February 6, 189C. THE NEMIASKA INDEPENDENT ittmtion and a very loud ?oic, would rnd: "A bill to provide for the roxr disposition of wnator" and reprm'iita tivwi who die while coiigtvM in in Dion." In it any wondt-r that, after lour vhh-Vh fit thin 11 ii tl i i u )i txl ImMiuMH. the mm ate had eewwd to smile? Is it any wonder that the sudden drop to a funeral tern peratnre was a complete as eren a Kan sas senator could hope for or desire? If any man in the senate is well equipped naturally and otherwise to lead a crusade against the congressional , funeral system, that man is Senator Peffer. He is absolutely unconscious of the ludicrous side, and goes at the re form just as he would grapple with any Other evil growing out of the dishonest use of public fuuds. No man is more careful in the handling of facts and fig ures, no man more thorough in his work, going down to what miners call the "bed rock" of things. NEWSY NOTES. , It is not Chairman Edgerton any more. Now and hereafter it is father Edgerton, of a bright bouncing boy, and the boy is a howling crank, so the nurse saye. The big silver meeting at Raymond Saturday night will be addressed by ex- .. fl T 1 ... IT V V Bn wn, Hon. J. H. Mocket and others. Be sure you are there. United States Senator, Marion Butler, the pride of the south, chairman of the populist state committee in North Carolina has issued an Address to the members of the party in that state, and to all others opposed to the single gold standard to unite and vote so that the eleven electorial votes of North Carolina shall be given to candidates favoring the free'coinage of silver. The story set afloat that Hans Hax theusen a blind boy at the Jtebraska Asylum was not receiving proper medi cal attention is forever set at rest by a pungent letter printed in the Nebraska 'City papers in which the boys father, Mr. Haxthusen says: "Why any such a thing should have beea said as was said in the ipapers we cannot understand. It is all 'false and very malicious." VP TO THE BIGHT STANDARD. "We Will All Get Tog-ether and Sweep Thing's Clean. Milford, Neb., Feb. 1, 1896. Editor Independent: I have read with much pl-easare and no small amount of .profit, thefirst and second number of the consolidation. The paper now eomes up to the stand ard of what a popnlist paper should be. I want the populist papers all over the country from now on to make things red hot -so that plutocrats will feel as though they had been struck by lightning. Let us stop wasting amunition on matters of secondary importance and get right to x the front upon financial reform free and unlimited coinage of silver, 16 to 1, fiat money to supply all the needs of the government and people, no more gold contracts redemption and payment in silver whennot otherwise specified in the contract, in short, an American system of fluanoe for .Americans. American money for Americans under American control without regard to any other na tion whatever. If we can unite all the people who be lieve in these ideas, we can sweep the United States like a hurricane and elect the next president and gain control of both hoiuses of 'Congress and enact our populistic ideas into laws. That will pe glory enough for one presidential elec tion, and after accomplishing our wishes in that regard we can take up some other grand idea of reform that lies near the populistic heart and with like zeal push it to-euceess. I believe that the people now are are as ready to vote upon financial reform as they ever will be; there is no one ques tion on which the .common people are as well informed. If they can be united they will prove an irresistible power. We can afford to let everything else wait until we have settled this matter and settled it right. If the people are to lie prostrate at the feet of plutocracy, they will be ruined end there will be nothing left worth waving; but if the people can dawn the plutocracy and establish finan cial reform, then there will be some hope for their future welfare and a Iheart to 'labor for the ucess of other needed re forms. J. M. .King. Depositors Kicked At a public meetiug of sonie of the de positors of the defunct Lincoln Savings bank, last night, much criticism of the methods by which Capt. 3. E. Hill was appointed receiver was indulged ,iu by those present. Several attorneys present, claiming to represent clients who were depositors in the defunct bank, complained because two attorneys had been selected to look after the business of closing up its affairs, while they thought one was sufficient and two "too expenssive." The talk of those attorneys smacks somewhat of sour grapes. If any two of themselves had been appointed, we are