May 7, 1896. NEBRASKA NEWS. Bradshaw has a ball team. Lincoln has 3,000 bicyclists. C. E. Corey has sold the Swanton Echo to Wild Bros. York county has already printed the premium list for its county fair. The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben have de cided to Incorporate. The Lincoln baseball park has beer converted into a bicycle track. Nebraska farmers have turned from Irrigation to tiling1 and ditching. Brown l county has had abundant a ins. Norfolk Methodists work on their church between rains. E. D. Gould of Fullerton recently ohipped eight carloads of fat cattle to London. Xearly all the mutton devoured at North Platte is shipped there from South Omaha. Newcastle has a license board, but not enough thirsty freeholders to se cure a saloon. - Quite a number of Nebraska people suffered Josses in the recent fires at Cripple Creek. The people of Alliance have sub scribed $900 toward the erection of a Baptist church. - A shower of chinch bugs came with the recent heavy rains. They were traveling south. The southeastern Nebraska Q. A. R. reunion will be held at Falls City July 30 to 25 inclusive. The Nuckolls county teachers' insti tute will be held this year at Superior, instead of Nelson. The farmers of Nuckolls county are rushing the season a little in getting In their corn crop. Lightning struck the barn of J. B. Allen near York and caused a loss by fire of nearly $3,000. A. A. Record has been appointed re ceiver of the Chadron Banking Co., which failed recently. A chattel mortgage, "two calves six years old," was filed for record last week in Hall county. Nebraska people are beginning to woader how they can profitably dis pose of this year's hay crop. Mrs. L. Ulrich, living near Wayne was thrown from a buggy in a runaway and sustained a broken arm. Ben Rosenthal of Omaha has just re turned from a trip around the world, which consumed fourteen months. The druggists of Osceola agree to orfeit 8500 if caught selling any liquor during the present municipal year. It is expected that Colonel Cody will make his wild west show a side attrac tion to the North Platte irrigation farm. In a race near Plain view Robert Brad shaw, a jockey, was thrown from his horse sustaining injuries from which he died. Land in this state is rapidly increas ing in value and will soon reach the notch out of which the hot winds from Kansas blew it. The editor of the Butte Gazeltte re fuses to publish any kind of poetry, and when a jingle is printed on the patent side it makes him angry. The populist leaders in Burt county have organized a newspaper publishing company and propose to establish an organ of their faith in Tekamah. The stockholders of the Nebraska City Cereal Mills company have effect id a reorganization and will soon be running the mill to its fiill capacity. Several members of the Ashland and Ithica A. O. U. W. lodges visited the Ceresco lodge last Saturday night and gave the Cerescoites the third degree. Thirteen mighty tough tramps in vaded Kearney the other day, and were speedily ushered to the eastern limits of the city and told to fly. They did. Some one stole sixty bushels of wheat of J. H. McLatchey of Harrisburg. He invites the thief to come back and get the bin, as he has no further use for it. Since the recent rains the farmers dance with joy, and we are with them. Grass and grain is unusually advanced and as the weather is favorable many are planting corn. Lightning struck the Swedish Mis sion church four miles north of Ceresco ealy Tuesday morning and the edifice burned to the ground. They talk of rebuilding in Swedeburg. Byron McGinley, the six-year-old son of A. C. McGinley of Chadron, was se riously burned about the eyes by the jxploslon of some powder which an ther boy threw into a bonfire. Thomas Johnson, police judge of the jwn of Ashland, committed suicide by ,enging. Loss of property is supposed to have been the cause for the rash act He leaves a wife and three chil dren. One of Eagle's ladies dressed for the dance Friday evening and then put her little bov to bed, lying down by his side to quiet him. She fell asleep her self and did not awaken until after the ball was over Ottie Brown, daughter of Bewago Brown, living near Imperial, wandered into the hills after cattle, lost her way, and became so thoroughly chilled from exposure to the elements that death ensued. John Hall of Minatare, Cheyenne county, turned his four work horses oat to