i. X -J' VOL. VII SO MOVES THE WORLD. Vlpcinn rt.: i after the Democratic na- tionVrediiveution Dunraven slid out for England without having proved his charge. The Latin-American republics are in eeret league to aid Venezuela. A bad snow and wind storm swept Pennsylvania and adjoining states Dec. 2Cth. A tremendous wind and rain storm swept over Western Texas the nig ht of the 24. The House has passed a new tariff bill to increase the revenue of the govern ment. - Japan is buying up raw cotton and will do her ovvn cotton manufacturing in future. California has had a frost which has damaged the fruit prospect ten per cent, estimated. The new tariff bill introduced by the Republicans was put through the House at one sitting. The Cuban revolutionists are now with in fifty miles of Havana, and pressing on against opposing forces. Senator Allen improved the opportu nity to get in a bill to promote trade re lations with South American countries. The Cuban insurgents have defeated the Spanish army under (ien. Campos and forced its retreat to a place en trench ed. W. D. Howells, the foremost novelist, poet, economic and sociologic writer of America; is a socialist or Christian com munist. The recent floods in Missouri caused a loss of $5,000,000. Many flood-swept localities are without provisions, and famine is threatened. , Zeitoun has been taken again by the Turkish army. No report concerning the probable massacre of the Armenians who held the city has been obtained. Twenty-three persons were trampled to death in a Baltimore theatre Dec. 27. A fire alarm caused a panic. The fire, from a leaking gas pipe, did no damage. The healer, Francis Schlatter, is now in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is from this point that he started. Hundredsof people flocked to welcome him back. A bills has passed the Senate, by a unanimous vote, in favor of allowing ex confederates formerly in our army to en list in the army of the United States. The massacres in Armenia continue. A Dec. 28 dispatch shows that the situa tion is appalling. Thirty thousand have been killed and the atrocities are awful. Hon. Edward J. Phelps and Hon. Rob ert T. Lincoln, ex-ministers to England, it is reported have been named by the president as members of the Yenezeula commission. England is said to be seeking alliance with Spain, France and Holland to stand with her against the claims and policy of the United States in territorial disputes on this continent. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company has got possession or controlling power of the Panama Railroad company and shippers ami consigner have to puy ull r. the freight that they can stand. layor Swift of Chicago at the banquet oflthe Commercial Club Dec. 28, charged the corruption of the city government to the "promiuent citizens," to their grasp ing for gain, and to their influence. The New York Board of Trade has petitioned Congress to do something (issue bonds) to replenish the gold re serveso they can puil it out again and get more bonds fastened on the necks of the people. Senator Allen gave notice Dec. 30, that the House bond bill must be amended to provide for the issue of titty million sil ver certificates to cover coinage of silver in the treasury, at the rate of three mil lions per mouth. The Inter-state Commerce Commission has taken steps to prosecute the eastern trunk lines traffic association for violat ing the anti-trust law. Injunctions will be served against several of the main lines. But it is not likely the combina tion will be broken. Such never have been. The bond bill passed the House by a vote of 150 to 13G. The Populists and Democrats, with one exception, voted against the bill. The bill amends the Resumption act so as to permit the issue of 3 per cent coin bonds. The net of 1878 for the reissue of greenbacks not modified or repealed. Senator Allen, Dec. 30, introduced by requettt Senator Thurston's non-bond bill, a bill which provides on its passage that thereafter no bonds of the govern ment shall be isHiied, sold or disposed of, udless Congress shall first by resolution have declared the necessity thereof and specified the conditions under which they shall be issued. The new election law amendment in Belgium which allows lnborers and their employers to name supplementary coun cillors, has inured to the benefit of social ism. In twenty-nine communes where the amendment was operative, sixteen gave socialist victories. The large cities, especially, have now socialist councillors At Brussels and Ghent all ' the workmen councillors are socialists knd at Liege three out oi lour, The Great Labor Uprising The labor movement is a great, world wide uprising of the people the greatest in history. It is a rising; to establish liberty, fraternity and equality as the law of industry. The labor movement is the third great historic crisis of democ racy. The first abolished the altar mono polist, the second abolished the throne monopolist, the third will abolish the money-bag monopolist. The first made men equal as brothers by the fatherhood of humanity; thesecondmade them equal as fellow-citizens; the third, the labor movement, will make them equal as co workers in co-operative industry, of all, by all, for all. This labor movement Is a grand whole; the municipalization of monopolies in the cities, the nationaliza tion of larger monopolies by the country at large, labor legislation, co-operative movement, the farmers' granges, are but parts. It is a new democracy, for it will demo cratize privilege and injustice out of the world of business; it is a new philan