The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 23, 1896, Image 1
J mm nw r The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1896. NO. 33 vol. m 0! I. J DD EauEED say will The National Committee and Sooies of Visiting Populist Assemble at St- Louis PEACE, IHAEMOHT AND HOPE They fix the Date and Ratio of Repre sentation for the Next National Convention The Oreateat Sleeting of the Popu list Party The Pops Assemble. St. Louis. Mo., Jan. 17, 1896.-Special Correspondence: Members of the Popu list National committee began to arrive last night, and this morning many more came. Besides the members of the com mittee large numbers of leading Popu lists from all parts of the " country are here. Mr. Taubeueck chairman, Mr. Tur ner secretary and Mr. Rankin treasurer, got in early yesterday. Mr. Taubeneck, who has not been in good health for the last two years, is looking better than for a long time, over which fact his friends rejoice. From Nebraska there have so far arriv ed J. A. Edgerton, Mr.Edmisten, Mr. Jay Burrows, Mr. Daily, Mr. Tibbies, Paul Vandervoort, and V. 0. Stric'kler. Mr. Snyder, and alarge delegation from Kansas are here. Brown of Mass., came in yesterday. There is a very large delegation from Chicago. Mort Rankin from Indiana is the only one your reporter has met from that state. Henry Vincent, editor of Coxey's paper is here. There are large delegations from 'several southern states present and altogether they make a big jam in the spacious corridors of the Lin- dell Hotel. Ignatius Donnelly of Maine, and Robt. Schilling of Wisconsin has just arrived. What Senator Bntler Said. St. Louis. Jan. 17, 1896. Specia1 Correspondent: The National Committee was called to order at 10 a. m. by Chair man Taubeneck. The room provided by the hotel proved altogether too small to hold the people present, and on motion of Ignatius Donnelly, an adjournment was taken to 11:15, when the hotel peO' pie would furnish a much larger room. Judge Bell, Populist member of Con gress from Colorado, and Marion Butler, Populist Senator from North Carolina, were seen standing in the corridor. They were soon surrounded by enthusiastic pops who nearly shook their hands off. Senator Butler said: "We held a little conference in Washington and it wascon cluded that only two of us had better come. Things are pretty hot there and need watching. We are after the two old parties and have them on the defensive now. They plan to gft up little contests about insignificant details to make a ahow of fighting each othe When they get it all fixed, then we pop in an amend ment which brings up the main question, and they flock together instantly. We began the fight the first day we got there and have kept it up all the time. "First we planned to show up the hypocrisy of the silver men in the old parties by offering to organize theSenate on a silver basis. We caught them as the fellow did the rat. We got their tail in the end of a split stick and twisted it until they squealed. "The thing gets warmer every day. Senator Allen wanted to come, but we thought he had better stay on guard." Judge Bell on the Press Monopoly. Judge Bell laments over the fact that there is no trained populist newspaper man, with knowledge of how to get the news and the facilities for sending it out at Washington. He said: "It is worse than ever ten times worse. We can get nothing to the peo ple at all. I see by your paper that even you did not know how many populists there were in the house. , It's no fault of yours, however. How could you know?" How many are there, Judge? "There are seven Baker, Skinner, Stroud, Shuford, Howard, Kem and my self, and another is sure to be seated. The fraud is so plain that even the re publicans cannot stand it. Kirby of Texas will be given the seat now occu pied by Abbott. There are a great many more contesting seatsand without doubt some of them will be seated. But that is not the worst of it by any means. If the people could only know but they can't. The money power holds every me dium of communication. I have felt the force of this so greatly that I have pre pared a statement and will print enough to send one to every populist paper, set ting forth the existing state of affairs. "Take this matter of the new rules of the house. The people of the United States have no representation there at all. Not a bill can be called up, not a reso lution offered, not an amendment made, except at the will of one man. As far as legislation is concerned the members of the house might as well remain at home. "The Speaker will not recognize a man to make a motion to change the rules. All legislation is confided to one man the Speaker. Even the republicans are protesting against this tyranny, bat those who would revolt against it are just as helpless as the populists. The Speaker will not recognize them for such a purpose either. One day, Hepburn of Iowa, had the floor on another subject and slipped in a motion to amend the rules before the Speaker