The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 11, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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June ii, 1896.
I: H
i J
A Physician Prescribes Dr. Miles
Restorative Nervine.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.:
M7 dauphwr Wattle, aged U, tu afflicted
last spring Hn SU Viiii. dunes and nrr
vousness, her entire ri-bt side was numb
And nearly paralysed. We consulted a phy-
WI 55..,iiiri5...Vj
lctan and be prescribed Or. Miles' Restora
tive Nervine. She took tbree bottles before
we saw any certain signs of improvement,
but after that she began to Improve very
fast and I now think she is entirely cared.
8be has taken nine bottles of the Nervine,
but no other medicine of any kind.
Knox, Ind., Jan. 5. '95. H. W. Hostmtir.
Physicians prescribe Dr. Miles' Remedies
because they are known to be the result of
the long practice and experience of one ol
the brightest, members of their profession,
and are carefully compounded by experi
enced chemists, in exact accordance with Dr.
Miles' prescriptions, as used in bis practice.
On sale at all druggists. Write for Dr.
Miles' Book on the Heart and Nerves. Dr.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
fir. &' Remedies Restore Edflv
Jl yon read this paper and like it, send
your subscription at onct to the Jndb
riMDiHT Fob. Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Const 14th ft Kits., ,
Open at All Honrs Day and Night
All Forms of Baths.
Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric.
With Spsdal attention to th application of
Several Umis stronger than sa water.
Bhramattsm, Akin, Blood sad Nsrroni DIs
Meas, Llvsr and Kldns.r TroBMcs and Ohroalt
tilmsnts an trtattd sneeesafally.
Sea Bathing )
ECjfctlPl0'4 at n oor lam SALT
lMlllKa POOL, 60x141 6 to 10 fMt dtp.
tsd to BDlform ttmperatara of 80 degTMs.
Drs. M. IT. & J. O. Everett,
Manadng Physicians.
Is larger than any weekly or semi
weekly paper published and will be of espe
cial advantage to you during the PRESI
DENTIAL CAMPAIGN, as it is published
very other day, except Sunday, and has
U the freshness and timeliness of a daily.
It combines all the news with a long list
of interesting departments, unique fea
tares,cartoons and graphic illustrations,
the latter being a specialty.
The price is one dollar per year. We
offer this nnequaled newspaper and Thb
Nebraska. Independent together one
year for $1.50.
The new industrial and political song
It contains 150 pages 7x9 inches site.
Fplntxliil nt'v wodIh and new music. Pro
nounced by all incomparably superior to
any bonk that has yet appeared.
H. E. Tautwnwk ol It: "It Is th beat
sodk liook .vet otIUbedi lotrodon
It Into every household In tha land. Oar local
eamptiicn Rpeakw-s and committee ought to
that It baa the widest circulation.'
Hartford City Arena: "Any glea club tnppUed
with it will command the crowds."
Kncky Mountain News: "Best ol anything in
the iiiitt tli at we nave eeen."
MisHonri World: '-It tills a long felt want."
Gen. Van Uerroort: "I eongratolat yon on
your irrent work. The whole country will sing
this manic."
New York Voice: "A collection ot songs for the
times, with brightcatcby words and good stir
ring maslc."
The Sledge Hammer: "Every one of the songs
agent. No cbaD In the whole book'
Marshallrnwn (Iowa) Populist: "Should be In
the band of everyone who wishes to make a hit
durlux the campaign."
Prof. Gaorro D. Herron: "I believe your book
ot souks will be ol Immeasurable and divine ser
vice iti quirkeulog and pervading the great move
ment lor the eocial change which Is manifesting
tteeil everywhere among the common people. It
will ItiKplte the people with courage and cheer
ami fellowship la the great straggle that Is be
fore them,"
Prof. W. M. Rou of Indiana, the great solo
ei ueer of "'I be Van Bennett Nationals Team,"
mt.vK: "Have taken pains to ma through the
work and pronounce It a grand collection ot
words and a high order ot music."
The Farm Field and Flreelde says: "It has
been left to Mr. George Howard Gibson to intro
duce a new tone Into the songs ot the party, and
to write a series of patriotic songs which are
hardly surprised by any In our literature tor
kiftinvM ot motive and real merit from a literary
point of view, while at the Hume time they are not
at all Incklng in the musical quality which must
necessarily be present before any song touches
the chord of popularity. Tbey are remarkable
lor their fervid patriotism and broad humanity.
