1 June 25, 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. THE OMAHA PLATFORM. Some Improvement in the Wording; Badly Needtd. Omaha, Neb., June 13, 139G. Editor Independent: Referring to your editorial last eek "about plat forms," I likerour old populist who has been in the fight for monetary reform and who has written you in this matter. I too have been in the fight ever since Hugh McCnllough in 1806 began burn ing up the greenbacks "Lincoln's raw" (?) and John Sherman in 1869 and 1870 strengthen the public credit "by making all lawful money" obligations of the United States payable in coin and by closing the mints to the coinage of silver in 1873, making coin mean gold only. That was thirty years ago, and I am al ways pleased with every word or sen tence uttered by any of our leaders show ing a true understanding of the money qnestion and its importance. As said by the Independent, "every person having a thorough and scientific understanding of the money question knows that all money is fiat money, made and unmade by law, and that the money plank in the Omaha platform is not only weak and ambiguous in language, but extremely unscientific in principle. The demand for a national currency to to be at the same time, "safe, sound and flexible," giving to the word flexible the bankers meaning of cbangable, not rel ative to population and property as it should be, but as it may be to the inter est or advantage of the bankers and creditor classes is utterly fallacious. A money or currency made "flexible" in this sense can never be safe or sound" and viceversa. The desideratum in money, whatever its substance, is fixity of volume relatively to population, amount of taxes and property. So is the system as at present of the government as a warebousekeeper or loan agency issuing certificates to circu late as money on deposit or hypotheca tion of gold, silver and bonds, worse than an absurdity, as would be ,the ex tention of th,e system to include land or "non-perishable farm and other pro ducts" as proposed by the so-called sub treasury scheme in the Omaha platform. But for the saving clause, "or some bet ter plan" this declaration for the gov ernment to issue all money would be ut terly indefensible, as every thoroughly informed populist knows and has known for the last four years. The only just and scientific way of is suing money is by the government pay ing it out on accountof services rendered by the individual for the public. Any promise to pay money, whether issued bv the government or through banks, 1 t for the purpose of circulating in lien of ..1 1 .1 n.hflUMt Neither should the government issue any kind of denomination of money limited in legal tender form, as the greenback. fractional silver etc. It is a humbug ana robbery. Inclosed I send you a copy of my plat form on the money question written as explained for the Douglas county popu- list central committee. 1 vr- We would like very much to have it published in the Independent for con sideration and amendment if possible by the "sound money" populists of the state. .We believe it is vitally important that the party should get together on enma amonrimont tn t.hin Tllttnk in OUT platform if possible before convention day. Let us have a free and friendly discus sion of the subject. I wonld especially like to hear from the old-time populist who has written you in the matter. Respectfully and sincerely yours for sound money. John Jeffcoat. The following is the draft of a money plank referred to by Mr. Jeffcoat: Proposed amendment of the people's party national platform for 1896: M ,iey Whereas, The constitution of the United States, as interpreted by the supreme county says: "Congress shall have exclusive pow' to declare what shall be money, tf'i coin and print the same and regulate the value thereof," r.A Mi I Whereas, Tne power to issue and regu late the value of money is the most pow erful instrumentality on earth for the weal or woe of a nation of people, and, Whereas, as held by all political econ omists, and demonstrated by all past ex perience, the only means by which the value of money is or can be regulated is by regulating the volume, relatively, and. Whereas, Money, upon whatsoever ex . pressed, is wholly a creation of legal sov ereignty a forced acceptance is and I Bhould be exclusively a national institu tion. We therefore demand: ,) 1. The immediate retirement of all private bank issues of credit money of suusiuuies ior uiuuey. 2. That all money shall be issued by the general government only, and made equally a full legal tender and receivable for all debts and dues, both public ana ir private. 3. As a concession to the barbarian notion of commodity value in money, we demand the free and unlimited" coin age of both gold and silver, of All de nominations, at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, regardless of the action of any other nation. 