The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 09, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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April J, 1896.
The Gamblers in Full Control of
The Party.
The election in Lincoln last Tueedaj
proves the statement of the Independent
that the gamblers, boodlers, and thugs
nearly all belong to the republican party
and have a nice working majority in it.
The issue was clearly denned. The con
test for the office of police judge is a fair
example. The republicans had re-nominated
the present police judge, who is a
member of the boodler's gang, favoring
the loose, and characterless element, and
the wide open policy that has already
made Lincoln famous. The populist
candidate was a man whose honesty, in
tegrity, and J character could not be
doubted. But character was not con
sidered. McKinley's election next fall
depends upon the election of the entire
republican ticket, and enough of the
church people, and business men lined up
with the "old rounders" to put it
The statement that the republican can
didate represented the characterless ele
ment is borne out by the following
figure: The first, the saloon ward, the
seOnd, containing the reservation, and
the third, the famous "Bud" Lindseys
ward, each gave Waters the republican
nominee a large majority amounting in
all to 431. The respectable wards,
fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh, gave the
populist candidate, Schwind, a majority
of 106. W hat an honor to belong to
the republican party; to be one of "IJuds"
The Way it is Done in Lancaster County.
The following from the State Journal
in the morning before the city election in
Lincoln shows the way the bosses con
trol things in that city;
"Every republican will want to take a
hand in the nomination of a mayor and
other city officers next spring. Under
the Lincoln system every republican
voter will have as much influence as any
other republican voter. Now when the
primaries are opened next year it may
be asked very frequently: "Did you sup
port the full republican ticket in 1896?
The man who cannot answer that ques
tion in the affirmative will be shorn of
influence in the big fight that we are like
ly to have at that time. It doesn't pay
in the long run to bolt, and we are glad
to see that there is no disposition among
republicans to fly the track in the city
election which takes place tomorrow."
The above was madenecessary because
many of the respectable people who
claim to be republicans had expressed
themselves as being opposed to the re
election of the present police judge, one
of the "wide open" kind of fellows, a
member of the gang that elected the
mavorlast spring and have since been
allowing the saloons, gambling houses,
wine rooms, brothels, etc., to run wide
open without restraint or regulation, ex
cept probably the regular monthly
"rake off." By the article in the Jour
nal it will be seen that it is the plan of
the bosses to compel every man who of
fers to take part in the republican prim
aries in the future to be able to answer
the question "Did you support the full
republican ticket in the preceeding elec
tion?" in the affirmative, or be denied
the right to participate in the nomina
tion of candidates. What a scheme! If
tho Rnii T.fnrUpv outfit-, can succeed in
nominating a rotten candidate, all the
good people must support nun, or quit
the party. The negro ex-saloon keeper
onii iiirojnnnn(rpr"l!iid" was recently
elected to represent the republicans of
this district in tneir national conven
tion at St. Louis. "What an honor, to
be numbered among Bud's constituents!
Senator Allen's Home.
Madison; Neb,. April 4, 1886.
Special to Nebraska '.Independent:
Madison was reached by yonr represent
ative on the night of the 3d iust. and up
on inquiry I found the court house in
possession of republicans and democrats,
the latter in the minority but by the way
very clever gentlemen.
Madison is a very thrifty little city in
the south part of Madison county with
a population of ' about 1000 and situ
ated at the junction of Uoion and Taylor
creeks surrounded by a good farming
country and a thrifty and progressive
people and is the home of Senator Allen,
and is a good field for missionary work
along the line of financial politics. The
Nebraska Independent is growing in
popularity. J- M. D.
To The Reading Public:
Do you wish to become acquainted with
the leading Agricultural and l'oultry pa
pers? For ten cents in silver, or postage
stamps your name will be placed on the
presscirculator list, and the leading Agri
cultural and Poultry papers of the United
States will send you sample copies free.
Get on this list at once, and you will se
secure lots of good literature, and are
sure to be more than pleased with the in
vestment. Write your name and ad
dress plainly, and addressyour letters to,
tf Lock Box 1034, Des Moines, la.
What we Owe. e
According to the last U.S. census
1890 the minimum private and public
debt of the United States was over 20,
000,000,000. Nearly one-third of this
amount is covered by mortgages on
real estate. The total wealth of the
United States, at this same period, is
placed at $G5.000,000,000. The total
per capita debt of the United States
(both public and private) is $323, or
$1,594 per family of 4.93 persons.
Attorneys-at-Law, 1101 0 Street.
