The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 02, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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July 2, 1896.
A delegate convention of the Peoples
Independent party of Nebraska will be
beld in the city of Grand Island, on
Wednesday, July 15, 1806, at 2 o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of electing fifty
even delegates, and fifty -seven alternates
to the people's party national conven
tion to be held in St, Louis, July 22,
Each county will be entitled to one de
legate at large and one additional dele
gate for each one hundred votes, or
majority fraction thereof, cast at the
general election of 1895 for Samuel Max
well, for supreme judge, which gives the
following representation by counties:
irl.mi ....H Jefferson
Antolop. 11 Johnson T
Manner Kearney ...U
Blaine 1 Kolth ?
Boom- - H Keya
Paha I
Box Butte
6 Kimball Z
. Knox "
. I Lancaster 27
,W Lincoln H
. I.OKBU i
Dawson .
14 Lonp ..
14 Madison....
Mcl'herson .
, 3 Merrick ....
........... Nance
4 Nemaha...,
14 Nuckolls..
a Otoe 12
. 7 Pawnee
..18 Parkin -
,.. S Phelps U
... 9 Pierce
..14 Platte 12
.. ( Polk 1
I)llon Rd Willow
Dodge 1 Itiehardson 7
Dourta 4 Rock ....
Dnndy..., Kallna 1"
Fillmore.... 14 Sarpy
Franklin Saunders 21
Frontier Heotta Bluff 2
Fnrna 11 Seward 10
A aire 14 Sheridan 9
Garfield... Sherman 7
Ooeper Sionx 2
Grant 2 Stanton 4
Greeley Thayer 8
Hall..... 14 Thomas 1
Hamilton ...18 Thnrstoa 9
Harlan 10 Valley 8
Have Washington 8
Hitchcock Wayne 8
Holt 13 Webeter 10
Hooker 1 Wheeler
Howard York .14
It is recommended that primaries for
selecting delegates to county conventions
beheld on Thursday, July 9; and that
county conventions for selecting delegates
to state convention be beld on Saturday,
July 11.
It is also recommended that the cre
dentials from each county be handed in
to the state central committee, prior to
the meeting of the state convention, so
that a full list of delegates can be made
out and the tedious delay occasioned by
a committee on credentials avoided.
It is alBO recommended, in accordance
with a resolution passed by the state
central committee, that in the state con
vention, the following plan of selecting
delegates to the national convention be
adopted: That nine delegates and nine
alternates be selected from each con
gressional district by Ibe delegates
present; and that three delegates and
three alternates be elected at large.
It is urgently requested that every
member of the party, who possibly can
do so, attend the primaries, so that those
selected as delegates may represent the
wishes of the entire party.
Every voter in Nebraska, who favors
an American system of finance and is
opposed to the gold standard, bond
issuing policy of the present administra
tion; who favors the free and unlimited
coinage of gold and silver at 36 to 1;
who favors reform in our systems of
money, land and transportation; who
favors more economical administration
of national and state governments; who
is opposed to the further domination of
corporations in our legislation; wno be
lieves that the government should be
brought closer to the people; and finally,
who is ready to cast aside prejudice and
vote for the common prosperity of all;
every such voter is cordially invited to
participate in our primaries and assist
in the selection of our delegates.
Uy order o trie state central com
mittee. J. A. Edoerton,
F. D. Eager, Chairman.
County Convention Feoples Independent
Lincoln, Neb., June 30, 1896.
The peoples independent electors of the
county of Lancaster, state of Nebraska,
are hereby requested to elect and send
delegates from their respective precincts,
to meet in convention in the city ot Lin
coin, on Saturday, July 11 1896, at 1
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing
twenty-seven delegates ana twenty-seven
alternates to the peoples party state con
vention forNebraskato be held at Grand
Island on Wednesday, July 15, 1896 at 2
o clock p. m., and also to elect twenty
seven delegates and twenty-seven alter
nates to the peoples party state noini
nating convention to be held at Hast
ings on the filth day of August 1896 at
11) o clock a. m.
