The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 16, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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April 16, 1896
v Is larger than any weekly or semi
weekly paper published and will l "P
cial advantage to yon during tbe PRLfcl
DENTIAL CAMPAIGN, as it is published
every other day, except Sunday, and baa
all the freshness and timeliness of a daily.
It combines all the news with a long list
of interesting departments, unique fea
tures.cartoons and graphic illustrations,
the latter being a specialty.
The price is one dollar per year. We
offer this unequaled newspaper and Thb
Nebraska Independent together one
year for $1.50. ,
Homeseekeu Excursions
Tho Missouri Pacific. Iron Mountain
evstem will sell tickets on March 10,
April 7, and 21 and May 5 to points in
TV. Arkansas. Oklahoma. Arizona
and Louisiana at one fare for the round
trip, plus $2.00. Do you want to find
out something about these states? If so,
.!! at Citv Ticket Office, 1201 "0"
street and get illustrated and diseriptive
pamphlets witn complete county mayo,
For further information regarding
rotaa otnnncprs time. etc.. write to or
call on F. D. Cornell.
Ca C. P. &T.A
Scott's .
PoBitiv?ly the One Remedy for the treat
ment 01
lirvous Exhaustion,
Simple, and Aggravated
forms of Dyspepsia, and
Palpitation of the Heart.
1 m
Does your food sour after eating? Are
you easily confused and excited? Do
you get up in the morning tired and un
refreshed, and with a bad taste in the
mouth? " .
Is there a dull cloudy sensation, at
tended by disagreeable feelings in the
head and eyes?
Are you irritable and restless?
Does your heart thump and cause you
to gasp for breath after climbing a flight
of stairs?
Does it distress you to he on the left
Hare you impaired memory, dimneee
of vision, depression of mind and gloomy
forebodings? t
These symptoms mean that you are
Buffering from Dyspepsia ana Nervous
Exhaustion. , . .
There is no other remedy extant tnai
. 1. I -im Aland Slf
as done so mauu iur uu -"v
troubles as
Scott's Carbo-Digestive
If your case has resisted the usual
methods of treatment we are particu-
larly anxious to have you give this com
riniinH n. trial.
We guarantee relief in every case and
will cheerfullv refund your money should
our remedy fail to produce the most
gratifying results.
Please remember that the appellation
"Patent Medicine" does not apply to
Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound
It is a preparation put up by aleading
nhvsician who has made stomach and
TiDi-Tnim troubles a specialty for years.
W court investigation and earnestly
nrmi nil nhvsimnns to write us for the
TIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail
on nnnliEfttion. that they may satisfy
themselves of its harmless character and
excellent virtues.
rcott's Carbo-Digestive Compound
jn .h most remarkable remedy that
has Tjroduced. It has succeeded
U other medicines have failed.
Sold by druggists everywhere at $1.00
per bottle. Bent to any aaaress in
America on receipt 01 price.
Don't, forcet that we cheerfully refund
vour money if results are not eatisfao
- . . . . Ji Anr
tory. uraer oireci 11 your urugginu vi
rii uui uqtc 11..
" AfirlrpHB nil 'orders to
Where Stuaenu 01 me
Question can get What
"A Few Financial Facts."
by S.S. King -
1 i'TKo Itnnkcrn Dream."
bv Thos. II. Proctor 25c
I -'These Hard Times W heref ore
nd How Lone?" by Rev. J.C,
Elliott ?5c
"Shylock," by Gordon Clark
"The Gentile Ass"
by Ebenezer Wakeley ......
"nomnnrntio fJonel."
bv C. R. Tuttle -25c
Thnntora nn silver."
hv Hnnrv fS. Miller 25c
"The New York National Bank
ers' conspiracy Against In
dustry and Property by J.n.
