The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 11, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    June ii, 1896.
St. Paul?
Black Hills?
Cintral Wyoming?
San Francisco?
Los Angolos?
Bost Tlffll 1 BY
BostRato J line.
117 So. 10th St., - LINCOLN, NEB.
One Of
the Most Useful Things
Blair Security Fountain Pen
always ready at any time
or place to write. They
save their cost in a short
time in the outlay of steel
pens and pencile, as they
take the place of either
and will last a lifetime.
The only peu that can be car
ried in any position with perfect
security and not spill ink on the
part held by the fingers.
Reversible Feed-Bar.
13-Karat Gold Pens of Regu
lar Shape.
Perfect Action.
They cost no more, even con
siderably less than the old im
perfect makes yet offered.
No. 1 Gold Pen, fine point, at
No. 2 Gold Pen, fine point, at
No. 3 Gold Pen, fine point at
No. 4 Gold Pen, fine or stub
point, $3.00. .
Handsomely chased and Gold
Mounted, 75 cents extra.
Five per cent discount allowed
to those who mention the Ne
braska Independent.
151 air F'ciiituiiir,eii Co.
49-tf 141, Broadway, N. Y.
An Encyclopedia of Medical Instruction by the
Leading Medical Men of the Country.
A helpful companion for all classes and a storehouse of the latest
medical knowledge, a complete encyclopedia on home nursing, on in
fant feeding; tells you what to do in cases of accident, how to Nurse
and treat the sick. It gives the anatomy and physiology of both the
sexes. Hygiene of the home and of the sick room. Children's dis
eases and how to treat them by simple and safe remedies. Over five
hundred prescriptions.
A. 35"ir of tlxo Remedies Advised.
ADVICE TO MOTHERS The book is worth many times the
price asked for it to mothers who have the care of small children. The
section devoted to children's diseases is the most modern of anything
yet published. It is brought up to date 1896.
NURSING Nothing is more conducive to the comfort of the sica
than to have an able nurse. By following the instructions and study
ing carefully the section devoted to this branch of the healing art, you
can become perfectly proficient in this science. Every woman should
know what to do and the best way of doing it in case they are sud
denly called upon to care for the sick.
INFANT FEEDING This section alone is worth many times
the price asked for the book. Here the mother, whether she be young
and inexperienced, or whether she may have had a world of experience,
will find words of wisdom. She will find what is the best food for the
baby, and the very latest and best way to prepare it.
DISEASES OF CHILDREN The treatment of children's dis
eases has been revolutionized during the past few years; all that is
new and by experience proven to be the best, has been incorporated in
this section. No book of recent date, not even for doctors, is as ad
vanced in its treatment of this important branch as this book. Ths
late treatment for that dreaded disease Diphtheria which has proven
so fatal to so many, is here fiiven.
DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN In this section will be
found invaluable information for every woman and for every maiden
just merging into womanhood. The advice and treatment here given
is the latest and best. It is by a physician who has long been a spe
cialist in this class of diseases.
THE STOMACH There is no one but what recognizes, the fact
that a sound stomach is the prime requisite for a sound body. The
diseases of this important organ have been dwelt upon at great length.
The very best means are minutely described for restoring this organ to
a healthful state after being once deranged.
THE LIVER Every individual knows the vast role this organ
plays in the human organism. If it be out of fix the whole family and
most of the neighbors know it, for he is a nuisance to himself and all
about him. This book gives a minute description of this all-important
organ, and a clear portrayal of its varied diseases. It then tells
how these may be corrected and the organ restored to its healthy con
dition. : EC U" JM UnEPS 3VEOX1.X:.
There are Prescriptions and Simple Remedies for Asthma, Chole
ra, Croup, Diarrhoea, Ear Ache, Erysipelas, Hay Fever, Indigestion,
Kidney Troubles, Worms, Measles, Nose Bleed, Whooping Cough,
Pneumonia, Ringworm, Scalds, Sprains, Sunstroke, Tonsilitis, etc.,
etc., any one of which might save not only a doctor bill, but a life as
well. Can you afford to be without it?
