The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 06, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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February G, 1 890.
(Continued trom laat week.)
"We will go on when yon are ready,"
ays Don Sanchez, turning to us.
"Aye," growled Jack in my ear,
"with all my heart "For if these
friends be of the same kidney as Don
Lopez, we may be persuaded to take a
better road, which God forbid if this be
a sample of their preference. "
So being in our saddles forth we set
once more and on a path no easier than
before, but worse like a very house top
for steepness, without a tinge of any
living thing for succor if one fell, but
only sharp, jagged rocks, and that
which now added to our peril was here
and there a patch of snow, so that the
mules must cock their ears and feel their
way before advancing a step, now halt
ing for dread, and now scuttling on
with their tails betwixt their legs as the
stones rolled under them.
But the. longest road hath an end,
and so at length reaching that gap we
had seen from below, to our great con
tent we beheld through an angle in the
mountain a tract of open country look
ing moorland, green and sweet in the
distance. And at the sight of this Moll
clapped her hands and cried out with
joy ; indeed, we were all as mad as chil
dren with the thought that our task
was half done. Only the don kept his
gravity. But turning to Moll, he
stretches out his hand toward the plain
and says with prodigious pride, "my
And now we began the descent, which
was actually more perilous than the as
cent, but we made light of it, being
very much enlivened by the high moun
tain air and the relief from dead uncer
tainty, shouting out our reflections one
to another as we jolted down the rugged
"After all, Jack," says I to him at
J. M ' .1
uhj tup iu iuy vuiuo, ueiug la advance
and next to Don Sanchez, "after all,
Don Lopez was not such a bad friend to
Upon which the don, stopping his
mule at the risk of being cast down the
abyss, turns in his saddle, and says :
"Fellow, Don Lopez is a Spaniard,
a Castilian of noble birth' But here
his mule, dooiding that this was no fit
place for halting, bundled onward at a
trot to overtake the guides, and obliged
his rider to turn his attention to other
By the look of the sun it must be
about 2 in the afternoon when, round
ing a great bluff of rock, we came upon
a kind of tableland which commanded a
wide Tiew of the plain below, most
dazzling to our eyes after the gloomy
recesses of the pass, and here we found
trees growing and some rude attempt at
cultivation, but all very poor and stunt
ed, being still very high and exposed to
the bleak winds issuing from the gorges.
Our guides, throwing themselves on
the ground, repaired once more to their
store of onions, and we, nothing loath
to follow their example, opened our
saddlebags, and with our cold meat
and the hogskin of wine made another
good repast and very merry. And the
don, falling into discourse with the
guides, pointed out to ns a little white
patch on the plain below, told' us that
was Ravellos, where we should find one
of the best posadas in the world, which
added to our satisfaction. "But," says
he, " 'tis yet four hours' march ere we
reach it, so we had best be packing
Thereupon we finished our meal in
haste, the guides still lying on the
ground eating onions, and when we
were prepared to start they still lay
there and would not budge. On this en
sued another discussion, very indignant
and passionate on the part of Don San
chez, and as cool and phlegmatic on the
side of the guides, the upshot of which
was, as we learned from the don, that
these rascals maintained they had ful
filled their bargain in bringing us over
into Spain, but as to carrying us to Ra
vellos, they would by no means do that
without the permission of their padrone,
who was one of those they had whistled
to from our last halting place, and
whom they were now staying for.
Then, beginning to quake a bit at the
strangeness of this treatment, we looked
about us to 6ee if we might venture to
continue our journey alone. But, Lord,
one might as easily have found a needle
in a bundle of hay as a path amid this
labyrinth of rocks and horrid fissures
that environed us, and this was so ob
vious that the guides, though not yet
paid for their service, made no attempt
to follow or to stay, as knowing full
well we must come back in despair. So
there was no choice but to wait the
coming up of the padrone, the don
standing with his legs astride and his
arms folded, with a very storm of pas
Bion in his face, in readiness to confront
the tardy padrone with his reproaches
lor this delay and the affront offered to
himself, we casting our eye longingly
down at Ravellos, and the guides si
lently munching their onions. Thus we
waited until, the fine ear of our guides
catching a sound, they rose to their feet,
muttering the word "padrone," and
pulled off their hats as two men, mounted
on mules tricked out like our own,
came round the corner and pulled up
frn oaa fViut 4-Via fAMmnof. nf fViaca fal.