Each precinct will be entitled to two
delegates at large, and one addi
tional delegate for each ten votes or
majority fraction thereof cast for the
Hon. Samuel Maxwell, for supreme Judge
at the last general election inl895. This
will give the following representation to
the various precincts and wards in the
i ' First ward .....14
Second ward 12
Third ward 21
) i Fourth ward 19
fi Filth ward 16
Sixth ward 11
:' Seventh ward 12
Buda 9
It Centerville 10
f - Denton 7
r,1 Elk 8
Grant U
Garfield 4
i - Highland 6
't, Lancaster 22
' Little Salt 8
Middle Creek 18
Hill ,
Nemaha 1
North Bluff
Olive Branch
Kock Creek
Saltlllo 10
South Pass
Stevens Creek
Stockton 8
West Oak
West Lincoln
Yankee Hill 11
It is recommended that primaries for
tne election ot delegates to this conven
tion be held on Wednesday July 8 and
that a full set of alternates be elected in
addition to the regular delegation. It
is also recommended that a complete list
of the delegates and alternates be sent to
the secretary of the committee and that
the credentials be handed in in advance
that any unnecessary delay on the day
of the convention may be avoided. No
proxies will be admitted.
J. M. Thompson, Frank P. Eager,
Secretary. Chairman
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
Insomina, nervousness, and,
5S, ana,
tomachV" -"
headache, dizziness, con
its. PMd by all druggists.
If not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood'!
Fills stimulate the stomach
rouse the liver, cure headd
5ption,e. 25 cents. P Id by all druggists
List of the Officers, If embers, and Executive
Committe of People's Party of Nebraska.
Chairman J. A. Edgerton, Lincoln.
Secretarv Frank D. Eager, Lincoln.
Treasurer Austin H. W ier, Lincoln.
First Dlstrlct-C. W. Hole. Lincoln.
Second District-C. A. Whitiord, Arlington.
Third District O. Nelson, Richland.
Fourth District B. R- B. Weber, Valparaiso.
Filth District D. S Dusenberv. Nelson.
butth District-J. W. Elhngham, North Platte.
Ifmmt. " Pttieffitt.
I. T. Steele Hastings
...Herman Frees.....Neligh
Banner. ..
..M. E. Shafto.......Ashtord
.Ezra Hollopeter....Brewster
Blaine -
Box Butte..
I. a. r3Bira,.....ceaar napias
J. K. Neal Hemingiord
.Ed. L. Whiting ..Spencer
.Geonre Miles. ........ Ainsworth
..John A. Miller Kearney
... W Petersoa....Tekamab
,W. Waugh .....Alvo
Cedar ......
.lohn H. Filber.
....Clay Center
.....Broken Bow
.....So. Sioux City
,..A. B. Sutton.....
,.G. F.Crabb
..C. 1. Osborne..
.G. W. Nagle.....
..O. Nel9on...
L. IJewald....
,..C. W. Beal
,..M. B. Slocum...
L. Gibson....
,..t.W. Hanna....
Duel Jonas Coftman......Oshkosu
Dixon....- w. scnram .ronca
Dodge .K. D Kelly Fremont
Douglass......... .. . - Omaha
Dundy .1 2. Valker Benkieman
Fillmore.. .John I. Burks Geneva
Franklin .M. Dlmmick Macon
Frontier VVm. Reed Stockpile
Furnas ..C. F. Wheeler .Beaver City
Gage ........... E. E. Ellis Beatrice
Garlield T. G. HemmettBurwell
Gosper .S. B. Yoeman .Elwood
Grant H. GreathouseHyannis
Greely lames Barry tjreeiy center
Hall H. A. Edwards Grand Island
,...F. M. Howard..,
..Theo. Malier....,
Hayes I- E. HammondHayes Center
Hitchcock Geo. W. larter.uike
Hnlt Ham Kautiman.. O'Neill
Hooker. W. B. Barnaby.... Mullen
Howard - D. Manuel si. raui
eflv-rson. ..... i had Williams. rairoury
ohnson Fred Kohn Crab Orchard
Kearney G. I. Richmond. ..Minden
Keith J. W, Sheridan. Ogallala
Keya Paha .John F. Carr Springview
Kimball John Biggs Kimball
Knox lP"n 1 Lenger wioDrara
L nca9ter C. W. Hoxie Lincoln
Lincoln J. W. Ellingham-North Platte
Logan W. Ginn Gandy
Loup J. F. AndersonTaylor
Madison C. D. Jenkins Norfolk
McPherson Ben Wilson Tyron
Merrick M. H. Kawllns Arcner
Nance Wm. Dawson Fullerton
Nemaha D. J. Wood Brattoa
Niulcola D.S. Dusenbery.. Nelson
Otoe .John Willman Nebraska Citj
Pawnee ! J. Plummer rawnee wty
Perkins frank Pontes cisie
Phelps A. J. Shaffer Holdrage
Pierce W. A. Bouce Foster
Platte John S. Freeman.Columbui
Polk I.C. Kahe... Shelby
Red Willow .1. A. Sheridan Indianola
Richardson J. M. w mttaicer-.r ails wit
Rock W. T. Phillips Bassett