4. As the basis for a scientific and in variable measure of values in exchange, and for the preservation of equities in deferred payments and time contracts and between taxpayers and taxreceivers, : also as a solution of the tariff question, ' and protection of the people of the Unit ed States from the effects of foreign com petition for metallic money, we demand the issue by the general government of a full legal tender inconvertible paper money, also receivable for all dues to the government, said money 1o be issued direct in payment for all kinds of public services and public improvements, also in redemption at par for all kinds of paper notes or money issued by the United States and now outstanding, in cluding national bank notes, as the same shall be surrendered, under laws to en force the same. To restore equities destroyed by past nofniint! ah f f itpiuih hnnlo o v 1 1 1! m i fro itnn Vjrro u uviiuii ui i uunvivo cuvi nun iu nvv of the coinage of silver, new issue of .noney to beat the ratio of not less than 6 per capita per annum, exclusive of the amounts issued in redemption of all kinds of other paper money and notes, until the aggregate of all money in circu lation in the United States, including gold and silver, shall cease and no more shall be issued, only as it shall be neces sary to add to the volume of money, as metal money may be exported, and to keep pace with the increase in popula tion and maintain the volume of money always equal to f 50 per capita. I 11 Ion Not Fusion. Wekpino Water, Jun 17, 1896. Editor Independent: While I am not a populist I have voted the ticket ever since the party was organized. While 1 claim no right to advise in the counsels of the party, my position enti tles me to a little friendly chat with you. Gibson was a good brother. Nevetheless I was delighted when he left the editorial chair and you took his place. His mode of reform even if true is not practical and will not be for 100 years. I imagine you will go to St. Louis. I beg of you to coutrive some way to unite the silver forces without fusion or the compromise of the party. If it can be done we can whip the scoundrels into some appearauce of decency and open the way for a crushing Diow upon onier abuses. I ioined the abolitionists in 18dJ. 1 was a member of the convention that decided to form the liberty party. It was iiot my privilege to be at Warsaw when it was organized, but I fought in its ranks till it was absorbed by the free soil party. I did not act with that party. Martin vanoureu stun 1 iuuiu u. When Fremont was nominated I voted the ticket and continued to do so till 1860 when I identified myself with there publican party. So much about myself in explanation and justification of what I am about to 8av- "The republicans lormuiatea a piai form and nominated a ticket that uni ted in action all the antislavery forces. Can't we learn something from their course? Their platform amounted to lit tle, but it repelled no enemy of slavery. Their first candidate was the son-in-law of a slave holder. Their second candi date went no farther than to say "this country cannot remain half slave and half free." "That if he could save the country without abolishing slavery he would do it. That if ne couia save tne Union by abolishing slavery he would abolish it." ' Now sunnose the democrats should have sense enough to nominate Teller, Bryan, Boies or even Iillmanr Would we not be a set of fools not to nominate them as our own candidates? Could we not do this without jeopardizing the in tegrity or solidity of our own party? Can't we flank these proslavery fellows on the silver question and when we get them on the run hoist tne 01a nag ana sing the requiem: "John Brown's body lies mouldering in the grave" "But his soul is marching on. I leave the matter with younger men. But OhI how it would rejoice my eyes to see this new slave power ground to pow der before the grave closes over them. E. S. Gilbert. FREE SILVER FRAUDS. The Gold Plank of the Republican Party Ends Them. Washington, D. C, June 18,1896. (Special to the Independent.) Political gossip which has been afloat in Washing ton for the past few weeks, and which has been supplemented during the last few days by telegraphic information in the daily papers from the advance guard of the republican national convention at St. Louis, shows clearly that there is a certain class of free silver republicans who are earnestly appealing to the gold men to hoo-doo them. It is that class of republicans who have silver constitu encies, but who are not silver men them selves except in name. They claim to be free silver men, and, out of fear of their constituents, are forced to vote for a free coinage measure every time it comes before congress. But they have been begging the managers of the republican national convention to arrange some kind of a straddling platform, which they would know, of conrse, meant the gold standard, but with which they hoped to fool their constituents and hold them in line in the coming cam paign. We have referred to this class of silver republicans in a former letter. They are the silver men who are monop olists and who vote with the gold bugs and monopolists on every question ex.