The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 07, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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May 7,
-I1 IJcbrncka Jnbqjtnbmt
Ctm-iiitlitn if
IiIipsijdBijt Publijhiqg Go.
At USO M Itreet,
01.00 per Year in Advance.
Address all eomuxilctlons to, aud make all
CMfta, noney orders, eta. payable to
Lixcoli, Nib,
Vote for wall street, McKinley and ten
cent corn, because Lincoln freed the
slave. That is sound money logic.
The gold bugs are so delighted with
their fat president, that they aro anxious
to get another, so they hurrah for Reed
Whenever an editor gets cranky be
goes to printing his matter two or three
eolomns wide.
The last century was the age of bullets.
This century has been the age of dollars,
and the dollars have been more destruc
tive than the bullets were.
The latest news from Louisiana is to
the effect that the official returns as
they come show that the populists car
ried the state by 40,000 majority.
To make an absolutely false statement
on the floor is parlimentary and per
fectly good form. To deny a false state,
ment isunparlimentary and an outrage.
That is the goldite idea, not ours.
In his Pertle Springs speech, Senator
Tillman denounced the populist as rene
gades and then in the next sentence de
clared that he was going to become a
renegade himself if the the Chicago con
vention didn't act to suit him.
The tremendous populist landslide in
Louisiana knocked the managers of both
old parties crazy. The populist nomi
nee was elected governor by over 40,
000 majority and he will be seated or
The republicans try to excuse thera.
selves for sending Bud Lindsey as dele
gate to St Louis by saying that his
morals are no worse than those of his
competitors for the place. But how does
that relieve the situation?
It is wrong to blow a persons brains
out with a pistol. It is not wrong to
starve them to death, sond thera to the
insane asylrm or force them to commit
suicide, by the ten thousand. To do
these things is highly moral, for John
Sherman did them and he is a truly great
and good man.
Senator Wolcott says he wonld rather
have the gold standard than populism.
The populist would take Sherman, car-
lisle or even 3rover in preference to him,
for those Wall street tools have all passed
through and got on the other Bide of the
point where the plutocrat declares he is
in favor of silver. When they get there,
they are not nearly so dangerous as at
the place where Wolcott stands.
According to Parson Andrews, if we
should contract the present volume of
currency a thousand millions, wheat
would be worth one dollar a bushel, for
all the dollars left would be "fifty-cent
dollars" worth only half as much as they
are now, and it would take twice as
many of them to buy a load of wheat as
it does now. If he isn't the blue ribbon
idiot, who is?
Dun & Co. say in their last report:
"Again, prices 01 commodities are on
the whole lower than ever before, having
declined about two per cent since April 1,
and seventeen Der cent since Jul v. 1890
or October, 1892." Now why did
prices thus decline? Because the
amount of money in circulation has
been constantly contracted, lately by
locking up 1125,000,000 in the gold re
serve. ":"
The Arkansaw Kicker, speaking of
Chairman Taubeneck says: "We are giv
ing facts and will continue to give them
until this man is known by the people."
Now that is all labor in vain. The peo
ple already know all about Taubeneck,
They knew all about him years ago.
when the Arkansaw jackasses were still
(fading in the swamps of that state
grazing on green democratic persimmons,
declaring tbey were better than ripe
strawberries, and were so thin, poor and
scrawny that they could neither bray
nor kick.
James Ureelman, the tuban war cor
respondent of the New Tork World is
personally known by the editor of the
Independent to be an honest and honor
able man. The list of innocent non-com
batants whose names he sends to his pa
per who were murdered in cold blood by
the Spanish soldiers is a long one. Ameri-
cans can rely upon Mr. Creel man's re
ports. The butchery is equal to that of
Kurds in Armenia. It is the most horri
ble thing that has occurred in the wes
tern hemisphere in the last half century,
but with our "besotted tyrant" in the
' White House, the United States is help
If we consider statesmanship to be the
ability to look well after the interest of
ones own country nnd legislate for the
interests of its people and not for some
other country, and patriotism as the
love and defense of ones country.then the
Dresent government of England is both
patriotic and statesmanlike, while that
of the United States is the reverse 01 11
Under the guidance of statesmen, En
gland grows constantly richer and more
Dowerful. while, this country unaer gun
ance of demagogues.every day gets deep
er into debt and from the universal dis
content, grows weaker underlthe rule of
man vunft t at defiance all economic
1... .i ianrh t inatice and equity.
