The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 21, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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May 21, 189b.
(Joined by Both old parties Concerning
Populist principles.
Mr. President, it has been quite a com
mon thing for republicans and demo
crats in speeches, letters, and interviews
to speak disparagingly of the populist
party, and to assert that populists are
not silver men, although they believe in
its use, but that they are in favor of a
limitless volume of irredeemable paper
money. That assertion has been fro-
qUTHu Where has that been
mTaIusn. It was chanred by the
senior senator lrom Idaho Mr. Dubois
and the junior senatorfrom Kansas Mr,
Uakerlashort time ago in speeches in
this chamber, lhave seen it stated in
letters and interviews recently by repub
lican and democratic senators. Ihe pop
ulist party, so say these gentlemen, is m
favor of a limitless volume ofirredeem
able paper money. It is very strange
that populists are compelled to go away
from home to get the news. Mr. 1 resi
dent, there is not a populist in congress
or out of it, between the two oceans or
to be found between Canada and the
Gulf, who advocates that doctrine, and
there never has been a man who advo
cated it. I want to say to the senior
senatorfrom Idaho and and the junior
senator from Kansas that when they
told the senate and the country that the
populiHt party was in favor of a limitless
volume of irredeemable paper money
they did not know what they were talk
ing about. Such a declaration is not in
the populist platform; it can notbefound
in any authoritative declaration of the
party, state or national. It can befound
nowhere outside of speeches and utter
ances of democratic and republican
But what i this assertion made for7
The populist party numbers 2.000,000
voters today. In the first six years of
its national existence, it has in some sec
tions of the country, threatened the com-
flete destruction of the two old parties,
think my honorable friend from Texas
Mr. Mills is experiencing a strong
touch of populism in his state ot this
time. It is necessary to ring the alarm;
something must be said that will stamp
the populists as vagarists and men claim
ing and desiring the accomplishment of
impossible things to prevent the people
from leaving the two old parties and
joinings its ranks.
Mr. President, every form, of paper
money we have is redeemable, under the
law. There is no man living, with seuse
enough to be called a man, and deserv
ing recognition as such, who does not
k now that a limitless volume of irre-
deemable paper money would mean the
absolute destruction of the government
that indulged in it. Then why do these
gentlemen make such statements l hey
are afraid to meet the real issue. They
dread the advancement of the populist
nartv. Thev make these statements to
keep their party friends in line, and they
hold ur before them the tariff question
to diweive them airain. While cold bonds
and gold bands are being riveted on the
limbs of the uniortunate toners, wuue a
perpetual national debt is being piled up
mountain high to plague and vex gen
erations to come for all time, our repub
lican and democratic friends, for mere
nartv success, utter this false assertion
acrainst the populist party.
Mr. President, the people will not
loncorbe deceived. They realize that
when either a republican or a democrat
occupies the White House, falling prices,
- want, misery, and poverty exist among
the masses. The man who seems to
know the least of the populist party and
its beliefs usually asserts the roost and
makes the most radical misstatements
regarding it. Extract from speech of
Senator Allen.
The Motive of Both Part leu.
I desire to demonstrate that there is
no distinction between the moving power
of the republican party, and the moving
power of that part of the democratic
party now in control of the government,
in the interpretation of our statutes so
as to make all forms of our paper money
redeemable in gold.
What effect has this? Why, it forces
the government to issue bonds; that Is
its purpose. That is the purpose that
receives support from both the old po
litical parties. You can see this purpose
. manifest in the gold press, in the daily
press, the weekly press, and in magazine
articles. The time has come, they say,
when the United States, like England,
must have a perpetual national debt;
and, with a perpetual national debt in
the form of bonds, we will hold the coun
try together when all other things fail.
The capitalistic classes must have some
thing in which to invest their surplus
money. Therefore the scheme has been
started, prompted and promoted by
both old parties, to engulf this nation in
a perpetual national aeDt, resting as a
mortgage upon the property and indus-
a perpetual national aoDt, resting as a
try of our producing classes.
