4r O r The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. VII. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1896. NO. 37. ..V jtt REASONING TOGETHER Bat That is a Thing that the Gold Bugs, From John Sherman to Lincoln's Tyro Would Never Do- SHUT YOUR EYES AND GO IT BLIND Lincoln's Qoldite Saocho Panza Meets With Same Acciddent the Old One Did at the Fulling Mills. The Poor Fellow is, However, Very Sincere. Lincoln, Feb. 17, 1806. Editor Independent: Mr. F. W. Col lins, president of the Republican leagues of Nebraska, has just had published !(), 000 copies, so said, of an address to ''Fellow Nebraskans," one of whom the writer has been for somewhat more than twenty years. Oo his title page, as a kind of "golden text," perhaps, Mr. Collins says: "Come, now, and let us reason together. have accepted Mr. Collins' invitation and have examined his address. At the bottom of the title page is an other "golden text," as it were, reading: "Buy the truth and sell it not." Now, it is possible that both of these golden texts are apocryphal, added by some enthusiastic but unlettered friend, these texts being so strongly in contrast with the classic title chosen by Mr. Col lins for his address. Mr. Collins is a lawyer, and, not being a paid attorney in this case," he asks "credit for sincerity of statement." To this he is entitled, and such will be cheer fully accorded him. The "man who thought the pale-faced moon who night ly o'er him led her virgin hosts, to be no larger than his father's shield," was en titled to credit for sincerity. The infant who believes the moon made of green cheese is alike entitled to that credit. But doubtless both these per sons would, if wise enough, extend the same courtesy to those who differed from them in opinion. In order that no good thing might be lost, and that Mr. Collins' "Fellow Ne braskans" might fully understand him, be charitably unfolds these convolutions before searching the real "grey matter' of his address: First, the Dispatch from the Philadel phia Press to Mr. Collins. Second, Mr. Collins' "16 to 1 or Bust;" "Shut your eyes and go it blind" reply," based on the scholarly attainments of Nebraskans. Third, covering the first and second convolutions, dure viator-like, is the "Explanatory Note." And now we are prepared for the outset. "Fellow Nebraskans," says ' Mr. Col lins, "I am here to combat the reckless ipsie dixit of my text, "16 to 1 or Bust'." Bravo! Mr. Collins manifests real courage thus to attack an imaginary windmill of his own building. Had he been Don Quixote's squire at the adven ture of the fulling mills, the accident that befell Sancho would .not have happened him. On page six of Mr. Collins' address are found the following statements: First "The truth is, there has been no general decline in the price of farm products since 1873. Second "Up to two years ago statis tics show that instead of a decline in the value of farm products, there h&d been a general advance since 1873." (The italics are mine.) , Third "This will apply to labor as well." Now, Mr. Collins has pulled his sled up the hill, watch him turu round, get on and slide down. ' Here he goes. Fourth "Of course overproduction invariably reduces prices, and the cheap ened cost of production necessarily acts in the same way. Fifth "But our friends tell the farmer in all confidence that the low price of his wheat is due to the demonetization of silver. Sixth "Speaking of commodities gen erally, their price is about 8 per cent lower than in 1860." Now, let state ments 1, 2 and 3, as above, be compared with 4, 5 and 6, then concede sincerity to Mr. Collins. But why does Mr. Collins choose 1860 as a basis for comparison? Whv did he not take 1870. 1880, or even 1890? He evidently sought a point where prices were as nearly on a level with present prices as possible, and that point was 1860. Then (m 1860) an "irrepressible conflict" was pending, and local indus trial enterprises were paralyzed, and in ternal revenue had well nigh ceased as between North and South. In 1860 one of two national calamities was inevitable. Either a peaceable dis solution of the Union, or a -tierce fratici dal war of unknown dnraifon and of doubtful conclusion. But tyen this pending calamity did not reduce prices to the level of the present day bj8 per cent, as per Mr. Collins' statement. V Mr. ColliuB says that "the friendA of silver seem to have forgotten that the immense wbeatfields of Russia, Indiaand South America have something to do with the (low) prices of wheat," but here he errs again. It is remembered that a short time ago Russia received aid from Nebraska, and that now on a gold standard authority, South America is buying wheat with silver at f 2.12 for a dollar's worth in gold. Yet the price of wheat in Nebraska "remains firm." And in India, where the labor compe tition has been between the man and the mule, the mule has surrendered and hu man labor is now employed instead in raising water into canals for purposes of