The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 16, 1896, Image 6

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January 1C, 1896.
(Continued from lnat week.)
Finding a sheltered secret corner, we
made a very hasty breakfast of these
Stolen dainties, and since we had not
the heart to restore them to onr lnn
. keeper, so we had not the face to chide
Moll for her larceny, but made light of
the business and ate with great content
and some mirth.
A drizzly rain falling and turning the
now into slush, we kept tinder the shel
ter of the shed, and this giving ns scope
for the reflection Don Sanchez had coun
seled; ray compunctions were greatly
shaken by the consideration of our pres
ent position and the prospect of worse.
When I thought of our breakfast that
Moll had stolon, and how willingly wo
would all have eaten a dinner got by
the same means, I had to acknowledge
that certainly we were all thieves at
heart, and this conclusion, togothorwith
Bitting all day doing nothing in the raw
Oold, did make the design of Don San
chez seem much less heinous to me than
it appeared the night before, when I
was warm and not exceedingly sober,
and indeed toward dusk I came to re
gard it as no bad thing at all
About 6 comes back our don ona fine
horse and receives our salutations with
a cool nod we standing there of a row,
looking onr sweetest, like hungry dogs
in expectation of a bone. " Then in he
goes to the house without a word, and
now my worst fear was that he had
thought better of his offer and would
abandon it.
So there we hang about the best part
of an hour, now thinking the don would
presently send for ns and then growing
to despair of everything but to be left
in the cold forgotten, but in the end
comes Master Landlord to tell us his
worship in the cherry room would see
ns. So, after the same formalities of
cleansing ourselves as the night afore,
up stairs we go at the heels of a drawer
carrying a roast pig, which to our senses
was more delightfnl than any bunch of
With a gesture of his hands, after
saluting ns with great dignity, Don
Sanchez bade ns take our places at the
table and with never a word of ques
tion as to our decision, but that was
scarce necessary, for it needed no snb
1 tie observation to perceive that we wonld
f accept any conditions to get our share
of that roast pig. This supper differed
not greatly from the former, save that
onr Moll was taken with a kind of tic
is kling at the throat which presently at
f tracted our notice.
"What ails you, Molly, my dear?"
asks Jack. "Has a bit of crackling
I gone down the wrong way?"
j& She put it off as if she would have ns
take no notice of it, but it grew worse
q and worse toward the end of the meal
i and became a most horrid, tearing
; cough, which she did so natural as to
deceive ns all and put ns in great con
cern, and especially Don Sanchez, who
declared she must have taken a cold by
being exposed all day to the damp
"If I have, says she very prettily,
after wiping the tears from her upon an
other fit, " 'tis surely a most ungrateful
return for the kindness with which yon
sheltered me last night, senor."
"I shall take bettor care to shelter
yon in the future, my poor child," re
plies the don, ringing the bell. Then,
the maid coming, he bids her warm a
bed and prepare a hot posset against
Moll was tucked np in the blankets.
And," says he, turning to Moll, "you
shall not rise till noon, my dear. Your
breakfast shall be brought to yon in
your room, where a fire shall be made
and such treatment shown you as if you
were my own child. "
"Oh, what have I done that you
should be so gentle to me?" exclaims
Moll, smothering another cough. And
with that Bhe reaches out her leg under
the table and fetches mo a kick of the
shin, looking ail the while as pitiful
and innocent as any painted picture.
"Wonld it be well to fetch in a doc
tor?" says Don Sanchez, when Moll was
gone barking up stairs. "The child
looks delicate, though she eats with a
fairly good appetite. "
" 'Tis nothing, yon know," replies
Jack, who had doubtless received the
same hint from Moll she had given me.
