THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT June 11, 1896. THE WEALTH MAKERS mnd LINCOLN INDEPENDENT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY T TBI . . IndEpsqdEqt Publishing So. At 1120 M Street, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. TELEPHONE 638. $1.00 per Year in Advance. Address All communication to, and mak all drafts, money order, etc., payable to . THE INDEPENDENT PUB, CO., Lincol. Nib. The expenses of publishing a paper I must be paid week by week through the whole year. There is no waiting until the crops come in. If populists of Ne braska want a paper like the Independ Ext, they MUST PAY, at least in part, of what is due on delinquent subscribers. Keep a watch on the traitors. Down the traitors, and stand by the people's party. It is the only hope of the nation. Old, discarded republican roust-abouts will never displace in the affections of the people's party the old guard. ' The same infalible court that decided the Income tax unconstitutional says that a sugar bounty tax is all right. In looking over the field can any one doubt that gold bug money is at work trying to create factions and a split in the populist party? When a man begins to brag about the time he has spent and the money be has given to the people's party, then keep your eye on him. The republicans, having overstocked the market with home-made paupers, are now engaged in howling about the importation of the foreign sort. Our distinguished friend, Gen. Paul VanDerVoort, says he likes a hot fight and a hard hitter. This issue of the IN DEPENDENT will therefore be to his lik- The New York People was started as a populist paper; then it got a socialist editor. Now it devotes its entire space to fighting free silver and maligning populists. The Elkhorn, Burlington and Union Pacific roads gave free transportatiau to the contributions of Nebraska for the Texas cyclone sufferers, but the Missouri Pacific refused. , Churchill threatens to tell on the thieves if he is not renominated, and in timates that there is enough concealed rottenness there to make a respectable hell, all by itself. Another populist has been added to the membership of the house. Mr.Martin of the Sixth district of North Carolina has been seated, the "counted-in" demo crat being ousted. Tht republican cry to the free silver members of the party is: "Don't go else where to be cheated." There is no doubt that the republican party can do it bet ter than any one else. Some United States senators are such economic idiots as to talk about "taking away the intrinsic value of silver." If value is "intrinsic" how could it be gotten out of the silver? In a rather lurid letter a correspondent asks: "Are not these western gold bugs responsible to the law?" No, not at all. A western gold bug is an idiot, and idiots are not responsible to the law. The great banking interest is diametri cally opposed to the man of enterprise and the laborer, ret the shrewd money. loaner inveighs the latter classes to vote for and support what is for their own ruination. An intelligent republican was denounc ing the populists on the loafer's stand, at 11th and 0 streets, the other day be cause he said they wanted the silver dol lar to weigh 16 ounces aud a gold dollar only 1 ounce. 1 Gen. Paul Van Der Voort participated in the councils of the national committee at the last meeting. He was admitted on a proxey from South Dakota. He could not get a'proxey by a good deal. from this state The republicans in the state of Wash ington want the gold standard, when everything out there from a railroad to a corner grocery is in the hands of a re ceiver. They are acting on the principle of Marie Antoinette, who, when told that the people had no bread, said, "let them eat cake." When they can t even get the dollars of the constitution, they vote lor the dollars of Wall street. Their leaders are hired flunkies find a disgrace to America. MR.PAl'L VAN DER VOOKT Mr. Paul VanDerVoort in an article in last week's Nonconformist makes a most vicious attack on Gov. Holcoiub, the last popnlist state convention, the pres ent state committee and its chairman and in fact, the whole populist organiza tion in this state. This attack is given editorial sanction by the Nonconformist in these words: General VanDerVoort doesn't propose to be blackguarded without striking back. Read hie letter In anoint column. He uncover the"true inwardness" In the schemes nt the (unionist and trimmer with the accuracy of one In a position to know. It seems to tm pendent in view people's party is the duty of the Inde of the fact that the just entering upon a fight in this state to wrest it from the gang of robbers, in whose ranks Mr. Van DerVoort was so long employed as a railroad oil room lobbiyist, to make a few remarks. Mr. VanDerVoort is Commander in Chief of the Industrial Legion, the chief object of which is to raise campaign funds. Not one cent has ever been turned over bv him to either the state or national