It treats of all the summer diseases, and gives the very latest pre
scriptions for all slight as well as serious ailments. What you pay for
one prescription will more than pay for over 5oo of the latest and best
prescriptions, and a wealth of valuable information besides. The
book is meeting with an enormous sale in the east. Price $2.50.
By special arrangement with the publishers we are enabled to of
fer this valuable book, and a year's subscription to the NEBRASKA
INDEPENDENT for only $1, 75. Send for a copy. If you do not
consider the book worth a dollar after you have examined it, you may
send it back to us, and we will return $1 of the amount paid and send
the NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT for one year as directed. Address
Independent Publishing Co.,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
M page Medical Refer
ence Book, RlTinit
valuable Information
to an; man or wo
man afflicted with
any torsi trfprfrate
or special disease.
Addreea the leading
Physicians and 8pe-
m cialleta of this Coun-
- si'- inmtiwfc& try.
DR. HATHAWAY fit., 70 Dearborn street, Chi
For the N. E. A. Meeting
at Buffalo, N. Y. July 7th to 11th, it will
be of interest to teachers and their
friends to know that arrangements have
been successfully accomplished by the
Nickel Plate Road providing for the sale
of excursion tickets at $12.00 for the
round trip with $2.00 added for member
ship fee. Tickets will beon sale July 5th
and 6th and liberal return limits will be
granted. For further information as to
stop overs, routes, time of trains, etc.,
address J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent 111
Adams St., Chicago, III.
Buy a
For Your Face!
It probably needs renewing, for It Is rough, red,
freckled, blotched or pimpled, until it has become
repulsive Instead of attraotire. Healthy skin Is
always beautiful. The sun and wind, impure
soaps and cosmetics inj ure the skin.
Viola Cream
cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making
It soft, white and beautiful . It is not a cosmetic
does not cover up, but removes blemishes, it
Is harmless and always does just what we claim
for it. The only preparation that will positively
remove Freckles, Blackheads, Tan, Sunburn ana
Pimples. Hundreds of testimonials from promi
nent ladles. Price 50 canto ajar at druggists.
Buy Coin's Financial School, read it,
loan it to your neighbor. Push the
good work along. We have them for
sale at 15 cent per copy.
trtiar m The?
Eight hundred democrats voted at the
primaries in Callahan county, Texas, in
1892; this year only 423 vote could be
mnaturail Tito HrflAHO in the demo
cratic party represents a corresponding
increase ui jjujmiisie.
Gcodbys Old Party.
The Burnside Item, one of the hereto
fore leading democratic papers of eastern
Kentucky, has recently come out for the
people's party. '
Malaria and Rheumatism.
Prom the Journal, Wllmington,;Ohio.
One of the fertile farms of the rich Ohio
valley, seven miles from Wilmington, the
county seat of Clinton county, unio, ana
but a short distance from the small
town of Melvin. their ncozy
little country home, resides John Arra-
smith, and his wife, Minnie.
A. few days since a representative of the
Journal drove out to Melvin to see tnem.
Id the course of her conversation, Mrs. A.
detailed the facts of her cure.
"Last July," she said, "from undue ex
posure in my work about the farm, I
contracted malaria and rheumatism, and
suffered from the illness greatly. I could
not throw it off, aud although constant
ly attended bv local physicians, contin
ued to grow worse. In September I
caught a severe cold, hich greatly in
creased my other troubles, and taking to
my bed, there 1 lay for monttis. ine
rheumatism grew more aggravated, and
for eight long weeks prior to last Christ
mas I was perfectly helpless, my limbs
below the lips being as if paralyzed, and
I having no use of them whatever. I
could not helD myself in any way, aHd
was not able to turn over in bed unless
my husband or some one else came and
turned me. Medicines which the physi
cians left did no good, and nothing I
could take afforded any relief. I was dis
couraged, and feared that never again
would I be ud and about the house. It
was anything but a bright prospect, for
I was only twenty years old, had been
married but two years, and my life was
before me, and to go through it a help
lees cripple, a burden to my friends, was
a fearful fate to think or.