Notice is horehy Riven, That, by virtue of an or
der of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court
of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within
and for Lancaster Coonry, in an action wherein
Hiram Bailey in Plaintiff, and Kate Hall et. al.
defendnnts. 1 will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 12th
day of May A. D. 18H6. at the East door of the
Court House, In the City of Lincoln, Lancaster
County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction
the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot
ten (10) and eleven (11) In block sixteen (16) In
Junction Place addition to the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my band this 8th day of April
A. D. 1886. JOHN J, TROUPER.
44-6t Sheriff.
Populist Manage All Its Affairs Satis-faotorially-
Osceola, Nebr., April, 1, '96,
Mr. Editor: Your representative
reached this little city this morning.
Osceola the seat of government of ' Polk
county is located near the geographical
center of the county on a rich table land
about ten miles south from the Platte
river and claims a population of 1,250
and is nicely built in its bnsiness as well
as its resident portions. The public
square is nicely set to forest trees and
the court house ornaments the center of
the square, the house is not large but
very neat in it appearence and is at
present occupied by a very gentlemanly
and efficient set of county officals all of
whom are of the populist faith and it
might be said now and here that old
Polk is good on a forced run to roll up
from 700 to 800, majority for the popu
list principles.
The business men as a class are clever
and progressive among which I might
especially mention H. F. Henderson,
lumber and coal dealer who is the owner
of and operates one of the most con
venient best equiped lumber and
coal yards in the -state of Nebraska.
The structure is a two story brick nicely
arranged and for stores on first floor,
and offices on second floor, all under
roof, with all the modern improvements
and conviences.
M. A. Mills, attorney and councillor at
law, is an old resident of the city and
county and has made a success of his
chosen profession, having by close at
tention to business accumulated con
siderable property, owning a large farm
adjoining the corporation. His residence
is palatial in its proportions, equiped
with all the modern improvements, and
The farmers of Polk county are gen
eraly well fixed in their homes, and as a
class are industrious, sober and law
abiding citizens, and to a large extent
vote the populist ticket, and read the
Nebrkska Independent and other re
form journals. . " J. M. D.
Republican Bosses at Work
Columbus, Neb., April 3, 1896.
Special to the Independent: Permit
me to give yon a few items concerning
this beautiful little city of the platte, but
before I do so let me tell you a few things
that I have heard and seen on my jour,
ney from Osceola the capitol of Polk to
to this place. I boarded the U. P. at Os
ceola, together with about fifteen of her
citizens who appeared to be on a pilgrim
age to the east, but I did not learn
whether they were going to form the
Jerusalem colony or not, and before I
had time to settle that question to my
own satisfaction, the brakeman cried
out "David City."
I had a few hours in David city and wan
dering about the streets I noticed a large
number of very earnest and patriotic
looking citizens, button-holeing, winking
and laboring earnestly each trying to
outdo his neighbor in doing honor to
one individual whom they dubbed"Mike"
and upon inquiry as to who the impor
tant personage could be.I learned that he
was a goldbug Irish Democrat wh.o had
recently espoused republicanism high tar
iff, for the protection of the few together
with McKinley and all, upon further in
quiry I found that the gathering was for
the purpose of holding a county conven
tion to select delegates to the republican
congressional convention to be held at
York on the 9th inst. I also further
learned that republican voters of
Butler county favored Harlan of
York but the bosses would give the
delegation to Hainer. Columbus is hold
ing her own as well as any city in tne 111-
. ... . , , , 1 1 1 1:1
tenor 01 the state. ne nas several sunu
hnainnua ntprnriSRS. H til Oil IT them IS the
Columbus State bank, one of the oldest
and best banks 111 I'latte county, mean
der Gerard is president. The bank is
doing a good, profitable and ligitiinate
banking business ana is wormy me con
fidence of the general public. The firm
of Way & Hockenberger, coal dealers,
are doing a moving business.
J. M. D.
Who Wears the Belt.
Nebraska leads all the states in the
union in the proportion of its educated
people, and in Nebraska there is a great
er proportion of populists to the popu
lation than in other states. It takes ed
ucation and intelligence to make popu
lists. Nebraska Independent.
Right you are, Bro. Tibbies. Now give
Custer county credit for being the daddy
of populism in this state, We claim the
best populist record of any county in the
union. Callaway Tribune.
Not just yet, Bro. Webb, You're in
too big a hurry. Polk county wants a
little to say in an affair of that kind.
