The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 09, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Apr1 ), 1 3 'A
In larger than any weekly or semi
weekly paper publinhfd and will be of sj
cial advantage to you during the I'UESI
PENTIAL CAMPAIGN, as it ispublinhed
every other day, except Sunday, and lias
all the freshness and timeliness o! a daily.
It combines all the news with a long list
o! interesting departments, unique fea
tures.cartoons and graphic illustrations,
the latter being a specialty.
The price is one dollar per year. We
offer this unequaled newspaper and Tub
Nebraska Independent together one
year for $1.50.
Homeseekers Excursions
The Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain
system will sell tickets on March 10,
April T7, and 21 aud May 5 to points in
Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arizona
and Louisiana at on fare for the round
trip, plus $2.00. Do you want to tind
out something about these states? If so,
call at City Ticket Office, 1201 "O"
street and get illustrated and diseriptive
pamphlets with complete county maps,
For, further information regarding
rates, stopovers, time, etc., write to or
call on . F. D. Cornell.
C. P. & T. A.
Scott's . . .
Positively the One Remedy for the treat
ment of
Nervous Exhaustion,
Simple and Aggravated
forms of Dyspepsia, and
Palpitation of the Heart.
Does your food sour after eating? Art
you easily confused and excited? Do
you get up in the morning tired and un
refreshed, and with a bad taste in the
Is there a dull cloudy sensation, at
tended by disagreeable feelings in the
head and eyes?
Are you'irritable and restless?
Does your heart thump and cause you
to gasp for breath after climbing a flight
of stairs?
Does it distress you to lie on the left,
Have you impaired memory, dimness
of vision, depression of mind and gloomy
These symptoms mean that you are
suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous
There is no other remedy extant that
has done so much for this class o!
troubles as
Scott's Carbo-Digestive
If your case has resisted the usual
methods of treatment we are particu
larly anxious to have you give this com
pound a trial.
We guarantee relief in every case and
will cheerfully refund your money should
our remedy fail to produce the most
gratifying results.
Please remember that the appellation
"Patent Medicine" does not apply to
Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound.
It is a preparation put up by a leading
physician who has made stomach and
nervous troubles a specialty for years.
We court investigation and earnestly
urge all physicians to write us for the
COMPOUND, which we will mail
on application, that they may satisfy
themselves of its harmless character and
excellent virtues.
pott's Carbo-Digestive Compound
jb the most remarkable remedy that
science has produced. It has succeeded
where all other medicines have failed.
Sold by druggists everywhere at $1.00
per bottle, bent to any address in
America on receipt of price.
Don't forget that we cheerfully refund
your money if reHUlts are not satisfac
tory. Order direct if your druggist doHf
not have it.
Address all orders to
Topeka, Kas
to California.
Yes. and economy, too, if
you tHke the Btirllnston
lionte's personally conducted
once-n-week excursions which
leave Lincoln every Thursday
ni online.
Throuch tourist sleepers
rlenn, luiirht. comfortable
from Lincoln to Sun Kranolsco
mid Los Anuelea. Sci-ond class
tickets accepted.
Only $ "i for a double berth,
wideenuutih and big enough
tor two. .
Write for folder giving fnll
information. Or, call at B. &
M. depor or city office, corner
10th and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb
GlO. W. BONHCLL, C. P. A T. A.
An Illustrated Journal telling all about tfcs
workings of a LIVE school In a LIVE city that
is making a specialty of training LIVE business
men. (
Shorthand, Typewriting;, ete. Too can't Imagine
how much It will help you in the selection of tne
rignt scnool to attend without seeing a copy,
tiled to send it free.
Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Neb
Going to Europe This Tear?
Now iH the time to secure the best ac
commodations. We are agent for all
first clans lines, and guarantee lowest
rates. Ask for rate sheets, sniling lists,
etc. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agwit,
117 S. 10th St. S. A. MoHlier. G. A.
Send us 15 cents and we will send yon
a copy of Coins Financial School.
Hold a ,tertgac on Hir...
Jon1 neetni to tako a grual Inter
.t In your family affair."
llo thinks he has a right to."
I owe- him I?." New York Press.
i;i'.ile (,frw.
In a suit over six geese In Stamp
Creek, (la. when the costs hud
amounted to about $70 the matter was
compromised and nettled by dividing
the geese.
