The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 19, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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March 19, 1896.
wf He's
the Agent of the Drlty
list of the Wicked One
Bmrr Saadajr Md Chastleee There
4 ( . Kington Cheek,
III a Hardshell colored
aP llfftBapti8t Preacher of
r--iUll fe59! Waycross. Ga.. Is a
'character. He liter
ally believes In con
trolling the spirit
ual welfare of his
flock, not with a
rod of Iron, but
with a buggy whip.
That Is, he thrashes the wandering
Bheep Into submission to his teach
ings whenever the wicked spirit in
tbem rebels. His authority for this
comes from original sources. He be
lieves himself the chosen ngent of the
Almighty In that locality, and has or
dered that all disputes among the mem
bers shall be referred to him as a solo
arbitrator. His Judgment Is the Judg
ment of God.
This idea at first made him a butt for
scoffers. The "white trash" round
about regarded It as a Joke. But the
Jocose stage has now passed, and the
stern reality of his conviction is every
way apparent. He is a religious des
pot as Inexorable as any sultan.
Personally the preacher Is not the
kind of a man that would be expected to
wield so complete an influence over a
band of able-bodied men. Not a mala
member of the congregation but could
thrash the old preacher with one hand.
Yet his authority Is as unquestioned as
if backed by a standing army. Cheek Is
small In stature and measures two
inches and a fraction over five feet.
His sixty odd years have whitened his
beard and hair and sapped the vitality
of a once powerful framer
It Is his custom on each Sunday to
read a list of members who during the
week past have strayed from the path
of rectitude. He then adds that he will
meet the backsliders in the lot back of
the church after the conclusion of the
services. The congregation is invited to
remain and witness the chastisement,
probably for the salutary lesson it will
be for them. A strong wooden post has
been sunk firmly into the ground and
to this the sinner clasps his hands.
He Is never tied, but is merely told to
bare his back and grasp the post. The
pastor does the rest.
Before laying on the lash the Rev.
Mr. Cheek explains the culprit's pecu
liar offense and makes plain the fact
that the sin should not have been com
mitted. Then he says that the Lord
considers ten lashes of the whip suffi
cient punishment for the crime, and he
proceeds to lay them on. Enfeebled as
he is with age the blows lack the usual
strength of whippings of this kind, but
the venerable pastor has found this he
roic method of correction an admirable
The victims could easily pick up the
minister and toss him bodily over the
neighboring fence, but so great is their
veneration and their belief ftiat he is In
truth an intermediary specially ap
pointed by the Lord, that no revolting
spirit has yet cropped out.
In a similar way family disputes and
petty differences are settled. Both sides
are heard, the Judgment Is rendered,
and the whip applied upon him who de
serves It For years the same blind,
implicit faith has been reposed in the
Rev. Mr. Cheek.
He does not possess any super'
natural power. He has never per
formed any miracles or done anything
that would awaken In his congregation
the veneration born of superstition and
fear, but he has simply gathered about
him a flock of devout negroes, whose
religion is almost fanatical, and he
rules them as a king rules his kingdom
rhyslcal Value of Tears.
Tears have their functional duties to
accomplish like every other fluid of the
body and the lachrymal gland is not
placed behind the eye simply to fill
space or to give expression to emotion.
The chemical properties of tears con
sist of phosphate of lime and soda,
making them very salty, but never
bitter. Their action on the eye is very
beneficial and here" consists their pre
scribed duty of the body washing
thoroughly that sensitive organ, which
allows no foreign fluid to do the same
work. Nothing cleanses the eye like
a good salty shower bath, and medical
art has followed nature's law in this
respect, advocating the Invigorating
solution for any distressed condition of
the optics. Tears do not weaken the
sight, but improve it. They act as a
tonic to the muscular vision, keeping
the eye soft and limpid, and it will be
noticed that women in whose eyes sym
pathetic tears gather quickly have
brighter, tenderer orbs than others
When the pupils are hard and cold th
world attributes it to one's disposition,
which is not a mere figure of speech
implying the 'ack of balmy tears that
are to the cornea what salve Is to the
skin or nourishment to the blood. Ex
change. Can't.
