The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 09, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    April 9 i8(jb.
Successors to
IfcT. IS. nTalcozxer Co.,
Our stock is now complete in every department.
Everything new and desirable in
Prices always the LOWEST.
Write for Samples.
New Cloven ForEAWTER JuHtlleecived.
Furnas County
China and
Cii J
C ?pru a iu o ma aim ia, j
Berkshire Hogs, Holstein Cattle, at Half Price!
Two Berkshire Hoars and three Sows bred. Fall pigs of both breeds, Three
yearling Holstein bulls and two heifers. One two-year old heifer bred. Orders
booked for Spring pitfs. Produce of 20 top sows and 4 first class boars. All
stock guaranteed asjrepresen ted. U.S. WILLIAMSON,
Mention Nkdiuska Independent 44-52t Beaver City, Neb.
A Little Water at the Right Time
Does Wonders.
General irrigation iu Nebraska will
never be effected by ditches from living
8treams,owued by capitalists who rely on
them as a source of profit and have no
Other interest in their use and success.
It might be different if the lack of rain
fall wan Uniform. But the fact that in
some seasons there seems to be asufllcieut
amount of moisture without irrigation
Is sure to lead the farmers to wait each
year until the necessity is apparent be
fore they will enter into contract to pay
water rent. And ditch owners will soon
neglect to keep their ditches iu repair
when they find their patrons are so un
certain. The result will be that when
.drought occurs the crops will be very
liable to be ruined before the repairs of
the ditch and the making of contracts
can be accomplished.
I have little faith in the permanent
benefit and success of any system of
farm irrigation except where the owners
of the land also own the irrigation im
provement, either by co-operation, in
cases where the magnitude of the im
provement and the amount of territory
render it necessary; or individually where
the sources of irrigation render it possi
ble. One of the greatest obstacles to irriga
tion from wells, is, exaggerated state
ments by interested, or ignorant, parties
in regard to the amount of water neces
sary for successful and profitable irriga
tion. In the first place the amount
needed depends largely on the rainfall
during the season. If it requires twenty
four inches of rainfall to mature a crop
and the rainfall is sixteen inches, (and
there are few localities in this state where
it is often less than that) it is evident
that an irrigation of six inches would be
sufficient. The character of the subsoil
also is a factor which enters largely into
the question of the amount of water
needed. Much of the valley land which
is irrigated from streams has a gravel
subsoil and the water applied from the
ditches runs through it like a sieve. Peo
ple who use water under such conditions
get no more benetit from the use of
twenty-four inches thau could be obtained
from six inches where the subsoil is a
porous clay which retains water like a
sponge, if the capillary attraction and
urface evaporation is obstructed by
requent surface cultivation, or judicious
mulching, so that nearly all may be
utilized for plant growth.
Of course the amount of raiufall needed
depends in a great measure on the lay of
the land. If, as is generally estimated,
from one third to one half of the rainfall
Is lost by rapid drainage and evapora
tion: and by judicious effort the water
can be retained on the land until it most
ly Binks into the soil, as it may be by
leveling, surrounding with ridges, etc.,
it will not require a great deal of addi
tional supply for successful grain raising
on most of the fertile upland in western
Weoitenhear the remark from intelli
gent, experienced farmers "one more
good shower at the right time will make
a crop." And if the shower comes at the
right time the prediction usually proves
true. Corn, small grain and potatoes
all have a critical period in which, the
plant growth having reached its max
imum, it requires a little more moisture
to mature the grain, or the bulb as the
case may be. If that is furnished at the
right time a good harvest is assured. If
not, the result is a failure. One inch of
rain at the right time thus often adds
one half and even more to the yield. But
the portion of that decisive shower which
is utilized for the benefit of the crops de
pends largely on the time of day in which
it falls, as well as on other conditions.