She was electing antimouopoly county
officers who were populists in all
but name when your county wasgo
ing republican by a larger majority than
any other western county. Polk county
is by far the banner county and some of
our people helped to organize the reform
forces of Custer. Polk County Indepen
dent. Now don't you get too "floosy," Bro.
Walrath. CuBter county was the first
county in the state to strike for indepen
dent political action. It has elected
more populist officials than any county
iu the state. It is the incubator of lib
erty and the hot-bed of populism. It is
the birth-place of statesmen and the home
of patriots. It can swallow five coun
ties like little Polk. and have land enough
left for g. o. p. burial lots all around the
edges. We have more active pop work
ers; more good looking pop women; and
produce more fat pop babies than any
countv in the union. If all this don't en
title us to Wear the belt, what will?
Custer County Independent.
Forty l'er Cent. Gain.
We understand the republicans have
made a poll of the city vote and have
granted the populists a gain of 40 per
cent, over their vote of two years ago.
West Plains Quill.
You will need some good music at your
populist meetings this year. It will be a
hot, lively campaign. Get ready for it
in each town and neighborhood by buy
ing a dozen copies of Armageddon, the
populist song book. Thirty cents a
copy. See ad in this issue.
The above cut sows a field of onions
Rockford, Ills. From the days of most
the onion has been more widely known
purposes than any other plant. It makes
and enters, in one form or another the palace of the rich and the hovel 01 the poor,
Large quantities have been imported in this country from Spain, Mexico and the
the Bermudas. But now that Buckbee'a New Golden Globe Danvers variety has
proved such a success, we will stop that
Before the New Golden Globe Danvers,
Mexico and even California will have to go
Great Bargains for Tboee Who Need
Phaetons, Carriages, Baggies
and Wagons.
Three second hand extension top cut
under carriages, A grade, full leather
tops; two are Columbus makes and one
Amesburg. These carriages are nearly
as irood as new. One cost , $300, one
$250 and one $240. Will sell $125,
$135 and Silo; also one canopy iup
.iiLnndnr anrrev SSR5. one extension tOD
surrey $50. all of these carriages are a
bargain, rarties were compeueu iu hbu
them; also one bicycle top buggy, cost
$175, for $60; one phaeton leather top
in good repair $60; one canopy top
phaeton $75, nearly new; one top buggy
$20: one $55, cost $90; one $40: one
$40, cost $140; pne spring wagon $15;
one for $25; one road wagon good as
new $35: also 2 S. H. delivery wagons
$50 and $70 each. We carry the largest
stock in the state of latest styles of car
riages, buggies, phaetons, road wagons,
spring, delivery and milk wagons. Stu
debaker, Moline and McFarland makes
cheaper than ever. Four floors, power
We have goods in stock that the par
ties have failed and must be eold; all
new and fist class. One park extention
top two-seated wagon for $90, original
price $125; one three-sprir.g farmer's
bnggy, two seats, extention top, $90,
original price $125; 3 3-spring wagons,
two seats, $62.50 each, original price
$90: one canopy top road wagon $40,
original price $60.
Best Kentucky blue grass, alfalfa, red
and white clover timothy, cane seed and
All of the above goods are still on
hand except two buggies, $20 and $55,
sold. In addition to the above, we have
one S. H. cut-nnder canopy top surrey,
spring back, painted and varnished new,
for $80, perfectly sound, cheap., We
have just received new goods. Two
straight-body surries, one canopy and
oTtonainn ton si-inncr back and
cushion, steel axle and tire. A grade
light one-horse routine, juicn., iiiuKeun
r. ami SOfi former nrice $140 and
$150; two road wagons, same make,
beauties, ftfY.OU. tiumpnrey orun.
Hardware Co.. corner 0 and Ninth
streets, Lincoln, Neb.
Fenc th World in 20 Days,
We consider the Star Woven Wire Fence Ma
chine as shown above, deserving of special men
tion and for that reason the sale of It unshed
as It has been bv the manufacturers, Messrs.
