-A J THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. May 14, 189b. Write For Samples if advertised. BIT'S Bought From the Receiver of a Bankrupt New York Boy's Clothing Manu facturer, now on sale. EXTRA 5000 BOY'S ALL WOOL KNEE Pants Suits. Sices 4 to 14 years. Thoroughly well made, properly lined, strongly sewed, perfect fitting. Samples of cloth sent free on application. In addition to these we offer the largest variety BOYS and CHILD'S KNEE and LONG PANTS SDITS and SMALL BOYS SUITS, age 8 to 6 at equally low prices. Send in your order by mail if you can not come yourself and we will at tend it at once. BOSTON CLOTHING "S?" 1 JZ?n good Mi ' c,otne B rj low price, send to us for our com plete Chart of figures for measureraents,.(so simple a child can take a correct meas. ore,) and our handsome illustrations, and description of suits, each accompanied by samples of goods. Our clothes are equal in style and finish to best sustom made. H e send all of the above by mail free, and if you order a suit and it is not exactly like sample, and you are not satisfied, you will be out nothing, for we will yaj uAprenoime ooiQ ways, riease mention Nebraska Independent when write, for it is our reference. PEO PLUS' STTPPT.v nn eo w Suite 11 Adams Express Bldg. Chicago, Ills. MOCKETT & POLK Attorneys Uooiiis 48 Block to 50 Bnrr . NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice la hereby frtven that by vlrtuit of a chat tel mortiraire dated Not. 1st, 18M, and duly filed In the office of the county clerk of Lancaster county, Nebraska, on the 6th day of November, lhM.andtwo chattel monies bearing name date and filed May 14, im6, and executed by T, V IRaruee and A. C, Frost to Keen re the Bum of 180, 00, and upon which there Is now due the sum of filO.UOand Interest thereon at 10 per cent, from Nov. let, IN94. Default having been made in the payment of inld sura and do suitor o'herpro oeeillnits at law having been Instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof, therefore, I will sell the property therein descrlbed.vl one full leather top end sprlnir buirfiy, Wynona, at 1402 North SPth street in the city of Lincoln, Lancas ter county, Nebraska, on the 8th day of June, 1MI6 at 1 o'clock p.m. on this date. Wynona Imploment Co., mortRBKee, by Southbeud Chllle now Co., assignee of mortnasree. MOCKETT 4 POLK, Attorneys, . 4-3t TILLMAN A CANDIDATE Compare This Letter with that of Senator Allen. The following letter was received by Dr. Bell of Denver, from Senator Tillman and published in the Denver Daily News. Waduinqton, D. C. April 29, 1896. Dr A.C. Bell 400-413 California'Build ing Denver, Colo.: My Dear Sir Your valuable favor of April 21 received. You did not sign it, so I address this to the name ou the eu velope. I acknowledge the truth of much that you Bay, and it is, perhaps, wrong in me mot to openly announce my candidacy 4)ut let nie remind you of one thing: This is a very large country, and I am a com paratively new man in national politics. .If there is not sufflcent impulse already .given or to be given between now and vthe national conventions to put me forth as the logical candidate of the reform forces, they the announcement of my canuiaacy at mis tune would do more harm than good. If the masses of peo ple waut me, the politicians will find it out, and then will follow with a keen nose the way the people are going, and un til the people move in the matter the pol iticans who manipulate conventionsiwill hold back. The agitation of my candid acy by any admirers or friends of mine through the press or otherwise will do no harm, if it does no good. I am in this fight for all I am worth, not with any selfish or ambitious motives. Being a Southerner, the initiative indi cative of lack of sectional feeling should come irom tne nortnwest. 1 am ready to lead the fight if the people say so. It would be presumptious to ask them to give me command. Thanking you for your kindly interest. I am, very sin cerely. B. It. Tillman. Victory in November, , Despite the strength of the silver dem ocrats in the democratic states, there seems to be little question that the gold wing of the democratic party mustering its votes from the republican states, will dominate the Chicago convention. The silver democrats will have no alternative but to bolt the convention, and uniting with the silver republicans and populists on the same candidate go before the peo ple as opposed to gold monometallism and foreign dictation. Let independent republicans, and democrats, and popu lists unite on a common candidate, let them unite on the grent principle of bi metallism, and victory in November will perch upon their banner. The American U'bila.) Who Did it. Farm values in tLe state of New York have declined 50 per cent, in the last twenty