In fart, if the people's party rises to the patriotic
level ol these songs, we have little doubt ot It
ultimate success as a party. Tbs songs strike
the whole octave of nomas sympathy. Bpark
tiug bomor, keen wit and biting sarcasm, as well
as the loftier patriotic themes, are toadied to
torn by t i aleu ted author." M
Copies of Armageddon for sale at this
office, will be mailed to any address at
30 cents each, or $3.00 per dozen.
tin, f MACMILIAN Oft.
(Continued from last week. 1 I
We parted as we did before, he going
his way and I mine, but looking back
by accident before I had gone a couple
of hundred yards I perceived a fellow
stealing forth from a' thicket of canes
that stood in the marshy ground near
the spot where I had lately stood with'
Haroun, and turning again presently I
perceived this man following in my
steps. Then, fairly alarmed, I gradual
ly hastened my pace, but not so qnick
neither as to seem to fly, making for
the town, where I hoped to escape pur
suit in the labyrinth of little, crooked,
winding alleys. As I rounded a comer
I perceived him out of the tail of my
eye still following, but now within 50
yards of me, he having run to thus over
reach me, and ere I had turned up a
couple of alleys he was on my heels and
twitching me by the sleeve.
"Lord love you, master," says he in
very good English, but gasping for
breath, "hold hard a moment, for I've
a thing or two to say to you as is worth
your hearing."
So I, mightily surprised by these
words, stop, and he, seeing the alley
quite empty and deserted, sits down on
a doorstep, and I do likewise, both of
us being spent with our exertions.
"Was that man you were talking with
a little while back named Haroun?"
asks he when he oould fetch his breath.
I nodded.
"Did he offer to take you and three
others to Elche aboard a craft called
the White Moon?"
I nodded again, astonished at his in
formation, for we had not discussed our
design today, Haroun and L
"Did he offer to carry you off in a
boat to his craft from the rock on the
Once more I nodded.
"Can you guess what will happen if
you-agree to this?"
Now I shook my head.
"The villain," says he, "will run
you on a shoal, and there will he be over
hauled by the janizaries and you be
carried prisoners back to Algiers. Your
freedom will be forfeited, and you will
be sold for slaves, and that's not all,"
adds he. "The lass you have with you
will be taken from you and given to
Mohand on Mohand, who has laid this
trap for your destruction and the grati
fication of his lust. "
I fell a-shaking only to think of this
Crowning calamity and could only ut
ter broken, unintelligible sounds to ex
press my gratitude for this warning.
"Listen, master, if youcannot speak,"
said he, "for I must quit you in a few
minutes or get my soles thrashed when
I return home. What I have told you is
true, as there is a God in heaven. 'Twas
overheard by my comrade, who is a
slave in Mohand's household. If you es
cape this trap, you will fall into anoth
er, for there are no bounds to Mohand's
devilish cunning. I say, if you stay here
you are doomed to share our miserable
lot, by one device or another. But I will
show you how you may turn the tables
on this villain and get to a Christian
country ere you are a week older if you
have but one sprk of courage among
So Groves, as my man was named,
told me how he and eight other poor
Englishmen, sharing the same bagnio,
had endured the hardships and misery of
slavery, some for 13 and none less than
seven years ; how for three years they
had been working a secret tunnel by
which they could escape from their
bagnio, in which they were locked up
every night at sundown, at any moment ;
how for six months, since the comple
tion of their tunnel, they had been
watching a favorable opportunity to seize
a ship and make good their escape, seven
of them being mariners, and how now
they were by tedious suspense wrought
to such a pitch of desperation that they
were ripe for any means of winning their
freedom. "And here," says he in con
clusion, "hath merciful Providence
given us the power to save not only our
selves from this accursed bondage, but
you also if you are minded to join us. "
Asking him how he proposed to ac
complish this end, he replies :
" 'Tis as easy as kiss your hand.
First, do you accept Haroun 's offer?"
"I have," says L
"Good!" says he, rubbing his hands
and speaking thick with joy. "Yon may
be sure that Mohand will suffer no one
to interfere with your getting aboard, to
the achievement of his design. When is
it to be?"
I hesitated a moment, lest I should
fall into another trap trying to escape
from the first, but seeing he was an
Englishman I would not believe him ca
pable of playing into the Turks' hands
for our undoing, and so I told him our
business was for midnight on the feast
of Ramadan.
