.1 THE WEALTH MAKERS. December 12, 1895 THE WEALTH MAKERS. New Series ol THE ALL1AXCE-IXDEPEXDEXT. Consolidation of the Farmers Alliance and Xeb. Independent. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BT The Wealth Makers Publishing Company, 1120 U Bt, Lincoln, Nebraska. Okorhs Howard Gibsoii Editor j. h. 11 r ATT.. ......w-.. ....... -.Business Manager 'N. I. P. A. "If any man mnt fall tor me to rise, Then seek I not to climb. Another's pain I choose not for raj good. A golden cbaln, A rob of bonor, le too good a price To tempt my hnsty band to do a wrong Unto a fellow man. This life hath woe Sufficient, wrought by man's sataDlc foe; And who that bath a heart would dare prolong Or add a aorrow to a stricken soul That seeks a beallng balm to make It whole? My boaom own the brotherhood of man." Publishers' Announcement. The enbKcrlptlon price of Till WEALTH Mae Brs 1 1-W per .rear. In advance. Airenta In soliciting subscriptions ahould be Terr careful that all names are correctly spelled and projier poBtofflce given. Wanks for return sntisvrlptlona, return euvelopes, etc., van be bad on application to this office. Always sign your name. No matter how often yon write ne do not neglect this Important mat tor. Every week we receive letters with Incom plete addresses or without signatures and It Is sometimes difficult to locate them, Change or adurkhs. Subscribers wishing to change their postottlce address must always give their former as well as their present address when change will be promptly made. Advertising Kates, $1.13 per inch. 8 cents per Agate line, 14 lines to the Inch. Liberal discount on large space or long time contracts. Address all advertising communications to WEALTH MAKERS PUBLISHING CO., J. S. Hyatt, Bus. Mgr. A NEW STORY! A new serial story will be started in The Wealth MAKEiisnext week that will cost us many times the price of your sub scription for one year. The story will run during the winter months and will be exceedingly fascinating. If you are be hind on your subscription renew at once in order that you may not miss a chap ter of this story, which alone is worth much more than the dollar to renew for one whole year , The president is out hunting game; the people are out huut'mg jobs. The Secretary of War recommendsthat the size of the standing army be increas ed one-sixth. Senator Chandler has introduced a bill providing for the unlimited coinage of cold and silver at the ratio of 1 to 15 when similar laws hare been enact ed bf England, France and Germany. Secretary IIoke Smith in his report says the Pacific Railroad debt, now ma turing, may be in part saved by taking up the first mortgage bonds, $G4,G00, 000, the property being worth vastly more. The Secretary of the Navy calls for in creased appropriations to get our navy rendy to fight the nations of Europe. What for? To distract attention and make the oppressed classes lose sight ol the injustice of our own government? Eua nb V. Debs is the logical People's party ididate for president in '96. No other ,an could poll half tlie labor votes he would. Let the people honor with their suffrages the man imprisoned with out jury trial, without law, by a judicial despot, a tool of the corporations. To Debs will remain the honor of lead ing the first sympathetic strike. Had all organized workers been sufficiently un selfish to likewise sympathize with their fellowworkmen the strike could not have failed. Henry D. Lloyd at the great Debs reception in Chicago, said to the assembled thousands: "A sympathetic strike is orthodox thnstiauity in ac tion." ' Some P. M's. are offering to send the renewals of our subscribers, and without their knowledge take from each dollar twenty-five cents commission. This comes out of us, in such cases, and does not benefit our patrons. It is not three minutes work to enclose ones own sub scription aud it will save us a fourth of a year's subscription, in many cases. Remember this, frieuds. Senator Stewart has introduced free silver bill. Mills has offered a bill to coin all the silver in the Treasury into subsidiary coin, to issue non-interest bearing legal tender treasury notes to meet revenue deficiencies, and providing that when gold in the Treasury exceeds 1100,000,000 notes shall be redeemed in either gold or silver, but when the reserve falls below that figure notes shall be re deemed in silver only. The New York World reports that the Vauderbilts.Thornleys, Ex-Mayors Hew itt and Grace, Frank Rockefeller aud F, B. Squire of the Standard Oil company, and Herman Frasch of Cleveland, Ohio, havi formed a combination of million aires to work the sulphur mines of Cul casieu i'arisn, ia. liy a new process these mines sulphur is pumped to the surface at a very small expense and they win e anie to control the world s mai- . fcet.T)wT will own the sulphur in this 'TE FOOLS AND BLIND" Representative Dolliver, the Republican orator or Iowa, writing in the December North American Review, says: "From the Republican point of view nothing is needed to restore normal busi ness ronditionsexcepta full treasury, and a sjwedy return to favorable trade rela tions with the world," The leu ding Republican idea is, in other words, take more out of the pockets of the people, enough to keep the public treasury lull. Doesn't that sound good? More taxes to save us from bankruptcy, mortgage foreclosures and pauperism! "And a speedy return to favorable trade relations with the world." What does that moan? Isn't that idea Democratic claptrap? What but tariff and lack of money stand in the way of enlarging our trade with the world? And does the Republican party propose to reduce the tariff and increase or equit ably distribute our supply of money? Neither, my son. It isn't built that way. The Republican party is made up of three elements, viz., iguorance, greed and hypocrisy. It is wickedly ignorant of the cause of periodic hard times. What