The talk that comes from mouths 01
people who look wise but are not it
nothing. A roan may be a communi
cant, may be regular in prayer, and b
a very bad man. I hate this cant thai
passes itself in the name of piety; th
disposition to do things on Sunday and
never think of them again until th
ntxt Sunday. Rev. John Leal.
Truth wins slowly, but it wins. AH
false men and false institution and
false cities and false notions mast get
out or tne way. rr. Egbert
Evidently Aetbeatte tad Throwing UkM
oa MseraJ Caalaa Mysteries.
Monday, Not. 11, 10 a. m.-An un
chained. Large party with guns. Sport
Hurrah! Smell out master, dance round
him, and place two muddy paws on his
knickerbockers. Am reproved. Why?
There are two more black dogs, strang
ers to me, and a brown spaniel whom I
have met before. The spaniel is a fool
His ears are ridiculously long and flap
In the most absurd manner. His nose
Is broad, his eyes bulge, and his legs are
bandy. A dog lfke this is only fit for
hedgerows. Exchange tiptoe courtesies
with the two black strangers. Growl at
them. They growl back. We are all
reproved. Why?
10:20 Corrwr of a covert. Heard
keeper Bay: There was 100 pheasants
drawed into that 'ere covert." This Is
ripping. Master applies whip twice, bat
not very hard. Tells me he does it to
"steady" me. Such rot! Forgive him.
Five pheasants come out my way. I kill
two with a right and left and miss an
other with my second gun. Sun must
have got into my eyes. Shall I go after
dead birds now or wait? Better wait
Got thrashed last time for running after
birds before beat was over. Guns going
off to the right and left. Brown dog so
far has killed nothing. One of the black
dogs named Sailor has killed four.
Ridiculously conceited dog that. Eight
more pheasants come to me one by one.
Kill five. Miss three. Brown dog smiles
audibly. Shall cut the brown dog or
bite him in the back. Shout from beat
ers. "Hare forward." I'll have his far
pr die in the attempt. Comes galloping
out on my right. I miss him twice. HI
show him who can gallop. Off after
him. Distant shouts from master. Who
cares? Into a ditch. Out aeain. Across
plowed field. Hare still in front. Am
gaining. No. am losing. Hare is a silly
animal; shall give it up and go back.
By the by, thrashed last time for doing
this. Wonder i: I shall be thrashed
again. Better assume contrite expres
sion. Do so. No good. Am
thrashed. Howl. Never was a Spartan
dog. Beat over. Pick up dead birds.
Mouth full of feathers. Am sent to look
for a bird wounded by brown dog, who
has shot disgracefully and made a per
fect fool of himself. Track bird to ditch.
Faint scent to right. Follow up fifty
yards, then through hedge; back again.
Got him. Return covered with burrs,
with bird in mouth. Am patted. Brown
dog, who has been thrashed, hints that
he doesn't think much of the perform
ance. Offers to carry bird for me "if I
am tired." Should like to see him dare
to touch It London Punch.
Cot Off by a New Military Order
a a Sign of Soldierly Valor.
One of the latest of the many new
regulations that have been imposed up
on the British army since Lord Wolse-
ley was placed In command of It, Is
is that the cherished curl that has for
the past quarter century peeped out
from under "Tommy Atkins" forage
cap shall go, says an English exchange.
This is an order that strikes directly
to the heart of the private soldier, for
the curl on the whole, has long been his
most valued possession and his great
point of distinctiveness. The new rule
Is not regarded with favor by the nurs
ery maids, for their admirers will now
possess a monotonous front of military
brow when on parade. The curls have
been varied, often really artistic, and
one and all smooth, shiny and well
In the late seventeenth and early
eighteenth centuries the soldier went
Into battle with a flowing wig, though
it occasionally happened that In the
heat of a charge he would throw it off
and plunge at the enemy with greatei
ardor. Marlborough broke the power
of Louis XIV, In a voluminous peruke
and wigs and powder were the invari
able accompaniments of the continen
tal soldiery of that era.
