X The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, APRIL i6, 1896. VOL. VII. NO. 45. III I 1 r t. TI He Will Stay with the Democratic Party. THE REVOLT IN THE SOUTH. It can Only be Successful When Or ganized Democracy is Killed. The Populist Party the Only Organization That can do it. Washington, D. C, April 4. If there is any bolting at Chicago, South Carolina will lead the secession element. That is conceded by democrats and they regard Tillman as the leader of the movement. One break may stam pede the convention, and, just at this time, what Tillman will do at Chicago is a matter of much concern to the demo cratic leaders. The story sent out from Washington that democratic senators ignore him, is the variest rot. On the contrary they court him, not because they enjoy the sharp thrusts of his pitch fork, but because they lear nis leader shiD. Tillman talked candidly and unreserv edly to the Independent representative today. In answer to the direct ques tion. "Will you bolt the Chicago conven tion?" he said: "If a straight-out silver man is nominated on a 16 to 1 platform, it would be idiotic in a democrat to bolt the nomination. There would be no ex cuse for it." That is what all silver democrats are con tending: for, and if such a nomination is made, and it now seems probable, it will be supported not only D.y democrats, but by silver men of all parties, and, in my judgment, the nominee will be elect ed." But suppose a candidate like Campbell or Harrison or Mathews, with "sound money"' antecedents is nominated on a 16 to 1 platform, what will you do: "Speaking for myself," he replied, I would not vote the ticket, out 1 am ap posed to think that it would receive the suDDort of the ereat bulk of the demo cratic party. At least that seems to be the feeling now in south Carolina where democrats are mighty independ ent and erenerally do as they please, with out regard to party dictation. The reason is that they are reluctant to abandon a political organization that , stands pre-eminently for the "jdeafq?!,, of all principles to the white people iu the south local Belt-government, strong as their convictions are on the silver ques tion, thev will not repudiate the demo cratic party if the Chicago convention does the right thing by silver, or makes any reasonable concession in that di rection. If the candidate is a straaaier and the platform is straight 16 to 1, our people will support the ticket upon the very plausible assumption that the candidate will stand on the platform, and if elected that his administration will accord with its declaration. That is not my individual view of the matter, but the rank and file of the democratic party are disposed that way very de cidedly." But suppose a gold man like Carlisle, Whitney or Russell is nominated, then what? "If that is done the jig is up. There will be a general revolt all along the line resulting in the organization of a third party at St. .Louis on the JJm otjuiy. I canlt say what form it will take, but a common agreement can be effected on the money issue. The independent silver movement has made no headway as a distinct organization, but its aentimen tal influence is useful as a conservative factor in restraining the more radical el ement in the populist party. If the Chi cago candidate means a repetition of Clevelandism, the democratic ticket in my opinion, will not receive the electoral vote of a single southern state. The election will go by default, and the dan ger is that it may lose us our local and ' state tickets. "So from the democraticstandpoint all depends on what is done at Chicago and the way it is done. The situation is so problematic that it is hardly worth the time to speculate about it. Leadership amounts to very little, and it now iooks ominously certain that nothing short of a complete change ot our financial sys tem will stop the revolution that threat ens the very stability of our institutions. The people are in dead earnest. It is tha argument of gaunt poverty against wealth. When a free people have reached that condition the dictation of party bosses and the nomination of party conventions have no terrors for them. "God alone knows what will happen iu the country within . the coming six months. My course is mapped out. I realize that a great peril confronts the country, and, God helping me, I will ig nore all party obligations, if necessary, and in my humble way exhaust every power I possess to avert it." Recurring to the gravity of the situation Senator Tillman expressed the opinion that Mc Kinley would be the republican candi date, "and maybe," he said, "it is best that it should be that way. "The tariff cannot be made the supreme issue in the campaign, but its discussion may mollify popular resentment on the financial question to some extent and avert the preception of a condition that means an alarming repetition of nullifi cation history in this country." 