The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 13, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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February 13, 189
It Was Inaugurated to Get a Full on the
Sugar Ttuat for Kebraeka Cam
paign Funds
Wfco Resort to Ft Frying to Grease
the Q O. P. Machine
Woubd-bo Governor Mloklejohn
Want Boodle Bad
Geand Island, Neb., Feb. 8, '96
Editor Nebraska Independent : I
was interested in reading an account
of the beet sugar convention in thedaily
papers and could not help but think
that the more the people of Nebraska
were plundered the bolder became the
nrnrnnixeri nllinfforers. We Bee that a
o ' - i
resolution was adopted by the political
farmers present favoring a sugar bounty
law in Nebraska which shall stand for
flvnvenrs or until 1801. In the face of
the experience of the farmers of Neb
raska who have raised beets during the
past four years, this exceeds any exhibi
tion of gall yet manifested by the sugar
frnat. whirh no doubt is back of this
political movement. They seem to carry
ha i,w that tioultice of the dog is
good for the bite and propose to benefit
the farmers who have been plundered to
a finish by plundering them still more,
or until another election is carried, o
new legislature and a new delegation to
congress is elected. If stripped of all its
demagogy this is what the present beet
sugar convention was called for, to in'
voke the aid of the sugar trust in carry
ing the next election for the republican
party and place a few political farmers,
who farm the farmers, in pastures where
they can live in luxury at the expense of
the class for which they preteud to be so
Tanntv.flve vears aco the state of
Nebraska was given to the people for
t.nkinor ns homesteads. The men who
developed it have created enough wealth
during the twenty-five years to feed a
dozen such states and furnish a luxurious
'living for the family of every tiller of the
nil in the state leaving him out of debt
and with plenty of support for mine and
his for the balance of their allotted time
on earth. But the farmers of Nebraska
havelistened to thesougs of such political
farmers as congregated at h remont m
the beet sugar convention and the result
has been different. These political iarm
era have advocated the return to a gold
basis with all the accompanying distress
and ruiu for the producing classes while
at the same time tney nave auvocaiea
protection to American trusts, miscalled
American industry, because the money
novrar and cauitalists behind the trust
combines consented to the "fat frying"
forces to furnish the grease for the politi
cal machinery by which they expected to
reap a harvest of spoil. This has gone
on in Nebraska until the farmers who de
veloped the state by hard work found
that they have not even an equity in
what their labor created, as the return to
a cold basis hasshrunk the value of their
property below the mortgage that was
plastered on it, in inflated times, to
cover the shortages occasioned by con
tinually doing business on a tailing mar
ket. The political farmers, who met at
Fremont, know this but they dare not
acknowledge it as the political machine
to which they belong is controlled by the
beneficiaries of the cursed system wnicu
has brought the people in every part of
the country to the condition 01 want.
The neoule are complainiug and the po
litical farmers, headed by the would-be
governor Meiklejohn, acknowledge their
right to complain Dy tue caning ui una
heet, smrar convention. Mr. Meikle
john leaves his seat in congress
and travels 1,500 miles to show his pro
found solicitude, not for the people, but
for his chance of either being relegated
to his law office in Fullerton or being
elected to the governorship of Nebraska.
The old song that the republican party
"freed four million slaves and that six
hundred thousand brave boys fell in
their country's cause that the country
might live," no longer has an effect with
a people who are being shruuk out of
house and home in the country they
fought to Bave. He makes a speech to
boom himself and modestly gives out
the idea that the cause of the people's
distress is the over production of non
paying crops. The demagogue who
utters such a sentiment ought to be
hooted down by every producer in the
country. The idea of over-production of
the necessaries of life with food products
nffwed for sale at prices less than the
nost of nroduction while waut, destitu
tion and even starvation is stalking
naked through the lemrth and breadth
of the land is as outrageous as it is idi
toic. The people will no longer believe
such idiocracy the necessity of getting
nn snmethinir new to attract their atten
tion while the political farmers corral
their votes for the purpose of retaining
their spoil absorbing positions as office
holders for the people they deceive. It
nsfid to be railroad bonds to benefit the
people by more rapidly developing the
HtntB thpn it, was creameries, then can-
nine factories and every form of subsi
lid improvements that was to
bring prosperity to the people but the
people were expected to pay the expense
of the purchased prosperity which uever
came. Now it is the beet sugar industry.
