The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 26, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Consolidation ot the Alliance (Lincoln)
ludeftendent and Weahb Makers.
State Paper of the Populist
Party in Nebraska.
The Great Champion of the Rights or
the Common People.
It is declared the best western popu
list weekly by populist editors every
where. They say:
"It is a Gatlin Gun." "It leads all."
1." "It is A No. 1." "The best paper
we ever bad." "True blue and progres
sive." "Should be in the home of every
business man and farmer." "It is a
hummer." "A terror to shylocks."
"It is a daisy." "It comes up to thetan
dard of what a populist paper should
be." "The strongest and best populist
paper the state ever had." "It is bold,
independent and aggressive." "All in
nnison with.the Omaha platform." "The
lent educator on the science of money."
"It will lead the masses out of thewilder
nesM and into the land of liberty."
Everyone cjlioulcl read It.
iil lor Simple Copy.
Lincoln, Neb.
The Independent BooK List '
The Independent Publishing Co. has
selected a line of books which will be kept
on hand and may be ordered at any
time. They will all be sent postage paid
at the prices' named. Many are sold
much below the cost of printiug, and not
one will be put iu the list that is not
good, sound literature.
Coin's financial School Harvey (in
English, German or Swede) 15c
Facts About Silver 5c
Seven Financial Conspiracies 8c
Senator Tillman's great speech ready
to muit lc
Senator Stewart's (pop) great speech
ready to mail lc
Congressman Sibley's (dem) great
speech ready to mail lc
Congressman Towne's (rep) great
speech ready to mail lc
This list will be increased from time to
Is larger than any weekly or semi
weekly paper published and will beof espe
cial advantage to you during the PRESI
DENTIAL CAMPAIGN, as it is published
every other day, except Sunday, and has
all the freshness and timeliness of a daily.
It combines all the news with a long list
of interesting departments, unique fea
tures, cartoons and graphic illustrations,
the latter being a specialty.
The price is one dollar per year. We
offer this unequaled newspaper and Thk
Nebraska' Independent together one
year for $1.50.
i Wt want looo more active acents before
July 1st. we win guarantee ! to sw per aay
fun oe easur uuuie in any locaiit?; our Kooua
sell themselves ; we furnish a large roll of
sample! entirely FREE and allow 0 per
9 cent, commission on all sale. Send to-day
A for fullparticulars, or we will send with
W same a Valuable sample of our goods in
i Solid Silver upon fecelpt of 10 cents in
T silver or stamps. Established in 1883. Ad
T stoja,. j j j
Salesman Wanted In every county, salary
or eommlMlea. No experience. New Tariff
Hill gives nnllralted profits, active men ap
ply quickly stating salary and territory
wasted, Manufacturers, f. o. Box- saos
ttoaron, mi
St. Paul?
B ack Hills?
Central Wyoming?
San Francisco?
Los Angelos?
' - -h
Best Time V BY
, Best Service k NORTH-WESTERN
Best Rata J line.
117 So. 10th St., - LINCOLN, NEB.
. U. r. LAHBERTSON, D.D.S., ,
Ohio College Dental Surgery
10 years continuous practice
in Lincoln:
Office: Alexander Block,
1 2th and Streets,
' Rooms 23 and 24.
Teeth on Rubber, Platinum, Gold and Alumi
num Plates. Bridge Work. Gold and Porcelain
Crow tn.
Our grand catalogue, over 350 illuatrf
tioiis, agents' latest goods and novelties
1 writing pen, fountain attachment, 1
elegant gentleman's watch cbaiD and
charm, guaranteed 2t years. Your nam
in agent's directory 1 year, all sent for
10 cent. I'ostage 2 cents, EMI'IHE
NOVELTY CO., 107TremoutSt., Hostoa.