1 Senator Tillman starts for Colorado on the 8th. "I don't know, "he said, what I shall say in my Denver speech. I generally speak from impulse and trust to the inspiration of the moment. My text, however, in this instance will be the pro test of one of Cleveland's office-holders against my speaking as a democrat. If Mr. Mew Bhould do me the honor to be present I will teach him that democracy means more than a free ticket to Cleve land's pie counter. To do that success fully it may be necessary to draw a com SENATOR LLMAN parison between Jefferson, Jackson, Lin coln and the despot in the white bouse." Tillman is four or ten years in advance of southern sentiment. With all his con ceded power in South Carolina politics he cannot lead the masses into a new party movement which does not bear the democratic label. All this talk about democratic disintegration is fiction. So long as the election machinery is under democratic control the "solid south" will remain "solid." What does it mat ter that the people are in revolt when their votes are nullified by returning boards? What do democratic leaders care about broken pledges party duplicity and double faced platforms? Their appeal is not to the public conscience. The elec tion manager is king and "the king can do no wrong." At least he makes no mistake in counting democratic ballots. It is well enough to look at this matter dispassionately. The south must be left out in counting the vote necessary to elect the next pres ident. Only: where there is absolute unification of all anti-democratic oppo sition is there the ghost of a chance to defeat the "organized democracy." This can be effected by agreement to subordinate all national and state ques tions to the supreme issue of self preser vation. This was done in North Caro lina in 1894 and succeeded.. It is the oue certain road to success, in all the southern states in 1896. Anything else means continued democratic supremacy. Spasmodic attempts to organize inde pendent movements in the south have invariably collapsed. The signal failure to make the least headway with the in dependent silver movement is only the repetition of a familiar experience. The most vigorous efforts in that direction have resulted in a waste of individual enthusiasm and energy. Yet, paradox ical as the statement may seem, the peo ple are ripe for revolt. In the two or three intervening months before the party conventions possibly something may happen to develop this latent force in the southern situation. At this time speculation as to what the "organiza nized democracy" in the south will do regardless of national issues is idle. Dem ocratic disintegration depends entirely upon the strength of the anti-democratic opposition, and not upon any difference upon party issues. Any opinion to the contrary is a well demonstrated de lusion. PEIFER AFTER BOND DEALS- He has the Feiseverance of a Saint and the Patience of Job- To show the patience and perseverence of Senator Peffer, in his repeated at tempts to bring up his bond resolution during the last few weeks; the said at tempts being foiled again and again by the defender and guardian of the ad ministration David B. Hill and others, we give the following clipping from Janet Jenning's correspondence in the N. Y. Independent: "There was just one senator inhisseat, Mr. Peffer. whom Senator Hill was watch ing, as a cat watches a mouse at long rancre. but none tne less certain 01 its capture. Senator Peffer's resolution to investigate the recent bond sales had been reached on the calendar the previous day, and at once Mr. Hill interposed inmselt as a bulwark between me aaram istration and the passage of the resolu tion. The title of the bill was read by the clerk, as follows: "Providing for a committee of five senators to investigate and report generally all the material facts and circumstances connected with the sale of United States bonds by the secretary of the treasury in the years 1894, 1895 and 1896." Then Mr. mil was on his feet, and did not sit down un til he had for that day "side tracked" the resolution. In was in vain that Sen ator Peffer protested, or that half a dozen senators, democrats ana repuoii cans, came to his assistance. Mr. Hill re sorted to every parliamentary tactic, fenced and parried, evaded and argued, and proved himself more than a match for the six or seven opponents. And now he was watching Senator Peffer to head off the resolution again when the Kansas senator, on the conclusion of Mr. George's speech, called it up. To sit through a three-hour's speech by Senator George on the constitution of Delware, made a hard day for Senator Hill." It is a curious bit of study, the perse verance of the one man for a wrongful purpose and of the other for a good pur pose. We are glad to see that Peffer's per- severancej has been rewarded to this ex tent: that a day has been set during tne coming week for its discussion. Whether it will pass "is another story" as Kud- yard Kipling would say. Gold Only and Always. Andrew Carnegie says of the Pennsyl vania movement for combining silver and protection: "It is like the celebrated image which was made of pure gold to the waist and of clav beneath. The one, protection, is sound, and it will bring prosperity; the other is unsound, and . will maintain the present depression which exists in this country. If I have to vote for a free trader and sound money or a protection ist and free silver, I will vote for the free trader, believing that sound money is of even more vital importance than pro tection to the interests of this country. Deal Gently with Them. The populists must make every effort in their power to obtain recruits for their party. We can add to our party strength by circulating populist news papers and documents. We can aid voters searching for the truth by kind ness and gentleness. Remember that we can not