The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 14, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    May 14, -896.
The Opening of the Convention Delayed
by a Bitter Dispute M to the Control
of the Hall Thousands Kept
Standing In m Jam for Three
Honrs Anti-Fllleyltee
Howled Down.
St. Joseph, Mo., May 13. At mid
night last night Major Warner and
ChauDcey L Filley had a long confer
ence over the plans for the Repnblican
State convention to-day. Each talked
in a friendly way, and it was hoped
that a compromise could be reached.
Later each consulted with his friends
and at 1 o'clock it was declared that
the deal was off. Filley was willing
to make the slate himself, Niedring
haus, Both well and Warner, or Bit
tinger in place of Both well but Kerens
he would not agree to. He was backed
by a delegation from St. Louis bitterly
opposed to Kerens. Warner and Bit
tinger refused to drop Kerens after
having gone into a fight with mm.
Conseqently this morning neither side
expected anything but a fight.
When the delegates prepared to go
to the hall this morning, it was found
that Major Bittinger and the lotal ex
ecutive committee had taken upon
themselves to issue all tickets of ad
mission. This added to the hard feel
ings, especially on the part of the
Filleyites, who charged that the local
- committee was prepared to admit the
Kerens men and refuse admission to
the St Louis Filleyites; in fact, that
Bittinger was going to keep out every
one he did not want admitted. A
squad of police stood outside the con
vention hall to keep the crowd back.
At 9 o'clock there were 1,500 people in
front of the buildincr.
Filley hastily called a meeting of
the State committee for 9:30 o'clock.
He had 1,500 tickets circulating among
his friends, and the delegates and the
opposition had as many more. Then
he sent John Armstrong, the ser-geant-at-arms
chosen by the State
committee, to take possession of the
halL Lester M. Crawford, the pro
prietor of the opera house, refused to
give him the keys, saying that he
would give them to no one except
Shortly before 1 1 o'clock Bittinger
went before the State committee. The
members were angry and Zeigenheira
of St. Louis charged the local commit
tee with unfairness and with giving
tickets to its friends instead of dele
gates. Bittinger replied: "You don't
know what, you are talKing about."
He said the committee had tickets for
the State committee and would gladly
give them to the committeemen when
the committee was ready for them.
He then gave the members from the
different districts each a proportionate
share of the tickets. He plainly
charged that the local Filley men had
printed and distributed thousands of
tickets to the Filley workers, the sole
purpose being to pack the convention.
The committee remained in session
after Bittinger left for a long time.
Chairman Filley of the state com
mittee, B. F. Russell, Albert Griffin,
the temporary secretary, and Con
gressman Bartholdt, the temporary
chairman selected by the state com
mittee, were admitted to the hall at
12:18 o'clock through a side door.
They took seats on the platform and
began to arrange tables. The police
outside were reinforced and five min
utes later the front door was opened
and the sergeant-at-arms began to
admit delegates. The Kerens tickets
were white and those of the central
committee blue. The central com
mittee's order to its sergeant-at-arms
was to admit, first, only those who
had 'badges prepared by Bittinger's
committee, but distributed by the
state committee. Nathan Frank and
Kerens sent a bunch of fifty tickets to
their supporters outside.
Everybody with a delegate's badge
or a ticket was admitted. Most of the
delegates had been standing for three
hours in the jam against the theater
It was 1:05 o'clock before the crowd
was seated and Chairman Fflley of the
State committee rose to call the meet
ing to order. His friends cheered
wildly for a minute or more.
The Filley delegates from St. Louis
were seated as regulars in the body of
the hall. The Kerens delegates, who
had tickets, got seats in the gallery.
Filley urged the Republicans to
work for oiganization. He said that
McKinley would bo nominated in June
and elected in November; that Mis
souri would elect a Republican gover
nor, a Republican legislature and a
Republican electoral vote.
Filley then mtroduce'd Congressman
Richard Bartholdt, the temporary
chairman, who counseled harmony of
George A. Neal of Kansas City
offered a resolution providing that all
resolutions should be sent to the com
mittee on resolutions. It was carried
and the convention proceeded to se
lect committees by districts.