irrigation, and this in a gold standard country. Let the farmers of Nebraska answer Mr. Collins' ipsie dixit, that there has been "a general advance in the price of farm products since 1014. " Let the laboring men of Nebraska make answer to his statement that "wages have advanced during the same period." If the man and the machine both work and the output of the finished products of labor be increased, and the cash de creased, the reduction in cash is at the expense of labor. If the increased out put of the necessaries and comforts of life is not consumed, it is because the people are unable to buy, for there is, and can be, no limit to human wants. Mr. Editor, it is impossible in the space of a newspaper article to do Mr. Collins' 28-page pamphlet ordinary justice, but as Mr. Collins has assumed to speak for the Republicans of Nebras ka without consulting tbem, he may be presumed to be the oracle on orthodox republicanism of this state, and with your permission further notice may be riven to him who is "no hired man," but a patriot who voluntarily casts him self into the breach "in behalf of nation al integrity and national security," where his presence may be expected to lend confidence to virtue and his words add candor to truth. 16 to 1 GOLD BUG LOBBYISTS The Great Plutocratic Game Started at Washington. The wise and patriotic action of the populists at St. Louis, and of the silver men at Washington, looking to union a"nd victory, has aroused the enemy. The hotels and the corridors olJhe Na tional Capitol are filled with emissaries of the gold combination, calling them selves business men. In addition to the meeting of the National Board of Trade, which is practically a sub-committee of the New York banks, Mr. Darwin R. James, ex-president of the New York Board of Trade, with an army of retain ers, is lobbying congress for legislation in the interest of Loudon and American banks. These lobbyists, from 1862, when they mutilated the greenback to create a gold board to make war on the Repub lic until the present time, have been the active agents in procuring all the vile legislation which has brought disaster upon the country and prostrated 70, 000,000 of the people before a heartless gold syndicate of London and New York. The presence of the enemies of the people in Washington bodes no good. The train of their operations is marked for more than thirty years by theruin of the industries of the country which their in trigues have produced. These money grabbers and gold gamblers always renew their activity when the people show signs of resistance. The fact that the people are uniting and that victory is in sight, will make them more active and desperate during the present congress than ever before. They realize that more legislation is necessary to place their ill gotten gains and their schemes of plun der beyond the reach of the people. We Will Fight on the Ice. Cornell, Neb., Feb, 14, 1896. Editor Independent: I write to ex press my good wishes for The Nebraska Independent, since it and the Wealth- maker have been consolidated, as it gives the people a much better paper than either could have been alone. It is ably edited and not excelled by any pa per published, giving the latest news. It is fully abreast of the times and the best educatorof good governmentand science of money. It will lead the masses out of the wilderness and into the land of lib ertyfree them from usury and bondage. Long may it live to fight the money power and, it need be, fight them till hell freezes over and then fight tbem on the . lours fraternally, L. D. Currence. Ignorant Business Men. The fact is that the average farmer of today reads more, studies more, and is better informed on passing events and the needs of the hour than is the average business man. The tendency of present public affairs is toward disaster. Business failures are coming today at the rate of nearly six million dollars a week, according to Dun's report. One of these days the in evitable will come, and business men who now have no time to find out what is the matter with the country will have ample time to meditate and to profit by the mistakes of the past. Clay County Pa triot. Afraid of Him. The republican politicians are deter mined to run Governor Holcomb for con gress. They are wonderfully afraid that he will succeed himself as the "best cov er 11 or Nebraska ever had." Clay County ratnot. Delinaaent subscribers must nnv tin. At. least in part. AH arugglsU sell Dr. Miles' fain Fills. G. A. R. ENDORSES ALLEN His Courageous Fight for the Common Soldier Approved by a Connecticut G. A. B. Post GENERAL HAWLEY SAT DOWN UPON Thurston's Dad and His Son Big Pen sions to Widows of Generals and a Pittance to Those ot Pri. vates Don't Oo. Connecticut Old Soldiers Know Theii Friends. The G. A. R.1 posts all over the United States are passing resolutions endors ing Senator Allen's speech and his posi tion on pensions, which the republican press of Nebraska attempted to ridicule. There are