It Is Just Wonderful
The time the Union Pacific "Overlaud"
fast mail No. 3 makes to Ogden, Salt
Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, Seattle'
San Francisco and Los Angeles. This
Daily Meteor has the finest eqnipment
consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol
stered Tourist Sleepers, Free Recliniug
Chair Cars, and Diner. For fair informa
tion call on or addreMS E. B. SlosNon,
General Agent, 1044 O St., or J. T. Mat
tin, ft T. A.
1 list of the Officers, Member, and Executive
Committe of People1 Party of Nebraska.
orncsnt stats eowami.
Chairman I. A. Edgerton, Lincoln. ,
Secretary Frank D. Eager, Lincoln.
Treasurer Austin H. Wier, Lincoln.
First District C. W. Hoxie. Lincoln.
Second District C. A. Whit ford, Arlington.
Third District O. Nelson, Kichlsnd.
Fourth District B. K. B. Weber, Valparaiso.
Fifth District D. S Dusenbery, Nelson.
Sixth District-J. W. ElHngham. North Platte.
County, Nmt. FUtffid.
Adams....-.......J. T. Steele- Hastings
Antelop..........Herman Frees.....Neligh
Banner............ M. E. Shalto.........Ashford
Blaine ...............Eira HoUopeter.Brewster
Boone J. A. Baird,-..-.....Cedar Rapid
Box Butte... ...J. K. Neal Hemlngiord
Boyd. ............... Ed. L. Whiting..Spencer
Brown............... George Miles ...Ainswortb
Buffalo... ........John A. MiUer......Kearney
Burt......... ..E. W Petenon..Tekamah
Butler .... W. H. Taylor David City
Cass. ....r...... .W. Waugh Alvo
Cedar.. .John H. Filber.....Hartington
Chase -....A. B. Sutton....... Imperial
Cherry...............G. P. Crabb.....Vaientins
Cheyenne .......... C. J. Osborne....... Sidney
Clay G. W. Nagle..Clay Center
Colfax.............0. Nelson... ....Richland
Cumming L. Dewald......Wisner
Custer C. W. Beal.., Broken Bow
Dakota M. B. Slocum........So. Sioux City
Dawes ...-L L- Gibson -...Crawford
Dawson... .T. W. Hanna Lexington
Duel Jonas Coffman......Oshkosh
Dixon.......... ....C, W. Schram Ponca
Dodge R. D Kelly Fremont
Douglass - - Omaha
Dundy - L. . Vallcer Benkleman
Filimore. ........ ...John I. Burke Geneva
Franklin I . M. Dimmick Macon
Frontier Wm. Reed Stockville
Furnas...... C. F. Wheeler.....Beaver City
Gage E.E.Ellis Beatrice
G-irrield T. G. Hemmett.-.Burwell
Gosper S. B Voeman Elwood
Grant ... H. Greathouse Hyannis
Gredy James Barry Greely Center
Hall H. A. Edwards Grand Island
Hamilton F. M. Howard Aurora
Haran Theo. Maher Alma
Haves J. E. Hammond...Hayes Center
Hitclicock Geo. W. Larter....Dike
Holt Hani Kautzman..O'Neill
Hooker W. B. Barnaby.... Mullen
How.ird C B. Manuel St. Paul
Jeff rson Thad Williams....Fairbury
iuhi.son Fred Kohn Crab Orchard
Learney G J. Richmond.-.Minden
Keith J. W, heridan.-.Ogallala
Keya Paha John F. Carr Springview
Kimball John Bi2gs Kimball
Knox lohn T. Lenger... Niobrara .