A 4-UnM 4-Via IVmi r W
pez de Calvados we had entertained to
urmer the night before, and of whose
noble family Don Sanchez had been
um- dm
Of THE JAWS or qtATM Ct. K
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prating so highly, and not a thread bet
ter dressed than when we saw him last
and fnll as dirty. That which gave us
aost uneasiness, however, was to ob
serve that each of these "friends" car
ried an ugly kind of musket slung across
his back and a most unpleasant long
sheath knife in his waistcloth.
Not a word says our Don Sanchez, but
feigning still to believe him a man of
quality he returns the other don's salu
tation with all the ceremony possible.
Then Don Lopez, smiling from ear to
ear, begs us, as I learned afterward, to
pardon him for keeping us waiting,
which had not happened, he assures us,
if we had not suffered him to oversleep
himself. He then informs us that we
are now upon his domain and begs us
to accept such hospitality as his castello
will furnish in return for our entertain
ment of last night.
To this Don Sanchez replies with a
thousand thanks that we are anxious to
reach Ravellos before nightfall, and
that, therefore, we will be going at
once if it is all the same to him. With
more bowing and scraping, Don Lopez
amiably but firmly declines to accept
any refusal of his offer or to talk of
business before his debt of gratitude is
paid. With that he gives a sign to our
guides, who at once lead off our mules
at a brisk trot, leaving us to follow on
foot with Don Lopez and his companion,
whom he introduces as Don Ruy del
Puerto as arrant a cutthroat rascal to
look at as ever I clapped eyes on.
So we with very dismal forebodings
trudge on, having no other course to
take, Don Sanchez, to make the best of
it, warranting that no harm shall come
to us while we are under the hospitable
protection of a Spaniard, but to no great
effect our faith being already shaken
in his valuation of Spaniards.
Quitting the tableland, ten minutes of
leaping and scrambling brought us to a
collection of miserable huts built all hig
gledy piggledyon the edge of a torrent,
overtopped by a square building of more
consequence, built or groystone ana
roofed with slate shingles, but with
nothing but ill shaped boles for win
dows, and this Don Lopez, with some
pride, told us was his castello. A ragged
crew of women and children, apprised
of oir coming, by the guide maybe,
trooped out of the village to meet us and
hailed our approach with shouts of joy,
"for all the world like a pack of hounds
at the sight of their keeper with a dish
of bones," whispers Jack Dawson in my
ear ominously. But it was curious to
see how they did fall back in two lines,
those that had hats taking them off as
Don Lopez passed, he bowing to them
right and left, like any prince in his
So we up to the castello, where all
the men of the village are assembled
and all armed like Don Lopez, and they
greet us with cries of "Holal" and
throwing up of hats. They making way
for us with salutations on both sides,
we enter the castello, where we find one
great ill paved room with a 6tepladder
on one side leading to the floor above,
but no furniture save a table and some
benches of wood, all black and shining
with grease and dirt. But indeed the
walls, the ceiling and all else about us
Was beyond everything for blackness,
and this was easily to be understood, for
a wench coming in with a caldron
lights a fagot of wood in a corner,
where was no chimney to carry off the
smoke, but only a hole in the wall with
a kind of eaves over it, so that present-
A Physician Prescribes Dr. Miles'
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My daughter Mattle, aged 14, was afflicted
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Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health.
- i&fzJ "C5. A
ilillK 'IBB
ly the plnrewa so AIM with the fames
'twas difficult to e acr'Ms it
Dun Lojz (always as gradonM as a
cat with a milkmaid) anksMoll through
Don Sanchez if she would like to make
hor toilet while dinner is preparing, and
at this offer all of us jump choosing
anything for a change, so he takes us up
the atepladder to the floor above, which
differs from that below in being cut up
into half a dozen pieces by some low
partitions of planks nailed loosely to
gether like cribs for cattle, with some
litter of dry leaves and hay in each, but
in other respects being just as naked
and grimy, with a cloud of smoke com
ing up through the chinks in the floor.