- cept that of free silver. In short, they are gold bugs at heart; they are hypo crites of the most dangerous kind as far as the interests of the people are con cerned, but, on the other hand, they are the most valuable agents of the gold ring. They act, as it were, as attorneys for the gold ring, and use thpir influence to fool the silver voters and get them to vote to elect a gold bug like McKinley for president. This stripe of politician is to be found in both parties, and they are the curse and bane of American poll tics. A large number of men of this stripe are now representing silver con stituencies in both the house and the senate. We take this means of warning their constituents that as long as they send such men to congress, or trust to and follow the leadership of such men in political campaigns, they can never ex pect to get reliet or see any better times. Fervidly Patriotic. The fervidly patriotic firm of Heidel bach, Ickleheimer &Co., .continues to withgraw gold from the subtreasury of the United States. They are very much interested in the gold standard, are Mr Heidelbach and Mr, Ickellieimer. .They have accumulated an immense fortune by the simple process of withdrawing gold from the treasury. hen the gold is withdrawn Mr. Grover Cleveland issues bonds and fills the treasury up again. When Mr. Daniel Manning was alive he declared that he would pay out silver dollars to the lleidellinchs and the Ickle- heimers of his day. But things are dif ferent now. The republican platform de clares for gold and Heidelbach, Ickle heimer & Co. withdraw the gold. Others interested in this game are Mr. Bleich roeder. Mr. Heimerdingerchen, Mr. Roths child, Mr. Lodenburg, Mr. Lichtenberger and other distinguished gentlemen too numerous to mention. This is indeed a golden age. Twentieth Century. It Does Not. Ashton, June 19, 1896, Editor Independent: Will you please answer the following question in your paper. Does this government give a bounty or rebate for any article man ufactured and reported from this coun try? A. Subscriber. MUSIC IN THE AIR. Nebraska Politics at the State House. The School t'uml. Penitentiary Appoint ment and Some Other Thing. Every mail brings a cartload of repub lican papers to Secretary of State Piper's office. They are marked copies contain ing "puffs" of the head of the Alma A. P. A. leader. Piper is shrewd. By the out rageous action of the late disgraceful session of the legislature, taking away from the governorthe authority to name the papers in which the constitutional amendments should be published, and placing it with the secretary of state, Piper becomes a political dictator of con siderable consequence. The republican papers are filled with laudatory articles of him, and the newspaper boys should not be blamed, for he has the distribu tion of $90,000 worth of printing. He it was who influenced the committee to have an early convention called. He knows that when the printing is placed, and four out of five republican papers are disappointed, there will be music in the air. He was very wise to get the convention called before the designation of newspapers is made, but now another trouble is confronting him. There is no other candidate for his office in the field, and it occurred to the fertile mind of Harlan county's boss office-holder that some one might move to make his nom ination unanimous. Before the chair man could put the motion, some evil- minded delegate, who bad not the inter ests of the A. P. A. secretary at heart, might move to amend the motion so as to include Churchill, Russell, andCorbett. That would mean a row at once, and the result might be a clean sweep of the pres ent officials. It is probable that the secretary will induce some sacrificing friend to consent to be placed in nomina tion first, and then, after Piper s name is put forward, a roll call can be started or the vote can be bad viva voce. By no means will the shrewd Piper allow himself to be drawn into the whirlpool in which the political aspirations of his less fortunate associates may go down. Enemies of Attorney-General Churchill do not attempt to ridicule him, He is too dense to understand. His nomina tion was a fluke and his election an acci dent. The people did not know him. Now his own county wants to discard him, and he will come into the state con vention trusting his chances of election to those who have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with him. He is not making an active canvass upon his prohibition record in Iowa, and he isn't saying a word about the indictment hanging over him for embezzling funds while living in that state. Churchill is not a success as a lawyer, and has no reputation to boast of as a gentleman, but he can beat the world telling war stories. Speaking of the battle of Look out mountain to a confiding listener a few days ago, the "general" puffed up like a huge toad and declared that he had some narrow escapes there. "One bullet grazed my head, cutting a furrow from forehead to crown, as straight as if parted," declared the bom bastic, sensational story-teller from Iowa. "It stunned me for a moment, but I was np and at 'em again in a min ute. Auother ball cut off one side of my moustache, slick and clean, and didn't draw a drop of blood. One bullet cut through