"I had read in the Wilmington Journ
al from time to time articles telling'of
the wonderful cures which had been ef
fected bv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
had become impressed with the cases
where they had caused people to walK
and recover who had been as helpless as
I was. Consulting my husband, we de
termined to give tbem a trial. So he
drove into Wilmington and, going to the
drug store of George W. Brown, bought
three boxes of the pills. I began taking
them immediately on his return. That
was about the first of the present year.
Before the first box was gone I began to
realize that I was getting better, and by
the time I had finished the second box
the pain with which I had been suffering
for nearly six months and the disease
which had made me helpless for eight
weeks disappeared entirely and 1 got up.
I took the third box of the pills and
have never felt a twinge of the rheuma
tism since, and I am doing my daily
work and feeling as well as anybody."
To confirm the story Mrs. Arrasraitli
made the following affadavit:
Sworn before me and subscribed in my
presence at Wilmington, Ohio, this 29th
day of June, 1895.
C. Q. Hildebhant, Clerk of Court.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple are now given to the public as an un
failing blood builder and nerve restorer,
curing all formsof weakness arising front
a watery condition of the blood, or shat
tered nerves. The pills are sold by
all dealers, ; or will be sent powtpaid
on receipt of prise (50 cents a
box, or six boxes for ?2. 50) they are
never sold in bulk or by the 100 by ad
dressing Dr.Williams Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y.
The June Arena.
The June Arena opens its 16th volume,
appearing in a new dress, and being
printed by Skinner," Bartlett & Co. It is
an unusually strong number, opening
with a brilliant paper by Rev. Samuel
Barrows, D. D., the distinguished editor
of the Christian Register, of Boston, on
"The First Pagan Critic of Christian
Faith and His Anticipation of Modern
Justice Walter Cfark, L.L.D., of the su
preme court of North Carolina, contrib
utes an instructive and' delightful paper
on Mexico, the interest , of which is en
hanced by several excellent illustrations,
including a recent portrait of the presi
dent of the Mexican republic. The presi
dent of the Mercantile National Bank of
New York contributes "A Proposed Plat
form for American Independents for
1896," which illustrates how strongly
the silver movement is taking hold on
eastern financiers no less than the mass
of voters in the south and west. Recent
ly J. Cook, the veteran banker who float
ed the government bonds in 1861, at
the time of our sorest need, came out
boldly for free silver. Mr. St. John, who
has made finance a study for many
years, and who is president of a bank
having a capital ot J 1,000,000, is no
less pronounced on this subject.
Another paper of special merit, on "Bi
metallism," appears in this number by
A. J. Utley. It is able, and, from a silver
point of view, very convincing.
Prof. Parsons of Boston University
law school continues his masterly papers
on the "Government Control of Tele
graph," a series of careful papers hither
to un approached in authorative charac
ter. Mr. B. 0. Flower, the editor of the Are
na, writes in a most captivating manner
of Whittier, considering him in the light
of a "Poet of Freedom," and giving
many of Whittier's most stirring lines.
A fine portrait of the Quaker poet forms
a frontispiece to this number. The edi
tor also discusses somewhat at length
in his editorials the message of Whittier
to men and women of today, and the
proposed platform of Mr. St. John. An
other interesting feature of this issue is
Mr. Altweed Pomeroy's illustrated paper
on the "Direct Legislation Movement
and its Leaders."
