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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1896)
f o 29 ft ..... The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1896. NO. 48. VOL. VII. V X pa Vi V HOW SHERMAN DID IT. The Demonetization of Silver Never Alluded to in all the Discussions of the Mint Bill. . SHERMAN'S FALSE STATEMENT. The Section Dropping the Silver Dol lar Never Passed The Senate. Forgery Committed When the Bill wa Sent to the Conference Committee. The Omaha Bee having agaiu asserted that the demonetization of silver was "fully discussed" at the time of the pas sage of the mint bill in 1873, the editor of the Independent has been requested to publish the following letter written about a year ago: Bancroft, Neb., May 20, Hon. William B. Johnson, Howe, Neb. Dear Sir: In compliance to your request to look up the record in regard to Mr. Sherman's statement when he called up the bill in the senate that dropped the silver dollar and what occured the day it was passed, I find the bill was brought into the senate May 29, 1872, read twice by title and referred to the finance com mittee. Additional amendments were re ported January 7, 1873, and ordered to be printed. On January 17, it was read the third time, further amended and passed. The whole debate and the votes will be found in the Congressional Globe, containing the proceedings of the senate for January 17, 1873. The following is the part of the record to which you re fer: ; Mb. Sherman: I rise for the purpose of moving that the senate proceed to the consideration of the mint bill. I will tate that this bill will not probably consume any more time than the time consumed in reading it. . It, passed the senate two years ago' after full debate. It was taken up again in the house of the present congress and passed there. It is a matter of vital interest to the government and I am informed by the officers of the government it is 1m portant it should pass promptly. The amendments reported by the committee on finance present the points of differ ence between the two houses, and they can go to a committee of conference without having a controversy here in the senate about them. After a little discussion about the order of business to be taken up after the mint bill was disposed of, the chief clerk finished the reading of the bill as it came from the house. The amendments proposed by the finance committee were of course, not read until they came up in their or der. Then this occurred: ' , . The Presiding Officer: The commit tee on finance reports the bill," with amendments, which will be read. Mr. Sherman: I send to the clerk some amendments of a formal character from the committee on finance, adopted since the amendments first reported were printed. I will ask that they be acted upon with the others in their order. The bill was then considered section by section, and the amendments acted upon until section 15 was reached. The record shows that section 16 and the amendment to section 16 was never read or agreed to in the United States senate, Section 16 was as follows: "That the silver coins of the United States shall be a dollar, a half dollar or 50-cent piece, a quarter dollar or 25-cent piece, and a dime or 10-cent piece; and the weight of the dollar shall be 384 grains; the half dollar, quarter dollar and the dime shall be, respectively, one- half, one-quarter, one-tenth of the weight of said dollar, which coins shall be a legal tender, at their nominal values, for any amount not exceeding f 5 in any one payment." The amendment which was substituted for this section was as follows: "That the silver coins of the United States shall be a trade dollar, a half dollar or 50-cent piece, a quarter dollar or 20-cenc piece, a dime or u-cent piece; and the weight of the trade dollar shall be 420 grains troy; the weight of the half dollar shall be twelve grams and one half of a gram; the quarter dollar and dime shall be, respectively, one-half and one-tilth of the weight of said half dollar; and said coins shall be a legal tender at their nominal value for any amount not exceeding $ 5 in any one payment." If this amendment had been read in the senate, or one word had been said in re gard to it, that word would have been taken down by the shorthand reporters and would have been printed in the Con gressional Globe, but it was not printed in the Globe, neither was there one word of discussion upon it. . ' Some time after this section had been passed over and while the senate wasdia cussing section 19, Mr. Sherman, aa chairman of the finance committee, made to the senate the following absolutely false statement: Mr. Sherman: This bill proposes a sil ver coinage exactly the same as the French and what is called the associated nations of Europe, who have adopted the international standard of silver coin age, that is, THE DOLLAR PROVIDED FOR BY THIS BILL is the precise equiva lent of the 5 franc piece. It contains the same number of grams of silver; and we have adopted the international gram in stead of the grain for the standard of our silver coinage. The trade dollar has been adopted mainly for the benefit of California ana others engaged in xraae with China. That is the coin measured by the grain instead of the gram. Mr. Casseuly: Do I understand the senator to say that the intrinsic value of the dollar, the half