Kitselman Bros.. Ridgevllle. Indiana, has done
more In recent vears to enable the farmers of this
country to tet their fencing at the actual cost of
the wire than all other fence manufacturers In the
county because they figure and show now cneap
the various styles of fence can be made, of what
the actual cost of the wire Is to make
them while those who make and sell
the fi-nce must add the cost of labor
and their Droflt to the actual cost of the
vcira The mn nnfacturers claim to be able to sell
a machine and enough wire to make 100 rods of
the best Woven Wire Fence on earth. Horse
High, Hull Strong: and 1'lg Tight, for the same
money that will buy 100 rods of any good woven
wire fpnee on the market. In the one case yon
have the fence alone. In the other yon have not
only the fence but a machine which enables yon
to be your own fence manufacturer and with
which yon can make over 50 different styles Including-
several styles of ornamental yard or
lawn fences. Too show how the farmers of this
.nnntrT ntinrncciiite this machine It Is only neces-
n tn hv that If all the machines sold by this
firm were run for twenty days, each machine
in ii kin 2- 40 rods ocr day. they would make enough
tu.M tn irr Arnnnri the world, heinir an average
of 400,000 rods or 1,250 miles per day. If all of
the machines were run only B0 days during; the
year, making; 40 rods per day eacn, iney
would make a grand total of 24,000.000 rods.wblch
would make an average of 76.S00 rods or 240 miles
working! day in the year. The com
bined product of all the Loom Fence Factories
In the Unlteu states woniu noieijuai mm.
for their large illustrated catalogue, giving; full
information, which they send tree.
. I 100 APPLE S to 4 ft.. $5.
I (1(1(1 AhS All leading forU.
Black Locust, Km 100 Co.corJ 6r.p TI.ei,
Mulberry, and Osage , , " ...
Hed Complete price list free.
jansbn NunsMtr oo.,
at about sameprlces ,tBwi01lC0t T.nn,Ntb
on the farm of II. W. Buckbee, Seedman,
ancient Egypt down to the present time,
and had a more extensive use for culinary
wholesome food at all times of the year
business and keep our money at home
the products of the Burmundas, Spain
into retirement.
Monographs by General A J. Warner.
No. 1. Intrinsic Value
" 2. Profit to the Miner.
" 3. "Put a Dollar's worth of silver
in a Dollar."
What is an Honest Dollar?
"A Depreciated Dollar for the
"A Dumping Ground for Silver."
Money and Credit.
Prices on a Gold Basis.
The Future of Prices Under the
Gold Standard.
Our Debt Abroad.
Should Banks or the Govern
ment Issue the Paper Currency?
Greenbacks and the Gold Re
" 0.
" '7.
" 8.
" 9.
" 10.
" 11.
" 12.
" 14. Silver and Cotton.
" 15. A Silver Basis.
" 16. Agricultural Prices and How
Price Levels are Determined.
"17 Money and Property.
These monographs are especially val
uable to students of the money question.
Each one in itself is a complete argu
ment for bimetallism at 16 to 1. We
will mail them post paid to any address
at five cents each, or the full set of 17
numbers for twenty-five cents. Write us
for quantity price.
The Nebraska Independent,
1122 M St. Lincoln, Neb.
Not Correct History.
Belvidere, Neb., April 2, 1895.
Editor Independent: We desire to
make a change in regard to U. S. history
in our public school. Certain parties are
very anxious to have us adopt a work
called "The Leading Facts of American
History," by D. II. Montgomery and
published by Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass.
In the prefatory note of the author, he
says accuracy of statement and impar
tiality of treatment were two or nis cniei
On page 30U he says "two other note
worthy events occurred during Mr. Har
rison's presidency. One was the great
strike (1892) for higher wages, by the
workmen in the Carnegie bteel works at
Homestead, near Pittsburgh."
Again on page 360 he says: "Shortly
after this, several thousand workmen
employed in building Pullman cars at
Pullman, nearChicago, struck lor higher
1 was of the impression that the two
strikes above referred to were to prevent
the reduction of wages. Am I right or
wrong. Let us have the facts.
M.C. dill.
fThe first strike 1892 was for higher
waces. but the statement concerning the
Pullman strikeis very unfair. While the
men struck nominally for an increase in
wanes, it was in fact only to maintain
the old rate. The company owning all
the houses m town raised the rents whicn
was in facta reduction in wages' and
that was the principal cause of the strike.
Editor Independent.
What Weaver Says.
The Oregon state convention met
March 20. A telegram from Gen. Weav,
er dated March 27, says: "The Oregon
delegates nreinstructed to do all in their
power to secure a union with silver forces
on a common ticket. The national com
mittee fully indorsed John C. Young,
state chairman. Martin Quin and Van
derburg, nominees for congress, will be
elected." General Weaver will remain in
the northwest until April 15.
One More Pop Congressman.
