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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
January 16, 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT AINOUHOEMEHT - Prefaces, salntatories, etc., are nenally bores and should be indulged in just as little as possible. The Nebraska Independent is not a new paper it is merely the consolida tion of two old ones. The name is not even new, as a paper of that name was founded in this city in 1890, and was continued until merged into the Alliance Independent, afterward the Wealth Makers, of which this paper is the lineal successor. In politics the paper will support the , principles of the People's Party. It will advocate or favor no faction and none a of the impracticable issues; but will stand squarely upon the Populist plat form. In national affairs it will advo cate especially the free coinage of silver, and monetary reform. While doing this, however, it will not lose sight of other needed reforms. In state affairs, it will advocate honest and economical govern ment. " While not hesitating to criticise derelict officials, it will at all times endeavor to hold up the handsof our public servants, when it believes them honestly trying to do their duty. In other words, it will not fight our friends, but will reserve all its fire for the enemy. The Independent will strive to thor oughly unite all elements of the People's Party in this state; it will ever try to be liberal and fair; and it asks, and we be lieve it will receive, the cordial support of every populist in Nebraska. It will have Washington news such as will be found in no other paper furnished by special correspondents who are not hired to color it tosuit someespecial end. Its news from the state capital will be furnished by men who are in a position to know whereof they write. This paper will be the personal organ of no man; and will make a personal fight on no man. Its editors and owners will, regard journalism as something higher and than that. It will aim to be a newspaper in the best sense of the term it will try to tell the truth. Publishers of the Nebraska Independent. X rr r priTiTm) v The time has come for me to say a last word, to lay down political editorial work. And it is a satisfaction to know that, however imperfect my work on this paper for nearly two and a half years may have been, it has been all honest work, work performed not for gain, not with any selfish orpersonalconsideration, but, according to my light and judg ment, for the good of all. I feel sure, too, that all honest work is lasting work. As I have seen truth I have given it forth, freely, fearlessly, faithfully; and received into good hearts it must bear frnit that shall go on increasing forever I am grateful that I have had the privi lege of discussing truth and error, right and wrong, good and evil, the great iiv ing problems, for these many weeks months, years, before an audience severa times larger than gathers in any church in Christendom. Ithasseemed to me a holy calling; acall- ing to unselfish ly serve not part not party in that sense, but the whole people. have therefore sought to fix attention upon the great principles of our party and to keep it distinctive in character and pure. It is not' possible to faithfully serve the people and avoid making some enemies. But I have never knowingly wronged or misrepresented any man. have more and more grown to dislike politics, even the politics of a reform party, for reasons that I need not men tion, and am therefore glad to be re lieved of the work that I seemed led into, My work as a political leader and teacher is done. Because I think I can do more thorough, deeper, fundamental social work as an investigating moralist, as an independent moral or Christian leader who is prepared to practice what he preaches. I consider our whole commer cial system and civilization wrong. have come to believe, lately, that at tempts to patch it up politically, by leg islation, can never make it right. A new foundation must be laid. A new system, a new society, on the opposite principle, must be started, to save the people, Some one, some few, must begin this work. It will be hard work, a work of entire self-abnegation, with no glory in it here. But I am one who feels morally drawn to drop out of sight, out of notice, out of reputation for a time, to dig deep, and lay the foundations for a new order and organization of society which must rise out of and be distinct from the old. Friends and associates, brothers all, goodbye, and God bless you. George Howard Gibson. HTJKRAH FOE JOHNS Y! Johnny Thurston has made a speech two minutes long in the senate. The State Journal says that the senate and galleries burst into