It was not until .he peninsular war
that the crop-haired, clean-shaven sol
dier came Into style. This vogue orig
inated in England ana the soldiers
who adopted it swept Napoleon's mar- !
Bhals from the peninsula and crushed
that world-conquerer himself at Water
loo. The rule of no beard and strangling
collar prevailed in the British army
until the Crimean war, when it was re
laxed In order that the soldiers might
better withstand the rigors of the
Russian winter. Since then the Eng
lish war office has allowed "Tommy
Atkins" to wear his hair more comfor
tably long, the maximum length now
being hall an men at ine ohck ana siaes
of his head.
Women and Their Lover.
It Is easy enough to tell a man by his
friends but it is impossible to tell a
woman by her lovers. One reason for
this is that a man usually shows him
self to his fellows as he is but it is im
possible for his fellows to know how he
shows himself to a woman, so long as
he is in love with her. In that bliss
ful condition the rude, off-hand man of
business becomes to his mispress a pic
ture of clumsy courtesy; the coward Is
capable of feats of valor from which a
French cuirassier would shrink; the
mean tradesmanly fellow will stop be
fore the shops of Jewelers, hesitate, and
at last enter; the rake will honestly re
gret the hearts he believes that he has
broken, and, for the moment, stead
fastly purpose to lead a new life. But
if these men find favor in the eyes of
their respective women it is not for
their pretty manners, nor their courage,
nor their generosity, nor their pure
mindedness. The women are not re
pelled by their vices? that is all. They
are not attracted by their lately as
sumed virtues. Why should they be?
They are not courageous, nor gener
ous, nor especially pure-minded them
selves, and as for their pretty manners
perhaps their maids or their children
could tell you something about those
that would astonish you not a little.
London Realm.
A Learned Theory That Boy Are Sarafai
at a Certain Age.
The history of our public schools af
fords plenty of examples of boys wht
have tortured their fellows in a waj
which would have disgraced a savage
says the London Spectator. It is to b
feared, Indeed, that It is accident mort
than anything else which saves boyi
of this kind boys whose feelings havt
become petrified from actual crime
They are unable to feel and their lack
of experience of the world makes thi
fear of punishment but a small detri
ment It Is not to be wondered at thai
boys in such ft temper of mind may
be converted by a series of unlucky
chances and opportunities Into tht
thoughtless perpetrators of really grave
Fortunately these boys of petrified
feelings do not necessarily grow intc
bad men. The hardening of their na
ture as often as not undergoes a com
plete change with manhood. Theii
characters grow sensitive again and
the lad of 20 would be utterly incapable
of doing things which the boy of 14
could undergo without the faintest
touch of remorse. We believe that
schoolmasters of experience will beai
us out in this and say that they have
known plenty of utterly callous boys
who later have entirely lost the savage
taint and have turned into normal men
In this dangerous insensibility to which
boys are so prone at 13 and 14 the boy
Is not the father of the man.
It Is difficult to say whence this in
sensibility comes and why the child
may be full of right feeling, the boy
almost callous and the man again per
fectly sensitive to the promptings of
the heart and conscience. Though we
are not among those who would make
the normal nature nothing but an at
fair of physical well-being and the soul
a matter of clinical treatment, we are
Inclined to believe that the temporary
and partial petrifaction of the feelings
and the moral sense during boyhood
may be due to the great physical
changes that are current with it. These
changes affect the boy's whole body and
absorb all his energy left with which
to give his heart Its rights. Every
one knows how difficult a thing is a
2-o'ciock-in the-morning courage and
how hard it is to feel kind and self-sac
riflcing when one Is half-asleep. Sleep
iness or extreme weariness makes one
to a certain extent callous and indif
ferent and insensible to the fate of
others. Well, the boy who is grow
ing up and down and across all at once
and with a speed that takes one's
breath away is physically as much op
pressed as the man who is weary from
overwork or loss of sleep. It is true
that the exhaustion of rapid develop
ment takes a very different form, but
it exists none the less. No doubt there
are boys whose insensibility is deeper
and can only be explained on the same
lines as defects of character in naljuae,
For the ordinary normal boy, however,
whose Insensibility is not permanent
but temporary, the best explanation Is
we believe, that which we have sug
gested. The stress of growth to a cer
tain extent puts the normal nature
under a sort of chloroform.