While the secretary was calling the
roll of districts, a Filley man an
swered for the Eleventh district
Nathan Frank, leader of the Kerens
faction, said that that district was in
contest and undertook to read a list
for his delegation, but was howled
down and the chair ruled him out of
order on an appeal raised by Spencer
of St Louis. James Moran of
Buchanan county said that he ob
jected to a man whose seat was con
tested sitting on his own case. He
was silenced and the call by districts
Moran renewed his objections, but
was howled down. Another delegate
who tried - to make a similar protest
was silenced on a point of order, and
the convention took a recess unWl 3
The votes by which Nathan Frank
was silenced and Chairman Bartholdt
sustained in bis rulings and the sub
sequent vote to adjourn while Keren's
friends were trying to get the floor
showed that FilUy was stronger than
the opposition in his effort to seat his
St Louis delegates, at least so long
as the St Louis delation voted on
its own right to tit in the convention.
The fact that the St. Louis delegation
was allowed to vote on all questions
in the temporary organization appar
ently insured their being ultimately
seated in the permanent organiza
tion. Bartholdt's rulings are condemned
as arbitrary.
Kauai City Ballot Box Staffers Saved
by the Supreme Court.
Kansas Citt, Mo., May 13. By a
decision handed down by Judge Bur
gess in the Supreme court at Jefferson
City this morning the indictments
against John May, Charles S. Owsley,
John Moran, H. G. Bristow, R. L,
Krueger, O. W. Krueger and other
principles accused of the conspiracy
to steal the election of 1894, stand for
nothing and the alleged conspirators
are to go free.
The Supreme court reversed the
decision of the lower court in the case
of Ralf L. Krueger and discharged
him. In the same decision the case of
O. A. Clark, one of the judges of Pre
cinct No. 5, who was convicted and
sentenced to nine months for falsify
ing returns, was reversed and the case
remanded to the lower court
The decision in the Krueger case
holds that, under the existing law,
only the judges and clerks can le
convicted of the crime of election
stealing or ballot box stuffing. The
court held that "other persons" meant
only election officers in fact
Credentials Belne Examined and Speeches
Heard Lively Contests Expected.
Washington, May 13, The supreme
council of the American Protective
association held an informal meeting
this morning, but no business was
transacted except the appointment of
a committee on credentials, which at
once began making up the roll of the
Supreme President H. J. Traynor
declared that if the old party refuses
, to recognize the principles of the A.
IP. A., a call will be issued for a na
tional convention to organize a new
pui wnicu win ue juiueu vy uibizeuct
who are tired of ring rule.
A meeting of the full advisory board
will be held to-night, when the action
of the executive committee of that
board on McKinley's candidacy will
be considered.
Denver Republicans Quarrel Bitterly De
I spite a Fair Presiding; Officer.
' Denveb, CoL, May 13. -The Arapahoe
county Repnblican convention, to
' elect delegates to the First congress
ional district convention and to the
State convention, was in session until
3 o'clock this morning without accom
plishing anything more than organiz-
: ation. Although for five hours Mrs.
Carrie O. Kitter was in the chair, the
convention resembled a beer garden
and numerous personal altercations
occurred. The water and tramway
companies' adherents finally obtained
. the upper hand and beat Mayor Mc-
I Murray's followers. Both sides pro
fess to be in favor of sending Senator
I Teller as a delegate to the national
Kansas Templars Sleet
Lawbence, Kan., May 13. Mar
shall's Military band of Topeka led
the Knights Templars this morn
ing. It marched up the main street,
ending at the Masonic hall. Law
rence had forty-six Knights in line,
Topeka forty-two, Newton twenty
seven, Wichita twenty, Parsons
twenty, Ottawa sixteen and Junction
City seventeen. Following these were
the grand lodge officers in carriages.
Burned by Tramps.
I Emporia, Kan., May 13. Kirchen
dall's elevator at Americus, ten miles
' north of here, which contained several
I thousand bushels of oats, was burned
. with its contents last night, as was
I also a freight car, to which tramps set
i fire and from which the flames spread.
The city officials say that seventy-five
tramps are fed here every day and the
central part of the State seems to be
full of them.
Divine Scientists Meet
Kansas City, Mo., May 13. The
anti-Eddy "Divine Scientists" met in
international conference at the Acad
emy of Music this morning. The full
official title of the conference is, "The
Third International Congress of Sci
entists, called by the International
Divine Science Association." It con
tinues throughout the week. Dele
gates from all over the United States
are present.