Students of the higher metaphysical
thought of our time will be deeply inter
ested in Horatio W. Dresser's paper en
titled "The Mental Cure in its Relation
to Modern thought." Will Allen Drom
goole continues her powerful serial of
"Tennessee Life," and Mrs. Calvin Kry
der Ueifsuider's "Psychical Romance,"
which opened a few months since, is pre
faced by a digest of the preceding chap
ters. It is also profusely illustrated
with exceptionally fine drawings.
These are by no means the full quota
of the strong attractions of this brilliant
number of America's great, progressive,
reformative and liberal review.
The Bri hteit Prospect: Everywhere for
Good drops
The Week Ending; Monday, Jon 8, 1806.
Rainfall for the Week.
Less than? !' I
UlBcb. 1,1 II
Inch y
Orsr VI- j
inches p"-3
The temperature of the past week has
been about the normal in the western
portion of the state and slighly above
the normal in the eastern portion.
The rainfall has beeu heavy in the cen
tral and northeastern sections, exceed
ing two inces over a considerable area
nd from limited areas in the central sec
tion as high as seven and ten inches is
The continued wet weather is begin
ning to have a slightly injurious effect
on the small grain. Wheat is very gen
erally reported as rusting somewhat and
oats have attained such a rank growth
that many fields have begun to lodge al
ready. The army worm has appeared
quite generally in the southeastern sec
tion but nowheie seems to be doing any
serious damage. The grass continues to
grow well and pasturage and feed on the
range is remarkably fine. Some grass has
been cut for bay this early in the season
because of its unusual growth and in all
sections the prospect is for an abundant
hay crop. Alfalfa is being cut over the
state generally and is everywhere repor
ted an excellent crop.
Corn has been injured somewhat in the
section of heavy rainfall by washing but
the crop generally has made a fair
growth and is now rather more advanced
than usual at this season of the year.
Meet of the corn has been worked the
first time and the second cultivation has
commenced in many counties.
Butler Oats and spring wheat are
rusting and fields are very weedy on ac
count of rain. Vegetation of all kinds
has grown rapidly. Fruit looks well but
is thin on the trees.
Cass Condition of wheat and oats
unchanged. Ground a little too wet and
cold for good growth of corn. Grass do
ing fine. Army worn? doing some dam
age in the southeastern portion of
Clay Small grain, hay and pasturage
excellent. Early corn being plowed the
second time and late the first time. Cher
ries ripe and a good crop. Sugar beets
doing well.
Fillmore Very favorable week. Alfalfa
harvest in progress with a heavy crop.
Some corn yet to plant. Cherries very
Gage Small grain is filling good.
Some complaints of army worm. Ground
too wet to work the forepart of week.
Corn has made a fine growth the past
Hamilton Quite wet for corn cultiva
tion the first of the week. Some corn to
replant on account of cut worms and
washouts. All small grain and grasses
the best ever known.
Jefferson Excellent growing weather.
Borne corn getting weedy. Alfalfa tall
enough to cut. Oats very rank.
Johnson Most of the corn has been
cultivated once but too wet to cultivate
on low land. There is red rust on wheat
and army worms are damaging wheat
somewhat in localities. Oats heading
Lancaster Wheat is fine also pota
toes and other things in the garden.
Oats heading out. Corn in good condi
tion. Nemaha Some damage from army
worms. Small grain generally in excel
lent condition. Early potatoes and peas
in the market,
Nuckolls Corn washed badly by the
storm of May SI. Replanting about
completed. Some have replanted as
high as fifty acres.
Otoe All vegetation making rapid
growth. Corn about half cultivated the
first time. A little cool for corn. Cherry
crop light.
Pawnee The rye crop is practically
made wheat is still looking well on top
but many leaves are withered near the
ground and red rust shows to the upper
leaves. Oats are quite rank and are
heading. Corn has made great improve
ment in color and is growing rapidly,
much is knee high and some more. Early
potatoes are in the market but very
Polk Wheat is rusting a little. Cor
is a good stand except in Bome low
places and there too wet to replant
Corn cultivation has progressed welt
Apples will be light.