" You will have the sole use of these
chambers during your stay," says Don
Lopez, "and for your better assurance
you can draw the ladder up after you
on retiring for the night "
But for the gravity of our situation
and prospects I could have burst out
laughing when Don Sanchez gave us
In an instant
all his fellows spring
their feet.
the translation of this promise, for the
idea of regarding these pens as cham
bers was not less ludicrous than the air
of pride with which Don Lopez be
stowed the privilege of using 'em upon
Don Lopez left us, promising to send
a maid with the necessary appointments
for Moll's toilet.
"A plague of all this finery I" growled
Dawson. "How long may it be, think
you, senor, ere we can quit this palace
and get to one of those posadas you
promised us?"
Don Sanchez hunched his shoulders
for reply and turned away to hide his
mortification. And now a girl comes up
with a crock of water on her head, a
broken comb in her hand and a ragged
cloth on her arm that looked as. if it
had never been washed since it left the
loom and sets them down on a bench,
with a grin at Moll, but she, though
not overnice, turns away with a pout
of disgust, and then we go to get a breath
of fresh air to a hole in the wall on the
windward side, where we stand all
dumb with disappointment and dread
until w are called down to dinner. But
before going down Don Sanchez warns
us to stand on our best behavior, as
these Spaniards, for all their rude seem
ing, were of a particularly punctilious,
ticklish disposition, and that we might
come badly out of this business if we
happened to displease them.
"I cannot see reason in that, senor,"
Bays Dawson, "for tie less we please
em the sooner they are likely to send
us hence, and so the better for us. "
"As you please," replies the don,
but my warning is to our advantage. "
Down we go, and there stands Don
Lopez with a dozen choice friends, all
the raggedest dirty villains in the
world, and they saluting us we return
their civility with a very fair pretense
and take the 6eats offered us they
standing until we are set. Then they sit
down, and each man lugs out a knife
from his waistcloth. The caldron,
filled with a mess of kid stewed in a
multitude of onions, is fetched from
the fire, and being set upon a smooth
board is slid down the table to our host,
who, after picking out some tidbits for
us, serves himself, and so slides it back,
each man in turn picking out a morsel
on the end of his knife.
Bearing in mind Don Sanchez's warn-!
ing, we do our best to eat of this dish,
but, hoaven knows, with little relish,
and mighty glad when the caldron is
empty and that port of the performance
ended. Then, the bones being swept
from the table, a huge skin of wine is
set before Don Lopez, and he serves us
each with about a quart in an odd
ehaped vessel with a spout, which Don
Sanchez and his countrymen use by
holding it above their heads and letting !
the wine spurt into their mouths, but
we, being unused to this fashion, pre
ferred rather to suck it out of the spout,
which seemed to them as odd a mode
as theirs was to us. However, better
wine, drink it how you may, there is
none than the wine of these parts, and
this reconciling us considerably to our
condition we listened with content to '
their singing of ditties, which they did
very well for such rude fellows, to the
musio of a guitar and a tambourine.
And so when our pots came to be replen
ished a second time we were all mighty
merry and agreeable save Jack Dawson,
who never could take his liquor like any
other man, but must fall into some ex
travagant humor, and he, I perceived,
regarded some of the company with a
very sour, jealous eye because, being
warmed with drink, they fell to casting
glances at Moll with a certain degree of
familiarity. Especially there was one
fellow with a hook nose, who stirred
his bile exceedingly, sitting with his el
bows on the table and his jaws in his
hands and would scarcely shift his eyes
from Moll, and since he could not make
his displeasure understood in words, and
bo give vent to it and be done, Jack sat
thero in sullen silence watching for an
opportunity to show his resentment in
some other fashion. The other saw this
well enough, but would not desist, and so
these two sat fronting each other like two
dogs ready to fly at each other's throats.
At length, the hook nosed rascal, glow
ing bolder with his liquor, rises as if to
reach his wine pot, and stretching across
the table chucks Moll under the chin
with his grimy fin&era.