Mr. President, can it mean anything
else? Why, sir, it means even more. It
means another conspiracy4 to transfer
for all time the sovereign power to issue
money from the government, where the
constitution placed it, to the hands of
the national banks. Mr. Cleveland said
in his annual message to congress, and
it was repeated by Mr. Carlisle in his re
port as secretary of the treasury, that
what we must do is to divorce the gov
ernment from the issuance of any form
of paper money and turn over that power
wholly to the national banks. Has any
man ever been able to tell why the gov
ernment's sovereign power to issue
money should be abandoned and a few
private corporations be permitted to
usurp it? No, sir; it was conferred on
the government by the constitution for
the benefit of the people for all genera
tions of our national existance, and there
never was the slightest thought of trans
ferring it to private corporations until
the exigencies of our recent civil strife
seemed to make it temporarily necessary.
The author of the scheme declared that
it was a temporary expedient; that it
was a war measure, and that when the
war was over, it would pass away and
the right to issue money would revert to
the government, where it belongs. Ex
tract from speech of Senator Allen.
Will Go It Alone.
The central committee unanimously
decided that the people's party in John
son county, Missouri, should nominate
andidates and put out a complete ticket
the county, composed of populists,
Elm Creek will Irrigate
Elm Ckeek, Neb., May 7, 1896.
Special to the I.sDEPESi)EST:-Elm
Creek is situated on the U. I'. II. H. in
the southwest corner of Buffalo county,
and has a population of about 400 peo
ple, is a thrifty little village surrounded
by a rich and productive valley, that in
ordinarily good years produces large and
abundent crops. The people in and
around the village are largely interest
ed in irrigation and are doing an iney
can to secure practical results growing
out of a full realization of this ancieni
system of treating the soil in semi-arid
sections of the world, and we are led to
believe that with a full realization 01 me
good effect of irrigation, that this little
village, together with the surrounding
country, will in coming years prosper as
never before in her nwtory. j. m.
The Kentucky Pop.
The Kentucky people's party state
committee met at Hotel enterprise,
Louisville, Kentucky, May 12. They is-
sued a call for a state convention to
elect delegates to the national conven
tion to be held at Paducah. Kentucky,
Jnlv20. The committee also issued a
strong address favoring a union with
all the discontented elements through
out the United States who favor mone
tary reform and direct legislation, and
n the strongest language aavisea an
populists not to vote in the democratic
primaries in
that state.
The address is
one of the strongest presented before the
1 v. . r
people from any state committee favor
ing co-operation on the vital principles
of the people's party.
Taubeoeck 8UU Live.
That awful exposure which Big Me
Morgan held over Chairman Taubeneck's
head and which, judged from the threats
and forebodings indulged in that ' 2x2
scantling editor, was to create all kinds
of dire havoc when it was turned loose,
has now fallen, and Mr. Taubencck still
lives. It was nothing more than a little
private correspondence in x which
Morgan told Taubeneck if he didn't re
sign the reform press would oust hi in
But the association has met twice and
commended Mr. Taubeneck's course and
ousted Morgan. If Morgan willl print a
few more such documents, even the few
stragglers, who now straggle after his
lead, will forsake him and get into the
line of progress. Farmers Tribune.
, Elect a New Set.
The Nebraska school fund has $500,
000 of idle money. Governor Holcomb
has been trying to get the state board to
invest that money so that it will bring
an income to the public schools. First
he asked to have it invested in state
warrants which daw five per cent interest
but it is refused. Then he suggested an
investment in government bonds, but
the board still refused. Where is that
money? Who's drawing interest on a
half million dollars that belongs to
the children of the state? Platte Co,
For the N. E. A. Meeting
at Buffalo, N. Y. July 7th to 11th, it will
be of interest to teachers and their
friends to know that arrangements have
been successfully accomplished by the
Nickel Plate Road providing for the sale
of excursion tickets at $12.00 for the
round trip with $2.00 added for member
ship fee. Tickets will be on sale July 5th
and 6th and liberal return limits will be
granted. For further information as to
stop overs, routes, time of trains, etc.,
address J. Y. Caiahan, Gen'l Agent 111
Adams &t., Chicago, ill.