prone to be lieve, we would never have heard any complaint from them at least. We agree that one attorney would have been suf ficient, but the complaint came with bad grace from the source it did. While we certainly are not open to the charge of idolizing Mr. Hill, yet we be lieve in giving the devil his due, and we think his appointment a much betterone than that of the proposed receiver, N. C. Brock, who, we are informed is a bank rupt, a ringmaster in the worst political ring that ever infested this city, and a man with many hangers on to favor whose interests are opposed to those of the depositors. Going: From Lincoln to Pacifio Coast? For quickest time, best service, lowest rates, address A. S. Fielding, C. T..A. Northwestern Line, 117 So. 10th St. Situation at Zeltoun. London, Feb. 4. A dispatch from Constantinople to the Daily News Bays: Reports from Turkish sources believed to be fairly accurate state that it is believed the Zeitounlfs are still holding out The Turks have made several different attacks upon the town, but all have failed, and their losses are reported to amount to 10,000. It is alleged that 50,000 troops will be needed to capture Zeitoun. It is believed that the Zeitounlis number from 15,000 to 20,000, well armed and provisioned for a year. GOY, HOLCOMB'S VIEWS. Let Us Banish Petty and Imaginary Differences. The People at the Proper Time May be Safely Depended Upon to Make a Platform Which All True Popnlist Will Support. The following, by Governor Holcomb, was written to Mr. A. B. Hartley of Cus ter county and printed in last week's Custer County Beacon. After discussing the organization of the Nebraska Silver League, he says: It is to be regretted that we have those in our ranks who are ready upon the slightest pretext, and usually for the advancement of selfish interests, to ua pugn the political integrity of others of our party. It lins been my observation that in a majority of such caws there has been no Mubstantial foundation for such imputation. The differences have been only imaginary or words have been distorted and misconstrued, and a false impression created agaiust some of the truest populists aud most untiring workers wnicn we have in the party, to the great satisfaction of our political ad versaries. The late lamented McKei- ghan, than whom none were more true to the precepts of the party, was often made the object of 'shafts of envy and jealousy from those to whom he looked for support and encouragement in his heroic battles for the peonle'a cause. Senator Allen, a true populist and a most valiant worker, one who has com manded the respect of the enemies of the party not only for himself aloue, but lor Me party lie so ably represents, has not escaped, and yet today no .iersMi stands higher in the party and with the people, aud no one is better equipped to lead our people to victory in the ap- proacning national campaign. Let us banish these petty and imagin ary differences, let us have open, fair and frank discussion of all public questions, and the people at the pro tier time may be depended upon to make a platform and announce principles which all true populists will support. In my.judgment, the person who believes that the populist party,,through itfr duly accredited dele gates in convention assembled, will eliminate from the platform all its tenets save the fiuawciul plank, is woefully deluded as to the sentiment of this grand young party and is ignorant of its teachings and of the great work it has to accomplish. There are so many great public questions demanding the attention of ttie only party having the courage to declare for legislation favoruble to the musses of the people that the difficult question to de cide will be how long nmst the platform be. Four years ngo the Otnaha platform was adopted with unanimity and en thusiasm amidst the most inspiring scene it has ever been iy privilege to witness. It is the official declaration of the National people's .party. Every state and almost every county conven tion held ince that time has reaffirm ed it. Over two millions of the honest yeomanry of the laud have banded together iunder its guidance in an effort to restore the government to the people to whom their fathers gave it. It is the rule and guide of our po litical faith and must remain so until tanother national convention is held and a new declaration of principles promul gated, and i every true populist should remaiu loyal to it. The intelligence of the people has heretofore controlled the destinies of our party and will continue todoeo. It is not witiiiu the, power of any one man or any set of men outside of the organization itself to change its tenets