England makes the rich pay the bulk
of her taxes. Our demagogues put tiiem
...In nil nnnn thn noor.
TWUnH nut a tax of 16 contain
-"m'" r
every 15.00 of income of the rich. En
gland makes the heirs of rich estates pay
an inheritance duty of 8 per cent. The
supreme court of the United States de
clares the first unconstitutional, and the
irreat American dailios and a large ma
jority of both houses ol congress ae
clarethe latter to be "a supremely in-
iquitious tax."
English statesmen in the present par
liament propose to take off a large part
of taxes heretofore imposed on agricul
ture. American demagogues propose to
increase the present hardship of the
farming life by increasing by taxation
the cost of everything a farmer has to
English statesmen long ago made the
telegraph and telephone line a part 01
the postofBce service, through gov
ernment ownership of every foot of wire
and every telegraph pole in the United
kingdom, while American demagogues
insist that the means of rapid com muni-:
cation shall be owned and-controlled by
private parties.
English statesmen have so legislated
that their government either owns or
positively controls every mile of railroad
and street car lines in the whole empire,
while American demagogues have turned
over all means 01 transportation 10
souless and greedy corporations and
given them unlimited power to tax the
people through freight and passenger
traffic as they may see fit.
Fifty years ago English statesmen
took the control of the volume of money
away from banks and bankers and
lodged it in the issue department of the
bank of England, a government institu
tion, while American demagogues con
tend that banks and not the govern
ment should control the volume of
English statesmen are paying off their
government debt. American dema
gogues are increasing ours in times of
peace at the rate of half a million a day.
English statesmen, looking only to the
interest of their own country, manage to
double the debt we owe their country.
American demag"""" 1o all that is in
their power to AC them.
English statesmen in upholding the
gold standard and working to sustain a
money unit always increasing in pur
chasing power do not deny funda
mental laws as well established and as
universally accepted as the law of gravi
tation. They say: "One country is a
creditor nation and it is to our interest
to do it." American demagogues un-
blushingly deny the final conclusion of
science conclusions as firmly and as uni
versally accepted as any well known law
of nature and do it to the detriment of
every interest of their own country.
And yet the United States has as many
and as great statesmen and as pure pa
triots as any nation on earth. All this
trouble results from the demagogues be
ing in power, while the patriots and
statesmen are in private life. The object
of the populist party is to reverse all
this. Put the demagogues out and in
stall the patriots in the places occupied
by the men who work for England s in
terests and against those of their own
About fifty years ago, when writers on
political economy had for the first time,
firmlyand plainly stated the fundamental
laws governing the value of money, the
bankers of the world began to scheme to
increase its value. The bankers of Hol
land made the first effort and that
country demonetized gold in 1850
Shortly after that, Professor Levi in
forms us, "Portugal prohibited any gold
from having a current value, except
English sovereigns. Belgium demone
tized its gold circulation. Russia prohib
ited the export of silver, and France,
alarmed but less nasty, issued a com
mission to enquire into the matter. In
1857 Germany and Austria demonitized
gold." (For a full account of this see re
port of United States silver commission
of 1876; p. 16.)
In 1865 the bankers changed their
tactics, called the Paris conference Of
that year and declared for the demone
tization of silver. As there was about
an equal amount in value of gold and
silver in the world, of course it made no
difference to them which metal was de
monitized. The effect would bethe same,
It would contract the money of the world
one half, and thus double the value of
the remaining half.
The reason they changed their assault
from gold to silver was because they
thought they could more easily succeed,
the then recent discovery of the Common-
stock lode and one or two other bonanza
silver mines giving color to their charge
of overproduction.
In tbe furtherance of their scheme
tbey have captured the daily press of the
world and purchased the services of hun
dreds of literary hirelings who call them
selves professors.
For fifty years the bankers have
worked to obtain a legal tender money
which shall constantly increase in pur
chasing power and nor at last, the final
contest is near at hand in which it will
be decided. If they succeed, a very few
bankers will henceforth practically own
the whole world.