a few old soldiers in this state, stone blind from , party prejudice, who seem to think the man who sacrificed his father and is willing to give, his son, or any other of his relations, to save the nation, is more 'worthy of admiration than the man who carried a knapsack and musket for' three years, "sometimes following the brigadiers and the briga diers sometimes following him," but they are very few. The following resolutions tell what the old soldiers of Connecticut think of our Senator Allen: Headquarters Nathanial Lyon Popt No. 2, Department of Connecticut, Grand Army of the Republic, Hartford, Con., Feb. 4. Whereas, The members of thisPoBt.in regular session assembled, having heard read the arguments and testimony from the Congressional Record of the date of January 14, 1896, pertaining to the bill for pensioning the widow of the late Gen eral Coggswell of Massachusetts, and after a thorough discussion and careful consideration of the subject, desire to place on record the following resolu tions: Resolved, That Nathanial Lyon Post No." ' 2,-1 Department- trf CdtmeccifiCt, Grand Army of the Republic, regrets to find a distinguished soldier and member of this post, in his place in the United States senate, advocating sentiments and performing acts calculated to dis criminate against the widow of the com mon soldier, in favor of the widow of the commissioned officer, in the matter of governmental recognition of the claim upon its bounty of one and the other. Resolved, That we are unable to dis cern from the arguments adduced on what grounds of logic or of equity the case of men holding different grades of rauu and receiving unequal compensa tion for time and services rendered in the cause of their country, can at anytime apply to relatives or triends of the same, never having rendered or being called to the performance of such service. Kesolved, lhat we most respectfully. yet earnestly, protest against the spirit 01 discrimination involved in the action of vouchsafing to the widow of the com mon soldier holding recognition from the governmant of the faithful performance of patriotic duty equal to any comrade of any rank an honorable discharge the petty sum of $8, $ 10, and $12 per month, while the widow of another, who did no more than his duty (sometimes not even that), is accorded five, six, eight ana ren times as much. Resolved, That if the larger amount is tendered, as is here claimed, in recogni tion of the greater service of one to his country, and to honor his memory for the same, the smaller amount must be held as the measure of the service of the other, and the honor therefor, whereas the honored and beloved bead of the na tion proclaimed in its moments of cru cial agony: "The only debt we can never pay is the debt of gratiude we owe to our brave soldiers. Resolved, That it is with feelings of deep regret the members of this post find themselves called upon to dissent from the position of the distinguished com rade of their own household, so to speak, in the matter here at issue and to be obliged to record thoirendorsement of the sentiments and action of the "stranger," the also distinguished comrade, from Nebraska. Resolved, That the thanks of this post are hereby tendered to the Hon. William V. Allen, senator from Nebraska, for the interest and galantry manifested in the cause of the widow of the common sol dier as equal to that of the widow of the commissioned officer, believing such con duct inspired by the same spirit that actuated the fathers of the nation in the immortal declaration that "All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with the right of life, liberty and the pur suit of hapiness," and, of course, all that these noble words imply. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be forwarded to Senator Hawley, one to Senator Allen and one to Con gressman Henry of the First congres sional district of Connecticut, and that we call on the grand army posts of the state and nation to speak out on this most important issue, and record their convictions as to whether the veterans of the late civil war, fought on behalf of the perpetuation of free institutions, are worthy of the estimate placed on their patriotic services by the martyred Lin coln or are more fairly and accurately adjudged by the estimate and action of the majority of our present national law givers. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the resolutions passed as stated. George Jones, Adjutant. Delinquent subscribers must pay up, at least in part. THEY ARE ALL GETTING THERE. Senator Pettigrew Advocating Populist Doctrine in the Senate. Senator Pettigrew made a speech the other day attacking the past manage ment of the Union Pacific, lie opposed the reorganization plan, declaring that the reorganization committee was en titled to no consideration whatever, pre senting, as it did, the heartless and un scrupulous men who had been robbing the government for a generation. He applied equally strong language to the receivers and government directors of the Union Pacific, whom he spoke of as oper ating in the interests of this "gang of highwaymen, this Boston crowd of high waymen." He argued that the govern ment should take charge of the road, is sue its own bonds, pay off the first mort gage bonds of thirty -four millions refund ed to the treasury, the fifty-three millions now due and take up the floating debt of twelve, millions. He quoted at some length from the minority report of the United States Pacific railway commission (Governor Pattison's report), to show corrupt management on the part of the railroad directors. "Is not the republican party directly responsible for continuing this condition of things?" Allen asked. "I do not care to furnish campaign material for the populist party in Ne braska," Mr. Pettigrew replied. "Then you decline to answer," Mr. All ien persisted. I infer from your remarks that you are in favor of the government taking part of the road. Is that cor rect?" "0, certainly," Mr. Pettigrew an swered. "And owning it?" Mr. Allen asked. "I see no possible objection to the gov ernment owning this road and operating it, Mr. Pettigrew said. "I beg to call the senator's attention," Mr. Allen remarked, "to the factthatthis is paternalism and populism according to republican dennitious." Mr. Pettigrew went on and finished his speech without denying the soft impeach ment. STUPIDITY Oil PERVERSITY Or is the living Paid tor at ao Much a He? It is, perhaps, hardly worth while to endeavor to pour truth into the brain pan of him who is unwilling to receive it; but an impulse of benevolence may urge that a few words shall be said to the Boston Commercial Bulletin, from which the following sentence is taken: "The Mexican laborer receives the same nnmber of Mexican dollars per month that he did before, but they buy very much less, because all merchandise has a gold value in international markets, and prices in silver vary accordingly to the comparative values of the white and yel low metals." No merchandise has a "gold value in Mexico." All of it is valued in silver. The Mexican laborer does not buy "in international markets," excepting in a trifling numberof instances. Hesupplies his wants from the home market. Prices in Mexico have not varied and do not vary as they do here. The shifting rela tion between gold and silver does not affect prices in Mexico any more than one of our elections affect Mexican poli tics. One ounce of silver wiii buy as much of any Mexican product as it ever would; the laborers obtain more pay than they once did because the industrial movement is greater; and in every way these people are better off rather than worse off. It is difficult to discern whether the persistence in error of journ als like the Bulletin is due to perversity or stupidity. Perhaps it may be attrib uted to a combination of the two. It is perfectly safe to challenge any man to produce evidence in support of the theory that the Mexican dollar "buys very much less" than it once did. No such evidence is in existence. The Manufact urer, i The Best in the United States. We much doubt if the populist party has a state paper anywhere in the Union that surpasses The Nebraska Independ ent. It is edited with ability, and, to an outsider, appears to be doing moreeffect ive party work than has been done by any of its predecessors at any time. They have had their special merits and their special strength; bnt in the line of practical politics the Independent, as now managed, appears to lead, and the party throughout the state may well ral ly to its support. Antelope Tribune. The Independent Publishing Compa ny has purchased a large amount of gar den seeds. We warrant the seeds to be of the very best. They were purchased of Griswold Seed Co., You can get your garden seeds, by ordering through The Indedependent, at a discount of 60Jj per cent from the retail price. Every subscriber to this paper will certainly take advantage of this very great dis count. Read the statement on the third page of this issue. The Merchants Hotel Restaurant at the corner of P<h st.some time since advertised ten cent meals. Within a few days new tables have to be put in once more, waiters hired, for every one that comes once, comes again when they saw the clean table linens, white napkins, and abnndant food, all for ten cents. There never was such a meal with such service put up for ten cents before. FOR AMERICA We are for our Nation First and Stand a Unit for her Institutions. THE FUTURE L00K8 BBI0HT. We say to the Money Power, Thus far and no Farther can you go.. We Will Unite and Drive the Enemy From Our 'Land. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 19. 