The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 30, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    April 30, 16.
mi 11 uiiiujii 1 in ujimjj.ii wwi mi b w.mtmm!
But Farmers and Laborers are as
bad off as we are.
The United States census reports show
that in the last decade, from 1880 to
1890, Massachusets, one of the New
England states, grew in wealth in these
ten years $11,000,000 more than Ne
braska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala
bama, Mississippi and Louisiana all
These are ten among the moBt fertile
states of our Union, and are sixty-one
times as large and have nine times as
many and just as industrious people as
Pennsylvania, one of the most barren
of these same middle states, grew in
wealth $13,000,000 more than Kansas,
Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ken
tucky, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi
and Louisiana all combined. These thir
teen states are nearly fifteen times as
large and have more than four times as
many people as Pennsylvania. Why
this remarkable result? New York,
another me of these same middle states
... . I. 1 j a
rew in weaitn during me last aecaae
$7,000,000 more than Kansas, Nebras
ka, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Geor
gia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana
all combined. These sixteen states are
nearly sixteen times as large and have
more than four times as many people as
New York. Why this reversal?
Rhode Island, another one of these
same New England states, is perhaps the
most barren patch on the continent. It
is not as large as the two smallest coun
ties of Arkansas. It has less than one
third as many people as Arkansas, yet
this little patch of sand and stone and
salt water grew in wealth during the last
decade $41,000,000 more than the four
great states of Illinois, Indiana, South
Carolina and Mississippi all combined.
These four states are 136 times as large
and have twenty-one times as many peo
pie as m
K eagerly 1
ple as Rhode Island just as honest, just
as industrious people, an lomng just ub
rlytomake weaitn.
one simile year, from 1893 to 1894
the state of Massachusetts grew in wealth
, upward $24,000,000; Pennsylvania grew
upward $46,000,000; New York grew up
ward $235,000,000; three times as much
as all the distinctively manufacturing
states combined, while the entire south
aqd west suffered au aggregate loss of
jnfcre than $400,000,000 in this one sin-
rgle year.
; These are not predictions, nor theories,
but stubborn facts. The same telltale
census reports disclose upon whom these
' enormous losses are falling, as well as
into whose hands this enormous increase
of wealth is falling.
Mr. Carroll 1). Wright s census bulle
tin No. 98 shows that notwithstanding
the immense increase in the ' wealth of
Massachusetts, 82 percent., upward of
four-fifths of all the families residing in
Boston, have no homes, but live in rented
houses, while a large percentage of those
who normally own tueir homes are ngnt
ing under constantly appreciating mort
gages. Notwithstanding the enormous ln-
( crease in the wealth of Pennsylvania, 77
per cent, or more than three-fourths of
the families, residing in Philadelphia,
have no homes, while a large part of
those who have homes are struggling
against constantly appreciating mort
gages. Notwithstanding the increase in
the wealth of Rhode Island, 79 per cent,
nearly four-fifths of the families of Provi
dence have no homes.
Notwithstanding the enormous increase
of the wealth of New York, 94 per cent,
more than nine-tenths of the families who
reside in New York city, have no homes,
while a large part of the 6 per cent, who
nominally own their homes are despon
dently battling against. constantly ap
preciating mortgages.
This same bulletin snows an ot tier sig-
, nificant fact that a larger percentage of
foreign born citizens of the United States
own tneir nomes man 01 natives, xnis
might have been anticipated, for, having
betm bred in monarchical countries
wnere government, by "experts ' hedged
fwund by the doctrine of divine right
. J .'mo Innrr nhtninflri. thpv are bptter nre.
. . y rc 1 irti inn pnnmnnn wrtir'ii w ill t.iiih
' cd .try, are but inaugurating.
jj. - "
u v Who are the people who have no
I homes? Are they bankers or protected
manufacturers or other financial ex
perts?" ilut these census reports do not stop
even here in their disclosures.
