The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, January 09, 1896, Image 2
' Janry 9ji896. TIIE WEALTH MAKERS, THE WEALTH MAKERS, N8rleaof TEE ALLIAXCE-INDEPEXDENT. Consolidation of tm Fmrmert Alliance and Xeb. Independent. PUBLISHED ETEBT TH0R8DAT BT Tlu Wealth Makers Publishing Osmpany, 1120 M St, Lincoln. Nebraska. GtoooB Howard Gibson......... , Editor J. 8. HTT... -... Bn"e Manager N. I. P. A. If any man most fall tor me to rise, Then feck I not to climb. Another' pala I oboon not lor my good. A golden chain, A rob ot honor, It too good a prlM To tempt my hasty band to do a wrong Unto a fallow man. Tbia Ufa bath woa Sufficient, wrooifht by man'a aatanlc foe; And wbo tbat hath a haart would dara prolong That seeks a baaling balm to maka it whole? My boaom owna the brotherhood of man." Publishers' Announcement. The subscription price of Tac Whlth Mai Bi la 11.00 per year, In advance. Agenta In aollclting subscription ahonld be very careful that all namea are correctly a pel led and proper poatofBce given. Blanki for return aabaorlptiona, return envelopes, etc., can be bad on application to thla office. Alwati algn your name. No matter bow often you write oa do not neglect tbla Important mat ter. Every week we receive letters with Incom plete addressee or without signature and it la ometlmea difficult to locate them. Cantos or Annans. Subscribers wishing to change their poatofBce addreaa muat alwaya give their former aa well aa their preaent addreaa whea change will be promptly mad. Advertising Katea, (LIS oar loch. 8 centa per Agate Una, 14 line to the Inch. Liberal illacount on large apace or long time contract. Addreaa all advertialng communications to WEALTH MAKERS PUBLISHING CO., J. 8. Hyatt, Bus, Mgr. Send Us Two (Jew Haines - With $2, and your own subscription will be ex tended One Year Free of Cost. Miss 1896 was born with a smile tbat was broad and bland. 'Jeff Davis was .not a greater traitor to the country than Cleveland and Car lisle are to the interests of the common people. ' , Next issue of this paper will be a "hum mer." Eight large pages full to over flowing with red hot Populist shot. Just wait' till next week. The city last week was given over to the "school masters and school marms" and yet no article of value seems to be missing, or unaccounted for. The State Central Committee are al ready beginning work for the pros i don tial campaign. It will be a hot one too and the Prpulist party will be in it from 8 tart to finish. Wouldn't we like to have a chance to "wallop" Miklejohn next fall? Tom Ma jors ought to support his nomination for when the election is over Tom's de feat would begin to look respectable in comparison. The editor of the Daily Call is' just spoiling for a fight with England. It would seem that his experience with a certain Englishman last summer when (the editor) got "swatted" all over the face, ought to have been sufficient exer cise for him in that line. Where was Strode and Mercer and Miklejohn and Hainer and Andrews when more bonds were being voted upon the people in the House of representatives! Assisting Wall Street of course to bleed their constituents. Poor Nebraska only has one man in the House out of six to vote in the interest of her people. An exchange Bays, "When a person hungers for notoriety to such an extent that he would obtain it at a sacrifice of public happiness, it is time to invite the T-trf7iin rf n trr IriTlar anf tall Vi i rvi t aj wi i ivu a n a 1 1 v l uuvi tun J i in vu do his worst." The writer of the above must have had in mind the editor of the Call who is spt fling for a fight with Eug land. I Hon. J. L. H. Knight, ex -regent of the State University, a very able and schol arly gentleman now raising grain and fine hogs for a living in Custer county has recently become a convert to the , Populist party. He will aid very materi ally in keeping populism at high tide in what is all ready the banner Populist county in the state. The money appropriated for the run. ning expenses of the penitentiary is still in th treasury or in some one or more banks, and. Leidigh has not suspended operations. ' The government at the pen still lives, and the prisoners are still clothed and fed. We would suggest a state issue of bonds at a low rate of in terest, to replete the "a vailable" funds, as it would undoubtedly meet the appro val of at least five of our delegates in Congress. The reserve is now below the million point. The bill would certainly tr approved by governor to be elected Mikeljohn. DO HOT BE DISOOUBAQED We are living in the evening twilight of thenineteenth century. Just what scenes are yet to be enacted before the final enr tain falls is only problematic. We hav to admit that the present outlook is not the brightest. At no time since the cen tury dawned upon our land, save per haps, the dark days of the rebellion, haa the condition of the mass of our people been worse or the prappect of improve ment less promising. If matters go o from bad to worse for the few remaining years of the cen tnry as they have the same number of years just passed the nineteenth century will indeed go but in gloom. But we do not, cannot, believe it will. The common people are thinking as they have