The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 11, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    June u, 1896.
Senator Allen's appearance in Boston
was a surprise to the cultured denizens
of that city. By his demeanor, by bis
carriage, by the force of his intellect he
f commanded the regpectof all classes.
Tti TWtnn nnwra are of the ultra-trold
f v rut n n ri vet. tlipv had the following
v. 1" ) . - "
kind words 10 say of our senior Senator.
The Globe said:
Senator Allen is anything but a rep
resentative of the current eastern idea of
the populist leader. Not only does he
lack the magnificent whiskers, which
have made his populist colleague, Sen
ator Peffer, famous, but he is not at all
prone to air his opinions, and puts his
ideas in that crisp, sharp style which is
styled epigramatic.
The senator's manner is not brusque,
and yet he does not volunteer any in
formation which is not directly sought.
His manner is kindly, as is his appear
ance, and while holding firmly by his
party's opinions, he is willing to allow
those who do not see matters politically
as he does to have their own ideas.
In physique he is a giant. An ordi
j nary man standing beside him would ap
" pear like a boy. He is about six feet
four inches in height, while his splendid
mascular frame, on which there is not,
to all appearances an ounce of super
flous flesh, does not allow him to look
unwieldy or corpnlent. His kindly eyes
beam behind a pair of spectacles, while
his clean shaven, frank and pleasant
countenance suggest the clergyman
rather than the politician.
The Transcript said:
He does not in the least resemble the
popular idea of the "wild-eyed" populist,
for he is not wild-eyed, but is a thought
ful dignified looking man, with a fine
strong face, which is given an air of ad
ditional studiousness by his wearing
glasses. He speaks slowly and distinct
ly, and gives one the impression of care
fully weighing what he is about to say
before qe speaks. His appearance does
not belie his character, for he is consid
ered one of the brightest and most schol
arly men in the senate.
Mr. Allen is a thorough westerner m
his ideas, however.which as far as the all
important question of currency goes, do
not in the least coincide with those of
the majority of the eastern men. He is
a pronounced bimetallist, and says that
the sentiment in favor of the white metal
is growing rapidly stronger in this sec
tion, and in fact all through the west
everyday. He considers it today 100
percent, stronger than it was three years
The Traveler said:
He is a tall, stout, beardless man,
with an address and carriage which can
not but excite commendation.
Speaking of the speech, the Journal of
May 30th said:
The feature of the evening was the ad
dress made by Senator Allen. He paid
a glowing tribute to labor and what it
had accomplished in the world's history.
It contained fully half a column of
the speech.
The Advertiser of May 30th gave one
half a column of the speech witho'ut
The Herald of the 30th, said:
Hon. William V. Allen, United States
senator from Nebraska, was a guest of
the people's party of Massachusetts at
the second annual banquet in Arcade
hall Park square, last evening. He had
accepted an invitation to speak on the
political situation, and his presence was
the feature of the occasion, which was
attended by several hundred persons. It
thengaves about half a column of his
The Post of May 30th, said:
Senator William V. Allen of Nebraeka
had a warm and enthusiastic meeting
with his Massachusetts brethren popu
listic in Arcade hall last night. A row
of tables eloquent of feast stood with
traditional groaning in the rendexvous
of Boston's populists, overlooking Park
The senator who in some ways has a
resemblance to Senator Hoar tall, well
featured, smooth faced and spectacled
was tne principal object of vision. He
sat behind the main table facing the
audience from in and out of town and it
gave a column and a half of the speech.
The Daily Standard said:
Enthusiasm was the keynote of the
evening. Every principle dear to to the
populist heart was applauded to the
echo; not only with the conventional
hand clapping which politenessdemands,
but with wild cheers which are born of
hearty enthusiasm. When United States
Senator Allen, the speaker of the even
ing, sat down, Gerry Brown, the last
gubernatorial candidate of the party,
banged the table with such lusty strokes
that knives and forks clattered to the
floor and coffee leaped from the cups
and it gavo three-quarters of a column
of the speech.
The Globe of the 30th gave two and
three quarter columns of the speech, and
speaking of Senator Allen, said:
He fired the opening gun in what is ex
pected to be an extremely lively cam
paign, and judging by the enthusiasm of
last night s meeting the populists will be
heard from during the coming summer
and fall, whether they poll many votes
on election day or not. They are all
blessed with most sanguine temperments,
and one of them remarked to a reporter,
"God has charge of the reform move
ment, and it's bound to succeed."
