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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1896)
i i I. v, The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. VII. LINCOLN, NEBR.;iTHURSDAY, MAY 14, 1896. NO. 49- V mm a : i ALLEN GOES FOR HILL The Great "I am a Democrat' Knocked out of the Box. WHO ORGANIZED THE SENATE? The Democrats Responsible for Giv ing it to the Republicans. No Trading ha Ever Been Done by the PopallsU. Senator Hill priding himself on his ability in a hand to band scrap on the floor of the senate thought he would try it on Allen and he got knocked clear out of the box on the first round. Hill was charging that the populist in the senate were voting with one party and then the other but the final windup was that the populists put the senate organization in to the hands of the republicans. Allen completely turned the tables on him and proved that it was the democrats, who of their own free will gave the organiza tion to the republicans. This is the way Allen left Hill banging in the air without so much as a fleecy cloud of fact to rest his feet upon. Mr. Hill. While I differ with the dis tinguished Senator from Kentucky upon this financial question, there is more in in democracy than the mere question of finance. No true, faithful democrat, no matter in what State of this Union he may be, is to be proscribed because of his financial views, especially upon de .. tails. ' Mb. Allen. They are being proscribed. Mb. Hill. My friend the Senator from Nebraska Mb. Allen need not become the guardian of the democratic party We can take care of our own troubles and our own squabbles. Sir, what, did your populist in the legislature of Ken tucky do? They took a position first up on one side in tlA Kentucky legislature and then on the other side, just as you do here, trying to stir up strife, peddling your votes upon one side or the other for a little mess of patronage. You have no right to take any hand in a suggestion that the democracy did wrong to the Senator from Kentucky Mb. Blackbubn in the contest in Kentucky. If your men had been so favorable to free silver as you pretend to be, at one juncture they could have elected Mr. Blackbubn as Senator from Kentucky, I do not blame my friend the Senator from Nebraska, however. He is the prospective candi date of the populist party for president, unless the Senator from South Carolina - Mr. Tillman gets over pretty soon and crowds him off his platform. Of course the Senator from Nebraska wants to stir up all the trouble qe can. He has more sympathy Mr. Allen. Mr. President The President pro tempore. Does the Senator from New York yield to the Sen ator from Nebraska? Mr. Hill. With great pleasure. I knew the Senator would . be in the fight before we got through. : Mr. Allen. I desire to correct the Senator from New York, and I hope that before he concludes Jiis remarks he will modify the statement, because I know he does not mean it... While the two Pop ulists in the Kentucky legislature were under no greater obligation to the Sena tor from Kentucky Mr. Blackburn than they were to a member 0f any party to which they tlid not belong, they, in consequence of being Silver men, gave gave him their votes at a time wMf.if he had receive'd the . full democratic strength, he would have been elected. e " Let me correct the Senator also as. to another matter, because I know be does Snot mean what he said. I call his attea . tion to it and give him an opportunity to correct himself. The Senator from New York certainly does not mean that the populists in this chamber have ped dled their votes to anybody. Mr.Hill. As my friend Mr. Allen., Does the Senator mean that? . Mr. Hill. As my friend said once, when he stated that a Senator on the other side lied, metaphorically speak ing Mr. Allen. Oh! Mr. Hill. So I Say, metaphorically speaking. Mr. Allen. If the Senator will per mit me to say a word. I will subside. It has got to be a funny thing, a common thing, a smart thing for some one who is ignorant of the facts, because he wants to say something at the expense of a person or a party that he thinks is in capable of cariDg for his or its rights, to lay all the isms and things of that kind to a particular party or person. It has become so in the galleries in reference to a Senator who has spoken. It certainly is a disgraceful thing. But it has become popular in this Chamber to speak of the populist party peddling its votes and dickering between the two old parties. I wish to say to the Senator from New York, to the Senate, and to the country that there have never been any negotia tions, directly or indirectly, between the populist party in this Chamber and the republican or democratic party upon the subject of the reorganization of the Sen ate or upon the subject of patronage not a particle more than there has been between the populists and the Czar of Russia. I feel confident that when the Senator from New York understands this he will not think it is very Titty or wise, or a thing to be laughed at or a charge to be mide with impunity that