nomination. ARTONISHING PROGRESS. The progress of populist principles is really astonishing. Now comes Whar ton Barker, the prince and prophet of high protection and proposes the follow ing tariff plank. "All taxation should be limited to the requirements of the government econ omically administered,- but the necessary reduction in taxation cin, and must be effected without depriving American labor of the ability to compete success fully with underpaid and degraded Euro pean and Asiatic labor, and without im posing lower rates of duty than will be ample to cover any increased cost of pro- duction which may exist in consequence of the higher rate of wages prevailing in this country than elsewhere. But where trusts and combinations, sheltered by protective tariff duties have monopo lized production, thus repressing domes tic competition, we urge unhesitatingly in the interests of the wage-earner and consumer the removal of all protective duties from all imported articles which such trusts and combinations have mo nopolized." Hundreds of populists proclaimed that doctrine as their faith four years ago A law that would remove all tariff duties upon every trust article offered for sale, would put an end to all the trusts but three or four. When we old farmers pro posed "that plan for killing trusts, we were called lunatics. Populism is eternal truth and cannot be downed. ACCOUNTING FOR IGNORANCE. If any one wishes to know why the de mand is made for the government own ership of the telegraph, he only has to glance at the want of information among the people everywhere acknowledged by them, concerning the great questions which tbev must now decide. lo re mark is more common on the streets to- day than this: "I don't pretend to know anything about the money question." Why don't they know? Because the creat dailies have not only refused to inform them, but have continually lied to them. It is not many weeks since the State Journal was positively asserting that the reason why silver dollars were at a parity with gold, was because any man could take a silver dollar to the treasury and have it redeemed in gold. A like course of misrepresentation and falsehood has been persued on every other phase of the financial question un til there are hundreds of thousands of voters today who do not know what the simple phrase 1? to 1 means. wmm The great dailies have so persistently withheld information which was the duty of every honest editor to furnish, that not one in a hundred of fairly educated people, people who""read thTpapers and magazines, know anything of the actual monetary legislation of the last twenty years, which "are plain matters of his tory. Thousands and tens of thousands of voters think that silver is now demone tized and when told that it is a full legal tender for all debts public and private except otherwise specified in the written contract, they look at you in surprise and fail to take in the meaning of the words. Then when you tell them the government stopped coining silver dol lars in 1873,that in 1874,congress adop ted, wholesale, the revised statutes into which had been secretly inserted a section limiting the legal tender power of silver to five dollars and that tbe Bland-Allison act of 1878 restored its monetary function, with the above limi tation, it is all something of which they have never before heard. They are dazed and confused and cannot take it in. All this has come about from the fact that the papers that should have pub lished the facts, have instead, published a mass of falsehoods. It will be asked why daily papers have not been established that would print the truth. The reason is that the tele graph system of tbe United States is a private monopoly, interested in deceiv ing the people. It is almost impossible to establish a morning daily under this system. We doubt if $30,000 would buy a press franchise in the little city of Lin coln or anywhere within sixty miles of it. As an example, the advocates of free silver at one time attempted to start a free silver morning paper in New York. Over $90,000 was subscribed and the plan submitted to a newspaper man. He reported to the league that $90,000 would hardly be a drop in the bucket to ward such an enterprise. Of course an evening paper is an entire ly different thing. It can get the news from tlie morning paper, and seldom anything of importance happens before 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon when an evening paper goes to press. 11ns plan would succeed in many places if the tele graph monopoly and railroad monopoly were not all in the same combine. The railroads come to the aid of the pluto cratic morning daily and arrange the departure of mail trains so that tbe even ing daily cannot reach its subscribers until about the same time as its morn ing rival. If the government owned the tele graphs and a rate was fixed to all alike, these combinations in the interest of plutocracy could not be effected. When we get to the bottom of these things it will be seen that the public ownership of the telegraph is of as much importance as any other one thing. If the telegraph had been part of the postofBce system, the dense ignorance which now prevails on the money question would not exist, and never would have existed. It would have been impossible to get one man in the whole west to vote for ten cent corn and forty cent wheat which thousands will do this fall by voting for McKinley. LET IT BE UNANIMOUS. It is altogether likely that