graze on a stubble field where alfalfa was sprouting. In picking the succulent clover the horses took too much stubble and all perished. SHE USED A REVOLVER Toonf Can County Woman Commit Sui cide In Flat Union! h. Plattsmolth, Neb., May 5. This community was startled Saturday aft ernoon by the report that Mrs. Conrad Vallery, jr., wife of a prominent young farmer living four miles west of here, had committed suicide in a most shock ing manner at the home of her mother, Mrs, Neimann, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Valery drove into town Saturday morning to do some trading and went at once to the home of the latter's mother. Mr. Vallery went down town to transact some business and had not yet returned when the sad news reached him. Mrs. Vallery went up stairs, telling her mother that she would lie down ind rest a few moments. Later the mother heard a piercing scream fol lowed by the loud report of a revolver, and hurrying up btairs found her daughter lying on the floor in a pool af blood which oozed from a gaping wound in her right temple.the revolver still clutched in her hand. Physicians were hastily summoned, but the un fortunate womad died in about an hour, Mrs. Vallery was born in this city about thirty years ago and was a very handsome and popular young woman. She was married here five years ago and three bright little children are left motherless. - No motive is known for the act. Tired of Life. Omaha, Neb., May 5. Minnie Gentry, a colored woman of the burnt district, :ommitted suicide yesterday afternoon by lumping into the Missouri river at the foot of Jones street. She had been living in Council Bluffs until recently. KILLED TWO TRAINMEN. Conductor Wilcox and Engineer Brennan Die In a Burlington Wreck. Lincoln, Neb., May 5. A wreck which caused the death of Engineer Thomas Brennan and Conductor Doug las Wilcox occurred yesterday morn ing at 2 o'clock, two miles east of Lib erty on the Burlington, in Gage county. The wrecked train was No. 63, a freight running from St. Joseph to Wymore. The trainmen had received orders to run slowly and keep a close watch for washouts, as it had been raining for the past thirty-six hours in that vicinity. In compliance with these orders Conductor Wilcox was on the engine assisting the engineer in the task of looking ahead. The place where the wreck occurred was at a small culvert. The approach at One side of the culvert had washed out un derneath, leaving a hole that was not visible to the trainmen on the engine. The minute the heavy engine rolled over the place where the embankment had been the rails sank in and the en gine was wrecked. The conductor and engineer were pinioned under the en gine, the latter being instantly killed. Conductor Wilcox lived about an hour after he was removed from the wreck. The fireman escaped uninjured. A few cars were derailed. General Superintendent Calvert left Lincoln for the wreck. The damage was slight to the road and it was not long before the wreckage was cleared away so that traffic was not delayed. 1 he bodies of the two unfortunate trainmen were taken to their homes id Wymore. The remains of Mr. Brennan will be taken to Spottsville, Pa., for interment. CHARGES NOT SUSTAINED Governor Holcotnb's Finding In the Nor folk Asylum Investigation. ' Lincoln, Neb., May 5. After and in vestigation lasting two days, and after having carefully considered the testi mony introduced for and against Su perintendent MacKay of the Norfolk asylum, the 'governor Saturday an nounced that he had decided not to sustain tljecharges, The nnnoucement reaosas iouows: 'The charges against Dr. J. J. Mao- Kay, superintendent of the Norfolk asylum for the insane, are in substanoe that the superintendent had been guilty of cruelty to patients, and also immoral conduct. These are the only two that I deem it necessary to consider in this connection, and after carefully con sidering all the evidence presented, I am of the opinion that neither is at all supported by the evidence, nor is there any sufficient foundation in fact to lead an unprejudiced mind to a different conclusion. "The charges, in my judgment, seem to grow out of personal animosity and resentment on the part of former em ployes against the superintendent rather than a disinterested desire to promote the welfare of the institution, "It is also quite apparent to me that influences have been put in motion in order to lend 1 color to the