"Sure, naught but Providence could
have ordered mattors so well," says he,
doubling himself up, as if unable to
control his joy. "We shall be there, we
nine sturdy men. Some shall hide in
the caves, and others behind the rock,
and when Haroun rows to shore four of
lis will get into his boat, muffled up as
you would be to escape detection, and
as soon as they lay themselves to their
oars their business shall be settled. "
"As how?" says I, shrinking as ever
from deeds of violence.
"Leave that to us, but be assured they
shall not raise a cry that shall fright
rWT Of THE JAWS Of CtATH Etc, Zyt.
yanr iscy. un, we Know tne use oi a
bowstring as well as any Turk among
them. We have that to thank 'em for.
Well, these two being dispatched, we
return to shore, and two more of our
men will get in, then we four to the fe
lucca, and there boarding we serve the
others as we served the first two. So
back comes one of us to fetch off our
other comrades and you four. Then, all
being aboard, we cut our cable, up with
our sail, and by the time Mohand comes
in the morning to seek his game on the
sand bank we shall be half way to Elche
and farther if Providence do keep pace
with this happy beginning. What say
you, friend ?' ' adds he, noting my reflect
ive mood.
Then I frankly confessed that I would
have some assurance of his honesty.
"I can give yon none, master," says
he, "but the word of a good Yorkshire
man. Surely yon may trust me as I
trust you, for 'tis in your power to re
veal all to Haroun and so bring ns all
to curry favor with the dey. Have yon
no faith ma poor brother Englishman? '
"Yes," says L "I'll trust you."
Then we rose, clapping hands, and he
left me, with tears of gratitude and joy
in his eyes. Telling my friends I had
something of a secret nature to impart,
a aaSVAv n (l 4-wiwWv V-v lwvivtnwaeV '
we went out to the end of the mole,
where we were secure from eavesdrop
pers, and there I laid the whole story
before them, whereupon we fell debat
ing what we should do, looking at this
matter from every side, with a view to
our security, but slavery lying before ns
and no better means of escaping it com
ing to our minds we did at last unani
mously agree to trust Joe Groves rather
than Haroun.
The next day there fell a great deluge
of rain, and the morrow being the feast
of Ramadan we regarded this as highly
favorable to our escape, for here when
rain falls it ceases not for 48 hours, and
thus might we count upon the aid of
darkness. And that evening, as I was
looking at some merchandise in a bazaar,
a fellow sidles up to me and whispers,
fingering a piece of cloth as if he were
minded to buy it :
"Does all go well?"
Then perceiving this was Joe Groves,
I answered in the same manner :
"All goes welL"
"Tomorrow at midnight?"
"Tomorrow at midnight," I return.
Upon which, casting down the cloth, he
goes away without further sign.
And now comes in the feast of Rama
dan with a heavy, steady downpour of
rain all day, and no sign of ceasing at
sundown, which greatly contented us.
About 10 the house we lodged in being
quite still, and our fear of accident
pressing us to depart, we crept silent
ly out into the street without let or
hindrance, though I warrant some spy
of Mohand's was watching to carry in
formation of our flight to his master,
and so through the narrow, deserted al
leys to the outskirts of the town, and
thence by the riverside to the great
rock, with only just so much light as
fenabled ns ttf hang together and no
rnore. And I do believe we should have
floundered into the river o' one side or
Into a ditch o' the t'other but that, hav
ng gone over this road the last time
with the thought that it might lead us
to liberty, every object by the way im
p"essod itself upon my mind most aston
iiiiingly. , Here under this rock stood we above
ar hour, with no sound but the beating
frf the rain and the lap of the water run
ning in from the sea. Then, as it might
be about half past 11, a voice close be
side us, which I knew for Joe Groves',
though I could see no one but ns four,
Jack by my side and Moll bound close
to her husband, says :
"All goes well?"
"Yes; all goes well," says I, where
upon he gives a cry like the croak of a
frog, and his comrades steal up almost
unseen and unheard, save that each as
he came whispered his name, as Spinks,
Davis, Lee, Best, etc., till their number
was all told. Then Groves, who was
clearly chosen their captain.calls Spinks,
Lee and Best to stand with them and
bids the others and us to stand back
against the canes till we are called. So
we do his bidding and fall back to the
growth of canes, whence we could bnt
dimly make out the mass of the rock for
the darkness, and there waited, breath
less, listening for the sound of oars.
