f THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. May 2i, 1896. r FREE ! M page Medical Refer ence Book, alvlns; valuable Information to any man or wo man afflicted with any form of private or pecial d I a e a a. Address the leading Physicians and Spe cialist of tola Coun try. DR. HATHAWAY CO., 70 Dearborn street. Chi cago. Ilia. CURBS QUANANTBSD. 8-i2t THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. Is larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published and will be of espe cial advantage to you during the PRESI DENTIAL CAMPAIGN, as it ispublished every other day, except Sunday, and has all the freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long list of interesting departments, unique fea tures.cartoons and graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. The price is one dollar per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Nebraska Independent together one year for f 1.50. Buy a Smooth White Skin For Your Face! It probably needs renewing, for K la rough, red, freckled, blotched or pimpled, until It has become repulsive Instead of attractive. Healthy skin is always beautiful. The sun and wind, impure soaps and ooametlos Injure the skin. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores the ikln, making It soft, white and beautiful . It Is not a eosmetlo does not oOTur np, but remOTes blemishes. It to harmless and always does just what we claim for It. The only preparation that will positively remove Freckles, Blackheads, Tan, Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds of testimonials from proasW nent ladles. Price 50 cents a ar at drug giate. a C. BITTNER CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. Honoeseekers Excursions. The Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain system will sell tickets on March 10, April 7, and 21 and May 5 to points in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arizona T ana liOUlBiBiii an uun lure iui vun iuuuu trip, plus 2.00. Do you want to find out something about these states? If so. call at City Ticket Office, 1201 "0' street and get illustrated and discriptive pamphlets with complete county maps, etc. , For lurtber information regarding rates, Biopuveru, uuin, pre., iuo u ui call on F. D. Cornell. C. P. AT. A. Going Prom Lincoln to Paoiflo Coast? For quickest time, best service, lowest rates, address A. o. fieioing, u 1. a. Northwestern UnellT So. 10th St. Comfort to California. Tee, and economy, too, if yon take the Burlington Route's personally conducted once-a-week ezcuraions which leave Lincoln every Thursday morning. Through tourist sleepers clean, bright, comfortable from Lincoln to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Secondclaes tickets accepted. Only $5 for a double berth, wldeenuugh and big enough for two. ' Write for folder giving full information. Or, call at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O ta., Lincoln, Ko OBO. W. BOXKIIX. c. p. a t. a. ALL ABOUT IT. An Illustrated Journal telling all about the Workings of a LIVE school in a LIVE dty that to making a specialty of training LIVE business COfflRIERCIAL STUDIES, . Shorthand, Typswrttlng, eta, Ton eaa'tlmagtste how much it will help yen la the selection of the right school to attend without seeing a copy. Glad to send it tree. 0. B. LILLIBEIDGE. Pres., Lincoln Business College, Liaeola, Neb FIVE FACTS. Great Rock Island Route! Cheap Outing Excursions. First For the National Educational Meeting at Denver, opening July 6th, the rate will be one tare plus 12.00 for round trip. Tickets good to return and time no to and including; Sept. 1st. Second The regular Tourist Car to California via Kansas City runs once a week, and leave Chicago every Thursday at ( p.m., Kansas City at 10.60 a.m. every Friday. Tickets based on second class rate, and car runs on fastest trains, and known as the Pbilllps-Kock Island Tourist Ezcurslona Car arrives at Colorado Springs Saturday, 7:86 a.m. Third Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texas and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Kate, one tare for round trip. Tickets good twenty days. Fourth For Mexico City the Kock Island runs a through sleeper from Kansas City dally at 8:40 p.m. via Toptka,McFarlaud, Wichita and Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio. Two routes from there are International R. R. to Laredo, and Mexican Natlonul to the City ol Mexico; Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna tional via Spottord and Eagle Pass to City of Mexico. Connections ars also made at Fort Worth via the Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over the Mexi san Central to City of Mexico. Firth Send to address below for a Souvenir called the "Tourist Teacher," that gives much Information to tourists. Sent free. JOHN SEBASTA1X, G. P. A., Chicago, Going to Europe This Tearf Now is the time to secure the best ac commodations. We are agents for all first class lines, and guarantee lowest rates. Ask for rate sheets, sailing lists, etc. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agent, 117 8. 10th St. S. A. Mosher, U. A. This paper ana the Silver Knight both for one year for $1.15. See our clubbing list for raien wiin uiuer papers. What Good Have They Done Kaoi.lv ten vpAra have now passed since the great republican victory of 1894 and a republican bouse has been in ses sion about six montns. 111 any one tell us how much better the times are, or ho meajmra h aj) uven been considered for the improvement of financial condi tions, tbat aid not inciuae me issue 01 bonds? Industrial Farmer. Gather Them In. Chairman Parker, of Kentucky, is using every legitimate means to induce free coinage democrats and republicans to onite with the populist party. A WAR REMINSCENCE. SCENES AT HATCHER'S CREEK AND PETERSBURG RECALLED, ohn B, Scace Speaks to a Reporter of Stirring Scenes Escaped With a Slight Wound, But, Like Other Veterans, Has Suffered Since A Story That Reads Like a Page From . History. From the Albany, H, Y., Journal. When one encounters in print the life story of some scarred veteran of the civil war, a feeling of admiration and sympathy is the certain result. Accus tomed though we are to tales of heroism and snfflering in ' every-day life, there is something peculiarly attractive about these old war records, serving, as they do, as a sacred passport to the heart of every true American. Thousands found their rest on the field of carnage or in the hospital, but their comrades, when the struggle was over and the victory won, returned to their homes and began anew the battle of life. John B. Scace, the widely known con tractor and building mover of Albany, N. Y., when seen by a reporter recently at his home, No. 15 Bradford street, told of his many experiences and adven tures while serving under the old flag in the late war. Although having endured all the hardships and privations of life in the ranks, Mr. Scace bears his more than half a century of years with an elastic step and a keen mind, taking an active interest in private and public af fairs. Mr. Scace is a member of Berkshire Lodge No. 2, 1. O. O. F. He enlisted in the army in 1862, in Company A, Forty ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, serving under Colonel W. F. Bartlett, First Brigade, First Division, Nineteenth Corps, with which he participated in some of the hottest battles of the war. including Port Hudson, Donaldsonviiie and flam btore, where he was wounded. His time being out, he was discharged, but soon re-eulisted as sergeant in Com pany A, Sixty-first Regiment, Massa- cnuseus volunteer infantry. He was in the Dattle of Matcher's Run. the fiirht about Petersburg and the battle of sailor s ureek. After his honorable discharge. June 4. 1865, Mr. Scace returned to Albany and settled down once again to his business and social interests. He has resided in the city ever since. It would seem that now, of all times, his peace and haopi nesB would have been uninterrupted. r. 1 ..... ... ssucn was not to oe the case, for four years ago, while engaged in superintend ing tne raising ot the immense smoke stack of the Albany Electric powerhouse tne lever ot a loosened windlass struck him a heavy blow across the back. The effect of the blow was not at first appar ent, he being able to leave bis bed in a few days. But the worst was to follow, for without warning he was seized with sciatic rheumatism in all its virulence. Untold agony followed. aid Mr. hcace, 'I could not sleep for the pain. No one will know the tortures the rheumatism gave me. I don't know how I lived during those days. I became little more than skin and bones, and it seemed like life didn't have anything but suffering in it. Cures? I tried every so called rheumatic cure that was ever invented- I gave all of them a good trial before I stopped taking them. My friends and neighbors recommended rem edy after remedy that they heard of, but my rheumatism went on just the same. v ell, alter l had almost had the life tor tured out of me, I came across a news paper account of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I thought I might as well add another name to the list as not. so I or dered some of my druggist. "1 tell you, I was glad in those days to hear of anything that could give meanv relief at all. Yes, I got them, and be fore I had taken two boxes that pain be gan to leave me. Why, 1 couldn't under stand it. I