thropy, for it will humanize the relation of employer and employed, buyer and seller. It is a new political economy, for the greatest destroyer of wealth in the modern world is wealth, and the labor movement, by putting all to work and opening to all the riches of nature, now locked out, shut down, will create a true wealth of which our wildest avarice can not dream. It is the logical sequence of all the great emancipations, reforma tions, religions revivals and patriotisms of the past. It wiil emancipate two kinds of slaves master and man the slave who has to submit to starvation, Gat ling guns and injunctions, and the slave who uses them. This new emancipation, continuing and consummating all the others, wiil give a new strength to all the great words embodying the hopes and achievements of the race. Home, happi ness, individuality, freedom, humanity, all these keynote words will be filled fuller when we have made each other brothers in industry, disciples of the gol den rule in business, fellow-citizens in the true commonwealth. It is not a movement of hate, but of love. It pities the man who can stand at the helm of any of the great concerns of modern industrial life, made possible only by the countless efforts; loyalty and genius of thousands of his fellow-men, living and dead, and say, "This is my business." It says to him, "This is not your business, not my business; it is our business." It says to him in the words of the Persian proverb: "The power that is not founded on love is always the power that hns failed." It pities him as robbing himself of the greatest joys and triumphs of leadership. It seeks to lift him from the low level of selfish and cruel millionairism to that of a general of great co-operative hosts of industrial brothers. The labor movement will put the strong man, the born captain of in dustry, in a place as high above the plutocrat as Lincoln, the elected and be loved lender, is above a czar. The riseof the people has always-meant that all lhe for all you and your chil dren, you und your fellow-worshipers of one father of all men, you and your fellow-citizens with one vote and one Aug; you and your associates of the trades unions, the society where an injury to one is an injury to all; in all these in family, guild, society, city and state you are, so far as you are true, doing as you would be done by, living for all. The new rise of the people which we call the labor movement has for its mission to put this rule of all for all into action among the miserable multitudes of mo dern industry, now living in anarchy and civil war. It means to civilize, re publican, humanize, economize these masses of industrial combatants, des troying themselves and destroying society. Looking back over the thous ands of years they have traveled, the people can see that nothing was able to stop the republic; looking forward, they know nothing can stop the co-operative commonwealth. Extract from address of H. D. Lloyd at Deb's reception. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted. . The seed house of McBeth & Kinnison, of Garden City, Kan., located in the heart of the alfalfa country, has established a reputation for knowledge of the seed business and for integrity of dealing, which is an assurance of good faith in fill ing orders by mail. This house has ad vertised in TnE Wealth Makeus every season for Beveral years, and in conse quence of this has done a large business in which the cash was sent with the order. There has never been a complaint as to treatment in such cases, and the pub lishers feel assured that all business sent to them will be attended to with the utmost promptness and integrity. Norib western System Holiday Rates Fare and third for round trip to any system station within a distance of 200 miles. Tickets sold Dec. 24, 25, 31, and Jau. 1. Return limit, Jan. 2d. City office 117 So. 10th St. Depot' cor. 8th and S Sts.,' Lincoln, Neb. City ticket office Elkhorn-Northwestern line, 117 So. 10th St. a .j,. ,,..,.,.,,. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 189C. I I l I 'I 1 1 . IM IV M . K I M I i AY . A I A K. Y . 7 I rtMl I. UVf II Tho Essence of Liberty Lies Not in The Form of Things THE POOB MAN IS A SLAVE Want and the Fear of Want Are the Bonds That Enslave Men Oppor tunities to Labor Lost Under Capitalism Economic Bondage Stints Character During the last few weeks, "Liberty" has been the theme of three different men, each of very different stamp, in three dis tinct localities In Wisconsin, the Demo cratic United States Senator Hill lectnred on the subject before empty houses; his "Liberty" was the dry rot of olden days. In Chicago, Debs spoke after his libera tion for several hours on the matter, but we fail to find in all he said anything but stilted oratorial efforts.' Finally, here in New York, William D. Howells took up the subject in the Forum, and showed how, with the scientific key of Socialism in one's had, the subject may be treated in a manner that throws light across the path of the wanderer, and furnishes him with solid matter for digestion, instead of froth and saw dust. Mr. Howells sjarts giving his experi ence in Venice, when the people were clamoring for freedom from Austria. In these introductory remarks he strikes the keynote of his great subjocb --- "So far as I can see, the poor were affected very little or not at all by the oppression. They was scarcely a danger, of arrest for. their political opinions, which they aired freely, at least to any listening foreigner. They could not be annoyed by the sequestration of the liberal newspapers or