The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, January 09, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
DBUUM! DEI OTENT Do yon know that next Wednesday light and Thursday there will be a meet ing of Mutual Iu8U' .nee men at the Lin dell hotel in thin e y that will interest m A InotMiA nil m' am nnuanf an ' x tit nil ulu an , u ' There are man .subjects of interest to every mutual man that he would like to hear about, come and Rive you idea about it and get value in return from others. The members of mutual com panies do not concern themselves as they should about the way their officers are doing business for tbem. It seems that in as much as their insurance is costing but little they are satisfied and do not care to school their officers if it would cost the company a few dollars, but in time the company would be largely bene fitted by sending a representative to a conference of this kind. In Iowa there are companies twenty five and thirty years old that send two men each year to the association meeting at Des Moines, and consider themselves well paid. The precedent they give us should be followed if we desire the suc cess that they make of insurance in every line except life. Come, again we say come, and let us council together for the benefit of mutual insurance. ' (Srover's War 'EHitor VValth Makers: If Grovjr and the Rothschilds (who are partners and fast friends) should con elude that the p. ople must have a little dust thrown in their eyes, and they should conclude that a little sham war would just be the thing, I wonder why Grover could not be conquered and then his friend Roth could say, Grover I think that your people need a guardian ap pointed, and as you and John Sherman have been working in our interest for long time we will appoint one of you prince and the other chief advisor and you may have any title to your name you desire, and you may rule your peo pie while you live and then Ruth may rule, just as Queen Tick does, that is, as we want her to. Col. L. C. Pace will deliver an address on the "Trinity af Man, or Man as a lhree-fold Being," before the Social Science Club in the A. 0. U. W. hall, 1114 street, Sunday evening, Jan. 12, at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement in another column of Lyon & Holmes, Complexion Special ists, 251 5th Ave. New York City. It is a well known fact that the best and wfeHt treatment for any disease of the face is 1'ace 'Steaming. By such treat metit the microbes which are now regard ed by scientists as the cause of all skin diseasps are easily destroyed. The skin becoming as nature intended it to be: soft, smooth, clear and white; and per fectly free from blotch or blemish. Messrs Lyon & Holmes, place this treatment within the reach of every one by offering to send one ot tneir race bteamers free af nhnrm to evprv nersnn nrrlarino1 nun Sottle of their Complete Skin Cleanser, They also offer a reward of $100.00 in rold, for any case of Freckles, Eczema, lan. Tetter, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Hatches. Brown or Liver Snots, lilaek ieads, Ugly muddy skin, Uunatural Red ness, or any other blemish of a scrofu lous or kindred nature that their Face Steamer and Complete Skin Cleanser will lot quickly remove and permanently sure. As this firm is endorsed by the press of New lork City, we have no hesitancy in recommending them to our readers. ; ' , Agricultural School for Girls. Minnesota has a Girls School of Agriculture, where the fair student becomes a master of plowing, harrow ing, of cooking, canning, smoking, pickling, dairying, flower-growing, fruit gardening, poultry raising and stock breeding; of sewing, darning, leather repairing, entomology, house hold economics and domestic and agrl cultural chemistry. IS IT A TRIFLE ? That Common Trouble, Sour Stomach, Now Known to he the Source of Ser ious Trouble. "Sour Stomach," is the common name lor acta dyspepsia, ana because it is a common everyday trouble with many people, they have come to look upon it. as of little consequence, as affecting the general health. .Nevertheless, the most serious diseases have their beginniiitr from, this