"Letters from Jimtown,
by William Dana Wilcox
"Krotoamon Three."
h f!ol. A. C. Fisk 25c
"Tim Piftv ient Dollar."
bv Nell W. Carothers 25c
"A Commercial Traveler on au-
aolntn Monev ." bv Henry Al
len RaH...... 25a
"Tho T.ittlft ntntASman." b .V K
L. Armstrong 25
"The condition of the American
Farmer," by H. E. Taubeneck
Peonies' Party Na-
National Committee 10c
"The Currency Problem,"
Joint correspondence be
tween J. Sterling Morton,
Sec'y of Agriculture, and
Hon. Edward Stern, Director
Rimotnllin Association. Phil
adelphia 1
"Fonts ohont, SilvPr "
bvGen. A. J. Warner 10c
"The Keynote, Substitute
TTnnoHt Monv for Fictitiuos
Profit hv Albert Griffin 50c
"Money vs. products, or Why
T m nrn Hard." DV dames
W. Wilson 50c
Any of these books sent poBtpaid to
anv address bv Independent Pub. Co.,
1122 M street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
We wil make up a library of any of
the 25c-books for $1.00; any t oirae
or;n KAl,a rniH 9 of the 5UC-DOOKS iur
1 on or the entire list with The Neb
baska Independent lor one year
S2.75. Send this list with order.
rt vm iiril) 1U A BBIUHT EYE.
Th New Discovery. Stuart a Dy-
oeDsia Tablets, Gives Digestion
to Everybody
onrAa enffpp from dvsoeDsia and
j 1 TW (oal mean. OUl Oi
sorts, peevish, do not sleep well, do not
have a good Keen appetite, uu uv
Eainfall Very Heavy All Over the
State of Nebraska.
Winter Wheat Has Come Through
the Winter in Fine Shape.
Buy a
For Your Face I
t nh.hlv nort rnnmrins. for It If rough, red.
freckled, blotched or pimpled, until it ha become
repulsive instead of attractive. Healthy skin is
alwava beautiful. The sun and wind, impure
soaps and cosmetics injure the skin.
Viola Cream
nra,via,aa anrl rani. rtTAB the skin, making
it soft, vf hite and beautiful . It is not a cosmetic
does not cover up, but removes blemishes, it
is harmless and always does just what we claim
for it. The only preparation that will positively
' c.u. ninoirhanriii. Tun. Sunburn and
Pimples. Hundreds of testimonials from promt,
nent ladies. Price 50 centc ir at druggist.
tmic c. v. ri ' , - ,
inniination and enersrv for physical
or meutal work they once had, but at
the same time do not feel any pariiuumr
Dain or distress in the stomach. iet all
this is the resun 01 poor uibcv..,
insidious form of Dyspepsia which can
only be cured iy a remedy specially in
tended to cure it and make the digestive
organs act naturally and properly digest
,.( a ootn TtittrH- nfterdinner pills
IUV IUUU COWM. " " f , .
and nerve tonics will never help the
trouble; they don't reaeD 11. me
medical discovery does. It is called
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and is a
;fi.. tn?. Hvanormin and indigestion.
It cures Decause n, tuuruusu'j
...uinmu foon taken into the stomacn,
nuuicoviiiv ,
whether the stomach is m gooa orms
order or not.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets by digest
ing the food, instead of making the worn
nut atomnnh do all the work, give it a
much needed rest, and acure oiayspepB"
is the natural result.
Whpn vou are nervous, run aown onu
sleepless, don't make the common mis
take of supposing yous nervous system
Aa 4-.MBt.mnnt. and fill vour stomach
with powerful nerve tonics which make
you feel good for a little while only to fall
Hanir fnrt her tnan ever.
Your nerves are all right, but they are
Bturved, they want tooa.
Nourish tiiem witn wnoiesuiue, ovmj
ri nlentv of it. well digested
anA nn iftmrh t nerve tonics ana
n4- tha norvns will not Do nounsueu
from a weak, abused stomach, but when
the digestion has been made perfect by
ha nu of this trreat remedy, all nervous
svnintoms disappear.
Who ever neara 01 a nm"
Woaooi nith a vifrorons diirestion and
good appetite being troubled with their
aer res
flA .iwrootinn mpnns a BtrOllK nerv
1 1 nA nt innpfW ond
ourr svstem: aouuunuw w turaW
capacity to enjoy the good things
Stuart's DvsneDsia Tablets win cer
tainly set your stomach ana aigesuve
organs right; they can't help but do it
because they nourian me uouv ujr UiK
na the food eaten, and rest the stomach.
Good Reports Come From Every
County In the State
The week ending Monday, April 13, 1896
ft 1 I I 1 1 V . pavi.
