THE WEALTH MAKERS. January 2, 1890. V or , BV MACMILLAN (Continued from last week.) CHAPTER H. t I was taking a tarn or two outside the hod for the sight of Jack Dawson hug ging poor Moll to his breast and trying to soothe her bodily misery with gentle words was more than I oonld bear whon a drawer, coming across from the inn, told me that a gentleman in the cherry room would have ns come to him. I gave him a civil answer and carried this message to my friends. Moll, who had stanched her tears and was smil ing piteously, though her sobs, like those of a child, still shook her thin frame, and her father both looked at me in blank doubt as fearing some trap for further discomfiture. "Nay," says Jack stoutly. "Fatecan serve us no worse within doors than without, so let us in and face this gen tleman, whoever he is. " ' So in we go, and, all sodden and be- drabbled as we were, went to follow the drawer up stairs, when the landlady cried out she would not have us go into her cherry room in that pickle, to soil her best furniture and disgrace her house, and bade the fellow carry us into the kitchen to take off our cloaks and change our boots for slip shoes, adding that if we had any respect for ourselves we should trim our hair and wash the grime off our faces. So we enter the kitchen nothing loath, where a couple of pullets browning on the spit, kettles bubbling on the fire and a pasty drawing from the oven filled the air with delicious odors that nearly drove us mad for envy. And to think that these good things were to tempt the appetite of some one who sever hungered, while we, famishing for want, had not even a crust to appease our cravings ! But it was some comfort to plunge our blue, numbed fingers into a tub of hot water and feel the life blood creeping back into our hearts. The paint we had put on our cheeks the night before was streaked all over our faces by the snow, so that we did look the veriest scarecrows imaginable, but after washing our heads well and strok ing our hair into order with a comb Mistress Cook lent us we looked not so bad, and thus changed, and with dry shoes to our feet, we at length went up . stairs, all full of wondering expecta tion, and were led into the cherry room, which seemed to us a very palace, being lit with half a dozen candlos and they of wax and filled with a warm glow by the blazing logs on the hearth reflect ed in the cherry hangings. And there in the midst was a table laid for supper with a wondrous white cloth, glasses to drink from and silver forks all set out most finely. "His worship will be down ere long," says the drawer, and with that he makes a pretense of building up the fire, being warned thereto very like by the land lady, with an eye to the safety of her eilver. "Can yon tell me his worship's name, friend?" I whisper, my mind turning at once to his worship of Tottenham Cross. "Not I, were you to pay me, ' ' says he ; " 'tis that outlandish and uncommon. But for sure he is some great foreign grandee." . He could tell us no more, so we stood there all together wondering, till pres ently the door opens, and a tall, lean gentleman enters, with a high front, very finely dressed in silk stockings, a long waisted coat and embroidered waist- coat, and rich . lace at his cuffs and throat. He wore no peruke, but his own hair, cut quito close to his head, with a pointed beard and a pair of long mus tachios twisting up almost to his ears, but his appearance was the more strik ing by reason of his beard and mus tachios being quite, black, while the hair on his head was white as silver. He had dark brows also, that overhung very rich blaok eyes. His nose was long and hooked, and his skin, which was of a very dark complexion, was closely lined with wrinkles about the eyes, while a deep furrow lay betwixt his browa He carried his head very high, and was majestic and gracious in all his movements, not one of which, as it seemed to me, was made but of fore thought and purpose. I should say his age was about 60, though his step and carriage were of a younger man. To my eyes he appeared a very handsome and a pleasing, amiable gentleman. But, Lord, what can you conclude of a man at a single glance, when every line in his face, of which he had a score and more, has each its history of varying passions, known only to himself and se cret phases of his life 1 He saluted us with a most noble bow, and dismissed the drawer with a word in an undertone. Then turning again to us he said, "I had the pleasure of see ing you act last night, and dance," he