the prohibition of Italian books, for they mostly could not read; and for the same reason they could not be humilated by the fact that there was but one journal in Venice, and that was supervised by the police. They could not be wounded by the censorship which forbade them to publish anything un favorable to order or favorable to free dom. They werenot defrauded when the authorities made the libretto of "I Puri tani" read "Gridando lealta," instead of 'Gridundo liberta," for without money to pay their way into the theatre they could not know whether the chorus shouted for loyalty or liberty. The epy did not dog their steps;-the policedid not visit the wretched ubodes in midnight perquisition for compromising papers or other proofs of conspiracy. They suf fered no hardships from the difficulty of getting a passport into Italy; for they would have no means of using it unless they walked. They were not hampered in business by the vexatious delays of the government in granting leave for novel enterprises: the taxes did not bur den them, for they had no property. Thev might draw a bad number in con scription, but they would be liable to this misfortune under any government. They had no more incentive to patriotism than the poor have anywhere; but nothing in Venitian Demonstration was more posit tive than the attitude of the Venitians who had nothing to gain by it." Grappling then the question he pro ceeds: "He is a free man if he has the means of livelihood, and is assured in their pos session; if he is independent of others. But if he is dependent upon some other man for the means of earning a liveli hood, he is not free. Freedom, in fact, which in its highest effect is self-sticrifiee, and of the skies, is chained to the earth in the question of necessity, as certainly as the soul is chained to the earth in the body. It is only occasionally a political affair, a civic affair; it is constantly a so cial affair, a pecuniary affair, an econo mical affair. It is true that in a tyranny the richest are not free; but in a democ racy not only is no man free without the means of livelihood, but the richer man "is always freer than the poorer man, as lie is in every state. And again: "The man who is in danger of want or even in dread of want is not a free man; and the country which does not guard him against this danger and this dread, or does not assure him the means of livelihood, is not a free country, though it may be the freest of all free countries. In other words, liberty and poverty are incompatible." Applying this to our own American in stitutions, Mr. Howells says: "We used fondly to figure the American who earned his bread in the sweat of his ,brow and voted with his party, as a sovereign, and we invited him to regard himself in that light. Really, however, without the menus of a livelihood in his own hands, but in the hands of another, he is scarcely the regal shape we figured him. The workingman out of a job can have little joy of his vote; and if he is very poor, if he is not making both ends meet, he ctvunot will goods to another, the sovereign act of the freeman, be cause be has none to will. It is true that he may rebel, that he may renounce his LIBERTY employment wben he has one and does not think himself justly paid; but with out the means of livelihood he has no choice except to seek some other employ ment, and thischoiceisscarcely freedom." And the above is understood by the below: "The hireling may haveall theserights, which are inseparable from the old ideal oi liberty, and which we vainly suppose are the proofs of liberty. He may have the right to speak freely, pray freely, vote freely; but he cannot manfully use his right, though warranted in it by the constitution and statutes of all the States, if he is afraid another man may take away his job for doing so.". Finally these beautiful passages may be quoted as a closing clincher: "We say: 'Honor and shame from no condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honor lies.' 'But no one who thinks can believe this. If a man is in conditions which hinder bira from doing what he will, he can no more have honor than he can have shame. The vices of a slave are hateiul, but we do not blame the slave for them, and we do not praise him for obedience, meekness, abnegation, which are virtues in the free man. The free man has duties but the slave has none, and be has no responsibilities. Liberty is not only the power of self-sacrifice; it is the responsi bility of self-sacrifice, too." Benefits Enjoyed Without Producing Them Private ownership of land the boun. ties of nature without producing any thing from it in the form of food, cloth ing, machinery, houses, etc., is the prim ary condition by which both private and public beueflts are enjoyed and appropri ated by the non-producers of them.atthe expense of the producers. All are the consumers of produce in its different forms, and nothing can be en joyed or appropriated until it is first produced. Two parties at.t least are interested in ev ry exchange of ownership of land and the various forms of produce wrought out of it with human effort. Neither one confers a private or public benefit to the other only to the extent of what he produces and furnishes. The existence of a house, food, cloth ing, machinery, etc., is sufficient evidence that some one or more have produced them directly or indirectly from the land mother earth the benefit of which just ly belong to the producers of themaccor ding to the principles; that man is en dowed by his Creator with the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and