before this reaches the reader the action of the St. Louis convention will be known to all. The editor of the Independent hopes that that action will be practically unan imous. There was no need of the thirty four negative votes at the Grand Island state convention, and with a little ju dicious management and concession there would not have been even one neg ative vote. There was not a man there who was not willing and anxious to vote for W. J. Bryan for president of the United States. What the dissentients wanted was to know that the principles for which they had sacrificed and fought were to be maintained and the organization and press of the popu list party were to be preserved in fight ing order until the last vote was counted next November. That is the kind of ac tion that should be taken at St. Louis. It should be unanimous, and every dele gate should go home with thefcame de sire to sacrifice and work as fired the bosom of those unselfish patriots who assembled at Omaha four years ago. Tbe writer knows of the difficulties which confront the populists of the south, but he believes that with kindness and forbearance on the part of all, an agree ment can be come to that will allay their fears and unite all populists north and south in an enthusiastic support of W. J. Bryan, for he will support in the fu ture, as he has in the past, every dis tinctive populistic principle. FOR CONGRESSMAN IN THE FIRST DISTRICT. Much interest is just now being cen tered on the nomination of a candidate for congress in this, the First district. It is generally conceded that if the peo ples party at St. Louis indorsesthe nom ination of Mr. Bryan for the presidency the democracy of this district will make no nomination for congressman, but will indorse and vote for tbe populist nominee. There are several candidates in tbe field, and the important question is, wmcn snail it oer un a ween ago last Saturday, at the county convention held in this city, delegates were elected to the district convention to be held at Tecumseh August 11th, at, 4 p. m. It is undoubtedly true that the great major ity of the party in Lancaster county de sire, to see Mr. J.U. MciNerney of this city nominated at Tecumseh. It is also true that a majority ot the delegates chosen in this county are enthusiastically for Mr. McNerney's nomination, although they were not chosen with a view to sup porting any particular candidate. He is a lawyer of thirteen years exper ience, has been one of the most active workers in the party in this county ever since 1890. He was nominated for the state senate in 1892, and made a vigor" ous campaign, stumping the county on a straight populist ticket, although the chance for election was then really noth ing. He was chairman of the county central committee for the years 1893 and 1894, and devoted much time and labor to the cause, conducting clean and aggressive campaigns, the effect of which was seen in the greatly increased vote of the party in Lancaster county. No man stands higher in the esteem and confidence of tbe populists in this county than J. C. McNerney, and no oth er populist in or out of this county could ever hope to get as many votes as he could. While he has been a zealous party worker, he has made not enemies but friends among the opposition, who respect him for his honesty and fairness. The democrats of this county, with which party he formerly affiliated, would rally to his support to a man, and the fact that this city is the home of Mr. Strode, the republican nominee, should not be lost sight of iu making our selec. tion of a candidate. . Mr. McNerney's thorough acquaintance here makes him a strong candidate, and the convention could not choose a stronger or better man for the nomination. j The common people have few or no great dailies to champion their cause in the, eastern and central states, but the campaign of abuse and slander which the gold papers are putting up will, while lacking the refining and educating influence which should be brought to move the people, have the same result in making votes for free Bilver that honest journalism would have. They call names Chief Anarchist Allen, Idiot Bryan, Villainous Holcomb, Pirate Tillman, Sed'tious Altgeld, etc. The argument they advance in connection with these appelations is of similar depth and fits the same small-bore mold. They greatli underrate the intelligence of the Ameri can citizen if they think he swallows this vulgar profanity for a feast of reason. The average reader turns from an article couched in such language with a feeling of loathing and a deep sense of shame that his fellow countrymen are so miser ably filthy in the very place where they should be purest. The substitution of profane and obsene abuse for argument is driving the better element from the re publican party more precipitously than even rank failure iu Lonest effort to prove the wisdom of their teachings would have done. Their present course kills all hope in the heart of those who have clung to the belief that the party would prove the correctness of its po sition in honest discussion. Now they see it in all its baseness, flaunting its rottenness in brazen defiance, and they leave it with a creepy sensation of hor ror pervading their being. They look back and see with sorrow the party, once so noble ol purpose, wallowing in iniquity's cess pool and, too low to at tempt defence of its position, thrusting poisonous fangs at manhood, honor, virtue. Take up any gold paper and you will