adds, with a slight inclination of his head to Moll. "Naturally I wish to be better acquainted with you. Will it please you to dine with me?" I could not have been more dum founded had an angel asked me to step into heaven, but Dawson was quick enough to say something. "That will we," cries he, "and God bless your worship for taking pity on us, for I doubt not yon have heard of our troubles." The other bowed his head and set a chair at the end of the table for Moll, Which she took with a pretty oourtesy) a pus laying : never a WOM, tor glee mq rogues. BY PRANK BARRETT author ort ? IhtGRUTHtSPfR A RECOILING IfNCfANCt uUr Of THE JAWS Of QEATH fjr. In? t, CO. as if she would fain begin at once, but she had the good manners to restrain herself. Then his worship (as we called him), having shown us the chairs on either side, seated himself last of all, at the head of the table, facing our Moll, whom whenever he might without dis courtesy he regarded with most scruti nizing glances from first to last. Then, the door flinging open, two drawers brought in those same fat pullets we had seen browning before the fire and also the pasty, with abundance of ether good cheer, at which Moll, with a little cry of delight, whispers to me : " 'Tis like a dream. Do 6peak to mo, Kit, or I must think 'twill all fade away presently and leave us in the snow." Then I, finding my tongue, begged his worship would pardon us if our manners were more uncouth than the society to which he was accustomed. "Nay, "says Dawson. "Your worship will like us none the worse, I warrant, for seeingwhat weare and aping none." Finding himself thus beworshiped on both hands, our good friend says : , "You may call me senor. I am a Spaniard Don Sanchez del Castello de Castelana. " And then to turn the sub ject he adds, "I have seen you play twioe. " "Aye, senor, and I should have known you again if by nothing but this piece 'at generosity," replies Dawson, with .his cheek full of pasty, "for I remem ber both times you set down a coin and would take no change. " ;.. Don Sanchez hunched his shoulders cavalierly, as if such trifles were naught to him, but indeed throughout his man ner was most high and noble. And now, being fairly settled down to our repast, we said no more of any moment than I can recall to mind till we had done (which was not until naught remained of the pullets and the pasty but a few bones and the bare dish), and we were drawn round the fire at Don Sanchez's invitation. Then the drawers, having oleared the tables, brought up a huge bowl of hot spiced wine, a dish of tobacco and some pipes. Then don then offered us to smoke some cigarros, but we, not understanding them, took instead our homely pipes, and each with a bottle of hot wine to his hand and roasting before the fire, scarce saying a word, the don being si lent because his humor was of the re flective, grave kind (with all his cour tesies he never smiled, as if such dem onstrations were unbecoming to his dig nity), and we from repletion and a feel ing of wondrous contentment and re pose. And another thing served to keep us still, which was that our Moll, sit ting beside her father, almost at once fell asleep, her head lying against his shoulder as he sat with his arm about her waist. As at the table, Don San chez had seated himself where he could best observe her, and now he scarcely once took his eyes off her, which were half closed, as if in speculation. At length, taking the cigarro from his lips, he says softly to Jack Dawson so as not to arouse Moll : (To be Continued.) Th Salvation Army. The Salvation Army has now, in dif ferent parts of the world, 291 shelters, homes, labor bureaus, and other benevo lent institutions in full operation, un der the guidance of 1,239 men and women. Heart Disease Kills Suddenly j but never without warning symp toms.such as Faint. Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregular or Intermittent Pulse, Fluttering or Palpitation of the Heart, Choking Sensa tions, Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Feet and Ankles, etc. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, Cures Heart Disease. Mr. Geo. L. Smith, of the Geo. L. Smith Mantel Co., Louisville, Ky., writes Feb. 26, 1894: "For about a year I was a terrible sut ferer from heart trouble, which got so bad I was obliged to sit up in bed to get my breath. 