dollar, and the quar ter dollar is raised by this bill? Mr. Sherman: There is a difference 01 about one-halt of 1 per cent. I think that this is the only instance in the history of the American Congress, where the chairman of a committee has deliberately falsified in relation to a bill in his charge. Perhaps nine-tentus ot our legislation is enacted upon the word of the chairman of the committee. The statement that the bill provided an American dollar the precise equiva lent of the 5 franc piece is absolutely false, and of course he knew it to be false when he made it. It was because of this false statement and the further fact that the senators were paying no attention to the bill that the woes of the last twenty years have come upon us. That the bill attracted no attention in the senate is proved by the remark of Senator Casserly, while the section regarding abraded coins was under discussion, which is as follows: Mb. Casserly: I understood the sena tor to be willing to keep those words in the last clause just in the meaning they had at that place; but of course, if he has a different view of it, I shall not con test it with him, BECAUSE IT IS EVI DENT VERY FEW SENATORS ARE PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO THIS SUBJECT. The statement of Mr. Sherman that the amendments were of a "formal char acter," that "the bill provided for an American dollar, the precise equivalent of the 5 franc piece," which would have increased its value nearly 3 per cent, the title of the bill, Mr. Sherman's further statement, as chairman of the committee. ' that "a 5 franc piece of France WILL BE THE EX ACT EQUIVOLENT OF A DOLLAR OF THE UNITED STATES IN OUR COIN AGE; and in order to show this wherever our coin shall float and we are provid ing that it shall float all over the world all taken together, had a ten to dency throw senators off their guard. Abraded coin, and whether it should be redeemed at its face value, whether gold certificates should be issued, whether there should be a small mint charge for coinage and several minor points were mentioned or discussed, but not one word is found in the verbatim report in the Congressional Globe concerning action on this bill, about a change of standard or demonetization of silver. And yet some men have the audacity to assert that "the demonetization of silver was fully discussed!" The last words in the record of tire ac tion of the senate on this bill are as fol lows: "The amendments were ordered to be engrossed and the bill read a third time. "The bill was read a third time and passed "The amendments were engrossed and reported to the the house of representa tives as follows: "Senate of the United States, January 17, 1873-Resolved, That the bill from the house of representatives (11. K. 2,934) entitled, 'An act revising and amending the laws relative to the mints and assay offices and coinage of the United States,' do pass with the follow ing amendments:" : Now the amendment which dropped the silver dollar and reduced the legal tender power of all minor silver coin HAD NOT PASSED THE SENATE, as is shown by the verbatim record of the pro ceedings of the senate, when this bill was on its passage, but in this list of amend ments sent to the house of representa tives for its concurrence is the following: ' "Six Page 11, strike out section 16 and insert the following: "Section 15. That that the silver coins of the United States shall be a trade dol lar, a half dollar, or 50-cent piece 1 and said coins sail be a legal tender for their nominal value for any amount not exceeding f 5 in any one payment. " As the record of the proceedings in the senate shows that this amendment never passed the senate, the insertion of it here is a clear case of forgery. The conclusion which any honest man must draw from these facts is that the stopping of the coinage of the silver dol lar was secured by a false statement made on the floor of the senate by the chairman of the committee on finauce and by forging an amendment in the list of amendments sent to the bouse of repre sentatives for its concurrence. (All the quotations in this article are taken verbatim from the proceedings in the senate as recorded in the Congres sional Globe, parts land 2, third session, Forty-second Congress, 1872 and 1873, pages G67 to 674 and are open to the inspection of all men.) Yours Truly, T. II. TlBBLES. A copy of the Congressional Globe, con taining the proceedings of the senate lies always on the desk of the editor of the Independent and any one is at liberty to examine it. Silver was demonetized when the Forty third congress adopted the Revised Statutes. The commission appointed to do this work inserted without the knowl edge of congress in section 3586, of the Revised Statutes these words: "The silver coins of the United States shall be a legal tender at their nominal value for any amount not exceeding five dollars in any one payment." No such law as that had ever been en acted by congress, and the commission in inserting it, committed perjury. That was the "act of infamy." That was done in secret. Will Mr.