find a lot of rot about "a fifty-cent dol lar." The State Journal had a "heavy'' editorial on this mythical piece of money the other day, and the very next article was a raving protest against free coin age of silver because, as it put it, "free coinage would double the price of every silver mine-owner's product." If the 371 grains of silver when minted would only be worth fifty cents, how could free coinage double the wealth of the silver miner when he can sell it for more than that' now? The fact of the case is, these gold-bug papers don't care a cent what they say lor they are firmly convinced that the people are fools and idiots, and thnv will fio-tit it nut rn t.hnt. linn As we go to press tbe situation at St. Louis is unsettled and although the sil ver convention will be a unit for Bryan, it is not known what tbe populists will do further than that deliberate inquiry as to what is tbe best interests of the peo ple will guide them in the action they shall take. The people are first in their mind and party second, and they will do only that which every true reformer can subscribe to with pride and enthusiasm. The very latest report of any reliability gives Bryan a majority of 100 or more over all opposition. This is a report from a careful canvass of the situation. If Bryan receives the nomination, a southern man will probably be named for second place. Sewall will have weak support. The "honest money" press declares all silver advocates inflationists, fools and idiots, and says Bryan, in addition to this, is a darned mean old demagogue. The wonderful effectiveness of Mr, Bryan's oratory can only be ascribed to his purity of heart and nobleness of mind. It is not mere flourishes of speech that makes the hearts of thousands throb in unison under his guiding power. The very imprint of honesty and sincer ity is stamped upon his every utterance, and deep down in the heart of every rational hearer it finds an anchorage on kindred sentiment. If the influence is not lasting, it is because there has been a long estrangement between the recipient of that influence and tbe principle of truth, and the returning flood of time's misteachings obscures the halo of light which his sound and honest reasoning has unveiled. In these days, and in fact through all ages, men of Bryan's stamp have seldom received the recognition which of natural right is their's, and if wrong does not triumph while right is trampled to earth this fall, it will be an exception to the rule, and will go down the ages as a vivid evidence of this gen eration's moral and intellectual superi. ority. Bryan's great sincerity of pur pose, his unfathomed depth of thought, and his purity and goodness of soul, may inspire sufficient of,his countrymen with the spirit of manhood and justice to triumphantly land the people's will upon the throne in spite of all the oppo sition of man's darker character. Tbe name or party allegiance of the man who embodies such worthy sentiments should never be inquired. It is enough that our generation has one such man to its credit. Now that he is among us, let us show to the world that he came not at the wrong time, but in fitting season for the people's deliverance. WHAT THE MEW YORK SUN THINKS. From the Omaha World-Herald. Mr. Dana's republican paper, the New York Sun, is quite confident that Mc kinley will bo elected, but avers that there is nevertheless: . "An uneasy suspicion that the rogues may be in the majority and cannot be balked of their disgraceful purpose." After this complimentary reference to the democrats and free coinage men of the country, the Sun proceeds thus to discuss what can be done to prevent the success of free coinage. It says: "In view of this disagreeable possibil ity, prudent men naturally are beginning to consider what precautions they snail take to protect themselves against the success of the silverite scheme to deprive them of their dues. The first and most obvious step is to vote the republican ticket themselves and to get as many more people as they can to vote it like wise. Contributions of m oney are needed to assist in carrying for gold the doubt ful states, and they should be made freely, Prevention is better than cure, and the election of a president and of a congress pledged to maintain the gold standard will render superfluous further defensive measures." "Contributions of money are needed to assist in carrying for gold the doubtful states!'' There you have a plain, frank statement of the republican plan of cam paign. But suppose that free coinage triumphs in spite of the great eastern corruption fund to carry doubtful states? Well, then, the Sun suggests these ideas: "The owner of real estateand tangible personal property will neither lose or gain by any alteration in the money standard, hence every one who has mon ey at his disposal can protect himsell against loss through free silver by con verting his monev into land, houses ami merchandise of various kinds. Under the reign of silver at 16 to 1 a farm or a house and lot now worth $10,- 000 will be worth $20,000; a bushel of wheat now selling lor oO cents will sell for $1, and similar articles in tbe same proportion" Here we have the spectacle of the ven erable New York Sun advising its read ers if silver coinage wins to: Buy land. Buy houses. Buy merchandise of various kinds. The World-Herald has many times proclaimed that free coinage would bring an era of investment and enter prise, but had hardly hoped to have a gold bug newspaper