caused the panic and hard times period in the '70s, when the Republicans had been in power twelve years and more? Was it low taxes and the Republican established trade relations with other nations? Is this nation suffering because we can not sell goods to the people of other na tions, or because our own people cannot buy what they need? What we want is legislation that will put a stop to en forced uuder-coneumptiou on the part of the producing classes of our own people. We are being robbed, under cover of Re publican and Democratic legislation, and cannot buyout of the market the equiva lent of what we all produce and pour in to it. That is what causes dull markets, falling prices, business paralysis, millions unemployed, the steady concentration of wealth and spread of poverty. Yet the politicians of both old parties, the con trolling spirits, shut their eyes to this truth and go on accusing the opposite party of some inconsequent or compara tively unimportant legislation as the great cause of evil. The blind are lead ing the blind, and there is not one honest, enlightened, fearless legislator in fifty. The great bulk of our lawmakers are professional, hypocritical, self-seeking politicians. Their principal labor is to deceive the masses of the people, not to serve them. They serve the corporations and themselves. If we had had no laws passed in the last quarter of a century and saved the enormous expense, we would have been very much better off. But with no new radical laws to cut off wealth concentration, laws which will re duce the flow of interest, the "profit" of capital aud the rent of land, we shall in a few years more see the basis of liberty such portion of it as is left bought from under us, and shall be plunged into the pit of hopeless poverty and slavery, LET THE PEOPLE BE PLUNDERED So says the Supreme Court in the case of the State vs. Kx-Treasurer Hill, decid ed last Saturday. No man is legally liable for the steal of $236,000, is the court pronouncement, aud the state will have to stand the loss. The Republican officials whose business it was to exam ine the bonds given as security for the state funds deposited by the Republican state treasurer, did not investigate the security, did not look into thenotorious- ly rotten affairs of Outcalt and Mosher; but as they were Republican officials they could not be impeached or punftued. And, after all, what is the little matter of a quarter of a million dollars to the tax payers of the great and glorious state of Nebraska? The rotten Republican ring got the money. It was distributed among the men who run the state politi cal ft. o. p. machine; aud didn't the Re publican party save the nation? Why.the nation, the people and all they possess, belongs to the Republican party, world without end. Who cau question it, in the light of the great war history? Steal, tax, and plunder foreverinore, and don't feel obliged to make any excuses at all, for the saved country necessarily belongs to its savior. "THY KINGDOM 00ME." SO W? God's kingdom is spiritual, industrial, economic. The family has preserved among men the idea of the world that should Do, a world where love rules. In many fanii lies the ideal unity of love, making happi ness, is realized so far as it can be realiz ed by the limited number of the home circle. Industrial sacrifice in the home circle is sweet, is not loss, but gain, and allarebouud together by it. But we have not accepted this law of love, of sacrifice, as binding on us beyond the circle ol wile and children, family is arrayed against family in industrial competition and commercial struggle, and this trartsmutes family love into sel fish motive and makes the homo circles units of selfishness. We fence off a little fold for the family, but make, after all, only wolf dens, pluces where the selfish retire to live lovingly with wife and child ren. This is not Christianity. Nor can charity or philanthropy, no matter how lavish the gifts, make the commercial struggle, which precedes charity, just or Christian. Itis not true that all business is done by what has been called "Ths simple role, tbe good old plan. Tig trm-jutt) yhQ p as the powsr, Even those who wish to do only good are, by each sale aud purchase they make, involved in the selfish business system which by commercial struggle and mono poly power decrees unjust wages and prices, and so spreads poverty and de pendence on the one hand, and concen trates wealth and power on the other. We share in this sin, out of which spring nil other sins, making it the source of about all the evils in the world, until we tuke ourselves out of the system and no longer sell and buy our services. Charity that is content to shore in and continue the commercial struggle, the respectable selfishness of the market place, is itself a sin against equal love and justice. With the exception of here and there a minister, or an "unlicensed layman, the church does not condemn the respectable seitinhness of the every da business world. It cannot, so long as it continues to practice the same thing. Its preachers and teachers, with some exceptions, are not alive to the fact that this universal unrebuked selfishness Bbown in buying and selling aud the pursuit of private property, is the rejection of God's law and Christ's example, and that out of its activities flow all the social evils and multiplied temptations which afflict man kind. It kills love between man and man, and fills the world with all the unhappy and miserable consequences of selfish ness. We no longer have in the churches and few realize that it is necessary to have labor communion, the perpetual seven-days-in-the-week Christian sacra ment, of equally dividing with and unre servedly serving one another. And the church Is blind to the fact that her com munion with God is cut off, is made for mal and unreal, because we have refused communion with our brothers, the