The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 09, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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April 9, 1896.
555 Nebraska 3n5rpcnbm
IndepEijdBijt Publiphiijg Go.
At 1120 M Stmt,
$1.00 per Year in Advance
Address all communications to, and make all
traits, money orders, etc., payable to
Limcoli. Nn.
State Committee Meeting.
The state central committer ol the people'
party 1 hereby called to meet at the Bostwlck
Hotel, Halting!, on Friday, April 17. at 2 p. m.,
for the parpoM of making necessary arrange
ment for the election of delegate! to the national
convention, and tor the transaction of uch
other business si may properly come before the
committee. No proiles will be admitted unless
n writing and unless those by whom tbey are
presented are actual resident of the respective
counties which tbey seek to represent.
J, A. moEKTOR, Chairman.
Frank D. Eager, Secretary.
This paper three months for twenty
five cents.
The last pop kicker has turned up his
toes and quit. The Independent joins
Brother Snvdor and says: "Amen and
In the recent election in Rhode Island
the peoples party gained over 100 per
cent over the vote of 189a. .
Indiana populists have "got a move
on them" such as they never had before
Thev are holding meetings in almost
every county in the state.
Don't be too hard on Mark Ilanna's
boodle McKinloy campaign. Republi
cans don't know how to make a cam
paign any other way.
The Bell Telephone Co., has just de
clared a dividend of $3,000,000. They
can't afford to reduce rates. The govern
ment should not own the telephones.
1 Peffer wants the bond deal investigated
but the Rothschild's ring of banks con
trol both a republican congress and a
democratic administration and it won't
be done. .
Wall Street has made good the threat
of Bob Toombs to call the roll of slaves
under the shadow of Bunker Hill monu
ment. It can be done any day now and
no one will object.
Congress has ho far at the first session
appropriated f 500,000,000. It sees the
other billion dollar republican crongress
and goes it $12,000,000 better. There
is no limit in this republican game.
Under the Czar Reed rule congress
sometimes appropriates a million a miu
ute. This occurred the other day when
the big annual steal, the river and har
bor bill was put through in forty min
utes. The Arkansaw Kicker gives notice that
it is going to stop its assaults on popu
list leaders. We would like to know how
much it thinks it has benefited human
ity by the tirade it has indulged in for the
last few months.
Bud Lindsay, the colored ex-saloon
keeper was selected as delegate, by the
Lancaster county republican convention
to the national convention; C.O.Wheedon
was the other candidate, but the repub
licans preferred the Negro ex-saloon
The republicans seated a counted out
populist congressman last week, Mr.
Goodwin of Alabama. They gave as an
excuse for doing such an unheard of
thing that there was no republican can
didate in the district and that some re
publicans voted for Mr. Goodwin.
Our populist friends in some of the
southern states have adopted the old
habrt which prevailed in Nebraska up
until .recently, but now forever aban
doned, of quarreling with each other.
The Independent gives them a little ad
vice. Don't do it. It don't pay.
Delegates who attend republican con
ventions these days should wear steel
helmets if they don't want their skulls
cracked. If the New York, Texas and
Oregon republican delegates had been so
provided they would have come out of
those conventions in better shape.
John U. P. Thurston has at last made
a definite statement of his position on
the silver question. In a letter to Mr. R
F. Williams, secretary of the republican
bimetallic league of Omaha he says: "I
think all republicans, whatever their
views may be on the money question,
should join in the effort to secure repub
lican success." There you have it. Who
can doubt his loyalty to silver now.
It is impossible to make a fight in cities
or large towns withont a daily paper
Hundreds of voters only know of the ex
istenoe of the peoples party through the
flings, innuendos, falsehoods and sar
casmsthat they see in the goldite dailies..
Nine-tenths of the people of Lincoln be
lieve in the principles of the peoples party,
especially among the older republicans.
Fundamentally, they are the same as
those of Abraham Lincoln but the
people don't know it.
Maxey Cobb was treasurer of Lancas
ter county. It was known that he was
short nearly $40,000 in his account- He
disappeared from the city and was after
wards found dead, near the railroad
track southwest of the city. It matters
not what the doctors say or what con
elusion the coroners jury may come to.
Maxey Cobb waa murdered fiendishly
murdered bv a band of as heartless
villians as ever trod the soil of Ood'i
green earth.