Ml S )W ' "f
1 w 1 H ri "f"1 V",
. "IV
'l , At4
rUClflTATIW "f 1 1 ' '
II 1 ' I I K -wAa
Precipitation for the Past Week
Less than l" I I
2 lncbeoE
Hurt fmnll grata mostly sown.
grass doing nierly.
tWar The raine have t-n of great
bentflt to grass and smalt grain, A large
acerage of oats sown this .war.
Cumin Small grain about all in.
Itlue grass getting green and wild grass
tartiug some.
Dixon Wheat all sown and much oats.
Ground in splendid condition.
Douglas Market gardners getting in
crops and field work well advanced.
Holt Wheat and oats about all sown.
Grass growing very fast. Hye looking
very fine.
Knoi flowing in tun Diast. urass
coming nicely. Weather fine but nights
rather cool.
Madison. Wheat good; oats about all
in and some up. Preparation for corn
planting under way; rye coming out
nicely. Grass starting.
Flatte. Kain oas aone a vase amount,
of good. Seeding about completed. Rye,
winter wheat and grass have came for
ward rapidly.
Sarpy. Work impeded some by cold
storms and high winds. Gardens mostly
planted, Stock in good condition.
Stanton. Small gram all in ana con
siderable plowing for corn done. Rye
looks well, but little having been winter
Washington. Wheat coming up nicely,
Oats sowinar somewbatidelayed by rains.
Grass growing very fast. Some potatoes
planted. Fruit trees very full of buds.
Sioux City, Iowa. Urass Has grown
very fast. Duds are swelling. Splendid
rains during the week.
Roone. Rve in irood condition. Wheat
npnriv nil aowpd. Soil in excellent cond
tion. Alfalfa stood the winter well and
The week has been generally warm,
ahout five deirrees above the
normal, and during the first half of the
week high winds prevailed. During the
last half of the week raius were general,
being above the normal everywhere and
in the south-central portion very heavy,
exceeding six inches over a' considerable
territory. In the eastern poruon 01 me
state the ground is at present too wet to
work. The winter wheat is nowhere re
ported as injured but has come through
the winter in fine shape, is making good
Growth and is everywhere reported in
excellent condition. Rye has also come
through the winter well and in some
nlnnu hna crown sufficiently to make
crnoH nnstnrHirfl.
Spring wheat is mostly sown, is coming
n nioiB nnH the earlv sown is already
.km!ni DTPn. The seeding of oats is
well advanced and is bdoui compieieu iu
tho nonthern Dortion of the state where
v.. f mnniiiTiMni and rest at one I tha onrlv sown is coming up nicely.
and thesame time and that isttll the worn prorat ion of the ground for corn has
.... jar,nnf;. naala tn hnild him UD and iiv hncuD and in a few localities in
irive new life to every organ and an ad- tDe southern part of the state a little
. . , I , 1 1 -.1 TamA frroal and
.1 .. .1 - n atraFV T l, II 1 T'(. I aam, ll MM iim.ii iinuuiu, inmi, m"""8
UtUiOTW"J . .. . J "T. .. . r J. J i. J.,-lrr
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a gm ttifaiia have maae goou gruwu u""s
send to the army of men aud women the week and wild grass is oegiouinB
,ni, cfr.mar.ha wphk nerves anu sfnrt. Anricoi trees ar iu uiubbuui
VVltU (VCa& niui""'" - , r I " ' I a , ,, , .
iustlv merits the claim ot Deing one ui the soutneasieru prru ui m
tho Tiiost, wortnv meuicui uiscuiw i wiuuri ui tunut
It is so cheap that the poorest can re-
if Vvci,ifit poatinchnt oO cents a
CCITO 1 1 13 i in. ..." , -' - - - ri
nnnlmrrc. at nil (lllllT RtOreS.
w (i v, ivufc tv m... - c , .
It is prepareu u.y ui oiuai v. .
Pr. of Mnrahnll. Mich., and any druggist
KJ.:.' . . I. A
will rpt, it tor VOU. II you are uuuui
with any stomach trouble you can
afford to be without it.
How Much?
If Jay Gould's heirs, with $70,000,000
of property, can go into the courts ana
make a successful fight against paying
taxes on f 10,000,000. getting the figure
cut down to about two and a-half mil-
l: V, yyiiiaK tnv on o-ht the owner
klanri RnilTP I of a IJoOO farm, mortgaged for half what
lOlallU nUUlO i it . th to Dav?star and Kansan.
Topeka. Kas.
Great Rock
Outing Excursions.