William A. Slmsrott Dead.
Chicago, May 13. William A. Sim
srott, ex-secretary and treasurer of
the Switchmen's union, died last night
of quick consumption.. In 1886 he
was elected to the important position
in the Switchmen's union which he
held until 1834. His disappearance
during the summer of that year caused
a great deal of excitement when it was
found that his accounts were short to
the extent of 840,000. After two weeks'
search he was located in the Washing
tonian home. There was no prosecu
tion and soon the Switchmen's union
went to pieces.
Presbyterianlsm Abandoned.
St. Lopis, Mo., May 13. The com
mittee appointed by the Presbyterian
board to look into the affairs of Grace
Church, which has been involved in
pecuniary trouble with its pastor, the
Rev. Mr. Mulholland, reported yester
day morning in the presence of Mul
holland and his son at a meeting of
the board. Thereupon the St Louis
Presbytery voted to dissolve the pas
toral relation. Mulholland dumb
founded the assemblage by presenting
his resignation from the Presbyterian
Church of the United States.
President Cleveland. Vice President
Stevenson, Supreme Court, Diplo
matic Corps, Both Honsea of
Congress and Other Notables
Witness the Imposing;
Washington, May 13. The heroic
equestrian statue of Major General
Winfield Scott Hancock was unveiled
here this afternoon before an immense
gathering, which included President
Cleveland, Vice President Stevenson
and representatives of the Supreme
court, the diplomatic corps, both
houses of Congress and many army
veterans and colleagues of the late
general. Four companies of artillery,
marching as infantry, four companies
of marines, with the Marine band,
light battery C, Third artillary, a
squadron from the Sixth cavalry, the
full district militia and numerous
military organizations, including the
Second army 'corps, at the head of
which General Hancock achieved his
greatest victories, participated in the
parade. Brigadier General Brooke,
commanding the department of the
Dakotas, U. S. A., was the grand
martial of the day.
The exercises opened with a prayer
by the Right Rev. James Y. Satterlee,
bishop of Washington. The principal
address was delivered by Senator
John M. Palmer of Illinois, major
general of the United States volun
teers during the war. A salute was
fired as the unveiling of the statue
took place.
Senator Palmer's address was de
voted to a eulogy of the manly and
soldierly qualities of General Han
cock and contained a beautiful tribute
to his wife, who was his biographer.
The statue stands in the heart of
the business district of Washington.
It is the woik of Henry J. Elliott, the
noted sculptor, and its total height is
33 feet 8 inches. The distance from
the plinth to the top of the hat is 14
feet fl inches, and the height of the
pedestal from the ground to the plinth
is 19 feet 2 inches. The proportions
of the rider are such that if standing
erect he would measure ten feet in
height. .
Federal Courts In Ewo States Protect
the Armour Company., 1
Kansas Citt, Mo., May 13. The
Amour Packing Company, through At
torneys Pratt, Ferry and Hagerman,
went before Judge Philips of the
United States court in this city last
night, and applied for a restraining
order to prevent the striking firemen
and the local labor organizations
from declaring a boycott against the
Armour products. The temporary re
straining order was granted, and late
last night and to-day the United
States marshal and his deputies
served papers on the defendants. The
injunction is directed against the forty-four
striking firemen, the griev
ance committee, President Duffy and
the members of the Trades assembly,
and the heads of the various unions;
At Topeka this morning a similar
application was made to United
States Judge Foster, and a temporary
restraining order was granted for the
Kansas side, the hearing being set for
Monday next at 10 o'clock.
The Chicago Bankers Sureties for Ex
. Treasurer Ramsay of Illinois Liable.
Cabltle, 11L, May 13. Judge Wall
of the circuit court has decided that
the ten Chicago bondsmen of the late
State Treasurer Ramsay are not en
titled to reimburse themselves out of
his estate for $363,000 paid into the
state treasury to make good his defal
cation. The court held that the loan
ing of state funds to the banks by his
sureties was illegal and against pub
lic policy, and that the arrangement
with his bondsmen tended to malfeas
ance in office. According to this opin
ion the bondsmen are liable to pros
ecution under the criminal code and
it is said. the Carlyle creditors of the
state treasurer will attempt 'to have
the bondsmen indicted for conspiracy.