knew what was up. Then he proceeded to make a speech on the sub ject for home consumption. I got some time ana snowed the tyranny oi -eucn a proceedure as we have.' The republican leaders found that there was going to be a great majority in favor of changing the rules; and they got alter Hepburn and forced him to withdraw his resolu tion It was reported that Hepburn went to need and made an bumble apol ogy. I, myself, saw him go up to the Speaker's desk and talk to him while this thing was under consideration. Of course I could not hear what he said. "You know how the people were de ceived by the press reports when you were there. It is ten times worse now. Soma Woeful Xgnoianca. -. St. Louis, Jan. 17, '96. Special Cor respondence. It is strange what an amount of incorrect information has been spread abroad among populists. It can be mostly charged to the control of all the avenues of information by the money power, but a good deal of it is owing to the extreme credulity of some populists. They seem to be willing to believe any thing, however ridiculous it may be, especially if it reflects upon thecharacter or motives of a man who has in any way become prominent in the party. One populist editor told us today that J. H Turner, the secretary of the na tional committee, was in favor of the re tirement of the greenbacks and that he had published a paper in Washington advocating that policy, and the editor surely believed that it was the truth. To anv one who knows Mr. Turner, such a statement would only cause a laugh. For Turner is a thorough be liever in the scientific money. Another editor of a prominent popu list paper declared that Senator Stewart also wanted the greenbacks retired and was only interested in the free coinage of silver, because all his property was in silver mines. It really seems that such stupendous ignorance is hardly to be ex cused in a populist editor of a state Daner. Senator Stewart made a speech during the extra session of the fifty-third con gress, over a milliou of which have been distributed among the people, in which he took the strongest ground ever taken bv anv man for scientifie money, The title of the speech is "Silver and the Science of Money, ' and yet this editor insisted that Senator Stewart had never stated that he was opposed to the retire ment of the greenbacks. JNot ten days ago the senator delivered a terrific speech airainst the retirement of the greenbacks, and in favor of Senator Butler's bill to forever stop the issue of bonds by the executive departments tnegovernment. Now, if populist editors are no better informed than that, what must be the condition of the mass of the people in the old parties? As Judge Bell says, this press monopoly is an awiui inmg. Senator Stewart has not one cent in vested in silver mines and has not had for over twelve years. He is a student and economist. He saw years ago, as did Senator Jones, that the money power would demonetize silver and they sold all their silver mines As regards banks of issue, the congressional records is loaded down with Stewart's denunciations of them. He has made more speeches and written more articles against banks than any man living or dead. He is a grand old man and a populist from the crown oi his head to the soles of bis feet. Airing- Dirty linen. St. Louis. Jan. 17, 1896. Special Correspondence: An open meeting was held by the committee at 10 a. m. The roll was called, the proxies handed in and the list made up. Then some one made a motion, which carried, that those present and who were not members of the com mittee and who had no p-oxies should be allowed to express their views in five minute speeches. A good many took advautageof this to get up, and not only air their views but their political dirty linen also. This sort of thing has occurred two or three times since the Populist party was organized, and it is to be hoped that it win never be allowed again, it does no good and often a great deal of harm. The reporters are present and hear all kinds oi wild talk by irresponsible men men, some of them, who could not be elected as a delegate to any convention, whose views are often not Populist doc trine at all, and they are spread abroad in the dailies as the ideas oi the Populist party. The conference that met at St. Louis in connection with the National committee last winter was nothing but a howling mob, so disgraceful that many respectable Populists left - the room and refused to return. The men selected by the National convention are the only ones who are responsible. If they want the advice of anybody, let them ask it pri vately and then meet by themselves, do the business and take the responsibility like men, Some of the speeches made this morn ing were good, and did crecit to the men who made them and the party to which they belonged, and some were of another sort altogether. . Th Basis of Representation. SiT. Louis, Jan. 18, 1896. Special correspondence. The basis of repre sentation for delegates in the next na tional convention was considered very carefully by the national committee and there was some warm discussion over it, but the decision finally taken was adopted without a dissenting vote. There were three propositions to con eider. First, a representation based pa population as it was in the Omaha cont vention, so many delegates for each number of congress. Second, delegate based on the populist vote, and third, a compromise between the two. $ The old way would have given New York, with a few thousand votes, more delegates than Kansas or Nebraska, with their many thousnads and perfect organization. 