If the neoule would look into the matter
a little they could figure out the inward-
tipsn of the thine in a few minutes
nnH nrrive at the conclusion that
they are now asked to subsidize
trust which has robbed them in
the past and will continue to
rnh them in the future if the people are
gullible enough to be roped in by the
pew craze.
Look back over the history of the
cm 7a for ft few years. In i888 the
rimnoratie nartv was in power and
tha Mills tariff bill was before congress,
The republican party is the party of the
robber tariff, which collects from the
earnings of one man and turns it over to
Another, hut the Mill's tariff bill was a
dAmonrntic measure and the repablican
party wis fighting it simply because it
was a democratic measure. Hie oniy
sugar production in the I'nited States at
that time was in Louisiana but the
sugar trust was doing business at the
old staud and was coining millions by
the benefit of the tariff on sugar. The
Mill's bill provided for a tarifJ on sugar
and "fat fried" from the sugar trust to
grease the political machinery was liable
to go to the democratic party. A great
wave of virtue seized the managers of
the republican party and they resolved
to strike a popular chord by pronounc
ing for "free sugar, free lumber and free
salt." Every voter in Nebraska will re
member bow this song was sung by the
republican stump orators in the cam
paign of 1888. Nebraska had three
congressmen at that time and they ail
advocated "free sugar" in their cam
paign for re-election. Senator Mauder
son also took the stump for "free sugar."
Congressman Dorsey made it a point in
every speech he made in the third dist
rict to explain why he could not vote for
the Mill's bill by saying that "no loyal
man could vote for a measure that pro
tected nothing but a little rebel industry
down in Louisiana." He was cheered to
the echo by the republican crowd who at
that time did not want to foster the
"great sugar industry." The people
will recollect that the republicans
carried the election that fall and all the
congressmen and a republican legislature,
in Nebraskan were elected pledged to
"free sugar." Between election day in
November and the first of January,
1889, was the first the people of Nebras
ka ever heard of the fact that Nebraska
had the best soil on earth for producing
sugar beets. The Oxnards appeared on
the scene and proposed to establish great
sugar factories in Nebraska providing
the republican party in Nebraska did not
carry out its platform to put sugar on
the "free list." The republicans had
elected a congress pledged to do this and
the sugar trust must do something at
once to counteract it or go out of busi
ness. The fat began to fry out in the in
terest of the republican party and the
congress elected on a "free sugar" plat
form did not put sugar on the free list,
and the Nebraska legislature elected
pledged to free sugar passed a sugar
bounty law. The sugar trust established
a factory in Nebraska as a showing of
good faith in the robbery and attempted
to compel the people to pay the expense
of keeping the tariff on sugar and build
ing up a sugar tariff sentiment in Ne
braska again. The great industry has
gone on until this time and every farmer
who has attempted to raise beets under
the new craze has lost money in addition
to the bounty and tariff paid on trust
sugar. The people now commenced to
complain of the robbery of the new in
dustry as carried on by the sugar trust
and the political farmers who receive the
benefits of the "fat fried" out for political
purposes must do something to earn the
benefit. Hence the beet sugar conven
tion at Fremont and the new policy
adopted in the beet business which will
result in the same disaster to the produc
ing classes that all other attempts to
buy prosperiey have in the past.
If the sugar beet crop is the moBt pro
fitable of any crop why not let it stand
on its own merits? Why tax the pro
ducers of corn and other crops to sub
sidize a crop that is so much more profit
able? The only answer that can be
made is the fact that politicians are
advocating it for the protection of a
gigantic trust with the one purpose in
view of profiting politically by the
money contributed by the trust for poli
tical purposes. The people had better
by far call mass conventions to discuss
the questions or policies of government
that will give them a cheaper money, or
a money that the crops they produce
now will buy enough of to pay debts
and afford some of the luxuries of life
for their families than to be listening to
the demaffOEues who advise them to buy
prosperity by paying subsidies to mono
polies that have no other aim tnan to
absorb the wealth they produce. When
the people do this and begin to protect
themselves by shaking on political uema
gogue and curbing trusts they may hope
lor emancipation irom tueir miseraoie
condition, aud not until then.
Very respectfully,
Ed. J. Hall.
It All Disappeared While the Republi
cans Had Charge.
Kansas City, Feb. 9. A special to the
Journal from Topeka, Kan., says: For
years all the whisky, beer and other
liquors captured from Topeka boot
leggers and joint keepers had been stored
away in a cellar beneath the court house.