William E. Andrews made a speech
against free silver in the house of repre
sentatives February 13, 1895. He held
it over for revision. He cogitated over
it, revised and re-revised it for one month
and four days and then put it in the
record, where it was printed March 17,
1896. In that speech, speaking of the
senate free coinage amendment be said
"If the logical title to' this Senate
amendment should beexpressed in words,
it would read as follows: An act to
establish silver monometallism, to retire
gold from use as money, to reduce all of
our silver money to its commodity value,
to deprecMe all forms of our paper mon
ey almoBt fifty per-cent on the dollar, to
contract the volume of our money more
than 11,000,000,000." For stupidity,
for pure idiocy, stolid, dull, obtuse heavy-
headed assinity, that sentence was
never equaled in the history of the
If we have about $1,500,000,000 of mon-
ey.this jackass says if we contract it f 1,-
000,000,000, andleavebut$500,000,000
in circulation, each dollar of that $500,-
000,000 will be only worth half as much as
when the whole amount is in circulation!
If two-thirds of a crop of wheat is des
troyed, the one third that is left will be
worth just half as much per bushel, as if
none of it had been destroyed! xne
scarcer you make an article and the big
ger the demand made for it, the cheaper
it getsl Destroy two-thirds of our money
and that will make the the one third
that is left one half cheaper! If ever a
bigger economic idiot than William E.
Andrews got into congress, who, in the
name of heaven was he?
There are some men born to kick, and
they keep at it because "it is their nature
to." They would kick at the pearly
gates because they sparkled,atthe angels
because they sang too softly or too loud,
at the'marshaled hosts of heaven be
cause they did not always keep exactly
in the middle of the road. There are
three or four, in the populist party.
Tbey canonized ex-Governor Waite and
took him for their patron saint. They
said that he was denouncing Taubeneck
and Gen. Weaver. But the old man de
nies it. In a letter to the Denver Daily
News he says, in speaking of the particu
lar time and place when it was said he
did it:
"My own remarks wereconflned wholly
to political issues, and I never mentioned
Messrs. Weaver or Taubeneck or referred
to the meeting at the Albany hotel. I
first learned the preliminaries of that
meeting, and also of the work of General
Weaver in Oregon from your article.
Not claiming that all integrity and wis
dom will die with the "middle of the
road" populists, admitting that I can
not as yet see my duty clearly, I most
earnestly hope some way will be provided
by which prosperity may be restored and
liberty preserved."
What will these kickers do now that
Gov. Waite refuses to be their patron
The gold-bug wholesalers of St. Paul
and Minneapolis are whining terribly be
cause they are losing the trade they
formerly had with the silver states to the
west of them. The Helena Independent
tells why. It says: "Shortly after this
(August 1893) the two cities issued a
call for an anti-free silver convention, at
which most violent resolutions against
one of our leading institutions were
passed unanimously. In contrast the
jobbers of Chicago not only kept travel
ing men in the field but put in new ones.
Customers were given extensions, helped
through a perilous period to the extent
of furnishing funds with which to settle
with clamorous jobbers in other cities.
At one of the most critical times which
history records in the United States,
leading business houses of these two
cities, by deed and action, demonstrated
their complete lack of confidence in the
honesty of our merchants. Chicago
wholesalers, on the contrary showed
faith in both."
In consequence of the action of the ar-
rogant goldbugs of St. Paul and Min
neapolis, theyiost their trade. They
were served exactly right. If the west
ern states generally should adopt the
same line of policy it would be a good
thing for the whole country.
The bids for 6,000 tons of armor plate
were opened at Washington on last Sat
urday. Here is the 6tory:
"The aggregate of the bids were: For
the Kearsarge, Carnegie, $1,568,162.50;
Bethlehem, $1,573,390; for the Kentucky
Bethlehem, $,569,750; Carnegie, $1,572,
477.50; so that the Bethlehem company
was the lowest bidder for the Kentucky
and the Carnegie company for the Kear
sarge armor. The prices per ton ranged
from $510 to $623."
That sort of bidding is merely a farce,
It was all arranged before hand, and
they put up the prices $57 a ton although
they were making over $200 a ton on it
This is the way Senator Stewart talks
in the Silver Knight about democrats
nominating a free silver candidate at
'It remains to be seen whether the free
silver democrats who meet at that con'
vention will combine with the golditee
on any terms. If they do they are lost.
A democratic nominee supported by the
united democracy of the south and east
will turn out a gold bug, if elected, with
as much certainty as night follows day,
and with as much certainty as the two
old parties have lied to the people in
their platforms and through their can
didates on the same question for the
last twenty-five years. A union of the
free coinage men of this country and the
goldite trust with headquarters in Lon
don is as fatal to free coinage as the
union in the same den of the lion and
lamb is fatal to the longevity of the
lamb. This union has been tried with
disastrous results for the last twenty
five years, and we take this occasion to
warn free coinage men that they must
come out from among the enemies of the
country if they expect to be trusted.