Where Students of tne money
Question can get What They
1 "A Few Financial Facts."
by S.S. King 25c
2 "The Bankers Dream,"
by Thos. II. Proctor ..23c
3 -'These Hard limes herelore
and How Long? by Kev. J.t.
Elliott 25c
4 "Shylock," by Gordon Clark 2jc
5 ."The Gentile Ass"
by Ebenezer Wakeley 25c
6 "Democratic Gospel,
, by C.R. Tuttle 25c
7 "Chanters on silver.
bv llonrv G. Miller 25c
8 "The New York Natioual Bank
ers' conspiracy Against In
dustry and Property by J.W.
Shuckers 25c
9 "Letters from Jimtown,"
by William Dana Wilcox 25c
10 "Statesmen Three."
. bj Col. A. C. Fisk 2oc
1 1 "The Fiftv cent Dollar "
by Nell W. Carothers 2uc
12 A Commercial Traveler ou AC-
solute Money, by Henry Al
len Bell 25a
13 "The Little statesman," by K.
L. Armstrong 25
14 "The condition of the American
Farmer," by H. E. Tauber.eck
chairman Peonies' Party Na-
National Committee 10c
15 "The Currency Problem,"
Joint correspondence be
tween J. Sterling Morton,
Sec'y of Agriculture, and
Hon. Edward Stern, Director
Bimetallic Association, Phil
adelphia 10c
16 "Facts about Silver."
bv Gen. A. J. Warner 10c
17 "The Keynote, Substitute
Honest Money for Fictitiuos
Credit." by Albert Griffin 50c
18 "Money vs. products, or w hy
Times are Hard." by James
W. Wilson 50c
Any of these books sent postpaid to
any address by Independent Pub. Co.,
1122 M street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Snt-einl UflVr to TlnDS.
Wewill make up a library of 'any 8 of
the 25c-books for fl.00; any 4 of the
25c-books and 2 of the 50c-books for
$1.00, or the entire list with The Neii
tjarka Independent for one year for
.75. Send this list with order.
Buy a
For Your Face!
It probably needs renewing, for it is rough, red,
freckled, blotched or pimpled, until it has become
repulsive instead ol attractive. Healthy skin is
always beautiful. The sun and wind, impure
soaps and cosmetics injure the skin.
Viola Cream
cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making
it soft, white and beautiful. It is not a cosmetic
does not cover up, but removes blemishes. It
is harmless and always does Just what we claim
for it. The only preparation that will positively
remove Freckles, Blackheads, Tan, Sunburn and
Pimples. Hundreds of testimonials from promt,
oent ladies. Price 50 cents a Jar at druggist.
Great Rock Island
Route !
Outing Excursions.
First For the National Educational Meeting
at Denver, opening July 6th, the rate will be one
fare plus $2.00 for round trip Tickets good to
return and time np to and iucluding Sept. 1st.
Second The regular Tourist Car to California
via Kansas City runs once a week, and leaves
Chicago every Thursday at 6 p.m., Kansas City
at 10.60 ,m. every Friday. Tickets based on
second class rate, and car runs on fastest trains,
and known as the Phillips-Hock Island Tourist
Excursions. Car arrives at Colorado Springs
Saturday, 7:H5 a.m.
Third Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texas
and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Hate, one
fare for round trip. Tickets rood twenty days.
Fourth For Mexico City the Hock Island
runs a through sleeper from Kausns City dally
at 8:40 p.m. via Topeka, McFarland, Wichita and
Fort Worth and Austin to Sun Antotiio. Two
routes from there are International K. K. to
Laredo, and Mexican National to the City ol
Mexico: Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna
tional via Spofford and Eagle Pass to City of
Connections are also made at Fort Worth via
the Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over the Mexi
can Central to City of Mexico.
Fit 1 h Send to address below for a Souvenir
called the "Tourist Teacher," that gives much
Information to tourists. Kent free.
MONEY TO LOAN on chattels. W. W. Mellck,
Room il, number 1031 O St., Lincoln.
WANTED-An honest, active gentleman or lady
to tr ivel for reliable established house. Salary
$;s0, nnyanle f IB weekly and expenses. Situation
Hfcrences. Enc.ose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 816
Omaha Kuilding, Chicago.
ANTED Several trustworthy gentlemen or
Indies to travel in the northwest .for estab
lished, reliable house. Salm , f. SO aud expenses.
Steady position, (inclose refeieui-e and self-ad'
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com.
nanv. third floor. Omaha Bldir., Chicago. III. a8
Killed by Snake.