years, or a total off 200,000,000. The present senate of that stateeontains twenty-four lawyers out of a total of fifty, and there is not one farnWjA the wnoie list, ine AssemDiy nas Jt bers, only gfteen of whom are ' j em- And Cat a log-iie If You Cant Come to Boston Store n . i : 1 I t .1.1 Iff I J 1 iveiuiiera ui overjr iuiug. juuuejr ioiuuudu, goods are not as desired. Everything as SPECIAL BARGAINS oTORE. yo Bank Frauds. The leaders of the republican party in Nebraska are a set of rank misrepresen tors and frauds. While they were crying "Stand up for Nebraska," they were se secretly working in the interest of money syndicates, trusts and corporations. Allen News. Uncalled for Kicking. All this hullabaloo of the Arkansaw Kicker is impolitic, uncalled for and un justifiable. It has come to the pass that Mr. Taubeneck can t leave his St. Louis office without fetching forth a snarl from our envious Arkansas brother. As na tional chairman Mr. Taubeneck's field is the whole union. His business is to look after the parties interest in every part of ine country as nis wisdom may dictate. He has a right in Nebraska, in Kansas. in Alabama or elsewhere. Hrl th populist party desired a superintendent of our national committee it would have doubtless given Brother Morgan a job. Paducah Herald, (Ky.) A .Silver Convention. A convention to select sixty delegates to the national silver convention at St. Louis has been called to meet at Topeka, Kansas, July 16.- The Iowa silver con vention will be held July 14. Iowa will be entitled to thirty-five delegates. Governor Walte on the Platform. In a speech at Denver this week ex-Gov. Waite congratulated Senator Teller on his recently announced position. While personally he did not object to a single plank in the platform of the peo ples party he thought it probable that the platform will be amended at St. Louis and a compromise will be reached with silver forces for a national fight on the financial question. The abolishment of the national banking system he con sidered as one of the points to be fought out. ; The Latch String Hangs out. General Weaver says: "In Oregon the populists have opened the door to all who agree with them on the financial question; not the silver question merely; that is only one prong. It is free silver, the abolition of national banks, the making of all monay legal tender, and last, no more bonds without end. They vote in Oregon June 1. Listen the next morning for news from there." . , . i For the N. E. A. Meeting ! at Buffalo, N. Y. July 7th to 11th, it will be of interest to teachers and their friends to know that arrangements have been successfully accomplished by the Nickel Plate Road providing for the sale of excursion tickets at $12.00 for the round trip with $2.00 added for member ship fee. Tickets will be on sale Julv 5th and 6th and liberal return limits will be granted. For further information as to stop overs, routes, time of trains, etc., address J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent 111 Adams St., Chicago, 111. A Fair Count or Fight. The New Orleans Daily Item declares the election of the populist state ticket in Louisiana and openly asserts that blood will be spilled in that state if the democrats attempt to usurp the power of government without showing a clear majority on a fair count. Very Consoling. George M. Pullman's daughter, Miss Florence, draws a regular salary of $ 10,- 000 a year from the Pullman Palace Car Company for naming the cars turned out by the works. This will be consol ing news to poor slaves of Pullman, whose woes caused the great strike of 1894,-Silver Knight. How to Make a Goldbug. To make a goldbug, take ten parts of turpitude, ten parts of greed, ten parts of heartlessness, ten parts ostentation, twenty pahs of misrepresentation, and fifty parts deliberate falsehood; mix them np and you have a goldbug. Silver OMAHA. ivnignt. j THS WTUXA. OEMETEST. The Gentleman who Wrote the , First Article Makes Some Cor rections . The Independent of April 2nd con tained a seatement giving the receipts of the Wyuka Cemetery Association from April 13, 1894 to January 1, 1896. This statement was taken from the books at the ctmetery office. The same statement also gave an estimate of the expenditures for the same time. The reason an esti mate was given instead of a statement from the books, was because the books were said to be lost. We called Mr. Oakley, who has charge of the books and the office by telephone, Monday, March 23, and asked him to make some kind of a report, as the matter Was being talked about on the streets in a very U2ly way. Mr. Oakley said he would not make a re port until April 15, and urged us to come np and see the books. During the after noon of March 23, we went to the office of the cemetery. Mr. Oakley showed us a new set of books that he had opened January 1, 1896. He told us that the book containing the expenditures for the last two years was lost. We under stood from what be said, that it bad been lost for some time. This, remem ber was ten days before we printed the statement. During the ten days we went to the office nearly every day to see if the book could not be found. Mr. A. M. Davis went to the office to look np the book but could not find it. There was a book showing the receipts during the time that our estimate covered to be 112,262.40 and that Mr. Davis had turned over $7,533.71 making $19,799. 