my clothing at one side of my breast, grazed the skin, and went out at the other side. In all there were fifty seven bullet holes in my clothing when the fight was over. Yes, it was a hot time." Told before an average republican con vention, that story ought to be worth several score of votes. The "general" is not clever, yet he does know enough not to tell the delegates to the state conven tion that he pockets half the salary of his stenographer. If the accusation were made against him he could easily defend himself by saying that Russell takes a large share of the pay of the girl clerks in his office, and that some of the young ladies in Piper's office receive lit tle more than half the sums appropriat ed for their pay. These deductions are not for campaign expenses. These un conscionable officers are Bimply turning into their pockets the money appro priated by the legislature for other pur poses. It is em bezzlement of state money and nothing less. Will Summers, deputy attorney-general for several terms, may ie a candidate before the convention. Mr Summers was nominated by the republican con vention two years ago, but just to keep in practice some A. P. A. cappers, includ ing the secretary, stole the nomination from him by miscounting the votes cast. On account of his intimate acquaintance with the duties of the office Summers was retained by Churchill until the legis lative session was over. Then trouble urose because Summers in the absence of his chief, opened A. P. A. letters ad dressed to the attorney-general, and also because he was too closely acquainted with some very questionable dealings of Mr. Churchill's in relation to the peniten tiary appraisement and some other trans actions. So Summers wus bounced, and, if he makes a fight in the convention for the nomination, the country precincts may follow the example set by the attorney-general's home county. "Search the state of Nebraska from Falls City to Chadron, from Beukelman to Ponca, and a man more devoid of the elements which would commend him to his fellow men than the present land commissioner could not befound. With out regard for truth, possessing neither integrity of action nor honesty of pur pose, Russell has exerted his every energy since taking charge of the office to cal umniate Governor llolcomb, not forget ting incidentally to foist upon the state certain individuals of doubtful antece dents, who have drawn money for ques tionable services." This arraignment of the man who ?.'ill be renominated by the republican con vention for commissioner of public lands and buildings, is in the words of a state house official. It is to be hoped that nothing will occur to prevent the renomination of Churchill, for his record is so valuable that it will not only assure his defeat, but will give strength to the entire populist ticket. Douglas county will present the name of a farmer, Mr. Willi,.ms, for commis sioner, and Hastings has started a boom for Dr. A. S. Pierce. When Mrs. Notson drowued herself and her two littlw children in the Missouri river because Superintendent of Public Instruction Corbett refused to appoint her as his deputy, the urbane "profess or's" chances of succeeding himself be came small. His statements of thecause of the unfortunate woman's disappoint ment sealed his fate. Poor Mis. Notson traveled all over Nehraska during the campaign on transportation provided by Corbett, and gained considerable strength for the republican candidate by explaining that a votefor him wasequiv alent to one cast for her, as he had promised to make her his deputy in the event of his election. The appointment 01 liarton as deputy, the drowning of Mrs. Notson and her childreu, the frau tic unavailing efforts of Corbett to ex tricate himself froni the unenviable posi tion in which he was placed, forma story well known to all Nebraskaus. Corbet t's defeat is unquestioned.' He will be nominated by the republicans, and will get a taste of the disappoint ment experienced by poor Mrs. Notsou. Encumbered with Russell, Churchill, Piper and Corbett, the republican state ticket cannot be called a strong one, it matters not who are nominated to fill the other places. Whether the ticket is headed by Hayward, the chief attorney of the state house thieves and boodling state officers and the choice of the Bur lington coterie of political dictators, by Union Pacific McColl, or Meiklejohn, the Washington dude who sports the white shoes, the silk tile and the blaze attire, the result will be the same. IT HAS TURNED TRAITOR. And the Republican Party 8hould Take Another Name. Judge Henry C. Caldwell who was ap pointed to the bench by Lincoln saya in the Denver News that: "The republican party was organized by the people and for the people. Its mem bers are justly proud of its early achiev ments. It nominated and elected Abra ham Lincoln president of the United States on a platform that was a second Declaration of Independence. Its very utterance was in vindication of therights of the people, and it did this, not in pur suance of telegraphic orders from the bankers of Wall street, but against their vehement protest. Lincoln