committee. Mr. VanDerVoort always comes from Douglas county with a big delegation to every state convention, but Douglas county has never contributed one cent to pay the expenses of a state campaign and when it has been necessary to dis tribute populist literature in thatcounty money has had to be contributed by populists outside of thatcounty.not only to pay the printing, but to actually pay Douglas county to distribute it. Mr. Taul VanDerVoort holds a $1,000 position by grace of an act of the most infamous republican legislature" that ever held a session in the state, which took the power of appointment away from the governor aid placed it in the hands of republicans and Mr. VanDer Voort is on a board of police comrais- soners, sitting side by side and working with the same gang of republicans with whom he has fought for the last twenty years. Mr. VanDerVoort's antipathy to the last populist state convention is perhaps not to be wondered at, for when asked by a delegate: "What are your politics now?" he inad verdantly replied: "lam a republi " at which he was hooted for five minutes. Mr. VanDerVoort is the moving spirit in the now somewhat famous Omaha populist club, whieh issued the remark able address to Gov. Holcomb when ten dered a reception by the business men of the city. This said club has just issued another address, making covert attacks on the state committee and almost every prominent populist in the state and na tion which is as full of falsehoods as a lemon is full of sourness. Mr. Paul VanDerVoort has issued inauy bombastic circulars about tue Legion which have been printed in pop ulist papers in other states and have given hi in some notorietv where he is not personally known, and upon this has worked up a mention as a presidential i candidate from this state in opposition to Senatsr Allen., Many of us tried to push the Legion when it was first suggested, the editor of this paper among the rest, but we soon found that it would not go and dropped it. It never had any substantial footing in this state and the national conven tion will doubtless put an end to it. Gov. Holcomb has given this state an administration of which every honest man in it is proud. Even the State Journal begins to half acknowledge that it will be almost impossible to beat him. He has already wrested from the hands of would be public thieves more than $100,000. His record is without a blem ish. The only way to turn this state over to the republicans is to pull away from the support of Gov. holcomb a sec tion of populist votes. The Noncon formist and Mr- Paul VanDerVoort, are laying the foudation for such a scheme. SOME MORE THREATS. Tho Independent warned populists against the Missouri World last week. The warning was not given too soon. The following double leaded editorial in this week's edition smellB strongly of Rothschild's gold. It is as follows: "Populists, if you don't want the straight populists to be compelled to bolt, see to it that straight populists are sent to St. Louis as delegates. If you stand still and permit the convention to be packed by fusionists and trimmers, then look out for a new people's party." The charge that the populist national convention can be packed or that the true and tried men who will there assem ble will abandon populist principles is an infamous falsehood, and ninety-nine populists out of every hundred will ever believe that its publication is paid for by Rothschild's money. The only hope of the Rothschild gang is to disrupt and destroy the populist party. The men who threaten to do it are greater trait ors to the oppressed of the United States than any of the scoundrels who have brought ruin upon us. The Missouri World and tho Henry Clews bauking house may join their forces, but they all together, cannot disrupt the people'i party. Populists are not cowed by threats. LET US HAVE HARMONY. The Independent is weary of the row being kicked up by the kickers, and it proposes the following plan to obtai harmony. Let us all denounce Allen Butler, John P. Jones, Stewart, Kyi Peffer, Taubeneck, and Weaver as trim. mers and traitors, and put the manage ment of the party in the hands of the ed itors of the Arkansaw Kicker, the Non conformist and the Missouri World. If they could only have the privilege of making the platform, of nominating the candidates, and of banishing to dark ob livion our members of congress, our na tional committee and its chairman, who can doubt that absolute harmony would prevail, and when November comes they would elect a president aud a majority of both branches of congress. The Independent demands that Tau beneck and the whole populist national committee resign, that Allen and Butler and the rest of them there in Washing. ton shut up their mouths and go home; that Weaver shall go back to Iowa and stop bis talk, and that these editors take the field immediately and reform these United States without any further delay. If weconld only have "a referen dum" on this proposition the populist party