Nebraska Jnbqjtnbcnt TWf WEALTH MAKERS ni LINCOLN INDKPSNDElfT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY V THE IndspeqdEqt Publteliiijg So. At U20 X 8tret, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. TELEPHONE 638. $1.00 per Year in Advance. Address all communication to, and make all trait, money order. te., payabls to THE INDEPENDENT TUB. CO, Lmcoli, NB, Figures always lie when the liars fig ure. The republicans have forsaken the guide of their youth and forgotten their covenants with the people. The democrats had their inning and they made a goose egg. Now it is the turn of pops at the bat When the beaten free silver democrats come back from Ceicago they will say "They just bought His. " Nebraska has already bad three state conventions, all un by bosses. There will be another one pretty soon. That will not be run by bosses. The politicians who are buying conven tions and nominations should remem ber that riches profit not in the day of wrath. ' A firm in Omaha is advertising a bug exterminator at $20 a gross. If it will kill gold bugs the Independent will take a gross. - Senator Stewart's daughter will be married June 16 at 1 o'clock. The old silver knight of the mountains is for 10 to 1 on all accasions. If you want the news, take a popnlist paper and you will get it. If you want lies read the Associated Press reports. It furnishes them free by the thousand. It was James Buchanan and not Abraham Lincoln who signed the Morrill tariff of which the republicans talk so much. Wharton Barker says the Sherman McKinley financial plank of Ohio is like a pious confession of faith in. terlarded with blasphemies and whether the authors mean piety or blasphemy remains to be seen. Allen was a little more tender with IliLL than he was with Gear, but when the scrap was over Hill did'nt need any body to tell him that he had been hard bit. He was very concious of that fact. A good many republican conventions these days are declaring for free silver and the gold standard in the same reso lution, or what is the same thing, for they demand free silver and instruct the delegates to vote for McKinley. The two Johns, Carlisle and Sherman have a good deal to say about fifty cent and 100 cent dollars. Now will they please tell us what a "cent" is, so .that we can find out what they are talking about. TheArkansaw Kicker prints anony mous letters to assault personal charac ter, and publishes private and confiden tial correspondence, neither of which any man can do and be a populist or a gen tleman. "The fool foldeth his hands to gether and eateth bis own flesh." The Johns are all of one kind. There is Jonn Sherman, John Carlisle, John Thurston and our dear Meiklejohn. One of these days when the old farmer gets desperate raising ten cent corn and thirty cent wheat, he will call out to bis boy "Johnny get your gun," and the : Johns will have to settle or fight. 'Oh! to be a democrat In these, the latter days, When most of us are standing at The parting of the ways; Or sitting still astride the fence, Like blackbirds in a row, Prospecting where, a few months hence, 'Twill be the best to go. Prof. Fisher complains, in the Journal of economics, because none of the stand' ard economists have published any new books, while the country is flooded with such an enormous amount of trash The Independent can Bee no grounds for such a complaint. The former works of these men cover the whole field, The crop of truths connected with the sub ject of money has been completely threshed out. There is nothing new, that is true that can be said. Thequan titative theory is a settled fact inscience It can no more be overthrown than the Copernican theory of the Universe. What is the use of rewriting what has been so well stated that it cannot be improved upon. If men want to understand the functions of money or laws that regulate its value, let them read the standard economists, and give the go by to the recent trash, paid for and printed by the Wall street gang of gamblers, not one of whose writers has any standing in tne world of science. TIIK IIA1L1MU 1-flWIB, The awful uowi-r that great railroads hare in is illustrated in the senate amendment to tne nn bor bill appropriating $3,098,0(10 for Santa Monica harbor, California, which as nut in for the benefit of Mr. Huntington. All the people of Califor nia and all their representatives in both the house and senate protest against it, but Senator Gear and his Pacific railroad committee insist upon it. Two boards of the U. S. Army engineers have also unanimouslyreported against it. Last Friday while Senator white of California was speaking against the ap propriation Senator Gray asked if there was not some official recommendation in favor of the Santa Monica harbor. None on earth," answered Mr. White, "and further, this appropriation of 3,O98,00O 1 pro poed without an estimats or recommendation." Mr. George added further question, -uo i underetand," he asked, "that two board Of army engineer, sworn to the pertorormance of their dnty, navs reported against the appropria tion which the committee recommend to the senate?" "I do." "And do I understand that the two California senators and the representrtive from the district oppoee the appropriation which the committee recommend?" Yes." 