11 as total receipts. The amount of cash on hand January 1, 1896, was $289.93 deducting this from the amount received would leave $19,509.18 as the amount expended during the nineteen months that this statement covers, or more tnan ?i,uuu per montn. vve coma i nnr aaa wham an much monnv cnnlrl I be paid out as there had been no expen sive improvements put on the cemetery grounds. We concluded to make an esti mate of the amount paid out, notwith standing the book was lost. Mr. Oakley stated that the current expenses were as follows: Kent of office $14.00 per month, care of office and books $25.00 per month, sexton $50.00 per month, care of green .house $40.00 per mouth, extra help digging graves $10.00 per month, fuel $10.00 per month, making $149 per month, or forthe time this statement covers $2.91b. After making diligent inquiries we added $1,260.00 for other help and small expenses. This would make wnat mignt be called current expenses for the nineteen months $4,176. The next thing to be looked up was the permanent improvements. . Mr. Oak- y again told me there was no book there showing the cost Of any ci the im provements. We went to thlptenfsjtery and estimated the improvements as best we could. te found that the following improvements had been made during the nineteen months: First, a water tank and tower, which we estimated to cost $1,000.00. We first made inquiries of the Nebraska Planing mill before we made this esti mate. Second, The hot house, estimated to cost $800.00. Third. e estimated that there had been 75,000 brick bought to extend gut ters, at $8 per thousand, making $600. Fourth. The cost of water pipe was placed at $400. Fifth. The-cost of cinders $200. The above items amount to $3,000. Those improvements were all that we could find that had been made, " The current expenses and permanent improvements would amount to $7,176. Air. Oakley told us that there were only two loans, one for $3,000 and' one for $1,000. The curreut expenses, per manent improvements and money loaned would amount to $11,176, deducting this from net amount received which was $19,509.18 we found that there was apout $ ,uuu.uu tnat we could nnd no book to explain where this money had gone. Alter the election was over the book containing the account of the expendi tures was found and a report was made. e decided to make an examination of the books. While examining the receipts of the office vve found that there was one entry of $2,000.00 that was in twice. Mr. Fawell said thathe pro tested against the second entry. There was an entry in the book of $10,653.68 as collections from April 13, 1894, to September 8, 1895. , Air. Oakley informed us that he had checeked over the items and that the above amount was correct. We found that the $2,000.00 was entered the second time among the items that made up the $10,653.68. Deducting tnis, $ a.uuu iroui tne $,uuu tnat we did not find in our first statement would leave $6,000 to be explained. We made a careful examination of the expendi tures we were told by Mr. Oakley while making our nrst estimate that onlv two loans were made, one for $3,000 and one for $1,000. The books show that there were five other small loans made amount iug to $1,206.57. Instead of $4,000 Deing paid out on loans there was $5.' 206.01 paid out. Deducting this $1,206 from the $6,000 we have $4,794.00 left to account lor. Mr. Oakley gave us wneu our nrsc statement was made as the expense of keeping the books and care of the office $25.00 per month and the books show that for several months that has beeu the expense. This would make an expense for the nineteen months of $475. There was paid out for the nine teen months abbout $2,07o as follows L. J. Byer 'about 875; John Fawell about $605: W. O. Fletcher about 202 A. G. Hastings about $150 It. H. Oaklev about $90; Thos. Fawell clerk hire about $93. This enormous extra cost taking care oi tue othce over the amount named to us when we made the first statement is about $1,600, taking this from the $4, q4 leaves $3,194 left to be accoun ted for and it is very easy to account for this under the head of general extrava gance and waste of public money. We found some