charges, whose promoters would not hesitate to destroy the usefulness of this or any other public institution in the state if it were thought that 'partisan advant age could be gamed thereby." Poisoned by Eating; Canned Corn. Gordon, Neb., May 5. Little Edith Schrandt. the nine-year-old daughter of Charles Schrandt, died last night from the effects of poisoning. About three weeks ago the family ate of canned corn purchased of one of the local dealers and several of the house hold were taken very sick. The little girl has been a great sufferer and for some days past her Ufa has been de spaired of. Flentyof Water. . Osceola, Neb., May 5. This section of Nebraska is getting its share of rain this spring, for, according to the gov ernment ram gauger, we have had over eleven inches in April, and for May the record is being kept up. Think Him Not Insane. Osceola, Neb., May 5. Polk county board of insanity has spent two days on the case of David Williams and have decided according to the report of the Chysician of tat board that he wasn't tsane Low Special Summer Rates. Write For Catalogue, Address Mention "NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT." ma Neb. 1 Sixty-one Per Cent. Interest. In the Arena for December, 1894, George Wilson, the Lexington, Missouri, banker, in answering the article of David A. Wells in the Forom of October. 1893 denied the statement of the latter that intwrest has been low in the United States for a number of years past. Mr. Wilson showed that the crops of the south and west are produced under the payment of a very high rate of interest. Mr. Wilson informs uie thai a man who used to lend money in Nebraska gave him the follow ing facts: "I used to lend money to the farmers in Nebraska, most of my cus tomers being hard-working, honest Swedes who always paid their interest promptly. I would lend a man in this way: would take his note for a certain sum and give him three-fourths of the sum named in the note, thus making a discount of twenty-five per cent, to start on. Then he would pay me interest monthly at the rate of three per cent, a month on the sum named in the note. Thus out'of a note for $100 1 would get $25 at the start and by the end. of the year $36 more, or sixty-one per cent, a year on my money. It is not likely that the Swedish corn- growers and cuttle-feeders of Nebraska would agree with Mr. Wells that money is cheap and plenty. B. 0. Floweb, ed itor Arena. t , D'af" Cannot be Oared diseased portion of the ear. There ii only one way to euro deafness, and that la by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mncons lining of the Eustachian Tube, When the tube Is infl.imed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is S i cloeed' Deafness is thu result, and unless ins luumuiuum can oe tagen out ana the tube re stored tl It. nnrm.l t 1 .1 (11 v. - - - ' wiiuimuu, uvauifg win ue destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused " vovoiin, muicu i. iHiiunii,' oui roe innamea con dition of the mucous surfaces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case Of DflfLfnpaa (rtknaaA kv ........... v. - ' vv j uvwiur i,uuv vniiuub uc cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars -o , , t P- J- CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O., EBT'Sold by Druggist, Be, McKinley Would Bolt. "If the republican party in its nat ional convention next year declares for free silver, I will absolutely refuse to become a candidate for the presidency, and I will quit the party forever." So said Mc Kinley while visiting m the south, last year, and to this day, that statement has never been denied. FREE! 64 page Medical Refer ence Book, Riving valuable inlormation to any man or wo man afflicted with any form of private or special disease. I Address the leading Physicians and Spe iS claltsts of this Coun- sSsife try. B. HATHA WAT '., 70 Dearborn street, Chi cago, Ills. CURES OUARANTEEDj 48-52C He Tarried too Long. The effort of some of the western dem ocrats to boom "silver Dick" Bland for the presidency, with the hope of catch ing populist votes, will come to naught. Mr. Bland is a back number, who has tarried too long at the "partiug of the ways, lied Uoud Nation. GOOD BOOKS. Where Students of the Money Question can got What They Want. 1 "A Few Financial Facts." by S.S.King .....25c 2 "The Bankers Dream," by Thos. H. Proctor ..25c 3 ''These Hard Times Wherefore and How Long?" by Rev. J.C. Elliott 25c 4 "Shylock," by Gordon Clark 25c 5 "The Gentile Ass" by Ebenezer Wakeley 25c 6 "Democratic Gospel," byC.R. Tuttle 25c 7 ."Chapters on silver," by Henry G. Miller 25c 8 "The New York National Bank ers' conspiracy Against In dustry and Property by J.W. "' Shuckers 25. 