hope to obtain converts to our party by hard words and calling our op ponents names. Helena News. OWNERSHIP Has a man the Bight to own a Whole State or County? WHERE SHOULD THE LINE BE? Getting at the Fundamental Prin ciples of Limited Ownership. What the Great Scholar and Historian Thinks About it. Among the profound and scholarly articles in the April Arena is one from Dr Ridpath on the limitation of owner ship of property. Tue Independent presents the following extracts from it: The hints of limitation are to be found alike in man and nature. Man is nat urally a limited animal. There is no part of him, no element In him, that is not by nature under limitations. He is not composed of infinities but finities. His life is meted aud bounded at every extreme. He begins in protoplasm and ends iu dissolution. His entrance is an ascent and his exit a tumble down. All of his powers are naturally and whole somely circumscribed; and the limitation is not such as he himself regards as slav ery. Take the case of the senses. The sight of a good eye reaches from one mile to six miles, according to the bigness of the thiug seen. The finer sounds we do not hear at all and the heaviest connonade or thunder, beyond the horizon of a few miles, is mere silence. No animal can feel what it does not touch, or taste what it does not feel. Round about the nature of man there is drawn such a limit that his whole world of sense is not twenty miles in diameter. He does not fly; and his swimming is a fit subject for humor; he is a walker or at most a rider. It takes time for him to go abroad, aud other time most tedious for him to get home again. The young man full of hope, coming back from across the sea to the wicket gate of his adored, finds the last five miles a thousand. ,.' She for her part.leaniug out of the win-T dow, reckons the last hour to be eternity. Both are limited; not even the exulting hope and beunding heart of youth can cancel time and space. A large fraction of life a third.they Say is spent in sleep; another fraction in eating and idling; another in the weak ness of childhood and the weariness of old age; still another in sickness and accidents and the mistakes of avocation. A fifth fraction is expended in going about and in useless intercourse with others in like employment. The sixth and last traction is consumed in marrying and in giving in marriage and in attend ing to the principal business of lire which in America is voting a party ticket Certainly these limitations, partly natural and partly artificial, are suffi cient to curb life within a narrow circle of activities. It is enough to make happy even a miserable . member of human society to look around him in the world, to walk abroad, to hear the songs of birds, the clamorous music of the circada, the bark of the distant squirrel; to see the flight of many creatures, the swimming of some and the scampering away of others. Though there is limitation upon tbem all a limitation drawn around all activ ity and power as if with a geometer's hand yet there is no complaint or an guish or hunting for change or symptom of revolt. Nature and the living creat ures that inhabit her domain are all visi bly and manifestly meted and bounded with principles and confines which may not be passed; and yet, taken as a whole, nature is an orderly plase, well fitted for happiness, given to hospitality, and per vaded with much good cheer. The only creature that seems to be disorderly, troubled, vexed with cross purposes aud unsound sleep, is the principal inhabitant. What is the matter with him? There is much the matter with him; and his ailments are hard to define. On the whole, the trouble with mankind seems to be that the limitations deman ded in order that society may exist and the individual be free have not been laid with the right intent, by the right authority, in the right place. They have been laid with wrong intent, by illegiti mate authority, in the very place where thev ought not to have been laid at all. They have been laid by power, by self ishness, and by organized tyranny, on the weak and unorganized elements of society, where there was no need of limit ation or any suggestion of it except the suggestion to enslave. So much distress, so much confusion, have arisen from the misplacement of limitation that human beings have become distrustful of the principle of limitation; and as a result they find no stable equilibrium between the extremes of anarchism and slavery. There is, we must admit, no well-or dered, well-defined, and well-established human society in the world. Everything is slipping in the one direction or in the other. Every human being seems to be pushing his neighbor either into slavery or into anarchy. Each elbows the other into one of the extremes of unhappiness and conflict. Nobody seems to stop to consider whether it is not possible that a social state can exist in which the limit ations are so laid that life in it maybe as easy and natural, as contented and perfect, as is the life of the irrational and unconscious orders of being that flour ish around us. They live in easy perfec tion, and die without distemper or an guish. Why should not a man get through the world as well and as happily. as a rain crow, a bass, or a beaver. That men are happier and better for possessing property, for having some thing of their own for getting as a re ward of their