that the producers are justly entitled to their full produce on which their lives and happiness and that of their helpless parents and children de pend. Taking the above as the basis of justice and man's natural and equal rights, where no one has any improvements located on the land such as houses, crops etc., there it is that no one has anything to confer to another as the produce of his labor; there it is that no man has a just private ownership to the land na tural opportunities. The fact that law recognizes and de fends the ownership of land for rent does not make it just. Chattel slavery in the United States was at one time protected and defended by law. Who claims that it was just? Who claims that the hard earnings of another should be enjoyed for nothing? The slaveowners held their plantations for the express purpose of putting their slaves on them. At all times and in all places the prin cipal and only motive in holding land for rent is the same as that of the slave own ers in holding their large plantations. The principle of injustice, inequality, of a division of produce without com pensation, etc., is the same in both cases, whether the land thus owned is in small or large .tracts. Slavery, under whatever conditions it is made possible, consists in the non-enjoyment of one's produce. It denies freedom to produce from the land , freedom to the producers to enjoy their full produce, und freedom to ex change produce for produce as equiva lents. Produce exacted as rent for land, or for the privilege to pro Juce from it, is no more produced by the extorters of it than the land itself, or the natural for ests, etc. hen two parties produce and exch ange equivalents, both are mutually benefited, both enjoy the full produce of their labor, both use the same measure. , Produce, or the money that represents its exchange value, exacted as rent, in terest or profit for a house or tool of any kind, or for the privilege to occupy or use it, is not produced by the exactors of it, but by the producers from whom such exactions are made. ' The damage from the wear and use of a house or a tool of any kiuq made good by the borrower to the lender is simplv returning an equivalent, and should not be confounded with rent, interest or pro- nt. Rent, interest or profit is simply the amount of useful produce exacted or en joyed by one party in a trade above w hat is produced and given or loaned out to the other party, or the money that rep resents the produce. The producers in the different industries must support the feeble and disabled un der any system of land holding, and it is the moral duty of t he former class to make ample provision for the proper care and support of the latter class. The able bodied have no moral excuse for asking alms, or their private and public support for nothing, yet this is being practically accomplished under our present rental system, which takes its root in the fact that land, including the coal, rock, natural forests, etc., is owned and controlled by private parties for rental incomes. Land, produce in its different forms, or the money that represents the produce, that yields the owners of them great er annual rental increase than the public taxes (including the tariff tax) levied against them, enables the owners of them to that extent to acquire private and public benefit at the expense of the pro ducers from whom the rent is exacted. Under this system, the producers are compelled under competition to pay out an increasing proportion of their pro duce for the privilege to produce from the land, and as the result of this condi tion, they are compelled to pay rent, in terest or profit for their own produce which the landlord acquired of them as rent for the land, and furthermore they are compelled to support the law that thus robs them. Out of this false system of land holding originates the false idea that competi tion is the life of trade (which means the power of the landlord to tax the pro ducers for his special benefit), that land and produce are valuable in proportion to the rent derived from them (which means human beings as slaves are valu able in proportion to the rent derived from them), that improvements enhance the value of land, etc. Honest sober men and women, under increased rent, are reduced to that degree of poverty where they are tempted to steal or engage in demoralizing business for a livelihood, such as the manutacture and sale of strong drink as a beverage, counterfeiting, etc. Nothing injures and destroys the lives and happiness of the producers so much as the exaction of their products through rent. The real enemies of the producers, of personal liberty, and of free government, are the exactors of rent. Perfect freedom to produce from the land, freedom to the producers to enjoy their produce, freedom for them to ex change their produce as equivalents, with the proper care of the disabled and the proper use of the different forms ol produce would seem'to be the only equit able solution of the labor problem. Liucoln, Neb. 1 1 knhy Scott. STACELAND. David Belasco's new play Is to deal with life in Washington, D. C. The Bostonlans having concluded their San Francisco engagement, are now touring. William Gillette Is rewriting "Secret Service" and he play will be sent on tour in a few months. Georgia Cay van says: "I am willing to be interviewed, but I refuse to dis cuss the new woman." A new prima donna, described by the critics as wonderful, has just made her debut in St. Petersburg. Her name is Helene Chevrier. In San Francisco De Wolf Hopper as Wang has made a Golden