Senator Allen is a large and rather
powerfully built man of middle age, with
a smooth-shaven face.soniewhat teutonic
in its massiveness. He wears spectacles
and has a very dignified mien. The sen
ator was listened to with closest atten
tion, and all his arguments, especially
that in favor of free coinage of silver,
were liberally applauded. He gave a
very clear and simple statement of pop
ulist pri' iples.
The Herald of the 31st, said, editor
Senator Allen of Nebraska, who has
been here and addressed an audience, is
a gentleman of excellent character and
superior intellectual qualities. It would
be a mistake to suppose Mr. Allen to be
anything but an earliest, sincere man
who has given thought and study to the
subject with which he is identified. He
is not at all an adventurer in politics, or
one who is naturally wild in his ideas, or
led away by superficial investigation.
He is a student of affairs, and a gentle
man of more than ordinary knowledge
and responsibility. Neither is he to be
compared with men who advocate the
cause of free silver from selfish personal
motives. He is literally a good man
gone wrong on this and other subjects.
Men of this stamp are to be respected
for their sincerity, and are not at all to
be ranked with another class who are
too apt to be a pest to our politics.
They should be met fairly and reasoned
with, notwithstanding they are to a
a considerable extent not in company
worthy of them. Intolerance is out of
place here, we cannot all think alike, and,
if some of us do think oddly, it is better
than not to think at all, or to sacrifice
our convictions to party prejudice or
party feeling We need more sincerity
in our public life, as its concomitant, we
need more independence of character
and action. Judging from Mr. Allen's
careerin has talent enough
to commend himself to the favor of any
parlv, We may deplore that he is blind
ed in his views of questions of essential
importance 111 public aftairs, but, alter
all, it may be better to go astray in this
way than to be led into corrupt machi
nations which appear too often in our
politics by the desire to promote person
al ambition. Senator Allen is finely ex
empt from any feeling of this nature.
Just before Lincoln's nomination he
went to Boston and delivered an ad
dress which was as strange to their ears
as this speech by Senator Allen was.
Gen. Paul Van Der Voort publishes a
magazine called the New Nation. The
first article in it this month is by Hendry
W. Yates, a national banker and leader
of the gold standard forces in this state.
That's the way to be a "true populist,"
and to "keep in the middle of the road."
Our peaceful, poetic friend, J. A. Ed-
gerton, has a hard time of it. In the old
days Holden used to jump on him, and
now Van Der Voort is at it. Still he
dreams of "a better day," and populists
generally trust him more, because those
sort of fellows love him less.
As soon as news of the Oregon election
reached London, silver went up three
points and wheat advanced two cents a
bushel. Elect a majority of populists to
congress and before they get to Wash-
ington, silver will be $1.29 an ounce and
wheat $1.25 a bushel.
The democratic party in the last elec
tion in this state voted nearly two to
one for the gold standard and to endorse
Cleveland, bond issue and all. Now
some people have the impudence to ask
populists to vote with them to elect a
president! Bahl
Prof. Langley's air ship comes just in
time, for if this monopolization of the
land goes on much longer most of us
will have to take to the air, for there
will not be a sqare foot of land for ordi
nary mortals left on the whole face o
the earth.
The populists of the Fourth Missouri
district have arranged for a monster
meeting at St Joseph, and the Missouri
World is engaged in denouncing their
orator of the day .Cyclone Davis of Texas.
Any Rothschild gold in that?
The degree of A. M. i, Master of Arts)
has just been conferred upon J. A. Ed
gerton by the college from which he
The Populists Carried the County and
Were Counted Out.
Salem, Oregon, June 5, '96.
Editor Nebraska Independent: I
feel I must write you personally. My
husband came in from business for lunch
at noon today and said that the repub
licans had counted every populist out,
when everyone, even the old partyites
themselves, conceded that we had carried
everything in this county for the popu
lists. But they have stolen all. Oh!
what is to become of us? How can we
get justice? We are at a loss to know
what to do is this emergency. There
were hundreds of thousands of dollars
spent in the state to carry this election
by the two old parties. They paid the
board of hundreds of idle men in the city
of Portland in order to vote them on
Monday. Free whiskey, beer, tobacco,
and anything, was used to debauch the
voters and to perpetuate this damnable
rule over us. Excuse me for using such
lauguage, but it is true. And we can't
help ourselves. Ohl work for the com
mon people, for home, and our once free
We used to live near Lincoln once,
many years ago, when it was in its in
fancy. Later on we lived in York county
for eighteen years. We like Oregon
very much as a state. Late cold rains
have damaged the fruit crop some, and
it will be short, in this vicinity at least.
