December 19, 1895 THE WEALTH MAKERS. 4 ' ggg I, 'I COPYRIGHT 1685. 8V MACMILLAN " CHAPTER I There being no plays to be acted at the Red Bull, because of the plague, and the players all cast adrift for want of employment, certain of no, to wit, Jack Dawson and his daughter Moll, Bed Herring and myself, clubbed our moneys together to buy a store of dresses, paint ed cloths, and the like, with a cart and horse to carry thorn, and thus provided set forth to travel the country and turn an honest penny, in those parts where the terror of pestilence had not yet turned men's stomachs against the pleas ures of life. And here, at our setting out, let me show what kind of company we were. First, then, for our master, Jack: Dawson, who on no occasion was to be given a second place. He was a hale, jolly fellow, who would eat a pound of beef for his breakfast (when he could get it) and make nothing of half a gallon of ale therewith a very masterful man, but kindly withal, and pleasant to look at when not oontraried, With never a line of care in his face, though turned of 60. He played our hu . tnorous parts, but he had a sweot voioe for singing of ditties and could fetch a tear as readily as a laugh, and he was also exceeding nimble at a dance, which, was the strangest thing in the world, oonsidering his great girth. Wife he had none, but Moll Dawson was his daugh ter, who was a, most sprightly, merry little wench, but no miracle for beauty, being neither child nor woman at this time; surprisingly thin, as if her frame had grown out of proportion with her flesh, so that her body looked all arms and legs, and her head all month and eyes, with a great tousled mass of chestnut hair, which (off the stage) was as often as not half tumbled over her shoulder. But a quicker little baggage at mimicry (she would play any part, from an urchin of 10 to a crone of four ) soore), or a livelier at dancing of Bran- ties or the single Coranto never was, I ' do think, and as merry as a lark. Of Bed Herring I need only here say that he was the most tearing villain imaginable on the stage and off it the most civil spoken, honest seeing young gentleman. Nor need I trouble to give aYery lengthy description of myself. What my character was will appear hereafter, and, as for my looks, the less I say about them the better. Being "BohlethIng of "a soholar and a poet, I had nearly died of starvation, when Jack Dawson gave me a footing on the stage, where I would play the part of a hero in one act, a lackey in the second and a Merry Andrew in the third, soraping a tune on my fiddle to fill up the intermedios. . We had designed to return to London as soon as the plague abated, unless we were favored with extraordinary good , fortune, and so when we heard that the sickness was certainly past and the citi Bens recovering of their panio we, being by this time heartily sick of our ven ture, which at the best gave us but beg garly recompense, set about to retrace onr steps with cheerful expectations of better times. But, coming to Oxford, We there learned that a prodigious fire had burned all London down, from the A . Tower to Ludgate, so that were we ' ... there we should find no house to play in. This laid us fiat in our hopes and set us again to our vagabond enter prise, and so for six months more we Booured the country in a most miserable Wight, he roads being exceedingly foul - and folks more humored of nights to drowse in their chimneys than to sit in a draft barn and witness our perform- ances, and then about the middle of February we in a kind of desperation got back togain to London,, only to find that we must go forth again, the town still lying in ruins and no one disposed to any kind of amusement except in high places, where such actors as we were held in contempt So we, with our hearts in our boots, as one may say, set out again to seek our fortunes on the Cambridge road, and here, with no better luck than elsewhere, for at Tottenham Cross we had the mis chance to sot fire to the barn wherein we Were playing, by a candle falliDg in some loose straw, whereby we did injury to the extent of a shilling or two, for which the farmer would have us pay a pound, and Jack Dawson stoutly refus- ing to satisfy his demand he sends for the constable, who locks us all up in the cage that night, to take us before the magistrate in the morning. And we , .found to our cost that this magistrate '' had as little justice as mercy in his com position, for though he lent a patient ear to the farmer's case, he would not listen to Jack Dawson's argument, which was good enough, being to the effect that we had not as much as a pound among us, and