"I warrant she will be , mended in a
The don receive our salutations with a
( cool nod. , , 4 . ,
, , day or so, with proper care. Tis a kind
' ft- family complaint. I am taken that
' ay at times. " And with that he rasps
. , m throat to tell that he wonld be none
ho worse for sleeping a night between
sheets. .' - V'
. "Our or the tMwijr rgATrTCrr. J
This was carrying the matter too far,
and I thought it had certainly undone
ns, for stopping short, with a start, in
crossing the room, he turns and looks
first at Dawson, then at me, with any
thing but a pleaHant look in his eyes at
finding his dignity hurt, to be thus bus
tled by a nitre child. Then his dark
eyebrows'unbeiKling, with the reflection
maybe that it was so much the better to
his purpose that Moll could so act as to
deceive him, he seats himself gravely,
and replies to Jack : "
"Your family wit may get you a
night's lodging, but I doubt if you will
ever merit it so well as your daughter. "
"Well," says Jack, with a lasgh,
"what wit we have among us we are
resolved to employ in your honor's serv
ice, so that you show us this steward
fellow is a rascal that deserves to be
bounced, and we do no great injury to
any one elso." ,
"Good," says Don Sanchez. "We
will proceed to that without delay. And
now, as we have no matter to discuss,
and must be afoot early tomorrow, I
will ring for a light to take you to bed. "
So we up presently to a good snug
room, with a bed to each of ns fit for a
prince. And there, with the blankets
I drawn up to our ears, we fell blessing
J our stars that we were now fairly out
of our straits and after that to discuss
ing whether we should consult MolJ's
inclination to this business. First, Daw
I son was for telling her plump out all
I about our project, saying that, toing so
' young, she had no conscience to speak of
and would like nothing better than to
take part in any piece of mischief. But
against this I protested, seeing that it
would be dangerous to our design to let
her know so much (she having a wom
an's tongue in her head), and also of a
I bad tendency to make her, as it were,
j at the very beginning of her life, a
i knowing active party to what looked
j like nothing more nor less than a fraud.
Therefore I proposed we should, when
necessary, tell her just so much of our
plan as was expedient and no more.
And his agreeing mightily, with Jack's
natural turn for taking of short cuts out
of difficulties, he fell in with my views
at once, and so, bidding God bless me,
he lays the clothes over his head and
was snoring the next minute.
In the morning we found the don just
as kind to us as the day before he had
been careless and so made us eat break
fast with him, to onr great oontent. Al
so he sent a maid up to Moll to inquire
of her health and if she could eat any
thing from our table, to which the bag
gage sends reply that she feels a little
easier this morning and could fancy a
dish of black puddings. These delica
cies her father carried to her, being
charged by the don to tell her that we
should be gone for a couple of days, and
that in onr absence she might command
whatever she felt was necessary to her
oomplete recovery against onr return.
Then I told Don Sanchez how we had
tesolved to tell Moll no more of our
purpose than was necessary for the mo
ment, which pleased him, I thought,
mightily, he saying that our success or
failure depended upon secrecy as much
as anything, for which reason he had
kept ns in the dark as much as ever it
was possible.
About 8 o'clock three saddle nags
were broncrht to rlnnr. nnrl we.
mounting, set out for London, where
we arrived about 10. the roads beino
fairly passable save in the marshy parts
anout enoreaiton, wnere tne mire was
Nervous Prostration
Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine.
Prolonged derangement of the nervous
system not only affects the brain and men
tal powers, but develops disease in some of
the vital organs. The most dangerous of
these Indirect results is when the heart is
affocted. This ras the case of the Rev. N.
F. Surface, Fawn River, Mich., who writes
under date of Feb. 14, 1895:
"Fourteen years ago I had a slight stroke of
paralysis. Overwork brought on nervous
prostration. I was exceedingly nervous and
the exertion of public speaking caused
heart palpitation that threatened my life.
I used two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart
Cure for my heart trouble, and two of Or.
Miles' Restorative Nervine for my nervous
ness and feel better than I ever expected to
feel again. I can speak for hours without
tiring or having my heart flutter as it for
merly did, and 1 have you to thank that I
am alive today." ;
On sale by all druggists. Dr. Miles' Book
'on Heart and Nervous Disorders FREE by
malL Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Er. Hiles Remedies Restore Health.
knee deep; so to Gracious street, and
there leaving our nags at the Turk inn,
we walked down to the bridge stairs,
and thence with a pair of oars to Green
wich. Here, after our tedious chilly
voyage; we were not ill pleaaed to SCO
the inside of an inn once more, and Don
Sanchez, taking ns to the king's posting
house, orders a fire to be lighted in a
private room, and the best there was in
the larder to be served us in the warm
parlor. While we were at our trenchers
Don Sanchez says :
"At 2 o'clock two men are coming
hither to see me. One is a master mari
ner named Hubert Evans, the other a
merchant adventurer of his acquaintance
whom I have not yet seem Now you are
to mark these two men well, note all
they say and their manner of speaking,
for tomorrow you will have to personate
these characters before one who would
be only too glad to find you at fault "
"Very good, senor," says Dawson,
"but which of these parts am I to play ?' '
"That you may decide when you
have seen the men, but I should say
from my knowledge of Robert Evans
that you may best represent his charac
ter. For in your parts today you are to
be John and Christopher Knight, two
needy cousins of Lady Godwin, whose
husband, Sir Richard Godwin, was lost
at sea seven years ago. I doubt if you
will have to do anything in these char
acters beyond looking eager and answer
ing merely 'Yes' and 'No' to such ques
tions as I may put. "
Thus primed, we went presently to
the sitting room above, and the drawer
shortly after coming to say that two
gentlemen desired to see Don Sanchez,
Jack and I seated ourselves side by side
at a becoming distance from the don,
holding pur hats on our knees as hum
bly as may be.