Richardson Corn looks well but stand
has been injured by washing of the heavy
cains army wormes are not doing much
Saline Some corn plowed the second
time. Wet weather prevented clutivation
the first of the week. Flax and alfalfa
not doing very well on very wet land.
Some complaint of the army worm.
Wheat and oats very promising. First
Crop of alfalfa nearly all cut. Early po
tatoes in market.
Saunders Small grain is showing the
effects of wet weather especially oats
which are beginning to lodge. Wheat
rusting some. Corn in good condition
and some has been cultivated the second
time. New potatoes large enough to use.
Seward Wheat is fins, a little rust in
low ground. Oats look fine, lodging a
little. Corn doing well and being plowed
the second time.
Thayer Somecomplaint of damage to
wheat by rust, blight and worms. Some
washing of corn and replanting neces
sary. Corn aud potatoes growing well.
York Some corn pretty weedy but a
very good stand. Small grain doing
7 1 'mlnllfllllllMlliV.
very well except the army worm is work-
in some pieces of rye and winter wheat
Cherries are ripe. Some potatoes largs
enough to eat. First crop of alfalfa be
ing cut and a good yield.
Antelope Wheat improving, recover
ing from yellow spots. Oats unusually
good standing is to 13 inches sign. Alf
alfa fine aud is being cut for hay. Millet
Boyd All small grain very rank and
green. Corn and potatoes growing rap
Burt Cherries are ripe. Alfalfa ready
to cut. Tame grass 20 to 23 inches high
and very thick. Corn doing welt but
ground washed badly in parts of county
by heavy rains. Some hail doing little
Cedar Some rust in wheat. Oats are
almost knee high. Grass of all kinds
well ahead. Corn is in fine shape and
growing rapidly. Cultivation (f corn in
progress and field work well along.
Colfax Spring wheat rusting badly.
Rye very heavy in ths straw and filling
nicely. Oats very heavy and lodging on
bottoms, 'lame and wild grass unusual
ly good. Corn rather short for the sea-
Bon of the year, much being cultivated.
Cuming V heat is looking better than
it did a week ago although rust has
struck it in some places. Oats doing
very well. Corn a little small and washed
in some places but no serious injury.
Uakota- vvneat is not doing as well as
expected, most of it is too thick and
rusting some. Grass is such a heavy
growth that new hay is already on the
market. JNew potatoes bava appeared.
Dixon Heaviest rain for years on
morning of the 6th. Much damage done
by washing out corn and many bridges
and fences washed away.
Douglas Week rather too cool for
corn but other vegetation has made
rapid growth. Low grounds arestil
excessively wet. '
Holt Small grain looks well. Rye
three to four feet high and very promis
ing. Early planted corn up four to six
inches and in good condition. Grasi
Knox Corn has a good start and is a
good color. Rye heading and filling well
Oats and wheat growing well and are
very thick and rank. .
Madison Corn somewhat washed bv
neavy rams but in otner respects doing
well. Wheat and oats lobk rusty in
rierce f lenty 01 rain and all crops
looking fine.
Platte Corn coming np with a good
stand. Wheat badly struck with rust in
places. Rye in fine shape. Oats too
rank and in many places lodged badly.
First crop of alfalfa being cut. Some
slight damage from bail.
Stanton-Small grain ingoodcondl
tion except in a few localities when
some rust is reported. Corn making a
good growth and staud is good.
Thurston .Small grain generally do
ing well, a little rust caused by wet
weather, loo cool for corn. Alfalfa is
being cut aud a good crop. Flax in
bloom and looks well.
Washington Some damage done to
wheat and oats by rust aud rain. Rye
is looking all right, also corn is doing
Wayne Crops of every description are
doing nicely with one exception, wheat is
showing some rust. Very heavy rain
the last of the week doing little damage.