Saline Wilbur Savage .Wilber
Sarpy George Becker Richfield
Saunders ; B. R. B. Weber Valparaiso
Scotts Bluff.,
.W. I. Senterv Gerins
..M. D. Carey Seward
,.H. J. Staunchfield-Rushville
..H. M. Mathews Loup City
Wm.J. Raum Harrison
..W. H. Porter Stanton
F. S. Mickey Hebron
Thomas -..A. C. Avers... Thedford
Thurston............. W. I. Wiltsie.........Pender
Valley tJ. A. Munn ura
wastiington A. wnuiora niunguw
Wayne H. B. Miller Wlnside
Webster.... ......H. L. Hopkins Cowlea
Wheeler... .......C. E. Parsons Kartlett
York -..J. D. F. bmaU...-..York
The Knights of Labor Will Support the
Silver Leader.
Kansas City, Mo., June 22. The fol-
owing isan original statement from Gen
eral Master Workman Sovereign:
"I shall support Senator Henry M.
Teller if he is nominated, and I believe
that organized labor will do so.
The Knights of Labor all over the
country are for him. On the Pacific
slope the Western Federation of Miners,
vtiicli include gold, silver and coal
miners, nearly 109,000 strong, are
strongly in his favor.
"So is the federation of Labor on the
coast, so far as I can learn, and the pow
erful seamen s union as well, i he for
mer Knights of Labor I know to be en
thusiastically for him. Free coinage of
silver is to be the issue, and organized
labor is for it.
McKinley may have shown wisdom
in selecting Mark Hannaas his manager,
but by so doing be has gained the bitter
opposition of organized labor In every
state of the union. Hanna has always
been a vindictive foe to organised labor.
He is an industrial cannibal. He has
crushed union after union among his
thousands of employes and has taken
delight in doing so. He is worse than
"In caseof McKinley'H election, Hanna
would be the real president.
" hile labor organizations may have
their little differences, they come togeth
er as a unit when an attack is to be
made on a common foe.
J. R. Sovereign.
"General Master Workman, Knights of
Greenbacks and Silver In London.
Bio Springs, Neb., June 24, 1896
Editor Independent: To settle a dis
pute, will you please answer the follow
ing questions:
1. What would be the purchasing val
ue today in London, England, of 100
United States silver dollars
2. What would be the purchasing val
ue today, in Loudon, England, of five
new twenty-dollar sold pieces:
3. What would be tne purchasing
value today in London, England, of five
twenty-dollar U. S. treasury notes.'
John 11. Abbott
American silver dollars have exactly
the same purchasing power in London
or any other mart of trade in the whole
civilized world, as American cold dollars
and thev are not redeemable in gold
either. Greenbacks and treasury notes
are a slight premium over American sil
ver and gold dollars in London and on
the continent, always just equal to the
difference in the cost of transportation
between the paper and metallic money
to the United States.
It is not conceivable that an English
business man would be so foolish as to
take less than the face value for either
silver, greenbacks . or treasury notes,
when he can send them over here and
pay import duties, or buy beef, cotton
and pork with them at their full face
value. ,r
Take ithe Rock Island ani Wabash
railroadeion vour St. Louis tip accoun
nnnnlew nrtv rnnvpntinn UulV ia
Shnrtw ijne. Quickest time.Jwst serviae.
Low Special
We Have the Votes to Change Pres
ent Conditions.
Will we nil put them Where they will do
the Most Good?
Henry M. Teller is a magnificent man
able, eloquent, genial and magnetic.
Who will assert with any assurance that
be is not the Moses who will lead the
common people out of bondage? In his
public career of a quarter of a century
he has been at all times and under all
circumstances a champion of the people.
No statesman ever guarded the interests
of the great common people with such
jealousy and intense solitude. He is and
was opposed to the contraction of the
currency, he opposed with all the power
he posHeesed the issuing of bouds in the
time of peace, be is an uncompromising
enemy to the present system of robbery
and plunder of the common people.