The Posit ion of Porto pal.
Portugal is a weak nation and seldom
considered in speaking of the powers
of Europe, but she is in a position now
to be of great importance in the contro
versy between England and Germany,
The only seaport through which Ger
man forces can go to the assistance of
the Transvaal is on Delagoa bay, which
belongs to Portugal, and if that power
refuses to assent Delagoa bay cannot
be used for hostile purposes without
making war against Portugal. The sit
uation is awkward for Germany, if Por
tugal sides with England, as reported,
for she cannot give tne iioers tne en
couragement of a military demonstra
tion without committing an act of war
against a power with which she has no
auarrel; but it is sun worse ior Portu
gal, who finds herself between two fires,
and in a fair way to be burned which
ever way she turns. Philadelphia
A Pertinent Answer.
An amusing correspondence recently
took place between a Wisconsin farmer
and a local boiler firm. The farmer
wrote as lollows: "Dere Sirs I hav
1.000 akers of trees that I want cut Im
pore but Im willing to pay too hundred
dolers fer en engin that will do my
work," and he went on to explain Just
what sort of an engine he wanted. The
boiler firm saw that the engine neces
sary to accomplish the devastation of
his virginal forest would cost $3,000,
and they Informed him to this effect. A
week past and thtn the following pithy
epistle came from the Wisconsin
wood3: "Dere Sirs what in h 1 wud
want of an engin or biler if I hed
The Slxe of Siberia.
A graphic idea of the immense size
if Siberia may be gleaned from the
following comparison: All of the
itates, kingdoms, municipalities, em
pires, etc., of Europe, exept Russia
ind all of the United States, including
ilaska, could be placed side by side
Siberia and yet but little more than
eover that immense territory.
Louisiana Monnds.
The United' States government has
taken possession of several mounds re
cently found near Charleston, La.,
which some seem to think were built by
De Soto. Recently a farmhand plowing
near the mounds turned up Spanish
coins bearing dates of 800, 1307 and
A Pious Woman,
The countess of Huntingdon, whose
itle Rives tbe name to many dissenting
chapels, was born in 1707 and died in
1791. She warrdly attached herself to
the Cnlvinistic Methodists and spent
aer large foiruine In support of her ovm
peculiar ten its.
'for ' Catalogue, ydefre "
Medical. Discovery that Effectually
Cures Piles in Eveiy Form.
For many years physicians have ex
perimented in vain, seeking a remedy
which would effectually cure piles and
other rectal troubles, without resorting
to a surgical operation. Many remedies
were found to give temporary relief, bnt
none could be depended upon to make a
lusting satisfactory cure.
Within a recent period, however, a
new remedy, the Pyramid Pile Cure, has
been repeatedly tested in hundreds of
cases and with highly satisfactory re
The first sffect of the Pyramid Pile
Cure is to instantly remove the pain and
rritation generally present aud trom
that time on the cure rapidly progresses
and before the patient is hardly aware
of it he is entirely cured. The remedy
seems to act directly on the nerves and
blood vessels of the parts affected as it
comes into direct contact with them and
sets up a healthy action, which in a per
fectly natural way bring the parts to
their normal condition.
The remedy does its work without any
pain or inconvenience of the sufferer and
isjustly considered one to the most meri
torious discoveries oj modern medicine.
Piles is one of the most annoying and
often times dangerous diseases with
which humanity is afflicted. If neglected
it frequently develoves into Fistula or
some equally fatal or incurable trouble,
whereas by the timely use of tins simple
but effective remedy no one need suffer a
single day from any form of piles unless
they want to.