At this Jack flings out his great fist
with all the force of contained paction,
catches the other right in the middle of
the face, with such effect that the fel
low flies clean bock over his bench, his
head Ftriking the pavement with a crash.
Then in an instant all his fellows
spring to their feet, and a dozen long
knives flash out from their sheaths.
Up starts Jack Dawson, catching
Molly by the arm and his joint stool by
the leg, and stepping back a pace or two
not to be taken in the flank he swings
his stool ready to dash the brains out of
the first that nears him, and I do like
wise, making the same show of valor
with my stool, but cutting a poor figure
beside Dawson's mighty presence.
Seeing their fellow laid out for dead
on the floor, with his hook nose smashed
most horribly into his face, the others
had no etomach to meet the same fate,
but with their Spanish cunning began
to snread out that so thev mitrht attack:
ns on all sides, and snrelvthis had don
our business but that Don Lopez, fling-
ing himself before us with his knife
raised high, cries out at the top of his
voice, Jtekbahl" a word of their
own language, I am told, taken from
the Moorish, and signifying that whoso
ever shall outrage the laws of hospitali
ty under his roof shall be his enemy to ;
the death. And at this word every man
stood still as if by enchantment and let
fall his weapon. Then in the same high
voice he gives them a harangue, show
ing them that Dawson was in the right
to avenge an insult offered his daugh
ter, and the other justly served for his
offense to us. "For his offense to me as
the host of these strangers," adds he,
Jose shall answer to me hereafter iL
he live. If he be dead, his body shall be
flung to the vultures of the gorge, and
his name be never uttered again beneath
"I bear no grudges, not I, ' ' says Daw
son, when Don Sanchez gave him the
English of this. "If he live, let his nose
be set, and if dead let him be buried de
cently in a churchyard. But hark ye, .
senor, lest we fall out again and come
out worse the next bout, do pray ask
his worship if we may not be accommo
dated with a guide to take us on our
way at once. We have yet two hours of
daylight before us, there's not a cloud
in the sky, and with such a moon as we
had the night before last we may get
on well enough. "
Poor Moll, who was all of a shake
with the terror of another catastrophe,
added her prayers to Dawson's, and Don
Sanchez, with a profusion of civilities,
laid the proposal before Don Lopez,
who, though professing the utmost re
gret to lose us so soon, consented to
gratify our wish, adding that his mules
were so well accustomed to the road
that they could make the journey as
well in the dark as in broad day.
"Well, then," says Dawson, when
this was told us, "let us settle the busi
ness at once and be off. "
And now, when Don Sanchez pro
posed to pay for the service of our
guides, it was curious to see how every
rtscal at the table craned forward to
watch the upshot. Don Lopez makes a
pretense of leaving the payment to Don
Sanchez's generosity, and he, not be
hindhand in courtesy, lugs out his purse
and begs the other to pay himself,
Whereupon, with more apologies, Don
Lopez empties the money on the table
and carefully counts it, and there being
but about a score of goldpieces and some
silver he shakes his head and says a few
words to Don Sanchez in a very re-
proachful tone of remonstrance, to which :
our don replies by turning all the trifles
out of his pocket, one after the other, to
prove that he has no money,
"I thought as much," growls Jack in !
my ear. A pretty nest or nornets we ve
fallen into."
, The company, seeing there was no
more to be got out of Don Sanchez, be
gan to murmur and scowl eyes at us,
whereupon Dawson, seeing how the land
lay, stands up and empties his pockets
on the table, and I likewise, but betwixt
us there was no more than some French
pennies and some odds and ends of no
value at alL Fetching a deep sigh, Don
Lopez takes all these possessions into a
heap before him, and tells Don Sanchez
that he cannot believe persons of our
quality could travel with so little ; that
he feels convinced Don Sanchez must
have d;opped a purse on the way, and
that until it is found he can on no ac
count allow us to leave the neighbor
hood. "This comes of being so mighty fine!"
says Dawson, when Don Sanchez had
explained matters. "Had we traveled
as became our condition, this brigand
would never have ensnared us higher.