never done before. Force are at work as they never have worked before. Combinations are being formed that were never formed before, and the condition of labor and laboring people is being realized as they never were real ized before. It is true the forces against the common people are also combining but this is one of the most hopeful signs of the times. It is the most convincing arguments that the people have bad, or could have, that the battle is not to be fought out on old party lines. Old party lines are almost entirely wiped out. Party fealty has become a shame and a cheat, and party leaders, and, the once proud masters of their organizations have themselves become the followers and slaves ot one master, the "Money Power." They can meet upon one com mon ground and join hands in their ne farious work of bonding the people in time of profound peace and robbing them in the way of interest to further fill the already plethoric purse of the masters. They have not only announced their in. tentionsbut have proceeded far to carry ing them out in this direction, and if they meet with no barrier in the Senate their hellish scheme will be accomplished. But they do not intend to stop there. They propose to further reduce our cir culating medium by withdrawing all our greenback circulation and thus further contracting our currency. We say these bold strokes are the most hopeful signs of the times. If under such treatment the supposed corps does not come to life, and resent the insult, it ought to be buried out of Bight and be yond the hope of a resurrection. Let the dance therefore go on for the time will sooner come when, "the silver cord will be loosened, and the golden bowl broken at the fountain." SENATOR ALLEN Senator Allen is making a record for the people in the United States Senate that ought to make the people of Neb raska proud to know that they have one representative in the United' States Sen ate who is their friend. When Congress convened lie, with . the balance of the Populists in the Senate, called a meeting of the free silver men of the Senate of all parties to confer as to the best policy to pursue to secure legislation on the money question in the interest of the people. The Populist members met but the Re publican and Democratic free silver Sena tors ignored the call and the meeting was a failure. The Populist members of the senate held the balance of power and when it come to the reorganization o' the Senate they could give the organiza tion to either the Republicans or Demo crats as thev chose. They determined to take no part and allow them to fight it out among themselves. This gave the organization to the Republicans and of course the Democrats were hot and com menced to abuse the Populists. Senator Allen made a speech in reply and remind ed the free silver Republicans and Demo! cratic members of their action when the conference was called and told them that as they ignored the Populists in the mat ter of legislation the Populists would ignore them in the matter of organiza tion as it mattered not to the American people which party held the organization so long as neither party proposed to grant the people relief on the money question and that as long of the Repub licans held absolute control of one house of Congress he was willing that they should control both and become respon sible as a party, without excuse, for the legislation. At the same time he gave them notice that the Populists would vote for good measures and use their vote to prevent bad measures from be coming laws. When the bill to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue another hundred millions in bonds to buy gold to keep up the gold basis farce came up Senator Allen moved an amend ment which directs the SecretaJy of the Treasury to issue $30,000,000 more of the treasury certificates of the act of July 14, 1894; to coin all the silver bull ion in the treasury at the rate of not less than $3,000,000 per mouth, such coin age to be a reserve fund for the redemp tion of the additional issue authorized, and also, the treasury notes heretofore issued. When they are redeemed they are to be reissued and kept in circulation. The issuance of any interest bearing bonds for auy purpoee whatever, with out further authority of Congress, is prohibited. Of course his amendment will be rejected although a majority of the Senate claim to be free silver men but it shows the consistency and statesman ship of Senator Allen in a way that is pleasing to his friends in Nebraska. Free Press. Hon. Geo. E. Bioelow once a candi date for governor of Nebraska, but now a hard working Populist, hasibeen living In Texas the past year. He made Lin coln a visit a few days ago, and said among other things that the brightest minds in Texas belonged to the Populist party. Of course: Texas will give a large majority vote for the Populist nominee lor president this year. DO WE WANT A SILVER PARTY? The Utah Democrat has the following to say in regard to keeping "in the middle of the road." The Populist party is the party of the people, and the inly hope for final industrial freedom. Looking these things square in the face, e must decide what to do, first we can dght along in the old parties with