- ltosewater show any allusion to that act in the daily press? Will he claim that that deed ot midnight darkness was fully discussed? That was the act that demonetized the "silver dollar." Minor coins had long before been demonetized but never the "silver dollar." The history of the world will be searched in vain to find a parallel to that crime. It was done in secret, and the death, in sanity, crime and pauperise It produced was never approached by toe acts 01 any other set of villians God ever let live on the face of the earth. They Hope for Free Coinage Wood River, Neb.,May 2, 1896. Special to the Nebraska Independent: I reached this village at 10 a. yi. today. it is located in ine vauey tying ueiweeu the Wood and Platte rivers and agri culturally speaking, the valley , is very rich but of course this valley suffered with the surrounding country the last two years. This is a feeding center for cattle, bogs and sheep. Of the latter was fed this last winter, about 35,000, together with a large number of cattle and hogs. The merchants here generally speaking are doing well and prosperous. The farmers are all very busy planting and preparing , to plant. The growing wheat and oats look well and the farm ers spirits are growing with the wheat and they are free to express a hope for returning prosperity if they get full crops and free coinage which they believe wil! so decrease the value of money to the extent of making prices of produce very much better. J. M. 1). ; Happy fop Editors A most pleasant meeting .was that of the Missouri People's Party Press Asso ciation at Marshal Friday and Satur day. A majority of the reform 'papers in the state were represented aud all had a good time. Miss Mary O'Neill, editor of the Record and president of the asso ciation, is an untiring worker in the cause. The people of Marshal, regard less of politics, were waiting to show the visiting editors about the town. Lib erty Herald, Mo. ..' ; The Workers Report The following parties have sent in club lists this week. Cbas. Dechant, Indianola, Neb., 6. John Boeckner, Plymouth, Neb., 5. C. W. Barner, Stromsburg, Neb., 6. J. W, Eaton, Arapahoe, Neb., 4. John A. GaransonWest Point, Sr " Walter Reed, Fremont, Neb., 3. Jno. W. Sidders, Giltner, Neb., 2. G. A. McKenny, Humboldt, Neb., 3. J. A. Smith, Cedar Rapids, Neb. 4. W. II. Wilson, Stockville, Neb., 4. A. W. Cogar, Neb,, 7. Why Gold Goes Abroad. The real reason for this heavy export of gold, and a reason which threatens to be still morejpotentin the future, barring foreign war or crop failures, is that our debt to foreigners is so large that our surplus after paying for such import as we must have does not pay interest at present prices, and consequently gold must pay the balance. How About John U.P.Thurston. Tillman should look at himself and see what a humbug he is. He was elected to serve South Carolina as a senator, and hasn't been in his seat for a month, but has been storming over the country like an escaped lunatic Tekamah Burton ian. How about your senator John U. P. Thurston? What has he been doing? He's been in his seat all the time like a good little boy, hasn't he? Mr. Bur tonian you're a big fraud." The Independent Smiles. The Nebbaska Independent very sen sibly smiles at the flings thrown out by the F. A. & I. U claiming The Inde pendent is not what it used to be when Gibson had it, etc. No it is not, that is true. Tibbies is a brainy editor. Red Cloud Nation. Show Your Colors A very pretty badge for populists, and free silver men is advertised on the fifth page of today's Independent by the Eagle Badge Co., of Willimantic, Conn. LYou can get a sample by sending 20 cents in stamps. Agents wanted. It Generous Wall Street. It is because of its bad effects on the poor workingmen that Wall street does not want free silver. Such generosity overcomes us. Helena News (Mon.) Louisiana Populist. There is little doubt that the populist ticket was elected in Louisiana, though the democrats count a majority. There will be a contest. In one parish 1,500 majority was returned for the democratic ticket, and it is in proof that the total number of votes polled in the country was less than 600. Progressive Farmer (III.) The Doors are Open. The people's party doors stand wide open to all Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democrats and Abraham Lincoln repub licans. Walk in! Current Voice. forse Than Rothschild If these silver democrats are fighting for silver from pure motives and will stay with it to the bitter end, they can be depended on to bolt a straddle plat form and ticket, but if their only motive is to save their old party, and will swal low the dose however much it may be tinctured with gold, then they are worse than an outspoken goldbug and are do ing more to iujure the silver cause aud to injure the nation than is Ilotbchild himself. Farmers Tribune. PRESIDENGYATADCTION Wall Street will Buy it for McKinley. THE REVOLT IN THE SENATE. Teller and Tillman's Most Remark able Speeches. v : A Populist Triumph is now In Sight. Washington, D. C, May 4, 1896. Events in Congress and all over the country for the last few days have been of the greatest significance politically and indicate clearly results of tremen dous import for the future. It is now known to everybody that the goldites and the bankers ceutered their forces and power for the election of the democratic party in 1892. They backed Cleveland's candidacy with their money, for they believed that he and the demo cratic party could at that time serve the bondholders and money changers better than the republican party. This prosti tution of