It is stated that in 18110 the number
of persons killed in India by snakes
was 21.412, while the number of
snakes slaughtered was 510, Gil).
He'ti lorsjotten That.
"This coat is too tight across tha
"Well, it won't belong. You are
a cigarette smoker, you know.
J5uy Coin's Financial School, read it,
loan it to your neighbor. Push the
good work along. We have them ftr
sale at 15 rents per cod.v.
Delinquent subscribers must pay op, at
least in part.
Do not bo Alarmed but Look for
the Cause.
Heart troubles, at least niong Ameri
cana, are certainly increasing and while
this may be largely due to worry and
excitement of American business life, it is
more often the result of weak stomachs,
and poor digestion.
Kal organic heart disease is mcuraoie,
but not one case in a hundred ol heart
trouble, is organic.
The close relation Oetween neari
trouble and poor digestion is because
both organs are controlled by branches
of the same great nerves, tue sympa
thetic and Pneu monastic.
In Another wav.a so. the heart is anect-
ted bv that form of noordigestiou, which
causes gas and fermentation from half
digested food; there is a leeiing oi op
pression and heaviness in the chest,
caused by pressure of the distencieu
stomach on the heart and lungs, inter
fering with their action;hence arises pal
pitation and short breath.
Poor digestion also poisons the blood,
makes it thin and watery, which irritates
and weakens the heart.
The most sensible treatment for heart
rrnn hlea in tr imnrove the digestion and
to insure the prompt assimilation of food.
This can best be done by the regular
use, after meals, of some safe, pleasant
and effective digestive preparation, like
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may
be found at most drug stores and which
contaiu valuable, harmless digestive ele
ments, in a pleasant, convenient form.
It is safe to say that the regular, per
sistent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at meal time, will cure any form of stom
ach trouble except cancer of the stomach.
Full size packages of the laDiewsoio.
by most druggists at 50 cents or by
mail from Stuart t o., aiarsnan, micii
Not a Midamj Tussaud but a TuisautI
Just tin Same.
An amusing anecdote" of the dock
strike has been related by Mr. John
Burns to a London correspondent and
it is repeated in the Argonaut It is
a story of two suits of clothes. One
day the newness of Mr. Burns' s attire
aroused the suspicions of a political
adversary, who accused him on the
strength of this evidence of "making
a fine thing out of the poor dockers."
Hereupon Mr. Burns insisted on re
lating the history of his new suit. It
was very simple. Mme. lussaud be
ing desirous of adding a wax model of
Mr. Burns to her collection, she ex
pressed a wish to present him faith
fully "in his habit as he lived."
"Very well," said Mr. Burns; "but if
you want to take my clothes, it is only
fair to give me another rig-out" So
she did, and hence the gloss of
novelty. The explanation was ac
cepted, but sometime afterward Mr.
Burns once more appeared in a new
suit, which was so evidently not the
same suit that his old antagonist sar
castically shouted: "You didn't get
them at Mme. Tussaud's." It ap
peared that Mr. Louis Tussaud
had also set up a model of Mft Burns
in his rival establishment, in Kegent
street, and ho. too, desired to strip the
dockers' champion of his garmenta
In common fairness, the latter was
bound to stipulate for the same terms.
rims, once more, the explanation
was simple. The suspicious suit was
not Mme. lussaud s but it was a
Tussaud suit for all that.
The Hunter's Story.
(From the Post, Houston, Texas,)
Onedav last autumn a reporter of
this paper and a popular drummer start
ed from Orange, Texas, for a drive across
country; the reporter on business for his
paper and the drummer to sell goods.
On the return trip they nearn tne report;
of a shot gun, and soon fczra I'eet
emerged from the wood with his dogs
The drummer knew him. "You are look
ing wonderfully spry," said thedrummer,
how came the changer
"That's all right and I am right glad
to tell you and that newspaper friend of
yours what wrought an Tins cuange in
me." said Air. t'eet as ne toon a seat on
a fallen log alongside our buggy.