4 To have based the representation on the populist vote alone would have given a majority of delegates, and con sequently the control of the convention, into the hands of five states, viz.: Ne braska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, and North Carolina. The proposition finally adopted was presented by Chairman Edgerton, of Nebraska, in a neat little speech which received many compliments. It is one delegate for each senator and member of congress and one for each two thou sand votes or major fraction thereof. That will make the convention consist of 1,303 delegates, of which Nebraska will have fifty-three. The Offlolal Action, St. Louis, Jan. 18, 1,896. Special Correspondence: The will of the com mittee was so clearly expressed in its formal resolutions that no words need to be added to explain to the people what the committee wanted orwbattbey intended to do. There is no prevarica tion about Populists. No one has to inquire what they mean when tbey say anything either by word of mouth or in a formal resolution. I The next thing after the basis of rep resentation was fixed was to give an ex pression of what the policy of the party would in the future be, toward other re form organizations. k The following resolutions prepared and introduced by Ignatius Donnelly were carefully considered and then unani mously adopted: Resolved; That this committee shall now proceed to perform the duty dele gated to it, to fix the time and place of holding the second National convention of the People's party of the United States, to place in nomination candidates for president and vice-president upon a pat- iorra to De aaoprea oy ine sam couven tion. Whereas; This committee has no right nor does it desire to change in any par ticular the principles of the People's party of the United States; but it believes that in the midst ot the dreadful condi tions which now oppress the people of this nation: crushing industry, bank rupting commerce, impoverishing agri culture and concentrating the lands and homes of the people in the hands of a few, it is the duty of all honest men, without regard to past party affiliations to unite and rescue civilization from the greatest danger that has ever threaten ed it. And whereas, it is unquestionably true that a large majority of the voters of this nation, while suffering for these con ditions, are aware that they have been Brought upon them by a betrayal of trust on the part of the two old parties And whereas it is perfectly clear that if these voters can be brought together and organized that that they can and will reverse the present infamous policy of robbers, and give to the people a re turn of good government based on the principles of true democracy as repre sented by Thomas Jefferson and of true republicanism as represented by Abraham j-iincoin. Therefore, we instruct the Executive Committee of this Committee to urge upon all men and organizations desiring financial reform, but who are not yet ready to become members of our organi zation, to hold a separate convention in the same city, and at the same time that we shall fix upon, so that an honorable effort may be made by conference and consultation, without any sacrifice of principle to unite all friends of .financial reform in support of the samecandidates for president and vice-president. Resolved, That in so great a work of unifying the, whole people against their oppressor, no small or petty considera tions should stand in the way; and we therefore hereby express our feelings that if either the time fixed by us for the holding of thesaid convention, or the place in which it is to be held, shall con stitute an impediment to perfect co operation of all honest citizens at the ballot box, that our Executive Commit tee shall have power to change the said date and place; provided that the date shall be nof prior to July 7, 1896, and not later than July" 22, 1896, and that the place of meeting shall be such as to be not inconvenient to the body of our constituents. Any such change if made, shall be announced within ten days from this date. The following resolution passed by the committee was not merely acompliment. They meant every word of it, for imme diately afterward, without a dissenting voice, they turned over to the executive committee not only the power to fix a date, but to fix the place of holding the next