never would have been elected, and slavery never would have been abolished if the bankers of Wall street could have their way. "Then, as now, there were those who demanded that the rights of man should be subordinated to the supposed inter ests of capital. After the lapse of thirty odd years those who represent aggrega ted capital and greed have achieved their purpose have captured the republican party and swung it clean away from the faith and principles of its found ers, and are now attempting to make the party name and its splendid record in the pastBerve the base purpose of sup pressing and despoiling the producers and laborers of the land, for the benefit of segregated capital in all its forms. "This spoliation is successfully accom plished through the agency of the gold standard, to thesupport of which the St. Louis convention has irrevocably pledged the republican party. When it made that pledge it ceased to be the republican party of the past, and ought in all honesty and fairness to have surrendered its name and taken one more befitting its new principles." Safety for Depositor. Ed. Independent It seems to me that this time is the most critical for the safe ty of our American republic than any time since we rebelled against tyranny of King George III. Today the same power has our insti tutions by the throat and have put in nominations, men who will carry out the will of that power if elected. It now behooves all who favor reform issues to get into line on a platform. 1 think the following with forty-three words will suffice. Will it suit you read ers? If so say so. If not why not? PLATFORM. We favor free coinage of silver and gold at the ratio of sixteen to one. We oppose the present national bankingsys tem but favor a banking system in which the government guarantees safety to the depositors. We favor the initia tive and referendum. Yours for the salvation of this repub lic. J. Y. M. SwiOART. - Gtd Bng Tax System. I, David Gore, auditor of public ac counts of the state of Illinois, do hereby certify that the statement of property assessed in Cook county for the year 1894, filed iu this office in persuanee of law, shows among other personal prop erty assessed in said Cook county for the year A. D. 1894, the following, viz: Ag ricultural tools, implements .aad machin ery, ?4,S'J2; money of bankers, brokers, etc., 4:9,925; credits of banks, bankers, brokers, etc., $10,000. The above items show all the property assessed under headings herein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal, " David Gore, Auditor of public works. The Schulte Publishing Company will send to any of our readers mentioning the name of this paper a eopy of "The Con dition of the Amenean larmer on re ceipt of a two-cent stamp to pay for postage, etc. 3tt ON TO CHICAGO. Half Bates Special Silver Train and a Daylight Bun. Sunday a. m., July 5th, 8 o'clock, via the Elkhorn-Northwestern line, a silver train, gaily and appropriately decorated, will leave Lincoln carrying the Hon. W. J. Bryan, the Bryan club, the free silver delegates, their wives and their friends to Chicago. This train will be first-class in every particular; will make fast time, and the daylight run will enable people to see the finest portions of Iowa and Illinois while traveling over the greatest railroad iu the west. One fare for the round trip will bo charged. For further information call on or address as below: A. S. Fielding, C. T. A.. S. A. Mosher, Gen'l Agt., 117 So. 10th St. Lincoln, Nebraska. II you read this paper and like it, send your subscription at once to the Inde pkndknt Ptjb. Co., Lincoln, Neb. NEBRASKA NEWS. Wild fruit is plentiful in Dawson county. Bloomlngtonhasa gun club of eleven members. It is reported that Wlnside is to have a creamery. Cedar county people want township organization. Juniata will celebrate the Fourth in a proper manrr. A postofflce has been established at Buffalo, Dawson county. It is becoming popular in York to build sidewalks of brick. Forty men and boys are at work in the beet fields near York. Tramps are very plentiful along the main line of the Union Pacific. Falls City people think they have the best ball team in the state. Harrison as beooming a popular wool market for northwestern sheep raisers. Many fields of wheat and oats near Gibbon are badly mottled with wild mustard. Alma has an amateur dramatio club that is claimed to be equal to the pro fessionals. The Rocky Mountain grasshoppers are doing some damage to crops in Deuel county. ' Evangelist Rozelle has made arrange ments to drive sin out of Norfolk. The harvest is ready. The army worms are rapidly dying from old age, and the mischief they have done in the state. The South Omaha Tribune thinks it would be the proper caper to have a gambling house inspector. The people of Loup City are consid ering a proposition to build a new sohool house to cost $7,000. Five members of Rev. Mitchell's family of Franklin, including Mr. Mitchell, are down with typhoid fever. The Dawson county teachers' insti tute will be held at Lexington begin ning July 13 and continuing for two weeks. Harold Miles, an old Beatrice