couldn't imagine myself be ing cured. But before I had taken a half dozen of those boxes I was cured. The suffering which had made my life almost unbearable for so long had disappeared. I was a new man. "1 began to gtt strong, I picked up in flesh, and I went back to my business with all the vigor and vim of a young man. I think everyone who knows me will tell you what it did for me. Pink Pills is the grandest medicine ever dis covered, and if my recommendation will do it any good I want you to ue it. I hope others will hear of it and be bene fited as I have been. Everyone should hear of it. I can't say too much for them,'' Mr. Scace exclaimed, enthusias tically in conclusion. This is but one of the many cases in which Pink Pills have taken such a be neficent part in the history of humanity. Mr. Scace is now enjoying the fruits of an unusually large business, managed solely by himself, and covering almost the entire eastern portion of the state. Mr. Scace is also an ivory carver of marked ability, which he follows solely for his own pleasure. Many little trink ets, carved by the light of the camp-fire, attest his skill in this direction. Far from being solicited to recommend the curative which had taken such a load of misery from bis life, in his gratitude his praise of it is unstinted and unceas ing. And from bis own statement one may easily see that when he does cease to sing its virtues, jt will be to answer the last mustering in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elemonts neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles pe culiar to lemales, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect -a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over work or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents a box.or six box esfor $2.50, and may be had of all drug gists or directly by mail from Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. . . In Solitude. There it a man who has a store. . Be does not advertise It, The people sometimes pass his door, But do not realise It. Although htsgoods In quality Are high, aad low In prices, fie does not seek publicity By orthodox devices. The drummers never go near him When tbey are In his city; They know the chance of trade Is slim. And look on him with pity. Hs never spends In printer's Ink A single dollar yearly. And so we naturally thluk To censure him severely. There's nothing new upon his shelves. For they are black and dusty; And even all the goods themselves Are moth-eaten and musty. Tbey are a judgment sure and true On the non-enterprising And foolish man who thinks to do Trade without advertising. K-B. Valentine. KICK AND FIND FAULT. A Populist Who Thinks We Have Too Many of Those Chaps. Thenton, Nebr., May 12, '96. Editor Independent: Herewith find inclosed money order to apply on sub scription. Times are very hard in this part of Ne braska, and as this part of Hitchcock county has had three failures in succes- n, and endured Grover Cleveland, John Sherman and the gold standard, I presume you have some idea how scarce money is with us at the present time. Now, Mr. Editor, I have been a 'con stant reader of the paper since 1890, and while it baa always been a good pa per, I must say that the present manage ment suits my taste better than it baa ever done before. I like your etyle of a paper. We have too many papers that call themselves populists that are afraid to say that their souls are their own. They run for weeks and months at a time and never have a line of encourage ment or speak a good word for the lead ers of the party, but are ready at all times to kick and find fault with the men who have furnished the means and pushed our noble cause to its present standing. I say we have too many of this class, and the sooner some of them die the better it will be for the populist party. Give us papers and give us men to lead the party that are not afraid to stand up for and maitain our rights, liberties and freedom in this country like men. In 1861 and lHo we had men that stood np and fought that liberty and freedom might live in this country. Did they win or did they lose? We sometimes think we lost, as the people of Nebraska are in worse condition today than the negro was before the war. Now, Mr. Editor, I do not want to get monotinous, but will try to be brief as to my views on platforms and candi dates. (Jive us the Omaha platform straight, and my first choice for presi dent is W. V. Allen. For governor, Hol comb is my choice first, last and all the time. '1 hen we come down to congress, We once had a man to represent us there tbat was an honor to the big k nth, but alas, Mac, as everyone called him, has crossed the river, and we have Parson