If it should be anytime from ten o'clock
a. m. to three p. m. and be immediately
followed by bright hot sunshine and a
smart wind most of it evaporates
oeioreucan permeate tne sou. IF. on
the contrary it falls in the night the
most oi it is conserved lor the use of the
How far such an emergency in the
growth of a crop (and it occurs nearlv
every year) it is evident that a reservoir
containing sufficient water to supply one
men on tne surface may make all the dif-
ierence oetween Dounteous crops ana a
failure. As these crises in the growth of the
amerent crops occur at differeut periods
it is evident that the reservoir only needs
to be of capacity to supply one at a time. always applying the water in the
evening, and keeping the windmill con
stantly running great results may be ob
tained Dy a pi ant oi DUt moderate size
and cost.
J. II. Powers,
Now all who Love Tbeir Country and
Their Homes Will Unite.
IlASTiXis, April C. 189G.
Lnrron Independent: In ninety-two
the democratic party stood united and
trong. Iney won a rnagnincent vic
tory in November of that year. The
people had tired of republican treachery
and misrule and sought to teach their
truitorons leaders a practical lesson
Had the Cleveland administration been
intelligent and honest, and taken ad
vantage of the trust committed to its
hands, the party could have secured a
long lease of power. But in 1893 Cleve
land and bis immediate followers took
up the wicked and ruinous policy of Har
rison and his treacherous republican al
lies, only more openly and recklessly
Treason and greed was in their hearts
also. Before the year closed dissensions
ripened into open conflict Today the
party is hopelessly disrupted. During
tne same time republican politicians
sought to make capital for themselves,
not by carefully protecting public inter
ests which a democratic administration
had abandoned in its pursuit of place
and greed. Y hen Cleveland demanded
the repeal of the hherman law, repubh
cans joined in the destruction of the peo
ple s money, well knowing it was political
suicide to the democratic party, and ut
terly indifferent to the well known fact
that it would ruin the industries of the
nation. Republicans following the lead
of Tom Keed, cried, "give democratic
leaders rope and they will soon hang
themselves. Witn tne same rope re
publican politicians are now being
swung off. Ihe better element in the re
publican party, for be it known there
are many true and trustworthy men in
tne party have raised their voice in pro
test to the shameless and wicked course
of their recent partisans, and for several
months a bitter strugglo in republican
ranks has engaged public attention
and caused clean, honest men of every
party to hang
Old Party Voters.
Urom the united States government
report ou "slum of great cities in the
United States' we select a few items re
garding two of the leading cities of the
country New York and Chicago. The
"slum" population of New York City
numoers aou.uuu; uncago, 162,000.
The majority of the residents of the
"slums are Italians, followed in order
of numbers, by Irish, Germans, Austro
Hungarians, Russians and Poles. In the
slum districts in New York City there is
one saloon to every 129 persons; in the
city at large, one saloon to every 200
persons. In Chicago, there is one saloon
to every 127 in the slum districts; in the
city at large, one saloon to every 212
persons. In the slum districts of New
York City the arrests averaged 1 to
every 6 persons; city at large, 1 to every
18 persons. Chicago in the slum dis
tricts, 1 to 4 persons; city at large, 1
arrest to every 11 persons. In the slum
districts of New York only 36 out of
every 100 of those ten years of age and
over can read and write the language of
this country; iu Chicago only 52 out of
every 100 can read and write the lan
guage of this country: and yet 61.31 per
cent, of the voters of Chicago come from
the slum districts, and 62.44 per cent, of
the voters of New York City come from
the slum districts. Paupers and Pau
perism, by George C. Bennett.
Who Knows?
Sunnyside Farm, March 25, 1896.
Editor Independent: I should have
eight or ten pop papers to go to my
German neighbors every week regular
from now until November next. In that
way I can capture two-thirds of them.
All they get is g. o. p. slush with which
they are not quite satisfied. They feel
there is a wrong somewhere. When they
are advised by their republican friends
and read democrat and republican
papers, 1 might talk my jaw off and do
but little more than to make them feel
uneasy. Their desire is to do right for
themselves and vote for their best inter
est. Can the papers be mailed to them
if I send the names?
J. H. Bretz.
Numerous letters of this kind are con
stantly received at this office, not only
asking for Germau populist papers, but
for Swede, Bohemian and Danish. What
are we to do? If there are any such
papers in Nebraska please tell us. Don
nelly is making a desperate effort in Min-1
nesota to raise money to print some
thing in those languages. If he succeeds
perhaps we can get something from
there. Editor Independent.