applause. Johnny advocated giving to the widow of every private and officer a pension of $75 a month. Johnny knows that the govern ment is going in debt at the rate of half a million a day, but he is still for the old flag and an appropriation. Senator Stewart asks: "When will the people get tirnd of being roasted al- ur vuu juiuuy oj xioinscnua B two gangs of firemen, one called Demo cratic and the other Republican?" It is hard to tell. Some of the worst scorched ones are getting pretty tired now, but a good many will have to be fairly baked. They'll get it during the next year. The nations of the world that do not own and operate their telegraph systems, are Bolivia, Cuba, Hawaii, Honduras and the United States. Ignorant old fogies are, and have been running the government of the United States for some years. They are determined to keep us at the tail end of all creation. The young American giant, the Populist party, believes in progress. It wants the nation to s tand at the head of the pro cession ana not at tne tail, Jt is going to put it there, too. It seems almost impossible to get the average man to understand that Mills of Texas is a cuckoo goldbug and nothing else. Some Lincoln men expressed sur prise at the press dispatch which said that Mills would vote against free coin age. Mills sold out aud went back on a record of a life time during the silver session. He will vote always for the gold standard. Isn't it strange that the one who holds that man is to be protected first, and property next, is held to be an enemy of society, j. e., an enemy of man? The first great haul made by the A. P. A's. is in Omaha, where they run every thing. T he city treasury is short over 1100.000. TIME FOR THE TRUTH An Appeal Addressed to the New York World Editor of the New York World: Wendell Phillips is said to have pro phesied that "American bankers would some day be hanged to lamp posts in 'New York and Bostoa as unceremon iously as horse thieves had ever been hanged in Texas," The World is doing something just now to avert that catas trophy, and might do a great deal more if it would tell the whole truth on the money question. In 1862 Thaddens Stevens declared that "bankers and bullionists" were scheming to "double the debt" of the civil war, and they did it. In January, 1878, Senator Voorhees said that "the demonetization of siluer was purposely accomplished before tne policy of specie resumption was declared, in order to make money as scarce as possible in reaching by forced contraction the single standard of gold." About the same time John G. Carlisle stigmatized the demonetization of silver as "the roost gigantic crime of this or any other age." He described it as a "couspiracy," the consummation of which '"would entail more misery upon the human race than wars, pestilence and famine that ever occurred in the history of the world." Nearly the whole financial legislation of this country during the last tbirty three years has been a plot against the masses of the people to despoil them of their property. The editor of tho New York World, with its vast sources of in formation, cannot be ignorant of what has taken place, what is now going on, and what may easily occur when seventy millions of deceived, outraged and be trayed people shall become finally aroused to the realities of the situation. The gold raid upon the United States treasury is simply a new form of brigan dage and piracy. There is no reason for it, no law for it, and no moral right in any way pertaining to it. Robbers have procured the election of -certain members of their band to public office, aud these men hand out the people's wealth to malefactors who share the spoils. 1 suppose the World knows there is no law compelling a specific "reserve," much less a "gold reserve," for the redemption of greenbacks. I suppose the World knows that the greenbacks are not re deemable in gold, but are redeemable in "coin," silver or gold coin at the ratio of sixteen ounces of silver to one ounce of gold. I suppose the World knows that in the whole history of bimetalims for thousaudsof years, adebtor, whether nation or individual, has always had the option of paying a creditor in the access ible mental, and this one and only way of "maintaining the parity" has no ex ception on earth until the evil days of John Sherman, Benjamin Harrison, and Grover Cleveland. 