They show that right alongside the
factory-made home markets in Massa
chusetts nearly 1,500 farms have- been
abandoned, upward of 700 of which had
houses upon them. In Pennsylvania, in
New York, in all New Lcgland, agricul
ture is in unprecedented distress and
farms are being abandoned.
Take for illustration, Illinois. Before
the war this was the farmer's paradise,
j Almost every acre of it is as fertile as the
valley of the Nile and is in high state of
cultivation, giving indisputable evidence
of unremitting toil and energy, kvery
" county in it has from one to twenty rail
roads. Its cities have grown in wealth
during the last decade about $500,000,-
000. Yet the aggregate wealth of Illi
nois during this decade has decreased
$59,000,000, and during the single year
from 1892 to 1894 it decreased upward
of $24,000,000.
Conducted by J, M. Swlgart. Correspondence
Last January the state auditor received
one sworn statement of all Mutual In
surance companies in the state. But
pa examination of the same he conclu
f YJed that all were entitled to a certificate
J of authority except the Farmers Mutual
' company of Nebraska. Be-
', ause he thought that the company wa
not doing basiOM) In accordance with
ho !avJlialiafcrtiQ.cuuipuu' arnU
would Induced men to cniicitl their stock
policies and in fact would take up the
policies of stock companies and issue
their own instead. The company alwo
took notes in payment of membership
and survey fees, and other things that
the auditor did not seem to think was
expedient for a pnrely mutual to do.
Hence he withheld the certificate but
afterwards issued a temporary certificate
with the understanding that the com
pany would go to the court in a man
damus proceedings to compel the audi
tor to issue a permanent certificate. This
case will come up before the supreme
court in the fore part of the next ces
sion which commences May 5.
Many of our members hear that it is
our company that is being tied but such
is not the case, we have our certificates
for the county fire company and also
for the fire and cyclone company on the
wall. ,
I will give you a copy of one, viz.
"Lincoln, Feb. 1, 1896.
It is hereby certified that the Nebraska
Mutual Fire. Lierntninir and Cyclone In
surance Company of Lincoln in the state of
Nebraska has complied wita ine insuranc
law of this state and is therefore author
ized to continue the business of Fire and
Cyclone Insurance it this state for the
current year. Witness my band and
seal of the auditor 01 public accounts the
the day and year first above written.
PtTftpuo Kfnrmir A P. A.
Seal N. W.'Petebs Deputy.
he only way that the troume now in
court can effect any company except
the one that did not get the certificate is
that the auditor's answer carries the
idea that the law is unconstitutional.
The Mutual Insurance Asssociation
composed of several local companies will
nave juuge aiariiu ui romoviij, to de
fend the constitutionality of the law.
Everv local comoanv should come to the
front and help defray the expense. $1.00
from each company would beample mon
ey but if BOrae fail a few companes will
have to foot the bill, mery company
has an interest in keeping the law on the
books hence all should respond.
' Fred Hector of South Auburn and
John H. Korster of Johnson, called on
us last week, the former is secretary the
latter director of the German Mutual
Insurance company of Nemaha county.
Their comDanv is five years old, has
$700,000 insurance, has paid about
$800 for losses, cost for five years $3.50
per $1,000.
Is it any wonder that Stock companies
do not desire the Mutualstohave a legal
riarbt to exist. If the law is declared un
constitutional the farmers of Nebraska
will not lay down and quietly submit
but they will organize mutual aid socie
ties until there can be a law passed that
will stand the test. But I do not think
that any mutual man would be so mean
and dastardly contemptable as to ask
that a law or supreme court decission
should put an estoppel to any Stock
companies from writing insurance in this
state even at the uncalled for high and
increasing rate that the pooled compan
ies are demanding.
Shelton Bailies to the Independent.
Shelton, Neb., April 25, 1896.