the democratic party has made it odious; therefore the foreign Shylocks and their American allies have decided that for the next four years the republican party will be the best tool to serve them A few weeks ago the Cau casian, Senator Butler's paper, in a care fully written editorial, showed that McKinley was the first choice of the gold bugs for the republican nomination. The events of the last few weeks and es pecially of the Inst few days, proved be yond question that the Caucasian was right. The tremendous campaign fund put up to back McMinley's canvass, no doubt equally as large as the tremen dous fund that was put up to back Cleve land's candidacy in 1892, has been effec tive to sweep state after state into the McKinley column, even to the extent of taking from other candidates their own states. The gold men are striving desperately to make the tariff the issue in the comimr campaign. and to do this it is necessary to have McKinley for the re publican candidate for president, for the gold men are satisfied that they can rely on him to maintain the gold stand ard as implicitly as they could on John Sherman or Urover Cleveland. On last Monday, Senator Sherman, referring to McKinley's financial views, said: , "There can be no doubt of the opinion of Major Mckinley on the money ques tion. He is committed in every form by speech aud otherwise to the republican policy of maintaining the present gold coin of the United Sates as the standard of value." These are Senator Sherman's exact words. A few weeks ago Senator Sher man said substantilly the same thing in a public interview, besides it is generally conceded that if McKinley is elected president, John Sherman will be his sec retary of the lreasury. A few weeks ago there seemed to be a probability that the silver men would control the democratic national conven tion at Chicago. The silver democrats in Washington became very jubilant and began lecturing the people s party men as to their duty. They lost no oppor tunity to tell the people's party senators and congressmen that it was their duty to put the cause of financial reform above party, and to belp them elect the silver nominee which would surely be put up at Chicago. On last Thursday, when the news came that the gold men had cap tured the Michigan democratic , state convention, had endorsed Graver Cleve land in glowing terms, and instructed the delegates to vote for the gold stand' ard, quite a change came over the coun tenances of that class of silver democrats ; who were ready to ask somebody else to leave their party to go into the demo cratic party, but who were not ready to take such action themselves if the gold men should control their party. Soon after the news from Michigan had reached Washington a silver democrat meeting Senator Butler, said: "That is bad news we received from Michigan." Senator Butler proraply replied: "It is bad news for the democratic party, but it is good news for silver. The action in Michigan convices me more than ever that providence is shaping political events to bring about a victory and re lief for the people." Iheeilver democrat, iookingmstomsbed, asked what he meant Senator Butler replied: "I believe that providence is taking a band in this fight and will not allow such a good cause to be damaged by allowing such a di acred ited party as your's to endorse it. If the Chicago convention should declare for silver, then it would mean that prov idence did not intend lor the people to get relief in this campaign. The demo cratic party is discredited in the eyes of the great masses of the people. For twenty years it has-denounced therepub lican gold policy and national banking system, and pledged to the people to wipe out such infamous legislatoin if tbey should be placed in power. They asked for only a chance to give the peo ple relief. The people took them at their word and put them in power, giving them the nouse, the senate, and the pres ient, and what was the result? The party not only did not keep a single one of its pledges, but on the other hand, it offici ally endorsed the John Sherman system of finance; not only did that, but even went further and wiped out the last law on the statute books providing for the coinage of silver and for an increase of the currency. This record of democratic betrayal and treachery is the darkest page in American politics, and has brought upon the people and the country the sorest distress that they have suf fered since the foundation of our govern ment. "Then what faith can the people have in democratic promises this year? For the democratic party to declare for sil ver at Chicago would simply be the means of dividing the silver forces of the country and make the election of a gold bug republican certain. The best thing that can happen for the people would be for both the old parties to declare square ly for the gold standard, so that nobody could be fooled in the future, and so that the srreat masses of the voters of all parties could get together at St. Louis on July 23, and nominate an American patriot tor President, who would be elec ted at the polls next Novemebr." The sil ver democrat was not able to reply to such facts. It is openly charged that the gold men used money freely at the Michigan convention to control its delegates. This recalls a statement made by "private John Allen 01 Miss