The House Judiciary Committee Reports
Favorably the House BilL
Washington, May 13. The House
committee on judiciary to-day ordered
a favorable report on the bill to es
tablish a site for a federal peniten
tiary to cost not exceeding $150,000,
on the military reservation at Fort
China Settles Missionary Claims.
Tien Tsin, May 10. United States
Chairman Reed, the chairman of the
Cheng-Tu commission, has succeeded
in securing payment in full of the
Baptist missionary union claims for
property losses in the Se-Chuen riot
Thus all the American claims have
been settled in a friendly manner,
China paying the whole amount de
manded. Bond Investigators Appointed.
Washington, May 13. At a meeting
of the committee, Chairman Morrill
appointed as the subcommittee of five
to investigate the bond sales, Senators
Harris, Vest and Walthall. Democrats,
and Piatt, Republican, and Jones of
Nevada, Populist , .
Macon's Postmaster Dead.
Macon, 'Ma, May 13. Postmaster
Frank A. Dessert died this morning
of dropsy of the heart, at the age of
47. He had been postmaster before,
ind a delegate to nearly every State
Democratic convention for twenty
Exposition People are Anxious to Mave De
cent Depot Facilities.
Omaha, Neb., May 12. A committee
of prominent citizens of Omaha, repre
senting the trans-Mississippi exposi
tion directory, the commercial club,
and the retail dealers' association,
called upon General Manager Holdrege
Saturday afternoon in the interest of
the new union depot question. A
monster petition, signed by nearly aU
the leading business men of the city
having shipping interests, as well as
by a number of professional men, was
presented. It was addressed to Presi
dent Perkins of the Burlington, and
recited the shameful manner in which
Omaha had been treated in regard to
its depot facilities and urged the Burl
ington road to withdraw its objections
to the proposed metropolitan depbt
and make arrangements to enter the
same. Mr. Holdrege accorded the del
egation a courteous reception and in
reply to the appeal said that he should
ee President Perkins within the next
fortnight and would then lay the mat
ter before him, He also agreed to ask
President Perkins to come to Omaha
md grant the delegation a hearing.
Victim of a Well Cave-In Undoubtedly
North Loup, Neb., May 12. While
Alva Hughes was making preparations
So clean out a deep well on the Up
right farm, about ten miles southwest
f this place, a man named Bowers,
who was present to draw up the earth,
leard him cry out just as he seemed to
reach the bottom. In .his consterna
;ion and excitement Bowers vas un
ible to act intelligently and ran to a
ield were George Upright was at work
io summon assistance. It is reported
ihat, on throwing a reflected light into
the well, the unfortunate man's hand
ivas still visible above a slump of cav
hg sand. At any rate a messenger
hastened to this place for L. 0. Hamel,
1 well and pump man, who went out in
the night with appliances to atttempt
i rescue. Owing to the time, wasted,
However, no hope is entertained of
Snding him alive, especially since an
idditional ten or fifteen feet of sand is
said to have caved off.
William E. Green, Despondent From Drink,
Kills Himself.
Lincoln, Neb., May 13. "Well,
t guess I'm about gone. I've
taken poison," were the words with
which William E. Green startled his
wife yesterday morning about 8 o'clock,
rhey proved true, though the man
lingered until about 3:30, when he died.
Mr. Green was a pap r hanger who has
lived in Lincoln about five years. His
home has been recently in the house
just south of the alley on the west side
it Twelfth between L and M streets,
ind there he died. He was fifty-five
pears old and had raised a family of
five girls, only one of whom is now at
home. Three are in Iowa and one in
Fremont, Neb. He was born in Elk
Creek, W. Va., but has lived in Iowa
eleven years and a brief time at Fre
mont. Tried to Kill Hhn.
Omaha, Neb., May 12. Wm. Wilson
ivas arrested last Saturday night
jharged with attempting to kill John
Martig, a bartender at the saloon of
Emil Galls, Ninth and Douglas. Wilson
had some trouble with Mortig and the
bartender threw him out. Later he
returned and fired five shots at Martig,
everyone of which din not hit the in
tended victim. The bystanders then
pounced on Wilson and beat him into
Run Over by a Hand Car.