toil a possession that they may enjoy, can no more be doubted than that rain refreshes the fields and sun shine makes glad the world. That prop erty is also the beginning of that cruel strife which has converted the world into a slaughter bouse and ultimately made every human being so selfish that he can hardly any longer, by the utmost strain of his powers, prefer another to himself, can as little be doubted as denied. Is it not possible that the doctrine of limita tions applied to property might rob it of its power to curse and promote its power to blessf ' It is not property moderated and lim ited, but only the want of it, or the law less excess of it, that curses the world. It is the too-much or the too-little that blasts the hopes of men. There is a vast area of intermediate possessions, between the extremes of poverty and wealth, that is almost an unmixed blessing. We may note also that it in iu this in termediate and wholesome region, be tween the extremes of want and surfeit, that the genius of the world and all of its saving forces are born and econom zed. We are accustomed to say that geniui has its birthplace iu poverty. This opinion prevails because in some conspicious instances the children of the humble poor rise to the godlike stature. That anyone so born should rise at all is a thing so remarkable as to attract the attention of the world and to favor the opinion that only the the children of poverty can be great. In a few instances the children of the rich are born great also. But the rule is that the greatness and power of human life proceed from the intermediate condition in which there is neither abject poverty nor abounding riches. In this there is emphatic sug gestion of the principle of limitation ap plied to property; and here the debate properly begins. If society could agree that property shall freely exist, that every man shall have for his part all that he earns by his labor and skill, and no more, men indeed would not be equal in their possessions, but poverty on the one hand would cease, and the glut of riches on the other hand would disap pear. Those who have nothing and starve would rise into the vast and healthy body of society composed of those who have something and live. Those who have too much and surfeit would be drawn back from excess, and would be absorbed in the great body from which in an evil day they were permitted td escape. What follows? It follows as the night th4 dav that somewhere between the .ritfkt to own the valley of the Mississippi or the whole United States a line of limitation must be laid, fover which no power known among men may be al lowed to pass. To pass this line is to prepare the antecedents of the inevita ble enslavement of mankind. It is thus perfectly clear that a restriction 6n land ownership is a necessity of the situation which has supervened in human society. The principle of unlimited ownership can not be longer admitted if civil and in dustrial liberty is to be maintained as a part of the rights of man. It is already Absurd to speak of unlimited land owner ship, or to attempt to defend it. 1 doubt whether any man in his senses here in the high light of the laet decade of a great century will dare to champion the supposed right of an individual or of a corporate body to own the five states of our great Northwestern group, or to own one of them, or a quarter of one of them. If there be such, be and i diner toto coelo and forever. ONE CENT A DAT The Swindlers Have Kept the Peo ple Fighting Over it for 25 Years. Suppose we take the entire custom rev enue of 1890,-$229,668,585-and di vide it up among 70,000,000 people; it is but a little over three dollars per cap ita, or less than one cent a day!!! Give us free silver and an abundant currency and good times and homes free from mortgages, and all the people in dustrious, prosperous and happy, and we could pay ten times the McKinley tariff and no man would feel it. Leave us in our present condition and a feather becomes a burden too great to bear. See, friends, how you have been hum bugged for twenty-five years by these two mutual societies of co-operating swindlers. They have played on you as a musician plays on a tiute. They have fooled you to the top of your bent. You have roared and shouted and all for what? One-seventh of a cent a day! About the ration of a well conditioned rooster! The Goldite Candidates. Louisville, Ky., April 4. 1896. Gov. Bradley has papered the town with poa ters announcing his candidacy for the presidency. Bill stickers have been sent throughout thestate with orders to cover thedead wallsand fences with tne posters. The governor says he is not fighting Mc Kinley. but is trying to secure tne presi dency. St. Louis, April 4, '90. The McKinley managers here are planning to overrun the town with politicians irom tne aia- lor's state. They have not only renteu all the spare rooms in the city, but have just leased the big exposition building, and will divide it into nunareas 01 smau rooms by building temporary partitions. Breckenrldge Redlvlvun. Lexington, Ky., April 5. '90. Col. W. C. P. Breckenridge has been practicing law here ever since the suit for damages of Madeline Pollard two years ago caused him to be succeeded in congress by Col. W. C. Owens. Now that he is canvassing the district again to run for congress this year, the old movement of the ladies in the district