Wagon load after wagon load of liquor
has been stowed away in that cellar and
it has always been the belief that it con
tained a larger stock than any bonded
warehouse this side of Kentucky. Yes
terday Bob Kepley, the new sheriff of
Shawuee county, concluded to take an
inventory of the liquor on hand, aud
what was his astonishment to tlnU that
every barrel, keg and bottle was empty,
with the exception of some bottles of
"white horse" which the robbers ap
peared to be too fastidious to desire,
here the stuff has gone to is a mystery.
It is said that but one key exists to the
cellar door, and it has always remained
in the possession of the sherm. 1 he re
tired sheriff, Dave Uurge. says he has no
idea where the Btun went, and is sure
none of the officials at the court house
had anything to do with its disappear
ance. Tanbeneck and Watson.
Washington, Feb. 8. The populist
senators held a caucus today and con
eluded to stand by their former decision
to nominate candidates of their own
for the office of secretary and sergeant-at-arms
of the senate when the election
of these officers are undertaken in accord
ance with the republican program. The
populists will name lion. J. nomas Nat-
son of Georiria for secretary and Mr,
Taubeneck of Illinois for sergeant-at
Ths reader of this naoer will bs pleased to
Uarn that there i at least one dreaded disease
that. Manna has been able to cure in all It stages
and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the
only positive cure now known to the medical
tratarnltT. Catarrh belli a constitutional die-
runniiwa a constitution al treatment. Hall
rfF,h I'nra la taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous snrlaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying- the foundation of the
hi. -a.. .nri'crWincr the natient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assist nature In do
ing Its work. The proprietors have so much fnltn
In its caratlve powers, that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars lor any case is "
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY eV CO., Toledo, Ohio,
y Sold by Druggists. 76c
A Fine Campaign Document A Vote
Winner It Bounds the Keynote
for 1806
Senator Butler's speech delivered
the senate Tuesday, January 14, against
the further issue of bonds and to prevent
the payment of coin obligations in gold
alone, has struck a popular chord from
ocean to ocean. Requests for copies of
this speech are daily received from every
state and territory in the union, until
the demand has reached several hundred
thousand copies. A further gratuitous
distribution of the speech taxes the
pocket of the author beyond his ability.
To meet the popular demand, however,
the speech will be distributed at the cost
rate of $1.50 per hundred or $12.50 per
thousand. Orders may be sent to the
Public l'riuter, Washington, D. C, or
John B. Hussey, clerk of Committee on
Organization, Executive Department.
United States Senate, Washington, D. C.
This paper and the Silver
Knight both lor one year for
$1.15. See our clubbing list for
rates with other papers.
What he thinks of the Independent and
Beet Sugar Conventions
Fhemont, Feb. 6, 1896.
Editor Independent: I am full and
running over and I want to say some
thing, but being an old hayseed, it will
perhaps be bungling but I am going to
say something nevertheless.
I want to appeal to every mother's
son of a populist (and daughter too) to
stand up for Nebraska by standing up
for, and aiding with your money the
Independent that is fighting your bat
tles and the battles of the laborer, and if
you are in arrears pay up, and not only
pay what you honestly owe, but place
your order for a year at least in advance.
If we ever expect to win we mustcomeup
to the help of the Lorn against the
The flight is on for one of the greatest
truggles against combinations of every
escription this country ever witnessed,
nd the best weapon we can use is the
issemination of the light and truth
which must be accomplished through the
press of the country that is not subsi
dized by the monopoly power, by those
papers that are not working for self, but
are righting manfully for the truth which
will makeus free. But 1 want to tell you,
brother pops, they can not do it on light
air aud scenery however beautiful it may
appear. No, brothers, it will take some
thing that will buy blank paper, bread
and butter, clothing and pay help. Al
though it is silver and only worth fifty
cents on the dollar you can send it to the
Independent and get a dollar for it.
So I say again, come up to the help of
the Lord against the mighty with your
silver dollars if you have nothing else.
and the Independent wilf give you
credit for a dollar's worth just the same
as though it was gold and would be
mighty glad to get it, and you that are
in close proximity, 1 doubt not that you
can take him a load of cobs or wood.