The method pursued by the Nickel
Plate Road by which its agents figure
rates as low as the lowest, seems to
meet the requirements of the traveling
public. No one should think of purchasing
a ticket to Buffalo H. K A. Convention
during July, until they first inquire what
the rate is over the iNickel Plate road.
For particulars write J. Y. Caiahan.
Uen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago,
People who wish to go to Buffalo to at
tend the N. E. A. Convention, who want
fast time, the most excellent train ser
vice and superior accomodations, will do
well to consider the Nickel Plate Road
before purchasing tickets. A fare of
$12.00 for the round trip will apply with
$2.00 added for membership foe. Tickets
will be on sale July 5th and 6th with
liberal return limit and with privilege of
stop-over at Chautaqua Lake. Addi
tional intormation cheertully given on
application to J. Y. Caiahan, Gen'l
Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago. 111.
Fundamental Principles.
As to the fundamental principles of
our party we should say they are "equal
and exact justice to all and special privl
leges to none." A government of, for
. and b tne people: death to monopoly of
all kinds; down with legal thievesf the
rights oi labor superior to and above
capital; every man to have all the fruits
of his toil and nothing more; no pluto
crats; no dead-heads; no wealth absorb
ers; no corrupt politicians. Farmer's
Pop Breeders.
North Yakima, Wash, May 12, 1896,
Editor Independent: Inclosed please
find fifty cents for six months subscrip
tion to the Independent. The pops
have a good fighting chance for carrying
this state. Our present financial system,
wholesale corruption, county, state, na
tional, rotten corporation courts and
trials without jury are all pop breeders,
C. li. Stedman,
Connecticut Fops.
The state committee of Connecticut
fixed May 21 for a state convention to
elect, delegates to the national conven
tion. The populists of that state are
wide awake and thoroughly realize the
situation that confronts the country at
the present time. They will send a strong
delegation to St. Louis. Connecticut
populists stand shoulder to shoulder
with those of Massachusetts.
Now u tne time so subscribe. To say
that the opportunity will never return
again would be to predict the Impro
bable, but there is no time like the pre-'
aent and no better use to which a dollai
can be pat.
Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver.
KnthiuliMUc Pops.
The approaching populist state con
vention to be held at Abilene, Kansas, is
reported in the Chicago Record as going
to be a big one, harmonious and full of
enthusiasm, with complete confidence la
a sweeping victory at the pons tnis xau
awaiting them. The report further says
the sentiment all over the state seems to
be for a union of forces on the referen
dum and money question with free silver
the foremost plank.
- , w Jersey Pop.
The people's party state committee of
New Jersey met May 1 and issued a call
for a state convention to be held at Tren
ton, May 30 to elect delegates to the na
tional convention and transact such
other business as may properly come be
fore that bod v. New Jersey will send a
stromr delegation to the national con
vention, containiugsucn men as 1 roctor,
Wilcox, Buchanan and a Host 01 otners
of whom the people's party in New Jersey
can be proud.
We advertise in another column a
lawn mower made by the fc. stebbins
Mfir. Co.. Hrichtwood. Mass. It is one
of the best we have ever seen. Write
A Lincoln Republican.
"I am a Lincoln republican of thirty
two years' standing. Shall do all in my
nower to wine the present counterfeit
from the face of the political field.
II we use wisdom in selecting our siauu-
1. " . . . . a. 1
ard bearers, and can unite the forces, we
will win I had the pleasure of living in
the republic oi Mexico almost continu
ously from 1882 to 1891; it was while
I was there that the scales Degan 10 iau
from ray mental vision. John .Love,
Los Angeles.
The School Fund.
The permanent school fund is still in
the hands of the state treasurer, in
theory at least, although there is good
. .. . i Li-
reason to Deiieve it is loanea oui tor nis
private benefit and perhaps in the hands
of some other officials ana party man
agers. There is also some $75,000 of
the State University tuna tnatismtne
hands of the state treasurer, in theory,
but no doubt is loaned out for his pri
vate benefit. Fremont Leader.
Reform Campaign Stories is the title of
a new book by Jule Scnoenneic. it con'
tains humorous anecdotes illustrating
everv phase of the money question. See
ad on tilth page. .
