The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 23, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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January 23, 1896.
COlvRlGHT rfi 06. 8V MACMILUkN
(Continued from lMtek.)
" Promising to make his story as short
M he possibly could, Don Sanchez be
gan: "On the coining of oar present king
to bis throne, Sir Richard Godwin was
recalled from Italy, whither he had been
sent as embassador by the protector. He
sailed from Livorno with his wife and
daughter Judith, a child 9 years old at
that time, in the Seahawk."
"I remember her," says Evans. "As
stout a ship as ever was put to sea. "
"On the second night of her voyage
the Seahawk became parted from her
convoy, and the next day she was pur
sned and overtaken by a pair of Bar
Ly pirates, to whom she gave battle. "
"Aye, mid I'd have done the same ,"
cries Evuus, "though they had been a
"After a long and bloody fight," con
tinues Don Sanchez, "the corsairs suc
ceeded in boarding the Seahawk and
overcoming the remnant of her com
pany." "Poor hearts! Would I had been there
to help 'em 1" says Evans.
"Exasperated by the obstinate resist
ance of these English and their own
losses, the pirates would grant no mer
cy, but tying the living to the dead
they cast all overboard save Mrs. God
win and her daughter. Her lot was even
worse, for her wounded husband, Sir
Richard, was snatched from her arms
and flung into the sea before her eyes,
and he sank crying farewell to her. "
"These Turks have no hearts in their
bodies, you must understand," explains
Evans. "And naught but venom in their
"The Seahawk was taken to Algiers,
and there Mrs. Godwin and her daugh
ter were, sold for slaves in the publio
market place."
"I have seen 'em sold by the score
there," says Evans, "and fetch but an
onion ahead."
"By good fortune the mother and
daughter were bought by Sidi ben Mou
la, a rich old merchant who was smit
ten by the pretty, delicate looks of Ju
dith, whom he thenceforth treated as if
she had been his own child. In this con
dition they lived with greater happiness
than falls to the lot of most slaves until
the beginning of last year, when Sidi
died, and his possessions fell to his
brother, Bare ben Moula, Then Mrs.
Godwin appeals to Bare for her liberty
and to be sent home to her country,
-saying that what price (in reason) he
chooses to set upon their heads sho will
pay from her estate in England a thing
which she had proposed before to Sidi,
but he would not hear of it because of
his love for Judith and his needing no
greater fortune than he had. But this
Bare, though he would be very well
content, being also an old man, to have
his household managed by Mrs. Godwin
and to adopt Judith as his child, being
of a more avaricious turn than his
brother, at length consents to it on con
dition that her ransoms be paid before
she quits B:vrbary. And so, casting
about how this may be done, Mrs. God
win finds a captive whose price has
been paid about to be taken to Mag
giore, and to him she intrusts two let
ters." Hero Don Sanchez pulls two
folded sheets of vellum from his pocket,
and presenting one to me ho says :
"Mayhap you recognize this hand,
Mr. Knight?"
And I, seeing the signature Elizabeth
Godwin, answer quickly enough, "Aye,
'tis my dear cousin Bess, her own hand. "
"This," says the don, handing the
other to Evans, "you may understand."
"I can make out 'tis writ in the
Moorish style," says Evans, "but the
meaning of it I know not, for Icau't
tell a great A from a bull's foot, though
it be in printed English. "
""Tis an undertaking on the part of
Bare ben Moula," says the don, "to de
liver up at Dellys in Barbary the per
sons of Mrs. Godwin and her daughter
against the payment of 5,000 gold duc
ats within one year. The other writing
tells its own story. "
Mr. Hopkins took the first sheet froir
me and read it aloud. It was addressed
. to Mr. Thomas Godwin, Hurst Court,
Chiselhursti in Kent, and after giving
such particulars of her past as we had
already heard from Don Sanchez she
' writes thus: "And now, my dear neph
! ew, as I doubt not you (as the nearest
of my kindred to my dear husband after
us two poor relicts) have taken posses
sion of his estate in the belief we were
all lost in our voyage from Italy, I do
pray you for the love of God and of
mercy to deliver us from our bondage
by sending hither a ship with money for
our ransom forthwith, and be assured
by this that I shall not dispossess you
of your fortune (more than my bitter
circumstances do now require), so that
I but come home to die in a Christian
couutry and have my sweet Judith
where she may be less exposed to harm
than in this infidel country. I count up
on your love being ever a dear nephew
and am your most hopeful, trusting
and loving aunt, Elizabeth Godwin."