9 "Letters from Jimtown," by William Dana Wilcox 25c 10 "Statesmen Three," by Col. A. C. Fisk 25c 11 "The Fifty cent Dollar," by JNell . larothers 25c 12 "A Commercial Traveler on Ab solute Money," by Henry Al len Bell 25a 13 "The Little statesman," by K. L. Armstrong 25 14 "The condition of the American Farmer," by H. E. Taubeneck chairman Peoples' Tarty Na National Committee 10c 15 "The Currency Problem," Joint correspondence be tween J. Sterling Morton, Sec'y of Agriculture, and Hon. Edward Stern, Director Bimetallic Association, Phil ' adelplna 10c 16 "Facts about Silver," by Gen. A. J. Warner.. 10c 17 "The Keynote, Substitute Honest Money for Fictitiuos Credit," by Albert Griffin 50c 18 "Money vs. products, or Why Times are Hard," by James W. Wilson 50c Any of these books sent postpaid to any address by Independent Pub. Co., 1122 M street, Lincoln, Nebraska. . 8pclal Offer to riobs. Wewilmakeupa 'ibrary of any 8 of the 25c-books for fl.00; any 4 of the 25c-books and 2 of the 50c-books for 11.00, or the entire list with The Neb raska Independent for one year for 2.75. Send this list with order. Rlpana Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure-constipation. It Is Just Wonderful The time the Union Pacific "Overland' r8T hail No. 3 makes to Ogdeu, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, Seattle' San Francisco and Los Angeles. Tms Daily Meteor has the finest equipment consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol stered Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa tion call on or address E. B. Slosson, General Agent, 1041 0 St, or J. T. Mas tin, C. T. A. HIGHEST AWARD WAS GIVFN TO THE KIMBALL PIANO At the World's Fair. Write for Souvenir Catalogue with half tone portraits of sixty world famous musicians, .who use and endorse them. We also sell the HALLET & DAVIS, WHITNEY, LEXING TON HINZE and cheaper pianos at prices from $40.00 up Address, A. HOSPE, Jr., General Agent, , Omaha, Neb. The "Twin Comet" and "little Giant" LAWN SPRINKLERS. BEST MADE. Unique Efficient, Labor Saving." Will sprinkle 4 times greater area than others. Highest award at the Chicago Exposi tion. E. STEBBINS MF'G CO Sole Manufacturers. SPRINGFIELD, MASS "For sale by all Hardware ami Rubber Stores in the U. S." Can be seen at office of The Nebubska Independent, 1122 M Street, Lincoln, Nebraska; THE OFFICIAL BADGE. . The above cut represents without doubt the most popular free coinage badge. The upper or smaller piece represents a gold dollar in color and size, the larger is the color and exact size of a silver doN lar. It is a quick seller. Send 25 cent for sample. Agents wanted in" every county and town in Nebraska. Liberal terms. Write at once to tne umcin Badge Co. 1122 M. St., Lincoln, Neb. Is the Shortest Route to KANSAS CITY, ST. LOCIS, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. And all Points South. If you are going South write us for illustrated and descriptive pamphlets. City Ticket Office, 1201 "O" Street. F. P. Cornell, C. P. & T. A. H. C. Townsbnd, G. P. & T. A. St. Louis. ' "j ggi"" . 3! If BANE & ALTSCHUliER. Attorneys 1101 O St. In the District Court of Lancaster County, Neb. NOTICE. Russell J. Brydon, Plaintiff, vs. Laura A. Bry don, Defendant. To Laura A. Brydon, nun-rHident defendant. You are hereby notinetl tbat on the 27th day of April, IX'.iC, Kussel J. Brydon filed a petition against you in the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtalu a divorce from yon on the ground of extreme cruelty. You are required to answer -said petition on or before Monday, the 8th, day of Jane, 1896. RUSSEL J. BRYDON. By BANE & ALTSCHULER, his Attorneys. 