It 1 all llosh.
A number of populist papers have
stated that the silver convention to be
held at St. Louis, July 22d, would have
twenty-six hundred delegates, while the
people's party convention would only
have thirteen hundred delegates, and
that there was a movement on foot to
consolidate the two conventions so
that the silver party would have two
votes where the people's partjr would
have only one. There is not a word of
truth in these statements. The people's
party national convention will be com
posed of about thirteen hundred and
ninety delegates, and the silver conven
tion of about thirteen hundred and ten
delegates. No one has ever as much as
suggested that the two conventions
would combine in one, to make a plat
form, or nominate candidates.
their heads in shame. by day it is becoming more
and more evident that the republican
party is neing destroyed, a dozen or
more presidential candidates, all gold-
ites, in the Held, and ngbting like devils,
accusing each other of darkest political
corruption, and a lavish use of money,
to secure ignorant and purchasable del
egates, not for broad natioual principles
and general prosperity, even refusing
to discuss, as did McKinley a few days
since, the causes of the blighting poverty
that is fast ruining the country. How
is it with the people's great non-partisan
movement; Who will charge that there
is corruption and lack of harmony in the
ranks of the great common people and
attempt to prove it. The more than
two thousand populist and reform
papers, and hundreds of books and pain
phlets, discussing the financial and in
dustrial interests are in absolute har
mony and the grave issues that interest
the country and the homes, find place in
their columns, instead of the names and
the relative merits of politicians pushing
and scrambling for office. The beat rep
resentatives of industrial prosperity, the
manufacturers of the east and the silver
senators of the west, are coming to
gether shoulder to shoulder, regardless
of party, to stand for true Arnericanistn
and genuine prosperity. All true friends
of bimetallism, all really patriotic Amer
icans, all men who truly love their coun
try and their homes will stand together
soon after the national conventions shall
have adjourned. There will be no possi
bility of mistaking the issues from that
time on. Whom will the people serve,
the gold gamblers and bond grabbers
and political pirates or their country
and their homes
It Holdi the Land and Transportation
in its Grasp.
Wise politicians make some bad mis
takes, and none are more apparent now
than their underestimation of the peo
ple s intelligence, bvery avenue leads
towards the main question great in its
We can not work without food.
We can not exchange without a meas
We can not reckon without price.
ecan not buy sparingly and sell
bountifully, or the reverse.
He can not pay debts without Iwral
Scarce money destrovs the opportun
ity oi toners nowever ambitious they
may be to save a capital with which to
buy land, build homes and save rent.
I here is the land question in its essence.
Let us presume for fair reasoning that
farmers, mechanics, and merchants had
lived a decade in the United States un
der a government that had carried out
our constitution impartially in matters
of finance, and there would be capital
reaoy ior investment in the bands of all
prudent men, except the unfortunate.
Then a few could not monopolize trans
portation. These many little bundles of
capital in the hands of users of freight
lines would unite, seeking honest invest
ment and break the monopoly. Free
competition would be better for ns than
government ownership if it were not for
the terrible waste of paralleling lines and
the maintainance of separate organiza
tions with the salaries for unnecessary
officials which the people would have to
pay as they do now. But the owners of
roads would soon be glad to take cost
or present worth for their lines. The bill
would have no opposition. It would
pass and the public roads would belong
to the public.
1 here is the railroad plank spiked in
separably to our finaucial system what
ever it may be or is.
If it were not for the fact ns it is at pres
ent that twenty men in our land can
corner the money of the land at anv
time they choose and put up the ten per
cent, board of trade margin longer or
shorter than all the rest of the people
combined, anti-option bills would be
come absurdities. Capitalists do what
they can do because they are wise enough
to Know tney can. l say withdraw their
power over our fixed circulation by civ-
ing us means of expanding it legitimate
ly with the property of those who so will
as security.
I lour would never sell at three dol
iars per Parrel it tne people had money
to buy. Cotton would never sell at six
cents if the people had money to buy
cloth and build mills.