the pop ulist party has dickered and peddled its votes. . , Mb. Hill. That depends upon which way you look at it. I reccolect my rec ollection is farely good in regard to polit ical matters that all at once the demo cracy was surprised that our re publican friends, although they had not as they said a majority in this body, were going to take possession of the committee and in plain words, run the Senate. It came to us aa a matter of some surprise. We supposed they would think it wiser to wait until they were exactly certain that they had the re quisite number of ironclad republicans. .We called the roll, and our friends ou the other side, the populist senators, re mained silent in their seats and allowed the republicans to take the responsibility of organizing all the committees of the Senate, thereby enabling them largely to shape and control legislation. . That may have merely happened so. Mr. Allen. Will the Senator from New York permit me to interrupt at this point? Mb. Hill. Let me get through. The President pro tempore. Does the Senator from New York yield to the Sen ator from Nebraska? Mr. Hill. Certainly.' Mb. Allen. Then I think he will be satisfied. Let it be understood, and let the Sen ator from New York understand, if he never has understood before, that the populist party in this Chamber is not under the slightest obligation to the democratic party or to the republican party. There is no kinship existing be tween the populist party and either party. We are here to accomplish what we de sire to accomplish. I stated at the time and I repeat that it was the deliberate judgement of our caucus there are not many of us, but we have a caucus occas ionallythat the republican party being in power in the House should be in pow er here and be held responsible for the legislation of this Congress the demo cratic party having failed to do anything. I call upon the senior Senator from Maryland Mr. Gorman now to bear testimony to the fact that a week or more before the reorganization I voluntar ily said to him, as the leader of his party, that we would not vote and would not help the democratic party retain the or ganization. Is not that true? Mb. Sorman. That is unquestionably true. I will make it broader than that and state that I have never known at any time sincethe Senator from Nebraska has been a member of this body that he has sought to make any arrangement or has had any arrangement suggested to him in relation to this matter. Mb. Allen. Then, Mr. President, one more thing and I will yield to the Senator from New York and not inter rupt him any more. That was true.' We called attention to the fact, and I call the attention of the Senator from New York and country to it, that if the dem ocratic party had pursued the same pol icy w'epursued.namely not to have voted, to have refrained from voting on that occasion, they had it in their power to defeat the reorganizaticn, because the re publican party did not have a majority, and therefore did not have a quorum. But they saw fit to vote, and they lost the organization. Mb. Hill. I do not think, Mr. Presi dent, that the last statement is borne out by the facts. I do not see how the democrats could have defeated the re publicans from organizing the senate, I mean taking the committees, if our friends on the other side had not re mained quiet. Mb. Allen. If the democrats had re mained quiet Mb. Hill. That is because we were paired. Mb. Allen. If the Senator will per mit me, if the democrats had remained in their seats and not voted, as the popu lists remained in their seats and refused to vote, then the republicans did not have a quorum in the senate and they could not have disturbed you in the' committeeships. The responsibility is with your party, not with mine. In twenty years there has not been a heater thing done on the floor of the senate. Democracy's great champion was completely beaten. Take the Consequences. We would like to ask the business men of this city why so many of their tene ment houses are empty? It is estimated that we have at this time no less than one hundred of these tenantless houses. The owners of all these houses are nearly all membars of the old parties. They have had all they asked for in the shape of legislation. They have given us a pro tective tariff, a gold standard, and plen ty of long time bonds. Now why don't you rent your houses and pay your bills? You have given us a money that is "good in Europe" and howled "fifty cent dollar" at every one who differed from you in politics. Why are you not satisfied? What are -you whining about hard times for? With cringing servility you have bowed to corpora tions and clung to old party doctrines. Why do you not stand uplikemen and take the consequences? You will have many more empty tenements before you have less, but you should console your selves with the thought that we have now got a "sound money" and the "finest banking system that the world ever saw."Selah. Maine Populist. No Kickers There, The populist coherence in this city yes terday was a harmonious gathering, wisely