Washington, April 4. The election
contest from the Fifth Alabama district
was passed on today by the house com
mittee on elections No. 1, which voted
to unseat James E. Cobb, the democratic
incumbent, and seat Ooodwin, who ran
against him as a populist. The decision
was reached by a party vote. There was
no republican candidate in the district,
but the republican vote was largely cast
for Goodwin. According to the returns
the vote was, Cobb, 10.G51; Goodwin,
9,903. Allegations of ballot box stuffing
and intimidation were made and the
committee decided that Goodwin should
have a majority of about 2,200. Cobb
is now serving his fourth term in con
That's So. S
Every voter of Irish birth or descent
who casts a vote for a nnrtv advocate of
asingle gold standard is helping to in
crease the wealth and power oi t.ngiana
People's Record.
What Is the Value of a Thine;.
The value of a thing is the greatest
amount of any other thing, or of things
in general, which can be obtained in ex
change for it. (Principles of Plutology,
W, Donistporpe, p. xais.)
50c psr bushel, Amber Cane seed 60c per bushel.
Seed Potatoes at 50 and GOc per bushel.
Flour, 50, 60, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90c and $1 per sack.
Oat Meal 15tts25c.
White Beans, 10 lbs 25c.
Syrup 25, 80, 40, and 50c per gallon
4 Cans of Tomatoes 25c.
5 Cans of Corn 25c.
5 Cans of Peas 25c.
3 Cans of Pears 25c.
1 Galjon Can of Apples 20c.
Lincoln, Neb.
Thev embodv more Doints of genuine morit
chine seands so high in the estimation of cyclists, because Waverley'e are built OS
honest value lines, and purchasers receive full value for the investment. Bay
Waverley and you will never be ashamed of your mount. ,
N.P. CURTIS CO., Agents.
Lincoln, Neb.
A Beautiful Symbolic Badge.
the eagle badge. Free coinage "16 to
1," the true American
financial creed. Show
your colore. Send
for sample of the
handsomest b a d g
ever made; beautiful,
durable, s y m b olic,
silver, tipped with
gold, legends in blue
enamel. Sample, 20
el(rn Patentapl'd for cents; onedois., f 1.75;
3 dot., 5.O0; prepaid to any address.
Agents wanted; special terms. Address,
Eaolb Badok Co.
44-G-t Willimatic, Conn.
but mend them with our
famous SOLDERING PLATE. It mends
copper, lead, brass, pipe, electric wires,
in fact eveiyarticletmt solder will mend.
You can mend everything at home, with
out tools, rosin or acid and it makes no
difference if articles be greasy. A heated
poker is all that is required to put on a
patch neatly and effectually. Each plate
contains 192 quarter square inches, and
will do $9.00 worth of mending. Regular
price 25c; Our price 15c a plate, or 2
plates for 25c. Sent by mail, prepaid.
Mention Nebraska Indepenednt when
Suite 11, Adams xpresa Blilg, Chisago. His,
For the Young People.
Every neighborhood needs to be waked
up by a choir of singers who use Armaged
don, tho song oook oi tne greiti iuuuh
Vm1 pluan Tt. in n. lariro book, full of new
songs, words and music fresh, and full of
humor, lire, pathos, patriotism ana iove
of liberty. Every home wlmre there are
Innra nf truth and iustice and opdob-
ersof oppression should contain one or
more copies of this song book. Get the
youug people to singing its songs.
The Pop will win.
In South Dakota the Pettigrew men in
the republican party are feeling sore over
their defeat and the failure of their party
to enact any favorable railroad legisla
tion. makes the success of the populists
this year not only possible, but probable
Class in
Stand up!
QUESTION Who invented the
first successful Reaper?
ANSWER Cyrus Hall McCor-
mick, in the year loil.
Q. Who builds the best grain and
erass-cutting machinery at the
present time?
A. The McCorrnkk Harvesting
Machine Co.
Q. Were their machines operated
in the World's Fair field tests?
A. They were.
Q. Were the machines of their
" competitors so operated?
A. They were not.
A. I
-Because they were afraid of
the McCormick.
Q. What proportion of the world's
annual supply of harvesting ma
chines is made by McCormick ?
A. About one-third.
Q. Why did the farmers of the
world buy 60,000 McCormick
Mowers in 1895?
A. Because the McCormick No.
4 Steel Mower is the best grass
cutter ever built that's why.