Andrews. Hitchcock county will present the name of J. P. Price to the next congressional convention, and should that convention in its wisdom see fit to honor Mr. Price with the nomination, the Parson will find he has an opponent tbat can Inter est him, as Mr. Price is one of the best posted men in the party, one of the best organizers, and a roan who is not afraid to stump this district with Mr. Andrews or any other man, no matter who or where he comes from. But should the convention see fit to select some other good man, you will find J. P. Price do ing his best for the nominee. Let our conventions put up the best men we have and then let every popul'st pull off his coat and go to work like he was going to cut cord wood, for there is not a pop ulist in the United States but can make one vote if he tries. Your's for success, G. W. Binjamin. Despondency, Almost all men of great and stirring deeds have had their seasons of dis couragement and doubt. All life Is a struggle, and doubts and difficulties seem to be the necessary concomitants of life and progress. Rev. J. W. Lyell. George Eliot's Memorial. George Eliot's memorial at Nun eaton, her native place, is a steam fire engine named after her. Her admirers, who do not like the association with a fire extinguisher, wish to substitute a Dublic library in her name. Rheumatism, Snffnrpra nppd miffpr nn Inno-er. T will send to any one the formula for a com plete cure of this painful disease, the in gredients of which can be procured at any drug store ior a trine. Send $1.00 in stamps or P. 0. money order. Address. C. M. Mackintosh. Room 4 McVickcr's Theatre Bldg. 49-13. Chicago, 111. Evidently a Sincere Guarantee to Those Afflicted With Piles. In another column of the Nebraska Independent the Hermit Remedy Co. of Chicago makes an offer that it would be well for every one afflicted with the pain ful disorder they guarantee to cure, to consider. Our Chicago representative says he has investigated this firm and their promises, and says they are honorable gentlemen and have a remedy that has performed many remarkable cures, of which he has positive evidence. Their offer to those desiring to take the treatment, to deposit $ 10 with the Nebraska Independent until a cure is effected, is made in perfect good faith and reverses the usual order of doing buHiness, by putting everything in the hands of the person to he treated, simp ly relying on his or her honor in the mat ter. To those who desire to accept the offer of the Hermit Remedy Co., the Nebraska Independent has to say it will see that all receive fair treatment. if you read this paper and like it, send your subscription at once to the Inde pendent Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. NEBRASKA CROP REPORT. AGiHf THERE WISE HEAVY BAINS The Bri htest Prospeots Everywhere for Good Crops The week ending Monday, May 18,1896- Rainfall for the Week. Less thanl ED H to 1 Hlnea lien The week has been cool and cloudy, the temperature averaging about three de grees below the normal. Frosts were general the latter part of the week but were mostly light and did no damage except in a few northern localities. The rainfall has been very heavy over the eastern third of the state, amount ing to upwards of six inches over a con siderable area. In the western part of the state light rains have fallen general ly. But little progress has been made in farm work in the eastern part of the state owing to the nearly eonstant rains and the wet condition of the soil. There re mains some corn still to plant in the southern counties. In the central . part of the state considerable progress has been made during the week, jet there is much planting to be done and some ground to be plowed for corn. The early planted corn over the state gener ally is up and cultivation has begun in the eastern, central and southern coun ties. Some replanting of corn will be necessary on account of washing by heavy rains and by reason of the wet condition of the soil. Small grain has generally made good growth, and in the eastern part of the state is quite rank. Rye is everywhere heading out, and ia the southern coun ties wheat is beginning to head. Chinch bugs, which were beginning to do some damage, have mostly been destroyed by the heavy rains. Grass and alfalfa have grown vigorously, and in some cases are large enough to cut for hay. Fruit has suffered some damage from the high winds and warm weather of the early part of the week. REPORT BY COUNTIES. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Cass Ground full of water; all farm work suspended; wheat, oats and grass making a rank growth. Potatoes and garden truck growing rapidly. Clay Everything growing very rapid ly. Too wet to work the past five days. All crops in very promising condition. Rye and wheat heading out; oats and flax heading out. Fillmore Winter wheat, alfalfa and oats growing finely. Grassexcellent, potatoes- and garden -truck doing well. Potato bugs numerous. Wheat in good condition in western half, but further east not so good. Corn nearly all plant ed. Gage Farm work suspended. Some corn to plant yet. Winter wheat head ing out short. Hamilton Rather too wet. Too cool for corn. Much planting yet to do. Jefferson Rain every day. corn not all planted yet. Chinch bugs killed by the rain. Some damage by bail to fruit. Wheat heading out. Some corn washed out. Johnson Crops of all kinds look well. Cut worms doing some damage. Corn about all in and coming up well. Lancaster Almost continuous rain. A good deal of corn to plant yet, but what is planted is coming up well. Small grain and weeds booming. Chinch bugs destroyed by the rains. Hail did some damage in southern part of the county. .. Nemaha Ground sopping wet and farm operations stopped for the present. Corn about planted. Nuckolls Planting three-fourths done, and some up. Oats and wheat never looked better. Too cool for corn. A sharp hailstorm on the 16th butno dam age. Otoe Cool and rainy. Ground thor oughly soaked. Rains retarded work, but corn is mostly in. Pawnee Cool and rainy. Cut worms damaging corn, but the chinch bugs have been stopped. Wheat, oats and grass look well, but rather too cool and wet for corn. Polk Very wet week, and not much work done. Small grain vigorous. Ap ples and plums falling off badly. Rye in full head; wheat heading; oats four inch es high. Early planted corn a good stand but not growing much. Richardson Corn, about all planted. All crops look woll. Heavy rains have thoroughly soaked the ground. Saline A wet week; best rain in five years. Not much planting during the week. Everything doing well. Small grain and grass fine. Chinch bugs killed by the rain. Sanndera Planting abont half done. 'Some corn up and a good stand. Some land badly washed, kverythinggrowiug well. No planting during the week. Seward Small grain and grass con tinue to grow well. Corn planting much retarded. Fruit all right. Thayer rienty of rain. Small grain improving. Some corn yet to be planted. Rather cool for rapid growth' York A cool, cloudy wet week. Small grain and gress doing well. Winter wheat beginning to head. Corn about half planted. Early planted coming up. There is still some ground to plow. NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Antelope A good growing week and all crops look well. Planting in full blast and some up. . Boyd Cool and cloudy. Crops mak ing good progress and look thrifty. Rye beginning to head. Some plowing yet to do for corn. Early oorn coming up and ready to plow. Some grass ready to cut for bay. Burt Plantingabout half done. Small grain the best for years. Alfalfa knee high. Three weeks behind in farm work. Cedar Oats and grass look well. a tif ,:T j j jllp C3 Over lfJS9 Inches r 1 Wheat not so good. Cora planting some what delayed but has considerable pro gress and a large acreage being planted. Rye beading out in good shape. Colfax Corn planting retarded but everything growing well. Small grain excellent. Rye headed out. Alfalfa from six to eighteen inches high. Cuming Corn tbat is planted is com ing np. Small grain doing well. Gardens and potatoes doing finely. Dakota Small grain doing well. Grass more than an average. Not half the cora planted yet. Dixon Fruit especially early. Apples much blighted by highwinds. Pastures excellent. No frosts. Corn about half planted. Prospects for as abundant hay crop. Dodge Very little corn planted on at count of wet weather. Small grain grow ing very rank. Pastures and grass in good condition; Douglass Farm work stopped by the rain. Some damage by washing. Rye heading out. Oats and barley looking fine. Weeds getting troublesome. Holt Cool and cloudy. A good week for small grain. Corn planting well along and some corn up. Potato bugs getting bad. ' Knox A fine growing week. Early corn is np and a good stand. Season two weeks earlier than usual and crop prospects fine. Acreage of potatoes large. Madison Planting nearly done and some up. Small grain In excellent con dition and has grown rapidly. Pierce Cold and rain this week but no frost. Crops looking fine but need sun. Ground very wet. Platte. Very favorable week for crops but planting much retarded. Grass land will yield heavy hay crop. Sarpy Heavy rains all the week. Soros corn washed out but no serious damage. Fruit prospects good. Stanton Corn about half planted and some up. All small grain in fine condi tion. Rye heading out. Thurston Ground washed consider