Special to the Idependent. I reached
this little city on the east line of Buffalo
county sabout 11 a. m. proceeded to the
Howard house, and deposited my bag
gage, and proceeded to look up a few of
the honest denizens of the place and
vicinity, and succeeded beyond my ex
pectation in finding friends of the cause
of the people. I was able before 5 p. m.
to add sixteen new names to the list of
those who read the truth as it is found
in the Nebraska Independent. The In
dependent has a great many good and
substantial friends in and around Shel
ton who are anxious to Bee it grow and
Drosner and continue to carry the good
tidings of the hope of the deliverance
from the bondage of the money power
which controls the financial system of
the country. J. V. D.
Gibbon Still Flourishes.
Gibbon, Neb., April 24, 1896.
Special to the Independent: This is
a very pleasant and apparently pros
perous little village, situated about four
teen miles east of Kearney on the U. P
R. R. all classes of business are represen
ted here. There are two newspapers, the
Reporter, the Populist organ, has a
Kood circulation, and 1 the editor, Mr
Carson is a wide awake original popu
list and the paper is a live and spicy sheet
'The principals of the peoples, indepen
dent party are advocated by a majority
of the citizens in and around the village,
they are working up quite an interest in
the free silver idea. Gibbon is surrounded
by a rich agricultural valley between the
Wood river and the Platte and farmers
are well fixed and prosperous.
Wife Wanted.
A country lady is my choice one that
has a home and plenty, and room in
that home for the husband she loves and
no other. I am temperate, use no to
bacco, have but little property, am
used to farm life, weigh 135 pounds.
This is leap year, ladies. Please don't
be prejudiced against a man because he
advertises in a county paper. 1 feel it is
my privilege, and it is yours to answer
or not. Please give a discription of
yourself in first letter, and 1 will do the
same in answer. '
F. J. Walker, Aurora, Neb,
The Metric System.
By a vote of 119 to 117 the house
passed the bill to adopt the metric sys
tem of weights and measures in all de
partments of the government after July
2, 1896, and to make it the only legal
system after January 1, 1901. It will
bother people considerable to change
from, the old to the new method, but if
the goldites win the people will have
nothing to measure, so it does not mat
ter much anyway.
Should Resent Insult.
The negroes of the state of Nebraska
should repudiate the republican party
for the insult oflered them by the election
of the negro Bud Lindsey, notorious as
a keeper of a low grog shop in Lincoln,
as a delegate to the national republican
convention. If they do not, it will be
practically an admission that they are
on the same level with Lindsey. Madi
son Reporter. -
Interviews With The Old Time
Bliss Bdildino, Washington, D. C. J
April 18, 1896. S
We can't act independently on the sil
ver question," said a South Carolina
representative, referring to Senator,, Till
man's interview in this correspondence
last week. "If we bolt the Chicago con
vention that puts us ontside the demo
cratic party."
Then what will happen?
"Why, the anti Tillmanites will control
the party organization and with the aid
of the negroes who can vote even under
our inhibitory constitutional suffrage
amendment, . will sweep the state, con
gressmen and all. You see we are ia a
h 1 of a fix and don't know what to do.
We have made the fight for white rule
and have won, and between white rule
and white money, self preservation com
pels us to maintain white supremacy. If
we can get both, why, we shall be happy.
But I don't take much stock in the 'free
silver or bust' talk. If the Chicago con
vention nominates a free silver candi
date on a olain free silver platform the
democratic ticket will be elected. If a
gold candidate is nominated the presi
dential election will go by default so far
as the south is concerned. Every south
ern state, in that event, will make the
fight on state issues. 1 agree with sena
tor Tillman, however, that the silver
democrats will not bolt at Chicago if es
cape from such an alternative is possi
So that silver in the south must be
considered wholly from the standpoint of
state politics. It is advocated or repudi
ated by the democratic party as party
exigency demands. When allegiance to
silver is necessary to maintain party su
premacy it is boldly advocated. It is
done to keep the masses of the party in
line on state issues. The southern abates
will demand a silver candidate and a
silver platform at Chicago upon the
principle of state preservation. The
rank and file ot the democratic party
in the south is ready to abandon the
party on the money issue only when and
where it can be done without jeopardiz
ing local interests. The gold faction
fully understands the southern situation,
and is not in the least alarmed at the
bluster of southern silver democrats.