The free coinage voters will no more
support candidates who are supported by
the gold trust than they will support an
avowed goldite."
That is exactly the view expressed in
last weeks Independent in the notice to
Mr.Bryan. A democratic candidate who is
supported by Hill, Gorman, Brice, Carl
isle and Cleveland, no matter what the
platform may be, is as certain to further
the ends of Wall street as the sun is to
rise in the east. To expect populists to
vote for such a candidate is to expect
the impossible. !
If populist editors do not print , the
truth there is no reason for their exist-
ence on this sinful earth. What object
the Independent Era had in printing the
following is beyond the comprehension of
the ordinary mortal. He says:
Hit the editor of the NEBRASKA INDEPEN
DENT has boycotted Nebraska reform papera
(unintentionally, oh, of course) which stood tip
bravely lor the triune of Inseparable reform de
mands, and his coarse has seemed to be anything
bat a middle-of-the-road one.
Now the truth is that the first week he
took charge of this paper he announced
that he would exchange with any popu
list paper in the state, and every popu
list editor who has askedforan exchange
has got it, although it is a very great
burden to carry in the poverty stricken
condition of this office. Now, is it true
that that he boycotted reform papers?
Now, dear Independent Era', please tell
us why you made such a statement. Will
that help build up the populist party?
Will it help bring relief to suffering
humanity? Tell us why?
There has never been a line in this
paper and there never will be while this
editor presides over its columns in favor
of a single silver plank platform. We have
always advocated scientific money. We
have declared times without number that
it made no difference of what material
money was composed. We have made
numberless quotations from the stan
dard economists to sustain that conten
tion. We have held that opinion and ad
vocated it for years and we are too old
to change now.
We hope our distinguished contempo
rary will revise its remarks, uut it it
don't, we'll forgive it anyhow. We are
bound to nave peace.
Samuel. J. Tilden invented the political
literary bureau but he never dreamed of
its expanding to its present proportions.
He used to send out little slips printed
on one side only of the paper, that could
be clipped and used as editorial. Per
haps he did a little more, but not much.
The republican papers were wont in those
days, to devote column after column to
damning that literary bureau. Now they
have one of their own, beside which Sam
Tilden's little affair was a mere toy.
Within the last week the Independent
has received, as near as we can measure
it up, 2142 columns from the Wall street
banker's literary bureau. Most of it is
printed only on one side. They have
hired the best literary talent that money
can buy to extol the beauty of the gold
standard. Among them we notice ar
tides by Professor Sumner, Professor
Tausig, Professor Laughlin and they all
have professor attached to their names
a good many more of that sort.
It seems incredible that men of fine
education could so prostitute their tal
ents, but they do, and we must make
the best of it. As a sample, read the fol
lowing from Prof. Laughlin:
It is sometimes urged that the "people's
money" should be lssned directly by the people.
It is not quite clear, however just what is al
ways meant by the people s money. And our
ideas on this point should be distinct and clear,
In truth the money of a country ought to serve
the whole .people, just as its president, or any
other public servants should. Certainly it shonlii
be the best of its kind, in all emergencies. Not
only ought it to be the "friend" of the laborer.
and not defraud the small depositor, but it
should be as tree as possible from change in val
ue while he sleeps. Fluctuations are hurtful; for
the laborer has discovered by experience that,
the money depreciates, the prices of the articles
of his consumption rise, while his wages do not
rise correspondingly. This was abundantly
shown during and after our war of the rebellion,
Moreover, if by the people money we mean
either gold or silver, then that one of the two
should be used which is least subject no matter
for what cause to sudden alterations in value.
As we all know particularly In 1S76, 1890, and
In 1S93 silver has shown itself subject to great
and sudden changes of value. Therefore silver
cannot, in any just, sense be regarded as
proper "people's money."
Prof. Laughlin is too well acquainted
with history and too skilled in logic not
to know that his appeal to history does
not sustain him, and that taking for
granted as true the very proposition
that is denied, is a quibble of which any
honest and decent man ought to be
ashamed. But gold will get men to do
such shameful things.