Maxey Cobb was an amiable, good
hearted man and meant to do right, but
a lot of villians bank officers, ring
politicians, and old trained boodlers
murdered him. They would give him
check for their taxes, get a receipt then
call in and ask him not to cash it for
few days. Bank officials got him to de
posit money when they knew the deposit
would never be returned. Members of
the county commitee forced large sums
from him on the plea of friendship and
the aid they had given in his election
and then, when the day of his trouble
came, they to a man, deserted him.
They are the same gang who, in the
last ten years, have robbed the state,
county and city of nearly a million dol
lars. They have brought lasting dia
grace upon the state and now they have
added this crowning crime to the list of
their villainies.
Poor Maxey CobbI No one will speak
bitterly of you. and those who were
opposed to you politically, will be, be
side the weeping wife and near relatives,
the only sincere mourners at your grave.
The question that remains is: How
long will the citizens of this city and
state allow this gang of highwaymen to
remain in control of municipal and state
affairs? There is a fearful day of reckon
ing in the near future.
Rhodes Journal of Banking calls the
Sherman-Carlisle parity scheme an "am
iable fiction." It tells how Messrs. Ilam
bleton & Co., of Baltimore, took 50 silver
dollars to the sub-treasury and demand
ed gold and were refused. Then it quotes
Carlisle's testimony before the Springer
committee, where he said: "We make
no distinction between gold and silver at
the Treasury department." Then it re
marks: "When the Treasury refuses to
accept silver for its bonds and refuses to
exchange gold for silver, it is certainly
making a distinction." It further says:
Anybody who has 50 silver dollars or
50,000 silver dollars for that matter,
as just as much right to invest them in
bonds as in potatoes, and whenever his
money is less valuable for that purpose
than gold, the parity between the two
legal tender coins is only an empty dec
laration." With all of that, the Inde
pendent agrees, ana commends it to
the attention of some of Nebraska's
diotic goldites.
If there were no time contracts, 'no
fixed charge sto be paid in a certain fixed
umber of dollars, such as taxes, interest,
transportation rates and salaries, it
would make no difference whether we
had five dollars or five hundred dollars
per capita in circulation. If every ex
change of products were made for cash
and that cash was immediately paid out
again, the volume of the currency would
matter little. But when it comes to bor
rowing money on the farm, to be paid in
two or five years, or issuing bonds pay
able in thirty years, it is of vast impor
tance. The exchangable value of those
bonds can very easily be doubled or
halved inthatnumberof yearsby aslight
manipulation of the volume of currency.
There is not a standard writer on econ
omics who does not lay great stress up
on this point.
While the farmer followed the plow and
the merchant was at his desk, not think
ing of these things at all, the bankers,
money lenders and office holders with
fixed salaries, quietly went to work and
doubled their salaries and every debt
due them. The following is what one of
the standard economists says on this
subject, bnd all of them without excep
tion say the same thing. It will be seen
that Prof. Gide takes exactly the same
position as the populists, that is, that
metallic money, even if we use both gold
and silver cau never be made a just and
equitable medium of exchange. Prof.
Gide says:
"In the headlong torrent the slightest
increases in volume are manifested by
enormous changes of level, but the leve
of lake Geneva is only raised in imperl
ceptible proportions even by the great
est swellings of the Rhone, The same
holds with values. Let the corn (grain)
crop for one particular year be doubled
throughout the whole world. Then, as
the stock is likewise doubled, the depre
ciation in prices will be terrible. But let
the output of gold or silver mines hap
pen to double during one year; then as
this output does not, at the most, repre
sent more than two or three per cent, of
the whole existing stock, the effect
produced will be trifling. Yet these
variations end by being perceptible in
the long run; for at the rate of two or
three per cent, per annum, the stock
would become doubled in twenty-four or
thirty-six years. If, then, the precious
metals offer substantial enough guaran
tees of stability in time, when short
periods only are under consideration, it
altogether fails in this respect when long
periods of time are included, say twenty
or twenty-five years, not to speak of
several centuries. In this regard, then,
our proposed measure of value is ex
tremely defective. (Political Economy
Gide pp. 77 and 78.)
Money is the medium by which such
exchanges are made possible. When
money is made so scarce that these ex
changes are hindered every interest of
civilization suffers. Even that of the
bondholders, and money lenders and
office holders will in the end suffer from
it. Editor Independent.