regardful of the prime necessity for every friend of reform, to work for a union of forces at the approaching na tional election. Denver News. For Better Prices. Albion, Neb., May 6, 1896. Editob Independent: An organiza eion of seventy of the best men in Boone county was effected last March, which should have been reported to your paper long ago. In my judgment it is one of the most important organizations that has started among the producers. The object is to get concerted action among the producers on marketing the crops The plan is to organize at least eight of thegrain-growing states. Each county is represented inthestatecompany and each state is represented in the national com pany. By this kind of organization we will know how much we will have to sell, can agree on a price before it leaves the pro ducers hands and as one man we will not sell till we get the agreed price. What we want now is small companies of the best staying men, reliable men, in each county to organize and wait for the other counties and states. It ia no use to make a move till the organization is perfect and then all act as one roan. Victory is ours. We are in it here to stay. We must win or be ruined. No man can live on 10 cent oats or 13 cent corn. X ' t Yours for better prices, , D.J. Pointer. STAND UP FOB NEBRASKA-T Bj Fighting Over Taxation and Boodung With State Fund Editor Independent: "Stand up for Ne braska" is a good motto and the citizen who cannot do this without a salary ought to move out of the state and stay out. . Now "standing up for Nebraska" means something more than standing up for the fertility of her soil and the matchless sun shine which falls on the 76,000 square miles of the earth's surface, embracing the geograpical center of the United States, but includes "standing up" for all the rights and interests of the million people inhabiting that territory and con ducting varied enterprises, organized under a code into a state, for local self government, with a complex system of city, county and township municipalities and a grand system of free schools, all voluntarily supported by the industy and intelligence of those people. Hence "standing up for Nebraska" means some thing. It means standing up for good government, for human rights, for liber ty and love. Let no man be accused of lack of patriotism or want of loyalty to Nebraska who with pen or pencil, in press or pulpit, or by ballot, opposes bad men, for public trusts and who protests against paid agents or "jury fixers'' manipulators of caucuses, con ventions and candidates. He is the patriot who opposes extravagant appro priations of public funds to promote private gain and who resists a raise of official salaries in times of distress and who combats an increase of clerkships and employes in such numbers that they have to "hide out" in order to conceal their uselessnessand lack of employment. No "calamity howl" can more injure the credit of the state with judicious business men than the statement of the simple truth published under official sanction, that the tax levy cannot be made high enough under the law to meet appropriations and that money levied and collected from the peo ple to the amount of millions of dollars are retained by officials for indefinite periods, loaned by them and often lost entirely to the people, or that officials having under their control hundreds of thousands of dollars of idle permanent public school funds have set aside and disregarded statute law and judicial de cision and refused to invest in interest bearing state securities these idlers favor for no other apparent reason than to accommodate banking and state officials. What prudent business man will invest his money in a state where legislative and other official extravegances outrun authority to tax, and where executive officers openly disobey the laws they are sworn to enforce and regard as void the decision of the supreme court of the state. "Stand up for Nebraska," for good government, honestly and economically administered and the state will prosper. P. They will buy it. The Post, the leading) democratic or gan of Washington, says: "The gold men are working under the personal in spiration and direction of the president, who considers the emergency serious, and an earnest attempt has already be gun to capture the delegations from the big ' states. Senator Brice has taken charge of this canvass and his victory in Ohio last fall when he snatched the convention away from the silver men causes great confidence to be placed up on the results of his work this year. He is organizing a bureau at the capital and is going to follow the same tactics that proved successful in Ohio when he wrote over 16,000 letters in two months to democrats of influence in the state." Mr. Brice is going to look after Indiana as well as Ohio. Ex-Mayor Hopkins of Chicago has opened headquarters in Illi nois for the gold interests and is prose cuting their fight with the aid of large expenditures of money and with good prospect of success. James J. Hill, mag nate of the Great Northern