"Where," remarked a New York
democrat, "will the south get its cam
paign funds if it bolts the Chicago
convention? Every penny used to keep
'the solid south' together for the
last fifteen years has come from New
York. Left to its own resources 'the
solid south' would only be a memory to
day instead of an important factor in
national politics. You can put it down,
that the south will not bolt the Chicago
This obserervation was repeated in the
presence of a group of southern silver
democrats. Livingston, of Georgia, the
most blatant blatherskite of them all,
Quickly responded, we are simply mat
ing asses of ourselves when we talk about
bolting the convention, we all know
what we will do when the time comes,
and we well know that there will be no
bolt. This 'free silver or bust' talk is un
adulterated idiocy. What is the presiden
cy worth to the south with a man like
Cleveland in the White House. Our fight
is for home government and the
repeal of the 'force bill' makes that cer
tain for all time to come."
Livingston stated the proposition
bWadly and honestly, and nine out of
ten silver shrieking southern democrats
agree with him.
. Representative Cox, of Tennessee, an
ardent and conscientious silver demo
crat, was asked what significance he at
tached to the silver victory in Alabama,
"It seems," he replied "that the silver
faction will control the Chicago conven
And what does that mean?
"Well, it means a determined effort to
nominate a silver candidate and
adopt a silver platform. I don't
say that it will succeed, but if
it does not it means that the
south will make a common fight for
state preservation and a democraticsilver
congress. That policy will succeed if we
can get out the democratic vote, out
right there is great danger. We lost
Tennessee in the last election by the
stay-at-home vote. Mr. Patterson, the
administration champion in Tennessee,
lost 12,000 votes in his district. The
democratic majority on the state ticket
was reduced from 30.000 to 1.500. The
situation is even more critical now than
in 1894. With a gold candidate for
president and a silver state ticker, every
democratie candidate from congressman
to constable will be compelled as a mat
ter of self preservation, to repudiate
the presidential ticket. That being so,
it would seem to be our plain duty to
bolt the Chicago convention in the event
a gold candidate is nominated, but, in
my opinion, no sucn action is in con tern
Dlation. That would mean the dismem
berment of the national organization
and no southern democrat is prepared
for that. This phase of the situation
was fullv discussed at a recent meeting
of the Tennessee state executive commit
tee and the conclusion against bolting
was unanimous. It will not be consid
ered in the election of delegates to the
national convention, and itwasnotcon-
sidered in the Alabama primary election
last week."
" Listening at Key Holes.
& There are a few in the populist party
who serve no other purpose than guard
ing the keyholes, and they n hold their
pHces without contest py common con
sent. Sound Money.
A Grand Leader.
Senator W. V. Allen has written a very
sensible and modest letter to Gov. IIol
comb giving some good reasons for his
declination to accept the populist nomina
tion for president. Our Senator has
earned his popularity and won the
esteem of all classes except the ossified
republican place hunters and their or
gans. Such papers sneerat bis candidacy
and claim that the certainty of defeat
causes him to decline the offered honor.
He would be a grand and fearless leader
in the great battle of human rights
Blair Republican.
Now Then on to the White House.
Our entire ticket is elected, district and
parish, and we were succeasful in a ma
jority of the ward struggles. We feel
safe in predicting four years of good dis
trict, parish and ward government. We
congratulate our people , in that iy
have shown their woiild-be masters that
rights, too, is sometimes might. Para
phrasing the salutation of the Oriental
we say "0, People , Live Forever."
The Times Democrat and the Pica
yune are seeking to aid the Foster cause
by creating the impression in the public
mind that Murphy J. Foster was elected
governor of this state on Tuesday last.