First For the National Educational Meeting
at Denver, opening Jolv 6th, the rate will be one
lare plus S2.00 lor round trip Tickets pood to
return and time up to and includinn Sept. 1st.
Heooiicl The regular Tourist Car to California
Tla Kansas City runs once a week, and leaves
Chicago every Thursday at 6 p.m., Kansas City
at 10.50 a,tn. every Friday. Tickets based on
-,. h ia.a i.4. unil car runs on fastest trains.
and known as the Pblllips-Kock Island Tourist
Excursions. Car arrives at Colorado Springs
Saturday, 7:86 a.m. ' , .
Third Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texas
and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Hate, ons
fare for round trip. Tickets Rood twenty days.
Fourth For Mexico City the Kock Island
u .i f.nm K ji n.Hs citr daily
TiV.. SS,, McFarland. Wichita and
Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio. Two
routes from there are-lnternatlonal K. R. to
i a o,.h M.-ripon National to the City oi
Mexico:' Boutnern Pacific and Mexlean Interna
tional via Spoflord and Eagle Pass to uty
Connections art) aiso mauo at c v " "
th t.tri Pacific to El raeo. anu uior u
fi..t..l nt. nf Mexico.
can : , . o
vtr,h Uanri tn aniiress oeiow iur k "
eallnd tbe "Tourist Teacher," that gives moch
Information to tourlsU. Bent free.
to California.
urivrrn in hnnoat. active trentleman or lady
to travel for reliable established bouse. Salary
S780, payable 15 weekly anaexpeusw. d..v.m
Yes, and
you take
economy, too. If
the Burlington
Rnnte's Dersonallv conducted
once-a-week excursions which
leave Lincoln every Thursday
Through tourist sleepers
clean, bright, comfortable
from Lincoln to Ban Francisco
and Los Angeles. Second class
tickets accepted.
Only $5 for a double berth,
wldeenuugh and big enough
for two. .
Write for folder giving full
tnfnrmation. Or, call at B.
M. depot or city office, corner
10th and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb,
Geo. W. Bonmkll, C. P. T. A.
An Illustrated Journal telling all about tkt
workings of LIVE school In a LIVE iy that
Is making specialty of training LIVE business
COMIHERCIrL studies,
tmoMianri. TvnMrrttlng. st4L Tou can't ImaglBS
bow much It will help fon In the selection ol the
iht school to attend wnaout seeing a copy.
i lad to send It tree.
Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Neb
Ooins? to Europe Thi Tar
Now is the time to secure the best ac
iBtinnH. We are agents for all
first class lines, and guarantee lowest
,ataa alt for rate pheets, Pailmg lists.
4tc. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agent,
117 S. 10th St. S. A. Mosher, G. A.
uoMif.v to T.OAV on chattels. W. W. Mellck,
Boom 3, number 1034 0 St., Lincoln.
To The Heading Public:
Do vou wish to become acquainted with
th Iodine Agricultural and Poultry pa
pers? For ten cents in silver, or 'postage
stamps your name will be placed on the
presscirculator ii8t,anaiiieieauiiin
cultural and Poultry papers of the United
Stntps will pend vou sample copies iree.
fiat, on this list at once, and you will se-
secure lots of good literature, and are
sure to tie more than pieasea wiui m in
vestment. Write your name and ad
dress plainly, and address your letters to,
tf Lock Box 1034, Des Moines, la,
' What Peffer is Doing.
Despite the energetic protest of Sena
tor Peffer, $1,000 is allowed in theap-
nronrintions for a barber to shave the
t" t
members of the upper chamber. Theeal-
onr of firovAr Cleveland's private secre-
tnrv has been raised to o,uuu.
Sonntor Ppffer has introduced a bill to
Drevent unjust discrimination in freight
i-Atea on ncricultural products by com
mon earners, a measure mucn neeaea, as
tho fnrmprs of the West know by bitter
Lie on who Cares.
The neonle generally are indifferent as
Cass Spring wheat mostly up. Oats
aaAinT nunrlv comnleted. Grass and all
ocritotioTi cominir on rapidly. Subsoil
still dry but the surface in fine condition
day Winter wheat in fine condition
fWairWftrilfi snrinflr wheat sown, some
hnrW and a verv larize acrerage of oats.
aomo of whirti are coming up. Early
r,ntBt,oPs nlanted. Timothy ana anana
doing well. Some plowing done lor corn
F more Has rainea aimoss cou
tinnonalv since Friday. Winter wtieat
and oats have made excellent growth
Aifnifa looks well. Plowing for corn
fin o-P Fine ram the past week, uroun
too wet to plow; oats coming up nicely.