And if they won't believe your story,
senor, I can't blame 'em, for I would
have sworn you had 1,000 to your
"Do you reproach me for my generos
ity?" asks the don.
"Nay, master, I love you for being
free with your money while you have it,
but 'tis a queer kind of generosity to
bring us into these parts with no means
of taking us back again. However, we'll
say no more about that if we get out of
this cursed smoke hole, and as we are
like to come off ill if these Jack thieves
keep us here a week or so and get noth
ing by it, 'twill be best to tell 'em the
honest truth and acquaint them that we
are no gontle folk, but only three poor
English mountebanks brought hither on
a wild goose chase. "
This was a bitter pill for Don Sanchez
to swallow. However, seeing no other
cure for our ills, he gulped it down with
the best face he could put on it But
from the mockery and laughter of all
who heard him 'twas plain to see they
would not believe a word of his story.
"What would you have me do now?"
asks the don, turning to us when the
clamor had subsided, and he told us
how he had tried to persuade them we
were dancers he was taking for a show
to the fair at Barcelona, which they, by
our looks, would not believe, and espe
cially that a man of such build as Jack
Dawson could foot it, even to please
such heavy people as the English.
"What," crie Jack, "I can't dance!
We will pretty soon put them to another
complexion if they do but give us space
and a fair trial" You can strum a gui
tar, Kit, for I've heard you. And MolL
my chick, do yon d;u-h the tears from
your cheek and pluck up courage to show
these Portugals what the English lass
can da"
The brigands agreeing to this trial,
the table is shoved back to give us a
space in tke best light, and our judges
Beating themselves conveniently Moll
brushes her eyes (to a little murmur of
sympathy, as I thought), and I strike
out the tune. Jack, with all the magnif
icence of a king, takes her hand and
leads her out to a French pavan, and
sure no one in the world ever stepped it
more gracefully than our poor little
Moll (now put upon her mettle), nor
more lightly than Dawson, so that ev
ery rascal in our audience was won to
admiration, clapping hands and shout
ing "Hola I" when it was done. And
this warming us we gave 'em next an
i Italian coranto, and after that an Eng
sh pillow dance, and in good faith had
! a eea onr dearest friends these
: Aizt7 fellows could not have gone more
mad with delight And then, Moll and
her father sitting down to fetch their
breath, a dispute arose among the brig
ands which we were at a loss to under
stand until Don Sanchez explained that
a certain number would have it we were
real dancers, but that another party,
with Don Lopez, maintained there were
but court dancers, which only proved
the more we were of high quality to be
thus accomplished.
"We'll convince 'em yet, MolL with
a fix of their doubts," cries Dawson,
starting to his feet again. "Tell 'em we
Kive 'em a Bta8e dance of a nymph
ana a wiia man, senor, witn an excuse
for our having no costume but this. Play
us our pastoral, Kit. And sing you your
ditty of 'Broken Heart,' Moll, in the
right place, that I may get my wind for
the last caper."
Moll nods, and with ready wit takes
the comb from her head, letting her
pretty hair tumble all about her shoul
ders, and then, whipping up her long
skirt, tucks one end under her girdle,
thereby making a very dainty show of
pink lining against the dark stuff and
also giving more play for her feet. And
so thus they dance their pastoral, Don
Sanchez taking a tambourine and tap
ping it lightly to the measure, up to
Moll's song, which so ravished these
hardy, stony men by the pathetic sweet
ness of her voice for they could under
stand nothing save by her expression
that they would not let the dance go on
until she had sung it through again. To
conclude, Jack springs up as one enam
ored to madness and flings cut his last
steps with such vigor and agility as to
quite astound all
And now the show being ended, and
Hot one but isa-cryingof "Hola!" and
"Br aval" Moll snatches the tambourine
from Don Sanchez's hand, and stepping
before Don Lopez drops him a courtesy
and offers it for her reward. At this Don
Lopez, glancing at the money on the
table by his side, and looking round for
sanction to his company, which they did
give him without one voice of opposi
tion, he takes up two of the goldpieces
and drops them on the parchment. Thus
did our Moll, by one clever hit, draw
an acknowledgment from them that we
Were indeed no fine folks, but mere play
ers, which point they might have doubt
ed in their cooler moments.