He must buy as he has to Bell. He and
every one else like him would be much
more happy and prosperous if he was
compelled to pay you twice as much as
now does, everything else being
Well, as you Know, there was a sugar
beet convention here yesterday and to
day. Owing to sickness I couldn't at
tend all the time, but long enough to see
plainly that the sugar manufacturers
had captured theconvention. Although
onestJohn rowers was on guard for
the people, he was in the minority and
was voted down on the subject of. the
When 1 went in yesterday, the great "1
am, ftleiKleionn, would be governor, was
reading a flowery speech and for some
time I did not know but I had mistaken
the time and place for the beet sugar
meeting, and had run into a political
meeting of some kind, but I finally came
to the conclusion that I was really in the
sugar beet convention. Although
Meiklejohn was very careful to tell his
dupes that he didn't wish to turn the
meeting into a political one he talked
three or four times as much about over
production and the tariff as he did about
beet sugar industry, as also did Mr.
Green who spoke in ex-Senator Mander-
son s stead. 1 was in aoout) an nour
while Mr. Green was speaking and his
whole theme was the tariff and its effects.
When Governor Holcomb spoke he came
straight to the beet sugar industry and
never left the subject, but said he hoped
t would not be turned over to any mo
nopoly. "
Now, Mr. Editor, J. would use to write
all night but I fear this is already too
long. God speed the right.
li. t1 . llevelasd.
Send lis in a list of names to
whom we may send sample copies
of this paper.
Tate Care of Poor Thurston
Union, Neb., Feb, 2, i896.
Editor Independent: Did you read
Cr. Thnratnn'a IimKlfitl BPeeCU OU
tJtUUlUl'l A ! 1 " I- - .
the Monroe resolution?
If that was a maiden speech what will
.a infc fnr when ha irets fully initiated
into the business.
He calls on God to witness to his senti
ments. Why Bhouid lie can on sirau."
to him, when, there were so many menus
in and around thecapitol. Did he not
slop over a little? 1 las he not got a soi i
spot in his head somewneret uuKin
. . . . i i L. Anna nrT
should see to it mai inurawu
go to the war by himself entirely alone.
Thurston did not propose to go to
the war himself. He offered on the altar
of his country the shade of his dead
father and the body of a n8 son. He
didn't offer himself not much. Read
the speech again. Ed. Independent.
Going- to Europe This Tear?
Now is the time to secure the best ac
We are airents for all
first class lines, and guarantee lowest
rates. Ask for rate sheets, sailing lists,
etc. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agent,
117 S. 10th St. S. A. Mosher, G. A
He Beat the Bankers.
In 1894 D. J. Poynter, a populist, took
the office of treasurer and proposed liv
ing up to the law, but he had not a bed
of roses, for the local bankers determin
ed to make him deposit the money with
them as before without interest. They
pooled issues and refused to bid on the
money, but they found a man who had a
will of his own. l'oynter compelled the
out going treasurer to hand over all
county funds in cash, and not certifi
cates of dsposit. With the large amount
of money on hand and not a suitable
place to keep it be was certainly in a
tight place, but he was not a putty man
and remained firm. On his own hook he
purchased a safe and proposed guarding
the county treasurer if it took a regi
ment of men. When the banks finally
saw that he meant business they took
the money on interest and his recent re
port shows that in two years with all his
difficulties, be received 2,77o.05 i in
terest and after paying for the safe he
had over $2,000 by which the people are
the gainers. Petersburgh Index.
Now is the time so subscribe, lo say
that the opportunity will never return
again would be to predict , the impro
bable, but there is no time like the pre
sent and no better use to which a dollar
can be put.
Without Censclence '
So far as they understand the question
the gold advocates seem to be literally
without conscience. They are ready to
subordinate every principal of equity to
the maintenance of the gold standard
According to their ethics every require
ment of honesty and morality is met by
the gold dollar, no matter how rapidly
its value increases. They are horrified
at the idea of the creditor being paid in
a cheaper dollar, but can see nothing
wrong in the debtor being compelled to
meet his payments in a dearer one. They
in fact see nothing but the interests of
the monied classes and those who stand
ou peculiarly advantageous ground.
