The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 23, 1896, ECONOMIC EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    April 23, 1896.
.:. T !nntn 'urftttkH.
Pear Sib: tours 01 af" wi ,l """"
...wtino-me to be present ai iuhw
. t. . . " .;.., ottlrn Host
I . t . . ...I , 1 1, T IllHHllflU - " - '
IMP B muri'uu' r , -
Lfc w.U in Hastings on April
17 T nm verr sorry to say wai
to the hard time and failure of crops
w the last two seasons I am unable to
And Favot fhs Issue or Bona i iuuw p . .""7.. - - th9 tru; lf 1
of mci
1 i
The republican state convention neia
inrit 15th deciaea auuuni
Hi viiinuci j'
mtanimniiHlv aaranist free silver. Lx
w .... 1
congressman Connell introduced tne ioi-
Inwinir resolution which was promptly
ioi,i rn the table:
"We declare that both gold ana silver
. 3
could I would be present. My Heart ana
hand is in sympathy our inu -
i i hsiisvfl mat iii 111 "
Kxrarslan to Mtmleo.
Woodlaws, April 2G, '9G.
Editor Ixuepnedext; The Staats-Anzer
ger of Lincoln, published that, on April
15th, an excursion will stan irom Lin
coln to Mexico, with which a good many
Germans from Lincoln will go to see the
country, and purchase a new nome,
therefore we must ask what is it causes
those people to leave Nebraska? That
m'a llfln R I(W lull VtJUro BUUUIUUltc
.ina ,f tmnr rft from DecOUHUK tuo
land of English lords, ana us poou.
lings. God be with our movement that
it may avert this awful . doom that
hangs like a pan 01 unroot
our loved country. 1 sincerely
should be primary money and recognised that the people's party is the only hope
iiuuiu t . rtl the United . omint.rv from a cruel and
KTff .ndTOdtariufi lialt.d ooar p-voked by the foulest
foau'debti both public j and private; ofdm0ns, the money power of the
that the government should not discnm- world. Anything that the meeting of
Snate in favor of gold as against ver, the 17th does wisely and to the end that
Lnd that the mints should be .opened up- ood nmy be accomplished n favor of
1 r nth m H nnd si ver .....: hnmnn tv. will meet with
on enual Terms m s-- ,,, huik-hu u,.......y ,
. t.hiished bv law. Me L, htv nnnrova . If you see fit and
op, ose The issuing of government bonds ' c'aa hand this to the
Climes of peace. . k-Km . tary of the meeting a the best wishes
So the republican pany iu n0r success. ma
m onnosed to the free coinage of silver gtate committeeman for Blaine to,
' ' . . !
happen over the whole woria wnereiore
the people of Nebraska have no cause to
complain that nature treats tnem as
atari children. Climate and and soil are
iust as favorable here as anywhere,
wherefore the cheerful .emigrant should
remember the old German proverb: Stop
the, Miuntrv and make an honest liv
ing. J.U1S 18 a Wise proveru uumuu oyyn
cable any more to Nebraska, because it
is impossible for a man to make an hon
est living in Nebraska. Nebraska is ter
rorized from an unmerciful gang of cut
throats compared with which the Italian
highwaymen are only innocent orphan
boys. Make an honest living is said to
businessmen and tradesmen, and put your
money in the banks so that you have
anmethinir when hard times come. Uut
bankrupt stores, department stores,
trusts, etc.. run the businessman, and
manufactories, sweating shops, etc., the
Make an honest living and put your
small savincrs in the savings bank is told
to the laborer, but machinery draws
rerv dav more laborers out of employ
ment and competition puts tne wages so
low that the laborer can not live and
therefore has no chance to save any
The Iarmer is told to mane an nonesi
livinsr and Dav his tax like a man to
further the common weal and that the
covernment is able to eive him aid in
fail years but boards of trade, railroads,
meat, flour, sugar, coal, oil trusts, etc
skin him alive and if fail years come.