no possible hope of keeping a gold bug, oigh-tariff-Republican out of the presi dential chair in 1896. We cannot con sistently do this; we will not lay still and te robbed without at least entering our protest. Hence, if we cannot do this we bavebut two possible courses left; to join move for a distiuctly free silver party, or join a party that is already second in lize in 22 states in the union, and first in three. From a business or a political itandpoiut we would decidedly be in favor of the latter, providing the same result may be obtained by so doing. The proposed silver party promises noth tng but free silver. They have no orga nization. They have no press save a few sheets that have sprung up in Utah,. These obstacles are all overcome in 'the Populist party. They have an organiea tion, national, and most perfect, with more than 2,000,000 voters at the '94 lection. They have an army of over 8,000 newspapers that are valiantly fighting (every one of them) for free silver and other much needed reforms. Resides this, the party is fast growing. While in every state that held an election this fall the total vote was from 10 percent to 20 per cent lees than the congressional elec tion of '94, still the People's party made clear gains in every state. Farther than this, the People's party deals with the railroad question and the land monopoly question, surely both of . these questions are vital questions for Utah. We are being most unmercifully fleeced in this valley in the matter of freight rates, and land monopolies are fast gobbling up th6 public domain, and our small farms are fast passing into the hands of the usurer. After looking at these questions from every side we have concluded to unfurl the People's party banner, nail it to our mast head, Fin ance, Transportation, Land, Free Silver, and Death to Interest Rearing Bonds, and abide by the result. Utah Democrat OgdenUtah. A BIG HUMBUG The financial world has been made to feel that unless the "gold reserve" i maintained disaster would follow, where as if there was not a gold dollar in th treasury it would not lessen the actual bond security one iota. It's one of those unaccountable bugaboos that must bf of pecuniary value to a large number ol wealthy men, or so much pains would not be taken to scare people. I acknow ledge now that to reduce the reserve would be disastrous, but for no sensible reason. Just thinkl The hundred millions is kept up, for what? To redeem bonds and circulating medium of about twenty-five times as much. What would you think of a bank that had ?1 of securitp for every $25 in circulation? Yet this is the gold fiction. When the world knows that the entire wealth of this country is the real security, inside of a few years it will look back in wonder at the gullibility of the whole nation on this subject. Of course, if prosperity comes in full blast, there is no financial question, for people cry for change when .conditions are bad. Cor. N. Y. Herald. Des Moines, Ia., Jan. 1, 1896. Editor Wealth Makers: Dear Sib: Two dollars a year, for five years; from three million reformers (the country's liquor bill for twelve days) would build and equip a railroad from Denver to the Atlantic coast) 2000miles.) It is pretty safe to say that every refor mer will spend that amount in the next five years and get practically nothing for it. Yes, every tramp. Such a road operated at cost would save the people the ambunt spent on it every year. It would cut off millions of dollars going out of the country yearly, as interest and dividends on roads which are three-fourths watered stock, and by so doing force a large number of such roads onto the market, for sale to your Uncle Samuel for legal tender. It would demonstrate the power of the people, when righteously inclined, and lead them quickly to destroy all monopolized in dustries in the same manner. It is idle, and cowardly to say that it connot be done. Thetimeaud money already spent on organizing the P. P. would have ac complished it. The people will take it up readily if presented to them. The stock can be made non-dividend-bearing (one man one vote) and be exchanged for legal tender as soon as the government will take the road, and guarantee the people their rights therein. To destroy "profit" is the only way to destroy monopoly. It is the natural way, and therefore the right (divine) way.1 No reformer uever a single one ever originated in legislation (strife). Every one of them spring from, a spiri tual source (educational). Experience alone teaches, and this is the easiest way to teach the people that when they do right themselves, others are compelled, bv natural law, to do right also. The people never had any control of a gor eminent anywhere, at any time, and never will until they first make right conditions themselves. The flat of law is the prerogative of the Almighty alone, We are here to carry out His laws. We can deny Him, but His laws assert them selves in spite of our ignorance. When we I apply natural laws we will rendei mush of government as we know, gov- eminent useless. God is "practical." Never fear about that. There is no use duplicating His laws. To thwart them is supreme folly. Then why legislate? When we understand