very condition. It is caused in tti&JIirst Dlace from weakness of the MITII WI1IITI1 1IHICHI1 (II flPfllfl 1 1 I V u " Y 'I : . j e . i Miitr nun II iNiifiMi ntr f 1 1 i.nn ifirwi ni fiHH ir Tn no in rim nrnthnoh fnr hnnpa lermentmg, causing gas, sour rising in the mouth, heart-burn, headaches, op pression despondency, dullness, etc. The blood is thin, impure, and circula tion poor simply because it is replenished from this mass of fermenting, half di gested food. This condition of the stomach cannot continue very long with out deranging the uervous system, the kidneys, heart, liver, or lungs. Which ever is weakest will break down first. Pure blood, strong nerves and muscles, firm healthy flesh can only come from wholesome food well digested. "Blood purifiers" and "nerv tonics" do not reach the cause of the mischief. The stomach is the point to be looked after. The safest aud Burest way to cure any form of indigestion is to take after each meal some harmless preparation which will of itself digest food. There is an excellent preparation of this kind composed of vegetable essences, pure pepsin, Golden Seal and fruit salts, sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tub lets and these tablets taken after meals assist digestion wonderfully because they will digest the food promptly, before it has time to ferment and sour and the weak stomach relieved and assisted in this way soon becomes strong aud vigor ous again. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are super ior to any secret patent medicines be cause you know what you are taking illtn Vrilll Dtnmnnli rP 1 1 n i nA a. .1.4 I druggists everywhere at 50 cents per package. oooie'a Aluminum com Economise r FITS ANY COFFEE POT PfM Trial No Kgg needed to fettle. Keep the , blackens, Wc guarantee our 1 Economwr to make better. The Cone stronger and rloiier coffee. Price with 1-8 lem. We allow Pott Efl o jrarcWer one ereei'n Lm 0UCtrl "'" end If not satle rm'" factory can be returned and Ka, vm . Clean luaiue. jtuvvr riiaw or . wewiii rernnrt the money. ARTHUR L. DOME OO. all Wesuk An..0Umm. tn. n r PI 921 O STREET. CLEARING Odds and Ends in Shoes! Which we are closing out at the following greatly reduced prices. Men's and Boys' Shoes. $2.00 and $2.50 Men's Buff and Dcvone Calf, now $1.75. $3 and $3.50 Men's Calf Dongola Shoes, now $2. 1 5. $4 and $$ Men's Kangaroo and Cordovan Shoes, now S2.50. $1.50 Men's Buff 9 to uj, now gi.oo. $1.35 and S1.50 Boys' Button and Congress, now $1.00. Blue Ribbon School Shoes. . 5J to 7, former price $1.25, at 95c. 8 to lo4, former price $1.50, at $1.20. 11 to 13, former price $1.75, at $1.40. 13 to 2, former price $2.00, at $1.60. Ladies'. Misses' & Children's Shoes. S2.25, S2.50, $3.00, and $3.50 Ladies' Don gola Kid, 2 to &,y2, plain toe, now $1.25. $3 and $3.50 Ladies' Welts, patent tips, pointed and square toe, now $2.25. gi.25 and Si. 50 Misses' Dongola Kid Shoes, 13 to 2, now gi.oo. 75c Children's Kid Shoes5 to 84, now 50c. . $1.25 Oil Grain, 8 to 9, now 75c. Fred Schmidt 921 0 Street, Opposite Postoffice, ENGLAND'S CATHEDRALS. Beautiful Architectural Specimen, to Bi Seen In Small Towns. It was my privilege to see ten ol th cathedrals of England, and situated, ai some of them are, in small towns, on comes on visiting them to know mor of the life of the people than the tour ist can attain who flies from one greai city to another,! says a writer in the Springfield Republican. Each travelei will have his favorite among them, ant all have their excellencies and defects Some of them are partially spoileo by the smoke of the town, and anj restoration ought to be welcome that will clean it off. Such is the case with York and Lincoln, and, to a greater ex tent, with Peterborough, whose mag nificent facade, or rather architect's conception of it, is best appreciated b the study of a photograph. As th English are not inclined to the apo theosis of dirt, they have in many cases removed the disgrace in recent years, and Peterborough itself is now made glorious within, in all the marvel ous beauty of its cream-white stone. When these buildings are not in smoky towns the atmosphere, after the