The Pyramid Pile ture is perfectly
harmless, containing no poisons and is
also very reasonable in price, costing
but one dollar a package. It is sold in
drug stores everywhere. The manufac
turers of the remedy are the pyramid.
Drug Uo. of Albion, Mich., who have
placed this excellent preparation before
the public ouly after giving it thorough
and repeated tests in the hands of re
putable physicians. The results in hun
dreds of cases have convinced us that it
will not disappoint you.
Bring Your Friends to Nebraska.
The Chicago. Burlington & Quincy R.
R. publish a sixteen-page monthly illus
trated newspaper called the "Corn Belt,"
which gives in an interesting way in
formation about western farm lands,
particularly those in Nebraska. The
regular subscription price is twenty-five
cents per year, but if you want it sent to
any of your friends living east 01 tne
Mississippi river, send ten cents in stamps
for eacli such person, giving name and
full address and the paper will be sent
for one year. The B. & M. R. R. R. agent
will show you a sample copy ot tne
paper on request. Help your state and
induce your friends to immigsate. Ad
dress the Corn Belt, 209 Adams street,
Chicago, 111. 8t4 30
Great Rock Island
Route I
Outing Excursions.
First For the National Educational Meeting
at Denver, opening Jnljr 6th, the rate will be one
tare pine $2 00 lor round trip Tickets rood to
return and time np to and including Sept. let.
coixi The reeular Tourist Car to California
Tin Kansas City runs once a week, and leaves
Chicago ever; Thursday at 6 p.m., Kansas City
at 10.60 a.m. every Friday. Tickets based on
second class rate, and car runs on fastest trains,
and known as the Phllllps-Rock Island Tonrist
Kxcurstons. far arrives at Colorado Springs
Saturday, 7:85 a.m.
Third Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texas
and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Kate, one
tare (or round trip. Tickets Rood twenty days.
fourth For Mexico City the Hock Island
runs a through sleeper from Kansas City dally
et M0 p.m. via Topeka, McFarland, Wichita and
Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio. Two
rontes from there are International R. R. to
Laredo, and Mexican National to the City of
Mexico: Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna
tional via Spofford and Eagle Pass to City ot
Connections are also mads at Fort Worth via
the Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over the Mexi
can Central to City of Mexico.
Fill h Send to address below for a Souvenir
called the "Tourist Teacher," that gives much
Information to tourists. Ment tree.
Time Reduced to California.
on their Fast Trains, and California Passengers
should examine Time Cards and see that we
are nearly
Quicker than any
other route Chicago to Los
The Rhllllps excursions are popular. He has
carried oyer 125,000 patrons in the past fifteen
years, and a comfortable trip at cheap rates is
guaranteed, and the fast time now made puts the
Post yourself for a Callforna trip before dicld
Ing, and write me for explicit Information. Ad
Delinquent subscribers must pay up, at
least in part.
Attorney s-at-L aw, 1101 0 Street.
In the district court, I-ancaster county, Ne.
braska. Cora L. Wagoner, Plaintiff, vs. James
B. Wagoner, Defendant.
To James B. Wagoner, Defendant;
Ton are hereby notified that on the 9th day or
March, 189a, Cora L. Wagoner filed a petition
against you In the district court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which
are to obtain from you a divorce on tbe ground
of non-support, and extreme cruelty, and further
object of said petition is to be restored to her
maiden name of Cora L. Wilcoxon.
You are required to answer on or before Mon
day, the 20th day of April, 1896.
By Bane 4 Altschuler, her Attorneys. 4w
f KHOf
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l8 .Cl8
Why the Tourist, Traveler, and
Student Should Visit Utah.
There are two reasons, either one of
which ought to be conclusive with every
American citizen.
First The trip from Denver to Utah
n. ... ITT 111 A fl 1A
via K10 liranae western, -ureal oan
Lake Route," is the grandest to be found
anywhere on the continent. No European
trip of equal length can compare with it
in variety and grandeur of scenery and
wealth'oi novel interest.