that natural laws are sufficient for every purpose, if appli ed, reform will come with a rush. "For in one hour is so great riches come to naught," Rev. 18. We have no one to blame for present conditions but our selves. Self love has led every one of us into "profit" seeking. All wanted to get where we could live in the sweat of the brother's face. We must destroy ."pro fit," not make it. Must seek nature (God) for all profit, not our fellows. Must exchange with them at par (cost)- Leg islation is war. Peace is the conqueror. We cannot put new wine into old bottles! We have entered the ew order. Have been caught napping. The money ques tion is not a money question, it is a debt question, that is to Bay it is a question of interest, which is "profit." Assertions? Yes. Contradict them successfully if you can. Sincerely, Jas. T. R. Green. P. S. I can get $1000 (100 shares) subscribers in this city alone, for a peo ple's road from old party voters, men who wouldn't vote a Pop ticket to save their souls, and I am the worst kindyof a collector. G. Sheriff elect Trompen of this county is having serious trouble in distributing a small amount of patronage between a large number of aspirants who are claim ing anti-election promises. John is showing a large amount of skill in not violating the letter if he does the spirit of his contracts. Where he has more promises than places, and has made promises that hedon't want to and never intended to fulfill, he makes a tender with a string to it, or a condition that he knows will not be accepted and then appoints the other fellow. John is long headed as well as long bodied. The year was ushered in so suddenly that many forgot to swear off. The police record for the first few days wonld at least indicate as much. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES You didn't think the profit on coal oil was great enough to carry into politics, did you? But the continual small steal ing on each gallon hasenabled the Stand ard Oil company to become the most col ossal combine in the world's history, owning courts, legislatures and congress. It is now reaching out to own the iron industry, the copper industry, the timber industry and the land we must live on or perish. The oil company has always been in politics and using your vote to gain its end. No, you will not mix coal oil and politicsl - Of course hot! Coming Nation. The United States cannot go to war unless Rothschilds will loan us the gold, for surely ourgreatand noble and honor able rulers wouldnot ask soldiers to fight and take pay in debased silver and paper fiat trash! See Uncle Sam getting down on bis knees to John Bull for the gold John Bull is drawing from this country. A pretty spectacle. Coming Nation. From Southern Mercury Cleveland's war will be a series of Bull Runs. Cleveland should go to the front with his body guard. We must have European money to carry on a European war. Mr. Cleveland can't whip a crank, much less the British empire. Why not redeem the $500,000,000 of treasury notes in Mills' change? The Democratic cuckoos have a faith ful friend in John Sherman. The one great lesson for the American people to learn is how to vote. Small Change Roger Q. will probably be a colonel in Gen. Gordon's brigade. Man-Afraid-of-His-Big-Shadow is a great warrior. He has won many vic tories on duck ponds. . If Uncle Sam and John Bull were to open recruiting offices on Wall street, it would be nip and tuck. Plutocracy owns the courts, hence the millionaires can destroy the laws as fast as they can be enacted. John Bull is conquering this country without firing a gun. He has possession of the treasury now. Grover should tak" Deb's advice, and save his money and buy a gun if he is going to whip Johnny Bull. The English gold gamblers will doubt less have an opportunity to purchase several more issues of bonds before war breaks out. Will a man fight who is afraid of his shadow? He will first have to under stand that means of escape are effectu ally cut off. A man may be able to conduct a sheriff's hanging successfully, but that is no sign he possesses capacity to command an army. Cleveland's substitute has not been heard from on the war question. In all probability he knows a sight more about war than Grover. The power of thought is most wonder ful. If an old party voter will spend a few days in earnest thought it would revolutionize his politics. The bond grabbers were so vociferous in their demand for bonds that congress men were forced to forego a Christmas recess in order to feed these comorants with evidences of notional indebtedness. Senator Mills has not been heard from' on the Venezuelan war question. Senator Gordon has declared for war; now let Senator Mills take a stand. Grover will soon be like Alexander the Great. He will weep on his shirt front because there are no more humbugs for bin to work off on the people. The indications are that Grover and the money power are about to browbeat A RATTLING GOOD CHRISTMAS MY. (BY THE AUTHOR.) ' Chap. I. The world's wheat crop has decreased for twelve years. ! Chap. IL American wheat crop has decreased for fifteen years. ' Chap. III. The corn crop decreased for 16 years in spite of the last crop. ' m tir o i t. ; f 