Sioux City, Iowa temperature and
rainfall slightly below average but a
very favorable week.
Blaine Heavy rains during the week
has put the ground in fine condition and
corn and wheat looks well. Some dam
age by cut worms.
Booue Crops are generally well up am:
in good condition. Rust showing on eoni-
pieces of wheat. Alfalfa being cut and a
fine crop. Cloud burst northwest of
Cedar Rapids and damage to all kinds
of crops. Water out over the bottom
lands along the Cedar river.
Buffalo All crops are in the finest con
dition. . Small grain is very heavy but
no lodging reported. Corn is very clean
and much of it has beeu planted twice.
Dawson A good growing week but a
bad time for alfalfa hay because of wet
weather. The stand of corn is quite
good. Potatoes make a fine showing.
Some damage is reported to rye by the
Hessian fly.
Custer Everything in fine condition.
Corn looks fine.
Hall Crops are doing nicely. Fruit
light. High wind beat off some corn.
Ground in good shape to cultivate.
Some wheat on very low land will not
amount to much; too wet.
Howard Most too wet on low lands.
Some fields of small grain are lodging
some on account of excess of rain. Grass
and spring grain doing well. Most too
cool for corn.
Kearney Ground is yet too wet for
best cultivation of corn, but weeds and
grass grow so rapidly that the work
must be done. Rye five to six feet and
all grain in the best of condition.
Loup Good rains bare revived wheat
and oats that had begun to suffer the
last of May. Much damage to corn by
cut worms. Some whole fields have to
be replanted. Potatoes look well. Grass
in good condition.
Merrick Early corn being cultivated,
but weather not good for it until the 4th,
being too wet and cold. Week good for
general growth.
Nance some nan, but no damage, and
crops never looked finer than at present.
Sherman Cloud buret and nail storm
covering seven by fifteen miles; LoupCity
and Asbton in center of storm and both
badly wrecked. Most crops destroyed
in the path of the storm; balance of
county in excellent condition. Wheat
some injured by rust.
Valley Crops of all kinds in excellent
condition and two weeks in advance ot
former years. Rainfall has averaged an
inch a day for the past week.
Chase Crops have improved some
what. Grass and hay good. Corn looks
well; most of it plowed once and some
twice. Alfalfa being cut and a fair crop.
Potatoes doing fair.
Dundy Splendid rain the first of the
week. All crops growing well. Grass on
tlje range the best it has been for years.
Frontier A fine rain the first of the
week very beneficial to small grain. Po
tatoes are large enough to eat.
Furnas Corn has made a W ' growth.
First cutting of alfalfa in j" ress, and
the crop is an immense 0 : otrawber
ries and cherries are ripe. Winter wheat
is headed out and looks well.
Harlan Cultivating corn is in order,
with a good stand generally. Wheat
and oats making a nice growth. Alfalfa
sown this spring looking nice, and the
old stand is being cut, a heavy crop.
Phelps All crops in good condition.
Red Willow This has been a good
week for small grain and a little,cool for
corn, although corn is doing weO aid Is
much ahead of last year.
Webster Wheat and oats very prom
ising; early oats heading out Week
mostly sunshine; good for killing weeds.
Corn being cultivated second time. Ner
potatoes and peas in use.
Dui TLs rsoiut ria u4 !Jt th-7
thing in excellent shape. Grasshoppers
are eating wheat and oats some. They
are very small, bnt millions of them.
Cheyenne Fine rain this week and all
crops coming on nicely. Grasshopper
are doing some damage.
Keith Week cool and cloudy, with
showers and some hail. Crops look well.
Lincoln Crop prospects have im
proved decidedly the past week. Crops
now in good condition.
Logan Wheat and oats growing fine
ly. Corn planting finished. Grass do
ing exceedingly well; rather cool for
Scotts Bluffs Good rains have been
very beneficial. AH crops doing well, A.
large acreage of beans will be put in the
coming week.