The man who is living on the interest of
his money, doing nothing for the benefit
of mankind, the office holder, the bank
clerk and a few others who occupy such a
position that their salaries are practical
ly fixed these are the only classes whose
interests receive any consideration in the
eold standard code of morals. National
h you have a good book on the finan
cial question which you have read, sup
pose you loan it to your neighbor for
his enlightenment on this all-important
Every one Should Read it
T. H. Tibbies is the editor of the Neb
raska Independent, the new populist
state organ evolved from the Wealth
Makers and the Independent. Mr. Tib
bies is a journalist of wide experience,
and wields a prolific pen. He is a veteran
in the field of reform. He is able, aggres
sive and liberal, if he has a tault it is
eagerness for results. He will give the
people a strong and vigorous paper and
everyone should read it. .People's ban
Get It, R. and Steamship tickets at 117
So. 10th St.
Dropp "d the Sub Treasury
Washington, Feb. 6. The National
Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union
which has been in session here three days,
adjourned this afternoon. Important
action was taken during the closing ses
sion, and among these the "sub-treasury
plan." to which the Alliance has been
committed for a number of years was
dropped from their platform.
Going From Lincoln to Pacific Coast?
For quickest time, best service, lowest
rates, address A. h. H leiding, u i. A.
Northwestern Line, 117 So. 10th St.
Dubois said the populists were for the
unlimited inflation. We are sorry to
have to say that Dubois is an "unlimit
ed" liar. We had some respect lor him,
but he is evidently a silver man because
he lives in a silver state. The people of
Idaho will cook his goose this year, and
he will sink into the obscurity from
whence he sprang, Helena News.
Doing East?
The Northwestern Line is direct to Chi-
p.acro and makes the fastest time. Two
trains week days, one Sundays. City
office 117 S. 10th St.
Can't Kill Them That Way
Tom Reed thinks he can stop the
growth of the populist party by refusing
to let the populists speak in the house.
Their silence will speak louder) against
the reuublicuns than their voices. You
can not kill the populists that way.
Helena News.
The Sioux City and St. FaulBoute
everybody ebould know is the Northweat-
prn. On v direct line, utyomce 111 b.
10th St.
We'll do it Anyhow
The Nebraska Independent says that
it will exchange with every populist paper
in the state. That is the proper spirit
and our state caner will find that the
boys will respond riht royally and it
will find that its exchange list is a most
profitable investment. West Union
Growing More Interesting.
"We have mentioned before in these
columns that the Wealth-Maker and In
dependent had consolidated, but tbe
paper is so fast growini? more interest
ing that we win say again tnai n snoum
he in the home of every farmer and busi
ness man in the state. The Nebraska
Independent is now the name of the
nuner. and it is Dubished in Lincoln at
f 1 per year. Saline County Independent.
Where In He?
In Colorado they are mining gold tor
air rants on the dollar. What has become
nf that "intrinsic value" idiotf Uone
fishing, we suppose. LUisville (Miss.)
Northwestern tine.
T: t . 4k. Rio Mr TTilla riirno-n. Mil-
waukee, Sioux City, St. Paul, Mlnneapo.
lisaudDuluth. City office 117 S. 10th
w 1 1 c: u iaj mu i'i - ' t - "o ,
r TlitsrA It Ha II
M llic c a UU
ft tmt It U'flvu tiwsal
ttmi in? honitf nr otTcIone.
tr- -j -.y s 'aav
lone your sows and plsr at farrowlnsrt Use my new forceps anil save them, win .eiiu v uu sample
Introduce them at wholexaie price. HOOK about piprs FUKK. 1. '. Kelmers. 1127 H.nt. l)venport.ta-
' -a. jl. -JL. Vy .4. s
Second Floor Burr Block. -
Tseth on Rubusr. Platinum, Gold. Aluminum, and
ad Orowu Work. Gold, Porcelain, and Amalgam
direct to the farmers and gardners. Free
Cameron's Home
Lincoln., 3STe"bra,sls.SL
The Best School for Musical Training in the West.
"Would advis" all those desiring a first class musical education
to read their cataloeue and Prospectus for 1895-6. Graduates from
thi school can enter the Great European Conservatories without ex-
S ruination. You get a thorough musical training. A beautiful
ome for ladies and gentlemen.
A. A. Hadlet, Business Manager.
0. Motius, Musical Director.
Has 55 Fine Illustrations and Ufull of J?
descriptions. Don'tbuy until you get It. J
5 Prices lowerfiSg
5 than overSTiSffTriSSo
Ann.. f!nrranta. ftt.rftwhprrifts. Seed-
Ollnu Trees, etc. are fine. We guarantee Q
stock true to name. Write for Catalog.