Wants to Walt a While.
Secretary Carlisle has been notified by
the senate finance committee of the pas
sage of the Peffer bond investigation res
olution and asked if he desired to be
heard. He replied that he did, but asked
for time to prepare a report, ine secre
tary is too busy just now setting up the
pins for the gold-bugs to attend to his
official duties.
Local populist committees in every
state; county and town or precmc
should see to vt that there are copies o
our Armageddon song book in the hands
af all good singers.
A PopuliHt Banker.
William P. St. John, the only free silver
New York banker, insists on the . most
radical reform measures the initiative
and referendum, the free, unlimited and
unconditional coinage of silver and gold
at 16 to 1. He also advocates the im
mediate issue of $300,000,000 oi paper
money by the government. -
Will Vote for Silver.
J. C. L. Slavens, secretary of the state
republican committee of North Carolina,
says that the members of the party in
his state will vote the silver ticket wher
ever they find it and will not endorse the
national ticket.
Cyclone Davis
Mr. J. H. Davis of Texas will be in Ne
brasaa in June. Committees desiring to
arrange meetings should write the secre
tary of the populist state committee.
1122 M street Lincoln, Neb.
PopuliHt Music.
The second regiment band of Wichita,
Kansas, composed of thirty-five musi
cians, are making arrangements to ac
company the Kansas delegation to the
national convention.
Illustrate your argument with a good
story. Send for a copy of Reform Cam
paign Stories. See ad on fifth page.
A Populist Editor for a good county
paper. Write the secretary or the popu
list state committee Lincoln, Nebr. 1122
M. street.
' Doing Good Work.
Neligh, Neb., May 14, 1896.
The Independent is doing a good
work in this county. It just furnishes us
what we have lacked in this state.
L. A. Suter.
Accepted With Thanks.
The Ft. Dodge Times has tendered two
of its pages to the cause of the people's
party and the same is to be undercharge
of i. A. Carpenter.
Our Mission.
To get the people to vote together fof
their owa interests is the mission of the
people's party. Farmer's Tribune.
A Word from the Workers.
Beside the, renewals and single sub
scribers the workers sent in the following
club lists:
H. G. Pattan, Loup City, 3.
J. E. Adamson, Lincoln, 5
J. A. Burke, Campbell, 5.
H. G. Brown, Pawnee City, 2.
P. L. Laird, Lawrence, 5.
Carl Sanburg, Sutton, 2.
L. R. Fletcher, Bancroft, 4.
J. W. Boecker, Plymouth, 3.
J. H. Edmisten, Lexington, 3.
Patronize those persons who adver
tise in this paper. Tell them that you
saw their ad in the Nebraska Independ
The proper way to advertise a store is
I internally, externally and eternally.
Insurance Department.
Condoeted by J. T. M. Swigrart. Correspondence
25th asmvehsahyof the German fabm-
A great celebration the first of its kind
in Nebraska, will be held on Saturday
June 13th in Riesers Park near Omaha.
On that day the Gorman Farmers' Mu
tual Insurance company of Douglas
county will celebrate the twenty-mtn
auuiversaay of their organization. The
company will hold their twenty-fifth an
nual meeting on that day; will have a
concert in the park hall, and some good
speeches fitting the occasion in the after
noon, ana wma up witn a grana u&u in
in the evening.
This company is the oldest Mutual
Fire Insurance company in the stats of
Nebraska. It was organized in June
1871 by eighteen German farmers of
Douglas county under the old insurance
laws of the state, lieury incite Deing tne
main originator of the organization, and
also its first president.
The company now has a membership
of 165 members, with an amount of risks
or policies issued of $289,809.50 (Jan-
nary statement.) A reserve fund of $8,
466.16 is at the disposal of the company
to pay promptly trie losses which may
occur. During the twenty-five years of
its existence the company has paid four
teen losses to members, amounting to
$5,700.68 and every loss was paid
promptly and satisfactorily.
In the year leai tne company incor
porated under the new Mutual Fire In
surance law of the state, which law was
passed by the legislature of that year. A
board of seven directors manage the af
fairs of the company.