L ncaster C. W. Hoxie Lincoln
Lincoln I W. Ellingham...North Platte
Logan W. Ginn ..Gandy
Loup J. F. Anderson.-.Taylor
Madi'on C. D. Jenkins Norfolk
McPherson Ben Wilson Tyron
Merrick M. H. Rawiins Archer
Nano; Wm. Dawson Fullerton ,
Nemaha .......D. J. Wood Bratton
Nucko s D. i. Dusenoery-Nelsan
Otoe Jorin Willman Nebraska Citj
Pawnee T. J. Plummer Pawnee City
Perkins Frank Coates Elsie
Phelps A. J. Shaffer Holdrege
Pierce W. A Bouce Foster
Platte John S. Freeman.Columbu
Polk '.C. Kahe.i Shelby
Red Willow .,.I. A. Sheridan lndianola
Richardson J. M. Whittaker..Falls City
Rock W. T Phillips Bassett
Sa.ine Wilbur Savage....Wilber
Sarpy George Becker Richfield
Saunders ...B R. B. Weber Valparaiso
Scotts Bluff W. J Sentery Gering
Seward M.D. Carey Seward
heridan H. J Staunchfield.Rushville
Sherman H. M. Mathews Loup City
Sioux Wm. J. Raum Harrison
Stanton W. H. Porter Stanton
Thayer F. S. Mickey Hebron
Thomas A. C. Avers Thedford
Thurston W. I. Wiltsie Pender
Vahey... C. A. Munn ...Ord
Washington C, A. Whitford Arlington
Wayne ..H B. Miller Winside
Webster H. L. Hopkins Cowles
Wheeler C. E. Parsons Bartlett
York J. D. P. Small York
Homeseekers Excursions
The Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain
system will sell tickets on March 10,
April 7, and 21 and May 5 to points in
Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arizona
and Louisiana at one fare for the round
trip, plus $2.00. Do yon want to find
out something about these states? If so,
call at City Ticket Office, 1201 "0"
street and get illustrated and discriptive
pamphlets with complete county maps,
For further information regarding
rates, stopovers, time, etc., write to or
call on s F. D. Coknki-L.
C. P. & T. A.
jQoramgjiLErlz6s 1
55 Separate Prizes
. . . ONE PRIZE OF . . .
Denver, Colo.,
Ttie greatest bona fide prize offer ever mad
In the West or South.
The News is the representative paper of the
West It Is silver's champion; It is the peo
ple's ndvovate; It lt-ada In thought, as In news.
The Weekly has just been enlarged and Im
proved; it contains the latest and fullest min
ing end mining stock news; It has special de
partments devoted to the Farm, the House
hold, Women and Children; all the brightest
cartoons and liveet comment of the daily edi
tion are to be found in It: It presents In con
densed form the doings of all the world it is
a family paper without a peer.
And the Weekly News is determined to have
beyond all question the largest circulation of
any paper between the Mississippi rWer and the
Pacific onast. Therefore It offers to the per
sons sending In the greatest number of $1 year
ly subscriptions before September 1st next
these unequalled prizes.
Tor particulars address
The New Printing Co.,
Denver, Colo.
to California.
Yes, nnd economy, too, If
you take the Unrllmrton
Route's personiilly conducted
unce-n-week excursions which
leave Lincoln every Thursday
Thromrh tourist sleepers
clean, bright, comfortable
tnini Lincoln to. Sun KrHiieisco
and Los Angeles, necondclass
tlckeis accepted.
Only $') for a double berth,
wldeenuugh and bio; enough
lor two.
Write for folder giving fall
information. Or, call at B. A
M. depot or city office, corner
10th and O ts., Lincoln, Neb,
Geo. W. Bokhell. C. P. St T. A.
Delinquent lubacribers must pay up, at
least in part.
Bonds, Honda and Mora Bonds.
In 1905 the government will have to
meet an indebtedness of something like
1550,000,000, payable in coiu. The
word coin is construed by ex-Secretaiy
Foster and Carlisle, of the treasury, to
mean gold. Now as there is onl about
$650,000,000 in gold coin in the United
States, is it not preposterous to suppose
that the govern men t can hoard that
enormous amount in ber treasury, when
the indebtedness nearly equals the
amount of gold in the country? This
enormous debt was contracted when
"coin" meat gold and silver, and in jus
tice to the people the debt should be paid
in gold and silver. The past years finan
cial trouble is but a lorerunner of what
will take place when this debt becomes
due. There will be bonds, bonds, and
more bonds, unless the people unite this
all and overthrow the money oligarchy,
that is dictating our financial system.