The all-absorbing, all-important ques
tion, though a single principle, is multi
plicand tor every other business propo
sition as multiplier. But the propo
sition will never be demonstrated, and
tne servant will never obey his master.
nor will legislators ever give the people
redress until the voter becomes a better
man. Dear reader, let's you and I start
a resolution in that direction now. J.
W. Treen, in Ellsville. (Miss.) Patriot.
The man who happens into "THE NEBRASKA" this
Spring will find plenty of food for thought in the prices
he finds attached to anything he may pick up. He will
finda good, substantial, durable, suit of clothes marked
$4.25 which ten years ago would have cost him at least a
ten dollar bill. He will find a fine black worsted suit
selling for seven dollars the same quality as- he used to .
pay 15.00 to $18.00 for not many years ago He will
find M en's Bhirts marked 50 cents which a few years back
would have been considered cheap at $1.50 and he will
find Hate, Shoes, Underwear, Sox and anything that a
Man or Boy can wear for VERY MUCH LESS than he
ever expected to see them marked. What is the cause of
these lower-than-ever prices at "THE NEBRASKA"
this Spring? The main cause is the general condition of
the country and together with that, is the desire on the
part of "THE NEBRASKA' to make prices in keeping
with the hard times.
Prices th-is Spring are lower than ever before, our prof
its are lower than ever before, our values are greater than
ever before. It is a good time for you to buy.
Our Spring Catalogue will give you some valuable lessons on
the cheapness of things.
, " :r
Can and Millet Seeds, Kaffir, Jerusalem and Mllo Malie Corn
Snccess and Hniless Barter. Seed Oats. All cron of 1H9S-
Write for onr -How to Sow Alfalla." and prices on
MoltJETU ft K1JNN1SON, Garden City, J
There Is No Doubt
It cut both ways, does not crash. One clip
out the
and the horns are off close. Write for circular.
Bhranvllle. Pa.
Alfalfa In Nebraska.
Red Willow county is justly and right
ly called "The Great Alfalfa Region."
Last year was onoufextremedrouth,and
yet a great many neids oi alfalfa were
cut four times and the entire yield was
seven to ten tons per acre of fine hay,
and this without any irrigation whatever.
Hay is $4 to $5 per ton. Some fields
were cut twice for hay and once for seed,
but the yield of seed was light, yielding
only four to six bushels per acre, which
is worth $6 per bushel. Take hay, seed
and pasture and it is reasonably safe to
estimate a season's growth of alfalfa at
at $25 to $40 an acre per year.
Twenty head of cattle and horses ran
on eight acres from April 1 to June I, and
and were then turned out. July 12 a
crop of hay was cut and the last of Sep
tember a seed crop, and then pastured iu
October and November. The hay and
seed brought $43 per acre, and the pas
ture was worm sometning. 1 consider
one acre of altalfa worth as much or
more than two of clover for hogs or any
stock. Three good crops of hay were cut
from a number of fields last season where
the seed was sown last April.
1 tie uav is very nutritious. It makes
a most excellent quality of beef. About
as fine beef as I ever saw was fattened
exclusively on alfalfa hay. Shoots will
thrive on tne hay all winter. They eat
it greedily like clover in June.
I sowed five acres on upland, where it
iszUU feet to water, July 1,
Shamp at College View,
According to previous dnnouncments
the Hon. Jerome Sbamp addressed the
good people of College View in Grant
precinct last Saturday evening. The
village attorney. Mr. Rhea, was made
chairman of the meeting and before in
troducing the speaker occupied about
fifteen minutes in a ringing speech for
straight populistic goods which are at
all times all wool and a yard wide. Mr.
Shamp was introduced and ocjupied
over an hour in one of his sledge hammer
arguments for the principles of the
Omaha platform. Mr. Shamp may not be
as finished an orator as theyoung republi
can Demosthenes Collins, who spoke from
the same platform a week before, but his
stubborn facts out weighed all thesubtle
fancies of all the Collinses that Lincoln
can spew out to inflict and try to deceive
a farming community. JLSut as Mr.
Collins has so recently been repudiated
by his own party it would be as cruel
to add to his present distress as to speak
evil of the dead.
Few among our speakers are better
posted in the a. b. c. as well as the x. y.
z. of populism tnan Mr. crnamp ana
especially upon the railroad question.