Then in comes a rude, dirty fellow,
with a patah over one eye and a most
peculiar bearish gait, dressed in a rough
coat, with a wool shawl about his neck,
followed by a shrewd visaged little gen
tleman in a plain cloth suit, but of very
good substance, he looking just as trim
and well mannered as t other was un
couth and rude.
"Well, here am I, " says Eyans, whom
we knew at once for the master mari
ner, flinging his hat and shawl in a cor
ner. "There s his excellency Don San
chez, and here's Mr. Hopkins, the mer
chant I spoke on yesterday. And who
be these?" turning about to fix ns with
his one blue eye.
"Two gentlemen related to Mrs. God
win and very anxious for her return,"
replies the don.
"Then, we being met frionds all,
let's have up a bottle and heave off on
this here business without more ado,"
says Evans, and with that he seats him
self in the don's chair, pokes up the
fire with his boots and spits on the I
The don graciously places a chair for
Mr. Hopkins, rings the bell and seats
himself. Then after a few civilities,
while the bottle was being opened and
onr glasses filled, he says :
"You have doubtless heard from Rob
ert Evans the purpose of our coming
hither, Mr. Hopkins?"
"Roughly," replies Mr. Hopkins,
with a dry little cough. "But I should
be glad to have the particulars from you
that I may judge more clearly of my re
sponsibilities in this undertaking."
"O Lord !" exclaims Evans in dis
gust "Here, give us a pipe of tobacco
if we're to warp out half a day ere we
get a capful of wind. "
(To be Continued.)
It Is Always in the Right Flace, as This
Anecdote I'rores.
An anecdote of Gladstone showing his
considerateness for all about him ia
told by a reporter for an English jour
nal. He says: I was traveling in a
a train by which Mr. Gladstone was
Journeying to the north, my mission
being to report his utterances at vari
ous stations. We found this no small
job indeed, one to which some dan
ger attached for the orator's speeches
on some occasions were only terminated
by the wheels of the engine revolving,
and the train steaming out.
Naturally anxious to get the "last
words," we lingered in one case so
long that we had to make a desperate
bolt for our carriage door, and enter the
now swiftly moving train at the peril
of our limbs. Our feat evidently at
tracted the notice of the distinguished
passenger, and filled him with anxiety
for our lives, for at the next station
a note came round to us that Mr. Glad
stone would jot down the concluding ,
words he uttered, and send them to us. j
It was a graceful and considerate act !
one of the many which rendered our
greatest living political orator dear to i
the hearts of the journalists.
We'll Jest Sleep on the Floor.
Our folks are just the bestest folks you
ever seen or knowed;
Makes themselves as sociable as rabbits
in the road;
When we tell 'em that the house is
fulled up to the door,
An' ain't no room for 'em, they say:
"We'll jest sleep on the floor!"
Had a fair at Laurenceville, with circus
tents an' all,
An' here they come from Williamstown
an Huckleberry Hall;
An' ma, she told 'em warn't no place at
home fer any more;
But pshaw! they jest staid roun,' an'
said: "We'll all sleep on the floor!"
Ain't seen no folks as sociable as they
is: Eat and eat,
An' tell you that the milk ain't sour,
an vinegar la sweet!
An' dad says if they went to heaven an'
Jest squeezed In the door
An couldn't get no seats, they'd sty:
"We'll Jest set on the floor!"
ForCaliforniaand Puget 8ound points
quick get tickets 117 So. 10.
Renewing Their Youth.
The Villagers Excited Over the Increased
Health and Vigor of the Older In
habitants Tha Experience of
Two "Vets."
From th World-Berald, Omaha, Stb.
A World-Herald reporter was attracted
by tlie evidence ot renewed activity of
some of the older inhabitants of the vil
lage of Bruce, a suburb of Oinaba, Neb.,
and enquired the cause. Mr. Andrew
Finkenkeler, who was a, member of Com
pany ii of the First Iowa Volunteers dur
ing the war, made the following explana
tion eo far as he himself is concerned.
"In July, 1860, while my company was
on the march through to Austin, Texas,
I was attacked with rheumatism of the
worst kind in one leg at Alexander, La.