"Very well, sir, "says Mr. Hopkins,
returning the letter. "You have been
to Chiselhurst. "
"I have," answers the don, "and
there I find the estate in the hands of a
most curious, puritanical steward, whose
honesty is rather in the letter than the
Bpirit Tor though I have reason to be
lieve that not one penny's value of the
estate has been misemployed since it
O V C D 1 kJ 1 D1DQP TT Airruna n
has been In his hands, yet will he give
nothing no, not a maravedi to the re
demption of his mistress, saying that
the letter is addressed to Thomas God
win and not to him, eta , and that he
hath no power to pay out moneys for
this purpose, even though he believed
the facts I have laid before him, which
for his own 6ud doubtless he fains to
"As a trader, sir," says Mr. Hop
kins, "I cannot blame his conduct in
that respect, for should the venture
fall through the next heir might call
upon repay out of his own pock
et all that he had put into this enter
prise. But this Mr. Thomas Godwin,
what of him?"
"He is nowhere to be found. The
only relatives I have been able to dis
cover are these two gentlemen."
"Who," remarks Mr. Hopkins, with
a shrewd glance at our soiled clothes,
"are not, I venture to think, in a posi
tion to pay their cousin's ransom. "
"Alas, no, sir," says Jack. "We are
but two poor shopkeepers of London un
done by the great fire. "
"Well, now, sir," says Mr. Hopkins,
fetching an inkpot, a pen and a piece
of paper from his pocket, "I may con
clude that you wish me to adventure
upon the redemption of these two ladies
in Barbary upon the hazard of being re
paid by Mrs. Godwin when she recovers
her estate. ' ' And the don making him
a reverence he continues: "We must
first learn the extent of our liabilities.
What sum is to be paid to Bare ben
"Five thousand gold ducats about
2,000 English."
"Two thousand," says Mr. Hopkins,
writing. "Then, Robert Evans, what
charge is yours for fetching the ladies
from Dellys?" -
"Master Hopkins, I have said 1,
500," says he, "and I won't go from
my word, though all laugh at me for a
madman." ,
"That seems a great deal of money, "
says Mr. Hopkins.
"Well, if you think 1,500 too much
for my carcass and a ship of 20 men
you can go seek a cheaper market else
where." "You think there is very small like
lihood of coming back alive?"
"Why, comrade, 'tis as if you should
go into a den of lions and hope to get
out whole, for though I have the duke's
pass, these Moors are no fitter to be
trusted than a sackful of serpents. 'Tis
ten to one our ship be taken, and we
fools all sold into slavery. "
"Ten to one," says Mr. Hopkins
"that is to say, as you would make this
voyage for the tenth part of what you
ask were you sure of returning safe.
"I would go as far anywhere outside
the straits for 200 with a lighter
Mr. Hopkins nods his head, and, set
ting down some figures on his paper,
"The bare outlay in hard money
amounts to 3,500. Reckoning the
at Robert Evans' own valuation (whicli
I took to be a very low one), I must see
reasonable prospect of winning 25,000
by my hazard. "
"Mrs. Godwin's estate I know to be
worth double that amount. "
"But who will promise me that re
turn?" asks Mr. Hopkins. "Not you?"
(The don shook his head. ) "Not you?"
turning to us, with the same result.
"Not Mrs. Godwin, for we have no
means of communicating with her. Not
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Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health
the steward you have shown me that.
Who then remains but this Thomas God
win, who cannot be found? If," adds
he, getting up from his seat, "you can
find Thomas Godwin, put him in pos
session of the estate, and obtain from
him a reasonable promise that this sum
shall be paid on the return of Mrs. God
win, I may feel disposed to consider
your proposal more seriously. But till
then I can do nothing. "
"Likewise, masters alL" says Evans,
fetching his hat and shawl from the
corner, "I can't wait for a blue moon,
and if you can't settle this here busi
ness in a week I'm off of my bargain
and mighty glad to get out of it so
"You see," say 8 Don Sanchez when
they were gone out of the room, "how
Impossible it is that Mrs. Godwin aud
her daughter shall be redeemed from
captivity. Tomorrow I shall show you
what kind of a fellow this steward is
that he should have the handling of
this fortune rather than ma "
Then presently, with an indifferent,
careless air, as if 'twas naught, he gives
us a purse and bids us go out in the
town to furnish ourselves with what
disguise was necessary to our purpose,
Therewith Dawson gets him some sea
man's old clothes at a Jew's, and I a
very neat, presentable suit of cloth, eto. ,
and the rest of the money we take back
to Don Sanchez without taking so much
as a penny for our other uses, but he,
doing all things very magnificent, would
have none of it, but bade us keep it
against our other necessities. And now,
having his money in our pockets, we felt
'twould be more dishonest to go back
from this business than to go forward
with it, lead us whither it might.