York Democrat-
National Bank Boodle.
The montblv statement of the controller
of the currency shows that on February
29 the amount of national bank notes in
circulation was $207,093,465, an increase
over the previous month of $3,685,880,
anil Inr th vr of S12.141.071. The
amount of circulation, based on United
States bonds, was $195,(148,954, an in
crease for the month of $4,059,317, and
for the year of $18,563,829. The circn
lation based on lawful money aggregated
.... - . , . . 1 . V. c
ZZ,U44.oi 1 , a aecrease ior uie muuiu oi
$373,437, and forthe yearof $6,422,821.
The umv-innt. nf rao-istered bonds OU de
posit to secure circulating notes was
$217,94-l,y50, and to secure puonc ae
nnaita 1 7 4.ii8 000. The amount, of the
iew 1895 4 per cert bonds ou deposit
was $ 24,b43, iou. f
Locking up Greenbacks.
The amount of greenbacks and treas
ury notes withdrawn from circulation
and locked up in the treasury is given in
the treasury circulation statement as
follows: .
March 1st, 1893 $ 37,926,514
March 1st, 1894 65,032,900
lih 1st lSflr. 121.148.215
March 1st, 1896 136,867,223
The following is a list of Nebraska
populist papers that come to this office
It is not all that are published in the
stcte. Any reader of the Independent
who knows of a populist paper published
in Nebraska, will confer a favor by send
ing the name and location to this office.
We want to keep a standing ad. of Ne
braska pop papers so tha any one who
wants one from any particular county
can get it:
Nebkaska Independent, Lincoln.
Greeley, Citizen, Greeley.
Cherry Co. Iudepende'nt, Valentine.
Neligh Leader, Neligh.
Clipper Citizen, Lexington.
West Union Gazette, West Union.
Minden Courier, Minden.
Central City Democrat, Central City.
lndianola Weekly Courier, lndianola.
Nation, Red Cloud.
Antelope Tribune, Neligh.
Populist, Falls City.
Ulysses Dispatch, Ulysses. ,
Weekly Progress, Holdrege.
Leader, Fremont.
Sterling Sun, Sterling.
Looking Glass, Monroe.
Seward Independent, Seward.
People's Banner, David City. -
Dixon County Leader, Ponca.
Dertrand Times, Bertraud.
Boyd Co. Democrat, Lynch.
York Democrat, York. .
Madison Reporter, Madison.
North Rend Argus, North Bend.
Peopled Sentinel, Trenton.
New Era, Wahoo.
Bugle, Chambers.
Index, Chambers.
Eye, Burwell.
Custer County Beacon, Broken Bow.
Beacon Light, O'Neill.
Oakland Independent, Oakland.
News Reporter, Alma.
Norfolk Independent, Norfolk,
Granger, Auburn.
Yerdon Yidette, Verdon.
McCook Tribune, McCook.
Free Press, Grand Island.
Wilcox Herald, Wilcox, Nebraska.
Times Revenue, Beaver City.
Independent Era, North Platte.
Pawnee Press, Pawnee City.
Polk County Deniocrrt, Osceola. Q
Independent, Osceola.
Headlight, Stromsburur.
Hickman Enterprise, Hickman.
New Era Standard, Kearney.
Arapahoe Pioneer, Arapahoe.
Rising Cily Independent, Rising City.
Nuckolls County Herald, Nelson.
Public Journal, Hastings.
Home Rule, Ainsworth.
Trenton Register, Trenton.
People's Yoice, Imperial.
Plsitte County Argus, Columbus.
llowells Journal, Howells,
Blair Republican, Blair.
Boone County Outlook, Cedar Rapids.
Yeoman, Neligh.
Fullerton Post, Fullerton.
Tribune, Beatrice.