. uinam, Neb., May 12. Anpocident
which nearly proved fatal, occurred
here yesterday morning. While the
section men were going to work one of
the handle bars on the hand car broke,
throwing Pat O'Brien on the track in
front, and the car, containing nine
men, ran over him, breaking three ribs
and otherwise injuring him. He was
brought to town and doctors were
called to attend him. It is said the
company will remove him to Holyoke
for treatment.
Death of I.oran Clark.
Albion, Neb., May 12. A telegram
from Battle Creek, Mich., yesterday
announces the death at place of Loran
Clark, for many years a prominent res
ident of Boone county. Mr. Clark went
there some time ago to receive treat
ment for a stomach trouble of long
standing, and it was this ailment which
caused death. He was well known
in the state and was one a candidate
for state treasurer on the republican
Foraker Denies A. P. A. Stories.
Cincinnati, Ohio, May 12. Senator
elect Joseph B. Foraker denies ve
hemently the charge from St Louis
that he was behind the A. P. A. at
tack on McKinley. He declares that
he is going to the convention solely
for McKinley and has no second
William Simpson Sloan Dead.
New York, May IX William Simp
son Sloan, rice president of the Dele
ware, Lackawanna & Western rail
road, died to-day, after a Ion? illness.
He was the son of Samuel Sloan, pres
ident 01 tne roaa, was one of eleven
children and was born in 1859.
Found In the Roadway.
Genoa, Neb., May 12. -Early Saturday
morning the news was brought to town
that John Strum, a man in the employ
of A. E. Anderson on the old Cobbins
ranch, about six miles northwest of
Genoa, was found lying dead on the
road. No marks of violence were
found and it is thought he was struck
by lightning, but what the coroner's
jury will discover remains to be seen.
The Greater New York BUI Signed.
Albany, N. Y., May 13. Governor
Morton signed the greater New York
bjll to-day
HI Nam It Smith and He Acted as
Agent for Rnssla Six Russian and
Fonr American Warships There
English Papers Declare It
Is a Warlike Action and
Are Mnch Stirred Dp.
London, May 13. A special dispatch
from Shanghai says that the Russians,
through an American agent named
Smith, have taken possession of the
disputed shore territory at Cheefoo,
over which the British claim rights.
Six Russian warships are there, as
wu aa th Detroit, Yorktown, Olym-
pia and Machias of the United States
A dispatch to the Globe from shang
hai says the Russians have seized lot
12 of the British concession at the-
f 00, in defiance of all legal and treaty
The Globe s editorial comment on
the dispatches from Shanghai con
tains the remark that "the seriousness
of the news from Chefoo cannot be
overestimated. The action taken is in
direct contravention of the existing
laws and treaties, and cannot be
viewed by Great Britain as other than
an unfriendly act"
Says He Is Neither Great, Well-Balanoed,
Educated Nor Politically Astute.
New Yobs, May 13. Ex-Senator
Piatt issued a formal statement yes
terday in regard to the presidential
situation, in which the nomination of
Major McKinley is vigorously op
posed: "My opposition to Governor Mo
Klntey," Mr. Piatt says, "proceeds
almost entirely from my belief that
he will get the Republican party into
turmoil and trouble. He is not a
well-balanced man of affairs, as Gov
ernor Morton is. He is not a great
man, as Mr. Reed is. He is not a
trained and educated public man, as
Senator Allison is. He is not an as
tute political leader, as Senator Quay
is. He is simply a clever gentleman,
much too amiable and much too im
pressionable to be safely intrusted
with great executive office, whose
quest for honor happens to have the
accidental advantage of the assocla
toin of his name with the last Repub
lican protective tariff.
"When the delegates at St Louis
come to consider these matters their
choice for President will not be Wil
liam McKinley of Ohio. They are not
troinsr to determine the destiny of
their party in any 'hurrah, boys,'
spirit Mr. McKinley is still many
votes short of a nomination, and when
the delegates get together and com
pare notes they will realize that their
candidate should be a wise, temper
ate, conservative, educated states
man, with definite policies, fixed opin
ions and a safe record."
Kansas City Methodist's Attack on En
deavorers Arouses the Conference.