interesting items of expendi tures, one dated November 1894, read as follows: "L. J. Byer oyster and lunch $o.yo.'; Une would suppose that as Mr Byer had drawn nearly $50 per month during nineteen montns tor less service than each member of the school board gives for nothing, that he would not had the gall to take from the public iunas set apart ior the care oi the dead f 5.25 to pay for an oyster supper. Another item of expense read as fol lows: "Lxpense to Omaha $30." We found no explanation of this item and do not know whether it was for a big toot or a uttie toot. During the nineteen months Mr. Byer collected about $2,000 more than Mr. Davis did for the nineteen months ending April 13, 1894, he not only spent all he collected but spent $2,943.78 of the $7,533.71 that Mr. Davis paid over to him April 13, 1894. There was not much more, if any more, improvements put on the grounds dur ing the nineteen months that Byer was in control than in the last nineteen months that Mr. Davis had charge but Mr. Byer spent about $4,940 more than Mr. Davis did for the same time. Our examinatian of the books has shown that our estimate of the permanent im provements was more than they should have have cost. "We estimated 75,000 brick and the books show less than 55, 000," we estimated $400 for water pipe, the books show less than half that amount. We estimated $200 for cinders the, books show considerable less than that amount for the nineteen months. The green house and plants cost about our estimate. The water tank and tower cost more than we estimated. Our total amount of estimates would about cover the total cost of the improvements that we made estimates on. Our estimate was $3,000. 00. Mr. Byer or ahyother one of the cem etery trustees may rake the cemetery ground over with a fine tooth comb and luij will Dot fiud asy other permanent improvement that will amount to much, that was . built during the nineteen months that we are considering. The report that was made April 15 by the cemetery board was as follows: Paid for improvementsduring two years, $9,089. 83; paid for labor, $4965.57; paid sex ton $1,195; paid loans $4000; paid for sundries, $129.57. There is at least one glaring mistake in this report. The books show that the amount paid out in connection with the seven loans was $5, 206.57 instead of $4000 as the report shows. This being the case there is $1. 206.57 mixed up with the sexton, labor improvement or sundry account. Since Mr. Oakley took charge of the office a complete and new set of books have been opened and everything seems to be in good shape and no public money is be ing wasted. Mr. Oakley was elected in the spring of 1895 but did not take charge of the office until October last. Rheumatism. Sufferers need suffer no longer. I will send to .any one the formula for a com plete cure of this painful disease, tne in gredients of which can be procured at any drug store for a trifle. Send $1.00 in stamps or F. O. money order. Address. C. M. Mackintosh. Room 4 McVickcr's Theatre Bldg. 49-13. Chicago, 111, Good Onenine j. , For a populist paper. Anyoue deisring to publish a couuty paper cannot do better. Populist county officers. Ad dress A. K. Y. Populist paper, care of Nebraska Independent. 49-2t Complica tions KM As you would avoid a plague. 'A A complicated grain harvester is a ) plague. Truer words were never written than those of the late Dr. Holmes, when he said "The more V wheels there are in a watch or in a brain, the more trouble they are to take care of." The simplicity of JE McCormick Harvesting Machines has won for them thousands of W friends. The new Open Elevators jCj the simplest of harvesters and is not ify subject to the disorders and disar W rangements resulting from the com,- V plicated construction of so many so-called grain cutting machines. There's nothing complicated about jEj McCormick Mowers, either. They" 4&- need oiling occasionally, but they don't bind, clog-up and "go to JEj smash," after the manner of the or A dinary mower. Same is true of the W McCormick Corn Harvester. Its construction embodies the only cor 4 rect principle the only principle that will work in a Corn Harvester. jK The new McCormick Light-Running J3l Open Klevstor Harvester and Binder, the McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower and the McCormick Corn Harvester jK are unequalled for capacity, light. !3l draft, efficiency of service and long life, ltuilt, sold and guaranteed by the & McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., JVi , Chicago. fp- Agents everywhere. , Celery Pills. These pills are a powerful vitalizing force, the best remedy for exhaustion, and Nervous Debility weaknesses, caused from youthful errors, or excesses. Be sides Extract of Celery, these pills con tain other standard