1 . ,1 : i j j uiiap. i . ourjjiua aiuruge ui graiu una Bitaui.y uecrctuseu. Chap. V. Export of grain has increased for fourteen years. Chap. VI. The number of farm animals has remained about the same ten years. , Chap. VIL Total average of crops decreased in ten years. - Chap. VIII. But the Home Market increased by twenty million mouths. Chap. IX Mr. Price, instead of climbing higher pitched headlong over the fright ful precipice, crushing Miss Supply Demand into mush. The sly, deep, dark, devilish, doughface villain known to the World as Mr. Re spectable Greedikuss, and to the Devil as Mr. Legalized Labortheif, arose from his web. He silently parted the portierre, G. O. P. upon one side, D. O. P. on the other. They were looped together as one curtain at the top, and as the velvet folds parted they gracefully swept downward into hell. The villain stood a moment gazing out of the window as the mangled form of Miss Supply Demand was carried by on a stretcher. ' . He smirked a dreadful smirk, sat down at a table, and began to figure. "My God, but we used to raise eleven bushels of wheat per head in this country and they got $1.25 a bushel for it ! ! Issachar Jewhittaker 1 now they raise only six and one-half bushels per head I and export morel and feed seventy-five million bushels to hogs ! and the price is forty-fl ve cents ! ! I ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 Ha-ha-he-he-he I Hi-yi-yi I Ho-ho-hold on there there'll be revolution we're overding it I We're too " The villain sat back in his chair and mused. "No : N o, a lot of ten ant serfs and dollar-a-day slaves can't rise without thg press and the church. The Devil owns one and and well, Judge GreeVilie Pryde, the Devil's attorney, has had Christ arrested for a penniless crank and-V-" He rang the bell violently. His servant, J. Sterling Morton, instantly appearedVb&t in hand and bow-legged in the neck. "Sirrah, lean right!" He leaned. "Lean left then snoup." He seemed glad to snoup. "Now summon Mr. Price." "Mr. Price is dead sir; He was sneakin' round the precipice where we shoved over Miss Supply Demand we he fell. "Go sneak out send me Deacon Pogus. I must see if the church is going to stand by me ah, my deah Deacon You're an old man you may lean against the chair. How's the church behaving?" ' "Wal, Mr. Laborthief, so fer, the church are movin' along our line. Wunst in a while it luks as tho if that old Crank from Nazareth shoulk break juil thar might be a rumbus. But we've got to teochin' scienktifleous murder in all our church schools. There's a lot er dang crazy poperlis tellers that's down on yer, an' we had ter kick that New York preacher out fer wearon overalls on week days. But the church is all right if ye keep up the donationers." "Well, Deacon, let us pray and after prayers you take this sack of $3,000,000 and offer to Ghicago University if they will kick Prof. Bemisout of the faculty. It's oil right good by. Oh yes, as you sneak out ask the Devil to sneak in." "Ah, my Lord Duke l'Devil I Do you know, you miserable dog, that you kept me waiting two minutes? ' Jump round that table, and let's see your legsmovel" The Devil dropped his ears and put his tail between his legs, and obeyed. "Now, you coward prince of Perdition, for what did I slack your chains, if you will not obey me? What of Christ? "Master he is double-ironed with the steal of the G. O. P. and the brass of the D. 0. P., and old Scrop Avarice is jailer. I've tried to do my duty, most august mas ter," the Devil whimpered, "I havesecured control of the press, for you sir you are Press Association, sir even the country press believes your lies. The courts are all " "Shut up, my Lord Duke why do you permit labor unions and such treasonable glimmers of independence? Answer ! "Oh master," cried the Devil, dropping upon his knees, "It weans the Simple Simons from politicsl Did you hot hear my voic in Vice-Pres't. Maguire's mouth, say, "it is too eorly for a labor party?" "Out of my palace 1" shrieked Laborthief, rising and plying his cane over his back, "Out, you old RipBnort I get thee forth 1 I am through with you. You have let some of my slaves THINK ! Go to the God who cast you down, and defy him for me. Tell him to send another son I've got the first One in chains. And as for Devils Ha, ha he, he hi-hi-ho-ho go tell him I've a starvation Poverty-Hell of my own and that I kicked the Prince of Perdition out of it thus and Get out, you Horned ScaribI thus and thus" And he kicked the once powerful Satan down the marble steps. He then sent for the Sec'y. of the U. S. Treosury. East and West. , - , the formidable Republican majority of the lower House. Another evidunce that neither one of the two old parties can withstand the money power influence. The English bond gamblers will display wisdom if tbey exercise caution about buying American bonds. If the war spirit should ouce start in this country the goldbug influence would be wiped out. For a time at least other hands would shape the destinies of this country Cleveland's war message benefitted the speculators and robbed the farmers, as usual. Immediately after the appearance of the war blast wheat and cotton de clined. Mr. Cleveland is determined to force