Next morning off we go betimes,
Jack more like Robert Evans than his
mother's son, and I a most seeming sub- i
stantial man (so that the very stableman
took off his hat to me), and on very
good horses a long ride to Chiselhurst. (
And then coming to a monstrous fine
park Don Sanchez staid us before the ,
gates, and bidding us look up a broad
avenue of great oaks to a most surpris
ing fine house he told us this was Hurst.
Court, and we might have it for our i
own within a year if we were so mind
ed. I
Hence, at no great distance, we reach ,
a square, plain .house, the windows all
barred with stout iron, and the most like
a prison I did ever see. Here Don Sanchez
ringing a bell, a little grating in the
door is opened, and after some parley we
are admitted by a sturdy fellow carry
ing a cudgel in his hand. So we into a
cold room, with not a spark of fire on
the hearth but a few ashes, no hangings
to the windows, nor any ornament" or
comfort at all, but only a table and
half a dozen wooden stools, and a num
ber of shelves against the wall full of
account books and papers protected by
a grating of stout wire secured with
sundry padlocks. And here, behind a
tableful of papers, sat our steward, Si
mon Stout in faith, a most withered,
lean old man, clothed all in leather,
wearing no wig, but his own rusty gray
hair falling lank on his shoulders, with
a sour face of a very jaundiced complex
ion, and pale eyes that seemed to swim
in a yellowish rheum, which he was
forever a-mopping with a rag.
"I am come, Mr. Steward," says Don
Sanchez, "to conclude the business we
were upon last week. "
"Aye," cries Dawson, for all the
world in the manner of Evans, "but ere
we get to this dry matter let's have a
bottle to ease the way, for this riding
of horseback has parched up my vitals
"If thou art athirst," says Simon, (
Peter shall fetch thee a jug of water i
from the well, but other liquor have we ,
none in this house. " i
"Let Peter drown in your well," says i
Dawson, with an oath; "I'll have none
Let's get this matter done aud .
of it
away, lor I d as liel sit in a leaky Jioia
as in this here place for comfort. "
Here," says Don Sanchez, "is a
master mariner who is prepared to risk
his life, and here a merchant adventur
er of London who will hazard his mon
ey to redeem your mistress and her
daughter from slavery."
"Praise the Lord, Peter," says the
steward, whereupon the sturdy fellow
with the cudgel fell upon his knees, as
likewise did Simon, and both in a
snuffling voice render thanks to heaven
in words which I do not think it proper
to write here. Then, being done, they
get up, and the steward, having dried
his eyes, says :
So far our prayers have been an
swered. Pat me in mind, friend Peter,
that tonight we pray these worthy men
to prosper in their design."
"If they succeed," says Don Sanchez,
"it will cost your mistress 27,000. "
The steward clutched at the table as
if at the fortune about to turn from
him. His jaw fell, and he stared at
"If they succeed, U will cost your mistress
Don Sanchez in bewilderment. Then
getting the face to speak he gasps ont,
"Twenty-seven thousand pounds," and
still in a maze asks, "Art thou in thy
right senses, friend?"
The don hunches his shoulders and
turns to me, whereupon I set forth in
pretty much the same words as Mr.
Hopkins used the risk of the venture,
etc.. to all which this Simon listened
with starting eyes and gaping mouth.
' ' Twenty-seven thousand pounds I' '
he savs again. "Why, friend, 'tis half
of all I have made of the estate by a
life of thrift and care and earnest seek
ing." " 'Tis in your power, Simon," says
Don Sanchez, "to spare your mistress
this terrible charge, for which your fine
park must be felled, your farms out up
and your economies be scattered. The
master here will fetch your mistreM
bjpme for 1,500."
" Why, even that is an extortion. "
"Nay," says Jack, "if you think 1,
600 too much for my carcass and a ship
of 20 men, you may seek a cheaper mar
ket and welcome, for I've no stomach tc
risk my life and property for less."
"To the 1,500 you must add the
ransom of 2,000. Then Mrs. Godwin
and her daughter may be redeemed for
3,500 to her sowing of 23,500," says
the don.
And here Dawson and I were secretly
struck by his honesty in not seeking to
affright the steward from an honest
course, but rather tempting him to it
by playing upon his parsimony and ava
rice. i "Three thousand five hundred," says
Simon, putting it down in writing, that
he might the better realize his position.
"But you say, friend merchant, that
the risk is as seven to one against seeing
thy money again. "
"I will run the risk for 27,000 and
no less, " says I.