1896. Editor Independent: If may be of some interest to those who are watching the movements that are being made, by the populist party at this time, to know what will be the final action at the St Louis national convention July 22. That no one knows. But to me the outlook for the party is the brightest in its his tory. It is a well understood fact that present conditions - were brought about, as we believe, by the lead ers of the political parties who have been in power, and we fur ther believe that the masses of the people have known but little of the inside work ings of these leaders. . There has only been differences in ap pearance, behind the scene they have planned together. Their concerted ac tion will convince anyone who will give this matter a fair consideration of the truthfulness of this statement. The ques tion to be first discussed before the mas ses of the people in my opinion, is bow the masses of all sections of the country can be brought together in one body, for concerted action, for all agree that the common people must take hold of the helm of state or the present distressed condition will only be increased, and our opportunity lessened to help ourselves. To me it looks as though the golden mo ment was at band, and in support of this it is only necessary to point to the disturbed condition of all business, with failures upon every hand, in every state, in all sections of the country, and among all classes. It was only necessary that some of the weaker ones should give way first, to show the unsafe condition of all business, and that the same influences are undermining the entire structure. The giving way and breaking down of the smaller concerns of our business world, is ouly a warning to the larger ones, who with the continuation of these conditions are sure to plunge into the same whirl pool. Shall we call a halt and ask ourselves what is the matter? Have we been more extravagant than in former years? Or is it possible that our energies have slack ened and the rush of business that has been accompanied with prosperity in for mer years has ceased? Can it be with the privileges of our free system of education that we know less how to manage our finances? We say no! We will say further that no people on the face of the earth, ever did put forth a more determined effort to succeed in all their business un dertakings, thau have'our people in this country. They have worked and toiled, they have made mints of money, they have accumulated fortunes, they brought into existence by their ingenuity the mod ern inventions and improvements, they have been second to no nation under the sun, to forge ahead in every respect that was calculated to benefit mankind and what is the result? The nation we boast of, whoso flag we at all times stand ready to uphold, with all the accumulated wealth, with all the ad vancements achieved, with all her peace ful surroundings, has been driven upon a rock, the great ship of state has been wrecked; and it was by those who have been supposed to be her friends guarding her every interest with a jealous eye. Financially she has been plunged into the deep, and as she sinks under these condi tions we wonder what kind of patriot ism could her crew have possessed? In whose interest could they have acted; Uli, how cruel it is to sink a vessel or wreck a train for personal gain, when she is la dened with the innocent, trusting to the proper management of those who man her? Yes, they have deceived us. They have forgotten our interests, at least they fail to give them the proper consideration, and since this is a free government, and the people are the soverign, it is in the power of the people to place men at the head, to control this government who will not lay down our interests and destroy our own money for the frivolous consideration that may have been taken by some. Wc want men that will restore in the name of the people those policies that will give us more money and send prosperity to all sections of the country. Now the question is how can we do this? First the populist party is a unit on this question, and they represent in the United States about two million voters, who will cast their ballots for increasing the volume of money. They are for the restoration of silver at 16 to 1. They are in favor of Postal savings banks, as a safe depository for the people's money. This would certainly cover many of the difficulties we are passing through attbis time, and it is believed by many it would restore prosperity and place the business world in motion again, and all sections of the country would be benefited thereby. Now it that is true we want it. We will have to see to it that platforms contain these things, and then that men are placed in nomination who will stand for what we want, and will carry them out when elected. , A very important question comes up, and on it success or failure hinges. It is this. If all the people who want these reforms and feel the need of them continue to vote in their several political parties, it will be useless to make the effort; but if we love our homes, our families and our country as we should, is it not reasonable to suppose that we would consider, and cast our votes where they would be of one accord and for one man? This, in my opinion, is