Faber, Stockville.
Exeter Enterprise, Exeter.
Times, Havelock.
Perkins Co. Herald Sentinel, Grant.
Nance Co., Populist, -Genoa.
Butler Co., Press, David City.
Weekly Record, Eustis.
Cherry Co.. Independent, Valentine.
Rushville Standard, Rushville.
Blue Hill Leader, Blue Hill.
People's Champion, Hebron.
Nebraska F. A. & I. U., Hartwell.
Neligh leader, Neligh.
Ord Journal, Ord.
Quill, Schuyler.
Sun, Shelby.
Chadron Signal, Chadron.
Gibbon Reporter, Gibbon.
Hamilton Co., Register, Aurora
Weekly Arbor State, Wymore.
Jefferson Co., Journal, Fairbury.
Allen News, Allen,
(."tipper Citizen, Ixjxington.
West Union Gazette, West Union.
Hay Springs Leader, Hay Springs.
How'i This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward lor any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY it CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last. 16 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligations made by
tbeir firm.
Wkst Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O
Wilding, K inn an ft MiKvm, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, ().
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol
the system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
death follows the bob
oeon's knife not the 8ub
geon'fj fault.of course,
he can't help it-you
Pyramid Pile Car Cures Piles
Quickly, Painlessly, Without
People go along for yeart suffering
with piles. Then try this, and that and
the other thing; from carrying a buekeye
to getting treatment from a physician.
They obtain temporary relief, tuaybe.but
they are never quite cured. A little
a strain in lifting, excessive fatigue, a
little constipation or a little diarrhoea
and the piles come back.
They don't seem to amount to much,
but they banish sleep and appetite. No
position is comfortably. There is is in
tense local pain and that dreadful feeling
of weight in the perineum.
Maybe iu the early stages some of the
many salves on sale will afford tempoary
relief. If the case is of long standing
there is only one speedy and sure rem
edy. It is Pyramid Pile Cure. Even in
light cases it is the safest thing to use.
Other applications may cure and may
not. Py ramie Cure is always certain,
always reliable, always brings comfort
at once. . It's prompt use saves months
of severe suffering. In extreme cases it
will save surgical operations and their
attendant dangers and discomforts.
It is 'better than a knife. Will cure
easier, quicker and Bafer. Thousands
have used it. Thousands have been
cured by it. The cost is trifling compared
with what it does. The price is 50 cents.
Most anybody would gladly pay ten dol
lars to be rid of piles.
Druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure. If
yours hasn't it he will get it for you from
the Pyramid Drug Co. of Albion, Mich,
(sole manufacturers.)
Money In Circulation.
The following is the total volume of
money in circulation as shown by the
treasury statement:
March 1st 1893 ft, 599,055.542
February let, 1894 1,739,783,511
March 1st, 1895 1,574,534,557
March 1st, 1896 1,528,742,057
The circulation per capita for the same
dates is stated as follows:
March 1st, 1893 24 07
February 1st, 1894 25 66
March 1st, 1895 22 69
March 1st, 1896 21 59
Tillman's Cartoons.
The New York World is printing car.
toons designed by Senator Tellman.
The first one is of the historic cow. She
stands with her hind feet in New York
and New England and her fore feet in
the west. The farmers feed her ou Wall
Street and the National banks milk her.
In the second one the cow is turned
around, but the farmers can get no milk,
lor Wall Street choke the cow with the
supreme court decisions labeled "income
A Good Hickory Club. ,
There ought to be a club to stand up
for Nebraska. That's all right. It
ought to be a hickory club about eight
feet long. And it ought to be wielded by
a lusty Nebraska farmer, and it ought to
knock into the middle of next week a few
hundred politicians and bankers who
have been responsible for bleeding the
farmers of the state for the last twenty
years. This is about all the club Nebras
ka needs just now. Exeter Enterprise.
fc. The Way They Got It.