The new McCormick Light-Running
Open Elevator Harvester and Binder,
the McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower,
nd the McCormick Corn Harvester
-1 unequalled for capacity, liRht
draft, efficiency of service and long
life. Built, sold and guaranteed by the
McCormick Harvesting; Machine Co.,
Aeits Everywhere.
f. rt FACOTORT 1
than any wheels made. No other
He's no Good.
He ia not worthy the name of populiat
who allows himself to be used to conserve
the interests ot a set of soreheads and
political dervishes. Free Press.
Buy Yonr Goods Direot From the Vanu .
These hard times compel many to
economize, and if you want to make
what money you have go as far ar possi
ble, I believe 1 can help you. Since com
ing to Omaha I have had many of my
friends throughout the state write to me
to make purchases for them, which I have
always freely done and such splendid sat
isfaction has resulted that I have conclu
ded to establish a Consumers Purchasing
Agency. Kuowing inside prices of whole
salers and manufacturers, and buying in'
large quantities, I can undoubtedly buy
goods for you cheaper than you could '
buy them yourself and if you are in need
of any kind of merchandise, dry goodi,
groceries, clothing, farm implement,
buggy, bicycle, any make, or in fact any.
thing, I am satisfied I can save you mon
ey by getting you inside wholesale prices.
If you will write me, giving full par
ticulars about what you need, I will quote v
you prices on anything you want, and
give you my terms which are very reason
able. This will be much cheaper than
for you to come to Omaha yourself and
I will be as careful in making a purchase
for you as if I were buying for myself and
I believe I can please any reasonable per
son. For further information, terms,
samples, prices etc. write me.
Pew Prices.
Listers, plows, cultivators at wholesale
prices, from 94 to $6, less than you have
to pay at home. Bicycle entirely com
plete, JV1& w quick repair or vim tires,
a periect Deauty lor . write lor
Bicycle circular. Good buggy $55.
Farmers two seated spring wagon good
and strong $52. Mens suits, $4 to $7.50;
boys suits, $1.25 to $3.50; overalls with
or without bib, 45 cents; jumpers, 40
cents; jeans pants, 75 cents to $2; 5 gal.
keg syrup, 9o cents to $1.45; prime Caro
lina rice, 5 cents per lb.; 2 lb. cans corn,
60 and 75 cents per dozen; all kinds of
dried fruits from o to 9 cents per lb.; all
kin Is of teas from 19 to 40 cents per lb.;
all k inds of coffee from 22J to 30 cent
per lb.; family mackerel, 10 lb. pails, $1;
imported Holland hering, 10 lb. pails,
85 cents; round shore herring, 10 lb.
pails, 55 cents; decorated dinner sets,
100 pieces, $6.95 and $8.78,
D. Clem Deaver,
Room 9 Granite block Omaha, Neb.
Business Directory.
Men whose adrertlsemsnts apprar In this eol
amn re thoroughly reliable, and onslness ta
trasted to them will recelrs prompt and earehtf
cNERNET EAGER, Mtorneys-at-Iaw. MM
O Street, Lincoln. eD. -leiepuoue w.
WL. 8TARK, Attorney-at-Law, Aurora, Hf
LONO ft MATHEW, Attooneys-at-Law, Loop
Cltv. Nebraska.
DR. H. B. LOWRT. 117 North 11th Stmt, Lin
coln, Nebraska.
CHARLES A. MUNN, Attorney-at-Law, Orfl, H
DR. J. M. LUCAS. Dentist. Brae oioca. utm
coin, Nebraska.
f 8HAVIP IMPLEMENT CO., Bohanan Bloc.
J. Lincoln, Neb. Farm Machinery a specialty.
Machines shipped to ail parta of the state.
T. M. 8 WIG ART. Mntnal Flra and Cyclone
Insurance, Lincoln, Neb. Agents wanted.
HEN in Lincoln, Popnllsta should stop at tha
Lindell Hotel, it is ropuiiBs utuyu.
0. WILSON, lltZiul
eoln, Nebraska. ' 1 .
cnwuns i ttf.rnpv.nt.Ijnw. Grand Is
land. Neb. Office over First Nat'l Bank.
Coonselnrs-at-law, Room 4, over CeC. Neb.
Nat'l Hank, David City, Neb. -
WM. LEESE. Lawyer. 231 South Eleventh
Street, Lincoln, Neb,, Will personally attend
to all business with eare and promptness.
A. MILLS, Altorney-at-Law Osceola, Ne-
. Office 3d Floor, Browsell Block.
Telephone 108.'
Dr. Edward W. Lee
815 Sonth 15th 8t..QTff Net.