'As we all know" says the professor,
"silver has shown itself subject to great
and sudden changes of value." Well we
don't know any such thing. We positively
deny the assertion. We have always de
nied it and Professor Laughlin knows
that we have always denied it.
How do we know what the value of
silver is? By what it will exchange for,
silver will exchange for about the same
amount of commodities it did twenty
years ago. It does that in Mexico, in
Japan, in South America, in India and
wherever it is used as money.
How do we know what the value of
gold is? By what it will exchange for.
Gold will exchange for about twice the
amount of commodities it would twenty
years ago. Consequently gold has shown
itself subject to great and sudden changes
of value and silver has remained stable.
Professor Laughlin knows that this is
true. He knows that gold will exchange
for twice as much as it did twenty years
ago, and therefore has doubled its value
in that time, and yet for money, he will
write that kind of trash for the banker's
Wall street literary bureau.
If there was anything lacking to es
tablish John Calvin's doctrine of total
depravity, here is the final proof of it.
Senator Gorman admitted in the sen
ate the other day that while the expendi
tures for next year ' would be $520,000,
000, the revenues would be only $374,
000,000. This Reed congress, in the most dis
tressing times this country ever saw, has
already appropriated $506,000,000
which beats the notorious billion dollar
congress by several millions.
Lvery instinct of statesmanship, every
impulse of humanity would urge honest
men to curtail expenses in times like
these, yet these pirates of the gold ring
continue to load men with burdens
grievous to be borne, and they them
selves touch not the burden with one of
their fingers.
They have taken away the key of
knowledge by capturing all the avenues
of information, and have not entered in
themselves and those who would have
entered, they have hindered. They have
done wickedness enough, "that the blood
of all the prophets from the foundation
of the world might justly be required of
this generation." They have made a
defice it and intend to issue more bonds.
Those Associated Press liars area tor
ment to every editor who honestly de
sires to publish the news. Several articles
in this paper which are grossly unfair to
Senator Tillman were based upon the
Liar's report in the daily papers. Just
before going to press, the Congressional
Record arrived, containing Senator Till
man's last speech. If a correct report
had been sent out by the Associated
Press, those articles would have never
appeared. We find in Senator Tillman's
speech phrases like this:
'Here is my friend the Senator from
New York Mr. Hill, whom I dearly love-
Laughter. Tou know his slogan. His
brag when he gets before an audience is,
"I am a democrat!" Whenever I am
labeled as a populist, as newspapers have
done and as the Congressional Directory
even did, though fixed up by a demo'
cratic clerk, I say that populism, which,
of course, is derived from the Latin word
signifying the people, ought to be good
enough for anybody. In other words,
the peoples party having reference to
those grand Democratic principles of the
greatest good for the greatest number,
the rule of the majority.local self-govern
ment, and the other cardinal principles
which Jefferson and Jackson taught us
ought to be a party we all could join
There are paragraphs in the speech
from which populists would dissent, but
the Associated Press liars sent out just
as false and unfair a report of it aa they
did of Allen's encounter with Gear. Our
Washington correspondent- gives the
true significance of the speech.
After the gold bug democrats had
learned that the populist had carried
the state of Lousiana they called on the
Associated Press liars for help. Here is a
sample of the way the liars fell into line
"New Orleans, April 28, The legisla
ture is democratic on a joint ballot and
will thus prevent tbe republican mem
bers from unseating Gov. Foster, as they
had planned. The presence of tbe militia
in Natchitoches has prevented the pop
ulists from stealing the ballot box, and a
democratic member will be returned from
The populists were going to steal the
ballot boxes to aid the republicans! After
the years of practice it has had, the As
sociated Press ought to be able to lie
better than that.
John H. Josslyn of Zanesville, Ohio,
sends a list of subscribers and says: "We
are populists, but we wish a paper to
helD others to our way of thinking aud
not to abuse members of our own party
That is just what a populist paper should
be. '
That was a great democratic free sil
ver victory indeed, in Alabama. They
elected a state committee, and that
committee elected as chairman and
secretary two rampant gold bugs to
conduct the campaign, viz. John B
Knox and Thos. H. Clark. A great
victory for free silver that was.
so rrsio.H fob rs.
Every populist in the house and senate
declares that he will support no free sil
ver candidate of either of the old parties,
and Chairman Taubeneck says:
"Populiste will nominate a national
ticket of our own, no matter what the
the democrats do at Chicago. The gold
bugs will control both of the old parties,
and the only thing for the masses to
do is to come to us. We will make no
bargains, however. If the free coinage
democrats bolt at Chicago they are wel
come to join our ranks, but they cannot
nominate our ticket.