would adopt it without a doubt 100 to 1. A VAN DER VOOKT FAKE, The only persons in the state that are canvassing for the election of a certain set of delegates to the St. Louis conven tion are those Van DerVoort populists in Douglas county, who are sending outcir culars by the thousands, but have never yet contributed one cent to state or na tional populist campaign expenses. We ask any populist who has seen a man traveling over this state trying to in fluence the election, of delegates to St. Louis to report the fact to this office. The charge made by these Van DerVoort fellows in Omaha is false. There are no such canvassers. Who ever saw one of them? If there is any such man bring him up here and there will be a hanging bee. The men who will compose the next populist convention of Nebraska will have principles that cannot be bought, and they will not be idiots who can be fooled, or sneaks who can be bossed. We are willing to trust the old, true and tried pops of this state. We do not fear them as Gen. Paul Van Der Voort seems to. Here's to the old pops of the next convention. We know you will do the right thing. All this story of your being bossed or bought up by traveling agents is a Van DerVoort fake. ABOUT PLATFORMS. And old populist who has long been in the fight, in a private letter to the editor says: "I have seldom seen a sentence in a newspaper that pleased me so much as the one in your defence of Senator Allen where you say: "Allen knew, as every thorough fiatist knows, that the money plank, except the sentence about very weak and and ambiguous." I am glad you put that iu. I have al ways looked upon that plank as very unsatisfactory, but have refrained from saying so because there seemed to be an element in the party who believed that every word of the Omaha platform was spired by God and no more to be changed than the words of Holy Writ. ow won't you please write a money plank that will express, without equivo cation, populist ideas upon money and print it in the Independent." We beg to be excused. But if any one had asked us to do that twenty years ago, without any hesitancy we would ave sat down and written it at the first invitation. After two decades of tussling with this English language, we have learned that to write a single English sentence upon which only one construc tion can be put is the greatest literary feat a roan can accomplish. To write a plank upon the money question to go into a national platform, where it roust stand the criticism of the best trained intellects of the world is a thing not to be lightly undertaken. However we have no hesitancy in say ing that the money plank of the Omaha platform is a lame, halting failure in ex pressing the populist idea of money. Take the first words of it. "We de mand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible." The first adjective will perhaps do, but the two others "souud and flexible" are the shibboleth of the money power, "sound" when applied to money is a meaningless catch phrase, and "flexible" is just what we don't want. When Bill Springer rounded up the bankers to testify before his committee. there appeared either in person or by letter, the whole banking crew. Old Williams of the Chemical, Lyman Gage and the rest, and they all were demand ing "a currency safe, sound and flexible" especially "flexible." Thatis what pop ulist don't want. But the plank is more remarkable for what it don't say than for what it does. It does not declare that all money is a creation of law, that its value depends upon the quantity and a good many other things that all pop. ulist believe. It is to be hoped that the St. Louis convention will be able to formulate a money plank that will express our belief on money, which the Omaha platform certainly does not, lor wnicn saying we suppose we will be denounced ar a "trim- mer" and told that we ought to be hung to a telegraph pole, by those who thin the Omaha platform contains all the wisdom of past and future ages and to whom even a hint that it might be im proved is proof of high treason. Gen. Paul VanDerVoort says: "Last fall Gov. Holcomb refused to sign m commission as police commission. What treason to the Omaha platform J was that act, my friend? TO nON. LEKOY TEMFLETON. Not only the populists of Indiana, but many thousands in other states will ever hold you in grateful remembrance for the large sums of money you have freely given and the years of earnest work you have done in the cause of the common people of this country. Out here in Ne braska we are just entering upon a most desperate battle for human rights. There is no donbt of success if the populist party is preserved from division and pre sents a solid front to the enemy. Des perate efforts are being made by the common enemy to create factions and prevent the party from casting a solid vote for its nominees. Your paper, the Nonconformist, which circulates largely in this state, doubtless without your knowledge, for we know how every hour of your time