We take your valuable paper cannot
do without it. My husband has been in
the reform work for nine years. There
were only three populists in Salem when
we came here five years ago, but the
woods are full of them now, as the pops
say, and to my husband's zeal in distrib
uting reform literature I attribute a
flattering per cent of this increase. We
hope the cause of equal rights and jus
tice will prevail ere long, even if it re
quires the shedding of blood. I am
speaking the sentiments of thousands.
Yours for truth and justice, x
Mrs. R. R. Rva.v.
No Mr. Tanner.
Mr. Tanner, a candidate for governor
in Illinois, in a recent speech wanted to
know if the people were willing to rob
the widow and orphan whose money
had been loaned on mortgages, by mak
ing it possible to repay them in 50-cent
dollars? No, Mr. Tanner, the American
people have no intention of having 50
cent dollars. Nobody has ever advoca
ted 50-cent dollars. The contention is
against 200-cent dollars; against com
pelling the borrower of the widow's and
orphan's money to pay the widow and
orphan two dollars for every one bor
rowed from them. Wahoo Era.
$8 50 to Cleveland and Return $8.50.
For the meeting of the Imperial Shrine
at Cleveland, 0. June 23d and 24th, the
Nickel Plate Road will sell tickets June
21st and 22d, Chicago to Cleveland and
return at $8.50 for the round trip, which
is $1.50 less than via other lines. Tickets
available on all trains, returning until
June 25th. Further information cheer
fully given on application to S. V. Cala
han, Gen '1 Agent, 111 Adams St., Chi
cago, III. l-2t
Last fall Governor Holcomb mfusad to sign
my commission as police commissioner.
The people of the country little know the Injus
tice I have Buffered. I have ruined
myself in this work, and have borne a burden of
grief. I (rive all my time; I (rave all
my money Ions ago. Paul -Van Der Voort In
Gen. Van Der Voort further says: "I
have sought no office; am seeking none
now; have refused to have my name
mentioned many times." As Gen. Van
Der Voort has had three offices forced
upon him against his solemn protests,
all of which he is compelled to occupy at
one time, viz: Police commissioner of the
City of Omaha, president of the Reform
PreHS Association, and commander-in-
chief of the Industrial Legion, the Inde
pendent suggests that this forcing of so
many offices upon one man is really cru
el, and offers its aid in any effort that
will relieve Gen. Van Der Voort of all
offices for the next ten years, so that he
may have needed rest.
The Republicans of the House Rather
Ttust Grover Than Congress. "
Washington, D. C, June 8. (Special
to the 1ndepfdent.) After a long and
hard fight the auti-bond bill passed the
senate on last Tuesday by a majority of
seven votes. Since that time the bill has
been before the house committee to
which it was referred. A large majority
of the committee are opposed to the bill,
while only four members of the commit'
tee are in favor of it. The gold republi
cans and gold democrats who compose a
majority of the committee are still hesi
tating whether or not to pigeon-hole the
bill and let it die in the committee, or to
report it to the house and vote it down.
If it is referred to thehouse there will bea
minority report favoring the bill, and the
first vote will hare to be taken on this
minority report. This will lead to some
discussion of the question which the gold
men are anxious to avoid. They were so
badly worsted in the discussion in the
senate that they fear the effect of debate
in the house upon it.
But whether the bill dies in the com
mittee or is killed in the house by a vote
will be of little difference, because the
voters of the country will place the
responsibility tor the laiiure of this bill
to become a law where it belongs that
is, upon the republican house of repre
sentatives. This action of the republi
can house of representatives will make it
equally responsible with Grover Cleve
land for every other bond that is issued.
It will make them equally responsible
with him for the secret bond deals of the
past, because in spite of Cleveland's out
rageous and infamous conduct in this
matter, they insist on leaving him with
the power to repeat the same instead of
referring this important matter to con
gress for action, where it belongs.