The news from Washington last week
was to the effect that the goldite gang in
the democratic party, with Gorman and
Brice in the lead, had determined to help
carry the national convention 16 to 1
without the consent of anyother nation on
earth. Their plan is to entrap the honest
silver men in the party and bind them in
honor to support the democratic ticket,
while they, themselves will cast their votes
and donate their influence to giving the
gold standard Rothschild gang coatrol of
every department of the government,
including 'the house.senate supreme court,
whitehouse, army and navy, by carrying
the whole country for John Sherman
and Bill McKinley republicanism. In
that event, the goldite leaders in the
democratic party would be well taken
care of by the republicans.
That these men are fiends enough to
do that sort of thing is proven by the
statement of Gorman and Brice that
they will support a free silver candidate
if one is nominated at Chicago.
The Independent gives notice that no
free silver candidate nominated at Chi
cago, will get any support from the pop
ulist party, no matter who he is,
First because if such a candidate
could be elected no legislation favor-
aDie to an expansion 01 tne currency
could be obtained by the party, even if
it had a majority in congress and a pres
ident in the White House. The moment
a bill came up in the house for the free
coinage of silver, the eastern members of
the party would join the republicans and
defeat it. In the second place, every man
who goes into such a movement knows,
that it iB utterly impossible for any man
to be elected president of the United
States running on the democratic ticket
at the next election, and that the nomin.
ation and support of such a ticket, if it
be gold standard, is to run two republi
cancandidates,and if it is for free silver to
divide the sil ver vote so as to let the repub
icans win. Every man who stays in either
of the old parties is a worker for Roth
schilds and the Independent will fight
him with all the force it has, even if he is
clothed in the spotless robes of a saint
and can talk with the tongue of an angel,
because no financial legislation for the
benefit of the common people can ever be
obtained while either one of those parties
is in power.
We give fair notice. The Independent
declares war unrelenting war on any
candidate nominated by either the re
publican or democratic parties, in state
or nation because as long as either of
those parties rules, or lives to divide the
vote of the common people, there can be
no hope of remedial legislation. And it
will do this however much it may respect
the man for his honesty of purpose. If
any of us had believed that we could ob
tain the legislation we wanted in either
of the old parties, we would not have
gone to the expense.anxiety and labor of
organizing a new party.
The persistency with which a large
number of men sat for hours in the Lin
coln republican convention voting for a
colored saloon keeper as delegate to the
national convention makes the heart
sick. Is the whole papulation becoming
The Nebraska Independent is the
best advertising medium in Lincoln.
The gopher corn ad, published simulta
neously in the Journal and Independ
ent brought just three times as many
customers to the advertiser from the
subscribers of the Independent as it
did from those of the Journal.
The republican convention of Massa
chusetts resolved that: "Every promise
must be rigidly kept and every obliga
tion redeemable in coin must be paid in
gold." That is to say: Every promise
is to be kept and every promise is to be
broken. We promised to pay in coin.
That promise must be broken. We never
promisd to pay in gold, but that is the
thing that must be done. ,
It is being whispered around Wall
street that three or four of the big clearing
bouse banks have gotten themselves so
loaded up with "gilt edge" securities
that they are about to burst, as they
can't realize on them. Well, they won't
burst. They'll do just as they have always
done. They will issue a lot of fiat money,
call it "Clearing House Certificates", and
pay their debts with it.
The Wall street banks think that they
are the only power in this country that
have a right to issue fiat money. They
never fail to do it when they get in a
tight place. They will be at it again
within a few weeks. When the banks
anywhere else do it, Carlisle makes them
pay the ten per cent. tax. But the Wall
street banks never.
In an article printed elsewhere it is
shown that the slum vote in both New
York and Chicago is more than sixty per
cent, of the whole vote. It is all cast for
one or the other of the old parties,
There are no populist votes in the slum
districts. It requires inteligence and ed
ucation to make populists. That is why
we have so many populists in Nebraska.
Thomas B. Reed sends ns an old tariff
speech which he delivered February 1
1894. The speech does not begin with
words of Mr. Reed as it should do.
but with a remark of Mr. Crisp of Geor
gia. This is the way it begins:
The House having onder consideration the bill
(H. B. 4864) to reduce taxation, to provide rev
enue lor u government and other purposes
The SPEAKER. Under the order of the Honse,
the bill is now open for debate for three hours,
and the chair recognises the gentleman from
Maine, (Mr. Reed). Prolonged applause on the
floor and in the galleries.
This is the way it ends:
(Prolonged applause on the floor and In the
Between these two clauses which are
the beginning and ending of the speech
we find these classic phrases. Loud ap
plause on the republican side. Laugh
ter Laughter. Laughter. Laugh
ter. Laughter. Applause. Laugh
ter. Applause. Laughter. Laugh
ter. Applause on the democratic side.