" The present president of tne company
is Claus Sievers, P. O. Omaha and C. H
Denker of Elkhorn is the present secre
Officers and members of other Mutual
Insurance companies of the state are ex
pected to join in the celebration of the
twent-fifth jubilee of the association.
C. H.D.
I, for one, secretary, accept the invita
tion of Bro s. Seivers and Denker, and if
possible will 10m them in the celebration.
I think every insurance man in Nebraska
would learn something from the above
invitation by which he could refute re
ports of old line agents, when they say
that Mutual companies are short lived
This company is but a small company,
165 members, all Germans. The plan is
to make an annual assessment on the
members with the idea in view of getting
an amount of money large enough that
interest on the same when invested will
pay their losses and expenses. We un
derstand that at their last annual meet
ing the first time since their company
was organized, they laiied to make an
assessment. .
We hope that a representative from
every company in Nebraska will joiu
the Douglas county company on the 13th
of June, and if so we will surely have
time for a consultation on mutual insur
ance matters in general.
In our cyclone company we will have
to make an assessment, the Falls City
cyclone on Sunday the 17th has wrecked
some farm buildings insured in our com
pany, but no losses have been adjusted
so far, hence we could not tell at this
time what the assessment will be. It
seems that we aredoomed for some wind
this year, hence it would be well enougli
for those who are not insured against
cyclones to see that their application is
on file in the secretaries othce before a
storm occurs. It is not safe to say that
because a cyclone has never occurred in
your neighborhood, there never will one
occur there, because from this reasoning
thousands of dollars are lost to numbers
of people when a storm does occur. The
cost for the first four years of this com
pany has been so small that no one need
hesitate to go in the company. Your
fees are $3.00 for the first $1,000.00 of
insurance, and an additional ten cents
for each one hundred dollars added, thus
a $2,000.00 policy will cost you $4.00.
We have had but two assessments since
the company was organized amounting
to $1.50 per $1,000.00 thus you will see
that the cost for $1,000.00 forfour years
has been $4.50, for $2,000.00 it has
been $6.00.
If anybody gives you any different
figures from the above mentioned it is
for some other company than ours.
So many hail inquiries are coming in
daily, it seems that our hail company
will be a mammoth concern this year.
The total cost cannot exceed sixteen
cents per acre. Indemnity limit $5.00
ler acre. There is room in our company
or every farmer in Nebraska.
If you address the Mutual Insurance
Company in Lincoln another company
will get your letter. Please address us
in person. J, 1. Al. bwigart,
Lincoln, neo.
If you talk politics on the curbe stone,
around the fire side or from the rostrum
you cannot afford to be without the Re
form Campaign Stories, t or sale at this
office 25c.
Band Concert.
The orchestra and band of the Nebras
ka Institution for the Blind, W. A. Jones
superintendent, will give to the inmates,
officers and friends of the Nebraska Hos
pital for the insane at Lincoln two enter
tainments, i irst a band concert on
Friday, May 22, 1896, at 3:30 p. m., on
the asylum lawn, and second, a concert
by the orchestra in Amusement hall at 8
p. m.
March, 'iUnirerslty of Pennsylvania"....
2, Andante from "Magic Flute" ..Moiart
S. Violin Solo, "Vslse ds Concerts,"
Faust Gonond
Br Bertram bell,
4. Gavotte, "Sans Souci" A. Czlbalka
5. Cantata, "Praise the Lord" E. lie.rer
(. "Beau Brnmmel" Theo Bendlx
7, Vlollin Solo, "Concert Matonrka"
By Marie L. S. Connor
8. Oocoannt Dance, "Characteristic" A Barman
. Intermeuio, "Twilight Whispers"
..L.. P. Laurendeau
10. Walties "Gondolier" O Roeder
11. March "Constellation" Thomas Clark
Hknry N. Blake.
Director of Music.
Good Opening
For a populist paper. Anyone deisring
to publish a county paper cannot do
better. Populist county officers. Ad
dress A. K. Y. Populist paper, care of
Nebraska Independent. 49-2 1
Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles.
There is'nt a store in the whole country that sells cloth
ing as "THE NEBRASKA" does. It is an exceptional
store, it is a reliable store, it is an absolutely safe store.