Having a great deal to do with railroads
in his business has made him familiar
with the transportation question and he
handled it in an intelligent and convinc
ing manner. The1 history of the maxi
mum freight rate law and its suspension
in the courts and the gain to the rail
roads and the loss to the producing
classes was one of his strong points. His
figures on actual cost of construction
and watered stock had a telling effect.
He showed how the republican party had
robbed the state, robbed the county, rob
bed the city and said that it was re
ported iu the city that the republican
candidate for water commissioner had
been guilty of robbing the grave yard.
Mr. Shamp said he was raised a republi
can, went into tne army a repuoncan,
came out a republican, and was n Lincoln
republican today, but that the fathers of
the party would not recognize their de
generate children were they to rise from
the dead.
The greater portion of his speech how
ever was devoted to to the financial
question. He traced the history of the
demonitization of silver, the stealthy
manner in which the white metal was
stricken down at the demand and in the
interest of capital, the repeal of the pur
chasing clause of the Sherman act, and
united, and almost unanimous efforts of
Arlington Nursery and Fruit. Farm
MARSHALL BROS., Props., Arlington, Neb.
full line of Nursery Stock, Fruit and Forest Trees, Vines and
Plants, Roses and Ornamentals. -WRITE
Second Floor Burr Block.
Teeth on Robber, Platinum, Oold, Alnmlnnm, and Porcelain Plata,
and Crown Work. Gold, Porcelain, and Amalgam Fillings. '
Oold and Forcelala BrM
The most successful farmers and gardnsr
buy their seeds directly from the growers.
We established a seed garden in 1893 in Fur
nas county, Nebraska, and are now prepared
to sell our
Nebraska Home Grown Seed
direct to the farmers and gardners. Free catalogue sent on application
Cameron's Home-Grown-Seed Co.
Yottf Produce Direct
it every day.
RKET. It is the only way to get the true value of what you have to
" anil Itiatinlnnmt an ATna.n. -1. 1 . . -
" v iuu6" i iuicuu wur Bmjjpers testily vt
We receive and sell: Butter. Eetzs. Poultry. VauI. CmA. u.
"vuiij. wwuaa wt.CAt.w9. biuuii burn, n qhr. wwnni. . runn
Dried Fruit. Vegetables, oranvthintfvoumavhavfltoshin. We
me mo-nest Muricei race ana send nnirir returns. Writa na fn. iw..
- - ."WW
Tags, or any information you may want.
SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., Commission Merchants.
4 A C . .XL. Ilf .1 a"1 s.a a - mm
utouuin wdierocreei, CirmJAUU, ILL.
Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago, and this paper.
to water, July 1. and cut it
August 6, and it was twenty inches hiirh.
Alia iia is rigiitiycallea"ine mortgage Vhe two old parties to place us and to
iffn. " f-... if t Hnti't lift n 1. ....... ...
keep us on a goia Dasis to tne ruination
of all - business interests ana tne per-
manent enthronment of capital above
labor as Lincoln predicted would be the
lifter," lor if it don t lift a mortgage
notniug on eartn will. wm. Coleman.
McCook. Neb.
Last year alfalfa raising being an' en
tirely new business to nearly all our fart
mers, they were greatly perplexed abouo
getting seed. 1 his year there will be ua
trouble on that score for the Nebrnske
Seed Go, of Omaha have laid in a larg-
stock of alfalfa seed, peculiarly adapted
to Nebraska climatic and soil conditions
which they ship on the day the order is
Their Doom Is Certain.
Political bossism dictated the republi
can platform iu 1808 and in eight short
years they found it necessary to commit
a crime to elect a president. 1 hey may
do successtui tnis year in lorcmg an un
welcome law giving the nation gold as a
money, but it they do, it will only take
lour years to grind tnat party to pieces.
Howells Journal. ,
The audience seemed to appreciate Mr.
Shamp's address and while College View
people are generally republican they will
at least have something to think about
for some time. Stale stories and school
boy eloquence may tickle and excite, but
plain spoken facts cause the intelligent
hearer to stop and consider.