banks, savings banks, state, county and
town treasurvs with every cent go to
. . I t Tti- w . 1 1 r. WAin m ra nun 1 n . n inr iiiiniurHnuicu. iiuuvdiuvui
v.: -,infttd as vice-presiaen ur wmianw jm . , ,,rr.:r ru 1. ,,Ttiat
ucuis mv , - ol, t hen ns nir "Yes raY daugnier s me uas ubou imoureio, ibiuicid, iiaiYc iuu vu ftuv.,.
boldinga p acem t thanks to a through all the different robber gangs
secretary o. UBi-V7-r--teP ntTnd friend who recommended them to the honest business man is DanKrupt,
eral.hecanbe of further and greater kind menu wuu the shoemakor.has no shoes onhis feet,
1 J
r8.0!.; introduced
blowing resolutions which were greeted
ih Btnrms ol Hisses auu i
short order: ,
iv 1 un. Kan a for John
nintn.(l to leave his seat
0 the United States senate and Journey
. 1 ;mQa half wav across the conti-
rr7A " itend the meeting of the state
republican committee and direct its pro
rn 7"" ;Dioi it pa for this con
TXr. 'unto have himself made del
i -o- onr! countv conventions,
and. as self-constituted dictator happily
.i-i.j t'i Tnhn the t irst. nas isbubu
?. . Jf:. nair,r the selection of him
--1. T,.i t. vhter and Peter Jansen
h national republican
" U"!TT :Za 5ln the boundaries
hia pnnvention may elect
the other two delegates-at-large, , and.
ThATarrlhln Ordeal of a Mother.
A MV '
Her Little Girl Ainost Faded Away
Saved In the Sick of Time. A
Story that wUl Touch
the Heart of Every
From th Journal, Detroit, Mich,
A verv erateful mother is Mrs. A. L.
wkL it. understood that having Harness. of 676 Grandy Avenue,
),orl to himself the several titles and . if intho wonderful cure wihichher
: " wta and A mtntor. ""v " rw
offices 01 senator, un- T "" dantrhter has received by tne use 01 vr,
is ambitious lor tne '""- n7.., Pint Tm. Said Mrs. Har-
o x ssi iff s j ri' s s s r 1 w rs 1 rA cvtv
r Cdta&gue, Address,
Or JTJ .
- x
aervice to the Pacific raiiroaas, wuobb
passes and stolen millions have been
used to advance the honored gentlemen
to his present 7 , . -- . . She waa 80
P.9 . ini,nmnF. Li,intLtkwHa fairlv skin and bones
Whereas, J' Ji,nt" ioHfion was out of order and she
able prociamau., rTr: t awful headaches. We gave
hna iriven ineuuunu boko- uu TT r
' . . 1 n.;n,.inii n n kniu ni nor rwioverv,
'niQnnh whs sick for over three years, the tailor no coat on his back, the sad
,wf fhu hBati nnvsicians 1 a er no mattress do iu.v uu, iuo iumuu
nrnnnrable. and no expense or trouble and carpenter
..n:,lntinl nan
that he carries the republi'
r,n nartvof Nebraska in his pocket;
tirV- Tn nrder that this impres
,o nnntinne and the chances ol
Her long,
thin, listless face made me nearly crazy,
and we did everything in our power to
give her strength and induce ner 10 imw
an interest in anything.
rwrtnv a friend told me about the
th. natoX tilyini his ambition Pink Pills and Mr. Harness went down
thesenatoi or Kiai j three boxes. She had
be not impaireu uy rrr-" -K-;- mhoil. to mv
ence or disloyalty on the part 01 tne re.
...v.k iiuro nftfiinblea: ana,
II 11 vi - r .
' .... -ir in tha con arnP I nitnr
:XcTfldence in Ms own been over a year since the piano had
-,ni..UB . ,t.
when, to my amazement
one morning I heard her playing on the
Tf.nniri hard v Deneve u, iuni
the entire
.MliHrtnow to St. IjOUIS, oo
rlulno-ntH alloted tO
and regret that the authority of this con
vention will not permit us to thus con
stitute hiin, therefore in order to effect
the same, and as nearly as may be, be it
Resolved, That Senator Thurston be
requested to name all the delegates to
the St. Louis convention we are assem
bled supposedly to select, which dele
gates are hereby instructed, and the dis
trict delegates are revested to vote and
act in said convention under the direc
tion and for the glory of the senator.