With that splendid courage which is the
mainspring to the conduct of states
men, be opposed and defeated the infa
mous force bill which r republican con
gress attempted to force upon the south.
When the bill came up for consideration,
be arose, and with vehemenence, declared
that the bill was infamous and could not
pass, and it did not pass. This act has
endeared Senator Teller to the southern
people, and bis whole public history cul
minating in his defiance to the goldbugs
of the east and all their pliant tools, has
endeared him to the people of the west.
With patience, kindness and charity,
let us watch the trend of events. The
Eeople cannot afford to lose tnis great
attle for liberty. We must not have
four more years of goldbugism. We have
got the votes to change this condition
of things, and it remains to be seen
whether the industrial forces will flock
separately, or whether they will unite
and save the country from the hideous
and debasing thralldom of perpetual
bondage to goldbugism. Custer County
should send one dollar to C. E. Kittin
ger of Powell, South Dakota, and get his
rennets and instructions for making
cheese at home. You can make three
pounds of cheese in place of one pound of
Mr. Kittinger is a prominent populist
of South DakotaandiB perfectly reliable.
The Union Paoifio will Celebrate
by giving its many patrons a rate of
one fare for the round trip to points in
Kansas and Nebraska, not more than
200 miles distant, on account of the 4th
of July celebrations.
Join in these celebrations and visit
your inenas. d uii lniormation win De
given at city office 1044 0 St. or depot
5th and O. 4-lt
In the District Court of Lancaster County,
Egbert Starr trustee, plaintiff.
Louis Snyder, James McMurtry,
Amanda E. McMurtry, Silas H. Burn-
ham, Burnham his wife, first
and real name unknown, Silas H. Burn
ham trustee, connty of Lancaster, city
of Lincoln, John Bartow, William Koif-
ner, John Smidt, Smidt, his
wife, first and real name unknown, Isaac
W. Brown, Cehna B. Blake, V uliam
Swisher, Samuel McClay, administrator
deceased, State JNational bank a
corporation, Jeremiah J. Heeley, Ballou
State bank to., corporation, J. Keed,
first and real name unknown, Columbia
National bank, a corporation, Jacob K.
King, John Warner.First National bank
of Jerseyville, 111., First National bank
of iBatavia, 111., Henry & Coatsworth,
Co., a corporation, George B. Bradfield,
Joseph Gundrey, Lincoln Loal Co., a cor
poration, F. E. Foltz, first name un
known, Lewis C. torton, 1'atrick unmn,
E. T. Burrows & Co., a corporation,
Cedar Rapida National bank, First Na
tional bank, Lincoln, Nebraska, a cor
poration, Carpenter Paper Co., a cor
poration, American Exchange National
bank, John A. Brown, National bank
Xiarnesvuie, security investment to., a
corporation, C. M. Parker, Brotherhood
wine Co., acorporation, Harriet B. Good
win, beth C. Wilson, Martin Radlord,
Jane U. Dondall. L. L. Burr, James N,
Hord, Newport Savings bank, a corpor
ation, Lucy lllworth, Chas. W . Oakes,
Concordia Loan & J rust Co., a corpora
tion, Thomas S. Chambers, Lare J.
Brainard, Mary J. Hunter, May Broth
ers, a partnership.
The defendants, Louis Snyder, John
Smidt, Smidt his wife, John Bar
tow, Isaac B. Brown, Jeremia J. Heeley,
Ballou State Hanking Company a cor
poration, J. Reed, Jacob K. King, First
National Bank Harnesville, Ohio a cor
poration, First Nation-al Bank of Bata
via. Illinois a corporation. First Na-
tional bank of Jerseyville, Illinois, Henry
& Coatsworth Company a corporation,
Lewis t. Gorton, Patrick Griffin, L. T.
Burrows & Company a corporation,
Carpentar Paper Company a corpora
tion, Brotherhood Wine Company-
corporation, Seth C. Wilson, Jane D,
Dowdall, James M. liuid, Newport Sav
lngs Bank a corporation, Concordia
I Loan & Trust Company a corporation.
rnoa B. tnamDera, aiay brothers-
partnership, will take notice that on the
10th day of April, 1896, Egbert Starr,
trustee, the plaintiff, filed his petition in
the district court of Lancaster county
Nebraska, against Louis Snyder. James
McMurtry, Amanda L. McMurtry, Silas
H. Burnham. Burnham his
wife, first name unknown, Silas II
Burnham, trustee, county of Lancaster,
city of Lincoln, John Bartow, William
Koifnor, John Smidt, Smidt
his wife, first and real name unknown
Summer Rates.