ably. Small grain never looked better. Grass booming. Washington Rain every day of the week retarding farm work. Corn obout one-quarter planted. Wheat and oats look splendid. Considerable corn will have to be replanted. Wayne Crops of every description do ing finely. Fruit except plums very promising. Corn nearly all planted. Sioux City, Iowa Too cool for vege tation but frosts kept away by clouds and winds. Yankton, So. Dakota. Much rain dur ing the week. Temperature abont nor mal. Wheat and oats in very good con dition and growing rapidly. A large part of the corn plan ted but some cora ground yet to plow. CENTRAL SECTION. Boone Ground full ot water. Work much delayed. Gardens excellent and fine prospects for small fruit. Crops gen erallv excellent. Buffalo Crops throughout looking unusually well. Custer Rather cool but fair growing week. High winds dried the ground rap idly, but nothing suffering yet Wheat looking fine. Dawson Too dry for crops the early part of the week and rye was somewhat injured. Wheat and oats all right yet Corn planting has made good headway. Alfalfa nearly ready to cut. A little frost on the 17th. Hall-Quite a good deal of corn up but the wet weather makes it look yel low. Small grain looks fine. Corn planting about half done. Rys heading out Oats look splendid. Howard-A good growing week. Rather too cool for gardens. Small grain grow ing finely. Loup Early planted corn coming np. Small grain doing well. Pastures never better. Merrick Some grain fields look well others not- Some corn up but the bulk of it not planted yet Some listed cora will have to be replanted on account of the wet weather, Sherman Cool and cloudy. Light frost on the morning of the 17th. Cut worms doing some damage in the corn. Blue grass aud rye heading. All crops growing nicely. Some farmers cultivat ing corn. Wild grass largs cnough-tocut. Valley Dry and cool most of the week but grain has not suffered. Fine rain the last of the week. Corn coming up well. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Adams Too much rain. Spring wheat and oats look bad in the northern part of the county on account of wet weather. Winter wheat looks fine. Planting much retarded. Potato bugs plenty. Fruit blighting badly. Chase Cold and dry; too cold for corn but all small grain doing extra well. Corn two thirds or more planted. Frost on the 19tb but no damage. Dundy Dry. cold week. Wheat and oats doing well. Corn planting mostly done. Slight frost on the 14th butno damage.' Frontier Rather cold for corn but the showers have helped the small grain. Prospects for fruit good. Furnas Splendid week for small grain and grass. Rather cool for corn. Farm ers cutting alfalfa. Planting nearly com pleted; some up and being cultivated; a good stand. Potatoes doing unusually well. Harlan Wheat and oats look fine Alfalfa the biggest we ever had. Corn nearly all planted and coming np nicely. Potatoes good. Some damage from hail. Hitchcock Cool and cloudy. Vegeta tion growing rapidly. Wheat and oats fine but rye suffering some from lack of rain. Corn coming up nicely and some being cultivated. Kearney Corn mostly planted and coming up well. Pastures, grain and gardens far in advance of the average. Fruit better than average. Lincoln Wheat and corn that are np and also wild grans doing well. Light frost on the 14th bntno damagef Phelps Cold and cloudy. Some corn up and looking well. Small grain is do ing finely. , Heavy rain with some hall ininred imrdens somewhat. Red Willow Corn about all planted and much of it up. Crops of all kinds doing well. Webster Cool and wet. Winter wheat and rye headinsr. Alfalfa, oats and spring wheat look fine. .Crops not ad vanced much except wheat., WESTERN SECTION. Cheyenne Fine rains this week but a little too cold for crops to make, much headway. Keith Cool and clondy with showers. Crops doing fine. Pastures excellent Scotts Bluffs Corn planting being pushed forward: other crops being irri gated. Alfalfa doing exceedingly well, neavy hail and rnin storm but no dam age. Crops of all kinds growing finely, y Sheridan Heavy frost on the 15th damaged tender 'vegetables and cora slightly. NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Brown Windy and dry the first ot the week. Cold with north winds the last of the week. Corn generally planted. Cherry Dry and windy and crops havs not improved much. Hard frost on the 15th did a good deal of damage. Abont all the fruit is destroyed. Dawee Very cool with frequent show ers. Frost Friday morning which did little damage. Fins weather for grass. Alfalfa a foot high. Key Paha Very dry and cool. Small grain looking well; injured somewhat by dry weather and winds. Planting well under wav. Rock High winds