- Brown There have been fine rains and
the week has been favorable lor the
growth of all crops. Cut worms are very
bad in some sections, and much corn baa
to be replanted.
Cherry The week has been a good one
for crops and grass. The rain has been
very beneficial. 1
Keya Paha Fine rain on the night of
the 5th. Small grain looking well.
Grass is better than for years.
Rock The much needed rain came on
the 5th and 6th. Small grain and grass
much improved in condition. Corn
looks well except some fields injured by
cut worms.
Sheridan Good rains dnrfng the week
have been very benffloial for all crops.
Ground in excellent condition.
send to any one the formula for a com
T ... . . I 1 1 ' ' 1 1 . 1
fjinm cure ui ium paimui nisease, tno in-
any drug store for a trifle.
Send 1 1.00 in stamps or P. 0. money
order. Address. C. M. Mackintosh. "
Room 4 McVickcr'e Theatre Bldg.
49-18. Chicago. 111.
Tuition at the State University Is free.
It is simply the 13, 13, 14, and 15th
grades of our public school system.
Write for catalogue.
Tor the Young People.
Every neighborhood needs to be waked
up by a choir of singers who use Armaged
don, the song book of the great indus
trial class. It is a large book, full of new
songs, words and music fresh, and full of
humor, fire, pathos, patriotism and love
of liberty. Every home where there are
lovers of truth and justice and opDos
ers of oppression should contain one or
more copies of this song book. Get the
young people to singing its songs.
This paper and The Silver
Knight both 1'or one year for
$1.15 in advance.
This paper and The Silver
Knight both for one year for
61.1$ In ndvance.
Delinquent subscribers most pay op, at
least in part
Important to Teachers.
Low rate over the Great Rock Island
Route to Buffalo and return to attend
the convention, July 8-10, 1896.
Next month in Buffalo, N. Y., the
teachers from all over our land will meet
iu annual session.
They are perhaps the most truly rep
resentative body of any citizen gather
ing in our union.
They are the instructors of the youth
who belong to all classes and sects. The
Great Rock Island Route realizes this
and expects to transport with its ele
gant equipment thousands of these edu
cators. For tickets and sleeping car reserva
tions, maps and time tables, call on
nearest ticket agent and ask to be rooted
over the C. R. I, & Pac. R'y.
A beautiful souvenir, called the Tour
ist Dictionary, has been issued and will
be sent post paid.
Address, John Sebastian,
General Passenger Agent,
51-4t Chicago.
New Flier via Missouri Pacific
Beginning May 20th the Missouri Pa
cific will run a fast train daily, leaving
Lincoln at 8:20 p. m. arriving at Kaneaa
City at 11 p. m. and at St. Louis at 7:20
a. m., reducing the time five hours.
This last train will make better time
by several hours to St. Louis, Cincinnati,
Washington, Philadelphia, New York
and all eastern points, than, any othei
line out of Lincoln. Time is money and
we can save you both.
For any information about rates, time
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city ticket office 1201 O street
F. D. Corneix,
C. P. & T. A.
Cheap Bates to St. Louis and Re
turn. The Northwestern is now selling tick,
ets at reduced round trip rates to St.
Paul, Minneapolis and Wisconsin. This
is the short line. City office 117 So, 10th
St. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Wh ile you are not busy, suppose yon
get up a elub of subscribers tor this
paper. Send us three yearly subscribers
with $3 and we will send you this paper
're for one year.
Patronise those persona who advertise
n this paper.
"We Have The Tariff Yet."
The g. o. p. will soon be grinding out
protection on every band organ, and io
response it will be oppopriateto sing
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Dollar," "A Politician Here You See,"
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the People," Etc., Etc., Etc Send to
this office for the new popular song book
which contains these and about seventy
five more. See elsewhere our ad of Ar
mageddon. Illustrate your argument withxa good
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paign Stories. See ad on other page.