The national banks first doubled their
wealth by buying government bonds
with greenbacks which cost them only
about fifty cents on the dollar. They
then had their wealth nearly doubled
by receiving back from the government
ninty per cent of the value of their bonds
in national bank currency. Since then
their wealth has doubled from interest
on the bonds which they deposited with
government and it has been doubled
again by interest on the national bank
notes received from the government. In
addition toall this their orignal invest
ment iu these bonds has been doubled for
the fifth time by the process of contract
ing the currency and making the dollar
in which the bonds are to be paid worth
twice as much us the dollar was worth
when the bonds were bought. Boone Co.
They Like The Independent.
Lakabee, Neb., March 9, 189g.
Editoh I.nddpendknt: I have shown
your paper to nearly every one in my
precinct and they all highly praise it. I
think you will get five or six new sub
scribers from Larabee precinct.
I must tell yon what Tom Dorsey said
in his speech in Rushville a year ago. He
said he would stack until hell froze over
until he got what he wanted, and we
thought he wanted to fill ois pockets like
the rest of the republicans.
I wish we could put a man in the White
House like Governor liolcomb, Allen,
Butler or Debbs. Then I think Coxey
could walk on the grass without being
I pray God to be with every editor
that is willing to fight for the Omaha
platform. If we could get the preachers
to preach for the conversion of men to
the truth, instead of preachingfor money,
there would be a great change in the
United States. T. G. Bobtiic.
Lincoln Populists.
The populists city committee has called
the convention to nominatecandiatesfor
city offices to meet March 17. The com
mittee declared in favor of the plan of
making nominations and against the
Crawford county system. The committee
recommended that a full ticket be nomi
nated and opposed fusion with any oth
er party. .
Senator Call rose in the senate the oth
er day and said:
Mr. President, for seventeen years I
have introduced at every session of con
gress a resolution for measures to be
taken by the United States to obtain in
dependence for the people of Cuba and a
government of their own choice. These
resolutions have been referred to com
mittees and no further actiou had in re-
A Goofl Word for March.
March, la thy rslga of blaat and storm
Bmllea many loan, bright, sunny day.
Whea the changed winds are soft and warm,
Aad baa vea puts on the blue of May.
Then sins; aload the gashing' rills.
In joy that they again are free.
And brightly leaping down the bills
Kenew their Journey to the tea.
. Philadelphia Farm Journal.
The Scales Fall From a Biahop'i Ejei
and he Propheciei.
The growth of wealth and luxury,
wicked, wasteful, and wanton, as before
God I declare that luxury to be, has been
matched step by step by a deepening and
deadening poverty which has left whole
neighborhoods of people practically
without hope and without aspiration.
At such a time, for the church of God to
sit still and be content with theories of
its duty outlawed by time and long ago
demonstrated to be grotesquely inade
quate to the demands of a living situa
tion, this is to deserve the scorn of men
and the curse of God! Take my word for
it, men and brethren, unless you and I
and all those who have any gift or steward
shipof talents or means, of whatever sort,
are willing to get up out of our sloth and
ease and selfish dilettantism of service,
and get down among the people who are
battling amid their poverty and igno
ranceyoung girls for their chastity,
young men for their better ideal of
righteousness, old and young alike for
one clear ray of the immortal hope then
verily the church iu its stately splendor,
its apostolic ord , iu venerable ritual,
its decorous and dignified conventions,
is revealed as simply a monstrous and
insolent impertinence! Bishop Potter in
Public Opinion.
An Extremely Valuable Discovery
for Farmers.
No More Thin Corn Fields.
Mr. Frederick T. Krause has discov
ered a preparation that will prevent
gophers from pulling seed corn. It in no
way injures the corn but in a long series
of experiments it has been conclusively
proven that corn so prepared will grow
just as well as before. The receipt is
very simple; can be prepared at almost
no expense by every farmer. Gophers
will not touch it, and a good stand of
corn is always assured if you use this
preparation. Write for the receipt and
terms to agents to
Frederick T. Krauhe,
Care of 1122 M St., Lincoln Neb.