Cleveland, Ohio, May 13. At the
meeting of the committee on the state
of the church of the Methodist gen
eral conference yesterday evening,
the Rev. Dr. Quayle of Kansas
City, in the course of his
remarks about the Christian Endeav
orers, in their attempt to . secure a
recognition of the Deity in the
United States constitution, is quoted
by the morning papers as having said:
"Not long ago that organization not
only made itself ridiculous and all the
churches which it represented, but
actually made the religion of Christ
ridiculous by praying for the redemp
tion of Bob IngersolL Do you think
that the Methodist church would ever
be guilty of such an act of absolute
To-day in the Methodist conference
F. J. Cheny of Central New York pre
sented a resolution which recited the
fact that the local morning papers
had quoted a member of the confer
ence as above, and disclaimed any re
sponsibility for such sentiment by the
general conference, and also indorsed
the En deavorers The resolution re
pudiating the purported language of
Dr. Quayle Dy the conference was
adopted after a hot discussion, .
A Colored Secret Political Order.
Fbankfobt, Kan., May 13. It is re
ported that a new secret political or
der has been formed among the col
ored people called the Mystic Band of
the Great Emancipator. It is said to
have originated in Leavenworth and
Atchison and to be for the political
and social benefit of the coloted people
of Kansas.
Louisiana Also for McKinley.
Baton Rouge, La., May 13. The
State convention of the Republican
party met here yesterday afternoon.
General W. J. Behan presided. The
following were elected delegates to
St Louis: A. A. Maginnis of New
Orleans, E. N. Conroy of St. Mary's,
Anthony Doherty of East Baton
Rouge, R. H. Hackney of New Orleans.
Resoluticns were adopted pledging
the delegates to McKinley.
Sonthern Methodist Mission Needs.
Nashville, Tenn., May 13. The
board of missions of the Methodist
Episcopal church, South, which has
been in session for several days, ad
journed yesterday after making an
assessment of 1350,000 for foreign
Foot Men Killed by Lightning.
Cadiz, Ky., May 13. Yesterday
evening during a severe hail and wind
storm, John J. Wallace, a farmer, and
bis three sons sought shelter under a
large tree. A bolt of lightning struck
It ami killed all of them instantly.
State Convention Declares for Free Sli
ver, but Refuses to Bolt.
Butte, Mont, May 13. The first
fight in the Republican convention
yesterday was over the contesting
delegations from Granite county. The
convention, by a vote of 100 to 192,
seated the anti-A. P. A. delegates.
The platform was a strong free silver
Charles Q. Johnson of Silver Bow
offered a substitute resolution, that
the delegates to St Louis walk out of
the convention if nothing is done for
silver. The resolution was laid on
the table.
Senators Carter and Mantle and
Congressman Hartman were nomi
nated delegates to St Louis by ac
clamation, and Thomas Marshall, J.
W. Streville and Alexander Metzel, by
ballot Marshall was a Democrat un
til a year ago.
The delegates were not instructed
and no efforts were made to instruct
them. - -
Speech From the Throne Bars Relations
With Uncle Sam Are Friendly.
Madrid, May 18. The Cortes reas
sembled yesterday. The speech from
the throne declares that Spain has ful
filled beyond measure the promises
she made to the Cubans after the first
rebellion. In the United States,
despite the efforts of public opinion in
the contrary direction, the President
and his government have not separ
ated themselves from the line of con
duct and the loyal friendship which
have always existed between the two
countries since the creation of the
Nebraska Again Storm Swept '
Omaha, Neb., May 13. A terrible
storm swept over Eastern Nebraska
last night, doing great damage, espe
cially in rural districts. In Omaha
many small buildings were damaged,
and torrents of water foil. In some
sections it assumed the proportions of
a cyclone and reports indicate much
Dave Overmyer Defeated.
Topeka, Kan., May 13. The first
step In the program of downing David -Overmyer
in his candidacy for dele
gate to the Democratic national con
vention has been accomplished by his
enemies here. He was defeated for
delegate to the county convention
from his home precinct, Highland
park. . . .. :
Jefferson City Prison Overflowing.
Jefferson Citt, Ma, May 13.
Twenty-six prisoners were received at
the penitentiary yesterday from St
Louis and twelve from Kansas City,
with a half dozen or more from vari
ous counties. These accessions
swelled the prison population to the
highest figure it has ever reached, 2,
227. 7 . ' - .
Windfall For Hiawatha Academy.
Hiawatha, Kan., May 1 8. -Mrs.