'I It a fact that no evidence exists In favor of the project except that of the two men In the em ploy of the Southern Pacific railroad?" Mr. White answered that other bad given their opinion and views, but there ware no other pro fessional engineering report. Mr. Bate added that the commercial bodies of the locality were opposed to the Santa Monica site. ' A power that can so control commit tees of the United States senate, is dan gerous to free institutions. Something must be done to overthrow it. There is one consolation to Nebraska however. This state has one Senator there that will fight that power while there is breath left in his body. WHY BLAINE WAS NOT ELECTED. The followers of James G. Blaine were amazed beyond measure when he was defeated for the presidency, and to this day cannot account for it. They refuse to believe that it was "rum, Romanism and rebellion that did it. What then did it? It was Blaine's speech of February 7,1878 that did it. In that speech in favor of free coinage he said: "The German empire the very year after we made our specific declaration for paying our bonds in coin, passed a law destroying, sofar as lay in its power the value of silver as money. "I do not say that it was specifically aimed at this country" the Rothschilds do not aim at the wind," but it was passed regardless of its effect upon, and was followed, according to public and nndeuied statements and by legal in vestment on the part of the German gov ernment iuour bonds, with a view, it was understood, of holding them as a coin reserve for drawing gold from us to aid in establishing their new gold stand ard at home. "Thus by our move, the German gov ernment destroyed, so far as lay in its power, the then existing value of silver as money, enhanced consequently the value of gold, and then got into position to draw gold from us at the moment Of its need, which would also be the moment of our sorest distress." The money power never forgave Blaine for that speech, and while it rules in this country, no man who antagonizes it can be elected president. McKinley under stands that well enough. The question Shall the- money power continue to rule? MORE GOLD BUG LOGIC. Goldite editors must think the people are all idiots if one is to judge from the logic of their writings. Take the follow ing from the New York World for an example: "The workingman who receives a silver dollar in payment of wages is able to buy as much with it as if it were a gold dollar. But if free coinage. were decreed, the gold standard would be at once abandoned. The silver dollar worth 52 cents, would become the standard. The dollar that now buys 100 cents' worth of any commodity would buy only 52 cents' worth. Do workingmen want their wages reduced in purchasing power in this way? "Again, thefarmer wants 'more money, But free silver coinage would reduce the total monetary circulation by about one- half, and instead of getting more money than the $2,000,000,000 now in circula tion we should have about $1,000,000, all told. Does the farmer demand contraction of this Bort, with a wheat price to match?" That is, the identically same silver dollar would be a 52 cent dollar in the hand of a wage worker and a 200 cent dollar in the hand of a farmer. May the Lord have mercy on their sinful souls. GERE GIVES IT UP - In an editorial the other day the State Journal abandoned all its crazy fads and issues, about redundancy of money causing low prices, all its cherished the. ories about "intrisics value," etc. and made the following statement: Men and nations may resolve never to carry the issue of paper money beyond a limit that seem' perfectly safe. But let the pinch come and the point of saftey 1b forgotten. When a man is tretn bling on the brink of bankruptcy he will resort to desperate expedients to keep from falling over' When a people is in hard lines it Is almost itnpos. sible to prevent the isene ot more cheap money, if the government is already committed to that policy. Thefonly saftey for the cnrrency-isjto have it based on something that it is Impossible to get in euffl cient quanity to lower the price. It is the "quanity" then that fixes the price of money. That is the very point that the goldites have always denied They have claimed that there was an "Intrinsic value" in gold that never changed regardless of quantity. The In dependent is glad to see the State Jour nal abandoning its wild-eyed.crazy theor ies and making a stagger toward reason and common sense. THKLIAKSBELT. The liars belt, which is awarded weekly to the man telling the biggest lie, goes this week to John G. Carlisle. He was kind enough to send us a copy of bis re cent Chicago speech. It was very diffi cult to decide which was the biggest lie in the speech, for it was interlarded with tremendous whoppers from beginning to end. Finally, one toward the end of the speech was decided to be entitled to the belt. He says if free and unlimited coin age of silver were established in this country, "payment of allow obligations