Thomas V. Cator of San Francisco,
California, writes Senator Stewart, that:
"A leading democrat, who was eight
years member of the California legisla
ture from Shasta county, has last week
announced his secession .from the demo
cratic party, and has joined the people's
party. 1 think the break will be im
mense when we finish at St. Louis.
Tenant Farmers.
There are 12,690,152 families in the
United States, and of these families 52,-
20 per cent hire their farms or homes
and 47.80 per cent, own them, while 57.
97 per cent, of the owning families own
subject: to incumbrance, and 72.03 per
cent, own free of incumbrance. Among
100 families, on the average, 52 hire
their farms or homes, 13 own with in
cumbrance, and 35 without incumbr
ance. On the owned farms and homes
there are liens amounting- to $2,132,
919, 563, which is 37.50 per cent, of the
value of the incumbered farms and
homes, and this debt bears interest at
the average rate of 6. 05 per cent. Ex
tra United States Census Bulletin, Jan
uary 24, 1895.
Where our Money Goes.
The total ordinary expenditures of the
United States Government for the year
1895 were $356,000,000. Over one
third of this amount was paid for pen
sions. The other leading items were:
$31,000,000, interest on public debt;
$52,000,000, expenses of War Depart
ment; $29,000,000, Navy Department;
Indians, $10,000,000. The ordinary ex
penditures of the United States Govern
ment average nearly $1,000,000 a day.
The ordinary expenditures by state and
local governments average nearly $600,
000,000 annually $50,000,000 each
month. The interest on the debt of the
National, State and local governments
combined amounts to $84,000,000 annually-an
average of $7,000,000
Male Them Happy.
Warden Leideigh at the penitentiary
and Dr. Abbott at the insane asylum,
made a festal day of Easter Sunday, as
far as it was possible, for the inmates of
both institutions. They desire to return
thanks to Mrs. Angie Newman and all
others who gave assistance. There was
music, floral decorations and interesting
addresses by different parties. The pris
oners at the penitentiary were each
given a little present as they marched by
in line and then went to their cells. Al
together it was a very pleasant time at
both places for all concerned.
It Takes Courage.
It takes sublime courage for a man to
sever political ties that have bound him
from his youth up, wheu actuated solely
from principle and not political revenge.
Ulysses Dispatch.
320 Acres
of first class land for sale cheap, or
trade, all under irrigation ditch.
175 acres in good cultivation.
For particulars direct to
M. M. Cook,
Champion, Nebr.
Over SO Styles!
The het oh Earth. Hon-fhlprh, I
Bull strong, Vlg and Chicken I
tight. Yoiien make from 40 1
w ou runs per aay ior irom I
14 to 22c. a Rod.
liinii iiitii i aiAiogue k rAA
Ridgeville, - Indians
-XS It V
TffPlUWn? Steel Mill and
ins tilt Mt :
Steel Towap in
UioroUKhlvealvanijifid nfti.
completion. We also make
all sizes of Wind Mills tor
running machinery, and a
Tanks, Grinders, Sheliers,
SweepGrinders,Horse Pow
ers, eta Full Information
with catalogue furnished
on knnlfpftMnn. Adj....
Challenge Wind Mill and Feed Mill Co., Batavia, III.
1 i Write now. t
BOes Moines W
Incubator CO, fc3
Oar magnificent
new catalogue
giving full in
formation re-
atoning A Hroodina
and treatise on pou
sen t Ior 4
rcnlar free.
try mlBing aen t for
stamp. Ci:
ft L I I r- i.i
uaoiea rieiQ ana Hog hence,
iv,niuowDWa; nwei wen P cket Lawn Fence:
Poultry. Garden and Kabb't Fence: Steel GtS
fanards: Bteel Wire ! ence Board.etc. Catalogue free.
DeKALB FENC CO.. m High St.. DcKalb. III.
Eclipse and Fairbanks Wind
mills, Towers, Tanks. Irriga
tion Outfits, Uuse. Belting
Orlndera.MiKllers, Wood saw"
Orire Points, Pipe. Fittings
Brass Goods and Fulrbniika
Htnndnrd Scale. Priees
low. Get tbe best. Send for
1102 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
si i
, t i.