that he would rather be hanged than pay it if he had, and when Eed Herring (seeing the kind of Puritanical fellow he was) urged that, since the f damage was not done by any design of ours, it must be regarded as a visitation of Providence, he says :" Very good. If it be the will of Providence that one should be scourged, I take it as the di ' vine purpose that I should finish the business to scourge the other." An'd therewith he orders the constable to take what money we have from our pockets and clap us in the stocks till sundown for payment of the difference. So in the itooks we three poor men were stuck for n six mortal hours, which was a wicked, "' cruel thing indeed,, with the wind blow a sort of rainy snow about our ears, 3i ! Ifai id 2 or rogues. PDANIK BABPPTT AUTHOR Off hfREATHSPEH"A RECOILING VfNCEANCE J wTOf THE JAWi orjEATH "rjf. rrf l & CO. little Moll brought us a sheet for a cover, and tired not in giving us kind words of comfort. At 5 o'clock the constable unlocked us from our vile confinement, and I do be lieve we should have fallen upon him and done him a mischief for his pains there and then but that we were all frozen as stiff as stones with sitting in the cold so long, and indeed it was some time ere we could move our limbs at alL However, with much ado, we hobbled on at the tail of our cart, all three very bitter, but especially Bed Herring, who cursed horridly and as I had never heard him curse off the stage, saying he would rather have staid in London to carry bricks for the gentry than join us again in this damnable adventure, etc. And that which incensed him the more was the merriment of our Moll, who, seated on the side of the cart, could do nothing better than make sport of our discon tent But there was no malice in her laughter, which, if it sprang not from sheer love of mischief, arose maybe from overflowing joy at our release. Coming at dusk to Edmonton and finding a fine new inn there, called the Bell, Jack Dawson leads the cart into the yard, we following without a word of demur, and after putting up our trap, into the warm parlor we go and call for supper as boldly as you please. Then, when we had eaten and drunk till we could no more, all to bed like princes, which, after a night in the cage and a day in the stocks, did seem like a very paradise. But how we were to pay for this entertainment not one of us knew, nor did we greatly care, Deing maae quite reckless by our necessities. It was the next morning, when we met togeth er at breakfast, that our faces betrayed some compunctions, but these did not prevent us eating prodigiously. "For, ' ' whispers Eed Herring, "if we are to be hanged, it may as well be for a sheep as a lamb. However, Jack Dawson, getting on the right side of the landlord, who seem-, ed a very honest, decent man for an inn keeper, agreed with him that we should give a performance that night in a cart shed very proper to our purpose, paying him half of our taking in payment of our entertainment This did Jack, think ing from our late ill luck we should get at the most a dozen people in the six penny benches and a score standing at twopence a head. But it turned out, as the cunning landlord had foreseen, that our hanger was packed olose to the very door, in consequence of great numbers coming to the town in the afternoon to see a bull baited, so that when Jack Dawson closed the doors and came be hind the scene to dress for his part he told us he had as good as 5 in his pocket With that to cheer us we played our tragedy of ' The Broken Heart' ' very merrily, and after that, changing our dress in a twinkling, Jack Dawson, dis guised as a wild man, and Moll, as a wood nymph, came on to the stage to dance a pastoral, while I, in the fashion of a satyr, stood on one side plying the fiddle to their footing. Then, all being done, Jack thanks the company for their indulgence and bids 'em good night And now, before all the company are yet out of the place, and while Jack Dawson is wiping the sweat from his face, comes the landlord and asks pretty bluntly to be paid his share of our earn ings,. (To be Continued.) Qo to 117 So. 10th St. for R. R. and Steamship tickets. Epilepsy 20 Years. Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. A few years ago, Mr. L. W. Gallahor, was an extensive, successful expert manu facturer of lumber products. Attacked with epilepsy, he was obliged to give up his busi ness. The attacks came upon him most in opportunely. One time falling from a carri age, at another down stairs, and often in the street Once he foil down a shaft in the mill, his Injuries nearly proving fatal. Mr. Gallaher writes from Milwaukee, Feb. 18, '95. "There are none more miserable than epi leptics. For 20 years I suffered with epilep tic fits, having as high as five In one night. I tried any number of physicians, paying to one alone, a fee of 1300.00 and have done little for years but search for something to help mo, and have taken all the leading remedies, but received no benefit. A year ago my son, Ghas. S. Gallaher, druggist at 101 Beed St., Milwaukee, gave me Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, and I tried It with gratifying results. Ilave had but two fits since I began taking it. I am better now In every way than I have been In 20 years." Dr. Miles' Itemed ips are sold by druggists on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit or price refunded. Book on the Heart and Nerves, free. Address, Dr. Miles Mj ;dical Co., Elkhart, Intf A Gigantic Our No reason in the world that you should go bareheaded. New fall hats at one-half less than old chestnuts can be bought for, or goods that are out of date. $1.50 to $4.00 hats at the following unheard of prices : 50c, 60c, 75c, 79c, 80c, 98c, $1.18 and $1.39. If you don't believe it just step in our mammoth store and be convinced. It is a pleasure for a customer to go into an open bright store, buy clean, honest goods at a low price and with the privilege of having his Clothing Exchanged or His Money Refunded. If the goods do not fit or prove unsatisfactory this is th proposition we make. Many bargains may be had here fo Christmas giving at incomparably low prices. The whole store is filled with Holiday suggestions. There is pleasure in anticipation and incalculable joy in realization, especially when our matchless values are understood. Come in and be convinced for yourself. BROWNING. 'J 1013 to 1019 O St., NO FAITH CURE ABOUT STUABT'S DYSPEPSIA TAB LETS. Thsy Cure Stomach Troubles and Indi gestion Anyway, Whether Ton Have Talth In Them or Sot. All nbvsicians agree that the element of faith has a great deal to do in the cure of disease. Firm belieLand confldence in a family physician or the same confidence and faith in a patent medicine, have produced remarkable cureR, in all ages. This is especially true in nervous trouD- les and no field offers so prolific a harvest for the quack and charlatan, as the dis eases arising from a weak or run down nervous system. Nevertheless, the most common of all diseases, indigestion and stomach troub les, which in turn cause nervous diseases, heart troubles, consumption and loss of flenn require something besides faith to cure. Mpre faith will not digest your food for you; will not give you an appetite, will not increase your nesn ana strengtnen J 1 1 I i L . 1- ' - jour nerves ana nears, uus oiuarm Dpspepsia Tablets will do tnese tilings, becaune they are composed of the ele ments of digeotion, they contain the juices, acids and peptones necessary to the digestion and assimilation of all wholesome food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food if placed in a jar or bottle in water heated to 98 degrees, and they will do it much more effectively when taken into the stomach after meals, whether you have faith that they will o r not. They invigorate the stomach, make pure blood and strong nerves, in the only way that nature can do it, and that is, from plenty of wholesome food well digested. It is not what we eat, but what we digest that does us good. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by nearly all druggists' at 50 cents for full sized package, or by mail from the Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. HAVE Y00 FIVE OR MORE COWS? If so a" Baby " Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continue an inferior system another year at so (Treat a loss f Dairying is now the only profltable feature of Agriculture. Properly con ducted it always pays well, and must pay yon. You nl a amiarator. and vou need the 11 EST, the " Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, $75.00 upward. Send for new lsao Catalogue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch Offices : General Offices: ELGIN, ILL. 74 C0RTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. fBESr ISTEZl FULL CIRCLE. SOLD ON EASY TERMSV SCOTT HAY PRESS Co. 810 West 60v St. KoTOdsGitJi rAo 0. F. LAMBERTSON, D.D.S., " GRADUATE OF Ohio College Dental Surgery 10 years continuous practice in Lincoln: Office: Alexander Block, 1 2th and P Streets, Rooms 23 and 24. Teeth on Robber, Platinum, Gold and Alumt. Success! Hat Sale KING. & CO. - Lincoln, Neb. Scott's . . Carbo-Digestive ompound. Positively the One Remedy for the treat ment of Nervous Exhaustion, Simple and Aggravated forms of Dyspepsia, and