Wheat and rye in splendid conuiuun.
Peaches beginning to bloom.
Hamilton Oats about an in. some
Pnll craiu and Brans look tine.
atnrt.ino' nirslv.
Rnffulo. Grass coming on rapidly.
Oats sowingnotyetcompleted, and there
will be a large acreage.
Custor. Farmers busy seeding , ana
acreage of small grain much increasea.
Spring wheat about sown, fan gram
coming out nicely. Ground in good
condition. Alfalfa looks fine; Bluegras"
is green. Some potatoes planted.
Dawson. Wheat nearly all sown ana
coming up. rail grain iooks nne.
Jlall. tall wheat iooks wen. vai
seeding about done and some coming up.
Fruit buds swelling and plums Detuning
to ihow white. Considerable plowing
for corn done already.
Howard. Week warm. Seeding neany
done and plowing for corn commenced.
Gardening is general.
Mor nlr (irnH beginning w tart.
Farmers sowing oats; Gram sown in
February has suffered some from high
iinrla '
vr tu
Sherman. Wheat about all sown ana
oma oats. Ground in better conaiuou
than for four years. Week ratner cooi,
It..rlavr mid irrnss startiufif wen, DUV a
little late.
Valley. Small graiu mostly in.
large acreage of wheat being put in.
Adams.-Wheat and oats coming up
Ground in good condition.
TTtirhfui inirh w noss moan UI
Trolley Cart and Pill.
from th Cvsalag Hews. He ark. V, I.
Mm. Anna Burns, of 338 Plant Street,
Newark, N. J., is a decidedly pretty bru-
net to, twenty-six year old, tall, and a
pleasant conversationalist. On the
ground floor of ber residence sin con
duct a well-ordered candy store, w nen
our reporter visited her store, ah iu re
sponse to a question told nun a very in
teresting story.
"Until about two months ago" she
began, "I enjoyed tbe very best of health
and could work night and day it neces
sary. Suddenly, without any apparent
cause, I began to suffer with intense
pains in my bead, in my limbs and tem
ples. Almost aistractea wun ioih seem
ingly never ending pain, I tried cure
after cure, prescription after prescription
and almost a gallon of medicine of all
kinds. Nothing did me any good. In
fact I became worse. The knuckles of
my hands soon became cramped and the
pain in my hips became more and more
distressing each day. Business in the
tore had to be attended to, however,
and so I was obliged, suffering aa I was,
to keep more or less on my feet ana oc
casionally I was forced to go out. This
was the ordeal I dreaded. Each time I
went out I trembled when I came near
the car tracks for my pain at times was
so severe that I was obliged to stand
perfectly still no matter where I was.
On one occasion I was Beized in this way
while I was crossing tbe tracks on
Market Street and there I stood perfectly
rigid, unable to move hand or foot while
a trolley car came thundering along.
Fortunately it was stopped before it
struck me, but the dread of it all lasted
as long as my pain, for I never knew
when crossing tbe tracks, whether I
would not drop to the ground in my
agony ana db cruenea to oeum. iy
anxiety to get well grew apace and I had
about given up in despair wnen i saw iu
tbe Evening News one day, an advertise
ment of Dr. Williams- 1'innriiis. iiwr
was something I hadn't tried before ana
I lost no time in getting to the nearest
drug store. There I paid fifty cents lor
a box of these truly wonderful, health
restoring pills. Before 1 had flnistiea
taking half of the pills I began to feel re
lieved; the pains in my hips gradually
disappeared and for the first time in
many days, i leu as u mere wus bouiw
hope. I continued to take the pills and
the more l took, tne Detier i ien. a uu
Ished one box, got another and now hav
ing taken only a few of the second fifty
cents worth, I am free from all pain and
as happy as the day is long, omce i u
gan to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I
have gained thirty pounds ana now wuru
I cross the car tracks I don't care If there
are a dozen vehicles nearby. It is a great
relief I assure you, and suffering human
ity has a never failing friend in Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I
know what 1 am talking about i speak
from experience." ,
Dr. Williams' rink rms contain, m a
condensed form, all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore snattereu nerveo.