Being weak I was sunstruck and re
mained unconscious for several hours.
Every summer since I have been unable
to stand the heat of the sun. and have
been compelled to give up my work.
There was in my head a bearlnc down
feeling which increased until it seemed
my head would hurst, and it caused a
ringing in my ears, and palpitation of
the heart set in, so that the slightest
noise would set my heart thumping.
Several timee it has rendered me uncon
scious for from seven to ten hours at a
time. In addition to this the rheumatism
extended up my entire side until it drew
my head down on my shoulder. I lost
my strength and flesh and was totally
unlit for work.
For twenty-eight years I have con
sulted physicians and taken their pre
scriptions without deriving any material
benefit. My ailments increased in inten
sity until I was assured that there was
no hope for me. . Durinjr last year I went
into the butcher business, but the damp
ness from the iueuwed increased my rheu
matic pains to such an extent that I was
not only compelled to quit the business,
but was confined to my house and bed
for netirly six months.
"In November last I read in the World-
Herald a case of a man who had been en
tirely cured from the ailments from which
I was suffering, by the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Tills for l'ale People. On November
28, purchased a box. In a week I was
astonished to know that I felt better
than I had for six months pnsf, and be
fore I had used half a box. The ringing
in my years began to lessen in volume
and flnully left nif. The pain from the
rheumatism gradually left me, so that
within one week from the time I took my
first pill I was nble to sit up in bed. On
January 1st, I was able to go out and
walk around a little. The pulpitations
of my heart entirely ceased. On Febru
ary 1), I was so thoroughly cured that I
accepted a position as night watchman
n the rorest Lawn (Jemeterv, reinamg
out of doors from (i p.m., until 6 a.m. I
have gained in weight from 144 pounds
which I weighed in November hist, to 172
pounds which I weigh now."
For nerve building and for enriching
the blood Pink Pills are unexcelled. They
may be had of druggists or direct from
the Dr, Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y.,for 50 per box, or six
boxes for $2.50."
A Denial of Her Assassination in the Royal
New York, Jan. H, A dispatch to
the Herald from Shanghai says: "The
queen of Corea was not murdered in
her palace as reported. The fact is
known only to a few persons, one be
ing the king, and all have the strong
est reasons for concealment.
"It will be remembered that Nov
ember 28 there was an attack on the
palace, by several Coreans belonging
to the queen's party. Mr. Waeber,
the Russian charge d'affairs, Drs. Al
len and Underwood and other Ameri
cans were accused on apparently good
grounds of being privy to the plot.
They, however, denied all complic
ity. The King being warned,
posted extra consuls. The intent
was to seize the ministers, expel
the Japanese, free the King from
the latter's influence and restore the
Queen, who was alive. The Russian
secretary of legation was the leading
spirit in the conspiracy and was
deputed to conduct the Queen from
her place of hiding to the palace.
The failure of the attempt necessi
tated the keeping the secret of the
Queen being in existence. When, in
October, the Coreans and Japanese
broke into the palace, the Queen,
without speaking to her women, hid
in an outbuilding. She saw the bodies
of her ladies in waiting dragged to the
pyre prepared for them, outside, and
watched the completion of the tragedy
from her hiding place. The queen
was concealed for an hour and a half,
every moment expecting discovery.
She fled at last through a secret pass
age to the old palace and thence, after
changing her dress, made her escape
outside the walls of the city, where
she reached a place of safety.
"When the Japanese and Coreans ex
amined the charred bodies of the wo
men who had been burned the king and
others shrewdly feigned that they had
discovered the identity of the queen
in one of the victims. The Japanese
accepted the account of the queen's
death as true. M. Waeber and Herr
Jlilbei, the German consul, must have
been privy to the secret
"Three Coreans were strangled last
week for the alleged murder of the
queen, and the trial of Viscount Muru,
and other Japanese officials charged
with complicity, is proceeding at
Hiroshima. An American , who came
here on the Russian cruiser Otvajny,
says Russia is using the supposed mur
der of the queen as a weapon against
the Japanese, although well knowing
its ialsity."
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until the Inst tew years was supposed to be In
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Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken
Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspo. u..
fnl. It acts directly on the blood and mnroas
surfaces of the system They offer one hundred
dollars for any case It fails to rttre. Send for cir
culars and testimonials. Address,
F.J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio.
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Why Pay Interest?
Sixty million are paying it to
five million.
They do not enjoy it, but they
suppose it is inevitable.