But we were not quit yet, for on Don
Sanchez's begging that we should now
be set upon our road to Ravellos the
other replies that, though he will do us
this service with great pleasure, yet he
cannot permifc us to encounter the dan
ger again of being taken for persons of
quality. "Fine dress," says he, "may
be necessary to the senor and his daugh
ter for their court dances, and they are
heartily welcome to them for the pleas
ure they have given us, but for you and
the musician who plays but indifferent
well, meaner garb is more suitable, and
He takes up two of the goldpieces and
drops them on the parchment.
so you will be good enough to step up
stairs, the pair of you, and change your
clothing for such as we can furnish from
our store."
And up stairs we were forced to go,
and thus being stripped we were given
such dirty fine rags and so grotesque
that when we came down Jack Dawson
and Moll fell a-laughingatus, as though
they would burst, and in truth we made
a most ludicrous spectacle, especially
the don, whom hitherto we had seen
only in the neatest and most noble of
clothes, looking more like a couple of
scarecrows than living men.
Don Sanchez neither smiled nor
frowned at this treatment, taking this
misfortune with the resignation of a
philosopher, only to quiet Dawson's
merriment he told him that in the
clothes taken from him was sewed up a
bond for 200, but whether this was
true or not I cannot telL
And now, to bring an end to this ad
venture, we were taken down the intri
cate passes of the mountain in the
moonlight, as many of the gang as could
find mules coming with us for escort,
and brought at last to the main road,
where we were left with naught but
what we stood in (save Moll's two
pieces), and robbers bidding us their
adios with all the courtesy imaginable.
But even then, robbed of all he had
even to the clothes off his back, Don
Sanchez's pride was unshaken, for he
bado us note that the very thieve in
Spain were gentlemen.
As we trudged along the road toward
Ravellos, we fell debating on our case,
as what we should do next, etc., Don
Sanchez promising that we should have
redress for our ill treatment; that his
lame alone would procure us a supply
of money for our requirements, eta, to
my great content Dawson was of an
other mind.
"As for seeking redress," says he, "I
would as soon kick at a hive for being
stung by a bee, and the wisest course
when you've been once hit by a dog is
to keep out of his way for the future.
With respect of getting money by your
honor's name, you may do as yon please,
and so may you, Kit, if you're so mind
ed. But for my part, henceforth I'll pre
tend to be no better than I am, and the
first suit of rags I can get will I wear
in the fashion of this country. And so
shall you, MolL my dear. So make np
your mind to lay aside your fine airs and
hold up your nose no longer as if yon
were too good for your father. "
"Why, surely, Jack," says I, "you
would not quit us and go from your bar
gain?" "Not I, and you should know me well
enough, Kit, to have no doubt on that
score. But 'tis no part of our bargain
that we should bustle anybody but Si
mon the steward."
"We have -400 miles to go ere we
reach Elche," says Don Sanchez. "Can
you tell me how we are to get there
without money?"
"Aye, that I can, and I warrant my
plan as good as your honor's. How many
tens are there in 400, Kit?"
"Well, we can walk ten miles a day
on level ground, and so may do this
journey in six weeks or thereabouts,
which is no such great matter, seeing
we are not to be back in England afore
next year. We can buy a guitar and a
tabor out of Moll's pieces.. With them
we can give a show wherever we stay
for the night, and if honest men do but
pay us half as much as the thieves of
this country we may fare pretty welL "
"I confess," says Don Sanchez, "your
scheme is the best, and I would myself
have proposed it but that lean do so lit
tle for my share. "
"Why, what odds does that make,
senor?" cries Jack. "You gave us of
the best while you had aught to give,
and 'tis but fair we should do the same.
Besides which, how could we get along
without you for a spokesman, and I
marked thai yon drummed to our dance
very tunefully. Come, is it a bargain,
And on Don Sanchez's consenting
Jack would have us all shako hands on
it for a sign of faith and good fellow
ship. Then, perceiving that we were ar
rived at the outskirts of the town, we
ended our discussion.
(To be Continued.)
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