Mahala Hoover, a wealthy widow,
died here yesterday. In her will she
bequeathed over 825,000 to the Ilia:
watha academy, an institution found
ed and maintained by the citizens of
Hiawatha without regard to sect or
color. - -
Editor of Pnok Dead.
New Yobk, May 1 3. Henry Cuyler
Bunner, editor of Puck, died yester
day afternoon at his residence in Nut
ley, N. J., from tubercular "consump
tioa Mrs. Bunner and his children
were at the bedside when death came.
Kansas Citt, Mo., May ii. There was some
inquiry for small lots out of store to-day, to go
to Texas. One lot of 5,000 bushels mixed No. 3
red sold at a low price and 8,0jQ bushels of
choice No. 2 hard with special billing sold at
&8c. A car of choice No. 2 hard was offered on
tin floor at 8 without a hover.
Hard Wheat No. 2 58o: No 3, 45c; No. 4,
38oi rejected, 3)3ic Soft Wheat No. 2, 63c;
No. 3. 57c; No. 4, 45 50c; rejected, 4)i45c.
Spring Wheat-N . 2, 65g5fict No. 3, 5$54c;
rejected, 45's."Jc ; white spring wheat, 4555c.
Corn-No. 4.2340; No. a, 28o; No 4, 22
2. He: white corn. No. i, VHo; xo. 3, a3a.
Oats-No. !. 16c; No 3, 15c; No. 4, lie; no
grade, 1213o; No. 2 white, lfloi No. 3 white,
18 C.
K e No. ?. 82c; No. 3, ?2c; No. 4 Do.
Eggs Native Kantai anl Missouri strictly
fresh candled stock. 7c dozen; 7!4o in new No '
2 eases. Sonthern stock. 5c.
Poultry Hons, 3 tgBc; springs, $333 2' per
dozen for lit to 2 ponn ls;l c per pound f-r 1 to
1 pound springs. , Turkeys Hons, 7c, gob
blers, 6c; old, &c Ducks, 80. Geese, not
wanted. Pigeons 90c$l per dozen.
Butter Creamery, extra fancy separator,
14c;flrsts, 13c; dairy fancy, 12o; fair, 10c; store
packed, fresh, 83iJc; packing stock, tof'Xfl.
Applns Only three varieties are to be found.
Irini-ingsburg p ppins, $i.M) per barrel; Ben
DavU, tt.)l 5 00; Wine Sap. .50ii0.
Potetoe9 Home grown, slow, Ulro in a
small way; choice, Vc per bushel in car lots;
fancy, c pot bushel
Chicago Board Of Trade.
CHiCAOO,May 13. The following U the ranare
of price of the grain and provisioa market on
the Board ot iraae:
May 11.
81 !4
7 52
7 il
7 77
4 55
4 eivt
4 77y,
5 97
4 03
4 20
live Stock.
Kansas Cot, Mo , May 1 8. Cattle Re
ceipts, 5.839; calves, l'l; shipped yesterday,
724 cattle, no calves. The market w is weak.
Drepaed bef and export steers. $3.rt$3.95
Western steers $8.0063.50
Cows and heifers ; .253.65
Stickers and feeders $2.0)3.7S
Calves j.M3.0
Hogs Receipts. 13,896; shipped yesterday,
S3'. The market opened strong to 5 cents
higher and closed weak. The top sale was
$ .3) and the balk of sales from 18.1) to 3. JO.
Sheep Receipts, 4,127; shipped yesterday,
1,6 a The market was active and steady.
Following are to-day's sales:
8 7 Kansas lambs, TO.. .... . 4 55
11 lambs, 89. 25
113 clipped Kan as lambs, 4 IV
Slexas lambs, 146 2 71
8: Texas lambs (J
5 Utah, 92 2 5
High. Low. Vfc
&Uy 62 61 6i
July t4 fH t4
Septembar... 4X 63X "X
May 29 8X 9
July T) 30 mi
September. .. Sl 11 31
May ..... .. 184
July 19X 191 1954
September... 20S 2UH
May I 60
July 7 724 7 6) 7 70
September... 7 67 S 7 77V4 T 87
May ...
July 4 6 V 4 62 4 65
September. .. 4 80 4 77 4 80
Shobt Kibs
May 4 0
July -112 0. 4 12
September... i7 4 2! Z& .