That an apology is due
from Ex-senator Manderson to Senator
itl.., (ak nBrmittinir the use 01 nis
o nroaiilfintial candidate with
utiuiu a. 1 . . . , , r
hnvinff first obtained the consent of
the senator, and for attempting to usurp
" the title of "Favorite Son, ' when it is
well known that the name of our favor
ite is not Charles, but John; and
Resolved, lastly, That we can but ad
mire and applaud the magnanimity ot
our senator in graciously consenting
that the name of ex-Senator Manderson
mav be mentioned at St. Louis at such
time or manner as will injure no one else
or do him any good. - ,
While the above resolutions give the
populist view of Senator Thurston no
importance should be attached to their
introduction in a republican convention.
If Thurston were a candidate tomorrow,
Crounse would be out telling the people
what a good tnnn he was and , urging
them to vote for him, and if Mckinley is
trold standard plattorm,
n n Htnmn the state for him. it
is altogether probable that both resolu
tions were concocted, in a secret confer-
,.,;!, Thuraton and put in to hold
the disgruntled republicans in line, that
is the way the bosses oo tnese lum"
The SoUllers' Home.
The Soldiers' and Sailors' home under
the nresent management is a shining
r-redit to the party and the state. And
compared to thepast management under
.winon Administration it is a good
economic and business-like management J
as compared to extravagance and reck
lessness. Under the present system of
management the actual cost, of inmates
ner capita has been reduced. This is the
way public affairs should be managed.
Com. Wilson has also introduced a new
eystem of book-keeping by which a daily
accounting is made, showing and cover
ing all expenditures, and at the expira
t;nn nlonrh month a balance is struck
Bhowing in dollars and cents the cost per
,emher per day for the proceeding
month. Those occupying cottages are
put to an economical test. At the end
of each mouth a statement is sent to
af.h nne showinir theamountdrawn and
t thereof, which is designed to cut
down the heavy expenditures of some as
nnn,nnn.(l tn others, and it is doing it.
We are further pleased to note that since
of adiutant Alteu the
house was never better disciplined.
Ornnd Island Free Prw.
Heartfelt Wishes for Success.
When the editor of the Inpepesdent
was in Washington two years ago re
porting the doings of congress, he fre
quently heard remarKS maae . oy ue piu
Vno;, .amitnrn substantially like this
"Iu the future we will not be troubled to
. on tnt with these cranks. They will
oon be sa poor that it will be impos tn hold conventions or
o nmiti orcranization. lhe follow
jng letter shows that these demons are
making their words goou.
Hrkwbter. Neb.. Blaine Co., Apr. 11
IHClft .
V Frank D. Eager, secretary of state com
. r . DhAnf kuIqci
"Snnn sne ueKan w laivc ouvi v auvw
on her bicycle, and soon she went tinging
nrnnnd the hOUSe, our owu uapv,
knMv rln.nyhter once more,
"She thinks nothing of a spin on her
wheel over to Mr. Clements or Pontiac,
onri in na wpll as she ever was.
"I had a girl living at our house who
was a great sufferer from impoverished
v.iri and who received instant and
pennant relief from the use of one box or
"if hU Information can be of any use
tn hfiln some poor sick one, it is given
ii,. wiotoat of nleasure.
WILU lUOfti-ii'u. I. " Tl 1.
Tha rnnrietors of Dr. Wilhams' Pink
Pills state that they are' not a patent
hut a prescription used for
many years by an eminent practitioner rtrrl 1 mail tliH most wonderful results
with them, curing all forms of weakness
arising from a watery condition of the
blood or shattered nerves, v ,"'"
causes of almost every ill to which flesh
is heir. The pills are also a specific for
the troubles peculiar to females, such as
.,,cUir,7in all forms of weakness,
chrouic coustipation, bearing down
pains, etc., and in the case 01 meu
give speedy relief and effect a permanent
cure in all cases arising from mental
worrv, overwork, or excess 01 wuuibvbi
nature. They are entirely harmless and
v0 .riven to wpak and sickly children
with the greatest gooa ruu wuuuu. tuC
i'ink Pills are sold by
oil Vipnlers. or will be sent post paid on
receipt of price, lou cents uo, ui o
i.-oo tni. SriO thev are never sold in
th K in dv aauresBiim vi .