47- WILLIAM IiEESB Att"rn'y at Law Lincoln, Nebraska In the District Court of Lancaster County. NOTICE OF ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In the matter of the estate of Qeorge W. Learned deceased: Now on the 4th day of May 18M1, Aneeline L. Learned, administratrix of the estate of Ueorice W. learned, deceased presented her petition duly verified, and filed herein, to the Hon. Edward P. Holmes, one of the Judges of the district Court of Lanraster county, and the said Judge being fully advised In the premises, does now npon the ap plication of said administratrix hereby, order, that a notice of this proceeding be published, ac cording to the statute in such caBes made and provided. In the Nebra-ka Indkpe.vdknt a news paper, published in, and of general emulation in Lancaster county, for, four successive weeks, as follows: NOTICE. To Ida L. Miller, Minnie M. Phinney, Lnc en O. Learned, Helen Boynton, Amanda M. Myeis and all persons Interested. Yon and each of you are hereby notified, tbat Mrs. Angelina L. Learned, administratrix of the estate of George W. Learn ed deceased has presented to the Hon. Edward P. Holmes one of theJudgesof the District Court of Lancaster county Nebraska.her petition filed In on said court on May 4th. i viti, praying for license to sell the southeast quarter ol section 31, town 11, range 1 east of the nth p. m, situated in Seward county Nebraska and on said May the 4th lbtttf, the following order was made by said Judge in accordance with the prayer of said petition Tit; In the District Court of Lancaster county: In the matter of the estate of George W. Learned deceased, This cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of Angeltne L. Learned, administratrix uf the estate of George W. Learned cleceaned pray ing for license to sell the southeast quarter, of section 81, town II, ramie I, east, In Seward county Nebraska or so much thereof or sortie cut amount of the same, to bring the sum of Si, DO.'. 22, for the payment of debts allowed against said estate, and the costs of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that Ada L. Miller of Lancaster county, Minnie M. Phiney of Sionx county, Lnclen G. Learned ol Seward county, Amanda M. Myers of York county and Helen Boynton non resident, and all persons interested in said estate, to appear before me at the court bouse in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, on the 17th day of June A. I). 18 at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, or as soon thereafter as said cause can be heard, to show cause, if any they have, why license should not be granted to said administratrix, to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased, as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. ' It is further ordered that notice of this pro ceeding be published in the NEBRASKA INDE PENDENT a newspaper published in.said I ani as ter county for the period of four successive weeks prior to the 17th day of June ISM the time set for said hearing. EDWARD P. HOLM ICS, Judge of the District Court. " SOUTH ONS WAV TIOKSVS AM SOLD At 1 5 Cents a Mile To individuals on the First TuescUand to parties of seven or more on the Third Tuesday of each month, to nearly all points in the South ; and on special dates Excursion Tickets are sold at a little more than One Fare for the round trip. For full information write to 1. 1. EID&ELY, J. f . Pass. Asent, CMcajo, ILL C. P. ATIORE, Gen'lPass. int., LooisTille, Xy. SENT FREE. Write for County Map of the South to either of the above named gentlemen, or to P. 8n Jones, Pass. Agent, in charge of Immigration, Birmingham, Ala. Time Reduced to California. REMEMBER THAT THE QRIAT RUCK ISLAND ROUTE Buns PHILLIPPS' PULLMAN TOURIST CARS on their Fast Trains, and California Paaeengsr should examine Time Cards and set that wt art nearly -- TWO HOURS Quicker than any other route Chicago to Los Angelos, Tbelthlllips excursions are popular. Hs ha carried over 126,000 patrons la the past flftesi .. .1 - min at h a n ... im guaranteed, and the fast time now mads pots tbs PHILLIPS-KOCH. IBLAflU Aiwunoiuno f THE TOP. Post yourself for a Callforna trip before dldd Ins. and writs me for explicit Information. Ad' dress .JOJJN 8EBASIAN, G. P A - CHICAGO. Delinquent subscribers must pay up, at least in part Patronise those persons who advertise in this paper. Monographs by General A J. Warner. Jo. 1. " 2. " 3. " 4. " 5. " 6. " 7. " 8. " 9. " 10. " 11. " 12. " 13. Intrinsic Value Profit to the Miner. "Put a Dollar's worth of silver in a, Dollar." What is an llonest Dollar? "A Depreciated Dollar for the Laborer." "A Dumping Ground for Silver." Bimetallism. Money and Credit. Prices on a Gold Basis. The Future of Prices Under the Gold Standard. Our Debt Abroad. Should Banks or the Govern ment Issue the Paper Currency? Greenbacks and the Gold Be- serve. " 14. Silver and Cotton. " 15. A Silver Basis. " 16. Agricultural Prices and How