"Write For Oata.logxe, Address
Isaac W. Brown, Celina B. Blake, Wil
liam Swisher, Samuel McClay, adminis
trator of diseased. State Na
tional Bank a corporation, Jeremiah H.
Heeley, Ballou State Bank Company
a corporation, J. Reed First and real
name unknown, Columbia National
Bank a corporation, Jacob K. King,
John Warner, First National Bank of
Jersey ville, 111., First Nat'l Bank of Bata
via, III., Henry k Coatsworth Company
a corporation, George B. Bradfield,
Joseph Gundrey, Lincoln Coal
Co. a corporation, F. E. Foltz
first name unknown, Louis C. Gorton,
Patrick Griffin, E. T. Burrows & Co. a
corporation, Cedar Rapids National
Bank, First National Bank, Lincoln,
Nebraska a corporation, Carpenter Pa
per Co. a corporation, American Ex
change National Bank, John A. Brown,
National Bank of Barnesville, Security
Trust Co. a corporation, C. M. Park
er, Brotherhood Wine Co. a corpora
tion, Harriet B. Goodwin, Setb C. Wil
son, Martin Radford, Jane D. Dcndall,
James M. Hard, Neport Savings Bank
a corporation, Lucy Willworth, Charles
VV. Oakes, Concordia Loan & Trust Co.
a corporation, Thomas S. Chambers,
Kate J. Brainard, Mary J. Hunter,
Mar Brothers a partnership, the
object and prayer of which is to fore
close a certain mortgage executed to
James L. Lombard by defendant Louis
Snyder, said mortgage and note was sold
and assigned to the plaintiff for a valu
able consideration, who is now the own
er thereof, upon lot No. 10, block No. 4,
in McMurtry's addition to the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, in
which real estate the other defendants
herein named claim some interest by vir
tue of judgment liens, to secure the pay
ment of one promissory note, dated No
vember 12, 1887, for the sum uf f 800.
and due and payable on the first day of
November 1892; that there is now due
and unpaid on said note and mortgage
the sum of $800.00, which together with
interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per
annum from the first day of November
1895, the plaintiff prays for a decree of
foreclosure, and sale of said premises.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 3d day of August 1896.
Dated June 25th 1896.
Egbert Starr, trustee,
By Wm. G. Clark and
C. L. Talmage,
His Attorneys.
Attorneys, 1034 O Street, Lincoln,
Notlca Is hereby Riven that by virtna of an or
der ol sals liwaed by the clerk ol the district
eonrt ol the Third Judicial district ol Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster connty. In an action
wherein William Wertcer Is plaintiff, and Robert
Greene et al., defendants, 1 will, at 2 o clock p.
m on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1896, at the
t door of the conrt house, in the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster, connty, Nebraska, offer for sale
at public auction the following described real
estate to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner of tne north
half of the northwest quarter of section twenty
eight (28), town eight (8) range six (6), east, and
running thence east to the west line of the pro
jected right of way, depot and switching grounds
of the Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Railway Co.,
as the same Is now surveyed and staked and laid
out across said north half of the northwest quar
ter of section twenty-eight (28), township eight
(8l, range six (til. thence southwesterly along said
line to the Intersection of said projected Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. grounds witb
the south line or said norm nan oi inenorinwesi
onarter ot section
twenty-eight (28), township
eieht 181. ranee six
(6) east, thence west to tne
west line of said north half of the northwest quar
ter of said section twenty-eight (28), thencs
north to the place of beginning, in Lancaetei
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this Id day of July, A,
Lincoln. Neb.
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the 22d day of May, 181(4,
and duly filed In the office of the county clerk of
Lancaster county, neDrassa, on tub nva uay ui
June, 1898, and executed by W. K. Keefer to
W'lnnna Implement Co.. and assigned to M. Y.