Thev are also a specine for troubles pe-
ra . . . - . . a. A lie i t w wiov w nvvi..v - - a
week, Peach and Apricot beginning xo ,iar tQ femaeH Buca aB suppressions,
bloom. Ground in good condition ior I irreirolaritiea and all forms of weakness.
working. Rye and winter wneat iook ln men they effect a radical cure in all
well. Spring grain mostly in and mucn cftgeg arj8ing rom mental worry, over
ofitup. Alfalfa doing finely. work or excess of whatever nature.
Front er. Winter wneat auuryBBivW-T,.. pilIa ..j n boxes never m
all in. Some ground
Ground in fine condi-
Early potatoes
plowed for corn.
tion. ' ,
Jefferson Fall wheat looks nne put
there is Borne complaint oi chincn bugs.
Weather rather backward. Urass slow
in starting. Trees budding.
Johnson Seeding of oats aDont com
pleted. GrasR crowing rapidly. Apricots
blooming pre meiy. jui fin
ing out.
Lancaster UatR w re put in earner
than usual n"-' ng finely. lnie
almoM ready for pasturing. Al-
e to Pliriir li'Cii.n III ii. nv ka-
nollont fironnrl wot down twelve ini'hps.
Ponph trppH nearlv in bloom.
Namaha Spring growth advancing
rapidly. Soil in first class condition,
atftrtinff. Peaches, plums and
nharfiaa mlHtlinO Ollfc
..w r
Nuckolls On the lutn tne worst. uu
storm ever known; was very dark and
lamps had to be used. Fall wheat doing
fine. Oats and spring wheat coming up
nicely. GraBS coming up nicely.
Otoe Week warm, rainy ana wiuuy,
Oats about all sown and some coming
Winter wheat in ntilendid.
"' ' . . t,..i ,1
Jawnee Week mostly ury uuu
rnina hftun In en tne last, lew uo.d.
Apricots in bloom and peaches budding.
All frrain looks Wpll.
Pnib rinta vrv near v an iu. nut
, , , li ; in ann (torn
in ir nnpiv. small icraiu
nlantinm pom mpIU'P(3.
i.nnbiin flood ifrowine weather,
noin of all Itindf, and crass doing well.
V. J V. w." U
n it,.hnopir First of the week dry and
windy, but good rains the last of the
week. Plums' and wild currants coming
on wpII. Grass is starting. Wheatlooks
Harlan Wheat and pats nearly all
in and coming up well. Early potatoes
planted and corn ground being plowed.
Aifnifn and crass growing finely.
Peaches, cherries and apples snowing
signs of blossoming. ' . . .
Vaamav NpRP V RI Small IfrUlII IU. ivaill
7.85. the heaviest for any week in April
;imt Some nlowinirdoiie for corn
, - - , " . . .
i'i,J,ninp vrv hltrn winds, n inter
: ... ..I.
wheat and rye making some gruwm
t?onlir eoivn anrinir wheat Coming UP.
UaA Willow Hiirh winds prevailed
early in the week. Grass is starting up
and fruit trees Bhowieg Boniewuonu uuu.
Large aceruge of wheat sown early and
n,.w nn nnfl OOkltlli well, isome turn
rlv notatoes.
Wohatpr Fina rains which have
miU into the crround well. Every
ouuii " j
thing looks promising.
rv,Dronno Soma early potatoes being
ninntpri. Grass Btartmg nicely, a. lavor-
nKid tmoolr for snrinir work.
nuic " - "i o , , . , .
Knnball Nearly all small grain in xue
c-rouiid and some up. Pastures looking
loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or bix
boxes for $2.50, and may be had of an
druggists or direct by man irom vt.
Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.
The Coming; Storm.
Platte Center, Neb., April 6, 1896.
Mnopinl to the Independent: Platte
Center is located near the centerof Platte
county in the Valley ol Adam creek. Aa
is the case witn many wiiruum iuuo,
it has suffered from short crops for a few
. .i . 1.. ...... full of
years, but tne peopie nreuun m
hope on account oi tnepreeui. ihuid
condition of the soil. The growing wheat
in this locality is looking tine ana mrm-
ers and business men are all weanug a
a brighter countenance now tnan for
merly. Politically everything i veij
quiet, presumably gathering force for
the coming storm. o. .