held abroad would be demanded in gold at once." r The Independent will leave it to any honest man if that isn't entitled to the belt. Mind that he Bays, that the hold ers of all our debts abroad would de mand payment "in gold," "at once." A large part o our debt abroad is gov ernment bonds. On the face of every one of them is printed these words: "This bond is issued in accordance wittt the provisions of an act of congress approved January 29, 1871, and is re deemable at the'treasury of the United States in coin of the standard value of the UnitedStatesonsaid July 14,1870." Now an Englishman would look rath er rediculous standing at the door of the treasury "demanding gold" for a pieq of paper like that. But Mr. Carlisle saysT that "all'1 of the foreigners would be there "at once," ."demanding gold" for their bonds and stock, no matter if they were not due for twenty or thirty years. Think of what a troubled dream Mr .Carl isle must have had before he ennnnciated that awful prophecy. His whisky must have been foul stuff indeed, to enable him to see, Ichelheimer, Heideback, Seleig man.Lazarus.SFreere and all their clien- tale, filling thestreet between Treasury and the Rigg s house, holding high above their heads,handfulls of bonds and yelling at the tops of their voices: "Dese bonds is not due, but gif me dot gold at once." ' Mr. Carlislejthe belt is yours. THE BOND INVESTIGATION. Senator Peffor's resolution to invest!, gate the bond deals after being amended passed the senate. The finance com mittee, and not a select committee, will do the investigating. There is plenty of swindling to be ex posed if the committee will only do it. There have been four bond issues. On the second one for $62,000,000 the account stands this way. Face of loan $62,815,000 Morgan-Belmont paid 140.49 as pre- mlura. 2.TJI,ViJ United States got 65,112,943 Morgan-Belmont got irom Dan Ken syndicate at 12j 69,948,587 Morgan-Belmont syndicate's first profit 4,835,644 Bankers' syndicate got from public at 118 73,531,700 Banker's syndicate's second profit.... 3,583,113 United States lost by transaction and the bond syndicate made an appar ent clear profit of 8,418,757 The United States, therefore, lost by this transaction the difference between the price they took and the market price, the sum of $8,418,757. On the last loan of $100,000,000 the bankers profits were on the same order and the government received $10,000,000 ess than the market price. Eighteen million dollars taxed out of the people and given tojthe bankers in one year is part of the price thejeoplepay for voting the old party tickes. There were four bond deals of this kind. On the one alone, it costs every voter, black and white, in the whole United States Jabout $1.25 each, and that is only a small part of what they have to pay for the privilege of voting tor a democrat or republican gold bug. WHAT IS CREDIT 7 The republican catch phrase just at present is: "Maintain the government credit." This most be done if tens of thousands of business men are bank rupted, our American farmers reduced to the condition of serfs and tenants, millions of working men sent out to tramp in search of work, our prisons and asylums filled with . criminals and the iqsane, and at whatever other cost is necessary to do it.' What is "credit" that we shall so suffer that the nation may have it? It is simply "the power to borrow." With credit the nation can borrow, without credit it cannot borrow, Would it not be more like good com mon sense to ask us to endure, these sufferings to obtain the "power to pay" instead of "the power to borrow?" The underlying difference between populism and republicanism is, the populists want "power to pay," the republicans want "power to borrow." NO BOSSES FOR US. The Independent protests against the very damaging charges that a few popu listeditors are making against the consti tuted authorities of the party and almost its whole membership. As far as such men as Taubeneck and Weaver are con cerned, they need no defense, and if they did, they are perfectly able to defend themselves, but the mass of membership of the party, about whom these vile cal umnies are published, are practically de fensless, and it is for them, that that the Independent desires to speak. When any editor publishes that any man can go to a populist state conven tion and either buy or boss it, he pub lishes a lie. Populists are not that kind of men. Whenever it is said that Taube neck, Weaver or any other man can round up the delegates of any populist tut convention, compos J as thf are of the best men in the party, and get them to stifle their conviction, or pursue a policy contrary to the best judgment of these old toil worn farmers, it is a slander and a falsehood. Populist dele gates are not that kind of men. They have ideals, they have principles. When they leave their work, pay their railroad fare and hotel bill to attend a state con vention it is not for the purpose of abandoning their principles at the dicta tion of any boss, and the man who as sert that any populist state convention has been or can be ruled by bosses is a slanderer of the rank and