or to alter the platform. I ven ture the assertion with all confidence that the populists of Nebraska are as a unit ia favor of the whole platform, and the men who are at this late day declar ing with loud acclaim that they are standiug squarely on theiQmaha plat form will find to their delight that they are in entire harmony with the party. For the success and prosperity of the peoples' eause in Custer county and else where. I am Yours Very Truly, Silas A. Ih.uM.vsrt. Greatest Shoe Sale yet. Ws have just placed on sale about $10,000 worth of Boots and Shoes at X to off. All warm goods, and Rubber goods are included at off. Webster & Rogers, 1013 0 Street, Lincoln. THE MAVERICK CASE. Catholics and Maiie to Take a Hand to Secure Her Release. Washington, Feb. 4. Andrew H. H. Dawson of New York, who is greatly interested in securing' the re lease of Mrs. Maybrick, confined in an English prison on the charge of mur dering her husband, is in the city. He says the next attempt to secure the woman's release will be made by the Masons and Roman Catholics, and that the effort will be made along the same lines as those followed in the past The same evidence will be used, but certain, additional facts favorable to the woman that have beea ascertained will be produced. Mr. Dawson makes grave charges against some of the British officials, which he will embody in a book to be issued ia Mrs. Maybrick's behalf. He is ob taining funds necessary for the publi cation while here. The Best Paper the State Sver Had. The Wealth Makers and Independent, of Lincoln, Neb., have been consolidated, making a combination that will result in great good to Nebraska populism, and is today the strongest and best populist paper that state has ever had. Sound Money. ' On a Hot Trail. The Nebraska Independent is after the penitentiary steal with a vengeance. It is unearthing a vast amount of re publican corruption in connection there with. People's Independent. The Merchants Hotel Restaurent at the corner of P & 12th st, some time since advertised ten cent meals. Within a few days Dew tables have to be put in once more, waiters hired, for overy one that comes once, comes again when they saw the clean table linens, white napkins, and abundant food, all for ten cents. There never was such a meal with such service put up for tea cents before. TRKE0 Of A XXVD. tow the Banks Control the Money and Prosperity of the Country-Bead Carefully. Tht following circulars have been sent ut at various times by the Hebrew sy ndi !ates, plutocrats, and Wall street bank irs. These three edicts from the money 5ower contain more treason than Jeff. Davfa ever thought of. The men that were behind these circulars were engaged in a more damnable conspiracy against the A mericun people than was ever lieamed of by the leaders of the rebel lion, or any other enemies the nation ver had. The conspiracy that these Inen have forced on their country has sost us many times ns much money and misery as the civil war brought to the people of the north and south. The fol lowing is the first circular: HAZZAKD CIltCULAR. Rent out by London capitalists to New York capitalists in 18G2. "Slavery is likely to be abolish by the war powerand chattel slavery destroyed. This i and my European friends are in tavor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborer, while the Eurojwan plan, led on by England, is for capital to control la bor by controlling wages. 'Ibis can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used as a means to coutrol the volume of mouey. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the secretary of the treasury to make the recommendation to con gress. It will not do to allow the green back, as it is called, tocirculateas money any length of time, as we cannot control that." This circular was taken from the letter files of the First National bank of Coun cil Grove, Kansas, in 1878, by I. W. Sim cock, the cashier of the bauk, and given to Isaac Sharp, who was attorney for the bank at the time, but who is now practicing law at Washington, a gentle man of the highest integrity. The reader will see that the London capitalist said, "we are now waiting for the secretary of the treasury to make the recommenda tion to congress." This plainly indicates that the Hebrew syndicate was controll ing our secretary of the treasury way back in 1862. The second circular was immediately afterward issued by New York banks to national banks, and reads as follows: Dear Sir "It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such daily and weekly newspapers, especially the agricultural and religious press, ns will oppose the issuing of greenback paper money, and