None know better than the editors of
these two newspapers that Mr. Foster
will not be the next governor of
Louisiana. '
The legislature elected, so far as re
turns now show, will have a majority of
thirty honest men, who will not go into
any democratic caucus upon the ques
tion of returns, and will vote to give
JohnN. Pharr the governorship. Peo.
pie's Party Advocate, Washington
Louisiana. o
has alwavs merited
is contrary lo
every instinct of
reason and equi
ty. Men and
nations rebel
against it. The
man who buvs
"cheap" harvesting machinery is
doomed to pay tribute to the man
ufacturer for replacing parts that
break mparts that wear out too
soon. This is unjust taxation.
McCORMICK HarvestingMa
chines are built upon honor. They
insure the purchaser against extor
tion for repairs; parts that should
not break do not break, because
scientific figuring enters into their
construction; parts that wear do
not show wear, and need not be re
placed until after long, hard ser
vice. The first cost ot a McCor
mick is a little more than the first
cost of other machines, but with
the McCormick you get mere-than
you pay for, while with the others
you pay for more than you get.
The new McCormick Light-Running
Open Elevator Harvester and Binder,
the McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower
and the McCormick Corn Harvester
are unequalled for capacity, light
draft, efficiency of service and long
life Built, sold and guaranteed by the
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.,
Agents Every-wnere.
Business Directory.
Men whose advertisements appear in this col
am n are thoroughly reliable, and on.lnn. en
trusted to them will receive prompt and cr!tt)
cNERNEY ft EAGER, attorneya-at-law, 1034
O Street, Lincoln. Neb. Telepnone ew.
L. STARK. Attorney-at-Lw, Aurora, M
ON8 MATHEW, Attoony-t-Law, Loop
- uiy, nebrasRa.
R. H. B. LOWRT, U7 North Uth Street, Lin
coln, Nebraska.
pHARLES A. MUNN, Attorey-t-Law,Ord.
x braaka.
A. MILLS, Aitoniey-at-Law Oiceola, Ne-
A. EDWARDS. Attorner-at-Law. Grand I
land, Neb. Office over Flrit Hat'l Bank.
R. J. M. LCCAS, Deatilt, Braoe Block, Lin
coln, Nebraaka.
I 8HAUP IMPLEMENT CO., Bohanan Block,
J' Lincoln, Neb. Farm llacBlnery.a-MptcJaUja
Machine snipped to au parte 01 tne state.
I T. M. 8WIOART. Mutual Fir and Cyclone
Insurance, Lincoln. Neb. Agent wanwa.
BEN In Lincoln, PopalUt ihould atop at the
Linden Hotel, it l ropunet ntaaqaarcar.
OUII COM Attorney-at-Law. Roam
. WILOUIN, M and 9L
coin, Nebraaka.
llM. LEK8E. Lawyer, m Booth Eleventh
VV Street, Lincoln, Neb,, Will pereenally attend
to all bualnea wltn care and promptnea. .
OERDROW & THOMSON. At tome v and conn
LJ selon-at-law. Room 4, over Cant. Neb. Nul l
Bank, David city, Neb.
DOBERT WHEELER, Attorney-At-Liw, 139
a somn ntn street, Lincoln, Kto. jsx-jnage
Fifth District. Bnainess given prompt attention
uirouguom wa state.
Dr. Edward W. Lee
8 south ltth Bt Qmaha, Netr.
Offlc Sd Floor, Brownell Blook.
Telephone 108. LIWCOL. OT
I Unjust I
t taxation
Th ere were Music and
And "Thousands
The Lighis Shown o'er
"Fair Women and Brave Hen."
We are speaking of OUR ANN UAL OPENJG.'which took
place last Wednesday evening. If you were" no-rrere, you
shuld have been! For you missed a treat that was enjoyed by
thousands, "Without money and without price." Every '
visitor received a rose or other flower and all went home feel
ing that it was "good to be here."