Second You should go because, when
you have made this wonderful trip, you
will find Utah at the end 01 it U tan, one
of the world's famous spots and a land
of gold, silver, copper, iron ana coal: ot
lofty mountains and fertile valleys; of
vineyards, fruits and flowers. Salt Lake
City, the capital, is of great interest on
account of its historical and religious
associations. Here are Hot 1 hernial
Springs, Warm Springs, Sulphur Springs,
Sanitarium, Parks, Drives, Canyons arod
the most healthful climate on earth.
Great Salt Lake with the new and beauti
ful Saltair JJeaeh Resort of Moorish de
sign, has no equal in America. Write to
F. A. WadlHitrli, Salt J-ake uity, tor
copies of pumphlets, etc.
An Organ for $5.00
Per Month
On these terms you can buy
the celebrated KIMBALL organ,
highest grade, latest style,' up-to-date,
fine stool and book, freight
paid, only $63.00 on payments.
Write for catalogue and descrip
tion. Agents wanted.
A. HOSPE, Jr.,
Omaha, Neb.
$750.00 a Year and All Expenses.
We want a few more General Agents, ladles or
gfntlemen, to travel and appoint agents on our
new publications, hull particulars given on ap
plication. II you apply please send references,
and state business experience, age and send
photograph. If you cannot travel, write us for
terms to local canya-sess. Dept. Rare, 8, 1. BELL,
CO.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Legal notice.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of s chat
tel mortgage dated on the first day of May, 1893.
and duly ftifd in tbe office of the county clerk of
Lancaster countr, Nebraska, on the tenth day
of June, ISO 4, and executed by John R Roskrow
to M. lckle to secure the payment of the sum of
$3SS 00, and npon which there is now due the sum
os $:iO0 00. default having been made In the
pavment of said sum, and no suit at law having
teen Instituted to recover said dtbt or any part
thereof, therefor t will sell the property therein
described, to-wit, one sorel mare five years old,
at pubMc auction at O. M. Roe's residence. In
Yankee Hill precinct, in snid county, on the 21st
day ot March. 1S06, at the hour of IS o'clock a.
m. of said day.
Dated this sOtb day of February, 1896.
M. Leckic,
f Invention and Injustice Ingersoll .... ioc
Story ot tne LxOia conspiracy utum iu-
1 People's Party Shot and Shell Bland ioc I
m Illustrated First Reader in Social Eco- S
f nomics ioc T
J. Money Found Hill Banking System.. 250 J"
The Rights of Labor Joslyn 25c I
The Pullman Strike Carwardine 25c . J
A Story from Pullmantown illustrated 25c J
How to Govern Chicago Tuttle ...... 25c
J5 Silver Campaign Book Tuttle 25c f
I A Breed of Barren Metal Bennett.... 25c I
V Shylock's Daughter Bates 25c J
I Send us 50 cents and we will mail you a JJ
f full sample set ot all these books, 1216 y
L pages, amounting to S2.40 at regular prices.
5 No reduction from this combination rate, a.
I but as many sets as you wish at this figure. J
I Charles H. Kerr & Co., Publishers
56 Fifth Avenue, Chicago
Bath House and Sanitarium
e Corner 14th ft II St.,
Open at All Honrs Day and Night
All Forms of Baths.
Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric.
SMti Ononlal ItAntlnn f r rKa ttnnllnaflnti
Several times stronger than se. water.
Rheumatism, Mktn, Blood and Nervous DIs
asas, Liver and Kidney Troubles and Chronio
lilments are treated successfully.
gSea Bathingg)
t he enjoyed at all seasons tn onr larfre SALT
IW1MMI.NG POOL, 60x143 feet, 5 to 10 test deep,
seated to uniform temperature of 80 degrees.
Drs. M. H. & J. O. Everett,
Managing Physicians.
Rio Grande Western Railway.
Great Halt Lake Route.
Mercur, Utah's New El Dorado. Won
derful Devclopmeut of the Camp
P oyd Mining District.
The Camp Floyd Mining District of Dtah, dis
tant but 49 miles fjom Halt Lake City, is now
attracting the attention of the mining world as
the only western rival of Cripple Creek, Colo.