Senator Butler, in closing the debate
in the senate on hie bill, said, "this
measure will pass the senate; now let the
house of representatives pass it before it
adjourns and save the country from
another issue of bonds and another load
of debt piled upon the taxpayers for the
benefit of the gold gamblers of Europe."
He asked, "can it be possible that any
congressman will say that be would
rather trust the president, in spite of the
record that the president has made, to
decide when money shall be borrowed,
and how it shall be borrowed, and for
what purpose it shall be spent than to
trust congress, the representatives of the
people, who are elected to trausaet such
matters and to guard the interests of the
Senator Teller made a speech on the
Butler bond bill just before the vote was
taken in which he paid his respects to a
certain class of silver republicans. He
said that the test of a man's loyalty to
silver was proven on the recent vote in
cougress to take up the tariff bill with a
silver amendment thereto. He said that
those who refused to vote for afree silver
amendment on the tariff bill showed that
they placed the question of tariff above
the financial question, and in doing that
they took position along side of Sherman
and the other gold republicans. He said
that this class of silver republicans who
took John Sherman for their leader
could no lontrer fool their constituents
by making them believe that they were
true to silver and the people.
Their Trick to Hold Silver Republicans
in Line
Washington. D. C, Jane 7, 1896.
Special to the Independent: As we
have paid in a former letter, the same
gold ring that put up an enormous fund
to nominate and elect Grover Cleveland
has now put up an even larger campaign
fund to nominate and elect McKiuley.
But this gold ring has recently become
alarmed at the rapid growth of the free
silver sentiment, even in the republican
party. They have become alarmed lest
the whole west will revolt against Mc
Kinley under the lead of Senator Teller.
TUey now realize that it is impossible to
elect McKinley unless they can fool a
large number of free silver men into sup
porting him. Their latest scheme is to
do this. It is being worked in the fol
Is needed by poor, tired mother, debilitated
and run down because of poor, thin blood. Help
is needed by the nervous suflerer, the men and
women tortured wiUi rheumatism, neuralgia,
dyspepsia, scrofula, catarrh. Help comes
quickly when Hood's Siirsaparilla begins to en
rich, purify and vitalize the blood and send It
In a healing, nourishing, Invigorating stream to
all the nerves, muscles and organs of the body.
la the One True Blood Purifier. All drugcUtm fl.
Prepared only by C. L Hood A Co., Lowell. Msas.
i-i j rn cure Liver Ills; easy to
rlOOa S FlllS Hike, easy to operate. 25c
lowing manner: The gold papers of the
east, acting as the mouthpiece of the
gold ring, are beginning to say that they
have doubts as to McKinley s being
sound on the money question. Some of
them even go so far as to threaten that
unless they become thoroughly satisfied
that McKiuley will stand squarely for
the single gold standard after he is elec
ted that they will not support him. This
is beiug done by the very men who are
putting up the money to nominate and
elect McKinley. At the same time the
Republican papers out west where the
free silver sentiment in the republican
party is very strong, are quoting these
threats of the eastern papers and saying
to their western leaders that the fact
that the eastern men are dissatisfied
with McKinley is the best possible proof
that McKinley is friendly to silver, and a
good reason why all silver men should sup;
port him. A few years ago a scheme like
this would have worked nicely and fooled
millions of voters, but it will fool nobody
this year except those who desire to be
fooled. It is true that a number of po
liticians who expect to get offce under
McKinley if he is elected will seize on this
scheme and use it to try to fool their
voters at home, but the hope of the
country is in the voters themselves, and
the voters this year are too much in
earnest and too well informed to be
fooled, even by the leaders they have
trusted and followed so long. The fact
that the gold men have been forced to
resort to this scheme is proof that they
are beginning to get uneasy that McKin
ley and the republican party cannot
carry the country on next November.
Let the voter remember that this gold
ring used the democratic party in 1802,
It is now using the republican party, and
in 1900 it will raise a campaign fund to
control the democratic conventions and
elect a goldbug democrat for presideut.
Let every voter remember that the only
hope to restore prosperity is for every
patriot to get out of these two old par
ties, both of which have served the gold
ring so long and so faithfully, and to
loin bands with the people s party at t.
Louis on July 22, and nominate and
elect ao American Patriot for president.
The Kickers' Idea.
The advocates of "all theisms" appear
to think that the more planks they ad
vocate the .better populists they are.
They measure a man's devotion to the
populist party by the number of "isms
he wants put in the platiorm. If he be
lieves in one plank he is a traitor, and of
course ought to be summarily dealt with.