L1UIIV VJ 1 kij n.w , , ,
Williams' Medicine company ovuvuw
eady, N. Y.
no roof over them, the
farmer no meat, no bread, no potatos to
eat. the coal dicirer no coal. etc.
In the Bhort time of about three years
onr state treasury lost about $250,000
under Hill, the county fiU.uuu unoer
Burnham, $60,000 under Cobb, 15,uuu
under Judge Lansing, $ s.uuu unaer uis
trict C erk Baker, the city under isteven
son $20,000. Every cent of it must be
compensated by new taxes.
. . . .. .
lf we had lost what state, county,
towns and private people in this state
have lost in the last few years, it would
amount to a few millions and this is just
the money that the people with hard la-
hor had saved for hard times.
In olden times people thought that
iron was thief proof. The robbers of to-
dav drair it away with tongs and our
iudires protect their hands so that they
will not Durn tneir nngers. 11 juuges ns
Maxwell and Tibbets dare to knock the
robbers on the hands they are thrown
From the whole gang Banker Mosher
was the most honest, because he plead
guilty of embezzelmentand was sentenced
to five years in the penitentiary. If he
had denied the charges against him.
nobody would have molested him any
further, and he would have had emplov.
ment either as state or county treasurer,
or as a receiver of a bank like Mr. liill
Considering all these facts, making an
honest living has played out, in Nebras
ka, wherefore people have to move some-
whprn P Heto makemaKe an nouesi nv'
1 1 ; ...... . .
It Endorses Allen and the Other Populists
in Congress,
Lincoln, Neb., April 20,'l896.
At a regular meeting of the Federal
Labor Union, No. 6332, A. F. of L., the
following preamble and resolutions were
adopted. :
Whereas. The Hon. William V. Allen,
representative of Nebraska in the United
States senate and the Hon. Marion But
ler of North Carolina, and the Hon. B. R.
Tillman of South Carolina, having at all
times in their respective positions faith
fnllv stood bv and fearlessly and elo
quently advocated such measures as are
calculated to advance the interests ol the
laboring and producing classes of this
Nation, therefore be it
Resolved. That we as members 01
Federal Labor Union, No. 6332, A. F. of
L. appreciating the good service rendered
onr national legislation by the Hon.
William V. Allen and his worthy col
leagues in the United States senate m
their untiring enorts to present true
principles and champion the cause ot
the common peopie, ana weespeciauj ap
preciate Senator Allen s speecn aeuvereu
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian
Tube, When the tube is infhmed you have a rum
bling sonnd or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, Deafness is thu result, and unless
the innamation can be taken out and the tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but the inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars
F. J. CHKKET & CO., Toledo, O.,
tar-Sold by Druggist, 75c.
in the United States senate in opposition
to the discrimination in the pensions
granted to the wives of deceased officers
and soldiers and in favor of the pension
laws being strictly adhered to, and be it
further ,.
Resolved, That we endorse the action
nf mir wnrthv concrres8man the uon.
Omer M. Kern of Nebraska and his
worthy colleagues m the house ot repre
sentatives in their efforts to legislate in be
half of thelaboringandproducingclasses
of this state and nation.
Resolved. That the secretary oe in
structed to send a copy of these resolu
tions to the Silver Knight and National
Watchman 1420, JNew I one avenue,
Washington, D. C, for publication and
for publication, and that a copy of the
bhitio hn snreafl nnon 1 19 records oi iuio
Union. F. C. Brown.
J. H. FlNlTY.
Is the Shortest Route to
And all Points South.
Tf von are coiner South write us for
- C7 -
illustrated and descriptive pamphlets.
City Ticket Office, 1201 "0" Street.