Sixtv-two years ago 1 came to lexas,
seven of which I have spent on yonder
farm. One day while sitting in my chair
I grew dizzy, fell backward out of it,
partly lost my power of speech for a t ime
and, to ne Drift, I was taKen wun n
stroke of paralysis. For months and
rears mv wife purchased medicines of all
kinds for me, 1 took them regularly but
to no avail and 1 had given up all hope
of ever being relieved of my suffering
when I was requested toue Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills. hen I sent for them 1 was
suffering intense pains in my left side,
feeling absolutely worthless physically
and suffering a loss in my weight, of
about twenty pounds. To tell you the
truth I had no faith in them when they
did arrive for had I not spent money
aftermone"y without receiving a particle
of benefit. But I changed my mind ere I
had taken the contents of the first box
for I felt a decided and constant im
provement oil around and every mem
berofiny family noticed it also. I kept
on improving every day, by and by I
could walk as well as ever, just as you
see me here, and all this was accom
plished by taking the contents of about
half a dozen tioxes ol ur. Williams i inK
Pills according to directions. Now I
keep them in our medicine chest all the
time and would not be without them
under anv circumstances. My wife has
been taking the pills lately owing to the
weak condition of her system and she
too, claims that they are benefiting her
right along. Yes sir, to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills 1 certainly attribute the
change for the better you see in me to
day and I am ready to commend thein
as a great remedy in cases for which
they are intended. Yes sir, for the bene
fit of thesick I cannot help but say some
thing on every occasion about these
wonderful pills and I do so gladly, too."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the
elements necessary to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shat
tered nerves. Tbey are for sale by all
druggists, or may be had by mail from
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Sche
nectady, New York, for 50c. per box, or
6 boxes for f2.50.
A Very Kerasrkahle Case The Interest
toe Uurrf Arises a t Whether Ani
mals Slav Not He Mentally Inbal
aneed. HE imprisonment
of a black bear in
a private Western
asylum to be treat
ed for temporary
insanity must hae
appeared to many
to be an Incredible
news item when It
was published. But
there appears to be
no doubt of the
main facts. The bear was of the order
tirso vulgus known as black. He had
some special talents; whether laid on
by a persevering showman or innate in
his bear cerebrum we do not know. But
ho was valuable as a performer, and
any vagaries of hia bear reason was a
loes to his owner. When, therefore,
either under stress of exhlbltory work
or Irregularity of diet, he began to ex
hibit signs of shall we say mental or in
stinctive disturbance, such as sucking
uis paws out of season and eating the
beer bottles after drinking the lager,
hia master consulted a local alienist,
and under advice his bearshlp was
transferred to a respectable asylum to
bo treated according to the most ad
ranced practice in melancholia and
frenzy, says the New York World.
This was In exact accord with the
tendency of both modern mercy ana
modern science, neither of which be
lieves in sacrificing the humblest beast
so long as he can furnish any informa-
tioc to man.
Well, the bear having been taken in
charge by an enthusiastic savant, was
carefully watched and tended, and as
he gave himself for the first three days
tip to an almost uninterrupted siesta, It
was hoped that he would sleep oft his
mental or nervous trouble. But on the
fourth day he woke up ready for busi
ness, and exhibited such well defined
symptoms of advanced hysteria that it
was thought best to get him into a
padded cell, where his complaint could
be the more conveniently diagnosed
through the bars. It was while in this
cell that a hasty sketch was made of
him by an artist.
The whole procedure appears to have
occasioned an acrimonious division of
opinion in the neighboring country
The more Ignorant agricultural popula
tion resented the attempt of science to
associate animals with human beings
even in alleviation, and it Is certain
that the patients in the asylums pro
tested vigorously, if not always co
herently, for the dementia of the bear
m8de itself manifest in his Incarcera
tion by the most hideous roarings,
growlings, gnawing of his bars and
squealings indescribable, and the two
occupants of the adjoining cells must
have had vocal , proof enough of their
most dreadful insane imaginings.
All attempts to reduce him to sub
jection by morphine and other anaes
thetics having failed, the ingenuity of
the keepers was called into play by
an endeavor to put an extemporized
straight-jacket on him in the shape of
a leather harness; but this proved abor
tive, and it was ultimately found that
th? only approximate way of treating
bin at all was through his food.
It does not appear that any definite
conclusions have been arrived at with
respect to the susceptibility of bears to
mental disturbance or the efficacy of
subjecting them to human treatment.
Whaf were regarded as the maniacal
paroxysms came on at regular Inter
vals and subsided only with exhaus
tion. But they were characterized
rather by the symptoms of rabies than
of insanity and were accompanied by
frothings and epileptic disturbance of
the voluntary muscular system.
The performances of an irresponsible
animal whose strength when fully
exerted threatened to destroy the ln
closure in which he was confined ap
pears to have had enough interest to
draw a great number of visitors to the
place, but anything like a determina
tive prognosis of the animal's disease
ha3 not been forthcoming.