If he wants two planks he ought to be
banished, but not hnng. If he wants
three he can be tolerated. If four or five
he can be taken in on probation, but if
twenty or thirty, commencing with the
rights of man, and going up through
the whole category of reforms, including
prohibition and state dispensaries, wo
mau suffrage, the sub-treasury, land
loans and Coxey's non-interest bond
scheme, then he is all right. Independ
ent American (la).
Know What they Want.
Populists know what they want with
out a platform. We are not making
platforrasfor populistsbutfor those who
are not populists and who desire to
know what our principles are, and we
should not confuse them . with a lot of
nonessential details that require a well
trained judicial mind to explain. Give
us a plain, -conservative platform that
forcibly expresses our position on the
essential principles and cut out all the
details of legislation that can be en
trusted to populist congressmen to
carry out. Independent. American,
Enclose a stamp to any agent of the
Nickel Plate road for an elaborately il
lustrated art souvenir, entitled "Sum
mer Outings." Address J. Y. Calaban,
Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago,
111. " l-4t
Grover' New Scheme.
George P. Keene, of N. Y. City, writes
that the anti Cleveland democrats of the
metropolis have information which
shows a scheme on the part of the presi
dent to shortly take steps in favor of
Cnba that will undoubtedly bring about
war with Spain, with the intention of se
curing a third term on the strength of a
war boom. In order to head off this
movement, the clubs organized by op
ponents of the president in his own yarty
are distributing thousands of copies of
"Conderts Treaties on Arbitration vs.
He's the Right Sort.
Mayor-elect Pennoyer, the former pop
ulist governor of Oregon, is evidently
made of the stuff of honest statesmen
and of heroes. His first announcement
is this: "While endeavoring to faithfully
discharge my duties as mayor, I shall
take but one half of the salary. That
salary should come down with the gener
al decline in prices and values, and I
shall see that it does come down." The
mayor is now entitled to $3,000 per an
num. Farm Hands Wants 1
Elwood, Neb., June 8, 1896.
Editor Independent: Please say
through the columns of of your paper
that the farmers of this county want
farmhands. Wages $20 per month.
Yours truly,
Robert Phares.
Bicycle for Sale.
An entirely neir bicycle for sale. A
wheel that retails everywhere at $90.00.
Our price $50, Call and see it before
buying, or address the
Independent Pub. Co.,
1122 M St., Lincoln, Neb.
1 let Insertion Jnoe II, 'M
. We will send to any address,
v-guv, wuiaiuiug u-ciwti. shhoms vi itie ciotns which have
' made our store famous throughout" the whole country for gen
uine,, real, bona fide, tangible bargains in ready made clothing
for men and boys. This catalogue contains an actual sample
and description of the Men's All Wool Suits which we sell for
$4.25 in all sixes from 31 to 44. It contains an actual sample of
The Boys' All Wool Suit which we sell for 11.75 in all sizes from
4 to 14 years of age. It contains an actual sample of the all wool
pants for men which we sell for f 1.50, and which areas good, if
not better than sny $2.50 pants sold at retail throughout this big
broad land.
Besides the above it contains 16 other samples of various
goods at various prices, and it is
to anybody in present or future need of ready made clothes. This
valuable and instructive book is FREE. The samples and in
formation contained in it are FREE. It is as full of money
saving sense as a pumpkin is full of seeds, and
Your name and address on a postal card
provmea you uo not delay. Address
Better Than
Z05 South I Oth St., Lincoln, Nebr.
rnn L0W prices go to
F0RCapital City
Meat Co.
Bacon, Breakfast, 8c.
Bologna, 5c.
California Hams, 6 1-2C.
Salt Potk, 5c.
Boiling Beef as low as 3c.
Cheap Satca to St Paul and Return-
The Northwestern is now Belling tick
ets at reduced round trip rates to St.
Paul, Minneapolis and numerous resorts
in Minneapolis and Wisconsin. This is
the short line. City office 117 So., 10th
St, Lincoln.
Wanted An Agent
in every section, to canvnsB, $4.00 to
f 5.00 a day made, sells at eight; also a
man to sell staple Roods to dealers, best
side line.f 75.00 a month. Salary or large
commmsion made, experience unneces
sary. For sealed particulars send stamp.