that you also with hold patronage or favors from all appli cants who are not willing to oppose the government issue of money. Let the government issue the coin and the banks issue the paper money of the country, for thenweean better protect each other. To repeal the law creating national bank notes, or to .restore to circulation the government issue of money will be to provide the people with money, and will, therefore, seriously affect your individual profit as bankers and lenders. See your congressman at once and engage him to support our interests that we may con trol legislation." Is it any wonder that the crime of .1873 followed these two treasonable cir culars? Can any one conceive of greater conspiracy than is outlined in the two edicts we have quoted? The his tory 01 tne lest twenty years does con clusively show that the recommendations set forth In this circular bv the New York banks have been followed by the national bunks of the whole country. The third circular might be properly called the great crime of 1893. The following circular was sent out by the American bankers' Association to all national banks on March 12, 1893. The panic followed shortly after: Dear Sir: The interests of national bankers require immediate financial leg islation by congress. Silver certificates and treasury notes must be retired and the national bank notes upon a gold basis made the only money. This will require the authorization of from $500,- UUU.UUU to l,U(0,000,000of new bonds as a basisof circulation. Yotiwill at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one-half of your loans. Be care lul to make a money stringency felt among your patrons, especially among your mnuentiai business men. Advocate an extra session of congress for the re peal of the purchasing clause of the Sher man law and act with the other bankers of your city in securing a large petition to congress tor its unconditional repeal, per accompanying form. Use personal influence with congressmen and particu larly let your wishes be known to your senators. The future life of national banks us fixed and safe investments de pends npon immediate action, as there is an increasing sentiment in favor of gov ernment legal tender notes and silver coinage. Following in the wake of this peremp tory order of the Bankers' Association to the national banks there have been more than 40,000 business failures in this country. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Sioux City Nur sery & Seed Co., Sioux City, Iowa, which appears in this issue. This is one of the oldest and most reliable nurseries in the northwest. Some years ago they began the method of selling nursery stock direct to the planter, thus saving the agent's commission. This method has proven highly satisfactory, for the planter not only saves money but deals direct with the company. We advise all our readers who are thinking of planting any nur sery stock this spring, to at least write them for their nursery catalogue, which they mail free to all readers mentioning this paper. Chicago? St. Paul? Black Hills? Central Wyoming? San Francisco? Los Ang.los? Portland? GOING TO GOING TO GOING TO Best Timo 1 BY NORTH-WESTERN LINE. Best Service r Best Rate J CITY OFFICE: 117 8a. 10th St, - LINCOLN, NEB. An Eicellrnt Showing Ws publish in this issue the annual statement of the Lancaster county Mu tual IuNiiraucq Company as compiled by the Auditing committee, mid filed iu the office of the State Auditor. ANNUAL STATKMEMT. Fur the year riullnir pei-ember SI, 1S95. Of tbe condition hu(I affnlr of the Lam-aster County Farmers' Mtittml insurance Company of Lincoln, county of l.nncHnter anil 8tal of Nebraska, mail to the Auditor o( I'utillo Accounts of tbe Mate of Nebraska, iu pursuance of the law( ot Haiti State. I'resiilent, I. N, Leonard. Postofflce address Lincoln. Secretary, J. Y, M. Swlgart. PostofTlce ad dress Lincoln. Omiitilted or Incorporated Recember 4, 1S91. Commenced buslueas liecenilier 4. lMtl. Amount, of risks or policies issued and subject to assessment for loees aud expenses f I67.UI1 10 Amount of premium notes or other obliKutlons subject toaseessinent lor loss, etc None AS9KTS. Cash In Company's office f 8 40 Cahli belonging to Company deposited iu the bank... 87 36 Bills receivable considered (rood None Assessments lu proews of collection.... None All other property belontrmir to Com- . puny, vie; books, stationery, etc.... 25 00 AfCKreKate amount of assets ot Com pany, except AsseMsmeut notes OS 68 LIABILITIES. Amount of louses adjusted and unpaid None Amount ot louse Iu process of adjust, ment, or in suspense, Including ail re ported or supposed losses None Losses