Laughter and applause, etc. etc. etc,
sprinkled all over the pages. These
phrases demonstrate beyond the possi
bility of a doubt, that Thomas B. Reed
ought to be elected president of the
United States of America, but the man
who knows how such phrases get in the
Congressional Record will laugh and have
no reporter to record it and no congres
sional printer to print it. '
Mr. George C. Bennett, 48 East Tenth
street, New York; has just published a
valuable monograph entitled "Paupers,
Pauperism and Relief Giving." The
opening paragraph is as follows:
"Of the entire population of the United
States an average of one person in every
five is at the present time in a public
almshouse or other charitable institu
tion, or is being assisted by some relief-
giving institution. The number of pau
pers in almshouses in the United States
on the first day of June, 1890, was 73,
045, of whom 40,741 were males and
32,304 females; 66,578 were white, 6,-
418 Negroes,13 Chinese, and 36 Indians.
It is a book of "facts," gleaned from
the most reliable sources. There are no
arguments in it. It is full of indisput
able facts and nothing else.
"One person in every five is at the
present time in a public almshouse or is
being assisted by some relief-giving or
ganization." Suppose the reader stops
and thinks a little over what that means.
Every fifth person in the United States a
pauper! Every fifth person a pauper in
the most productive country on the face
of the earth! Every fifth person a pau
per and the great daily press constantly
telling us what a prosperous and happy
people we are!
That is what the rule of John Sher
man and the Rothschilds bank ring has
brought us to. Let it go on for another
decade and we will all be paupers except
the bond holders. That is the result of
legislation based on the theory . of "in
trinsic value," over production" and
sound money." Is it not time for a
Every standard economist in the
world is a populist on the fundamental
principles of finance. The goldites never
attempt to quote an authority, for the
reason that there are none to quote.
Could any old farmer in Nebraska, state
more clearly populist doctrine than it is
done in the following paragraph?
"Since Boisguil lebert's days.every econ
omist has regarded coin with absolute
contempt, and has stated it to be a mere
commodity like everything else, and
even much inferior to any other articles
for by itself it is incapable of satisfying
any want or of affording us any enjoy
ment, and, indeed, is the only thing
whose abundance and scarcity can be
said to be matters of perfect indifference.
If there are few pieces of money in a
country, each one will have a greater
purchasing power; if there are many, the
purchasing power, of each coin will be
less." (Political Economy by
Gide, Professor of Political Economy,
University of Montpelier, France, p
Our distinguished fellow citizen, Mr.
Lambertson, does not seem to agree
with this. He thinks if there are few
pieces of money in a country, each one
will have a less purchasing power. If
there are many, the purchasing power of
each will be greater. That is the doc
trine he taught to the students of the
State University. One thing strange
about his address, considering that he is
a lawyer, was that he did not cite any
precedents to sustain his position.
Of course Professor Gide in another
part of his work, showe what a terrible
effect is"produced by reducing the num
ber of pieces of money, when debts pre
viously contracted and enormous fixed
charges are to be paid.
Wal, Its a marcy we've got folks to tell ns
The rights and wrongs o'these niattters, I vow,
God sends jackleg lawyers, and other wise fellers,
To start the world's;tcam when it gits in a slough
For John U. P.
Thurston he
Says the world'll go right, ef he hollers ont Gee!
Lowell brought down to date.
The Oregon People's Party Post and
Common Sense have been consolidated
ler the name of Fortland Times and
that infernal row in the party ranks
which has been going on in that state for
three years seems to have been dropped.
One '
or two of the populist papers in tne
state have run on the principle that the
right thing to do was to flu tneir coi;
umns with constant attacks on popu
Hat leaders. That will now be stopped.
When Rothschilds scowls and cracks
his whip, down eo trfe free silver republi
cans on their knees instantly, and beg
for mercy. As an example, look at Pet-
tigrew and the Philadelphia merchants
There is no coward so contemptable as a
political coward. The brave men of old
died on the battle field or perished at the
stake rather than renounce what they
believed to be the truth. But a latter
day American freesilver republican who
stays in the old party is a coward. A
threat of Wall street makes him' shake
with terror, and with white lips and
chattering teeth he cries out "I recant.
recant. Please don't strike me." Oh!
you coward! You are not fit to bear
the American name.
Worth Remembering.