is being reorganized, and he will have the wonien against him, as be had two years PHILADELPHIA SILVERITE5. HOW NEW YORK OOLDITES MADE THEM RECANT. They owe Thirty Millions of Gold to England Due on Call. There has been a great deal said about the deal made by certain Philadelphians of the manufacturer's club and the silver senators and the repudiation of it by the club at a called meeting. Wharton Barker who was at the bottom of the whole deal now tells the reasons why the club was forced to take to the water. He says: The manufacturers' Club of Philadel phia held a remarkable session on Mon day last, iu which it repudiated any un derstanding with the silver senators as , to the relations of the bimetallic to the protective policy. Injustice to the gen tlemen of the majority, we must say they were under an urgeut pressure from an other city to do something to counter act the impression made abroad by the recent conference between a number of our large manufacturers and the sen ators who, taking the stand that bi metallism and protection are insuperable, have declared their purpose to block all tariff legislation until their demands for the restoration of silver are recognized. The money-dealers of that city have been reduced to sore straits by the terms of their recent advance of gold to the treasury. While only about f 10,000, 000 of that loan was actually imported from London, some $ 30,000,000 more was advanced by Englishmen on what amounts to a call loan and used to offset American obligations in England so as to check the export of gold from our ports. This arrangement was carried out on a plea ad misericordiam, as needed to strengthen the hands of the gold party iu the United States, and with the assurance that this would en able them to hold our country in the ranks of the gold standard nations. Naturally, the Englishmen do not wish to make any such accommodations to us unless they get an equivalent. . To keep us in the position of a debtor na tion 011 a gold basis is the most profit able arrangement possible for them; but capital is proverbially timid, and any thing that seems to show that we are going to abandon that position, alarms them. 1 or this reason the money deal ers of our sister city were very much alarmed at the prospect of an alliance of the manufacturing with the silver-pro ducing communities of this country, and spared no pains ' to impress upon Phila delphians the necessity for a counter demonstration. That the majority had not much con fidence in the strength of their cause is shown by their limiting discussion to five minute speeches at the outset, even the proposal to extend this to ten being voted down. The resolutions, adopted by a vote of two to one, contain nothing remarkable, the adoption ol bimetallism being put off until that indefinite future in which the "creditor nation Mr. Gladstone's phrase will volun tarily give up her hold on her suffering debtors. As the abolitionists used to say "Nothing is settled until it Is settled right." Resolutions that everything is lovely will not stop the grinding process which is absorbing the capital ot the manufacturer aud undermining our in dustrial system. They will not enable New York to meet the balance of some $150,000,000 payable to London be fore; next September, independently of payments for imports made in the mean time. They will not ward off the suspen sion of gold payments at the treasury and everywhere else, which must come when the process of borrowing gold to redeem greenbacks has reached its neces sary termination, a termination pointed out by both Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Car lisle. They will not secure the Philadel phia manufacturer any release from the miseries of our wretched tariff, for the republicans will have no more control of the senate in the tiextcongress than they have in this, without the help of votes from the silver states. "It is a situation which confronts us," not resolutions. AD SUMMUM BONUM Possible, Probable, if not Positive Bi metallism. As a fair, fine and finished specimen of alliterative literature this letter is let in. Two wide, winding words were omitted as they could not be deciphered. An Ethico-Economic Exploitation of the Virtue, Value, and Verisimiltude of Cometallism or the Impartial yet Inter dependent Cocoinage and concurrent Circulation of Standard Gold and Silver Dollars, and Connascent Issue of a corn portable Paper Currency Consectaneous Therewith. To whom it may concern: The pro silver action of the Senate, the duome tallic animus of the House of Representa tives, and the goldful attitude of the ad ministration, presage and precaution, that through conciliation and conces sion (though not necessarily the com promise of a cabal) can a speedy, salient, and safeguarded settlement of the cur rent, congressional cameralistic conten tion be found and furnished. To this end the following federal finan cial legislation is siucerely subserved and submitted, towit: Be it enacted etc, that until interna tional agreement or action shall make such restrictive and regulative rule and requirement uncalled for or unnecessary, all bullion of the prescribed fineness and amount offered by any porson or per sons at the mints of the United States for coinage shall consist of one-half each in value at the (present) lawful ratio of gold and silver. ' Sec. 2. For Buch conjoint deposit