issippi a few days ago. In discussing the outlook for the silver men to control the Chicago convention, Congressman Allen, who is looked upon in Washington as, and is, a great wit, laconically re marked: "We have got the gold men whipped if they don't buy us." During the present week two speeches, one by a republican and the other by a democrat, havo been' made in the senate which are of the greatest signflcance. The speeches are not only siguncant on account ot the tremendous effect which they will have over the country, but also because they are supposed to reflect the sentiment of the great masses of the peo ple in both the south and the west. The first speech was made by. Senator Teller last Wednesday. It was in reply to a speech made by Senator Sherman in which he ridiculed the silver craze, and said that the republican party would de clare for gold standard aud nominate a man opposed to free coinage for presi dent. Senator Teller, in replying, took occasion to review to some extent the record of the republican party. He showed how, under the leadership of Sherman and other gold men, it had drifted from the great principles of Abra ham Lincoln until it had become the party of the bondholders and monopo lists. Mr. Teller gave out some party secrets. He told how the. western repub licans had determined not to support the McKinley bill in 1890, and how at last they allowed it to pass in return for the passage of the Sherman silver law which provided for a monthly increase of the money of the country. Mr, leiier then bitterly arraigned Sherman and tne other gold republipans in breaking their compact with the western republicans in joining with the gold democrats in 1893 to repeal the silver law at the dictation of,Grover Cleveland. He said that Mr. Sherman and the other gold republicans were now openly advocating the gold standard, and were trying to get into power to force upon the country another McKinley bill and keep upon them the gold standard at the same time. He said that every sane man knew that the McKinley bill, if re-enacted, would not give the people prosperity while we were under the gold standard. Proceeding, Mr. Teller said: "Travers ing the country and snouting, tnere is now a band of men who have labeled their candidate for the presidency (Mc Kinley) "the advanced agent of prosper ity." The people who look to this roan ad their savior will find that they have been attain deluded and deceived. The atrent of prosperity is not yet in sight, and will not be in sight until we have a candidate for the presidency who will stand for changing the odious and in famous system of finance." Senator Teller, proceeding, said: "I do not intend to remain quiet and allow the Senator from Ohio, and others who agree with him, to fool the people any longer. The issue between tne people and the gold trust must be drawn squarely in the coming campaign. Dodging and staddling will not fool the people longer, I look with fear and trembling upon the action of my party convention at St Louis. It it should declare against the people and for the gold standard, then I shall not act with it further. When the party to which I belong ceases to repre sent myjdeep-seated and long-established convictions, I shall cease to act with it. I shall stand by my convictions. I should despise myself if, holding the views I do, I should lift my band to put in power as president a man who would exercise from the White House the slight est influence to continue the present ruinous system of finance. The time has come for the people to take a stand. As for myself, I will vote this year as I speak." This speech was listened to attentively by every senator and by the crowded gallaries, and created a profound im pression. Senator Sherman attempted to reply, but his speech was simply a re hash of his stale argument in support of the gold standard, benator Teller s speech is the more significant because it is known that it represents the views' of nearly every senator and congressman west of the Missouri river. Senator Teller has tremendous Influence in the west, and it is generally conceded that under his leadership and influence nearly every western state will cast its electoral vote next November in accordance with the bold declaration of principle and pur pose as expressed above. " The next note of defiance came from the south. It followed Sena tor Teller's speech only two days later, on laBt Friday. It was in reply to a speech by Senator Hill in which the New York Senator was upholding the gold standard and apologizing for some cf the acts of the administration. Sen ator Hill in his speech had referred to Senator Tillman as one of the coterie of peoples party senators. In opening his speech in reply, Senator Tillman said: "I had rather be in such a coterie than with certain men on this side of the chamber who go around masqucradiug as democrats, but who are in fact, John Sherman republicans, and I will prove it before I get through." Senator Tillman proceeded to arraign the administration, and to show np the record of lhe gold democratic senators in SUPPOrtinir ' the Arimlniatrntinn Tn referring to Cleveland's bond issues and gold policy, he said: "If Graver Cleve- 1 .1 . ianu ever goes oeiore tne people again, he can hear nn hia hrnur h antnnv nf the senator from Ohio (Mr. Sherman) wno tne otner day declared on