national convention by adopting the following: Resolved, In line with the action of our friends at state meetings lately held by the people's party in North Dakota, Illinois, and Indiana, the members of the national committee, in executive session at St. Louis, January 17, desire to ex press their entire confidence in the wis dom, judgment and integrity of our chairman, Hon. H. E. Taubeueck; our secretary, Hon. J. II. Turner; our treas urer, Hon. M. C. Rankin, and each of the (Continued on 6th pagt.) IS BEEMER A THIEF It so Appears From the Opinion of At torney General Ohurohill FRAUDULENT VOUCHEES FOUND Let the Citizens of Nebraska read the Records and Decide if He and the Men who Aided Him Should not be Imprisoned Tbey Drive Decent Men from the State The following official documents and correspondence tell an exceedingly sad and disgraceful story for the state which we all love so well, and whose interest we would defend, if necessary, with our lives: ' . Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 24, 1895. Hon. A. S. Churchill, Attorney General, Lincoln, Neb. : Dear Sin I would beg to request of your department an opinion as to the fees and expenses allowed by law to the warden of the state prison for returning escaped convicts to the penitentiary. Second, for returning paroled convicts whose parole has been cancelled by the governor and the warden directed to take them into his custody to be re turned to the peuitentiary to serve the remainder of their sentence. Third, for conveying to the place of trial parties confined in the peuiteutiary who have been granted a new trial by the supreme court. Yours very truly, Silas A. Holcomb, y Governor. In answer to this letter the Attorney General, after quoting the law replied under date of Oct. 29, 1895. Out of the appropriations we think it would be proper for the warden to be paid his legitimate expenses in the return of an escaped convict In our opinion therefore, compensation for the warden's services rendered to the state is limited to the amount of his salary, whether the service be attending to the penitentiary, or in performance of other duty connected with his office." "It follows therefore that such services rendered by the warden as contemplated by your second and third inquiries, that he Bhould receive no additional cowpen B&tion, but should be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenditures made therein. , I remain yours very truly, A. S. Churchill, Atty. General. VOUCHEtt no. 84002. The St At ot Nebraska: To A. D. B earner, Dr. Jan. 18, 1894. conducting remanded prisoner George 8. Arnold, No. 1622 to Scott's BluB county; Nebr. Conveyance from penitentiary to depot... .$ 2 00 Fare tor prisoner from Lincoln to Alliance 10 85 Carriage hire from Alliance 6 60 Board for prisoner 4 76 Mileane 78 00 Attendance, self and gnard three days 18 00 $114 10 ; A. D. Beemeb, Warden., In the above voucher according to the opinion of Attorney General Churchill as given to Governor Holcomb and quoted above are the following overcharges: Overcharge. Conveyance from penitetlary to depot $ 1 RS Board for prisoner............ 1 00 mileage 7a 00 Attendance, self and guard 18 00 Total overcharge In voucher No. 84002...$ 03 86 ' VOUCHER NO. 817C5, Tie State ot Nebraska. To A. I). Reamer. Dr. Eipenees, conducting remanded prisoner Kamuel Barnes, No. 236 to Tekamah, Nebraska. Mileage.. $ 10 00 K. K. fare for prisoner 2 Bue hire ....... 2 00 Two days attendance....... ..... 6 00 $ i o oo A. D. Beemeb, Warden. Overcharge aa above..... ...$ 17 85 ? VOUCHER NO. 84003 The State of Nebraska: To A.D. Beemer, Dr. Jan. 18, 1894, conducting remanded prisoner Green 8. Ursvely, No. 2K to Lincoln, Nebraska. Self and guard one day $ 6 00 Mileage 0 Conveyance 2 00 ' ' $ 7 00 A. D. Beemer, Warden. Overcharge as above , ....$ 7 45 . VOUCHER NO. 84004. The State of Nebraska: To A. D. Beemer, Dr. Jan 10: 1894, conducting remanded prisoner .lames P. I'alln, No. 2216 to Lincoln. Nebraska. Sell and gnard one day ,...., 6 00 'Mileage . 00 Conveyance....... ..,., 2 00 $ 7 60 A. D. Beemer, Warden. Overcharge as above.... $ 7 46 VOUCHER NO. 94958. The State ot Nebraska: To A. D. Beemer, Dr. April 20, 1894. Expense conducting re manded prisoner, Albert Bartell, No. 2411, to Harlan county, Nebraska: Mileage, 16 mile, at 10c... ........,..........$ 19 70 Railroad tare for prisoner 6 65 Hoard for prisoner 1 00 Bus hire , 2 00 Two days' attendance t 00 $34 25 A. D. Beemer, Warden. Overcharge as above v ....$ 27 65 VOUCHER NO. 77399. The State of Nebraska: To A. D. Beemer, Dr. $9 76. Paid Jane 14, 1893. Received ot A, 11. Beemer, warden Nebraska State Penitentiary, the body of Martin J. O'tirady, a convict ot eaid pen. In accordance with a mandate of the an prenie court reversing the decision ot the lower court and remanding the prisoner for new trial. Signed, O. C. ZetaVkrh, Sheriff. Mileage, f 0 miles at 10c ......$ 6 00 Bus fare.... , , 2 60 Railway fare. ,. 