Palpitation of the Heart. Does vour food aotir aftar eating? Are you easily confused and excited? Do you get up in the morning tired and un- refreshed, ana witn a Daa taste in ine mouth? - Is there a dull cloudy sensation, at tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eyes? Are you irritable and restless f Does vour heart thump and cause you to gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to he on the left side? Have vou impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebodings? These symptoms mean that you are suffering from Dyspepsia' and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remedy extant that has done so much for this class of troubles as Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound. If your case has resisted the usual methods of treatment we are particu. larly anxious to have you give this com nound a trial. We guarantee relief in every case ana will cheerfully refund your money should our remedy fail ' to produce the most Gratifying results. i'lease rememoer tnat tne appellation 'Patent Medicine" does not apply to Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound, It is a preparation put up by aleading physician who has made stomach and nervous trouoies a specialty tor years. We court investigation and earnestly urge all physicians to write us for the formula of SCOTT'S CARBO-DIGESTIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on application, that they may satisfy themselves of its harmless character and excellent virtues. Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound is the most remarkable remedy that science has produced. It has succeeded where all other medicines have failed. Sold by .druggists everywhere at $1.00 per bottle, bent to any address in America on receipt of price. Don't forget that we cheerfully refund your money if results are not satislat tory. Order direct if your druggist doe not uuve ii. Address all orders to CONCORD CHEMICAL MFG. CO., Topek?., Kas. Doble'aAlnmtniimColEfcaBconomuerg UTS ANY COFFEE POT Bm Trial No EKK needed to settle. Keepe the pot I (., clean luwae. i.trruor blackens. vc guaranweour 73 '"Economiier to make bet(r. The Coffee stronger and richer coffee. Price with 1-3 less. allow Of... crtm each mirchappr one week's aliA DUC f'al Fr' and If not satls "aia factory can be returned and we will refund the money. ARTHUR L. DOME OO. ail Watiart T.,Gateaf, tU. $750,00 a Year and All Expenses. We want a few more General Agents, ladles or frentlemen, to travel and appoint afrents on onr new publications. Full particulars given on ap plication. If you apply please send references, and state business experience, age and send photograph. If yon cannot travel, write us for terms to local canvasess. Dept. Bare, 8. 1, BELL CO., Philadelphia, l a. WOVEN m FENCE OverSO Styles The bent on Earth. Horwhlfrh, I Bull strong, Viu ami Chicken I titfht. Toucan make from 40 1 to rt(1' lr "y lnr IIwm I 14 to 22c. a Rod. liluHtraTfu rtimiopue t-ree. r Royal Grocery Co. SELLS MORE GROCERIES THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. ! WHY ? Because when you buy a Dollar's worth you get Value Received. If you want goods in small or large quanti ties get our prices. We sell at wholesale prices. Farm Trade a Come in and see us. If tired sit down and rest. Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs'. ROYAL GROCERY CO., Mclaughlin bros., Proprietors. TO THOROUGHLY QUALIFY THEMSELVES as Bookkeepers and Amanuenses. There is going to be a brisk revival -A business and now is thb timb to prepare yourself for a good posmon. Ino LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE f Uart?d 1895 More Prosperous Than Ever CAN BE TRULY SAID OF Lincoln Normal University. 20 PER CENT MORE STUDENTS ENROLLED THIS YEAR . THAN FOR THE CORRESPONDING PERIOD LAST YEAR. t uoan Tiiimun soHrtOT. FOR TEACHERS In Nebraska, or the West for that matter. We have the only wall equipped Business College In Nebraska. If yon doubt this statement come to see for yourself. "Seeing is believing." We prepare students to enter the State University of Nebrasko, and grades made'with us are recognized there. .. . Onr faculty of 19 experienced men and women is the strongest to be found In any Normal, Buainesa, or Preparatory School in the State. We assist all worthy graduates to positions. We have school the year round and you can you desire. Nobody disputes the statement tnat we nave me dbb. equippcu dumuot uues Its graduates are found in good positions throughout the West. More than 150 positions In the best schools of Nebraska are filled by the last year's students of Lincoln Normal University. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IS SPECIALLY EMPHASIZED, wis U1VE tub uaujs. WARD STUDENT A CHANCE. We have the largest and finest laboratories to be found in any unendowed formal school west of Chicago. For Catalogue address. HILL M. BELL, M. S Pres., Normal, Lincoln, Neb. BOARDING, FEED AND SALE STABLES. 919 01 nnunui 11 mi m I. .uuw wmmm wwmmmm 63 Walnut Street. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON Cincinnati, O. ALL CONSIGNMENTS. Commission Merchants and REFER TO ANY CINCINNATI BANK, dealers In Broom Corn and all kind! WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. of Broom Materials ft Machinery. UfUVO lose your sows and pigs at farrowinif I Use my new forceps anil nave them. Win aenu vou sample to lYn I Introduce them at wholesale price. BOOK about pigs FREE J. N.Kelmers, li27 l)avenport,Ia. HOMES IN THE SUNNY SOUTH. No hot winds, bllzsards, nor crop failures. Na tural Clover, Timothy and Blue Grass. Fuel cheap. Coal $1 per ton at bank. Dry wood 11.50 per cord delivered. All kinds of fruit that grow in this latitude. You will find all these advan tatces in the country adjacent Calhoun, Henry county. Mo., 12 miles from Clinton, the county seat; population 6,000. Located on the M. K. T. K. R. 70 miles southeast Kansas City. We have a list of good farms for sale at from $10 to ;I0 per acre. Corn yields from 30 to 60 per acre, flax from 8 to 18 per acre and other crops In proportion. We will cheerfully give and Informa tion required. Call on or address,- BAKTIIOLEMEW A ALBION, Keal Estate Agents, Calhoun, Mo. mm r t r it f H 1 1 1 (i III Li til wlIL. Picket Lawn-Fence stool TVxjta Stool TIhHr Rnrt Sfol fiatflR: RtPGl Tree. i Flower and Tomato Guards. Cabled Field and Hon ' Fence, 24 toSSio. hmb. Poultry, Garden and Rabbit Fence: Steel Wire Keuce iioard.eto. Catalogue free. DeKALB FENCE CO.. 14a Hi9h St, DeKalb, lit CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to Ml"NN CO., 861 Broadway. Kew York. Oldest bureau for eeenrins patents in America, Every patent taken out by us is brought befora tne public by a notice given free of charge in ui 'ficnfific uwriOT Largest circulation of snv eetentlfle paper in the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, ft.l.OOa vear; sis months. Address, MU.VXs CO., Vvuuiuu, 361 Broadway, Hew York City, Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, aad Throat diseases, over Rork Island H jA VCS TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, r Specialty. 1032 P Street. Telephone No. 224. Can do more for you in six months than any other school in Nebraska. Write for particulars. Gladly sent to you by addressing D. R. LILLIBRIUGiS, President, Lincoln, Nebraska. enter at any time and take up such studies as FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS AN O BEST ATTENTION. Te Windsor Stables. W. A. REESE. Proprietor. 1024 L Street, LINCOLN, NEB. 'Phone 232. ?TrVI1 Established I8SO. X F. JELKE & S0:J, lUIJXJ R3 Walnut SroAt The made H. E. KEELOR. Breeder of Chester-White & Poland-China Swine HeAi composed of a choice se lection of premium animals. Stock shipped to all parts of U. 8. Write wants. Clarence, Mo. I DCBXfflTRC, Chester white, ' stein Cattle. Thoroughbred , Bheep,FanoyPonltry.Hunting Pma. .Tatwit. GnarnseT A Hol- MS BUD jiuutm a'H. L 8. W. SMITH. Cochranvllle, Chester Co, Pa. and House Dogs. ueiaioKue. BRANSON FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE The simplest, the bent, the OMY satisfactory Family Knitter now id trie mantel, me name machine we have sold for twenty Tears at 25, No excuse now for haying worthless toys. Complete with full jmistrau-fl ronn or iDatructtons. Kim any article wanted In the home of wool or cotton, factory or homenpun. Trite for Circular. BRA'SO KMTTHtfl MACIIIM? 0., 60(1 St. John Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE KEYSTONE . DEHORfJER Gats clean on all rides-doea not crash. The most humane, rapid and durable knife made, fully warranted. Highest World's Kair Award. Descriptive Circulars Free A n.RRflSIUS. nnr.hrnnvillfi. Pa m4SY. PILLS? llflUG PJSoFEAND EURE.Slli)O.fUR"W0MAH-9 SAFf TfM?IMTiinur)" vuilcsk Specific CcPhila..P. t? DUE'S OeUttoated Femal Powders never fill, snd sure (after hunag yt Tuwr ui FBarreral PlUi), particular! i Holiday Rates via the Burlington lloute. December 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31st, and aluo on January 1st, tickets to points within 200 miles will be on sale at rate of fare and a third. Minimum raU 50 cents. Tickets and information at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th & 0 St CIU 0 n City ticket office Elkhoro-Northwestern t! HT P- mn. ! f