"But if it may be done for a seventh
part, how then?"
"Why, 'tis your risk, sir, and not
mine," says L
"Yea, yea, my risk. And yon tell
me, friend sailor, that you stand in dan
ger of being plundered by these infi
dels." "Aye, more like than not."
"Why, then all is lost, and the peril
is to be run again, and thus till all is
In this manner did Simon halt be
twixt two ways like one distracted, but
only he did mingle a mass of sacred
words with his arguments which seemed
to me naught but profanity, his sole
concern being the gain of money. Then
he falls to the old excuses Don Sanchez
had told us of, saying he had no money
of his own, and offering to show his
books that we might see he had taken
not one penny beyond his "bare expenses
from the estate, save his yearly wage,
and that no more than Sir Thomas had
given him in his lifetime.
And on Don Sanchez showing Mrs.
Godwin's letter as a fitting authority to
draw out this money for her use he
first feigns to doubt her hand, and then
says he: "If an accident befalls these
two women ere they return to justify
me, how shall I answer to the next heir
for this outlay? Verily," clasping his
hands, "I am as one standing in dark
ness, and I dare not move until I am
better enlightened. So prithee, friend,
give me time to commune with my
Don Sanchez hunches up his shoul
ders and turns to us.
"Why, look here, master," says Daw
son. "I can't see that you need much
enlightenment to answer yes or no to a
fair offer, and as for me I'm not going
to hang in a hedge for a blue moon. So
if you won't clap hands on the bargain
without more ado I throw this business
overboard and shall count I've done the
best day's work of my life in getting
out of the affair. "
Then I made as if I would willingly
draw out of my share in the project.
"My friends, " says he,' "there can be
scarce any hope at all if . thou wilt not
hazard thy roney for such a prodigious
advantage." Then turning to Peter as
his last hope he asks in despair, "What
shall we do, my brother?"
"We can keep on a-praying, friend
Simon," replies Peter in a sniveling
"A blessed thought," exclaims the
steward m glee. "Surely that is more
nghteous than to lay faith in our own
ing to me, "put thy money to this use,
for I will none. ,T
"I cannot dc- that, sir," says I,
"without an assurance that Mrs. God
win's estate will bear this charge."
With wondrous alacrity Simon fetches
a book with a plan of the estate, where
by he showed us that not a building on
the etate was untenanted, not a single
tenant in arrear with his rent, and that
the value of the -pronerty with all de
ductions made was 65,000.
"Very good, sir," says L "Now you
must give me a written note, stating
what you have shown, with your sanc
tion to my making this venture on Mrs.
Godwin's behalf, that I may justify my
claim hereafter."
But this Simon strongly refused to
do, saying his conscience would not al
low him to sign any bond (clearly witn
the hope that ho might in the end shuf
fle out of paying anything at all), until
Don Sanchez, losing patience, declared
he would certainly hunt all London
through to find that Mr. Eichard God
win who was the next of km, hinting
that he would certainly give us such
sanction as we required if only to prove
his right to the succession should our
venture fail.
This put the steward to a new taking,
but the don holding firm he at length
agreed to give us this note upon Don
Sanchez writing another to the effect
that he had seen Mrs. Godwin and her
daughter in Barbary and was going
forth to fetch them, that should Mr.
Thomas Godwin come to claim the es
tate he might be justly put off.
And so this business ended to our
great satisfaction, we saying to our
selves that we had done all that man
could to redeem the captive's, and that
it would be no barm at all to put a cheat
upon the miserly steward. Whether we
were any way more honest than he in
shaping our conduct according to our
inclinations is a question which trou
bled us then very little.
(To be Continued.)'
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It strikes me as being just about IN per cent
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We are thankful that the Coming Nation baa
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larly anxious to have you give this com
pound a trial.
We guarantee relief in every case ana
will cheerfully refund your money should
our remedy fail to produce the most
gratifying results.
f lease remember that the appellation
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Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compounds
It is a preparation put up by aleading
physician who has made stomach and
nervous troubles a specialty for years.
We court investigation and earnestly
urge all physicians to write us for the
COMPOUND, which we will mail
on application, that they may satisfy
themselves of its harmless character and
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Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound
is the most remarkable remedy that
science has produced. It has succeeded
where all other medicines have failed.
Sold by druggist's everywhere at $1.00
per bottle. Sent to any address in
America on receipt of price.
Don't forget that we cheerfully refund
your money if results are not satisfac
tory. Order direct if your druggist does
not have it.
Address all orders to
Topeka, Kas.
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