1 50 Hotel 76 $ 75 Overcharge aa above $ 7 85 VOUCHER NO. 83109 The State of Nebraska; ' To A. D. Burner, Dr, Jan. 1. 1894.condnctlRremnnded prteoner Zoeth Warner. No. tm to York, Nebr. MIIat(M mile biiU return)..,. ........... 6 40 Two day guard ....... 00, Transportation tor prleoner ............... ...... 1 68 $13 l A. D. Beemeb, Warden. : Overcharge a abort 11 40 VOUCHEB NO 81766. The State of Sebraska: To A. D, Beemer, Dr. Expense, conduction prisoner Edward Dean no. iiiutl (remanded lor new trial) to Tecumaeii, Jounnon county, Nebraska, ae follow: Mileage $ 6 20 Carfare for prlioner...,. 1 60 iiu nire..... , ........ w AtteuUaut. ........... a.............. ......... .... 6 00 $ 11 75 A. D. Beemrr, Warden. Overcharge as above $ 10 06 VOUCHER NO. 95277. The State of Nebraska: On June 15. 1893. voucher for $9.75. and on January 18, 194, voucher for $13.05, were drawn by A, U. Beerner on appropriation tar delivering convict on court orders, of which no ooplea ap pear on ine records. Total amount oi voucner drawn, $286.16. In the above eight vouchers the over charges amount to $183.85, of which the taxpayers of this state were deliber ately robbed by this unprincipled outfit. There are a great mauy other vouchers that we have not been able to get hold of. so many that it is impossible for us at this time to estimate the total amount of overcharges. In cases ex actly similar to those of vouchers No's. 84003 and 84004, Warden Leideigh has received for the same services only fifteen cents each, where Beemer's charges were $ 7.80, in each case, vouchers and figures do not lie. It will be seen that by the official opin ion of the Attorney General himself. given in the above letter, that the man whom be wanted to appoint as superin tendent of the penitentiary was a public thief, and now after having so laid down the law, and the proof being presented to him in the above documents, that A. D. Beemer was engaged in perpetrating constant thefts for years, Attorney Gen eral A. S. Churchill, pays to thesaid thief more money through the action of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings. Is it any wonder that decent men are refusing to live under such a government and are leaving the state? ANOTHER FAILURE That Great Wave Reaches iilnooln Once More The Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit, Company was closed today (Wednesday). John E. Hill, ex-state treasurer, of Capital National bank fame, and member of the old state house ring has been appointed receiver. It is gen erally believed that the bank is in very bad condition. . . State silver League. The executive committee of the Ne braska Silver League has appointed the following committees with power to or ganize branches of the league: Sarpy County J. E. Curti, Papillion; A. E. Langdon, Papillion: E. L. Hile man. Gretna; E. J. Smith, Springfield. Jefferson County Captain Tait, Endi cott; Robert Williams, Fairbury; W, M. Greene, Fairbury; Geo. H. Bailey, Fair bury. Cass County Wm. Murray, Maynard; B. F. Allen, Wabash; F. J. Morgan, Plattamouth. Platte County J. B. Jones, Platte Cen ter; Warwick Saunders, Columbus; J. A. Kelioe, Platte Center; Allen Gerrard, Monroe. Lancaster Countv E. E. Brown. I coin; J. Burrows, Lincoln; J. H. Broady, I I ;.. i.. . t n nrit i T! . uiiiuvjui, i, vj. n uiifuuiirner, iincoiu. Wayne County Wm. Wright, Wayne; James Britton. Wayne; J. M. Pyie, Wayne; Dr. H. G. Leisevring, Wayne. Adams County Dr. J. N. Lyman, Hastings; Dr. J. T. Steele, Hastings; Harry Dungan, Hastiugs; C. L. Jones, Hastings. Merrick County Chas. Wooster, Silver Creek; A. Ewing, Central City; Samuel F. Kennedy, Central City: J. W. Sparks, Central City. Colfax County E. A. Bobbins, Schuy ler; Alfred Pont, Howells; James Hughes, Schuyler; John Anderson, Schuyler. Pawnee County J. H. Barnard, Lew iston; Charles Mayberry, Mayberry; R. W. Story, PawneeCity; J. L. Clark, Taw nee City. Hall County P. R. Staith, Grand Is land; J. L. Johnson, Grand Island; W. H. Thompson, Grand Island. Seward County Geo. A. Merrian, Bee; D. D. Remington, SeAvard; Alex H.Vance, Milford; George H. Leewilliger, Seward. The following is the list of delegates appointed by Governor Holcomb to at tend the second annual convention of the Nebraska Beet Sugar Association to be at Fremont, Neb., Feb. 5 and 6. 