Clifton Soap & Manufacturing Company,
Cincinnatti, Obio. Mention Nebraska.
Inpkpbnt)ent, . . 48-52-t
W:tSxti man tun axmao. mat iuwiha
Mmatmry. Dont sqr afln't MS Udmf, profit.
PtlilorS Mm. tu.m Wttaih Av. ckluir.
Business Directory.
Men whose adTsrtlsements appear in this col
umn are thoroughly reliable, and Dnslnaas en
Irnsted to them will recede prompt and careral
McNERNET EAGER, Attorneye-at-iaw. MM
O Street, Lincoln. Neb. Telephone t0.
11 L. BTARK, Attoraej-at-Law, Anroa, He-
TV .
f ONQ MATHEW, Attoounys-at-Lew, Loup
City, Nebraska.
R. H. B. LOWRT. 117 Horth 11th Street. Lin
coln, Nebraska.
pHARLES A.MUNN, Attornsy-eLaw,Ord, He-
MA. MILLS, Aatomey-at-l.air Osceola, K
HA. EDWARDS, Attorney-at-I-aw. Grand la
land, Neb. Office over First Nat'l Bank.
DR. J. U. LDCAS, Dentist, Brace Block, Lin
coln, Nebraska.
I 811 AMP IMPLEMENT CO.. Botaanan Block,
Llucoln, Neb. Farm Machinery a specialty.
Machines shipped to all parts ot tbs state.
I T. M. 8WI0ART. Mntnal Fire and Cyclone
Insurance, Lincoln, Neb. Agents wanted.
HEN In Lincoln, Populists shonld stop at the
Llndell Hotel It Is Populist Headquarters.
WM. LEKSE, Lawyer, m South Eierenth
Street, Lincoln, Neb,, Will personally attend
to all business with care and promptness.
BERDR0W A THOMSON, Attorneys and eoun-selors-at-law.
Room 4, oyer Cent Neb. h'at'l
Bank, Darid City, Neb.
ROBERT WHEELER, Attorney-At-Law, 239
South 11th street, Lincoln, Neb, Ex-JndKS
Fifth District. Business given prompt attention
throughout the state.
Dr. Edward W. Lee
6 South uta at..Qma,ha, Nebr,
Offioe 8d Floor, Brownell Block,
Telephone 108. 1XJTOOX.K,
Patronize those persons who adver
tise in this paper. Tell them that you
saw their ad io the Nebraska Independent.
free of charge, our 48 page cata-
will bring it to you by the very next mail
it nice this i
Omaha, Nebraska.
State Agents.
Call or write for samples and prices.
Consumer' Purchasing Affenoy,
If you are in need of any kind of mer
chandise, dry goods, groceries, clothing,
farm implements, bnggy, bicycle, or in
fact anything, I can save you money
by getting you inside wholesale prices.
If you will write me, giving full partic
ulars about what you need, I will quota
you prices on anything you want. I will
be as careful in making a purchase for
you, as if I were buying for myself. For
further information, terms, samples,
prices and etc write me.
Esterli steel sell binder, S5.
Esterlv Mower, 4$t cut, for f 30; 5 or
6ft cut, $32.
Walking cultivator, $12; combined
riding and walking cultivator, $23.
Hinder twine cheap. '
D. Clem Deaver,
"bom 0 Granite block Omaha. Nab.
AT HOME with such simple apparatus
as every farmers now has.
8end $1 to 0- E. KITTINGEB, Powell, 8.
D., and receive by mail 10 rennets, with
such plain, printed instructions as will
enable any woman to make good cheese
the first time without neglecting house
hold duties. Money refunded if yon fail.
The $ummer Sool of 1896
Lincoln Normal University
Opens June lOth.
3ummef omeafef opeqs jpril I9lht
Specialties to be emphasised in
oxir Summer School.
1. Child Study.
2. School Superintendence.
3. Methods of Teaching.
4. Elementary Science.
6. First Grade Certificate Studies.
6. Second Grade Certificate Studies.
7. Third Grade Certificate Studies.
8. College Preparatory Studies.
6. State Certificate Studies. .
10. High School Preparatory Studies.
11. Latin, Greek, German, French.
12. Methods of Teaching and Princi
ples of Education.
More Than Four Hundred Teachers
Enrolled duringthesummer term of 1895.
It will thus be seen that this school is
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Mention Nebraska Indepkdent.
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