resisted, IncludtiiKCosts ttnJ ex pellees thereon None Amount due for salaries or reut None All other demands anuinst the compa ny, vi None Aggregate ainouut ot liabilities None IKCOMB, Cash received from assessments tor losnea $ 203 00 Cash received tor interest on bills re ceivable Income received from other sources, viz: policy aud reuewal tees 171 60 Aggreirnte amount of Income re ceived during the year $ ,7!60 EXPENDITURES Amount paid for losses..... $ 102 00 l'aid for salaries, fees, clerks, agents, and all other employes 120 00 raid for stale, uattoual, and local taxes, and postage All othnr puyments and expenditures, vii: postage included 14H S3 Aggregate amount ot expenditures during the year 9 371 85 RISKS. Ill force oa the Slst day of December, 1 K i4 No. 251, Amt, ?:l"0,8:I 10 W ritten during the year , la5 No. 126, Amt., 151.G10 00 Total No, 877, Amt., 522,373 10 Deduct those expired and marked off as termin ated during the year 1NU5 No. C2. Amt., 65.212 00 In force at theend of the year..,. No. 325, Amt., 1407,181 10 STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Lancaster j I. N. Leonard, president, and J. T. M. Pwlgart. secretary of the Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company, being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that they are the above de scribed officers of the said company, and that on the 8lst day of December last ail of the above de scribed assets were the absolute property of the said company, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as above stated; and that the foregoing statement, is a full and correct ex hibit of all the liabilities aud of the income and expenditures, and of the general condition and affairs of the said company, on the thirty-first day of December last, and for the year ending on that day, according to the best of their informa tion, knowledge, and belief, respectively. Subscribed and sworn to before uie this 20th day ot January, lsoa. 13. W. Ukeok. Notary Public I. N. Leonard, President. J. T. M. Swioart, Secretary. As compiled by auditing committee. Harry Honnoe, I. N. Leonard, K. T. Cuambkrs, t Committee, i'et tor filing statement, fl.OO. HUMAN BARGAINS. Borne People Seem Blessed With the Oil of Finding Them. Some people are always picking up bargains genuine more than your money s worth, bits of goods or prop erty while others again may nearch and search and when tbey do find something which tbey think is dirt cheap and has escaped the regular hunter's eye they learn too late that they have been deceived, and their bargain proves to be no bargain at all but the biggest sort of a white elephant Did it ever occur to you that there are bargains in husbands and wives as well as in dress goods or household furnishings? asks the Philadelphia Times. Take, for in stanca the plain, upright but rather unprepossessing man of business, who plods along day in and day out riot overburdened with sentiment but with a high sense of his obligations to his wife and with a never-ceasing desire to give her every comfort is he not a much greater matrimonial bargain than the handsome, well dressed, poetical creature who before marriage professes all sorts of devo- tloa yet o soon finds time for but one kind an-.l that is to himself? Ah, yea the former is the all-wool-and-a- yard-wide sort while the latler is very apt to fade in the, hard rubbing of the world's wash day. Also with wives it is just the same. Very often the nighly accomplished social but terfly, beautiful to look upon, proves notooe-half as wo. thy as the plainer girl, who, not being beautiful culti vates graces ot mind and heart that wear well One is the cheap, flimsy satin, from which the gloss disappears if put to real use; while the other, a well-woven serge, withstands the storms and comes out all the better and brighter for contact with rough weather. 1 It is well to be a human bargain hunter, for in many unbeaten paths, in many unfrequented ways, are liv ing men and women who, if once brought out into the light of the great world, would show of what metal they are made and be living examples of the old adage that All is not gold that glitters." Patronize those persons who advertise in this paper. rx Cabled Field and Hog Fence, 14 to 69 inches bight Steel Web Picket Lawn Fence; Poultry. Garden and liahb'v Pence; Htel Gates. Steel Posts and Hteel Raile:Tree.l"lower and Tomato Guards; Steel Wire fence Board, otc Catalogue free. DeKALB FENCE CO., 143 High St, DeKalb, lit Business Directory. Men whewe advertisements appear In this col umn r thoroughly reliable, and naalnae en trssted to t hem will receive prompt and careful attention. M rNKKNET E AGE It, Attorneys-at-lnw, 10M O Street, Lincoln. Neb. leiephous &w. w. L. BTARK, Attorney-t-Law, Aurora, Ne- brasko. L0N9 ft MATHKW, Attooneys t-Law, Loup City, Nebraska. D K. H. H. LOWUY. 