file of the party. MAYOR GRAHAM. The Call wauts Lincoln's reservation-burnt-district-gambling-bouse-wide-bpen Mayor to be counnty treasurer,. and we suppose when he gets there, to ap point all the boodle aldermen, depu ties and clerks. No doubt he will get the republican support. He is the kind of a man the republicans like. The Call further says: "He has quite as persistently refused to be a candidate until forced at least to consider the so licitation of his friends to accept this further honor. It is a well know fact that many prominent business men favor the candidacy of Mr. Graham and that theyare urging him to announce his can didacy," and that "he is eminently fitted for the duties." Now the Independent wishes to de - unce those "friends" who persist in inging the name of this modest, retir- jkshful, virtuous and chaste citizen be' fore the public in this glaring and inde cently open manner against his earnest protests. It is a shame to harrow the delicate feeligs of a modest man in such a way. If they keep on, he will be ashamed to appear on the street without a veil over his face. NEBRASKA'S FAWNING COURTIERS, The Lyons Mirror quotes this from Walt Mason: "There are some Nebraska edi tors who carry their admiration for John M. Thurston to the point of adoration. The able senator should issue a card stating whether he is really a demigod." After quoting it, the Mirror seriously ask this question: "We would like to ask Editor Walt Mason if he knows of a greater orator in the world than John M. Thurston, or a greater leader among men1" That actually appeared in the Lyons Mirror of May 7, 1896. One has to read the republican papers of the state to learn the condition of fawning servility to which they have been reduced. A courtier of Louis XIV could not beat that. WHAT IS THE STANDARD. There Isn't a double standard conntry in all the world, never has been and never will De. Belton Journal, (Texas.) There is not a single silver standard, a single gold standard, a double standard, or a bimetallic standard country now, never was and never will be while the world stands. The standard in any county is the whole volume of money, made up of gold, silver, copper, nickle paper bank credits and every thing else that does money duty. The increase of any one of them will raise prices, and a decrease will lower prices. Howeven bank credits cannot be increased for any length of time out of proportion with the amount of full legal tender money All the uthers can be increased or di minished by law, and the increased or diminished output of mines. THEY BOUGHT MICHIGAN. The most astounding result of any state convention ever held was that o' the democratic state convention of Mich igan, over 150 majority of the delegates had been elected as straight 16 to 1 free silver men. But on the voting the gold men not only elected the four delegates at large, but adopted a"sound" money resolution and one requiring the dele gates to vote as a unit. The national democratic conventions may have 500 majority for free silver, but if the money power wants it it can get it just as easily as it did the Michigan convention. Before the war the anti-elavery agita tors were fiercely denounced because agi tation unsettled business. Over thirty years after, the very same cry is raised against the modern reformers. The old oligarchy and the new is as like as two peas in a pod. The National bankers seem to think that the populist party cannot harm thom because it has no money with which to conduct a campaign, and if they can control the two old parties they can safely go on with their robberies. To conduct a campaign without money they deem an impossibility. The republican leaders of Kansas, Cy. Leland and A. W. Smith are sueing each other for libel. Both of these "redeemers" have been telling tales out of school. And it is likely that this time they both told the truth. A SONG OF ROTHSCHILD. Sing a song ot Rothschild, scheming for onr gold, Bis servants, Cleveland and Carlisle, doing as they're told. The treasury they open, Pierpont began to sing, "Isn't this a dainty dish to set before a king." Carlisle In the treasury, counting out the money, All the people working while Rothschild gets the honey. The people almost starving, wearing cast-off clothes. Vainly asking congress where all the monoy goes. Vorway, S. C. LEON WEATHERSEEN. IILIND A8VLOI MFKBISTKNDENT. The North-Western Journal of Educa tion is edited and published by one J. If. Miller of Lincoln, y jbraaka. In the May number of this journal, page 292, the ed itor published the following article: . Governor Ho! comb ban appointed Mr. W. A. Jones, of Hastings, superintendent of th insti tute fur the blind. The position should be held by an expert, and not be a political gift. But bo better political appointment could have been made, and the governor i to be congratulated. If the governor has any other educational ap pointments to make, we hope he will select men who are actually engaged In the publie school work of Nebraska. There are many school men of bis party who would fill with honor any ap pointment in his power to make. The reader will observe