But these Moors, for a better pretense of
secrecy, had muffled their oars, so that
we knew not they were at hand until
we heard Haroun's voice, speaking low.
"Englishmen, are you there?" asks
"Aye, we four," whispers Groves in
Then we hear them wade into the wa
ter and get into the boat with whisper
ing of Haroun where they are to dispose
themselves, and so forth. After that si
lence for about ten minutes, and no
sound but the ceaseless rain until we
next hear Groves' voice.
"Davis, Negus," whispers he, on
which two of our number leave ns and
go out to the boat to replace Haroun
and that other Moor, who, in the man
ner of the Turks, had been strangled
and cast overboard.
And now follows a much longer pe
riod of silence, but at length that comes
to an end, and we hear Groves' voice
again wnispering us to come. At tne
first sound of his voice his three com
rades rush forward, but Groves, recog
nizimr thenv says hoarsely: "Back, ev-
cry one or you Dnt tflose a caneo, vr t u
brain you I There's room but for six in
the boat, and those who helped as shall
go first, as I ordered. The rest must
wait their time. "
So these fellows, who would have
ousted us, give way, grumbling, and
Mr. Godwin carrying Moll to the boat
Dawson and I waded in after him, and
so, with great gratitude, take our places
as Groves directs. We being in, he and
his mate lay to their oars and pull out
to the felucca, guided by the lan thorn
on her bulwarks.
Having put us aboard safely, Groves
and his mate fetch the three fellows that
r remained ashore, and now all being em-
barked they abandon the small boat,
' slip the anchor and get out their long
sweeps, all in desperate haste, for that
absence of wind, which I at first took to
be a blessing, appeared now to be a
curse, and our main hope of escape lay
in pulling far out to sea before Mohand
' discovered the trick put upon him and
gave chase. All night long we toiled
with most savage energy, dividing our
I number into two batches, so that one
: might go to the oars as the other tired,
; turn and turn about. Not one of us but
did his utmost nay, even Moll would
stand by her husband and strain like any
. man at this work. But for all our labor
' Algiers was yet in sight when the break
at day gave ns light to see it Then was
' every eye searching the waters for sign
of a sail, be it to save or to undo us.
Sail saw w none, but about 9 o'clock
Groves, scanning the waters over against
Algiers, perceived something which he
took to be a galley. Nor were we kept
long in uncertainty, for by 10 it was ob
vious to ns all, showing that it had
gained considerably upon ns in spite of
our frantic exertions, which convinced us
I that this was Mohand, and that he had
I discovered us with the help of a spy
glass maybe.
At the prospect of being overtaken and
carried back to slaverv a sort of marl-
. ...
ness possessed tnose at tne oars, first oar
pulling with such a fury of violence
that it snapped at the rowlock and was
of no further use. Still we made good
progress, but what could we with three
oars do against the galley which maybe
was mounted with a dozen?
Some were for cutting down the mast
and throwing spars, sails and every use
less thing overboard to lighten our ship,
but Groves would not hear of this, see
ing by a start in the rain that a breeze
was to be expected, and, surely enough,
the rain presently smote ns on the cheek
smartly, whereupon Groves ran up our
sail, which, to our infinite delight,. did
presently swell out fairly, careening ns
so that the oar on t'other side was use-
But that which favored ns favored
also our enemies, and shortly after we
saw two sails go up to mateji our one.
Then Groves called a council of us and
his fellows, and his advice was this:
That ere the galley drew nigh enough
for our number to be sighted he and his
fellows should bestow themselves away
In the stern cabin and lie there with .
such arms of knives and spikes as they
had brought with them ready to their
hands, and that, on Moband boarding
ns with his men, we four should retire
toward the cabin, when he and his com
rades would spring forth and fight ev
ery man to the death for freedom, and
he held out good promise of a successful
issue. "For," says he, "knowing you
four" meaning us "are unarmed, 'tis
not likely he will &vc fumiehad him
Belf with any great force, and as his
main purpose tc possess this lady he
will not suffer his men to use their fire
pieces or use them to your destruction.
Therefore, " adds he, "if you have the
ttomach for your part of this business,
irhich is but to hold the helm as I di
rect, all must go well. But for the lady,
if she hath any fear, we may find a
place in the cabtn for her. "
This proposal was accepted by all with
gladness, except Moll, who would on no
account leave her husband's side, but
had he not been there I believe she
would have boon the last aboard to feel
fear or play a cowardly part..