It is worth stating here that a curious
anf inexplicable superstition or notion
appears to have come down to us that
animal3 do become insane.
Youatt and several other dog experts
lean to the opinion that rabies induces
a species of insanity in animals. Most
of the herders in the West attribute a
stampede of cattle to a maniacal im
pulse, and It is a prevalent belief in
the Orient that r. donkey can see
spirits and is often driven to despera
tion by them. Some of the early Sara
i (,nic writers prescribed for insane cam
els and as late as the fifteenth cen
tury amulets were sold to drive evil
spirits out of white horses. There is
no doubt that our modern association
of the white horse to the red-headed
girl comes to us from Morocco, where
tin1; Gauls were the first veterinaries,
arc made a specialty of treating white
W tth regard to the bear, we have only
to look at Goldsmitn s "Animatea Na
ture" to find It seriously laid down
that the bear goes to sleep in the win
ter when he is fattest, and lives by
nu king his paws in a somnambulistic
From a scientific point of view it is
jus! possible that the admission of the
t)tar to the list of public performers has
superinduced a tendency to paresis, so
a til marked in other performers; but
tljnt is a natter which can be left to a
niger Induction than the Western asy
urn has yet furnished.
Blue eyes are said to be the weakest.
. . iiii.ii
Important to Sufferers.
No Surgical Operation, No Fain, Trifling
ExpenseA Simple, Harmless Rem
edy but itDoea the Work.
There are some people who have piles
as frequently and regulurly as other peo
ple have colds.
Any little bowel trouble will bring
them on, any extra exertion, as in lifting,
will produce them, and in fact will often
appear without any provocation. Piles,
however, are much more serious than a
cold, as the tendency is always to grow
worse until the trouble becomes deep
seated and chronic, or developes into
some fatal rectal disease.
While there are many pile remedies
which give relief, yet there is but one
which not only gives instant relief bnt
at the same time makes a permanent
cure, and that is the well known Pyra
mid Pile Cure.
This remedy is composed of simple
harmless, vegetable ingredients, but com
bine so effectively and act so promptly
and thoroughly that it cures every form
of piles whether itching, blind, bleeding
or protruding.
lu long standing cases the Pyramid
Pile Cure has proven to be the only cer
tnin cure except a surgical operation,
and its advantages over an operation
are many, as it is painless, causes no de
lay or interference with daily occupation
and, lust but not least, is cheaper than
any surgical operation could posssibly
be, costing but a dollar a package at
any drug store.
The cases that the Pyramid Pile Cure
will not reach are so few that physicians
are doing away with operations for piles
and depending on this cheap but effect
ive remedy to accomplish a complete
cure, and it never disappoints except in
cases beyond the reach of medical skill.
The Pyramid Pile Cure is prepared by
the Pyramid Drug Co. of Albion, Mich.,
and for sale by druggists everywhere at
50 cents per package. Each package
contains a treatise on cause and cure of
piles, together with testimonials from
every section of this country.
Be Was Mlxsd ITp About the Location
of tlie Indian Ocean,
There was an old man with a wooden
leer seated on a pile of chain cable be
fore a marine store in South street
relates a writer in the New York
world, and as I took a seat beside him
I said:
"There is probably a good story
connected with the loss of that leg. I
take it that you are an old sailor."
"Yes, sir, " he answered. "I used to
be a deep-water sailor, but since the
loss of that leg I have had to remain
ashore and act as Bhip-keeper."
"But about the leg. How did you
lose it?"
'Do you want a truthful story, sir,
or one of those fancy yarns they put
in the papers!"'
Just as you like. "
"Well. I couldn't toll you a li& 1
may have been a hard man in my day.
but lying was not one of my sins. It
must be the solemn truth or nothing.'
Drive ahead."
"Well, sir, I lost that leg in the In
dian ocean by a shark 'The ship I
was in was bo . -aimed, and I crawls out
on the bowsprit to catch a curious
bird which had settled down and gone
to sleep. I was nearly up to it when
I feels a sudden numbness in that leg.
I thought it murhtbo rheumatics, bnt
just then the second mate sings out:
"Lay in, lom, before he comes
after your other one! We want9 no
man aboard this ship without at least
one leg!' '
' -What's the bloomln' row, Mr.
Martin?' Iasks of him as I looks back.
-Why, a shark has bit that right
leg of yours off at the knee and he s
now got his weather eye on your left!