lapse of ages, has sometimes heightened the architectural effect, so that Ely. grows old gracefully, and . Salisbury even beautifully. Salisbury and Canterbury seem well-nigh perfect. In Durham the marble columns are marred by a puerile fluting; the towers of York are not all finished. The wonderful cen tral tower of Lincoln has lost Its pin nacles; the great facade of Peterbor ough is out of proportion to the build ing; the external effect of Ely is too much like a fortress; the spires of Litchfield are not mates in color and are somewhat ornate; but upon Canter bury and Salisbury the eye rests con tent And yet he is little to be envied who would not find Intoxicating joy in every one of these, so great are they and in their varied power so lifting the beholder above and beyond all inciden tal defects, and it is quite to the credit of the young woman from Springfield who Is said to have burst into tears at the sight of Westminster abbey. Northwestern System Holiday Rates Fare and third for round trip to any system station within a distance of 200 miles. Tickets sold Dec. 24, 25, 31, and Jan. 1. Return limit. Jan. 2d. Citv office 117 So. 10th St. Depot cor. 8th and S Sts., Lincoln, Neb. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER II we want luuo more active agents before July 1st. We will guarantee 120 to $30 per day can be easily made In any locality ; our good, sell themelve; we furnish a large roll of l&mnlAa entirely Si'TtlTI-. nnrl allow ftn n t cent, commission on all sales. Send to-dfty ior run particulars, or we win senu wttn s same a Valuable sample of our goods In ) solid Silver upon receipt of 10 cents In silver or stamp. Kstablinhed In 188a. Ad dress, 8TANI)AKl blLVERWAKK CO.. Boston. Mass. GREAT JANUARY FOR FIFTEEN DAYS. 1-5 15 Off ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD, A NEW DISCOVERY WHICH IS WORTH THAT MUCH. To Anyone Afflicted with Piles, The Pyramid Pile Cure, the new, pain less remedy which ha? been so remark ably successful in curing every form of piles and rectal diseases, has reeently dwii placed on sale at druggists and it is safe to say that when its extraordinary merit becomes fully known, there will be 30 such thing as surgical operations for thecure ol this obstinate and common ;rouble. Mrs. M. C. Hinkly, of 601 Mississippi St., Indianapolis, Ind., says: I had been t terrible sufferer from piles for 15 years ind no remedies benefitted me. until I iaw an advertisement of the Pyramid Tile Cure; I got a package, also a pack ing of Pyramid Pills and used both ac cording to directions. I was astonished it the immediate relief obtained and now I honestly believe the Pyramid to be the silly certain cure for piles. That you may realize how bad I was, I will say that I was confined to my bed and went before the college physicians lere who said my case was a new one to them aud wanted seven or eight hundred Jollars to undertake a cure; the great ;nin had brought on a rupture, and I Knew an operation would be death to me on account of blood poisoning. Nearly -vurvone here knows of my terrible suffer ing from piles and I feel that I cannot praise the Pyramid Pile Cure enough, unil the Pyramid Pills also. My husband will join me in highly recommending the Pyramid, my daughter was cured by one box only. For several years I weighed but about 90 pounds, now I weigh 150 and feel in perfect health. This seems to be the universal testi mony of every sufferer from piles who have ever tried the Pyramid; it is the safest, most painless pile cure yet dis covered; contains no opiate, morphine, cocaine or any poisonous ingredient whatever, has a soothing, healing effect from the firttt application, and the moder ate price places it within the reach of everyone needing treatment. ' The Pyra mid Pile Cure is sold by Druggists at 50 cents and $1.00 per package and the Pyramid Pills at 25 cents per box. Send to Pyramid Co., Albion, Mich., for free book on ennwe and cure of piles. Insanity Increases with Tea-Drinking. Insanity has for years been on the Increase in Ireland, and a medical com mission declares that the Increase is largely due to excessive tea-drinking. 