railroad, is doing similar work in Minnesota and the Dakotas. In the last week a change has come over the spirit of the dreams of silver men in the democratic party and it now appears that despite their early victories they are doomed to defeat in the national convention. And that means a bolt, a bolt that will be sup ported by the majority of the voters of the party. Half Fare to the Populint Convention. It has been definitely settled that all of the railroad passenger associations in the United States, will make a one-fare rate for the round trip, to all who at tend the people's party and stiver con ventions, July 22d. Tickets will be on sale July Wth, 20th, 21st, good to re turn until the 27tb. ; ' AWORDTO MR.C0LUNS. Who Purloined a Lie and Gave it Away. FOB "SIXTEEN TO ONE OB BUST." A Business Man Calls Collins to Order And Has His Words Taken Down. An Appeal to Republicans to Stand by Their First Frlnolples. Lincoln, Neb., April 30, 1896. Editor Nebraska Independent: If you will give me space in your paper I should like to say a word about the balance of trade. I have read and heard much from re publican newspapers about the balance of trade; that it is, and has been against the United States since 1894. Mr. F. W. Collins in a 60-called speech entitled "16 to 1 or bust," which he heads (Buy the truth and sell it not) on page 24, gives the following: "Why the gold is leaving us? "It is leaving us for the very good reason that the balance of trade is against us, because are buying more than we are selling across the sea. Because, in the first four months of 1895, the value of qur imports exceeded the value of our exports by $ 68,051, 551.00. "Because, under the perfidious and dis honest tariff of today, Europe and the European importer's trusts, have Ameri can manufacturers and American wage earners by the throat." Now, remember Mr. Collins says "buy the truth and sell it not."" I am afraid he did not buy the truth, nor do I believe that he wanted to tell the truth, when he wrote the above, for if he had, he-could have done as I did; write the secretary of the treasury and get his report. And if he had done this the report would have shown him that our imports and exports for the first four mouths of 1895 were as follows: imports. January .... $67,547,900 February 58,315,981 March 69,295,493 April. . 68,749,958 $2G3,909,332 expobts. January .'. ....$81,229,904 February. 55,982,734 March..... 65,161,847 April.. 65,255,641 $267,630,186 Excess of exports for the first four months of 1895 as shown by this table is $3,720,854. ( Can any one tell me where Mr. Collins got his information or where he bought the truth, that he refused to sell? Mr. M. O. Ricketta of Omaha said about the same when he and Mr. Thurs ton were here at the Funke Opera house. I find a great many republicans will not believe the report of the secretary of the treasury, but if we cannot believe his report, where shall we go for our in formation? Also in the some report (page' 9) I find the balance of trade in favor of the United States for the year 1894 was $237,145, 950 and in 1895 it was $75,568,200. The balance of trade was more in our favor in the year 1894 than it had been since the year 1881. The following is taken from the latest issue of "The Defender" pablished by the American Protective Tariff League of New York; page 138: Exports 18M. . ...,JS9,0o8,158 Imports 1894 ,. 647,778,017 Excess ot exports., ... ,.$221,283,141 Exports 1895 ,$798,053,018 Imports 1S95 731,960,319 Excess of exports... $01,592,699 It will be seen that the above fiirures do not exactly agree with those of the secretary of the treasury, but they do not change the facts except in making the balance of trade in our favor a little less. In the report of the secretary (page 10 11) is given our imports and exports by months. To compare the McKinley with the Wilson bill, I took the first six teen months of each bill. The report only gives the imports and exports of the Wilson bill from September 1, 1894, when it went into effect, to December 31, 1895, which makes the sixteen months. The following is the result of the com parison: , MCKINLEY BILL. First Sixteen months: July 1, 1890 to October 81, 1891. Exports $1,205,560,672 Imports.. . 1,106.262,687 Excess of exports ...$99,313,985 ' WILSON BILL. First Sixteen months: September 1, 1894 to Decern ber 81, 1895. Export ............