Lay in, I say!"
Well sir, I laid in to find that he
was telling the truth. The leg was
gone. A shark had leaped up and bit
ten it off."
How high did he have to leap?"
"Say fourteen feet sir."
And you didn't hear a splash?"
"Not a one."
Nor feel the bite?"
"No, sir. There was just a sort of
numbness, like I told you. If it hadn't
been for the bloomin' mate a-tollin' of
me and my ship-mates pointing at it I
shouldn't have known it was off."
Tom, what is the usual charge
down this way for telling the truth?"
'Well, sir. some beats you down to
the price of a glass of beer, while
others are quite willing to pay ten,
fifteen or twenty cen.s. It'saccording
to the man. I think fifteen cents is a
fair price."
Yes, that's reasonable, vv ould it
have been any more if the shark had
leaped higher, say to the topsail yard?"
-No, sir."
"Or if he had got both legs?" '
"No, sir."
"Very well; here's your money. I
believe every word you have said, but
I'd like to ask you one question. "
"Go ahead, sir."
Where is the Indian ocean?"
"Why, out among the Indians, to
bo sure! Going? Well drop down
and see me now and then. I am full
of sea stories, and can warrant every
one of them to be copper-bottomed."
The' Maoist
Like the British house of commons,
the lower house of the United S(ates
congress at Washington possesses a
symbol of its authority in the form of
a mace. It looks like the fasces which
were borne by the lictors before the
Roman tribunes and counsels, aud con
sists of a bundle of thirteen ebony rods
entwined and bound together with
silver bands. The thirteen ebony
sticks represent the thirteen original
states of the union. They are sur
mounted by a globe of silver, upon
which the hemispheres are traced,
while a silver eagle with outstretched
wings is perched upon the summit of
the globe,( It was mack; in 1834.weighs
twenty pounds, and is intrusted to
the custody of the sergeant-at-arms.
The new industrial and political song
It contains 150 pages 7x9 inches size.
Splendid new words and new music. Pro
nounced by all incomparably superior to
any book that has yet appeared.
II. E. Tanboowk envs of It: "it Is th t-l
sork book vt rntil!liei. Introduce
it into every honanhold In the land. Our local
rnnipnlirn apeaiittrs and eomniittex ooKht to see
that it has the wideet clrvnluilon.
Hartford City Arena: "Any alee dob unpolled
with it will com mand the crowds."
Kocky Mountain Mews: "Beet of anything la
the line that we have awn."
Missonrt World: ' It fills a Ion felt want."
Gen. Van Uervoort: "I eonnrat nlate yon on
yonr a-reat work. The whole country will sing
this ni umc.
New York Voire: "A collection of sonics for the
times, with bright, catchy words and good stir
ring music.
The Sledge Hammer: "Every one of the songs
a gem. no i-nan in tne wnoie noun.
Mumlinlltown (lowftl Ponallst: "Should be in
the hands of cvi-ryone who wishes to make a bit
duriUK the cumpaiKU."
I'rof. Ueorure I). Hrron: "I believe yonr book
of souks will be of Immeasurable and divine ser
vice In quii-kenlim and pervading tne ejreat move
ment for the Mocial change which is manifesting;
Itself every where amoim the common people. In
will Umpire the people with courage and cheer
and fellowehlp lu the great struggle that is co
lore them,"
I'rof. W. M. Uobs of Indiana, the great eolo
si n iter of "The Van llnnuett Nationals Team,"
Suva: "Have tnken palus to run through the ,
work aud pronounce It a grand collection ol
words and a high ordi-r of mtMle."
The Farm Field and Fireside says: "It has
been left to Mr. Ueorge Howard Gibson to Intro- .
duce anew tone into the songs of the party, anil
to write a series of patriotlu songs wntcu are .
hardly surpassed by uny lu onr literature for
loftiness of motive anil real merit from a literary
point of view, while at the same time tbey are not
at all lacking In the musical quality which most
necessarily be present before any eoug touches
the chord of popularity. They are remarkable
for their fervid patriotism and broad humanity.
In Nu t, if the People's party rises to the patriotic
level of these songs, we have little doubt of Its
ultimate sncreee aa a party. The songs strike
the whole octave of human sympathy. Spark
ling humor, keen wit and biting sarcasm, a well
as the loftier patriotic tnemee, are toucneu in
turn by the talented author."
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office, will be mailed to any address at
SO cents each, or $a.uu per aozen.
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