One man knows better. His
name is J. W. Bennett, and he
has written a book called A Breed
of Barren Metal, or Currency and
He shows the absurdity of the ;
old arguments to justify interest;
he shows what a blight on human
ity interest is: he shows a practi
cal and peaceable way of abolishing
His book is simple enough for
a schoolboy to understand, and
yet so scientific and original that
statesmen can learn from it.
It is a book of 256 largo pages,
but to reach the millions it is
offered at 25 cents postpaid, or in
a handsome cloth binding for
libraries at 75 cents postpaid.
Charles H. Kerr & Company, Publishers
56 Fifth Ave., Chicago.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Corner 14th & M Sts.,
Open at All Hours Day and Night
All Forms of Baths.
Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric.
Wlth'Special attention to the application of
Several times stronger than ser. water.
Rheumatism, Skin, Blood and Nervons DIs
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Aliments are treated successfully.
Sea Bathingg)
may be enjoyed at all seasons In onr lanre SALT
SWIMMING POOL. f0xU2 feet, 5 to 10 feet deep,
Seated to nuiform temperature of hi) degrees.
Drs. M. II. & J. O. Everett,
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Great Rock Island Route!
Outing Excursions.
First For the National Edncatlonnl Meeting
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return and time np to and including Sept. 1st.
ssecoiiii The reuular Tourist Car to Calitornta
via Kansas City rnns once a week, and leaves
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nt 10.."i0 a.m. every Friday. Tlikets based on
second class rate, and enr runs on fastest trains,
nnd known as the Phillips-Hock Island Tourist
Kxcnrsiniis. Car arrives at Colorado Springs
Saturday, 7:35 a.m.
Third Home-Seeker's Exenrslons to Texna
and New Mexico. Next one June llth. Kate, one
lare for round trip. Tickets cood twenty dnys.
Fourth Km- Mexico City the Ituck Island
rnns a through sleeper from Kansss City daily
nt x:40 p.m. via Topeka, McKarlaud, Wichita and
Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio. Two
routes from there are International K. R. to
i.nredo, and Mexican National to the City of
Mexico; Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna
tional TiaSpoQord and Eagle Pass to City of
Connections are also made at Fort Worth Tla
the Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over the Mexi
can Central to City of Mexico.
Uli h Send to address below for a Souvenir
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Information to tourists. Sent free.
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in w
... i . i
Teppessce City, feppa
Tne paper Is improved with each lasne. and the
last one U always the best. E. P. C Webster.
The Coming Nation is just as bright and "np-to-snnft"
as ever It was. Itobt. Duderxfadt,
Bellaire, Mich.
It is a wonderful paper, better than ever, and
practicing now what it preaches. C. 8. Whitford,
The last lasne of The Coming Nation weighs a
gross ton per square inch. H. i. Swigart,
It strikes me as being Jnst abont 100 per cent
better than ever. J. M. Dillon, Dayton, Ohio.
We are thankful that the Coming Nation baa
not lost power. R. M. Wolisfer, Pasaden'i. Call.
We all like The Coming Nation now better than
ever. Jos. E. Paynter, Beulah, Maultoba.
The brains in It are np to date; the co urn ire In
It rnns parallel with the orains.W. T. Wallace,
Abingdon, ill.
Subscription, 50 Cents per Year.
Special Direct Legislation Edition. Jan. 4, 1896.
Scott's . . .
Positively the One Remedy for the treat
merit of
Nervous Exhaustion,
Simple and Aggravated
forms of Dyspepsia, and
Palpitation of the Heart.
Does your food eonr after eating? Are
you easily confused and excited? Do
you pet up in the morning tired and un
refreshed, aud with a bad taste in the
Is there a dull cloudy sensation, at
tended by disngreeable feelings in the
head and eyes?
Are you irritable and restless?
Does your heart thump and cause you
to gasp for breath after climbing a flight
of stairs?
Does it distress you to lie on the left
Have you impaired memory, dimness
of vision, depression of mind and gloomy
Those symptoms mean that you are
suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous
There is no other remedy extant that
has done so much for this class of
troubles as
Scott's Carbo-Digestive
If vour case has resisted tlm uniml
methods of treatment we are particu
larly anxious to have von cive tliis cnm.
pound a trial.
vve guarantee relief in every case and
will cheerfullv refund vonr mnnpv ahnnlrl
our remedy fail to produce the most
graxiiying results.
rtoaso remember tnat the appellation
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It is a Drenaration nut nn hv AWriinir
physician who has made stomach and
nervous troubles a specialty for years.
We court investigation and earnestly
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Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound
is the most remarkable remedy, that
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Sold by druggists everywhere at S1.00
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Don't forget, that we cheerfully refund
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