$1,132,145,122 Imports 1,025,034,087 Excess ot Imports $107,111,035 Mr. Editor: My object in sending you this letter is to show some of the doubt ing republicans, that it is not the tariff that is hurting us. l am a republican who believes in the tariff and free silver 16 to 1, and from what I can learn the thing that is hurting the country is the existing gold standard that Grover Cleveland, with the help of the republl. cans in the house and senate, baa put upon us. More republicans voted for the repeal of the Sherman law in the senate than democrats. As a republican, I can see no reason for following the gold God, Jrover Cleveland. He does not repre sent one single principle of what the re publican party was founded upon, or what it has won its victories with in the past. I do not know of, nor do I believe that there ever was a platform written for the republican party, that endorsed a single gold standard until 1896. If there is such a platform any where I should like to know it. The reason that the gold is leaving us is not, as Mr. Collins and others say, be cause we are buying more goods from abroad than we are selling, as the above figures will show. Any one can see (take the tariff league report) that In the two years; 1894-1895, we sold $282,876, 040 more goods than we bought. Since Grover Cleveland and his followers worked the gold scare, they have disposed of $262,000,000 worth of bonds, making $544,876,040 that has been put into the United States treasury box. The tariff league report (naee 138) shows that the excess of expenditure over revenue was lor tne years: 1894...... $69,803,260.58 1895 42,825,049.29 Total.;.......................:..$112,628,809.87; an excess of expenditures over revenues for the two years. Where does the gold go to, if it does not go to redeem greenbacks and treas ury notes? And if that be true, and all reports show us it is true, why not pay greenbacks and treasury notes in silver as well as gold, when we are short of gold, as was intended by the law that created them, They read "payable in coin;" silver is coin with the government behind it, and that is better than having gold behind it. What we want is a double standard on we had prior to 1878, and a secretof the treasury who will use his owndiscretion, (and not Wall street's) and when there is a shortage of gold, pay silver. Then the two will, move along side by side. When we are short of one we can fall back on the other. Gold will not be able to go to a premium of 50 per cent as it does at the present time. Silver will be in competition with gold, being worth as much as gold, paying all debt and in every way its equal, gold could not go to a premium. These are the reasons why I believe in the free coinage of gold and silver. I know of no one who is afraid the credit of our country would suffer except Wall street and the gold men of the east. The common people are not afraid but that our money would beall right. They do not deal in money. But the men who do deal in money are crying out to keep up the gold standard of their money, or in other words increase the purchasing power of their dollar. I can see no reason why the purchasing power of corn, ; wheat, and cotton, in fact everything the farmer and laborer has to sell should not be increased as measured in dollars. A double standard will help those who have products to sell, while a single gold standard only helps those who have money (or dollars) to sell. Republicans, think before you vote for a single standard. Think of what you are voting for, and who it will benefit. Will it help the common peoplo, whom the republicans have always befriended, or will it help those who are able to help themselves? John Sherman, in his letter of April 27, 1896 to the Young Men's Republican Club of Brooklyn, said that McKinley was for a single gold standard, and silver as credit money. I hope it will prove not to be so when they meetat St. Louis, but if it is so, where will you stand? On the side of the common people, or will you vote for those who are grinding down and making slaves of the common people? The republicans will have this question to settle this fall; and I hope they will not let Wall street write the platform for them. If they do, we all know what it will mean. As for me, there will be but one choice; that will be to vote for the people. Yours truly, A. H. Glkasos. 1234 O street. Suppose We Try It. Lawrence J. McParlin, secretary of the people's party of the state of New York, reports that under the system introduced in that state each member conttibutes five cents to his local, five cents to the county emmitteeeach month, thus giv ing each of the political divisions of the party funds with which to carry on the campaign from one end of the year to the other. Under the system no one who is not a member of the association can vote at a people's party caucus, be a delegate or a nominee, this on the ground that no one should have the right of shaping the party's action who does not contribute to its existence. The system is said to give entire satisfaction and is commended to people's party workers in every state. Dues are paid by means of a due stamp affixed to a credit card. The card shows a member's stand ins: at sight; the stamps are 15 cents each and are sold to members by the local secretary. " A Desperate Cane. The American people are in extremis. They are in the jaws of death. They are fighting to save themselves and their families and their country and its lib erties; and woe unto the corrupt scoun drels who may stand in their way. It were better for those men that they had never been born. We hope the populist newspapers of this country will pass the word of warning along the line, so that if any such men present their sinister countenance at St. Louis, and labor to break us up, they will meet with the re ception th.y desorve. The Representa tive. ' HOW THE PEOPLE'S PARTY GROWS. The Great Eastern Dailies Begin to Figure it up. The New York World has just published some more news two years old some that it ought to have published the day after the last national election but which it, and all the goldite dailies carefully suppressed. It now says: In the leading states in which a dodu- list organizaton was in the field in 1892 and in 1804 the following table shows their gains: State. 