the only hope of returning this country to prosperity and the government to the people where it be longs. We find our enemy united on the money question, we must unite if we hope to succeed. It is conceded by all, that the condition of our money is the great disturbingelement today, Now as Ameri can citizens, who are interested more in this country than any other, let us take this matter up and act on it as we would any other business proposition in the in terest of this country, regardless of what other nations may say. It therefore be comes necessary that all voters, regard less of what may have been their former political views, ' who want more money, who want silver restored to where it was before it was demonetized, who want all money good for all debts both publicandprivate.to join theirefforts to gether in the selection of one set of candi dates, in whom they have unquestioned confidence, and that such candidates will in the presence of a National convention pledge themselves to carry out, so far as is iu their power, the demands of the con vention that places such a ticket bofore the people. This wilt dismiss the tariff question from consideration at this time, and allow us to deal with the most vital questions first. Then as it can be done, I am in favor of taking up and legislating on other questions of reiorm as set forth in the Omaha platform, in the interest of the masses. As the people are the sover eign power they should control, and it looks now as though the change in the (jwimuui uonzon, naa extended oversum cient territory iu this country to enable different sections of the country to join bands upon the plan outlined in this arti cle, and by uniting elements that alike are affected throughout the country, we can dethrone the strongest opposition, overthrow the power that is doing the greatest harm by destroying values o! property, and making the thousands to tramp from one end of the country to the other in search of work. These are the men who in this country and England have joined together to enslave this na tion, and the project is well onder way. It is going to take a desperate effort on the part of all those who see the terrible condition of things, and who can glance ahead and draw a picture that is too horrible to draw with the pen at this time. If this giant monopoly, the money power, is not checked what will be the re sult? Can we stop it? We can if we want to. For the sake of this nation, and the best blood that belongs to any people nnder the shining sun, let us apply a lit tle of the Monroe doctrine, and prevent the further encroachment of other na tions, and the traitors of our own country, from the destruction of this Re public, loo many lives have already been offered as a sacrifice on the altar of common justice to at this time surren der the last spark of patriotism we pos sess. We stand as the defenders of this country, and we charge the money power, both of this country and others, of being despotic in their demands. We rebel and refuse to longer surrender our rights to the tyrannical servitude to which they propose to reduce us. Let every patriotic citizen ot this country respond to thecall for the defense of the liberties of this, our country and our home. I believe our people are for this nation first, that tbey stand a unit for her insti tutions, for her liberties, and for an un broken union. If this is true, let us as in 1860 swell the forces till the enemy of this country shall have yielded to the voice, . thai savs, thus far can yon go, and no farther. J. H. Edmisten. Tillman on Marshal's Fees In the discussion of the marshal's fees and other enormous U. S. court expenses in the senate the other day Senator Till man said: As long as we had trial justices in our state, that being the system in other words, when they were paid by the case our dockets were kept burdened with cases against negroes for stealing this chicken and having that little rumpus or fight, or something of that sort. In self defese, to keep from being bankrupted by court expenses, we simply gave those fellows a fixed salary, and said, "Here, you will get so much for the criminal business and you will not get any more." Then when anybody came to one of the trial justices and said that John Jones and Tom Smith had a fight, be would say, "Let . them fight it out; I have got nothing to do with them. If you want a warrant, come up here and swear it out." He would not send acrowd around to hunt up all these littlecases. So I say you cannot do anything with this mat ter until you fix the salaries here and make it to the interest of these men not to have litigation rather than to have it, because, unless they get a fee out of it, they will not want to do the work. A Betrayal of the People New parties do not create issues but issues create new parties. To prevent union of forces on money reform, means betrayal of the people. The People's Record. - - Delinquent subscribers must pay op, at least in part. 1 - I ! ! v f i