cer- tiflcates, bills or notes,-of convenient denominations for circulation shall be issued, and same shall be a full legal ten der, except in cases specifically stated otherwise. Points in favor of cometallism: 1. It would show common sense and compatriotic sagacity in recognizing and regarding tbatsilver as well as gold pos sesses the common attributes and dis iderata of a money metal; namely duc tility, durability, divisibility, distributi bility, determinability etc.; and that when used together without any individ ious or inimical discrimination against either; silver by reason of comparative abundancy would to the cometallic sys tem of currency supply sufficiency, and gold on account of relative rarity contribute stability and steadiness not unlike the corelation of the centripetal and centrifugal forces in physics. 2. If plentifulness of money the term being used in opposition to wealth in real estate and other property tends toward inviting and influencing intelli gent industry, (rather than attracting and alluring as so-called dear money does intriguing investment in bonds, mortgage debentures eto.,) then comet allism would be in the line of publio pol icy as evolving earnest and enlightened efforts in place of enervating and effemi nate ease as the portion of a few, and in jurious idleness if not insobriety on the part 01 many. A more extended explanation and ex ploitation of advantageous and admir able features of foregoing, together with comments appropriative, agnostic and adverse 01 leading government officials, prominent politicians, influential jour nals, well known bankers, manufacturers et. a!., may be had by addressing with twenty-nve cents stamps to cover cost of copying; postage etc the undersigned. (Uemos) Wm. H. Fitch. Bear's Marsh, Wood County, Wis. "Cranmoor," March 27, 1890. THEY ABE 00MING. Another Convention Will Meet With the Populists at St- Louis- A call is printed for a meeting of reform forces in national convention, in Pitts burg, Pa on May 25, 1896. If we are correctly informed this movement repre sents the temperance element which, is not willing to be swallowed up by I pluto cracy. They will on May 25, appoint a committee to confer with the prohibi tionists, who meet May 27, in the same city; and if they can overthrow the in fluence of the money power, iu the latter convention, they will all adjourn to St, Louis, and meet there July 21, one day before the meetings of the people's party and the free silver party; and if possible, agree, through committees, in nomina ting the same candidates for president and vice-president; and then with a plank in all three platforms, for the initative and referendum, they will help us to take possesion of the government, and pro ceed in their own way, to fight thesaloon power while we are fighting the money power. ' THE OLD GUABD. They are Appreciated in Their Own Oamp Valentine, Neb., April 4. '96. Editor Independent: As the time draws near which decides the lines upon which the next national populist cam paign is to be fought, naturally a tremor runs through the rank and file to know what advantage, or disadvantage they may be given iu the fight. This inquiry is honest, and is uot necessarily aimed at the leaders. Still, the unwarranted attack made on our leaders by the Asso ciated Press, causes them to be over sensitive, and attribute some well meant discussion, as being meant for them. As to those lies, Mr. Editor, we don't any of us believe them. I don't think Brother Snyder believes them. If he does, all he needs to do is to think back a few years, when the State Journal attacked the men of his own county, and he among them for disgracing the flag, when they were trying to honor it; and for employ ing an ex-confederate general for speaker when iu fact they employed an ex-union, officer, then failing to correct the state ment, after receiving unanimous petitions from the (J. A. R. Post shows how -infamously contemptable and dishonest, the press association can be. We all of ue honor the old guard. Though a humble worker, I was one of them too. But we must remember we have lots of recruits. Some of them don't realize what the old guard has been through, nor the traps, and pitfalls, that are always laid, for any set of men, who undertake to advance the world.- It is to encourage this class to rely on the counsel of the old guard, and send them to their convention when it meets, that much of this discussion ap pears. We will send men from Cherry who will stand by their guns. I doubt not the rest will. He will have more faith in Senator Allen for president, than in any other man on earth too. We believe he has a bioader perception of our national needs, and more courage to to defend, and carry them out, than any other man we could name. If that con vention gives us something to fight for, we will help shell the woods. We should like to see the initiative and referendum head the platform. We shall hope to favor the government ownership of the public utilities, and to oppose private monopolies, well knowing that we will be opposed by them, any way. The amount of courage we shall have to fight, depends on the amount of good we should be able to do, if we should win. If we send good, strong, active men to St. Louis, and the reform forces exercise good judgmeut, we have thebest fighting chance of any party in the field. Charles E. Doty. t V f