How Debt Grows.
The total interest-bearing debt of the
nation (exclusive of the Pacific Railroad
bonds) is giving in the treasury debt
statement as follows:
March 1st, 1893 $585,034,260
March 1st, 1896 822,815,170
To Hade With It,
The effort to make the tariff an issue
in the next campaign has about petered
out. The tariff has been a chestnut for
more than a hundred years. It is so old
that it is bald headed and gray, and
should never have been anything but a
commercial question instead of a politi
cal one. To sheol with the tariff and let
it stay there. Denver Road.
What a Chump,
Suppose a man had a safe full of money
greenbacks, bank notes, silver and sil
ver certificates, but only a little gold.
And suppose a creditor should come in
with a thousand dollar claim and request
gold. Wouldn't the man be a chump to
hustle around town and borrow the gold
on, say, twenty years' time, at 4, or any
other Mr cent of interest? Uncle Sam is
doing this kind of business. Chicago
Free of
We Rive, free of rhara, one of oar Pace Steam
rs to every purchaser ol a $1.00 bottle of oar
Complete Skin Cleanser.
Pimples, Blackheads, Freckles,
Moth Patches and all Discol
orations of the Skin.
Bteamlnir the face is the only sore and anfe
process to remove skin blotches, placing the skin
fa a clean and hnnltby condition, giving a most
beaotlful complexion.
Fare Steamer sent complete with every order.
Including Cleanser, Boiler, Lamp, Vaporiser, and
fall directions for ass. Agenta wanted In every
elty and town in the United State. Write lor
particular. Address
Complexion Specialists,
251 5th Ave., - NEW YORK CITY
Mont Ion tbl paper in order.
We wish to employ one or two
good solictors in each county in
the state to secure subscribers
and advertisements for this paper.
Write for terms.
Chicago has 22 diverging railroads;
the Northwestern connects with all ol
theni. Fastest time, superb equipment.
Try it. City office 1 1 7 S. 1 0th St.
The Springfield Music Co., Springfield,
Mass., have just published a very pleas
ing song entitled "Sleep Little Darling."
The music is a charming melody, and the
words will please the household. Intro
ductory copies mailed for 15c each, the
regular price being 40c.
Oolng to Europe This Yaarf
Now is the time to secure the best ac
commodations. We are agenta for all
first class lines, and guarantee lowest
rates. Ask for rate sheets, sailing lists,
etc. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agent,
117 S. 10th St. S. A. Mosher, G. A.'
How Ageats Shall be Paid.
We give the readers of this depart
ment a paper sent to the first national
meeting of mutual insurance men held is
Chicago. It is worthy of consideration:
It is with regret that I aay to yon that
it is impossible for me to be at the drat
national meeting of mutual insurance
men. By your program I see that I am
to tell "How agenta shall be paid." I
would not dictate to older and more ex
perienced men how they shall pay their
agents, but by all means wonld advise
no strictly and pure mutual to pay
agents as old liners do, i. ., pay a com
mission on the amount of fees collected,
which in tnrn is in proportion to the
amount of insurance written for the fol
lowing reasons: First, because under
these circumstances the interest of the
agent is directly opposite to the interest
of the company and applicant, in fact
the relation of a so-called mutual under
such circumstances are the same as in
old liners.
Under the commission plan the agent
is induced to write all a man wants on
his bouse and then add some. The more
he gets him to write the more commis
sion, the more commission the less con
science, and when you get unconscien
tious agents in the field the company
will surely go to the wall, because such
men will find enough men who, like them
selves, are willing to go into the com
pany because they can insure their prop
erty in a way that in case of loss they
would not losse anything and perhaps
train thereby. And further I do not con
sider a company strictly and purely mu
tual, when the agent gets bis lee on com
mission, because he dare not tell all ap
plicants how much lees he gets, and right
there he fails to be mutual. It puts the
company, the applicant and agent into
a class each of, by and for himself with
out a particle of mutuality, which is pre
cisely the same as stock companies.