and dry weather have been hard on small grain. Grass looks well but needs rain. iqns 'on, aqx euo jo pass aq iiuam -irs A"us jo npsidtuoo pasvaaep aq) Jsaq J9A noA pia 'qjuep aeppns jo eseo v V! S3BS9U1JM Suiuiarexa bba viSiooq ai a AO) puiu b jo jauojoa eqx peuiuidxa Aiponi a uosiajj 'o g 'Aau aoi jo pnpojd sni 'avi tU 1 3n POJd s )ou si pooqjaqiojg aiqissodai I pooqj8q)ojq noqi ssaaddsq rep -og 'usqiojq nam eirem oj pus 'nam sifBtn oj t paaa eqx 4qi uvq? jaq;o nam anm jouusd eaaioap apist -8aq -nxeajp s aorreisiSai q nuojau It StqpuS Aq pioS apsm ou t miQ HonvrffSi , t uaSparj iqdipvirqI 'OZt jo sun u si aoueujpjo aqi jo uorjttl -ojA joj A'livnad eqx 'siaogjo aojjadne Jfaqi o) sum eq) vrodej 0) pus paads jo Byu eqj qjjm xsinmsj suiODeq 0 n os Ap 9duo )ssai B siso eq) jo paads eqi emr) 01 j siooqos Diiqnd" ejaqa. A)np no uanjiojvsd 3iu)eu 0) aait -od jo nsajnq sqi jo A)np qi aq treqs l . vsq sapjAOJd osis eonsu'pjo eqx looqoB ojiqnd ins jo juoij u pus apis jeq9 no jeaj osi jo eouwjsjp jbao jnoq m seiim xjs rrtqt paads jo eJ ) "ui 'd 9 pas 'm "s 8 jo sjnoq q neaMiaq A)iatJVeia Xq panadojd o An una 01 Ajp eq n Sarrsjedo laid moo abauu JaSaassvd Xus joj pij an M 3uXim 'gesnoqiooqas Sutssvd at urea Xanojj jo paads aqt SnninSaj "vb II 'aon J" aousuipjo aq; 0) sjuveSiM pus Buu9)neji aanod eq jo aonva -) oq) panto 'J8)ih Jopaiia J sourU at aq) v 'uepun juepuaiuijadng , XarS semojiooat At 00 lM Bailee om Color laflnoaeos, Balzac's curious speculations suggest the extent to which color influences our human life. He had noticed that a woman who had a taste for orange or green gowns was quarrelsome; one who wore a yellow or black apparel, with out apparent cause, was not to be trust ed; preference for white showed a co quette spirit; gentle and thoughtful women prefer pink; women who regard themselves as unfortunate prefer pearl gray; lilac is the shade particularly af fected by "oVer-ripe beauties"; where fore, the great author held, lilao hats are mostly worn by mothers on their daughter's marriage day and by women more than 40 years old when they go visiting. These theories are founded upon the principles of color, as already laid down namely, that red and yellow" excite; green, tempered by bine, is bil ious; orange is fiery; gray is cold snd melancholy; lilac is a light shade of purple, the most retiring color of tha scale. Popular Science News. DON'T NEGLECT. A Common Case of Piles. It May Lead to Serious ltesalts. When people generally understand that all such fatal diseases as fistula, ulcer of the rectum, fissure, etc., almost invar iably begin in a simple case of Piles, they will learn the wisdom of taking prompt treatment for the first appearance of troubles in this quarter. The Pyramid Pile Cure will certainly cures every form of piles, itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles, and hundreds of lives have been saved by using this cheap but ef fective remedy right at the start, be cause at such a time a single package will affect a cure, while in the old chronic, deep seated cases, several packages are sometimes necessary before a lasting cure is affected. Physicians are using the Pyramid Pile Cure in preference to surgical operations and with uniform success. . The remedy is prepared by the Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mich., aud fur utile by druggi"! everywhere at 50 cents and f 1 per pack age. . , - send for free book on cause and cure of piles. dty ticket office Elkhorn-Northwestera line, 117 So. 10th St Notice the Cheap Bates and the Number of Excursions to , be Bun This Year by The Burlington. To Buffalo, N. Y., N. E. A. convention, one fare plus $2. To Washington, D. C, for the Chris tian Endeavor convention, one fare. To St. Louis, Mo., account republican national convention, one fare. To Chicago, 111., account democratic national convention, one fare. To Pittsburg, Pa., account prohibition national convention, one fare. To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pu eblo, only 24.15 round trip. To Hot Springs, S. D., f 24.80 round trip. To Yellowstone National Park, special rates. To California and to Europe; besid.es these, many personally conducted excur sions to points of interest. On August 31st and September 1st we will sell tickets to St. Paul and return for $9.90, account annual encampment Grand Army of the Republic. If you contemplate a trip anywhere, before purchasing your ticket please al low us to quote you rates. Fall infor mation at B. & M. depot, 7th street, be tween P and Q streets, or city office, cor ner Tenth and 0 streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A., 59-8 Lincoln, Nebraska. ' Send ns 16 cents and we will send 701 a copy ot Coins Financial School,