1 suppose the World knows there is no exception now in France, Germany, or anywhere else ex cept in the one country that has fallen into the hands of corruptionists aud traitors, the United States of America. The World must know that the whole practice of paying government ogliga tious in gold is a fraud a monstrous crime for which Grover Cleveland would be impeached in a week, if the press would give facts instead of falsehoods to the American people. About two millions of voters the derided Populists understand the matter. The rest of the people have been keut ignornnt and ouna to it py reading and trusting "the great newspapers." Jiut the time has come for the truth. Let the New York World lead in tellincr it. In cum vnn have any doubt of home talent for the work. I think I can secure for you. with out charge, the services of the greatest living experts Ot monetary scienee men of both national and international repu tations, whose facts, figures, and com prehensive information, would be worth thousands of dollars to any journal really standing for strict honesty and the public welfare. Against these men. if you please, you may put the whole so-called sound money club of your city, with the goldite professors and fra ternity of the entire globe. i aouot, of course, that the Wor d will be permitted by its stockholders to do auything of the kind, or will even publish this letter. The letter, however, will appear in a new and powerful tinner edited by a senator of the United States, unu may oe reproduced by a thousand uneubsidized "countrypapers." I trust it will do some good as a test of the New York World's real iutearritv and nntriot. ism, and in throwing one more rny of light upon a subject that now involves the practical salvation of all thft Dcni. dental nations of mankind. Respectfully, Gordon Clark. We wish to employ one or two food solictors In each county In the state to secure subscribers and advertisements for this paper. Write for terms. OUR DEBT ABROAD Six Billions of Dollars With a Yearly Interest of Three Million Dollar The debt that the American people owe abroad is a very important factor our present financial trouble. All of our other debts might be just as they are at this time and if we did not owe anymore abroad than we did in 1860 we would not have very much trouble to get along with our national finances. The gold bug and plutocratic papers like the State Journal and Omaha Bee never in any way explain or even refer to our debt abroad. They do not waut iior pare not let the people know how much our debt amounts tq knowing full well if the people were fully posted as to the amount of our obligations in foreign lands their game of deceiving the people would come to an end. The public press has been for the last thirty years trying to cover up our financial condition. The State Journal has done more than all other forces combined to cover our city with a debt which amounts to more than f 2,- 500,000. That is to say the plat ot ground which is about three miles one way by four miles the other on which the city of Lincoln is built has more than 12,500,000 of public debt plastered against it which the city and county treasurer have to collect a yearly inter est charge of more than f 120,000. In other words the people of this city have to gather up more than ten thousand dollars for each month to send east to pay interest on its public debt. When the war broke out in 1861 the people of this cotntry did not owe very much abroad. The first reliable statement we have of our obligations in foreign lands was made in 1869 by David A. Wells who was at that time special Commis sioner of the Revenue. The official state ment he made of our debt abroad at that time was as follows: Government bonds.- Btate and Bi0uleif.c4 debts, . 107.SOO.000 ,. 180,000,000 . 1111,000,000 15,000,000 nanway oonas ., ,. Railway stock . Miscellaneous stock and bonds Heal estate mortgages Moaey on deposit in this country, or temporarily lnvestod. ................ 20.000,000 76.000,000 Total............. l,46fi,500,000 This estimate of our foreign debt at that time was considered very conserva tive. This ainountof foreign capitol has been kept in this country every since and the interest accumulations have been re invested in various other stocks. The interest at five per ceut on the above amount reinvested from 1869 to 1695, making a period of twenty six years, would amount to 3,100,000,000. Dur ing the period from 1869 to 1895, the Americans traveled very extensively abroad and placing theirexpenditures at $50,000,000 a year, the twentysix year would make $ 1,300,000,000. Many esti mate tne amount at apiuu.oou.uoo a year, but placing the figures at one-half of that amount gives the enormous amount of 81,300,000,000 spent for pleasure by the Americans in foreign lauds in the last twentysix years. The cost of the carrying trade for twentysix years to the American people has been 82,500,000,000, eighty per cent of the carrying trade is carried in foreign bot toms, and eighty seven per cent of tbe passenger transportation is on