Oar collection of Ten Granrl Novelties contains:
Tabbaitc, VVorldbeater; Cuounioer, Cool and Crinp;
Lettuce. New Iceberg; Musk Melon, The Banquet;
Water Melon, Cole's Karly; Onion, Prizetaker;
RadisHf tiewr Cincinnati Market; Tomato, New
Imperial: fciqmtsh. Faxon; Turnip, Karly White
Milan. One trial pkt. of each, only 25c. in stamps
or eiiver. Handsome Garden Annual FREE,
Ohio College Dental Surgery
in Lincoln:
Office: Alexander Block,
12th and P Streets,
Rooms 23 and 24.
Teeth on Kabber, Platinum, Oold and AlnmU
anm Plates. Bridge Work. Gold and Porcelala
Attorney at Law.
ITntnrn Rnnniw. defendant, will take aotice
that Emery Boomer, plaintiff herein, died bis pe
tition In the district court of Lsncaster connty.
Nebraska, on the 27th day oi janUHry, in)u,
ac-alnst said defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from said defend:
ant on the grounds that yon, Katura Boomer,
committed adultery wsth William Hatches, at
yonr home In Humboldt, Nebraska, ou or about
Jane 20, l,m
Yon ere required to answer saiu peuiiou on or
before M3nday, March 18, 1XU6.
by Win. Leese, his Attorney.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb, 8, im.
Cabled Field and Hog Fence,
..... . . ... . . -
ipW VS
n.kai R FENCE CO.. 143 High St.. DeKaib, IIL
Cane and Millet Seeds, Kaffir. Jerusalem and Mllo MaiseCora
Success and Hulless Barley. Seed Oats. Ail crop of IsM
Writs lor our "How to How Alfalfa," and prices oa iveda
McBKTH KI.NNISO.N, Oardfii ily. Kansas.
am Li I
.About ttefr :J
UUUUl merit
of ) JCJlVKNiltU
nat cmah. One CliT "
Write for circular. A. C- BROStUS. CochranviMei Pa
Grass. Kield, GardenTree and Flower-seeds, all espec
ially urown and selected forWesternsoilandolimaw.
Alfalfa. Kafflrcorn and other forage plants for dry cli
mates specialty. Our elenant Mi catalogue isresdy and
will be mailed free oa application. Scad for ens ao w
Voroslala Plates. Gold and Porcelain Bridge
The most successful farmers and gardner
buy their seeds directly from the growers.
We established a seed garden in 1893 in Fur
nas county, Nebraska, and are now prepared
to sell our
Nebraska Home Grown Seed
catalogue sent on application.
- Grown - Seed Co.,
Mrs. L, P. Beookb
If so a " Baby " Cream Separator will earn its cost for
you every year. Why continue an inferior system
another Tear at so ereat a loss f DalrviBcr is now tha
only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con
ducted It always pays well, ana must pay you. you
need a Separator, and you need the BEST,
"Baby." All styles ana capacities. Prices,
upward. Send tor new 1895 Catalogue.
Branch Offices :
General Offices:
162 acres 3 miles south of Lonoke ;
all under fence ; 15 aores timber, bal
ance prairie, of which 30 acres is In
cultivation; best quality of prairie
land; title perfect, 6 room dwelling
good stables, orchard and well, Lon-
oke is the county seat; 23 miles east of
Little Rock on L. R. & M. R. R. Pricl
12,150. Address,
Lonoke, Ark.
$750.00 a Year and All Expenses.
Ws want a few more General Agents, ladles oi
ftsntlemen, to travel and appoint agents on oar
sew publications, Kail particulars given on ap
plication. If yon apply please send references,
and stats business experience, srs and send
photograph. If yon cannot travel, writs as for
terms to local canyasess. Dept. Rare, 8, 1, BELL
ft CO., Philadelphia, Fa.
t AN
We want luoo morA utlvi iwmt, k
I guars
iulj in. ne wui Kuarantne 20 tola) pe
13 f
lver OmrjLrnmi. Ht.ahlLhlrf In loci A A 1
CO.. Boston. Mms.
csn ee easuy me
i sen insmseives j we furnish a large to
Mimrtiouiirciy r jv r, rj ana allow 60 VQTiWt
im cent, commission on all sales. Send to-dAv
for full particulars, or we will send wllh Tt
Ya.lnabl n, ?' 9.0 floods In !I
Solid Silver uoon recelot of 10 in TV