is absorbed with business cares, is aiding to defeat the populist party in this state by publishing charges against the best and purest governor the state ever had, and aiding in creat ing distrust and factions in the populist party in Nebraska. We ask you to or der the Nonconformist to keep its hands off from Nebraska. It has no right to enter this state and help defeat the pop ulist party. VAN DER VOORT'S CHESTNUTS. Almost every man, and especially the well-trained lobbyist who for years has served the corporations around legisla tive halls, looks out for his own interest first and all thetime. Is it not for the inter est of Gen. Paul Van Der Voort that the peoples' party of Nebraska should re elect Governor Holcomb and a populist legislature this fall? Gen. Van Der.Voor t holds a fat office by virtue of an act of a republican legislature so infamous that it was denounced even by republicans all over the state, among them John C. Watson. If a populist legislature were elected they would repeal that law with in an hour after they got at it, and Sov. Holcomb would sign the bill. The result of that would be that our distinguished friend, Geu.Paul Van Der Voort would be out of a job. Even an Omaha populist club jay ought to have sense enough not to burn their fingers pulling our friend Paul's chestnuts out of so hot a fire as that. " THE LIAR'S BELT. j The Liar's Belt goes this week to the editor of the State Journal. It is award ed this time for no double distilled lie, I which as heretofore defined means a half truth, but for a visible, clear, obvious lie a lie without any trimmings whatever. The State Journal says: Pass Into Mexico with your pockets full of American silver dollars and at the line they will give you two'Mexican dollars tor every one bear ing the mark of the eagle. Everybody knows why. The American dollar has a gold dollar be hind it. When we consider that the editor of the State Journal knows that there is no law putting a gold dollar behind every silver dollar, that Secretaries Foster and Carlisle have in public documents stated that the silver dollaris standard money, and not redeemable in any other kind of money, that Treasurer Nebecker has stated the same thing aud that Carlisle stated in his testimony before the Springer committee page 28 that "we do not maintain the parity of the two metals by redeeming silver dollars or certificates in gold," we think that every honest man will agree that the ed itor of the State Journal is far, and away ahead of all competitors this week the contest for the Independent's Liars Belt. PUDDING HEADED IDIOTS. The intrinsic qualities of corn, oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, cotton and farm animals have not changed, neither have the intrinsic qualities of gold and silver chansred since 1870. but the value of these farm products was $1,500,000,000 less in 1895, than 1870. The intrinsic qualities of debts and taxes are the same now as in 1870, but it takes double the amount of corn, wheat, rye, buckwheat, cotton and farm animals, of which the intrinsic qualities have not changed, to pay them. The relation existing be tween gold and silver dollars and the above named farm products which ex isted in 1870 has changed. In that year twelve dollars and eighty-one one-hun dred ths of a dollar was equal to the aver age acre of cereal crops. In 1895, six dollars and seventy-eight one-hundred-eths of a dollar was equal to an average acre, while the intrinsic qualities of both the dollars and the crops remained the same. Now this relation existing between the , ... . 1 . 1 1 crops and tne aoiiars is waai we cuu "value." The "value" of the crops has been reduced one half. Is there any one so' stupid, that he can honestly assert that the relation of money to the iereal crons. is "intrinsic" in money? I there is such a one; he, if honest, is a pud ding headed idiot. THE DENVER NEWS. The populists have but one greatdaily newspaper able to sustain a corps of special correspondents at Washington andelsewhere, sanding their reportsdaily by wire. The editor of the paper, Mr. Thomas Patterson, is an exceedingly able writer and fine public speaker. He is a man of brains and therefore has ideas of his own. He does not always follow the policy that the Independent thinks best, but where he has taken a way of his own and a way not sanctioned by all populists, he has never assaulted the personal character or impugned the motives of other populists who did not believe just as he did. Mr. Patterson has been a special object of attack by such papers as the Noncon formist, the Missouri World and Arkan saw Kicker, nil of whose editors seem so poorly equipped for an intellectual con test, that they know of no other way to attack a man whose policy differs from weirs man to accuse nim of being a traitor and wanting to sell out the party to the democrats or some one else. These editors will not accept the state. ment of such men as Taubeneck, Weaver and others when written with their