foreign vessels Our average excess of exports over im ports per year for the last twentysix years has been about $90,000,000 a year or, to state tbe amount accurately for the last twentysix years it has been $2,356,316,951. By adding the various amounts paid for pleasure carrying trade money borrowed, and interest on money borrowed together and then de ducting the amount of the excess of ex ports over imports for twentysix years, we will arrive at theamount that we are in debt to othei countries. The follow ing are the ainouuts: The amount that we were In debt 169 l,4C5.500,u00 Interest on the above amonnt from 1869 to 1895 8,100,000,000 Expendltureby the Americans trav eling abroad 1,800.000,000 The carrying trade lor twentybix years 2,500,000,000 Total ?8,335,500.000 Deducting srom the above amount the excess of exports for twenty six years over the imports 2,3."6;31,951 Grand total $6,009,183,049 Those figures show that we are over $6,000,000,000 in debt to other coun tries and those figures are much lower than many experts are placing them. Gladstone said in 1892 that England's foreign investments were more than $10,000,000,000. There is less than $600,000,000 of gold in the United States and we would like to have the State Journal and the Omaha Bee ex plain to the people of Nebraska how the people of the United States enn pay this $6,000,000,000 with only $600,000,000 to pay it. with only onp-tenth of enongh money to pay our foreign debt. Two Pictures I brought a load of wheat to town a few years ago; sold it for $40.60. With this money I paid my taxes, $22; got a new dress for my wife, $5; shoes for the children, $5; a barrel of flour, $6.50; fifty pounds of sugar, $4; ten pounds of coffee, $2; and went home happy with $3.75 in my pocket to give to the preacher. I brought in a load of wheat today. sold it for $22.50; paid my taxes, $22.25 and have a quarter left. They tell me I can get flour and dresses and sugar and shoes, for half what I paid then, but it pears to me 1 naint got the half. I've about made up my mind to invest this quarter in United States bonds and howl for the gold standard. Farmer's Tribune Make Cows Pay. What is the use of keeping cows unless you can make money with them? Nq other business would S7 stand a waste of from 25 to 50 per cent, and the dairy business will not. You waste that much butter by pan skimming. Get a Safety Hand Sep abator and save it cSSSS P. M. SHABPLES, Bgla, III. A RALLY OP PATRIOTS (Continued from first page.) rich in all material resources, one of the acknowledged greatest and most power ful nations of the earth, all history records no instance ot such a nation perishing for reason of money. This government can make its own money as it has done in the past and a patriotic people will fight its battle and accept its money in payment lor services: freed from the heartless gripot the money cnangers. Who Boy Oar Corn. During the last month it has been re ported from various sources that Phil Armour has besn buying and cribbing corn at many points in the west we take from the Northwestern Lumberman the following: "Armour & Co., are building a line ot cribs at the stations on the Des- Moines Northern and Western railway which is consuming a good deal of course lumber." The corn is being bought all over this western country at prices run ning irom twelve to sixteen cents per bushel. May corn is five cents lower per bushel in Chicago than it has been for thirtythree years. Can the goldbug papers, the State Journal and Omaha Bee explain these low prices. With a very short crop of corn and oats in 1891 withal the old corn and oats used up be fore the crop of 1895 was ready for market, the 1895 crop shoufd have brought a good price. Tbe goldbug papers dare, not claim that it is over- iirouuciiuu tuao tie nas naa its a ay. The only possible reason that can be given is that there is no money in the country to buy the farmers products with. None of the banks west of the Mississippi river has any money to loan for the purposes of buying corn and oats. This being the case a few rich men like Armour can hold down the prices and buy in a large amount of the corn at less than cost of nradnrr,irn. Tfin ornMhmra money ana that the greenbacks and treasury notes must be destroyed. Ar mour has controlled the prices of our hogs and cattle tor years, and now he is controlling the price of our corn. Thus we have one class of wealthy men foreclosing mortgages and forcing the payment of all past due debts without offering opportunity to renew, compell ing farmers to sell their produce to an other class, at prices less than the actual cost of production. What will be the result? TRUTH'S APPROACHING TRIUMPH 0 Truth, thou approachest with