Deucher Co., to secure the payment of the snm of
$155.00, on which there is now due the sum of
I17T.70, default having been made In the payment
ot said sum, and no suit or other proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said debt,
or any part thereof, tnereiore we wm sen tne
property therein described, vis,: One double
seated carriage, known as a Winona carbriolitte,
at public auction on Tenth street, in front of the
Dost omce Duuuing, in tne city oi i.iucuin, uau-
caster connty, on the 22d day ot July, 189(1, at 1
o clock p. m. of saia a ay.
By Nebraska Law Collection Co., Agents.
Dated June 2, Vm.
Attorney at Law, Lincoln-
Jessie L. Mcbrlde, Leslie B. McBrlde, minor
heir of Benton M. McBride, deceased, and all
creditors of Benton M. McBride. deceased.
will take notice that on the 2th day or
June, ISUtt, Adella A. Traax, plaintiff herein, filed
her petition in the district court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, against the said defendants,
the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by Benton M. Mc
Bride, now deceased, and JesBie L. McBride. his
wife, upon lots seven (7) and eight (8), In block
number one (l)'in Brace and Strawbridge's sub
division of lot thirteen 1 18, in H. Culbertson's
subdivision of the northwest quarter (nw. V4) of
the northeast quarter (ne. Vt) and the northeast
quarter (ne. Vil of the nurtbwest quarterlnw. Vt)
in section nineteen (19), township ten (10) north
of range seven (7), east ot the sixth P. M , in
Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of a certain promissory note In writing,
dated July 2d, 1894, for the sum ot four hundred
and fifty dollars (f 150.00), due and payable on
the first day of January, 1899. with coupons at
tached for the payment of Interest coming due
on the first day ot January and Jnly of each
year respectively, sard note and mortgage con
taining a provision that in default of the pay
ment of any Interest conuon that plaintiff conld
elect to declare the entire sum due and payable.
Default having been mad In the interest pay
ment which became due the first of January,
M. the plaintiff has elected to and has declared
the entire sum due. There is now dne on said
note and mortgage the sum of $488 90, for which
sum, with interest from Jnly 2d, 1896, at ten per
cent per annum, plaintiff prays for a decree that
the defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premiees may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
Von arc required to answer said petition on or
before the 10th day of August, 1898.
7 By Jno. 8, Kirkpatrlnk.
Dated this 29th day ! Jane, ISM. ,
For The National Convention Peo
ple's Party, at St. Louis,
July 22d.
The Wabash, tbesbortestand quickest
route from Omaha and Kansas City,
with its superb trains of reclining chair
cars free, and Pullman sleeping cars, has
been selected as the route to travel for
Nebraska delegates and their friends.
All connecting lines will sell tickets at
half fare. Parties desiring through cars
or sleeping car accommodations, can ar
range for same by addressing
J. A. Edgerton, Chairman,
F. D. Eager, Sec'y,
State Central Committee.
G. N. Clayton.
N.W.P.Agt. Wabash R.R.,
3t5 Omaha, Nebraska.
The above cut represents without doubt
the most popular free coinage badge.
The upper or smaller piece represents a
gold dollar in color and size, the larger is
the color and exact size of a silver do
lar. It is a quick seller. Send 25 cenj
for sample. Agents wanted in ever)
county and town in Nebraska. Liberal
terms. Write at once to the Official
Badge Co. 1122 M. St., Lincoln, Neb.
Worth Having.
Read our offer on another page. "The
Modern Doctor" is a book that should
be in every home. A year's subscription
to the Independent and this sxcellent
book for 1.75.
Sammoi Trips at Beduced Bates.
The Northwestern line is now selling
tickets at reduced round trip rates to
many tourist points in the western, north
ern and northeastern states and Canada.
Any one designing a summer trip would
do well to secure our figures before pur
chasing tickets elsewhere.
Bicycle for Bale.
An entirely new bicycle for sale. A
wheel that retails everywhere at $90.00.
Our price $50. Call and see it before
buying, or address the
Independent Pub. Co.,
1122 M St., Lincoln, Neb.
Missouri Pacific Half-rate Excursions
San Francisco June 15, 16, 23 and 24.
Washington, D. C, July 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Buffalo, N. Y., July 4 and 5.
Only one fare for round trip. Remem
ber that our new fast train leaving Lin
coln at 3:20 p. m. makes the quickest
time to all eastern points. Full informa
tion at city ticket office, 1201 0 street.
F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A.
Populist Hand Book.
We have on hand a few copies of Mr.