1892 1894. Arkansas 11,831 24,541 California 25.852 51.804 Illinois 22,207 50,798 Indiana. 22 ans jo ars Iowa ...20,595 82,118 xieniucny 23,500 16,911 Michigan ........19,892 80,012 Minnesota 29,818 87,931 Missouri 41,213 42,463 Montana 7,794 15,240 Ohio M.850 52,675 Oregon 20,965 26,088 Tennessot, ..............23,447 23,092 Texas 99,688 159,224 Washington ; 19, 165 25.140 Wisconsin 9,909 25,604 The results were on straight tickets. In addition the populists in a fusion with the democrats Increased in Colorado from 53,584 to 82,111. In Georgia, where they cast 42,937 votes in 1891, a republican fusion gave them 96,888 lit 1894. In Kansas a democratic fusion gave them 163,111 votes for president in 1892, and separately they cast 118, 827 In 1894. In Nebraska a straight vote of 83,134 for Weaver in 1892 was in creased by democratic fusion to 97,815 in 1894. In North Carolina a fnalnn with the republicans on chief justice 1894 increased sueir votes irom H.iiiO (la 1892) to 148 844 or mnro than th total republican and populist vote of J892. In Virginia a similar fusion in creased the vote from 12,270 to 81,239. In Alabama the fusion tote of 85,181 in 1892 only fell off on a straight vote in lov to oatoa. in Mississippi, the vote was substantial! v unchninratl. Tn Xnrt.h Dakota a fusion vote of 17,700 in 1892 ' was reduced to a straight vote of 9,354 in 1894. It must be borne in mind flint, tho -mta in the tff . year is uniformly less than a presiaentiai year, u tne populist vote increased so larzelv from 1892 to 1894. it becomes an in tares tintr miMtinn tn know whether it has gone on increasing. It will undoubtedly be a factor in the re sults Of next November. Aannninllv if there should be a fusion with the free silver bolters from one or both of the old parties. ; Republican Platform Interpreted. "Sound money" means gold basis money. "bold . basis money means scarce money. "Scarce money" means dear money. "Dear money" means small watres for Iibor and cheap prices for the products of labor. "Small wages for labor" means that laboring people cannot purchase what they need or desire. , , "Small price for products of labor" means that labor must produce at a stili reduced price. "A reduced price for products of labor" means a Greater reduction in wages of labor, and this means poverty to the laborer and general bankruptcy to the people. "A greater reduction in the wages of labor" means millionaires and paupers. It means the kind of philanthropy ex hibited by such people as Rockefeller, Carnegie and Pullman. It means grand colleges and churches for the rich, and merry hell for the poor. It means if you want these conditions to continue, then vote the republican and democratic tickets. It means "choose ye this day whom ye will serve" "God" or "Baal." If you are on the Lord's side get out of the old republican and democratic parties. They are organized and oper ated by "Baal," and his priests, the poli-, ticians, m the interest of plutocracy. Wisdom of Gamaliel. , Special Privileges, The physical director of the State Uni versity had posted last Monday morn ing a rule allowing no one who was not taking gymnasium work, or playing lawn tennis or base ball to take a bath at the University bath house without paying five cents. The Cadets made such a kick that Wednesday the order was revoked as to them. This allows all those who have time and money to play tennis and ball to get baths at the expense of the poor and hard worked students. It has raised one of the largest sized commotions that has been seen in the. University for some time. A petitiou'was started request ing the regents to deal fairly and equally with all. in distributing the state's bounties. It received the signature of the student body as fast as they could get to it. The students are inquiring from what law the Physical Director derives au thority to give privileges to the richer students who have money to join athle tic clubs, for which the poor ones must be taxed to pay. It is a pertinent ques tion, and a time to apply the old Alliance doctrine of "Equal rights to all, special privileges to none." . Bart Co. Pops Will Have a Paper. Oakland, Neb., May 1. The populist party of Burt county has formed a stock company and incorporated with a view of starting a paper to its liking. It is backed by some of the leading farmers and business men, and will no doubt suc ceed. It proposes buyiig out one of the two papers at Tekamah, if satisfactory terms can be made, if not, to put in a new plant ; .; .-j ;