admit the fact. We would like to have the New York Sun tell us what the effect on business will be when this great demand for prop, erty arises. Will property not regain its lost value? Will the hand of bank ruptcy not be stayed? Will the fall in prices not be checked? Will not men who now view their dwindling assets with dismay take new hope? Yes, the Sun has said it, and "if you see it in the Sun, it's so." Consumers Purchasingngency, will buy anything you want at cheapest possible price. D. Clem Deaveb, Room 9 Granite blk., Omaha, Xri. Iff Opening Session Passes off Very Smoothly. WAS NO HITCHES OF ANY KIND. Welcomed by Governor Stone All Prominent Leaders Excite Enthusiasm. There ig a Great RuhIi to the Hall All Ex pect an Exciting Conflict. St. Louis, Mo., July 23. Two na tional conventions The People's par ty and the Silver began simnltane ously about Doon to-day, tbe former in the big hall where the Republicans met last month, and the latter in the music hall of the Exposition building. Very little public interest was felt in the Silver meeting, and the hall con tained few people outside of the dele gates. Toward the Populist gathering place, on the contrary, a great rush began long before 10 o'clock, for all felt that there would be an exciting conflict from the very start between the men who favored the indorsement of the Democratic national ticket and the middle-of-the-road faction. The decorations in the Populist hall were not elaborate. The bunting that swathed the front of the galleries had been taken down and some of the on the roof were faded and SENATOR BUTLER. weatherbeaten. There was not s picture in the hall, and the only coun terfeit presantation in the building was a large bust of General Grant, which faced the platform across the heads of the delegates. It occupied the same position in the Republican convention. KANSANS EARLY ON THE SCEKE. Among the first to arrive were the Kansas delegation, with long yellow ribbons on their hats, and many of them with sunflowers in their lapels. Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota, short and round, with his small blue eyes a-twinkle, came in early and talked awhile with Sergeant-at-Arms Mc Dowell, who stood on the platform, silver baton in hand, surveying the final arrangements. Congressman Howard of Alabama, who wrote "If Christ Came to Con gress," was a striking figure in his del egation. He is tall, powerfully built, with a swarthy complexion and long, straight black hair, that gives him almost the appearance of an Indian. "Buffalo" Jones of Oklahoma, sat with his delegation stolidly reading a news paper. J. S. Coxey of the notorious "Com monweal army" and his son-in-law, Carl Browne, came in together, with their respective wives. Mrs. Coxey bore in her arms her young son, whom General Coxey christened "Legal Ten der." As the air in the hall grew oppres sive the delegates did not hesitate to shed their coats. Some of them came to the hall with their coats on their arms. Others removed coat and vest and put them on the back of their chairs. Many of the delegates wore negligee shirts and quite a number wore neither collar nor cravat. SLOTHFUL IJf WARMING UP. Although some of the delegates had been very noisy during the prelimin ary skirmishing before the .conven tion, they were very qu ,. while assembling. The band stationed above the speaker's si an J kept up a continuous fusillade of popular airs, but not one of them wrung a round of applause from the delegates. The first thing to wake them from their lethargy was the action of an assist ant sergeant-at-arms when he put a portrait of Lincoln over one of the front galleries. The delegates ap plauded and some one shouted for three cheers, which were given. The ice being thus broken, they began to be more demonstrative and cheered the band's rendition of "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." There were several women delegates on the floor, among them Mrs. J. O. A. Bush of Prescott, Ark.; Mra Jen nie B. Atherhold and Mrs. lies of Col orado. Senator Allen received the first per sonal ovation. The Texas delegation grew demonstrative as a woman posed with a middle-of-the-road streamer pinned to her gown. She waved her handkerchief frantically in response and the enthusiastic Texans crowded about to shake her hand. She proved to be a Mrs. Jones of Chicago. Then a Lone Star delegate mounted a chair and read a number of telegrams from Texas Populists admonishing them to keep in the middle of the road and bolt, if necessary. Stuart Ashby, one of the delegates, also made a speech, and it looked as if Texas intended to hold a little con vention all by herself. General Weaver, the last Populist candidate for president, and Senator Peffer came in together. Paul Vandervoort of Nebraska, the most noted candidate of the middle-of-the-road men for president, took CONVENTION flags one of the seats on ' the platform re served for distinguished gaeits. On bis coat he wore the badjge of his fao tion. Shortly before 12 o'clock the chair man's table, a pitcher of ice water and an oak gavel were carried to the platform. NO COMPROMISE FOB MISSISSIPPI. The Mississippi delegation marched down the aisle with banners bearing the slogan "No Compromise." There was an answering yell of joy from the Texas delegation as they recognized their allies. About this time some one nailed a portrait of Peter Cooper above the speaker's stand. Below it were the words: "National prosperity cannot be restored by