The price today is the price tomorrow and the next day,
and the price to one is the price to all. We have no fa
vorites, we make no discounts, and never resort to catch
penny methods of making some goods low in order to
sell you other goods high. Our practice of instantly re
funding money when goods don't suit is the best proof you
can have that our goods and prices are all right. For
eleven years we have been building up a vast business on
these principles and our business was never so large, our
prices never so low, as they are this spring.
Send for catalogue. It contains samples of goods and
will save you a great many dollars above what you have to
pay for the same qualities at home. It is a book that
ought to be in every clothing buyer's hand.
The Nebraska Doctors.
The Nebraska docters had their an
nual round up in Lincoln last week and
Dr. Abbott superintendent of the Insane I
Asvlum extended them an invitation to
visit the asylum and take lunch and
most of them accepted. As there was no
dining hall large enough to accomodate
so large a crowd they were invited into
the chaoel seated and served to a very
substantial lunch including all the deli-
cies of the season. Then Dr. Abbott
made them a very neat little speech of
welcome which was responded to in a
felicitous manner by Dr. Gibbs the Prsi-
dent of the Nebraska Medical associa
tion. .
The doctors made a thorough mspec
finn nf tha hnsnital and went away full
of confidence that it will be kept up to the
highest point 01 emciency.
Among the medical gentlemen present
were: J. C. Carter, Lincoln; F. S. Owen,
Omaha; W. D. Jones, Rising City; W. U.
Wilson, Table Rock; ictor Coffman,
Omaha; W. B. Ely, Ainsworth; P. H.
Salter. Norfolk; F. G. Salter, Dannebrog;
Georgiana Grothan, St. Paul; J. A. Hag
gard; Unadilla; A. H. Hostetter, Doug
las; T. J. Chidester, Western; E. Tanner;
Battle Creek; M. D. Carter, Tobias; F. N.
Dick, North Platte; W. S. Gibbs, Omaha;
Geo. Roeder, Grand Island; H. M. Mc
Clauahan, Omaha; Ewing Brown,
Omaha; J. H. Miller, Gering; J. W.
Thompson.Strang; J. W. Bullard, Paw
nee City; Mrs. H. S. Bell, Kearney; Edith
Hays Satter. Norfolk; Mrs. F. G. Salter,
Daunebrog; Era M. Smith, Lincoln; H.
S. Bell, Kearney; I. N. Pickett, Odell; W.
N. Hunt, Central City; H. J. Mansfield,
Ashland; Chas. Inches, Ashland; E. A.
itannn Pont.m.l City: E. L. Smith: Shel-
ton; J. T. Miller, Holdredge; S. P. Fitz-
Simmons; lmwooa; . r leujuer, ou.
Ur.i. i w nonmni-pp Knm: u. . Mur-
rah. Palmer W. W. Dean. Stromsburg;
F. A. Butler. Howard: 1. Li. isutuenana,
Grand Island.
Laugh villi i ' 1.
Reform C 1 n ) vt 1
y of
t he
Are often required to determine
what shall be kept out" of a har
vester than to say what shall "go
into" it It is so easy to do the
wrong thing and the wrong thing
has such an inviting appearance
that less experienced manufacturers
than the McCormick Co. frequent
ly find themselves "putting their
foot in if and building a machine
one season which they are obliged
to abandon a season or two later.
Because a good thing is a good
thing in its placet it doesn't neces
sarily follow that it is a good thing
in a harvester or mower.
Fight shy of the machine whose
best recommend is that "it seems
to have a bright idea" in its make
up. Remember this every day in
the year: McCormick Machines
will work where others fail.
The makers of McCormick Ma
chines have been at it for sixty-five
years. By long experience they
have found out how to build the
best binders and mowers.
The new McCormick Light-Running
Open Elevator Harvester and Binder,
the McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower and
the McCormick Corn Harvester are
unequalled for capacity, light draft
emciency of service and long life.
Built, sold and guaranteed by the
McCornlck Harvesting Machine Co.,
Ants Sverrwhere.