that the editor first states the fact of the appointment. Then he states that the position should be held by an expert, and not be apoliti cal gift. To this proposition the whole people of the state without regard to party will not only consent, but will em phasize it with a hearty "Amen!" He nexta congratulates the governor on his appointment as a political gift to Mr. Jones. It is clear that the editor intends to emphasize the idea to the teachers of the state of all grades and to the people who read his paper that the appointment is a political one and that it was not made on the ground of the eminent fitness of Mr. Jones to fill the place. In other words that Mr. Jones is not an expert as an educator, bnt that he is simply a politician. This education (?) editor then goes on to advise the governor, with eminent gall, that the populist party has within its ranks plenty of teachers who would honor any educational position within his appointing power. To this proposition the people without regard to party will consent. But- the intellectual and moral size of this editor is revealed in his advice to the governor that in thefuture he shall select from men who are actually engaged in school work in Nebraska. It makes no difference with this ethical editor, how long, nor how elaborate, the pedagogical training of a man may have been, nor bow eminently successful his work may have been, nor what qualifica tions he may have in addition to those of the schoolmaster, if he is not actually engaged in teaching in Nebraska in some country cross-road school house, or is not "City Superintendent" over a half dozen teachers in a Nebraska village, the governor is advised not to appoint such men to an important educational function. Now by way of an explanation and in defense of the governor's appointment of Mr. Jones as superintendent of the insti tute for the blind we call attention to the following on the same page and in the same column above referred to, third paragraph above is the following Arnold Tompkins has recently written a book for Ginn Co.. entitled "The Philosophy of School Management." We have not seen the book, but we have no doubt but that it is a strong book. Professor Tompkins writes for thoughtful teachers. Would that we had no, others. In the above article the editor states the book was written for Ginn & Co. On the back of the title page of this book is this imprint. "Copyrfght 1895 by Arnold Tompkins, all rights reserved.' So it was written by Arnold Tompkins and printed for Arnold Tompkins by Ginn &Co., Boston, U. S. A. and London. The title page of the book bears this legend: "The school is an organized spiritual unity. W. A. Jones." This is the same W. A. Jones the gover nor appointed as superintendent of the institute for the blind. The preface contains the following- the book, "The Philosophy of School Management" lies before us "The spirit of the book is clearly traceable to contact with W. A. Jones, first president of the Indiana State Normal School, Had it not been for the Influence of his class work, and hi daily practice in management, this book would, perhaps, not have been written; and I can but wish it, even a more worthy monument to the memory of the man whose potent ideas stimulated so many to earnest efforts in plant ing fundamental educational doctrines. For wise counsel In the general treatment of the sub ject, I am ever gratified to L. H, Jones, superin tendent ot schools, Oevland, Ohio." L. H. Jones was an associate teacher in the Indiana State Normal school with W. A. Jones when the latter was at the head of that institntion. L. H. has writ ten as strong endorsement of the peda gogical theories of W. A. Jones as did Arnold Tompkins in the above quota tion. Arnold Tompkins is today Professor of pedagogy in the State University of Illinois and is known as one of theablest educators in the United States. So it seems that when the editor of the North-Western Journal of Education en dorsed the book of Prof. Tompkins as a strong book which it most cenrtainly is, he unwittingly was endorsing W. A Jones as an expert. The governor knew all this although, Mr. Miller did not. Farther, William A. Bell of Indianapolis, editor of the Indi ana School Journal for now more than twenty-five years, who knows the whole history of education in Indiana and the men who have developed it, says in a private letter that W. A. Jones did,more for the cause of public education in Indi ana than any man living or dead. This is very strong language. The governor knew this but Mr. Millerdid not perhaps, The evidence is all on the side of the governor that he knew what he was doing appointing an expert, and that J. II. Miller, editor of the North-Western Journal of Education will know more if he continues bis advice to the governor. Three desperate efforts of Mr. Miller to cover up his narrow, bigoted, hide-bound republican partizauship, only rav?a more surely to public view. This review is not written in defense of Prof. Jones. He is perfectly able to defend himself, but to stand up for Nebraska and its public institutions which are the equal of those of any other state of