The district has had a most remarkable history.
Tbe town of I.ewiston rose, flourished, and panned
Into decay twenjy-flve years ago, on the very
spbt on which Mercur has been built within the
last eighteen months. It was renowned as a sil
ver camp in M by the development of tbe Spar-row-hawk
and Last Chance mines, which pro
duced over $1,000,000 in the white metal. At that
time there were 1,009 people In Lewiston, and tbs
district was very lively, bnt the rich pockets
having worked out, Lewiston's fame began to
wane. The next big strike in tbe district, one
that is yet talked of by old-timers, was tbe Cnr
rie Steele, from a pocket In which some parties
scraped out $3,O0O in about three months time.
This caused great excitement, so much so that.
in '72 and 73 the hill was swarming with pro
pectors. Then the camp again declined until '7V
.ana ev, wnen it was aoanaonea. in isuv atten
tion was called to tbe McArthnr Forrest cyanide
process, and a test of tbe ore was made In Den
ver with such elaborate results that the old Sparrow-hawk
or Marlon mine was brought out of a
$40,000 or (50,000 indebtedness and put on a divi
dend paying basis. Tbe formation at Mercur ia
very similar to the region abont Johannesburg
In South Alrlcn, except thut the Camp Floyd ore
bodies are larger and richer Geologists and
mineralogists differ as to the origin and forma
tion of theore body, some claiming three dis
tinct gold-bearing veins while others seem to
favor tbe single blanket vein theory. On one
point, however, all agree, that no such gold de
posit has ever before been discovered. In the
Mercur mine, recently bonded for $1,500,000, the
ore bodies average $16.00 in gold to the ton,
while some assays run Into tbe hundreds mark.
"With the aid of the cyanide process this ore is
mined and milled at an average cost of $2 50 to
$3.00 per ton, leaving a profit of $12.00 te $12,50
per ton. On tbiBbasis the mine has. in the year
jnst passed, paid dividends to the extent ot $300,
000. Tbe adjoining properties, the Golden Uate,
Marlon and Ueyser are equally as rich. The vein
or veins have already been traced from the clus
ter of mines at Mercur, to Sunshine, a distance
of six miles, where the Hunnhine mine and mill,
another large property. Is located, together with
numerous claims of less magnitude. In tbe Mer
cur mine alone 200,000 tons of ore are now
blocked out, with an average value of $14.00 per
ton, making a total value of $2,800,000; the Gol
den Gate is able to show 100,000 tons of higher
value than tbe Mercur, while the Sunshine has In
.sight more ore than either of the above, but of
lower value. If the discoveries recently made
twelve miles west of Mercnr and far to tbe south
are uncovering ot the same vein, then there is
strong evidence that the great deposit covers an
area of from 100 to 150 square miles. It is hardly
supposable that all portions of the vein will yield
profitable values, although thnt Is the belief of
many, but It is quite within the ramie of possi
bilities, as no barren spot has yet been touched.
Keeping In mind the fact that any ore exceeding
$3.00 in value per tan, can be mined and milled
at a handsome profit, there can be no question
but that the Camp Floyd district w.l yet be one
of the largest gold-producing camps In the world.
uwing wi me mildness oi tne climate, prospect- J
ing can be conducted at all seasons of the year.
nH at. (h. nw... . -.Ifl. wl.H. i- ... . "
- ' " (" " . i. 1 1 lui iikuivu, nui , in us
ing a one at many points iu tbe district,
suit of this work will show Itself during
ing year in the opening of the oie bodies
Ions localities throughout the district
oers oi claims tnat are now mere prospect
uuuuuuinii.v uecome paying mines in the near
future. Nowhere at the present time can there
be found a field for speculation which will exceed
that of the Camp Floyd district.
Mercur or the Camp Floyd Mining district )
best reached via the Klo Grand Western Hallway
to Salt Lake City. For further particulars o'r
for printed matter apply to F, A. WADLK1GH,
Geseral Passenger Aavnt, Rio Grande We tern
Railway, Salt Lake City.
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