So, without furthsV parley, the fel
lows crept into the little cabin, each fin
gering his naked weapon, which made
me feel very sick with apprehension of
The wind freshening, we kept on at a
spanking rate for another hour, Groves
lying on the deck with his eyes just over
tie bulwarks and giving orders to Daw
son and me, who kept the helm. Then
the galley, being within a quarter of a
mile of us, fired a shot nn a signal to ns
to haul down our sail, and this having
no effect he soon after fires another,
which, striking ns in the stern, sent
great splinters flying up from the bul
warks there.
"Hold her helm stiff," whispers
Groves, and then he backs cautiously in
to the cabin without rising from his
belly, for the men aboard the galley
were now clearly distinguishable.
Presently bang goes another gun, and
the same moment, a shot taking our
mast a yard or so above the deck, our
lateen falls over upon the water with a
great slap, and so are we brought to at
Dropping her sail, the galley sweeps
up alongside us, and casting out divers
hooks and tackle they held ready for
their purposo they grappled us securely.
My heart sank within me as I perceived
the number of our enemies, 80 or 40, as
I reckon, but happily not above half a
dozen armed men, and Mohand on Mo
hand among them with a saber in his
hand, for now I foresaw the carnage
which must ensne when we were board
ed. Mohand ou Mohand was the first to
lay upon our deck, and behind came his
janizaries of half a score of seamen. We
four, Mr. Godwin holding Moll's hand
in his, stood in a group betwixt Mohand
and his men, who stood behind, waiting
his orders. One of the janizaries was
drawing his cutlass, bnt Mohand bade
him put it up, and making an obeisance
to Moll he told we shonld 8nffer no
hurt if we surrendered peaceably.
"Never, you Turkish thief 1"
Dawson, shaking his fist at him.
Mohand makes a gesture of retn-et. and
turning to nls men tells tnem to taxe tin;
bnt to use no weapons, since we had
none. Then, he himself leading with
his eyes fixed hungrily upon Moll, the
rest came on, and we fell back toward
the cabin.
The next instant, with a wild yell of
fury, the hidden men burst out of the
1 cabin, and then followed a scene of
butchery which I pray heaven it may
nevermore be my fate to witness.
Groves was the first to spill blood.
Leaping upon Mohand, he buried a long
curved knife right up to the hilt in the
neck of Mohand, striking downward
just over the collar bone, and be fell,
the blood spurting from his month upon
the deck. At the same time our men,
falling upon the janizaries, did most
horrid battle nay, 'twas no battle, but
eheer butchery, for these men, being
taken so suddenly, had no time to draw
their weapons and could only fly to the
fore end of the boat for escape, where,
by reason of their number and the nar
row confines of the deck, they were so
packed and huddled together that none
oould raise his hand toward a blow
even, and so stood, a writhing, shriek
ing mass of humanity, to be hacked and
stabbed and ripped and cut down to
their death.
And their butchers had no mercy.
They could think only of their past
wrongs and of satiating the thirst for
vengeance, which had grown to a mad
ness by previous restraint.
"There's for 13 years of misery,"
cries one, driving his spike into the
heart of one. "Take that for hanging of
my brother," screams a second, cleav-
He buried a long curved knife up to the
hilt in the neck of Mohand. ,
ing a Moor's skull with his hatchet.
"Quits for turning an honest lad into a
devil," calls a third, drawing his knife
across the throat of a shrieking wretch,
and so forth, till not one of all the crowd
was left to murder.
Then, still devoured by their lust for
blood, they swarmed over the side of
the galley to finish this massacre,
Groves leading, with a shout of "No
quarter 1" and all echoing these words
with a roar of joy. But here they were
met with some sort of resistance, for
the Moors aboard, seeing the fate of
their comrades, forewarning them of
theirs, had turned their swivel gun
about, and now fired the ball, carrying
off the head of Joe Groves, the best
man of all that crew, if one were better
than another.
But this only served to incense the
rest the more, and so they went at their
cruel work again and ceased not till the
last of their enemies was dead. Then,
with a wild hurrah, they signal their
triumph, and one fellow, holding up his
bloody hands, smears them over his face
with a devilish scream of laughter.