117 North 11th Street. Lin coln, Nebraska. CHAKLESA.MUNN, Attorney-at-Law.Ord, Ne- HA. EDWARDS. Attorney-at-Lnw. Grand Is land. Neb. Olllce over First Nat'l Dank. D U. J. M. LUCAS, Dentist, Braes Block, Lin- coin, Nebraska. I BHAMP IMPLEMENT CO., Ilohanan Block, J. Lincoln. Nel. Farm Machinery a specialty. Machines shipped to all parts ot tbe state. Y. M. SWIOART, Mutual Firs and Cyelons Insurant, Lincoln, Neb. Axenta wanted. w H EN In Lincoln, Popnllsts should stop at ths LIUUDll tlOtel. It IS fopuiiss neaununriere. OtUlf CflM Attorney-at-Law. Kooms . WlLoUiN, 90 and 01, Uorr Block, Lin coln, Nebraska. OF. LAMBERTSON, P. D. 8., graduate of Ohio College Dental Hurtrery. Office Cor. 12th and U streets, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Gentleman or lady to sell Doble's Aluminum Coffee Kconemlier: fits any coffee pot: saves one-1 bird the coffee. Arthur L. Dobls A Co., 211 Wabash Ave., CbicaKO, III. FM. WOODS, fins stock auctioneer, Lincoln Nebraska. Refer to tbe best breeders In the West, for whom I do business. Prices reasonable and correspondence promptly aud cheerfully an swered. THE WHITE HOCSE.-Ths Popnllsts will cap 1 ture it In 'DO. How the country down with Populist literature. I will print your name and address on the People's Party Exchange List for a Silver Dime, and you will receive a lurm num. ber of leading Populist papers for rending; and distribution. Wkitk I'I.aikly. J. II. Padgett, Lock Box 410, EnniB, Texas. $75 A 171 0 NTH rriS CiurutMd. WrlUHosty. AddnuP.O.BeiMOS.Bmtea, H. D. RHEA, Attori)ei)al"-LaW j Office 3d Floor, Brownell Blook, Telephone 108. LINCOLN, XTEB ALL ABOUT IT. An Illustrated Jonrnnl telling all nbout ths workings of a LIVE school in a LIVE city that Is making a specialty of training LIVE business men. COMMERCIAL STUDIES, Shorthand, Typewriting, sto. Yon ean'timaglns bow mnch it will help yon In ths selection ot ths right school to attend without seeing a copy. Glad to send It free. D. E. LILLIBEIDQE, Prei , Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Neb DE UVAL CREAM SEPARATORS Address, for catalogue and particulars. Or Tmc Ok Laval Simmtos Co.. Emm, lu. 74 Cortlandt Btreet, New York. F. D. SHERWIN, DENTIST. Second Floor Burr Block. Teeth on Rubber, Platinum, Gold, Aluminum, and porcelain Plats. Oold and Forestall! BrMn and Crown Work. Gold. Porcelain, and Amalfaai Fillings. YburjcJ tyi? Uai?t?d direct to the farmers and gardners. Free Cameron's Home - BEAVER CITY, SEEDS Annex Kestaurant, 133 South 12th Street Cheapest place on earth for farmer, to sat. A a-ood hill nf fur. 4.. t. v ny part or all on the bill of fare for Only 15 Cents. Rtmtmber. that It la not lfi centa and nn lint IK Mnt. fn n u ia a.. ijjjk f Remember the place, Just south of Funke Opera House. L. 0. HOLADAY, Proprietor. Henry's... Big io Cent Dinner. Best in the City. On account of the hard times w6 have decided to make the price of our celebrated meals at ...io Cents... And upwards. Remember we guarantee our meals the best in the city for the price. Everything clean and neat. JAMES HENRY, 132 South Tenth St. So, old man, remember, tb next tlm p&tronlte tbe THE BARTON FUEL CO. Best grades of Coal In tbe market at bottom prices. 1024 0 Street. Tard, 16th and Y StrseU' Telephone. ' , An Organ for $5.00 Per Month On these terms you can buy the celebrated KIMBALL organ, highest grade, latest style, up-to-date, fine stool and book, freight paid, only $63.00 on payments. Write for catalogue and descrip tion. Agents wanted. A. HOSPE, Jr., Omaha, Neb. WOVEN 1EI FENCE OverSO Style! The bent on Earth. Horpehifrh, Bull atrong, Tiff mid Chicken tight. You can make from 40 to 60 tin! per Uay tor from 14 to 22c. a Rod. Illustrated t'AtalOKUe Free. KITSELMAN BROS., Rldgeville, Indiana. V Hill' i J , ,p5lP6P lb' 4 fi TO THOROUGHLY QOALIFY THEMSELVES as Bookkeeper, and Amanuenses. There is going to be brisk revival oi business and now is thb time to prepare ToarseU for a food position. The LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE Can do more for yon In six months than any other school In Nebraska. Write for particulars. Gladly sent to you by addressing D. K. LI IXI BRIDGE, President, Lincoln. Nebraska. n The most Buccesnful farmers and gardner buy their seeds directly from the groirera. We established a seed garden in 1893 in Fur nas county, Nebraska, and are now prepared to sell our Nebraska Home Grown Seed catalogue sent on application. Grown - Seed Co. NEBRASKA. . nmm - ava VU VSM WV, 11 IV Ms)KV Bl OB ffj