the floor of this chamber thnt tha nraaMant hnA Simnlv done his dlltv. CrnvarPlavalanH ' John Sherman, and John Carlisle are iinsea together they are affinities. The foolish as to ever trust them ni nnv whn agree with them again." Air. Tillman proceeded to show that the Srreat masses of thn nnnnlv ; in thn democratic party in the south believe in the principles of Thomas Jefferson and J...T l .. . .. Andrew jacKson, and said that tbey WOUld Stand - bv thMa nrinninlfla nnt would not be fooled into following the principles of Sherman . and Cleveland, even though tbey had a democratic label on them. At this point Senator Hill in terrupted him and said that he did not lL! l A I A C a m 1 1 . iuiuk mat senator unman represented the democrats of the smith. Wharan nnn Senator Tillman, turning, and facing Senator Hill, and walking down the aisie pointing ins linger directly at him, said: "At least, sir, I represent on this floor the People of Smith Unrnlin nnil can say to a certainty what they will do, ana mat is more than you can do or say for your state. You . do not re- tiresent thn riAnnln Avon nf vnn nvn I l ( - w . was w. aTWl. V U ' state. You simply represent the bond- uuiuers ana oanxers 01 wail street. Closing his speech, Senator Tillman. deliberately and in tnonuiirarl tsnrrln served notice on the gold democrats and on the country that if the monopolistic and hnnd hnMincp ulamanfi aniwtAaA again in debauching the party machinery and capturing the Chicago convention ue anu a large nam per 01 southern , de mocrats, who believed in tha nrinniinlna ot true democracy, would walk out ot tne convention ana repudiate tne party that had betrayed the people for British gold. so;.;e strange fq:ciefti;:3 A MILLION DOLLARS IV THE STATU TREASURY AID K0 K05EY TO PAY BILLS WITH. A Glimpse of the Work of Boodle LegiiU-tnrei- , Editor Independent: Money taxed from the people ought always to be re turned to them or applied to the pur pose for which levied and collected, at ; the earliest possible moment. The accumulation of idle funds in the hands of public officers always has led and always will lead to extravegance in expenditure, losses to the people, if not to corruption and mm to those having such funds in charge. Instances are too numerous and too recent in this state to need further notice. Our system of col- 1 lecting, keeping and paying out public money is bad and ought to be remedied j by our next legislature. 'f There ace at this time in the hands of public officers, custodians of public funds, 1 raised by taxation from the people from ! ' 12,000,000 to 14,000,000, almost a per manent fnnd, constituting a heavy per cent, of the cash banking capitol of the ' '; state and which if called for, could not now be ieturned. f These public funds have always been " i unlawfully manipulated and their use , ) has always been a corruption fund in I state and county politics in Nebraska, demoralizing public sentiment as to pub- ! lie duty and official honor. ' I With a statute fixing a penalty of im- ; prisonment for loaning or speculating in ? these public funds, it is known to every body that almost all public officials bar- - ing such funds in charge have violated ! the law and thus subjected themselves to f t penalties that would wreck their lives. Our state treasurers have made fortunes in the short space of four years by the illegal use of school funds and other funds of the state. Great losses have been incurred and yet greater ones will be suffered by the people of this state un less this vicious system be changed. Why should the state treasurer be car rying from fl.000,000 to f 1,500,000 cash in banks and the holders of war rants just issued be unable to get a dol lar in cash from the treasury? Why should the state or the tax pay ers of the state be obliged to pay 5 per cent interest on these same warrants stamped "not paid for want of funds?" Why should a county treasurer be able to report to the commissioners quarterly "cash balance and on hand," f 20,000 to f 40,000," and at the same time the holder of a county warrant be unable to get a single dollar out of the treasury and thus be obliged to discount his war- rants 10 per cent, more or less and the ''; county be forced to pay 7 per cent intei- est on such warrants indefinitely? ' , t Why cannot the 180,000 idle agricul- tural college fund be invested in 5 per cent, interest-bearing state warrants . and thus add f 4,000 a year to the in- 'vi; come of that fund? 3 Why cannot the $600,000 idle perma- ' nent school fund be invested in these . state warrants and thus add $30,000 a v year to the school fund income to help educate the children? The legislature has h ordered this done. The state supreme ' r court has said it is legal to do so. But . it is reported that our attorney general has in effi-ct, said of our supreme court 5 what Stir der is reported to have said of j the constitution and that the decision I holding that state warrants are state J securities, "was without the jurisdiction ; of the court to make." Strange indeed ' f that tbe attorney -general could set aside, ' f annul and hold for nanght, the decision '' of the supreme court. And stranger yet, ' that he should do this in the interest of tbe state treasurer and against the chil dren of the state. But a bad system ot handling public funds may account for it P. , . 1 i