the products of labor down to the pauper notch if it takes war to do it. A grander army than will come up to battle for the rights and liberties of the people under the People's party banner next tall was never enlisted. Neither will brave men ever face the cannon's mouth. This army will be 300,000 strong in Texas, every man a hero, brave, chival rous and brainy. ' The Republicans of the lower House of Congress have framed a financial bill in accordance with the demands of Mr. Cleveland. How pleasant it is for the two old parties to agree so harmoniously. There is no need longer for two separate party organizations except to humbug the people. It will be interesting for the people to note the action of the free silver Demo crats and Republicans in Congress in re sponse to Cleveland's demand for bonds. Kpep an eye on these patriots, and it will be seen that they first show fight, but very soon yield, and do the bidding of the money power. There ought to be no stay-at-homes this year. Let every American citizen exercise his constitutional right to cast a ballot. If the people do not get to voting regularly and freely the time will come when this right will be denied them. If there ever was a time forevery man to vote and vote bard it will come at the next presidential election. It will be interesting to note the posi tion take by ex-Speaker Crisp on the financial legislation of the present Con gress. Crisp is an expert dodger, but he will be unable to dodge the present finan cial issue. If he is consistent for his friendship for silver his actions and vote will so declare. A dollar to a cent Crisp dodges the issue. In case of war, the striking laboring men of Chicago who were fired on by United States troops will of course gird up their patriotism and enlist to defend their beloved country. .What a subject for future ridicule Gro ver Cleveland will be? His various hum bugs, capped by his war messnge, will constitute subjects for the comic alma nacs of the next generation. The Republican Congress is no improve ment on the last Democratic Congress. The only difference is in the name. The two old parties are both subsidized by the money power and are unable to do anything for the masses of the people. It is absolutely necessary that a new party come into control of the govern ment. If this does not occur, then the money power will fasten a condition of plutocratic servitude on the people that only a bloody revolution can remove. Ex-Governor Waite of Colorado in a private letter to a Texas friend suggests the propriety of placing a southern man on the People's party ticket for presi dent. There is presidential timber in the south, and it is sound to the core also. The reformers of the south are of the middle of the road variety; no fusion and no one plank party nonsense. The party would make very little, if any, mistake at all by placing a southern reformer at the head of the ticket. Southern reform ers are not office seekers. The south wants a genuine reformer for president, let him come from any section he may. ,f IS TIME In this age. when gold Is king, Sitting ort a braien throne; When It la the 'proper thing' Rating men by what they own; When the brute is more and more, And the spirit less end less; - , When the world is lorded o'er By corruption and excess; It is time that men of worth Boldly step into the van. With this message to the earth, Down with Mammon, up with Man. We have seen the Idler feast, While the toiler lacked for bread; We inve seen the king and priest Rob the living and the dead; We have seen the thief arrayed Tn the purple robes of state. While the honest man was made To beg succor at his gate. It has ever been the same, Since our human world began, Let us top the sickening game, Down with Mammon, up with Man. Earth Is far too wise and old For a lordllng, or a slave; For to heed a ring of gold ' On the forehead of a knave; Far too old for war and hate; Old enough for brotherhood; Wise enough to found a state. Where men seek each other's good. We have followed self .too long. Let ns try a better plan; Keep the right, subdue the wrong, Down with Mammon, up with Man. Many of the brightest, best, Of the earth, were counted poor. Some possessed "not where to rest;" Others toll and hardship bore. Homer, at the dawn of Greece, Snng and begged from day to day; Bnddha, born with palaces. Flung the baubes all away. Wealth Is by the devil prUed. God has cursed It with a ban.. Let ns hear the pauper, Christ, , Down with Mammon, up with Man. 0. my people, will you heed? Be no more like beasts of prey. Turn from selfishness and greed, Let us find a nobler way. . From the worn-out lies of old, Let us make the whole world free. Down with kings and priests and gold; Up with God, Humanity. We are tired of wrong and crime. Let us crush thorn while we can. Let us hail the better time, Down with Mammon, up with Man. J, A. Edoebtoh. Holiday Bate via the Burlington Route. December 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31st, and also on January 1st, tickets to points within 200 miles will be on sale at rate of fare and a third. Minimum raU 50 cents. , Tickets and information at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th & O St V,