F. P. Cornell, C. P. & T. A
H. C. Townsenp, G. P. & T. A. St. Louis
So does Death.
Ruskin Colony advertises "Ruskin
Readv Remedy." Is this a patent meo-
Ami nrna if man 6 nv rvuBiviuitcoi
If so. then the fate of the colony is nxeu.
When thspatentmeaicine nmu wui
does death. Progressive Age.
To Gain Flesh to Sleep Well to Know
What Appettte and Good Diges
tion Means Make a Test of
Stuart's Dyspepsia
. Show Tour Colors.
A verv pretty badge for populists,
. .. i i
a tvoa-aUvur men is advertised on tue
fifth uf today's Inpepenpent by
th. Koif o Kfl.nire lO Ul Iliuuunuvn.,
Conn. You can get a sample by sending
i 2 ceuts in stamps. Agents wanieu.
Y0 0 ABE
Attorney-at-baw, Burr's Block.
WnMra !h hfirehv criven that bv virtue of a chattel
mortgage, dated on the 8th day of March. 1894 and
duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Lan
caster county, Nebraska or. the 15th day of March,
189i and executed by Fred F. Carlson to Leander
L. Larimer to secure the payment of a certain
romissory note for the sumot j&uk.uu ana mterest
'mm the first dav of March. 1894. at the rate of 10
per cent, per annum, on which there is now due
anaoweing tne Bum 01 jmo.o. jueiaun uavmg
been made in the payment of said sum, and no
suit or other proceedings at law having been in
stituted to recover said debt, or any part thereof,
therefore I will sell the following property therein
described, viz; One grey gelding colt, named
Douglas, six years old. weight about 1100 pounds at ,
public auction, in front of the postofltee in the
village of Raymond, county of Lancaster and State
ol JNeoraska, on saturaay, tue zaiu nay oi m
11 o clock a. m. or said any.
Leander L, Larimer, Mortgagee
wsx. et Wilson his Attorney. 43-4t
Monographs by General A J. Warner.
No. 1. Intrinsic Value
2. Profit to the Miner.
3. "Put a Dollar's worth of silver
in a Dollar."
What is an Honest Dollar
"A Depreciated Dollar for the
"A Dumping Ground for Silver."
Money and Credit.
Prices on a Gold Basis.
The Future of Prices Under the
Gold Standard.
Our Debt Abroad.
Should Banks or the Govern
ment Issue the Paper Currency?
Greenbacks and the Gold Re
serve. Silver and Cotton.
A Silver Basis.
Agricultural Prices and How
Price Levels are Determined.
Money and Property.
These monographs are especially val
uable to students of the money question.
Each one in itself is a complete argu
ment for bimetallism at 16 to 1. We
will mail them post paid to any address
at five cents each, or the full set of 17
numbers for tweuty-five cents. Write us
for quantity price.
The Nebraska Inrepenpent
1122 M St. Lincoln, Neb.
1 9.
' 10v
; 11.
1 12.
' 13.
' 14.
' 15.
Climb a tree.
first class Shave or Hair Cut, go to the
rt.,.nT,niit.iMt nrher Shoe 12th Bt., entrance
to Burr Block. Hair cut 15c, Shave 10c.
Free of
Another Kansas Town Which Recognizes
the Ooming Power-
Tofeka. K"as., April 14.-Gaylord,
Smith pmintv. is the second city in Kan-
o- n aa under the control of women n8ea the heart palpitates and is irregular;
. . ., i.ii,.j ora nfWteti: in
exclusively. The city government, vyas "'--'"fiS with
turned over yesterday h - sti Al others are troubled with
otters: , - ,"Ta nf 17h and appetite, with accumula.
ken; ronce juuge, .-. - r : na ., .illM and heartburn
Kmma antcnen, iu.0. , .'""; " tnde prompts me
onfv Wnirnt. MISS r loreuce A HIUUH v y-.- o-- .
f ... . i l 1 I l . 4 1 . .it. n fan
annnmtad OITV flRrK HI1U UJ Wl W vucao "
an opr'"'"" j i..v.l
Mrs. M. J. Kline city , , V, " ""7 w. T have been asufferer
This is Mrs. llaske 8 seconu ierm us iwyope" -. .
mavo and she performed her duties so from nervous dyspepsia for the ast
m..?!'f"Yi! - fmniot- women's conn- four vears, have used various patent
i i i. : Alfa Uaoboll id 1 modminPH f
cil waseiecieu vr "" c-Z" --KU .a,,n Thev somet mes
n. (ipiijiicrui. . ' " . . " . . - i v
mx A nrt rtnrtv lines, the
council being about evenly divided be
tween republicans ana populism.