1896. W. G. Whetmore, Valley; H. H. Nichol son, Lincoln; J. S. Gable, Lincoln; I. A. Fort, North Platte; Theodore Loescher, Norfolk, W. A. Poynter, Albion; Henry E. O'Neill, Omaha; John T. Mallalieu, Kearney, Fred Heddo, Grand Island; John Dern, Fremont; A, E. Sheldon, Chadron; Charles Mann, Chadron; Ed. J. Hall, Grand Wand; John L. Johnson, Abbott; M. K. Turner, Columbus; Charles Wooster, Silver Creek; W. II. Lanning, Hastings; E. D. Johnson, Lexington; L. Morse, Benkleman; John H. Powers, Lincoln. ' When the Fitzgerald Dry Goods Co. placed the Nissley stock of dry goods on sale Monday morning, there were great crowds of people in the street and on the sidewalk waiting their turn to get into' the store. When Fitzgerald advertises that he will sell something cheap, the people have learned to believe him. mm They 8 teal $2,000 of the People! Money and Give It to Beemer THEY DEFY THE 8UPEEME 00UBT The State Disgraced, the People Robbed, end Anarchy introduced Dy tne Churchill-Russell Osnj The Opinions of Honest Repnblloene That the Churchill-Russell gang are . thieves and nothing else, is slowly dawn ing upon the better class of republicans in the state. They belong, and ought to be classed with the men who blow open sates and hold up and rob on the public highway. That they are officers of the law does not in the least palliate theie thefts. The following article which ap peared in the Omaha Bee of January 19. ehows what they did last week. Is not this government becoming as foul aa that, of Rome just before she was en gulfed in her in her own rottenness? Lincoln, Jan. 18. (Special.) For sev eral months the Board of Public Lands and Buildings has been insisting on. ita., right to "manage" the affairs of "the state penitentiary, A striking illustra tion of its peculiar system of manage- ' ment has Just been developed. The board refused to permit Warden Leidigb to draw directly from the stateauditor any of the appropriation, fl 02,200, for penitentiary purposes. On the contrary, it appointed A. D. Beemer "prison con tractor," which appointment has been knocked out by the supreme court as il legal. But previous to the decision of the court Beemer succeeded in drawing 2,000 from the state treasury. To a representative of the Bee he said he had expended f 1,647.66 of this sum, paying up back salaries, for coal, electric lights, etc., leaving a balance on hgnd of f352.44. To another reporter for a Lin coln paper he now says he expended but 1,500, leaving on hand 500. This latter he retains as his salary. In other words, the scheme of the Board of Pub lic Lands and Buildings in its manage ment" of penitentiary affairs include the payment of 25 per cent of the state's appropriation to a third party. De spite the fact that the supreme court has declared Beemer's contract with the ; board illegal, the board has settled with him and allowed each of the appraisers of Dorgan's plant $500. Beemer got $500 for "handling" $2,000. Land Commissioner Russell, one of the the members of the board of publie lands and buildings, was seen by a representa tive of the Bee and asked if it was true that the board had settled with Beemer and paid him $500 for services under the contract declared illegal by the supreme court. Mr. Russell said: "The board has not officially notified Beemer that he can retain $500 from the $2,000 which he drew, but you can say in your paper that that is what will be done at our next meeting." "But Mr. Beemer," it was suggested, "says that he has expended $1,647.56 of the $2,000 for penitentiary purposes. Will he be permitted to draw a warrant; for the $147.56 still due him?" "No." - . "Then, from what source will he reim burse himself for his labors in paying the warden's bills. "I don't know. All I know is that, he is to have $500 far his services under tfie contract. I have not looked over Beemer's contracts, but my deputy, Mr, Royse, has." Governor Holcomb was asked for his opinion regarding the exorbitant price paid Beemer for his services under the illegal contract. He said: "The whole payment is illegal But if the Board of Public Lands and Buildings wishes to pay Beemer for time spent laying around the state house waiting on the indefinite prospects of getting some official position, I suppose the board will go ahead and do it. Beemer did nothing at all for this $500 that Warden Leideigh would have not done for nothing. The whole deal is a fair sample of what would have occurred on a large scale had the supreme court de clared his contract binding on the state." THAT GREAT WAVE Is Rapidly Overtaking Oar Banks Since the first of January of this year that great wave of prosperity has over taken nine State banks all of which are now in the hands of the banking under takers. This is an average of three ban failures every week, National banks not included. The nine State banks closed since January 1st are as follows: Bank of Blue Springs, Brayton Com mercial bank, Exchange bank of Greeley Center, Bank of Ogalalla, Farmers and Merchants bauk of Platte Center, Greeley County bank at Scotia, Bank of Strat ton, Bank of Wauneta, Bank of Com-, merce at Grand Island. Our bankers are beginning to realize that when the money power has crushed our business men and farmers, and rob bed them of their savings for years by compelling them to buy high priced money to pay their obligations and thus forcing thorn out of business, that there is no longer any profit in business and that the eastern men will turn upon them as they have upon other men. If we would live and prosper we must all get togther under the Peo ple's Banner. ' Browning, King & Co. are Lincoln's leading clothiers. You will find them at 1019 0 street. BOODL riALS