We have the most elegant display of Spring Goods ever shown
in Lincoln. Every farmer wants to buy where he can get
the most and the best for his money. ' '
"W E M -A- K S3
Our announcements in the Newspapers to attract attention,
but having that once, we find our best and most effective ad
vertisement in the good values and in the stylish character of
our clothing. Every well pleased customer we find sends us
another, 4 and a number of recent visitors we have traced in
that way to others who had bought suits of us. All our goods
are new, made this season for this season's wear and made at
our own factory.
Experienced select the Waverley because they have learned to know the
-.'T difference between a wheel that is actually high grade and
IMilei-fcir 9 one ia simply claimed to be. Some others may be good
but the Waverley is the highest of all high grade. Scorcher (3 heights) f 85.00
Belle 26 and 28 inch 75.00 and f 85.00.
N. P.
1 Place to 1b
If you are interested in Dry
ine to the best possible advantage
Ours ia the largest exclusive Dry
We sell for cash and nt the same low price to all purchasers. We car
ry a complete assortment at all seasons of the year. We have a large
mail order business from all parts of the Central West. We issue
a large illustrated catalogue which
I 1229
Ground Rock Salt for Stock ROCK SALT
Hides, Pickles, Meats, Ice Cream,
Ioe Making, Fertilizing, &c, Jtc.
FUReST, fieftLTHieST; Besi.
VlnM fiA Wnrlrn
Lyon tod Ktnopolis, Eao.
Bole Agents for Lyons Bock Salt Co., and
If yon want a good suit of clothes at a very low price, send to ns for our com
plete Chart of figures for measurements, (bo simple a child can take a correct meae
ore,) and our handsome illustrations, and description of suits, each 'accompanied
by samples of goods. Our clothes are equal in style and finish to best ecstom
made. We send all of the above by mail free, and if yon order a suit and it U not
exactly like sample, and yon are not satisfied, yon will be out nothing, for we will
pay expeessage both ways.' Please mention Nebraska Independent when yoa
write, for it is onr reference. PEOPLES' SUPPLY CO.
eow Suite 11 Adams Express Bldg. Chicago, 111.
Growth of Alfalfa.
We keep always on hand Kaffir Corn, Jerusalem Corn, Sorgham and
other Forage Plants which are adapted for dry climates.
Oar elegant 1896 Catalogue is now ready and will be mailed free
on application. Send for one.
The Nebraska Seed Co.
520 North 16th Street, Omaha, Neb.
A Beautiful Symbolic Dadge.
the ea'gle badge. Free coinage "16 to
1," the true American
financial creed. Show
your colors. Send
for sample of the
handsomest b a d g
ever made; beautiful,
durable, sym bolic,
silver, tipped with
gold, legends in blue
enamel. SamDlu. 20
Dflflra PitntpPd for cents; onedoz., f 1.75;
3 doz., 5.00; prepaid to any address.
Agents wanted; special terms. Address,
Eaolk Badge Co.
44-6-t Willimatic, Conn.
City ticket office Elkhora-Northwestera
line, 117 So. 10th St.
of Hearts Beat Happily'
CURTIS Co., Agent
Goods and want to do your buy-
we would like to hear from you
Goods establishment in Nebraska
we mail free to all who ask for it.
to 1239 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb.
AddreM Western Rock Salt Co., St. Louis, r.!o.
Royal Salt Co. apr23-12t
Fresh and
If you want the best Garden in your neighbor
hood this season, plant our FAMOUS SEEDS.
a Specialty.
We are Headquarters for
All Nebraska farmers before corn plant
ing to buy my patent "Anti-Gopher Seed
Corn Preparation" and save yourself
trouble. Send $1.00 for direction to
Fkedekick T. Krause,
Office 100 South 13th St, Lincoln Neb.
"We Have The Tariff Yet."
The g. o. p. will soon be grinding ont
protection on every hand organ, and in
response it will be oppopriate to sing
"We Have theTariff Yet," "That Honest
Dollar," "A Politician Here You See,"
"The March of the Workers," "God Save
the People," Etc., Etc., Etc. Send to
this office for the new popular song book
which contains these and about seventy
five more. See elsewhere our ad of Armageddon.
I !