1 had to abandon business and Could hardly crawl around. My friend, Mr, Julius C. Voght, one of our leading pharma cists, asked me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I had used little more than a bottle when the pain ceased and palpitations entirely disappeared. I have not bad the slightest troublo since, and today I am attending to Wliness as regularly as eve lere. Book on Heart and Nerves sent fre Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, I d. A Gigantic Our No reason in the world that you should go bareheaded. New fall hats at one-half less than old chestnuts can be bought for, or goods that are out of date. $1.50 to $4.00 hats at the following unheard of prices : 50c, 60c, 75c, 79c, 80c, 98c, $1.18 and $1.39. If you don't believe it just step in our mammoth store and be convinced. It is a pleasure for a customer to go into an open bright store, buy clean, honest goods at a low price and with the privilege of having his Clothing Exchanged or His Money Refunded. If the goods do not fit or prove unsatisfactory this is the proposition we make. Many bargains may be had here for Christmas giving at incomparably low prices. The whole store is filled with Holiday suggestions. There is pleasure in anticipation and incalculable joy in realization, especially when our matchless values are understood. Come in and be convinced for yourself. BROWNING, 1013 to 1019 O St., THE COMING NATION, T ep-pessee City, TPP Tne paper is improved with each Issue, and the last one 1 always the best. E. P. C Webster, Kan. The Coming Nation la last as bright and "np- to-suutf" as ever It was. Kobt. Duderstadt, Bellalre, Mich. It Is a wonderful paper, better than ever, and practicing now what It preaches. C. 8. Wnitford, Arkansas. The last Issne of The Coming Nation weighs a gross ton per square inch. ri.. J. swigart, Indiana. It strikes me as being nst abont 100 per cent better than ever. J. M. Dillon, Dayton, Ohio. We are thankful that the Coming Nation has not lost power. R. M. Webster, Pasadena, Cali. We all like The Coming Nation now better than ever. Jos. E. Paynter, Iteulah, Manitoba. The brains In it are np to date; the coarnge in it rnns parallel with the oraius. W. T. Wallace, Abingdon, 111. Subscription, 50 Cents per Year. Special Direct Legislation Edition, Jan. 4, 1896. tt) We want looo more active agents before 0' T July 1st. We will guarantee 20 to J30 per day can be easilymaueinanylocallty;our goods m T sell themselves; we furnish a large roll of L samples entirely- 1'KKE and allow 60 per 0 cent, commission on all sales. Send to-day A dress, RTANDAKU SILVERWARE T CO., Boston, Mass. T HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE COWS! If so a " Baby" Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continue an Inferior system another year at so great a loss f Dairying is now the only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con ducted It always pays well, and must pay yon. You need a Separator, ana you need tne utsr,- tne " Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, $75.00 upward. Send for new 1895 Catalogue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch Offices : General Offices: ELGIN, ILL. 74 OORTLANDT ST.. NEW YORK. OUT l v5P FULL CIRCLE. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. SCOTT HAY PRESS Ctx . 810 VMtSt 60v 5V KoTOftCtt& Mo. 0. F. LAMBERTSON, D.D.S., GRADUATE OF Ohio College Dental Surgery 10 years continuous practice in Lincoln: Office: Alexander Block, 12th and P Streets, Rooms 23 and 24. Teeth on Rubber, Platinum, Gold and Alnml nnm Plato. Bridge Work. Gold and Porcelala Crowns. - ' Songs of the New Movement , "Armageddon" is a book of reform songs not versified trumpery, but pow erful and inspiring songs set toniusif!, and is sure to become very popular as its true merits become known. It is printed on good paper, has 138 pages and sells for 30 cents. Coming Nation. Send orders for Armageddon to The Wealth Makers LincolnNeb. St L. T. Davis. Dentist ovr Y -ck 'Hand ticketxoffloe, cor. lit.- 1 s. fir WSSSSSZ Success ! Hat Sale KING & CO. - Lincoln, Neb. Scott' . . . Carbo-Digestive Compound. Positively the One Remedy for the treat ' ment of Nervous Exhaustion, Simple and Aggravated forms of Dyspepsia, and Palpitation of the Heart. Does your food sour after eating? Are you easily confused and excited? Do you get up in the morning tired and un refreshed, and with a bad taste in the mouth? Is there a dull cloudy sensation, at tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eyes? Are you irritable and restless? Does your heart thump and cause you to gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to lie on the left side? Have you impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebodings? These symptoms mean that you are suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remedy extant that has done so much for this class of troubles as Scott's Carbo-Digestivs Compound. If your case has resisted the usual methods of treatment, we are particu larly anxious to have you give this com pound a trial. We guarantee relief in every case and will cheerfully refund your money should our remedy fail to produce the most gratifying results. Please remember that the appellation "Patent Medicine" does not apply to Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a preparation put up by a leading physician who has, made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty for years. We court investigation and earnestly urge all physicians to write us for the formula of SCOTT'S CARBO-DIGESTIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on application, that they may satisfy themselves of its harmless character and excellent virtues. Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound is the most remarkable remedy that science lias produced. It has succeeded where all other medicines have failed. Sold by druggists everywhere at $ 1.00 per bottle. Sent to any address in America on receipt of price. Don't forget that we cheerfully refund your money if results are not satisfac tory. Order direct if your druggist does not have it. Address all orders to CONCORD CHEMICAL MFG. CO., Topeka, Kas. L. P. Davie, Dentist over Rock Island ticket office, cor. 11th and O Streets. Bridge and Crowu Work a specialty. DoMe'a Aluminum CoffMlSeoiiomlterj FITS ANY COFFEE POT Pre Trial No Etr needwl to wide. Keeps the pot cv-- Clean lueiae. never rui.w or ,, blacken.. Wc guarantee our 7 ' Economiier to make better. The Coffee stronger and ricbrr coffee, Price with 1-3 lew. we alio Do4 c rt each mirchater one rek'( Paid' Pree. and If not ftatifr. factory can be returned and we will refund the money ARTHUR L.DOUtBft CO. ait Wtua ArCliiM. CI. 9 r r WOVEN WE FENCE Over50 Styles The boston Earth. Hofe1lrh. - JZK. ttroilf. 1'K nd Chifken Cj Js tttfhfc. You can make from 40 ""LV-K. to 60 rod er day for from ;cs4 14 to 22c. a Rod. '-Hi '-TmS w llluftmted Catalogue Free. -g-S KITSELMAN BROS., 'JXx x Ridgeville, - Indiana. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, t.nd Tbroat diseases, over Rock Islaitd ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and 0 a The Royal Grocery Co. SELLS MORE GROCERIES THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. WHY? Because when you buy a Dollar's worth you get Value Received. If you want goods in small or large quanti ties get our prices. We sell at wholesale prices. Farm Trade a Come in and see us. If tired sit down and rest. Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. ROYAL GROCERY CO Mclaughlin bros., Proprietors. Your TO THOROUGHLY QUALIFY THEMSELVES as Bookkeepers and Amanuenses. There is going to be a brisk revival of business and N0W is the timh to prepare yourself for a good position. The LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE More Prosperous Than Ever CAN BE TRULY SAID OF Lincoln Normal University. zo PER CENT MORE STUDENTS ENROLLED THIS YEAR THAN FOR THE CORRESPONDING PERIOD LAST YEAR. We have the BEST TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS In Nebraska, or the West for that matter. We have the only well equipped statement come to see for yourself. "Seeing Is We prepare students to enter the State University of Nebraska, and grades made with us art recognized there. Our faculty of 19 experienced men and Business, or Preparatory School in the State. We assist all worthy graduates to positions. We have school the year round and you can enter at any time and take up such studies as you desire. Nobody disputes the statement that we nave tne best equipped Business College In Nebraska. Its graduates are found in good positions throughout the West. More than 150 positions In the best schools of Lincoln Normal University. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IS SPECIALLY EMPHASIZED. WE GIVE THE BACK" WARD STUDENT A CHANCE. We have the largest and finest laboratories of Chicago. For Catalogue address. HILL M.' BELL, M. S., Pres., ' . Normal, Lincoln, Neb. BOARDING, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Jl Sf?5j CASH ADVANCES MADE ON Cincinnati, O. ALL CONSIGNMENTS. Commission Merchants and REFER TO ANY CINCINNATI BANK, dealers in Broom Corn and all kind WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. of Broom Materials & Machinery. lose your sows and pier!, at farrowirir? Use my II I I i Introduce them at wholesale price. HOOK about HOMES IN THE SUNNY SOUTH. No hot winds, bllzzardx, nor crop failures. Na tural Clover, Timothy and Blue Grass. Ftu-1 chesp. Coal SI per ton at hank. Dry wood $1.50 per cord delivered. All kinds of frnit that grow In tbls latitude. You will find all these advan tages in the country adjacent Calhoun, Henry county. Mo., 12 miles from Clinton, the county seat; population 6,000. Located on the M. K. T. R. K. 70 milts southeast Kansas City. Ve have a list of good farms for eale at from $10 to J30 per acre. Corn yields from 30 to 60 per acre. Flax from 8 to 18 per acre and other crops in proportion. We will cheerfully ulve and informa tion required. Call on or address, BARTHOLEMEW & ALBIOX, Ileal Estate Agents, Calhoun, SIo. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etcl For Information and free Handbook writ to MUNN tt CO., 861 Broadwat. New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Everv patent taken out by us Is broucht before the public by a notice given free of charge la the I'rittttific wiatt Toreros nlTwilnHnn rtf an, nrlpntlfln Tmrwr In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No iufc-llippnt man should be without It. Weekly. 3.UOa year; gl.50 six months. Address, MUNN ft CO., I'uuLJhHKiiij, a tit Broadway, New York City, Holiday Excursion Kates via the Burlington. On Dec. 24 and 25, and also on De& 31 and January 1, 1896, the Burlington will sell Round Trip Excursion Tickets at one and one-third fare to point not over 200 miles distant on its own lines. All tickets good for return until Jauuary 1, 1896. For further information and tickets apply at B. & M. depot or city office, cor 10th and O St. 0. W. Bonnxl, C. P, & T. A. tiei American Ml Xjr TRADE MARKS, & :2VJ OESIOM PATENTS, I ALFALFA SEED A SPECIALTY. Cane and Millet Seerla, Kaffir, Jerusalem and Milo Maine Corn Nuccesa and Hollera Barley, Seed Oats. All crop of 1S!.V W rite (or oar "How to Sow Alfalfa," and prices on feeds. MeBETU ft Kl-NJilSON, tiarden City, Kaunas. Specialty. 1032 P Street. Telephone No. 224. Can do more for you in six months than any other school in Nebraska. Write for particulars. Gladly sent to you by addressing D. R. LILLIJBRIDGE, President, Lincoln, Nebraska. Business College in Nebraska. If you doubt thla believing." women is the strongest to be found in any Normal, of Nebraska are sued by tne last year's students to be found in any unendowed Normal school west FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS AND BEST ATTENTION. The Windsor stables. V ' tj W. A. PEESE, Proprietor. 1024 L Street, LIXCOLX, NEB. 'Phone 232. Established 1850. F. JELKE & SON, 53 Walnut Street. Or The very best l;ind in ii I --r- III 3 w c new- forceps and save them, Wll. .-.elul tm to pftra KUI-IK. J. N. Kelmr. H'.7 H. st. mvenmirt.Ia. Breeder of Chester-White & Poland-China Swine Herd compossd of a choice se- . , trUfKtflQHtit lection of premium anlmn'N. 51 Btock shipped to all partx f I '. ' ..'Vwim! 8. Writ wants. Clarence. Wo. ti5iS BRANSON FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE $15; The simplerit, the best, the ONXY satisfactory Family Knitter now iu the market. The same machine we have ioid for twenty Twirn hi if. no excuse now ror worthless uys. Complete with full illustrated bnk of iuntrurtinns. Knita any article wanted in the home of wool or Write 1 cotton, ractorT or homespun. for ga kkaso.h h.M nixi JucniNE CO., r.J 606 St. John Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circular. THE KEYSTONE . Cats clean on all sides-does not crash. The most humane, rapid and durable knife made, fully warranted. Highest World's ig)A.C.BROSIUS, CochranviMe, Pa Pair A warn. noRorintive uircuiRra Fran PILLS? AIL r(,u" LSSmT. K0 SUSE. fetH(Jc.l-a"WQMAII'3 SAFE -rf-rHiif!"f" Wiicok Specific Co,Pmila..p. ifoiebrmtd Female Powder never ImiL EuSTTITeJTIcCnESa tff and rare (after ttlllig a Ptnrmwl PUIj), puttaalaisti .I. SIX. as sw. J $750,00 a Year and All Expense gentlemen, to travel and appoint agents onlVl new publications. Full particulars Riven on Vjl W vtnt A faw mnN Atrnnfa I a rl I n. J plication. If you apply pleas send reference. .H . hH.U... .... ..l ... A UU .VBI. UUDIUUDD FA JVI ICUW, Hf(, KHU JUU urml en ort mtithumm. nnnt Kara H. I H ftl I . uu,i rmiaaeipnia, fa. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Inland ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted. . Ueadiche bad? Get Miles 'Jin Fills. m ML 4