own hands and printed over their own names. Of course they will not accept any statement made by Mr. Patterson. It is not for their information, but for those men in the people's party who still be lieve that it is possible for a man to differ with them on a question of "policy" and still be honest and not a traitor, that the following clipping from the Denver News is made. In a leading editorial Mr. Pat terson says: ' During the past month the News has received many letters from old time democratic friends and readers, asking whether it should not, now that the Chicago convention will declare for free liver and establish itself as the champion of the cause, return to the democratic fold and take It place once more at the head of its valiant columns. The News answers those questions with an emphatic but friendly "no," and briefly gives its reasons for the answer. Mr, Patterson gives a great many rea sons why the populist party must main tain its organization, among them these, If a fusion suould be made with the democracy on free silver in this campaign he predicts a defeat and then says: One good defeat under the stiver banner would be likely to knock the late-born zeal of a great proportion for the white metal into smithereens. Tbey wonlu probably take a new track for the pie counter and leave those who champion the cause from conviction to seek new allies and re form their ranks under new leaders and with a new name. In which event Mr. Patterson believes that with our forces scattered and or ganization broken, the gold power would permanently control this country. He adds: Independently of silver, however, there are other needed reforms of which the people's party champion, and for them as well as silver its autonomy must be preserved. It will be in order for the kickers to jump on Tom Patterson now with re newed vigor, and say that while he talks fair "he only mentioned one plank." NO, NEVER. The Louisiana democracy was again saved by the negro vote, as the official democratic election returns certify. The white parishes have 84,942 white and 32,970 negro voters. These parishes gave to Pharr, the populist candidate for governor, 52,025 votes, and to Foster, the democratic candidate, 47, 392 votes. Pharr's majority, 4,632. The seven largest negro parishes, where the negroes are more than three to one, have 4,093 white and 21,252 negro voters. These parishes gave 16,933 votes to Foster and 467 to Pharr.a dem ocratic majority of 16,466. The Louisiana democracy is no excep tion to all the other southern democrac ies. It is simply in the same plight, and cannot depend any more on its white citizens, but must count upon the black belt to uphold it, always counting the negro vote as cast solidly for democracy. That is the sort of devil's round up that free silver democrats are asking populists to fuse with. Not much. KEM IS WRONG. With Kem's fight against the tyranny of Reed, populists sympathize. hen the speaker refused to let the people of Nebraska present their wants in the form of a bill, through Mr. Kem as their representative, every populist in the state stood by Kem in his endeavor to force recognition. But when Mr. Kem goes so far as to object to the considera tion of legislation that is beneficial to the state that he in part represents, the populmts of Nebraska say, "Haiti That is going too far. We will not stand by you in that." Mr. Kem has objected to the consideration of the Omaha exposi tion bill, after being urged not to do so by all the leading populists of the state. Populists repudiate bis action in this matter. The party will not defend it. DEMOCRATIC DEVILTRY. The Iowa democratic delegation to the Chicago convention held a conference on Saturday. All the press dispatches say that the goldite minority of that delega tion are working hard for the nomination of Boiese. In Catchings district in Miss. issippi after declaring unanimously for free silver 16 to 1 they renominated Catchinjrs one of the most bitter unre lenting gold bugs in congress. The Independent reiterates what it has been saying all the time. Any free silver man who stays in and votes for the can didates of either the republican or dem ocratic parties is a more efficient agent of the money power than any outspoken goldite. THAT ENDS IT. The Associated Tress Liars have great many interviews with the leaders of the silver party, none of which corres pond with the address of that party just issued from Washington, which closes with these words: The democratic party must not expect the country to accept any candidate It may name, acquiesced in by the gold wing of that party. As Brice, Carlisle and all the democrat ic gold bugs declare they will "acquiesce in" the Chicago nomination, that ends it. A full legal tender government note needs a redeemer about as much as the Savior of makind. THE COLORED DELEGATES. The Associated Press Liars had aroat story to tell about how the colored dele gates to the St. Louis republican conven tion were denied entertainment