0. F. LAM8ERTS0N, D.D.S., GRADUATE OF Ohio College Dental Surgery 10 years continuous practice in Lincoln: Office: Alexander Block, 1 2th and P Streets, Rooms 23 and 24. Testta on Rubber, Platinum, Gold and aluml nm Plate. Bridge Work. Gold and Poroelala Crowns. 921 O STREET. SALE Off On Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets," Bed Comforts. On Mufflers, Flannel Shirts, Gloves and Mittens, German Socks and Caps. 10 Per Cent Discount on our regular line of Boots and Shoes, and Rubber Goods during v this sale. Remember this sale lasts only 15 days, so call -at once and secure some of the Bargains. 20 Per Cent Off On Shawls, Underwear, Hoods, and Fascinators, Cardigan Jackets. & Bro., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Why Pay Interest? Sixty million are paying it to i five million. They do not enjoy it, but they suppose it is inevitable. One man knows better. His name is J. W. Bennett, and he has written a book called A Breed of Barren Metal, or Currency and Interest. He shows the absurdity of the old arguments to justify interest; he shows what a blight on human ity interest isj he shows a practi cal and peaceable way of abolishing it , His book is simple enough for a schoolboy to understand, and yet so scientific and original that statesmen can learn from "it. It is a book of 256 large pages, but to reach the millions it is offered at 25 cents postpaid, or in a handsome cloth binding for libraries at 75 cents postpaid. Charles H. Kerr & Company, Publishers 56 Fifth Ave., Chicago. FACE STEAMERS Free of Charge We Rive, free ot charge, one of oar Face Steam erg to every purchaser of a f 1.00 bottle of oar Complete Skin Cleanser. THEY BEMOVC Pimples, Rlackheads, Freckles, Moth Patches and all Discol oration of the Skin. Staamlng the face ia the only Bare and safe procem to remove akin blotchen, placing the skin Id a clean and health; condition, giving a most lieantlful complexion. Pare Hteamer eent complete with every order. Including Cleauger, Holler, Lamp, Vaporner, and full directions for no. Agents wanted In every city and town In the United States. Write for particulars. Address LYON & HOLMES, Complexion Specialists, 251 5th Ave., - NEW YORK CITY. Mt atlon this paper tn order. Go to 117 So. 10th St. for B. Steamship tickets. R. and T SEEDS F. D. SHERWIN, Second Floor Burr Block. Teeth on Rubber. Platinum, Gold, Alomlnnm. and ndOrowaWork. Oold. Poreelain. and Aiails.n. uu nn ia ins TiMK fX sir II L J Can do fllvD cho1 I I W U V V U ?fnt ? 1895 More Prosperous Than Ever CAN BE TRULY SAID OF Lincoln Normal University. 90 PER CENT MORE STUDENTS ENROLLED THIS YEAR THAN FOR THE CORRESPONDING PERIOD LAST YEAR. We have the BEST TRAINING! SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS In Nebraska, or the West for that matter. We have the only well tqaipptd Business College In Nebraska. If yoa doubt thia statement come to see tor yourself. "Seeing Is believing." We prepare students to enter the State University ot Nebraska, and grades mads with as am recognised there. Oar faculty of 18 experienced men and women Is the strongest to be found In any Normal, Business, or Preparatory School In the State. We assist all worthy graduates to positions. We have school the year round and yoa ean enter at any time and take up such studies as iODou.v uieuofcee m eiitiemeiiv man we nave of Lincoln Normal University. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION 13 SPECIALLY EMPHASIZED. WE GIVE THE BACK" WARD STUDENT A CHANCE. We have the largest and finest laboratories to be found in any unendowed Normal school wast of Chicago. For Catalogue address. HILL M. BELL, M. S., Pres., Normal, Lincoln, Neb. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON ALL CONSIGNMENTS. REFER TO ANY CINCINNATI BANK. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. WHY 9 le your sows and plffs at farrowlne? VTe my new foreppi" ami nave them. Wu. mi vuu wimple 1 11(11 i Introduce them at wholemle price. BOOK about plirs FHK.K. J. N. Nclmrni. )i Hut. There Is No It col both vravft. Anna Three Cent Column. "For Sale." "Wanted." "For Exchange." as4 small advertisements for short time, will be cnsrirea tnree cents per wora ior taen insertion. Initials or a number counted as one word. Cash with the order. If yon "want" anything or have anything thai anybody else "wants," make It known through this column. It will pay. FRANK D. EAGER, Attorney-at-Law, 1034 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. . O WTT QriM Attoraey-at-Law V J-LilOVjiM , Rooms 0 and 1 uir mui'it, ljjucuiu, neurasKa, w Neb. ANTED Fire and Cyclone Aitenta, Qood pay. J. T. U. HWIUAKT, Bec'y, Lincoln, WANTED Gentleman or lady to sell Dobles Aluminum Coffee Economlser; fits any coffee pot; saves one-third the coffee. Arthur il llobie ft Co., 211 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. $75 A MONTH IS U4TO, ,1m frM. it .ltn.tloa SnuitMl. WrIU to4r. AddrMiP.O.Bei lSO, Bo.Ua, , DE UV1L CREAf.l SEPARATORS Address, for catalogue and particulars, Or Thc Oc Laval Si-sanron Co.. Eloim, tu 1 Oortlandt Street, New Tort. TINGLEY & BURKETT, Attorney s-at- Law. 1028 O St., Lincoln, Neb. mad. and money remitted sam. day as collected, PRAIRIE FARM FOR SALE. 162 acres 3 miles south of Lonoke ; all under fence ; 15 acres timber, bal. ance prairie, of which 30 acres is in cultivation; best quality of prairie land; title perfect, 6 room dwelling good stables, orchard and well, Lon-- oke is the county seat; 23 miles east of Little Rock on L. R. & M. R. K. Price 12,150. Address, W. H. VIVION, Lonoke, Ark. i VAAA. AAA A'A f STEEL ; Picket Lawn-Fence WEB Stocl Posts. Bteel Ralls and Steel Onto! Rtnol Tim. r lower ana u omaio uuaras, t aoiort Held and nog Fence, 24 to W in. hlirti, Poultry, Garden and itabbil Fence: Html Wire Fence. Ikj&rn.ot. t'tiljiiuittt tron OeKALB FENCE CO. i4a High SL. OeKalb. IIL OUR WOhficfcVfEB. Our grand catalogue, over 850 illustra tions, agents' latest goods and novelties, 1 writing pen, fountain attachment, 1 elegant gentleman's watch chain and charm, guaranteed 20 years. Your nam In agent s directory 1 year, all sent (or 10 cents. Postage 3 cents. EMPIRE NOVELTY CO., 157 TreoiontSt., Boston, Mass. ALFALFA SEED A SPECIALTY. Cane and Millet Reed, Kaffir. Jernsalem and Mtlo Malt. Cora. BnceeM and Hnllew Barley, Heed A crp0, Write for oor "Ho to How Alfalfa," and Pnc on .ida McHKTII A KIMVN, ird2u tlty, Kanwu. DENTIST. jrlin Pl.t- n,j . . VlUtogt. m 'D1 Foreelln Wdg. TO THOROUGHLY QUALIFY THEMSELVES at Bookkeepers and Amanuenses. There is going to be a brisk revival of business 10 prepare yourseii ior good position. The LINCOLN, BUSINESS COLLEGE more for vouln six months than any other Nebraska. Write for particulars. Gladly y00. dressing D. kT LI LU BRIDGE, me ones eauiDDea unsinese uoiiem in nenrae Established i860. F.JELIIEQSG, 63 Walnut Street, ' Cincinnati, O. Commission Merchant! and dealers in Broom Corn and all kinds of Broom Material! Maonlnarr. Doubt Aboilf trie !f,l merit of HEHORNiNG not crash. Onwcllo r kmkk ) An Organ for $5.00 WQOQOO- ft UK) I J KgEgke;i5j Per Month On these terms you can buy the celebrated KIMBALL organ, highest grade, latest style, up-to-date, fine stool and book, freight paid, only $63.00 on payments. Write for catalogue and descrip tion. Agents wanted. A. HOSPE, Jr., Omaha, Neb. GHAMBERliAIN- Commercial College. Is now offering special inducements to all parties wishing to study Bookkeep ing, Mathematics, Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship, Latin, Trigonome try, Commercial and Railroad Telegra phy. Special attention given to prepara tory work for State University. OCR FACULTY. V W. 8. LLEWELLYN. M.A Principal Commercial Department. W. Q. CHALBERLAIN. Principal Shorthand Department and Lec turer on Commercial Law. BERT E. BETTS, Official Court Reporter. 8. If. TRUE, Principal Telegraphy and Railroad Bntf aess Departments. J. 0- OLSON, Principal Penmanship Department N. C. ABBOTT. Latin, Trigonometry, ete. Call or write for special rates during iimmai mnnthi Lansing Theatre Building, LINCOLN. - - NEBRASKA. The Salvation Army. Tbe Salvation Army has now, in dif ferent parts of the world, 291 shelters. homes, labor bureaus, and other benevo lent institutions in full operation, un der the guidance ot 1.239 mea and women. it