tonics, and give tone and strength to the general system, fully restoring vigor, and strength. Sent sealed in plain wrapper $1. per box. Penalise Pills, for ladies; just what you want. Safe, certain, and harmless. The equal of this remedy for the men strual period, does not exist. Sent sealed in plain wrapper $1. per box. Address, Midland Medicine Co, t-f Omaha Neb. "We Hare The Tariff Yet." The g. o. p. will soon be grinding out protection on every hand organ, and in response it will be oppopriate to sing "We Have theTariffYet," "That Honest Dollar," "A Politician Here You See," "The March of the Workers," "God Save the People," Etc., Etc., Etc Send to ths office for the new popular song book which contains these and about seventy five more. See elsewhere our ad of Ar mageddon. Send x 15 cents and we will send you a copy of Coins Financial SchooL 4 1 The Safe Storeo I il 1 ii There is'nt a store in the whole country that sells cloth ing as "THE NEBRASKA" does. It is an exceptional store, it is a reliable store, it is an absolutely safe store. The price today is the price tomorrow and the next daj and the price to one is the price to all. We have no fa vorites, we make no discounts, and never resort to citch penny methods of making some goods low in order to sell you other goods high. Our practice of instantly re funding money when goods don't suit is the best proof you can have that our goods and prices are all right. For eleven years we have been building up a vast business on these principles and our business was never so large, our prices never so low, as they are this spring. Send for catalogue. It contains samples of goods and will save you a great many dollars above what you have to pay for the same qualities at home. It is a book that ought to be in every clothing buyer's hand. The method pursued by the Nickel Plate Road by which its agents figure rates as low as the lowest, seems to meet the requirements of the traveling public. No one should think of purchasing a ticket to Buffalo N. E. A. Convention during July, until, they first inquire what the rate is over the Nickel Plate road. For particulars write J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, Ills. v weT. Picket Lawn-Fence Bteel Posts, Steel Ralls and Steel Oates; Steel Tree. Flower and Tomato Guards, Cabled Field and 11 ok Fence, 24 to 68 i n. blah, Poultry, Garden and Babbit Funco; Steel Wire Fence Board,ete. Catalogue free. OfcKALB FENCE CO.. 14a High St. DeKalb. ill. POPULIST STATE CONVENTION. A delegate convention of the Peoples Independent party of Nebraska will be held in the city of Grand Island, on Wednesday, July 15, 1896, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing fifty seven delegates, and fifty-seven alternates to the people's party national conven tion to be held in St. Louis, July 22, 1896. Each county will be entitled to one de legate at large and one additional dele gate for each one hundred votes, or majority fraction thereof, cast at the general election of 1895 for Samuel Max well, for supreme judge, which gives the following representation by counties: Adams ....14 Jefferson 8 Antelope ..11 Johnson 7 Banner 2 Kearney .....11 Blaine 1 Keith .1 Uoone 18 Keya Paha... S Box Butte 6 Kimball 2 Boyd 6 Knox 13 Brown 8 Lancaster 27 Buffalo 1 Lincoln 11 Burt 9 Loiran 11 Butler 14 Loup 2 Cass 14 Madison ...11 Cedar MePheraoa 1 Chase 3 Merrick 9 Cherry 6 Nance 9 Cheyenne 4 Nemaha IS Clay 14 NuckollB 12 Colfax 9 Otoe. 12 Cuming 7 Pawnee Custer 18 Perkins 3 Dakota 6 Phelps -. 12 Dawes 9 Pierce 6 Dawson 14 PIntte 12 Deuel 8 Polk 13 Dixon lied Willow 9 JJodpe 18 llichardsoo 7 Douglas. .I...... 4 Bock 8 llnndy 4 Saline 10 Wlllmore. 14 Sarpy 8 Franklin 9 Saunders... ..21 Frontier 9 Scoits Blnff S Furnas Til Seward... 10 flaice 14 Sheridan 9 Garfield 8 Sherman 7 Gosper 6 Sioux 2 Grant t 2 Stanton 4 Greeley 6 Thayer 8 Hall , 14 Thomas 1 Hamilton 18 Thurston 3 Harlan 10 Valley 8 Have 8 W'ashinfttou 8 Hitchcock 8 Wayne 5 Holt 18 Webster 10 H ooker 1 W heeler 8 Howard.. ; 9 York 14 It is recommended' that primaries for selecting delegates to county conventions be held on Thursday, July 9; and that county conventions for selecting delegates to state convention behold on Saturday, July 11. It is also recommended that the cre dentials from each county be handed in to the state central committee, prior to the meeting of the state convention, so that a full list of delegates can be made out and the teuious deiay occasioned by a committee on credentials avoided. It is also recommended, in accordance with a resolution passed by the state central committee, that in the state con vention, the following plan of selecting delegates to the national convention be adopted: That nine delegates and nine alternates be selected from each con gressional