Ileadley was
With Their Little Hatchet,
skell. banker Aker, banker
Mott. banker Legan, and cashier Howe
were elected delegates to the republican
conventions, which meet at Omaha and
Norfolk. Well, say, don't that sound as
though they were dead morally certain
to have a "sound mouey" plank iu their
r,i.inrm. lrf.t our readers remember
that there are only nine delegate and
fham nre bankers a nic clean
"honest dollar sound money," "sound
nllar" maioritv. "Who killed
cock robin?" Why the same fellows that
threw the "silver pussy iu the well" we
cant tell a lie the "houest aoiiar sounu
" hankers thev done it with
thoir lit.Hp conntv convention liatcnet.
Dion Co. leader.
A Populist Victory.
Victor. Col., April 8, '96.-The entire
town populist ticket, headed by James
Doyle for mayor, was elected here after a
hot fight by aooui
Celery Pills.
tiqo nilla are a powerful vitalizing
People having it think that their nerves torce the best remedy for exhaustion,
are to blame and are surprised that they and Nervous Debility weaknesses caused
are not cured by nerve mediniue and rotn youthful errors, or excesses. ,15e-
auips Extract 01 veiery, hjcoo
an nther stanaara tonics, uu
tone and strengtti to tne genera.
fullv restoring vigor, anu oiiei....
sealed in plain wrapper $ i. per uUA
dttivi? kitxs. ior lauies junu
i r..iu. '" . . . j-i i
, nr Safe, certain, anu uarui.
The equal oi vum r r j
Btrual penoo, aoesuui wwi.. uv .v-
in plain wrapper f x. per
Miplanp MepicineCo,
Omaha Neb
ii.. 1 - t..AUit rrlan ih hv virtue of a chat
:: ;,,.,,,,, of March
LmriBT.,. 1J fin the office of the county
. f ,,, Lancaster couuty
Se ' " Lu ii: fi h l.v of March 1896 at 9:40
2 m evented by Miss Mabel Smithsou to W P
a. m.exeiuiou j hnafter on the 7tk
dav ol April ISM duly assigned, and trausterred
to James E. authorizing him to col
the same. Said mortgage was River iby the
" Mrg Mabel Smithson to secure ine pv
9,.uu ,,nt fur 890.00 and Inter-
est from the 25th day of March IMM at the rate of
ten per cent, per anum payable on dmnand, upon
sam-urn and no suit or other proceed n .at
law having been Instituted to recover Bald debt
or auv part thereof, therefore I will sel at public
auction the" following therein described property
K,.hnnl8r DnriKht I'lano, No. 6Hoat
Interesting Experience of an Indian-
apolis Gentleman.
Vn tmnhln i more common or more
misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia.
soring remedies; the real seat of the mis-
Ctliei 18 lOBIi Bife'n ", -
organ to be looKea alter.
Nervous dyspeptics oueu uu uui uqyo
iv r.ain whatever in the stomach, nor
perhaps any of the usual symptoms of
stomach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia
shows itself the storaacn bo iuucu
nonrW nverv other orean; in some
and other remedies without
ohlo esnlt. They sometimes
. .,1 . a. n -.iof until tho PlfeP.tS OI
Uieuiucm i iub noii"r- 1 --- T . ...,.j
tltn ma11AinO fffirs Oil. 1. Ulliiuuiw vm.o
to my sedentary habits, being a book
keeper with little physical exercise, but I
am glad to state inai iu
overcome all these obstacles, for I h
am bet
flesh, sleep better, and
ter in every way. The above is written
not for notoriety, but is based on actual
Uespectiuny yours,
A. W. Sharper,
61 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind.