the enforced idleness of a large portion of our people." The portrait did not seem to be recognized, at least it was not ap plauded. General Weaver moved over to the Texas delegation and made' a short speech in favor of holding the sessions behind closed doors, but the Texan did not take kindly to the suggestion. They said it was impracticable. The middle-of-the-road leaders, after conferring together, decided not to make an organized fight against the selection of Senator Butler as tem porary chairman, and the Bryan men hailed this as an indication that they were afraid to submit to a test of strength. The Massachusetts delega tion bore into the hall a banner bearing the legend: "Spirit of 1877." At 12:15 o'clock Senator Butler of North Carolina, mounted the platform and took his seat About him were "Cyolone ' Davis of Texas, Secretary Turner of Washington, D C, and some members of the national com mittee. Three minutes later Chairman .Tau beneck of the executive committee took his seat in front of the platform. Senators Allen and Peffer were cheered as they ascended the stage. Governor Stone of Missouri.who was to deliver the address of welcome, sat among the distinguished guests on the platform. k i. 1 r. - n . 1 1 1 .-ii ' m i aii is;oi u ciuck vnmrman iauue fl eck stepped to the front of the plat form to call the convention to order. At tbe sight of him the Illinois dele gation, which sat immediately below the platform, arose and cheered. He is a large man with a heavy brown mustache and a rather pallad com plexion. Quiet oame with the first rap of the gaveL The Rev. W. L. Smith of the Third Baptist church of this city de livered the invocation while 1,300 del egates stood reverently. WELCOMED BY GOVERNOB STONE. Mr. Taubeneck's 16 to 1 gavel again descended upon the conclusion of the prayer. There was some surprise when the chairman introduced Gov ernor Stone of Missouri, but whatever apprehensions might have been raised were speedily removed by the an nouncement that the governor was merely expected to make a welcoming address. Mr. Stone did not speak at great length. His welcome was most oordiaL He ventured upon a few gen eral remarks upon the propriety of frredora of the press, of speech and of the ballot, which must, he said, amid applause, be preserved at all hazards. It would be considered not improper, he said, for him to express the hope that everything that should be done would be done with an eye single to the felicity of the people and the pub lic influence. He expressed the hope that the day would soon come when the national flag would be the emblem, not only of national unity, but of na tional prosperity. In closing, he re peated his assurance of welcome, in doing which he spoke, he said, not for the state of Missouri alone, but for the city of St. Louis and for the entire Mississippi valley. ignatius Donnelly's laudation. While Governor Stone was speaking the Texas delegation.occupying a seat on his extreme left, raised an immense national flag in their midst. Ingatius Donnelly of Minnesota re sponded to Governor Stone's speech. His appearance aroused the middle of the road element to a burst of en thusiasm. He spoke gracefully, pav ing a high compliment to St. Louis and eloquently describing the majestic Mississippi and the vast country trib utary to it, but avoiding adroitly any allusion to the subiect upon which the delegates below him were divided. The movement, which this convention represented, he said, was a growth of the farm. It had been conceived in the distress that prevailed among the producers of the country. The peo ple had felt the effects of misgovern-' ment. II there was any movement on the lace of the earth called uo by the veritable hand of God it was the People's party. As he declared that the spirit of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and "august Lincoln" were floating above the convention, the daisgates cheered histily. The party reached down to the soul and heart o"f humanity. "God save the people," said Donnel ly. "Upon that we stand. We are devoted to their cause. Let us never forget in our work that we are a band of brothers wag-ing war against the enemies of mankind. We must stand ' together, whatever we do. The Peo- fle's party won't die; it needs to live, stood at the cradle of the Greenback party; I stood at the cradle of the People's party, and God forbid that I should be here now to attend its fu neral. This is a great work of the century. Let us do our duty, first determining that we will not desert nor destroy our party." A There were more middle-of-the road cheers when Donnelly ended. MRS. LEASE MARKS A HIT. As Ignatius Donnelly closed his ad dress, Mrs. Mary E. Lease of Kansas appeared in the hall and, preceded by an assistant sergeant-at-arms, made her way down tbe main aisle to the speaker's stand. She was recognized at onoe, and was greeted by a burst of cheering, enthusiasts throwing up their hats. As she faced the audience and settled herself in a chair she smilingly acknowledged the compli ment and was immediately surrounded by Populist leaders. To a correspondent Mrs. Lease said that she had come to write her im pression of the convention for a syn dicate of newspapers. Boy tstray. On the morning of the 4th a boy of this city left his home. He is 14 years old. small, well built, large itrey eyes', light bair, rather stooped shoulders." Any information as to his where abouts would be gladly received. Address Independent office. tf jt 1