Got a Dose Himself.
Tho odtnampd southern Mercury, which
has heretofore apparently placed great
reliance in the associated press fake m-
terviews reflecting on chairman lauoe
neck and the national committee is now
enjoying (?) a home dose of its own med
icinewe relerto tnewmeij eireumwu
statement that the Texas populists and
republicans had fused. lnausinai
Leader Mo.
Early potatoes
P5?nr!- i$:en9: n nfnn Emna". th exact number of lies circulated in rftirl ftnn low round overflowed. Wheat
Rtampru ruvwy-. ' I " - . 7 . iJ:.l J...- .tart.
Omaha Building. Chicago.
WASTED Several tmstwortny mnMuuwu u,
ladies to travel in the northwest for estab
lished, reliable house. Salary 7!0 and eipeuses.
aaaAv nnaitinn. r.nCIOSS reieiBUi-r uuu
atom ru,H nvnlnn. The Dominion Com-
louj, " '
the pnnitalistic Dress. It may be 1,000,'
. 1 . ,, ' , . 1 - t I l f A O
nno. or l.UOU.oou or omy i.wu.uio,
Morpovpr. it. is not the mission of the
newspaper to tell the truth. Twentieth
St. Paul?
Black Hills?
Central Wyoming?
San Francisco
Los Angelos ?
Another Trust.
Pittsburg, March 29. A gigantic in
dustrial combination went through the
and rye looking splendid,
. ' .
K hA.rrison Hats ansown anu coiuiu
up well. Plum trees showing their
blossoms. Large acreage of potatoes
Saline Wheat, rye, alfalfa and grasses
loom n. fiats cominir uo nicely. Much
Tiloniinir for porn done.
(Jbase warm weatneranu mgu wmuD,
Liincoin r armers muuu Bu;uuiajs;v
the rainH of the 11th and lJtn.
fherrv A cood crowing week. Some
L.J -1 Vn ff T-
plowing Deing uuue,
most V pianteu.
Keva t'ana X arraers ure nuniug
wheat and plowing for corn.
.-. i : r ii ... Mn h-m
lfopli Lontinueu raiuiau onu noun
weather have produced good effects up
on gram ana grass, uruuuu m Kuuu
8'aPe- . v....
ScOttB lilUUS rariueru veijr uuojr sui
ting in small graiu and gardens. Wild
grass ana anana coming uu mvuij.
StOCK lOOKing wen. .
Sioux UonsideraDie wneat town.
Ground rather dry.
117 So. 10th St., - LINCOLN, NEB.
Best Time 1
Best Service
Best Rate J
Has Enough oflllm
A democratic Pennsylvania farmer
writinirto theNewlorlc world, speaK
ing for farmers, has this to say of Cleve
land and Morton:
Thev wanted a fair and honorable rep
.1 . . .. ... . j : I maanrnrivs 111 I11R CaUIIieii. Aliej "iu a,
preliminary stage of formation and was the first of the ween out a goou ra.u uu it hid tney Ket it? They
practically effected at a meeting of steel bunoay. fo w tor urced upon Mr. Cleveland the appoint-
producers held in New lork last weet. Bpring work. Temperatureand moisture
Another meeting will be held in Pittsburg mo8t propitious for germination. Wheat
soon for the arrangement of details. It ii HOW an(i Boine comine up. Most of
ia nronnsed to reeulatethe producwon oi , onts sown.
atPfil to actual reouirements by methods Howard A Brood arrowing week. Seed-
oimilinr to those used by the rail pool. ino flniwhed and farmers plowing forcorn
ntn nnd crass cominir up nicely. v m-
It Is Just Wonderful
The time the Union Paciflo "Overland"
fast mail No. 3 makes to Ogden, Salt
Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, Seattle'
San Francisco and Los Angeles. This
Daily Mkteoh has the finest eqnipment
consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol
Btered Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining
Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa
tion call on or address E. 11. Slosson,
General Agent, 1044 0 St, or J. T, Mar
tin, C T. A.
America np at Auction.
There are heavy dark clouds hanging
very low over this republic. There is an
ominous stillness in the air. Another
commercial crash is not far off. Pro
duction is stopped and labor must soon
airain be forced to tramp, and must not
loiter by the wayside.