district by 1h delegates present; and that three delegates and three alternates be elected at large. It is urgently requested that every member of the party, who possibly can do so, attend the primaries, so that those selected as delegates may represent the wishes of the entire party. Every voter in Nebraska, who favors an American system ef finance and is opposed to the gold standard, bond issuing policy of the present administra tion; who favors the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at 16 to 1; who favors reform in our systems of money, land and transportation; who favors more economical administration of national and state governments; who is opposed to the further domination of corporations in our legislation; who be lieves that the government should be brought closer to the people; and finally, who is ready to cast aside prejudice and vote for the common prosperity of all; every such voter is cordially invited to participate in our primaries and assist in the selection of our delegates. By order of the state central com mittee. J. A. Edgeeton, F. D. Eager, Chairman, Sec'v, f A Eeform Library For $1.00 " The Modern Banker, Goode 25c Man or Dollar, Which? A Novel... 25c Shylock's Daughter.Bates 25c A Breed of Barren Metal, Bennett 25e Money Found Hill Banking Sys tem 25c The Rights of Labor, Joslyn 25c The Pullman Strike, Carwardine.. 25c A Story from Pullmantown, Beck Meyer..... 25c How to Govern Chicago, Tuttle... 25c Silver Campaign Book. Tuttle 25c The Garden of Eden U. S. A., Bishop 50c Illustrated First Reader in Social Economics Tor Backward Pu pils 10c Cut this out and send to us with one dollar aud we will mail yon a full sample set of all these books, 1940 pages, worth $3.10 it retail. This is a special offer for a short time only. Order at once. ' Address Chardes H. Kerb & Co. 56 Fifth Avenue. Chicaero. Mention Nebraska Independent. Local populist committees in pvppit state, county and town or precine. should see to it that there are copies o our Armageddon sonir honk in tho af all good singers. IRON AND WOOD Eolipse and Fairbanks Wind mills, Towers, Tanks. Irriga tion Outflis, Hose. Belting, Grinders.fhellers, Wood saw.. Drive Points, Pipe, Fittings, Brass Goods and Falrbnnk Standard Scales, ijrices low. (Jet the best. Sen tux PatJllriimA. T PUMPS OF ALL KINDS, FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. MQ2 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. We advertise in another enl lawn mower made by the E. Stebbins Mfg. Co., Brightwood, Mass. It is one of the best we have ever seen. Write them. ' One Of the Most Useful Things Blair Security Fountain Pen always ready at any time or place to write. They save their cost in a short time in the outlay of steel pens and pencils, as they take the place of either and will last a lifetime. The only pen that can be car ried in any position with perfect security and Dot spill ink on the pant held by the fingers. Non-Leakable. Reversible Feed-Bar. 13-Karat Gold Pens of Regu lar Shape. Perfect Action. They cost no more, even con siderably less than the old im perfect makes yet offered, r No. 1 Gold Pen, fine point, A $1.75. . No. 2 Gold Pen, fine point, at $2.00, No. 3 Gold Pen, fine point at $2.50. . No. 4 Gold Pen, fine or stub point, $3.00. Handsomely chased aud Gold Mounted, 75 cents extra. Five per centdiscount allowed to those who mention the Ne braska Independent. Address, Uluir Fountain Pen Go. 49-tf 141, Broadway, N. Y. People who wish to srofo T? nffn.To tr at tend the N. E. A. Convention, who wlnt fast time, the most excellent train ser vice and superior accomodations, will do well to consider the Nickel Plate Road before purchasing tickets. A fare of $12.00 for the round trip will apply with $2.00 added for membership fee. Tickets will be on sale July 5th and 6th with liberal return limit and with privilege of side trip tickets to Chautaqua Lake and Niagara Falls and return without addi tional cost. Additional information cheerfully given on application to J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago. 111. The New Jersey Pops. The New Jersey state committee was in session at Trenton on May 1 and decided to issue a call for a state convention to be held in the same city on May 30, at which nominations win oe made for statt officers and delegates selected to the na tional convention. Falling; Into Line. Both school teachers and ministers apo feeling the effects of the gold standard and some of the more intelligent among them are reasoning back from effect to cause. You notice more sermons on "Christian citizenship," more lectures on l"' 7"1 0IU0 OI economic subjects than ,uiu u year ago. ine Dest ministers brightest teachers are "fallinc in" V sirta of tho nbnnla in V.. - ,-. p.u ii iuv uuijiiuic 5 f IV,