The man who cheats bis paper
Ont of a single cent,
Will never reach that heavenly land
Where old Elijah wentl
But when at last his race Is run
This lire of toll and woe
He'll straightway go to the flery land
Where they never shovel snow.
The republcans seem inclined to make
1 platform for protection and reciprocity
bimetallism and parity. That is to say.
it will be for protection and free trade.
for bimetallism and the singlegold stand
A man who writes on the monev Ques
tion and uses the phrase "double stand
ard" shows that he knowsnothingabout
the subject. He might just as well say
that the merchant had a double stand
ard of measure, because some of his
clerks used a wooden yard stick and
others one of steel,
In the city election last Tuesday the
populists in a straight fight with the re
publicans carried the city of O'Neil,
electing everything from mayor down
As the republicans have always ruled
the roost there and insisted on making
it a regular McKinley fight, this victor
has a great significance.
The prospects now are that the defal
cation of the last republican county
treasurer will reach $60,000. It is
known to be more than $48,000. The
republican who preceded him also de
faulted for nearly $40,000, and stil
there are enough church people and bus
iness men to vote with Bud Lindsoy and
the bums to keep that party in power in
this county.
The insurance policies carried on
Omaha building ' and merchandise
amounts to $80,000,000. The whole of
the property of Omaha is assessed at
only $2,000,000. If a pop editor should
remark that under those' circumstances
it was evident that there was a fraud
either in the amount of insurance written,
or in the assessment, would it be a sign
that he had wheels in his head?
All the wealth in the United States in
1890 only amounted to about $1,000
per capita. Was that too much? Was
there overproduction of wealth? With
all the hard work and improvements in
machinery we had only been able to in
crease it but a very little in the ten
years since 1880. Did that little in
crease of wealth bring those great dis
asters upon us? If we have so much
misery wfth $1,000 per capita, what
awful condition would we be in if we
should increase it to $2,000 per capita?
Oh! ye goldite editors was there ever
anything like you on the face of the
earth before?
In both the republican state conven
tions of New York and Texas the police
had to be called in to quell the fighting.
This is what "the party of great moral
ideas" has come to in these days of the
gold standard. The following is a de
scription of one little scene in the New
York convention: "Suddenly from the
midst of a tumbling crowd the bald
headed man from Brooklyn fought him
self free. He seized the fallen McKinley
banner and waved it triumphantly again.
His supporters redoubled their cheers,
and their opponents howled with rage.
A heavy cane was laid across his head,
and again the banner fell. The police,
led by Inspector Cortright, threw friends
and foes right and left. Seats and chairs
were smashed, men kicked and yelled
aud swore."
Postponed the Conventions.
All the states so far as heard from, ex
cept Oregon, Louisiana, Arkansas, Ala
bama and South Dakota, have postponed
their nominating conventions until after
the national convention. Also, all con
gressional nominating conventions' with
the exception of four or five, have been
postponed until after the national con
vention, and two ot tnese wnicn nave
nominated regret this now, as they see
that it would be more expedient if they
would have postponed their nominating
convention untill after July 22.
Wisconsin Populists,
The people's party club of Oskosh, Wis.,
after reaffirming our declarations for fi
nancial reform, adopted this resolution:
The railroads of the country having
reached a period in their history when it
is possible lor them to assume tne role
of dictator instead of continuing to
render service as public servants, should
be placed under a system of rigid con
trol. We favor government ownership
of these public highways, and as a
method 01 education upon this .subject,
that it may be made plain that public
control is possible and practicable, we
demand that the government forclose
the mortgage neia Dy 11 against tne
Union Pacific railroad, and that the
same shall be conducted as a public enter
prise in tne interest 01 me people.
A Strang Claim.
"The Humphrey Herald has no cv"
scientious scruples about cribbing frit
its exchanges." Leigh World. NeiULV,
have a great many other editors in
Nebraska, and the strangest part of it
is the tbey all claim to be honest men.
A Bunco Bill.
Numerous petitions against the pass
age of the Loud bill, which attempts to
deprive the people of reform books and I
newspapers, were presented in both sen- I
ate and house. Loud is working hard '
to secure the passage of that infamous
measure that he may deliver the prom
ised goods to the bunco men of Wall
street, but the bill cannot pass the sen- -ate.
A John Sherman Medal.
Senator Sherman has secured the pas
sage of a joint resolution authorizing
Benjamin Harrison to accept certain j
medals presented to bim by the govern
ments of Brazil and Spain during the"
term of his service as president of the
United States. John Sherman ought to
wear a medal himself, with the head of
Rothschild on it and the words: "Io
grateful recognition of Senator Sher
man's services to the house of Roth
schild. Silver Knight.