"We have done with both parties. We
are here to stay as a party our
selves and will fight it out on these lines.
There is absolutely no use of talking
Huston to us; we do not want any of it."
That is the position taken by the Inde
pendent weeks ago.
The prize belt for the biggest lie goe
this week to the Cedar Rapids Republican.
It says:
Colo Harvey thought byastrokeof bravadoto
get the people to believe his threadbare lie about
tne 'crime of 1878 at Omaha the other night. Ha
flourished his arms and pooaded on the desk and
shouted: 'Sliver was demonetised February 28,
1871. I now offer a reward of $100 to any man or
woman who will find a word about It in any
newspaper published in the month of February
187S-' Editor Bosewater claims tbe money, a
fall account of the proceedings being found In the-
flies of the Bee in February, 1878.
What the Republican calls "a full ac-
account" was two, three line items about
the passage of the mint bill that did not
mention the demonetization of silver at
Somhow the gold bugs can't manage
to all tell the same lie no way. Forflve-
years a whole lot of them have been de
claring that there were millions of silver
dollars in the treasury that could not be
got into circulation because nobody
would have them. Now comes Carlisle
and declares that there are no silver dol
lars there, and he mentions one day' in
particular when there was not a silver
dollar in the treasury which he could
lawfully pay out.
The Waters of the Oalamis Hake Her Like
the Garden of Eden
Burwell, Neb., April 20, '96.
Special to the Independent: In the
course of ray travels I reached this
little city situated in the southwest
corner of Garfield county, at or near the
confluence of the North Loud and Cala-
mis rivers. At this point the river forms
a horse shoe or crescent with the convex
toward the northwest. The river at this
point has a wide valley on the southwest
varying in width from a half mile to a
mile and a half, and skirted on either
side with hills ranging from 50 to 20O
feet in heigh th, and make a very attrac
tive view for the eye. Almost all this
valley is under irrigation. I am credi
bly informed that there is at this time or
will be in the near future 23,000 acres
under irrigation in this valley within
fifteen miles of this rapidly growing little
county seat. The citizens of the city are
now making arrangements to water
their gardens from the ditch and expect
ere long to beautify their streets with
forest trees, propagated by the water
of the Calamis river. When all these things-
are done the people, here have faith in
the belief that t'ueir already growing lit
tle city will grow like a tree planted by
the "river of waters." -
Burwell has a large grazing country
adjacent and extending to the northeast
and northwest for miles and being the
terminus of the B. & M. railroad draws.
trade for twenty, thirty and forty miles
inland, and her merchants therefore en
joy a large and profitable cash trade.
ine growth of liurwell and vicinity
within the last eighteen months has been
very satisfactory to her people, in many
ways. In that time she has added to
ner public buildings three churches aa
follows: Methodist, Congregational and
Christian and the Baptists are making an
effort to organize a society and build a
place of worship. Rev. Williams of Lin
coln is doing some missionary work along
that line. Her saloons and gambling
dens ofthe past have been swept away
and her society purified and elevated.
The village has no vacant houses, and
are building new ones and her people are
looking forward to a growth greater
and more substantial than at any former
time. The court house is occupied by
officers of the populist T)ersuasion an?
the county can safely be counted in the col
umn headed, people's independent, in the
coming election for the county, state
and national ticket The result of her
people reading the Nebraska Indepen
dent and other reform journals.
J. M. D.
Elect An American President.
The American voter should demand
either the immediate and unconditional
repeal of the dark-lantern act by which
silver was demonetized or the demoneti
zation of gold by our government aud
the issuance of national greenbacks, full
legal tender for all duties and taxes, to
& sufficient extent to enable the business
of this country to be carried on on prac
tically the cash basis. The demonitiza
tion of gold by onr government would
bring England to her knees before the
great republic, and we would hear a
general clamor from over the water for
speedy consummation of international
bimetallism. The prosperity of every
wealth-creator in the republic no less
than the dignity of this government
demands that we cease the miserable,
servile, cringing policy, fawning at the
feet of England, that we cease to imi
tate India and Egypt Patriots of
America, awake! The tocsin has sounded
the battle is on. There is not a moment
to lose. The next president of the re
public must be an American in something
more than name. The Arena, May 189&