Gate theatri cal bull's eye," as the 'Frisco critics phraso a great big hit. "Major Andre," written to order for E. H. Sothern, has been completed for some time, but it is not likely that it will be played this season. Henry M. Stanley is said to have said that the ancient Egyptians would have been Jollier if they had had Wizard Frank Daniels among them. Half a million of dollars is the sum that Fanny Davenport is willing to give to build and endow a retreat for the destitute of her profession. ' Mrs. John Wood is cast for Mrs. Mal aprop in "The Rivals" at the Court Theater, London, with Brandon Thom as as Sir Lucius and probably William Farren as Sir Anthony. Dramatists in France get twelve per cent of the gross receipts of each play, and are allowed tickets to the value of 100 francs for every performance of such plays as they have written. M. Sardou has read to the company of the vaudeville his new piece, "Mar- celle," of which the scene is laid in Brittany. Madame Jane Hading will take the chief part. It is to be brought out in December, and a Russian ver sion will be played simultaneously at St Petersburg. W Lead In Education. The United States leads all nations In its educational facilities, a fact which is proved by the manner in which the people avail themselves of these privileges. The report of the federal com mlssiorer of education shows that in 1S94 the enrollment of pupils in public schools was 14,012,498, and in private school! 1,517,770. NO. Train Collision at Seward J. A. Geisler, fireman on the B. & M. passenger train No. 42 was killed in a collision at Seward Dec. 2G. Fireman Jeffries of the other train had a foot badly crushed, besides receiving other in juries. N. M. George of York, Mrs. Ida Ferguson of Lincoln, Mrs.M. Kee of Mar quett, and R. F. McLeen of Guthrie Center, la., were all somewhat injured and badly shaken up. FASHION'S FANCIES. Fancy capes continue to be yerJl popular. Velvet skirts and sleeves are com bined with silk waists. , Persian lamb is the fur most genejK ally employed fop capes. i - The new fur boa is round, but rather fiat, and is three or four inches deep about the neck. Fancy silk waists can be fastened by, bands of ribbon or velvet. The most elaborate capes art of vel vet, but they are often so heavily, trimmed that this beautiful material serves only as a background. The most popular colors for tailor made gowns seem to be damson, violets, many purplish reds, golden brown, dark silver-gray, and the various greens. Velvet gowns are shown for reception wear, and are trimmed with lace and fur, and jeweled girdles worn with them, while with cloth skirts tight fitting velvet Jackets are worn, with toques to match. Full waists of plain chiffon are used for evening, and are made quite up to date by a rich belt of colored mirror velvet; so it is possible to freshen up a last year's evening gown in a very ac ceptable manner, despite the fact that the latest models have waists and skirt alike. Crinoline, hair-cloth, and paper cam bric are no longer needed to make ' sleeves fashionable, as the lamb's wool interlining produces Just the correct puff, and yet It is exceedingly light in weight. It has but one rival at present, and that is stiffened Swiss, which Is used both in sleeves and around the bottom of many of the new skirts. Plaid silks make pretty vests and yokes for tricot and serge gowns, and plain velvet is a pretty contrast for the bright plaid woolens which are worn by girls in their teens, as well as by the little ones. Dressy gowns for dancing school parties are made of striped and flowered taffeta, with plain, straight skirts and guimpe waists,, finished at the neck with a wide velvet collar. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S W. cor. 11 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted. LABOR NOTES. St Paul trade unionists are working for free text books. Camden, N. J., unions have organized a central body. The bricklayers of Chicago are being organized Into a national union. The Internal Co-operative society. near Pittsburg, declared a 10 per cent dividend. In various citie3 the cigarmakers are advertising their labels by means of playing cards. German trade unionists of Cincin nati are discussing the advisability of starting a weekly labor paper. By a new arrangement of the board of directors, commercial telegraphers will be admitted to the American Rail way Union. The International Printing Press men's Union has joined the American Federation of Labor with a member ship of 2,500. The National Union of Retail Clerks has now affiliated with 132 local unions, and the number is steadily and rapidly increasing. The official headquarters of the Jour neymen Tailors Union o America will be removed to Bloomfngton, 111. Ther- final vote was Bloomlngton, 2,446; St. Louis, 530. Joseph Bernstein, of Chicago, paid a fine of $100 and costs the other day for using a counterfeit label for cigars. The prosecution was at the instance of the local cigarmakers' union. L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rook Is land ticket office, cor. 11th and 0 streets. Bridge and Crown Work a specialty. New Lincoln-Sioux City Train Service The Elkhorn Line Northwestern now provides additional to the regular after noon trains to Sioux City a morning train by which passengers reach that place at 1:35 p. m., thus euabling them to reacb many points beyond the same day. In the St. Paul service a dining car has been added which serves supper north bound and break last south bound. S. A. Mosber, Genl. Agt. 8. A. Fielding City ticket agent, 117 So. 10th St. Af n