This paper and The Silver
Knight both for on year Aor
$1.15 In advance.
I more ' If
1 Brains li
Omaha, Nebraska.
Attorneys, 1034 O Street, Lincoln,
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an or
der ol sale issued by the clerk oi the district
conrt oi the Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an action
wherein William Werarer is piaintid, and Robert
Greene et al., defendants, 1 will, at 2 o clock p.
m., on the 23rd day oi June, A. u., lt)6, at tne
east door of the court house, in the city ot Lin
coln. Lancaster, county, Nebraska, offer for sale
at public auction the following described real
estate to-wit:
Beeinnine at the northwest corner ot toe norm
half of the northwest quarter of section twenty
eight (28), town eight () range six (6), east, and
running thence east to the west line of the pro
jected right of way, depot and switching grounds
of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co.,
as the same is now surveyed and staked and laid
out acrosB said north half of the northwest quar
ter of section twenty-eight (28), township eight
(8l. range six (6). thence southwesterly along said
line to the intersection of said Droiected Chicago,
Rotk Island & Pacific Railway Co. grounds with
the south line of said nortn naif of tne nortnwest
quarter of section twenty-eight (28), township
eight (8), range six (6) east, thence west to the
west line of said north half of the northwest quar
ter of said section twentyight (28), thence
north to the place of beginning, in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
uiven under my nana tnis zum aay oi su ay, a.
D 1896. JOHN. J. TROMPEN, . -
A Reform Library For $1.00
The Modern Banker, Goode 25c
Man or Dollar, Which? A Novel... 25c '
Sbylock's Daughter, Bates 25c
A Breed of Barren Metal, Bennett 25c
Money Found Hill Banking Sys
tem 25c
The Rights of Labor, Josl.yn 25c
The Pullman Strike, Carwardine.. 25c
A Story from Pullman to wn, Beck
Meyer.. 25c
How to Govern Chicago, Tuttle... 25c
Silver Campaign Book, Tuttle..... 25c
The Garden of Eden U. S. A., Bishop 50c
Illustrated First Reader in Social
Economics for Backward Pu
pils 10c
Cut this out and send to us with one
dollar aud we will mail you a full sample
set of all these books, 1940 pages, worth
$3.10 at retail. This is a special offer
for a short time only. Order at once.
Chardes H. Kerb & Co.
56 Fifth Avenue, Chicago.
Mention Nebraska Independent.
One Of the Most Useful Things
Blair Security Fountain Pen
always ready at any time
or place to write. They
save their cost in a short
time in the outlay of steel
pen8 and pencils, as they
take the place of either
and will last a lifetime, j
The only pen that can be car
ried in any position with perfect,,
security and not spill ink on the
part held by the fingers.
Reversible Feed-Bar.
13-Karat Gold Pens of Regu
lar Shape.
Perfect Action.
They cost no more, even con
siderably less than the old im
perfect makes yet offered.
No. 1 Gold Pen, fine point, at
No. 2 Gold Pen. fine point, at
No. 3 Gold Pen, fine point at
No. 4 Gold Pen, fine or stub
point, $3.00.
Handsomely chased and Gold
Mounted, 75 cents extra.
Five per centdiscount allowed
to those who mention the Ne
braska Independent.
lSlair Fountain Pen Co.
49-tf 141, Broadway, N. Y.
Gabled Field and Hog Fence,
24 to fift Inches h!hj Steel Web Picket Lawfc Fences
,ruuu.rj, uaraen ana iiado' f ence tsieei Uates. 1
Steel Posts and Steel Ralls:Tree,Flower and Tomato
in.i.. ui.i nri nvnA on. a - . ..
DeKALB FENCE CO.. ig High St, DeKalb, III.
KClltlM UnA 1T.1l.hanW. tX71M-
mills, Towers, Tank. Irriga-
vvu vubuia, num. iseiung,
I Grlnders.fb.elleni, Wood saws,
"" roinw, t-ipe, 1Ulnf!S,
Brass Goods and Fairbanks
Standard Scales. Pricns
low. Get the best. Send tot .
Catalogue. .
v 1102 FarnamSt. Omaha, Neb.