blessing, The shadows ars fleeing away. The light of the dawn Is Increasing, And evil slinks back from the day; As a bridegroom that leaveth bis chamber. Rejoicing In strength for the race. Thou comestl Thou comestl Thou comestl And heaven Is seen In thy facet ' Cbobbs: Its glory has gilded tbe mountains. And soon, where the Spoiler has trod. We shall follow thy feet to the fountains, And beautiful gardens of God. Tbou'rt publishing peace to the nation, And helping the poor to be free; Tbon'rt bringing a present salvation From every Injustice men see. Thy face Is a terror to tyrants. It withers their strength and they fall; But to those who are under oppression, It seemeth the fairest of all. Chorus; Its glory, etc Thou teachest tbe folly of fighting, Tbe waste of competitive strife: Thou slowest tbe need of uniting In equal. Industrial lite. Thou sbamest tbe pride of tbe classes. Who prey on the helpless and weak; Thy light is a light for the masses, The bope of thn poor and the meek. Chorus: Its glory, etc. O, never a lie bnt thou knowest Its evil. Its folly. Its pain; And never a good but thou showeet How ull its advantage shall gain. For the earth shall be filled with tbe knowledge Of that which Is helptnl and Just, And Truth shall disarm the Deceiver, And crce him to groTel in dust. Chorus: Its glory, etc. Gioboe Howard Gibbo.i, In Armageddon, FACE STEAMERS Free of Charge We give, free of charge, one of our Face Steam. ers to every purchaser of a 1.0(1 bottle of onr Complete Skin Cleanser. THEY HEMOVB Pimples, Blackheads, Freckles, uAoiu i-aicnes ana an Discol oration of the Skin. Steaming the face Is the only sure and anfa firocees to remove skin blotches, placing tbe skin u a clean and healthy condition, giving a most beautiful complexion. ' Face Steamer sent romnlere with evorv nrd.. Including Cleanser, Boiler, Lamp, Vaporiser, and full directions for use. Agents wanted In every city an own In tbe United States. Write for pnrticui-rs. Address LYON & HOLMES, Complexion Specialists, 251 5th Ave., NEW YORK CITY Mention this paper In order. Leather-oid ROOFING AND SIDING $1.00 Per Square 10x10 feet. For Roofing, Siding and Ceiling any building, small or large. Wo Tar. no Smell. Imparts ao Taste to Water. Made any Desired Color. Outlasts Metal with Came Attention. Outlasts any Tar Soof la Existenoe. Send for sample, etc. W. E, CAMPE'S SUPPLY CO., Kansas City, Mo. Business Directoiy. Men whoa advertisements appear In this eoP umo are thoroughly reliable, and ouslnewi en! trsstsd to them will receive prompt and esrefa' attention, McNERNEY A EAGER, Attorneys-at-law. 1034 O Street, Lincoln. Neb. Telephone 500. w. L. STARK, Attorney-at-Law, Aurora, Ne. br&tlta. LONG MATHEW. Attooneys-at-Law, Loop City, Nebraska. DR. H. B. LOWBY. 117 North 11th Street, Lin coln, Nebraska. MCNN STAPLE, Attorneys-at-Law.Ord, Ne braska. DR. J. M. LDCAS, Dentist, Brass Block, Lin coln. Nebraska. , I SHAMP IMPLEMENT CO., Bohanan Block, . Lincoln. Neb. Farm Machinery a specialty. Machines shipped to all parts ol ths state. I Y. M. 8WIGART, Mutual Firs and Cyclone Insurance, Lincoln, Neb. Agents wanted. WHEN In Lincoln, Populists should stop at the Lludell Hotel. It is Popniist headquarters OWII ?PlN Attorney-at-Law. Ko . WILOWIN, go and 81, Bmr Block, eoln, Nebraska. Rooms Lin- OF. LAMBERT80N, P. D. 8., graduate of Ohio College Dental Surgerjk Office Cor, 12th and O streets, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Gentleman or lady to sell Doble's Aluminum Coffee Economlier,- (its any coffee pot; saves one-third the coffee. Arthur L, Poble Co., ail Wabasti Ave., Chicago, III. F. M. WOODS, fine stork auctioneer, Lincoln Nebraska. Refer to the best breeders in the West, for whom I do business. Prices reasonable and correspondence promptly and cheerfully an swered. $75 a Month s numalM. WrlU teUy, AJdnMF.O.Bu Hnimt lloatloa ISOS,MlM,aaM. DE UV1L GREALI SEPARATORS Address, for catalogue and particulars. Or The Ot Laval Scmhator Co.. Kloiw, III. 7 Oortlandt Street, New York. We want a few more General Agents, ladles or gentlemen, to travel and appoint agents on our sew publications, Ftiii particulars kIvou on ap plication. 