in that city. They were refused any place to sleep and anything to eat and were wan dering shelterless and hungry about the the Liars said. For a day or two they threatened to move the convention from St. Louis. In all probability the whole yarn is a fake, gotten up for the purpose of working the "bloody shirt" racket again, There are more than a score of colored men in St. Louis worth from $500,000, to $1,000,000 each, there is the goldite E. O. Stanard who could buy two or three hqtels to ac comodate them if he wanted to and never miss the money. The idea that the colored delegates who have been hired to come to the great city of St. Louis, where there are thousands of col ored people, many of them very wealthy, for the purpose of . fastening the gold standard and eternal poverty upon the white race are going to suffer for food while they are doing the work of the money power is a little too ridiculous. The mission ' of colored delegates to republican national conventions is well understood by the general public. It was all ventilated in that correspondence' between General Sherman and Alger last year. In those days their average price,, including these destinguished men intimated, was $500.00 Perhapa they come higher now, but bed and board is always included. When the populist convention meets in St. Louis there will be no outcry about entertaining the colored delegates and there will be a good many of them there. There will be no one to buy or sell them and they will have no complaints to- make of nn just treatment. . GIVE US THEIR HISTORY. T. F. Byron, who while editor of the DesMoines, Iowa Farmers Tribune started this attack on Taubeneck, Wea ver and other leaders of the populist party, is now president of the Iowa state Allison-McKinley club, the most bitter republican organization in the west. From the Farmers tribune he went to the editorship of the most rabid republi can paper in existance. Who can doubt that all the time he waseditingthe Farm er's Tribune that he was receiving Roth schild gold to disrupt the people's party Are not some of these other fellows who are pretending to edit populist papers and devoting all their energies to creat- ng discord, the same kind of chaps? The Independent would like to get a history of one or two of them. A populist who can be appointed a po lice commissioner in Omaha by the infa. mous republican Churchill-Russell combi nation will bear watching. A populist who will try to defeat a man like Wm. V Allen for United States senator aud will secretly lend his aid to the candidacy of a man like John M. Thurston, is not a man for honest populists to tie to. A populist who will defend the A. P. A.,. who will secretly fight a man like Judge Maxwell when be is the nominee of the people's party, who will jump onto the popuiist state administration, who will malign the chairman of the populist national committee, and the chairman of the populist state committee, who will prevail on a so-called populist club to send out circulars which are calculated to stir up strife in the party, such a pop ulist will bear, as the Methodists say, to be "held on suspicion," at any rate. And then, when this same populist was a re publican oil room lobbyist, before he joined the populist party, one is almost led to the belief that he hasn't gotten over his old habits and associations. Ia there such a populist In Nebraska? Well, be claims to be one, at any rate. The J. Shamp Implement Company of this city have secured the exclusive agency for the Plymouth Cordage Co. 'a various grades of binding twine in this- locality. This celebrated factory has a. reputation that is world-wide on their various productions. Quality is never sacrificed for price. Messrs. Shamp & Thompson believe the best is none too good for their customers, and in every department of their varied stock carry only leading lines of time-tested goods, and in buying of them our readers know they are buying of their friends. , Gen. Paul Van Der Voort seems to be the only man working the state as a can didate as delegate to the populist na tional convention. True to his training; in his old boss-ridden party, he seems to think that the way tohide it is to charge everybody else with the same crime, but the "stop thief" cry is an old game that will never fool the Old Guard. There is piled up on this desk enough communications to fill the Independent for three weeks, every one of which ought to be printed. All of them are of consid erable length. Articles of 300 or 400 words or less, nearly always get in, but these long ones, however well written, but seldom. Every enemy of reform will exert his energies from now until election morn trying to disrupt and disorganize the people's party. There will be assaults from without and assaults from within. Stand always on guard. We'll conquer our foes and hang the traitors. That was a good idea to make the sec retary of the Standard Oil company treasurer for the gold end of the prohibi tion party. . '1 f