Price Levels are Determined. , "17 Money and Property. These monographs are especially val uable to students of the money question. Each one in itself is a complete argu ment for bimetallism at 16 to 1. We will mail them post paid to any address at five cents each, or the full set of 17 numbers for twenty-five cents. Write us for quantity price. The Nebraska Independent, 1122 M St. Lincoln, Neb. FACE STEAMERS Free of Charge We give, free of charge, ons of our Face Sttam rs to every purchaser of a 91.00 bottle of our Complete Skin Cleanser. THEY BE1IOT1 Pimples, Blackheads, Freckles, Moth Patches and all Dlscol orations of the Skin. Steaming the face Is the only sure ana sals process to remove skin blotches, placing the skia la a clean and healthy condition, giving a' most beautiful complexion. Pace Steamer sent complete with every order. Including Cleanser. Boiler, Lamp, Vaporiser, and full directions for use. Agents wanted In every slty and town in the United States. Writs lor particulars. Address LYON & HOLMES, Complexion Specialists, , 251 5th Ave., - NEW YORK CITY Itentloa this paper In order. Celery Pills. These pills are a powerful vitalizing force, the best remedy for exhaustion, and Nervous Debility weaknesses, caused from youthful errors, or excesses. Be sides Extract of Celery, these pills con tain other standard tonics, and give tone and strength to the general system, fully restoring vigor, and strength. Sent sealed in plain wrapper $1. per box. Penaline Pills, for ladies; just what you want. Safe, certain, and harmless. The equal of this remedy for the men strual period, does not exist. Sent sealed in plain wrapper f 1. per box. .Address, Midland Medicine Co, t-f Omaha Neb. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given tha by virtue of a chat tel mortgage sale dated on the 25th of iarch 1896, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska on the 2fith day of March 1806 at 9:40 a. m . executed by Miss Mabel Smithson to W, P. Gutherie and which was thereafter onineitn dav of ADril 1S96 dulv asslgued. and transferred to James E. Adnmsoa authorizing him to col lect the same. Said mortgage was given ly the said Mrs Mabel Smtthson to secure the payment of a certain nromissorv note for $90.00 and Inter est from the 25th day of March 1896 at ihe rate of ten per cent, per annm pnyableon demand, upon wbich there is now due tne sum oi ttu.zo. Default bavins been made in iDepaymtntoi said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will rell at public auction the following therein described property to-wit: one Schoniger Upright Pinno, No. 6SEat my residence in Lincoln known and designated as 231 South 15th Street in the city of Lincoln, Lan caster county Nebraska on Thursday 14tb day of Mav 1896 at 9 o'ciock a. m. on eaia asy. JAMKS E. ADAMSON, N. P, GCTHB1E, 46-3t Assignee. Mortgagte. J. S. KIKKPATFUCK. Attorney at Law, Lincoln, Neb SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein W. H. McCreery is plaintiff, and Peter Pearson, et. al., defendants. I will, at S o'clock p, m , on the second day of June A. D. 1896 at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wit: The west sixty (CO), acres of the northeast quarter (neVi) uf section six (6) In townshlo nine (8) of range six (6) in Lancaster county Ne braska, which has been platted into six l) lots, from one (1) to six (6) Inclusive and filed for record in the office of the register of deeds of Lancaster county as Pearson's subdivision, of part of the northeast quarter (ne) of section six (6) township nine (9) range six (A) east of the sixth P. M. In Lancaster county Nebraska. Given under my hand this 23d day of April, A. D., 1896. ! JOHN J. TROMPER. 47-5t Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE, Notice Is hereby given, That by virtue of an or der of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County In an action wherein Hiram Bailey Is Plaintiff, and Kate Hall sr. al. defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 12th day of May A. D. 1896, at the East door of the Conrt Honse, In the City of Lincoln. Lanrutin. f County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction' ine louowwg aescrinea real estate, to-wit: Lot ten (10) and eleven (11) In block sixteen (16) In Junction Place addition to the city of Lincoln Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my band this 8th day of Aorll A. D. 1886. JOHN J, TROMPER. Sheriff. 1 I 1