11 you apply please send references, and stats business eiperlence, ags and send photograph. If yon eannot travel, write us for terms to local eanvassess, Dept. Rare, 8.1. BELL CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. We Tan Cattle hides and all sorts of skins whole for Bob and Bugs. Soft, light, tnoth-nroof. net nur Ian Circular. We make frisian. ennn anrl crallnwav fur ooata and robea. If your dealer don't keep them get catalogue from us. The Crosby Frisian Fur Co., box 55, Rochester, N. Y. DO YOU WANT IT? Salesmen Wanted In every county, salary or eentmlaslea. No experience, Hew Tariff Bill lives aaltroited profits, active nra ap- pij qawsiy stating salary ana territory wanted, afannfaoturars. f. o. Bos aaoa. Betles, Mass. k FLOWER GARDEN FOR 25c. Oar bargain eol lection of 1(1 pkts, of Choice F lowers contains: tnnsy Liirne Uernmu: Connie Gisn t f erfeo- It-lon uanttyiuri r-mpretisi ounionum uom "vo,fo cudIo best mixed; Sweet Pest iickrord's lmrite Flower inn; Marigold Legion of Honor; Mignonette Machet; fhlox Qrandiflora; Zinnia Uiant Man; mom. 1 manna collection contains many novoltiee, for only 26 CM in stamps or silver, worth three tiinen the price. Our liandeome Gaiiukn Annual, 1UKE. Write for it. COLE'S SEED 8TORE, PELLA, IOWA. OUR WONDERFUL OFFER, Our grand catalogue, over 350 illustra tions, agents' latest goods and novelties. 1 writing: pen. fountain attachment. 1 elegant gentleman's watch chain and charm, guaranteed 20 years. Your name in agent's directory 1 year, all sent for 10 cents. Postage 2 cents, EMPIRE NOVELTY CO.. 157 TremontSt. Boston. Mass. ALL ABOUT IT. An Illustrated Journal telling all nbnnt the workings of a LITE school In a LIVE city that is making a specialty of training LIVE business men. COHIIHERCIAL STUDIES, Shorthand. Typewriting, ete. Ton can't tmnn-lno how mnch it will help yon in tne selection oi the right school to attend without seeing a copy. uiau 10 sena it iree. D. LILLIB RIDGE, Sec'y. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Neb. PRAIRIE FARM FOR SALE. 162 acres 3 miles south of Lonoke ; all under fence ; 15 acres timber, bal ance prairie, of which 30 acres is in cultivation; best quality of prairie land; title perfect, 6 room dwelling good stables, orchard and well, Lon-- I oke is the county seat; 23 miles east of Little Bock on L. R. & M. R. R. Price $2,150. Address, ' w. a vivion, Lonoke, Ark. , F. D. SHERWIN, Second Floor Burr Block. Teeth on Bnbber, Platinum, Gold, Alnmlnnm. and and Crown Work. Gold, Porcelain, and Amalgam Yotii$ TO THOROUGHLY QUALIFY THEMSELVES as Bookkeepers and Amanuenses. There is going- to be a brisk revival oi business and New is ths Tims to prepare yourself for a good position. The fl Uantqd Can do scnooi sent to Annex Eestanran 1 33 South 1 Cheapest place on earth for farmers to eat. any part or all on the bill ot fare for Only 1 5 Remember, that It is not IS cents and sp, but bill. Remember the place, Just south of Funke Opera House v j ft" ; mm Now, old wmd, naembtr, th$ aif tim THE BARTON FUEL CO. Beet grades of Coal In the market at bottom prices. 1024 0 Street Yard, 16th and T StrestV y rr.i.nt.n.. i OBIce, Tl. ' Telephones yBrd;707i Leather gets hard and brittle use Vacuum Leather Oil. Get a can at a harness or shoe etore, 25c a half pint to fl.25 a gallon; book "How to Take Care ef Leather," and awob, both free; use enough to find out; it you don't like it, take the can bteok and get the whole of your money . Bold only In cane, to make sure of fair dsalis) every where bandy cans, best oil for farm me thlnery also. If yon can't And It, writs to VACUUM Oil COMPANY, Rochester, H. T woven moi FEr:e: OvarSO StylealThe bent on Earth. Horsetilgh,! Bull strong, Fig and Chicken tight. You can make from 40 to so rods per aay lor rrom 14 to 22c. a Rod. Illustrated Catalogue Free. KITSEIMAN BROS., Rldgaville, - Indiana. An Organ for $5.00 Per Month J On these terms you can l) the celebrated KIMBALL orgs, highest grade, latest style, up-tc date, fine stool and book, freigl paid, only $63.00 on paymen Write for catalogue and desa tion. Agents wanted, 1 A. HOSPE, Jr., J Omaha, Ne GHAMBERLAIN Commercial Collegi -"nr. J la now offering special inducement, t all partiee wishing to study Bookkee; ing, Mathematics, Shorthand, TypJ writing, Penmanship, Latin, TTigenonr try, Commercial and Railroad Telegr pny. special attention given to prepax tory wore 10 1 state university. . OUR FACULTY. W. 8. LLEWELLYN, If. A., Principal Commercial Department. W. 6. CHALBERLAIN, Principal Shorthand Department and turer on Commercial Law. BEBT E. BETTS. Official Court Resort B, It. TRUE, I Principal Telegraphy and Ballroad Bi nees Departments. J J. O OLSON. I Principal Penmanship Departmei N. C.ABBOTT. ) Latin, Trigonometry, ef summer months. Lansing Theatre Building LINCOLN. - - NEBRASK DENTIST Porcelain Plates, Fillings. Gold and Porcelain Bridtj LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE more for yon In six months than any other i in neorasca. write lor paracaiars. Ulaqrw yon by addressing D. R. LILU BRIDGE? . rresiaent, uncoin. neorasKa. 2th Street A good bill of fare every day. Patrons eaa si Cents. U cents for all yon can eat, It it takes a"M 1 L. 0. HOLADAY, Propriety : ..eacacce tat. -et M:ier ' Jn PlIU. V 1 I. 1 -X,