like popula tion. Tht insinuation that any of the educational institutions of the state are in incompetent bands, the Independent repudiates, and the efforts of Mr. Miller to circulate that impression to the injury of the state, we deuouce as the utterance of a bigoted little partizan who thinks it is reputable to foul his own nest. Briceand thegordbugs say that if botb old parties declare for the gold standard, that will of necessity make the tariff the only issue and is just what they want. . The republican catch phrase in the last -presidential campaign was: "Cheap goods mean cheap men." Then they joined the democrats in legislation which they knew would make goods cheaper than they were ever known to be in the history of the world. According to their logic there are now in the United States about 15,000,000 of the cheapest men who ever drew the breath of life. The People's Party advocate of Wash ington, Lousiana says that a governor has never yet been elected to succeed him self. Foster has never broken the record ' for fraud, but this record he will not break; no, not even if seated by the leg islature, for his most partisan supporters no longer claim that he has been elected. Mr. Mary of the Governor's office re turned with his bride from an extended bridal trip last Monday. They visited friends, explored the eastern cities, saw the sights and have returned to be greet ed wun pleasure Dy tneir many friends who all continue to wish them a long life of uninterupted happiness. Certainly it Does. The Nebraska Independnnt know what it is talking about. Polk county Democrat. True as the Gospel. Every speech and every editorial of the- old party leaders in favor of free silver simply means this: "Don't quit us, don't go to me popniists." mat s ail. Peo ple's Party Paper. . Silver Went Up. When the free coinage bill passed the- senate in 1880 and it was thought that President Harrison wrmlii nio-n if. if if. t e - - - " passed the house, the price of silver went .. 11 4.1 I J tm , nn up an over me wuriu 10 ?i.zu an ounce. The passage of the bill and the signature of the nresident wnnlrl hnvn nn. the other nine cents at once. And yet there are people who tell us you can't legislate value into anything. The Kan san. . The Norfolk Asylum. Governor Holcomb has decided that the charges against Dr. Mackey are false and the motive that actuated the ac cusers was political and supplemented with a desire for revenge by discharged employees. What we object to was the bias that the daily paper at Norfolk used in reporting tne case. The eovernor is t(y be commended for the readiness in look ing up the records madeby his appointee.. A republican governor would hardly no nce cnarges against nis appointees when sworn affidavits of dishonesty and theft were Drought against them. Howells Journal. He Couldn't Explain. Last Saturday Holcomb asked Frank Lockard if he really believed that a high tariff cheapened prices. Frank thought it did. "Then," said Holcomb, "I wish, you would take it off from farm pro ducts; for they are getting so low we, can't stand it." Frank then tried to ex plain that the tariff raises the prices of everything one has to sell and cheapens everything One wants to buy; but he couldn't make Holcomb understand. The Liberator (Kansas.) How Crisp Favors Silver. Vicksbcrg, Miss., April 25, 1896. Hon. C. F. Crisp, Washington, D. C. You are quoted by Congressman Spen cer as favoring the re-election of Catch ings, the gold standard candidate in ths district, and this is being used and flaunted by the goldbug press. Can this be true? E. B. Bobbins. Washington, D. C, April 25, 1896. E. B. Robbins, Vicksburg, Miss. I said to Spencer thatCatchings was so valuable a member and had been so true to me that I hoped he would be re elected IN spite of his financial views. Charles F. Crisp. Indisputable Fraud. The populist ticket in Lousiana carried the state by nearly 40,000 majority, but fraudulent returns from black counties offset this and gave a reputed victory for the democrats. Thecase will be hotly contested in the courts, however, and the populists have a good chance to win, as the evidence of fraud is .indisputable. Free Republic (Ky.) The Beet Sugar Bounty. The republican legislature re-enacted the beet sugar bounty law, with a great flourish of trumpets, proclaiming they would fill the state with sugar. What is the result? The sugar trust has Dre- ventea tne Duuaing of a single sugar factory in the state. Oxnard has col lected the bounty at the expense of a de pleted state treasury, and the Nebras fcans pay as much for their sugar as the purchasers of that product do in any state in this country. Allen News. The Best In The Market. If you want to stir up local interest this campaign year, send to us for a dozen of our song books. Armageddon music is what vou want, Thut-c ; ing like it. Popular songs are worth more to attract new people to public meetings and make votes than all the routine work that can be done. Armag eddon means, the last'great battle be tween greed and goodness, wrong and wright. See our ad of Armageddon song book elsewhere in this issue. It is a great book.