It is safe to say that Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets will cure any stomach
weakness or disease except cancer of
stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas,
loss of and appetite, sleeplessness,
palpitation, heartburn, constipation and
Send for valuabl
stomach diseases by
Co.. Marshall. Mich.
All druggists sell full
50 cents
We give, free of charge, one of our Face Bteam
ft to every purchaser of a $1.00 bottle of our
Complete Skin Cleanser.
Pimples, Blackheads, Freckles,
Moth Patches and all Discol-
orations of the Skin.
Rtonminiz the face Is the only sure ana af
process to reraoveskln blotches, placing the skill
fo a clean and healthy condition, giving a most
beautiful complexion.
Face Steamer sent complete with every order.
including Cleanser, Boiler, Lamp, vaponior,
full directions for use. Agents wanieu
elty and town In the United States.
particulars. Address
Complexion Specialists,
251 5th Ave., - NEW YORK. Uu i
Mention this paper in order.
little book on
ddressing Stuart
wized packages at
,' V "i J, AV. onrl rtMnated as
ST tooth 1 S Street In the city ot Lincoln Lau
eSaoty Nebraska ou Thumlav 14th day
of M ay 1 SU6 at 9 o'clock a. m . on sa id d ay .
Notice is hereby given, That bv virtu of an or-
of the Third Judicial Pistrict of Nebraska, with n
and for Lancaster County, In an action wherein
1 ra Bailey Is Plaintiff and k ate Hall e' . al.
defendants. 1 will, at 2 ,? ? tU8f
dav of Mav A. P. 1W. a the hast door of the
ronrt House In the City of Lincoln, Lancaster
Couutv" Nebraska, ofterfor sale at public auction
the following described real estate, to-wlt. . Lot
ten (101 nd eleven (11) In block sixteen 1 1 1 in
.1 unction Plane addition to the city of Lincoln,
Lancastrconnt, Nebraska.
Given under my hand th.s 8th day pi t April
1 l iuut - JUn J,
44 -5t '
At the World's Fair. Write for
Souvenir Catalogue with half tone
portraits of sixty world famous
musicians, who use and endorse
them. We also sell the HALLET
TON NINZA and cheaper pianos
at prices from $40.00 up
A. HOSPE, Jr.,
General Aent,
Omaha, Neb.
Notice of Probate of Will.
tn tho Cnnnt.v Oonrfc of Lancaster County. Neb,
The State of Nebraska, to Kirtland I. Perky of
Albion, Idaho, son ot Esther M, Perky and her
hi r at aw anil to any otners mwresieu iu sum
Von are hereby notified that an Instrument
nernortlnor to be the last will and testament ol
bather M. I'nrkv deceased. Is on file In said court,
nnri nUn , naVit.inn urnvlnir for the probate of
said instrument, nnd for the appointment of L-
nore Perky as executrix, mat on ine i weniy
t.inrth iIhv nf Anril. 183fi. at, tWO o'clock p.m..
said petition and the proof of the execution of
said Instrument will be heard, and that it you do
not thnn Rinipnr and contest, said court may
probate and record the same, and gr..nt adininis
tmHnii nf tha R'at to Lenore Perky.
This notice shall be published for three weeki
r,rlni tit tairl hanrlnir.
'itnss my hand and official seal this 80th
dav of March ISUtl, S, T. COCHKAN,
Seal, 4Mt County JudRe.
In every
Writ lor
The above cut represents withoutdoubt
the most popular free coinage Daage.
The upper or smaller piece represents a
gold dollar in color and size, thelnrger is
the color and exact size of a silver dol
lar. It is a quick seller. Send 25 ceni
for sample. Agents wanted in evei-
county and town in Nebraska. Liberal
terms. Write at once to the Official
Badge Co. 1122 M. St., Lincoln, Neb.
Now is the time so subscribe. To say
that the opportunity will never return
again would be to predict the impro
bable, but there is no time like the pre
sent and no better use to which a dollar
can be pu t. -