Edgerton's Populist Hand Book, for
1895, which gives an account of the
frauds in state institutions; legislative
extravagance, Governor Holcomb's mes
sage, facts on the silver question, etc..
etc. Send 5 cents for single copy or 25
cents for six copies. Independent Pub
lishing Co., 1122 M street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hints to Tourists Where to go and what
it Costa-
Is the subject of a little pamphlet pub
lished by the Northwestern line giving a
large amount of information regarding
the lake regions of Minnesota and Wis
consin. For a copy address city ticket
agent, 117 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Ne
braska. To Our Patrons-
The following is a list of the principal
business firms that place advertisements
in this and other populist papers. You
should remember them with your pat
ronage. They are not all populists, but
they are liberal-minded, sensible business
men who concede the right to every man
to think and act and vote with any po
litical party he may desire. Give them a
call; they will treat you right:
Miller & Paine, dry goods, Lincoln.
Alliance Store, groceries, 245 S. 11th
street, Lincoln.
Boston Store, department store, Oma
ha. Browning, King & Co., clothing, Lin
coin. Challenge Wind & Feed Mill Co., Bata
via., 111.
Dee Moines Incubator Co., DesMoines,
Fairbanks, Morse & Co., pumps, en
gines, etc., Omaha.
Kitselman iiros., wire lence nng s,
Ridgeville, Ind.
Lincoln Business College, Lincoln.
McCormick Harvesting Co., Chicago.
Nebraska Clothing Co., Omaha.
Nebraska Seed Co., Omaha.
Summers, Morrison & Co., Commis
sion. Chicaeo.
H. S. Williamson, hogs, Beaver City,
J. V. Wolfe, hogs, Lincoln.
Cut this list out and put it in your
pocket for reference. ... V i
At i J Cents a Mile
To individuals on. the First TuesdaVjand
to parties of seven'p'r.more an the Third
Tuesday of each tnonth, to nearly all
glints in the South ; and on special dates
zcursion Tickets are sold at a little
more than One Fare for the round trip.
For full information write to
I. K. EIDGELY, S. . Pass. Asent, CMcaeo, VL
C. P. ATIORE, Gen'l Pass, ist., LonisYffle, K7.
Write for County Map of the South to
either of the above named gentlemen,
or to P. Sip Jones, Pass. Agent, in charge
of Immigration, Birmingham, Ala.
Do You Want to Save Money and
Then take the new flier leaving Lincoln
daily at 3:20 p. m. via the Missouri Pa
cific when you go east. Several hours
saved to St. Louis, Washington, Cincin
nati, New York and all eastern points
and southern. Close connections made
with all lines in New St Louis Union Sta
tion, the most costly and magnificent
depot in the world. For further infor
mation call at city ticket office 120 O"
street. F. D. Cornell,
C. P. & T. A.
People who wish to goto Buffalo to at
tend the N. E. A. Convention, who want
fast time, the most excellent train ser
vice and superior accomodations, will do
well to consider the Nickel Plate Road
before purchasing tickets. A fare of
$12.00 for the round trip will apply with
f 2.00 added for membership fee. Ticket
will be on sale July 5th and 6th with
liberal return limit and with privilege t. 1
stop-over at Chautaqua Lake. Addi
tional information cheerfully given on
application to J. T. Calahan, Gen'l
Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, 111.
It is Just Wonderful
The time the Union Paciflo "Overlaid"
r8T mail No. 3 makes to Ogden, Salt
Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, (Seattle
San Francisco and Los Angeles. Thh
Daily Meteor has the finest equipment
consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol
stered Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining ,
Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa
tion call on or address E. B. 81osson,;
General Agent, 1014 O St, or J. T. Mas
tin, C. T. A.
Cheap Bates for All Kinds of Poople.
If you want to travel cheap note tliJ
following round trip excursions at haJ
rates this summer via the Northwester
line: 1
June 12 and July 3, to Hot Springs,
S. D. I
June 14 and 15 and July 5 and 6 '(6
Denver, Col. ,
Junelo, 16, 23 and 24, to San Eta
Juiy4, 5 and 6, to Chicago.
July 4 and 5, to Buffalo, N. E. A.
July 2, 3, 4, 5, to Washington, I). C.
July 14. 15. 16. to MilwnnlfBo Vi
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Get tickets at city ticket office, 117 S. 1
10th St., Lincoln, Neb. ;
, , ...