And now, caring no more for ns or
What might befall us than for the Turks
who lay all mangled on our deck, one
cuts away the tackle that lashes their
galley to us, while the rest haul up the
sail, and so they go their way, leaving
us to shift for ourselves.
(To be continued.)
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Populist Hand Book.
We have on hand a few copies of Mr.
Edgerton's Populist Hand Book, for
1895, which gives an account of the
frauds in state institutions; legislative
extravagance, Governor Holcomb's mes
sage, facts on the silver question, etc.,
etc. Send 5 cents for single copy or 25
cents for six copies. Independent Pub
lishing Co., 1122 M street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hints to Tourists Where to go and what
it Oosts.
Is the subject of a little pamphlet pub
lished by the Northwestern line giving a
large amount of information regarding
the lake regions of Minnesota and Wis
consin. For a copy address city ticket
agent, 117 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Ne
braska. It la Jnat Wonderful
The time the Union Pacific "Overland"
cast mail No. 3 makes to Ogdeh, Salt
Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, Seattle'
Ban Francisco and Los Angeles. This
Daily Meteor has the finest equipment
consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol
stered Tourist Sleepers, Free Recliniitg
Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa
tion call on or address E. B. Slosson,
General Agent, 1044 O St, or J. T. Mas
tin, C. T. A.
Sammur Trips at Beduoed Bates.
The Northwestern line is now selling
tickets at reduced round trip rates to
iiiaiiy tourist points in the western, north
ern and northeastern states and Canada.
Any one designing a summer trip would
do well to secure our figures before pur
chasing tickets elsewhere.
Catarrh Cannot bo Cured
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To Washington, D. C, for the Chris
tian Endeavor convention, one fare.'
To St. Louis, Mo., account republican
national convention, one fare.
To Chicago, III., account democratic
national convention, one fare.
To Pittsburg, Pa., account prohibition
national convention, one fare.
To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pu
eblo, only $24.15 round trip.
To Hot Springs, S. D., $ 24.80 round
To Yellowstone National Park, special
' To California and to Europe; besides
these, many personally conducted excur
sions to points of interest.
On August 31st and September 1st w
will sell tickets to St. Paul and return
for $ 9.90, account annual encampment
Grand Army of the Republic.
If you contemplate a trip anywhere,
before purchasing your ticket please al
low us to quote you rates. Full infor
mation at B. & M. depot, 7th street, be
tween P and Q streets, or city office, cor
ner Tenth and O streets.
G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A.,
59-8 Lincoln, Nebraska.
The method pursued by the Nickel
Plate Road by which its agents figure
rates as low as the lowest, seems to
meet the requirements of the traveling
public. No one should think of purchasing
a ticket to Buffalo N, E. A. Convention
during July, until they first inquire what
the rate is over the Nickel Plate road.
For particulars write J. Y. Calahan,
Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St, Chicago,
At the World's Fair. Write for
Souvenir Catalogue with half tone
portraits of sixty world famous
musicians, who use and endorse
them. We also sell the HALLET
TON HINZE and cheaper pianos
at prices from $40.00 up
A. HOSPE, Jr.,
General Ae;ent,
Omaha, Neb.
The "Twin Comet" and "little Giant"
Unique Efficient, Labor Saving. Will
sprinkle 4 times greater area than
Highest award at the Chicago Exposi
Sole Manufacturers..
"For sale by all Hardware and Rubber
Stores in the U. S."
Can be seen at office of The Nkbhbska
Independent, 1122 M Street, Lincoln,
on line of the
00 Railway.
Tfou can obtain valuable information by answer
ing the following queries :
1 Which STATE do you proferT
2 Do you want TIMBERED or PEAIEIE landf
3 How MANY ACEES do you desirot
t-What TEAMS and TOOLS have youT
6 Have you NEIGHBORS who will join you in
forming a SMALL COLONY, if the right
location is found?
t We have lands which will suit you, either
in tbo RICH HARBWOOD country or on the
Unimproved Lands at from $3 to $10 per
acre depending upon QUALITY and LOCA
TION. Terrog to suit.
Homesteads in North Dakota.
UAI r rfiDrC Home Seekers and
REDUCED RATES on Household Goods, Tools,
Teams, Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs.
to any one who will bring oolony.
Address, T. I. ETJED, Land and Colonisation
Agent, Soo Railway, Minneapolis, Mlnntsota.