Mutual Insurance in the past has been .
so very successful that it has become
popular among those who have had the
most to do with it, (the farmers,) that
now city people are starting up with it,
wherever the law permits.
But that which is to be the most
dreaded is the so-called mutuals that are
starting up all over the country, under
the fostering care and directions of city
chaps that never earned an honest dol
lar iu tbeir lives, but under the popular
name of mutnal they originate some de
vice to fleece the unwary who has heard
that the mutual is just the thing but
does not know the fees of a purely mu
tual. These so-called mutual men will
hold up statistics of real mutual com
panies and then proceed to collect fees
enough to carry the applicant through
IS or 20 years in the real company, but
never telling the truth as to how much
commission he gets for his work.
Of course tbey must have some pre
text to base their inconsistency upon,
and usually it is a 20 year policy .never ex
pect to make an assessment or some
other fallacy. Sucn companies witnouc
exception, so far as we know, pay tbeir
agents by the poisonous commission
plan used by stock companies. If the
wOrd mutual is to retain its present good,
and fellow-feeling meaning among men
all companies using the name must pay
Iheir agents a stipulated sum for each
application that is approved by the sec
retary. I would recommend that agents
be paid a stipulated fee by the company,
not by the applicant, because when the
agent writes his neighbors application,
many times, the neighbor will pay all
but bis fees and will promise to hand it
to him, then at once set about to forget
the promise.
To recapitulate, I would recommend
that agents be paid a stipulated amount
Eer application out of the treasury and
e required to pay the secretary all fees
collected, thus unifying the interest of
the applicant, the member, the agent
and the company. Instead of paying a
commission to the agent, thereby mak
ing dissatisfaction with him wbeu he has
hud time to think that if he is overin
sured, others are also, and henc6 if the
other fellow is dishonest the company
will suffer and he will have to help foot
the bill. Hoping success will attend you
in your efforts.
The Farmers' Union.
Export of Horses Jiirrotslng. j
The export of horses from this coun
try to Europe has increased largely In
the last two or three years. During
the first eight months of last year 222,
755 horses, valued at 12,947,000, were
shipped to British ports, as against 15,
614 In the same period of 1894, and 10,'
177 In 1893. The shipments to conti
nental ports show a large increase, too.
The variety of horses In demand are
different in almost every country iu
Europe. Despite the astonishing fall
in the value of range horses in the west,
horse breeders in the south and east
think the future is very promising.
Deer In Town.
Residents of Willapa, Wash., don't
have to leave the town, or sometimes
the house, to shoot deer at this time of
the year. The snow drives the deer
down from the hills, and they frequent
ly wander into the streets of the town
and are shot. One was shot last week in
a back garden.
Our Product Abroad.
The people of foreign countries have
paid $190,000,000 for the animal and
cereal products of American farms dur
ing the last eleven months of 1895.
Dr. Edward W. Lee
8i5Sonthi5th8t.,OniaIia, IVebr.
The Sioux City and St. Paul Bout
everybody should know is the Northwest
ern. Only direct line. City office 117 8.
10th St.
MONET TO LOAN on chattels. W. W. Mellck,
Boom 3, number 1031 O St., Lincoln.
W ANTED An honest, active gentleman or lady
to travel for re'iaiila established bouse. 8alary
S7S0, payaole $15 weekly and expenses. Situation
permanent. Roferenws. Enclose self-addreased
stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, M
Omaha Building, Chicago.
WANTED Several trustworthy gentlemen or
ladles to travel In tbe northwest (or estab
lished, reliable bonne. Salary S 780 and expense.
Steady position. Knclos reference and self-addressed
stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, third floor, Omaha Mdg Chicago. 111. S8t 4
Get B, S. and Steamship tiokitl at 117 ...
so. inn st. , -