Business in Mexico is Booming.
Cotton mill dividends of 40 and 5.
percent, are reported, indicating thatV,
notwithstanding the largely increased f
importation of cotton textiles the native
mills are prospering. Coffee lands on .
the west coast are rapidly rising: in price.
some of the best lands commanding $I0tjY
per acre in silver against trom $4 to $ HJ
on the Gulf Coast. Large investment
are being made in country lands by
Americans. Chicago Daily News.
See Them Fight.
Houston, Tex., April 4. Ever since
the democratic executive committee met
at Austin, the chairman of the silver
wing and of the "sound monev" wine
have been issuing pronuueiamontos,
tyhich tend to materially widen the
breach. It means that the Dartv is
badly split on the money question and
unless a miracle happens (there will be
a fratricidal struggle among the demo
crats of Texas in the present state and
national campaign.
What the Workers Did
The following parties sent in a club -
list last week:
J. F. Kimberling Franklin, 5. ,
J. S. I reeman Columbus, 2.
N. H. Nye Pender, 1.
John A. Goranson, West Point, 3.
W. H. Woodruff Stanton, 2.
E. E. Rosser, Quinton, 4.
R. F. Webster, Weston, 4.
A New Kind of Stuff".
In modern times a new kind of stuff
has been employed to a gigantic extent to
fill the channel of circulation and that is 1
credit. Thus the whole quantity cuftrfL -A
which fillls the channel of circulation is- 1
composed of gold, silver, copper and '
credit, andprices of commodities are es- ''1
timated according to the . aggregate of J
all these different kinds of stuff, and not
according to any single one. Elements
of Jiiconomics, Macleod, p. 192.
Indiana Populists.
The populists of the 9th congressional
district held their convention at the
Columbia opera house in Frankfort, Ind.,
on Thursday. March 26, and each county
of the district was well represented, both
by delegates and mends.
After a careful review of the situation
as to the best policy to pursue, it wa
decided that the best interest of th
party would be served by postponim
the nomination of a congressional can
didate until later in the season.
Mr. A. P. Hanna and Miss Sara Han-
na were continued as chairman and sec-
etary of the congressional committee.
The populists polled a big vote in that
district two years ago, and will carry it
this time.
A Free Silver Club.
Normal, Neb., March 6, 1896.
Editok Independent: On the evening
of March 31. Prof. G. H. Walters spoke
on the subject of finance to an enthus
iastic and appreciative audience after
which some thirty-five of the young men
organized a society to be known
as the Free Silver club. Under the effi
cient leadership of Chairman Walter! and
Secretary Prof. Backus we expect tolplax, f
an important part in the freeing aigkf&p S
nuu uuuvei wug iuib uhhuiuiiou into Jo,
happy and prosperous land.
Barton W. Flowers. I
Senator Tillman's Idea.
Senator Tillman, whom all the anti-
gold-bug public are so eager to hear, has
been expressing himself in a South Caro
lina paper as follows: "The differences in
the democratic party are as irreconcilable
now as they were In 1860. The strug
gle then was for the extension of slavery
in tne lerritories. isow the issue is,
whether money or the neoDle. shall rule.
As I see it, the convention is bound to
split again when it meets. No fair deal
ing can be expected from the men who
foisted on us the silver plank in the lastr'
national piattorm. ao fair dealing call
be expected from the men who defeatefd
Hardin in Kentiu-kv lust fall cn.i h.JL
just prevented the election of Blackburn.
A 1 11 11 . . -
Any siraume win cause the populists and
silver men to sweep the south and west,
and the democratic party willl only be a
name and become a third party."
Pensions for the Militia.
The Republican turns loose the whole
editorial page for Hainer, frantically
protesting that it would be madess to
think of turning him down and heads
the whole with the following ad captan.
dum argument:
"Congressman E. J. Hainer is working
to secure a pension for worthy disoled
memDers ot tne state militia."
:0 promise to Cetneilfiionsfnr
business men, mechanics or laboirers.
'PI. A 1. t 11 .
j.uey are me ieuows wno pay pensitons.
II there IS anvthinornn pnrth that-
restore confidence, make times good an4
uie peopie 01 tne lourth congressional
district happy it would be, an invoice of
i-eiuueers, a lew endowed colleges to give
instructions in forestrv. And a. littoral
system of pensioning the state militia
uuiuiiion county itegister.