Can you realize that a being canea a
Christian President and a body cauea a
Christian Houe of Kepresentatives
are bonding American Christians
to English Jews? Gold for Jews
and bonds and bank script lor cnris
tinn! Think of it! The American
people are up at auction ns
Thomas II. Proctor,
Banker's dream.
Author of the
ter wheat and rye look promising.
Oronnd now too wet to work.
Thftver Pastures ten days later than
last year but doing well. Winter wheat
looks well. Oats about all sown and a
larire aeerace. Early oats up. Potatoes
York-Oats seeding about done and
some plowing forcorn. Ground wetter
than it has heon in April Biuce 1892. A
good acreage of small grain sown.
Antelope Seeding about finished and
a large acreage sown. Rye and pastures
look fine. Some wheat up.
Boyd ground abundantly wet. Wheat
nhoutall sown. Grass starting nicely.
Potatoes and garden truck being plant
ed. Some plowing for corn,
ment of Mr. Hatch as secretary of agri
culture. No man was ever before so
strongly endorsed for an appointment.
Granges, alliances, agricultural col.
atraa anil nromment aemocraio tvnj
where did their best to induce the presi
favorably consider this
friend of the farmer. Mr.
Cleveland said he was getting letters 'by
the bushel!" favoring Mr. Hatch, but
petulantly exclaimed, "won t .anybody
Vint, (i farmer do?" Somebody else did
flo and a railroad lawyer took charge
f tho Ao-rieiiltiiral department a man
so unpopular at home that as candidate
for crovernor ne ran o,uuu vui uvumu
the democratic candidate for congress
In Kia Attn ooncrrpRHiona 1 district.
micrht have accepted
J. Sterlinnr Morton with a fair degree of
if hn had received them with even
a little spirit of cordialty, but when, after
toH trials to meet him in a friendly
way, he curtly insisted that it was their
duty to talk less and plant more pota
The new industrial and political aong
book. .
It contains 150 pages 7x9 inches size.
Splendid new words and new music. Pro
nounced by all incomparably superior to
any book that has yet appeared.
H. E Taubeneck says ot It: "It Is the benl
song book yet published. Introduce
it into every hoaeehold in the land. Onr local
campaign speaker aad committee ought to eee
tht. it haa the widest circulation."
Hartford City Arena: "Any glee elub supplied
with It will command th crowds."
Kockv Mountain New: "Best ot anytaing in
the line that w have seen.
Missonrl World: "It Alls a Ion felt want.
Gen. Van Pervoort: "I congratulate you on
yonr great work. The whole country wm sing
ulis music. . 'i
New York Voice: "A collection of songs for tn
times, with bright, catcny worus nun m Fa
ring music."
The Sledge Hammer: "Every one oi tnesongsj ,
a gem. io enan in iw wuwwuww.
Marshalltown (Iowa) Populist: "Should oe in
the hands of everyone who wlshea to maks a Ml
during the campaign."
Prof. George D. Herron: "I believe your book
of songs will be of ImmeasnraDie anu uivine ser
vice in quickening and pervading the great move
ment for the social cnange wuicu iuu,....i.
Iteeif everywhere among the common people. H
will Inspire the people with courage and cheer ,
and fellowship in the great struggle that Is be
fore them,"
Prof W, M. Boss of Indiana, th great solo
singer of "The Van Bennett Nationals Team,"
suvs: "Have taken palus to run through the
work and pronounce It a grand collection ol
words and a high order of music."
The Farm Field and Fireside says: "It ha
been left to Mr. George Howard Gibson to intro
dnce anew tone into the xongs of ths party, and
to write a series of patriotic songs which are
hardlv surpassed by any In our literature for
loftiness of motive and real merit from a literary
point of view, while at the same time they are not
at all lacking In the musical quality which must
necessarily be present before any song toucne
the chord of popularity. They are remarkable
for their fervid patriotism and broad humanity.
In fact, if the People's party rises to the patriotic
level of these songs, we hav ilttla doubt of It
nltlmate success as a party. The ougs strlk
the whole octave of human sympathy. Kpark
liug humor, keen wit and biting sarcasm, as well
as the loftier patriotic themes, are touched la
turn by tit talented author."
Copies of Armageddon for sale at this
office, will be mailed to any address at
30 cents each, or $ 3.00 per dozen.
Get R, R. and Steamship ticket at 117
go. 10th St.