boy, has -passed a creditable examination and entered the naval academy at Anapolis. , The fifth annual reunion of the vet erans of Cherry, Keya Paha and Rock counties will be held at Newport, July 8 to 4 inclusive. The next quarterly convention of the Sherman county Sunday school as sociation will be held at Litchfield about September 1. Manifests itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings, running; sores, bolls, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarcely a man Is wholly free from it, in some form. It clings tenaciously until the last vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicated from the blood by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands of voluntary testimonials tell of suffering from scrofula, often inherited and most tenacious, positively, per fectly and permanently cured by Ml Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. j TTkMi a harmoniously with llOOU S FlllS Hood's Sarsaparilla. 25c. F. D. SHERWIN, DENTIST. Second Floor Burr Block. t f Testa oa Bobber, Platlaam, Gold, AJnmlnam, tid poroelsjn Plates. Sold m4 Porealala IrMaa and Grown Work. Qold, Poroelala. and AmaJsMi Fillings. HAIL, CYCLONE. FIRE. S. LICHTY, President, Falls City, Neb. f - ... W&'ST.. r m W J.. fhe Nebraska Mutual, Fire and Cyclone Ins. Co . Is four years old. Has nearly a million at risk. Has sus tained nearly $1, 000 in losses. Insurance has cost the Members only I4.50 for $ 1,000. Who can afford to lay awake worrying when $1.12 has been the cost for carrying $1,000 for one year against a Nebraska blizzard. Remember our fees are but $3.00 for $1,000 and 10c for each additional $100. ADDRESS J ."Y"- "Ml. SWIGART, Agents Wanted. nit it. Wherever combine rnlsos Itn head, Aid hlKh moral suasion can't spilt It; We're sure tobe bled and k In nod tothared Hani oft with jronr ballot and bit it. Hit It all at onre, bit It! The ballot' tha mullet to split it. We'll bit It, hit It. hit it. We'll all bit together. Nor stop to see whether We smash the old thing when we hit it. Oh, there's the hitch head of the great whiskey trust, Red-Hunted as hell-lire has lit itl Now, ready! draw ballots! all handle jour mal lets, And just everlasting!; bit It. Chorus. The Anglo-American gold standard skull, Bit of! at the ears, as fate bit It; ' Tbe head that is lull ot tbe bond-grabber's pull Let every American bit It. Chorus. And there ! the horrible coal oil combine, Against all tbe world you can fit it; r 1 The world-wide octopns that's certain to rope ns ' We must raise onr ballots and hit It. Chorus.:-.' 1 ' ! - z L ' There's trust's daddy, the national banks, O Wlth Rothschild's skull-cap to fit It; 1 Bat millions ot cranks will flrst return thanks And then everlastingly hit It. Chorus. ' . Copyrighted and for sale by Filmore Brothers 119 West 6th street, Cincin nati, Ohio, and at this office. Words by H. W. Taylor, music by J. B. Herbert. Republicans and Trust. The complete abandonment of republi can principles by the St. Louis conven tion is shown by the fact that in the whole of the long platform there adopted there is not one word against monopo lies And trusts, or in favor of regulating interstate railway traffic of the country in a way to protect the rights of the in dividuals and localities from the injus tice and oppression which is now perpe trated upon them. JUDGE CALDWELL. Consumers Purchasingngency, will buy anything you want at cheapest possible price. V. Clem Heaver, Kooro v Uranite bik., Omaha, Neb. Free Silver Train ' The state and local committees having in charge transportation facilities to the Chicago democratic convention have ar ranged with the North-Western line, the "official route" to run special trains to Chicago, one leaving Lincoln Sunday, July 5th, at 8 o'clock a. m. via the F. E. & M. V. B'y. This will be distinctly a free silver train, and we want all free silver men aboard, regardless of politics. It is our Intention to make a day run of it through Iowa and Illinois. This train will be properly decorated, creditable to Lincoln and all Nebraska. It will be equipped with every convenience and will connect at Fremont with other trains from all parts of the Elkhorn system. At Blair with the C. P. M. & O. R'y, from all points from northeastern Ne braska and at the Mo. river with delega tions from Omaha and the entire state. Call on or write any of the following named gentlemen for full Information, and arrange to all go together on this train. Mr. Bryan will go with ns, and we want you all to help us make the free silver Lincoln train a success. Charles Jones, P. Barton, O. W. Palm, H. M. Leavitt, J. A. O'Shea, Dr. L. W. Edwards, transportation committee. VICTORY in '96! A Cwrthraoaa Cusssifa of Edexatloa from now until November will result in vic tory for the people. The headquarters for REFORM LITERATURE is the old reliable SCHULTE PUBLISHING CO. Liberal discounts to Agents, Speakers, Campaign Committees and Reform Workers generally. We can suddIv anv book in mint. Select catatonia free. 5CHULTE PUBLISHING CO., Chicago. I. N. LEONARD, Vice-President Lincoln, Neb. 4 -k- -k. 5,$ SECRETARY, Lincoln, Neb.