com munion of week-day constant service. Communion with God ceases when we cease to love one another as we love our selves. The communion of words and emblems is a lie, a mere formality, be cause the communion of labor is, by self separation and self-exaltation, cut off. Talk does not cost much; labor is love's measure. It Is not tne mere story oi Christ that saves, but the Christ-life lived today. Men cannot be reached by mere words on Sunday; neither will God hear and forgive us when we then cease for the twenty-four hours the selfish struggle, 'though we bestow all our goods to feed the poor;' for almsgiving The Painful Reality How sad, how evil Is the sight, When those who "love the Lord," On Monday still for mammon fight, And bo destroy his word! Each 'seeks his own,' and counts as fair Whata'er the world allows; ' ' He grasps, who can, the larger share, . Nor heeds his Christian vowsl In fact, the law of equal love Is skipped In business life; And can It be that Ood above Objects to selfish strife? A brother's trembling words and sighs On Sunday move the heart; But moans, and groans, and fainting cries, Are drowned In Monday's mart. The selfish rob, and brothers need A neighbor's strength and earn; But those who pass propose a creed, And, Sunday, offer prayer, Gkobgk Uowahd Gibson. can never Dnoge over ana unite tne hearts which week-day selfishness sepa rates. Despite our professions, the prac tical assumption that we own our selves and that the property we can command justly belongs to us, except perhaps what we should give to pay preachers for talking, leaves us little save words and charity with which to commune with others, and our week-day selfishness digs impassable gulfs between us. Charity repels all except beggars, and words that are not backed by un mistakably nnselfish deeds are as sound ing brass. The basis or means of communion to unite men's hearts is not knowledge, or culture, or charity, but labor. It is not by words, but by labor, that we com mune with or come in to the life and love of God, the good things which support, develop and enrich our lives being all by labor obtained. It is by labor alone that we may know God, grasp the good of His gifts, distribute them to meet all wants, and bind all hearts together and to him. The labor of the humblest is trunsmutable into the life of the highest, or most developed. And the joy of the greatest, is the joy of service, of pouring out. Labor is the one common human power, and both the divine and human ife-mediurn. But there are two kinds of labor, the free and the hired, or purchas ed. The labor that is bought and sold brings no union, no spiritual communion, calls forth no love on either side. Tuade is a device that separates. Ser vice must be free, voluntary, unpriced. We must labor for the joy of serving. All must labor or be unloved. Trade began, as Sir Henry Maine tells us, not within the family or community, but without. Its first appearances are on the borderland between hostile tribes. There, in time of peace, they meet to trade, and think it no Bin that "the buy er must beware, since the buyer is an enemy. Trade has spread thence, carry iug with itself, into the family and the state, the poison of enmity. From the fatherhood of the old patrichical life, whjre father and brother sold each other nothing, the world has chaffered along to the anarchy ol a "free" trade, a com mercial Ishmaelitism, which sens every thinir. "One thinu after another has out from ths regime ot brotiier- 1 A : "When Lamennals said, 'I love my family more than myself, my village more than mv family, my country more thuti my village, aud mankind more than my country' he showed himself uot only a good lover, but the only good arithmeti cian," says the author of Wealth Against Commonwealth. The individual has no right to be self centered. The family has no right to be self-centered. The co-operative commu nity has no right to be self-centered. The nation or commonwealth has no right to be self-centered. The family, into which children are born, was planned to be the training school of love, where they should be taught the delight of unselfishness and be prepared to practice it as the rule of life, in the labor and service exchanges which should constitute the entire life of the community of which the single family is, or should be, an organic part. The church of Christ was instituted to command repentance of selfishness, to require equal love to our neighbor, aud so to gather together the property divided, contending, self-centered fami lies, making them one communal family, one industrial organism. The church into which theselflsh should be regenerat ed, is, properly, and should make itself, the growing family, community and kingdom of industrially organized un selfish families. The church must teach as Christ taught, that the property and labor of each, the entire personal endow ments and acquirements, must be coin munized, justas the disciples were "added together" and had "all things common." It must be reorganized, that it may labor to supply all wants, and not merely talk pray and give alms; so it must make its members actually members one of anoth er, a body whose interests in production and exchange of services cannot be sepa rated. As the human body cannot be divided, so the Christian body divided cannot be a body, cannot exist with divided contending interests. Whatl Can the eye struggle in the market place with the hand, contending as to to price of service, or the terms of exchange? May Christ's members sell their services and compare eye, ear, hand and brain values, contending for gain and service one of another? Such acts are prostitution and profa nation. It dismembers the Christ, drives his Spirit from among us, and sacrifices his broken body upon the altar of Mam mon. A Beautiful Dream "How sweet, how heavenly Is the sight, When those who love the Lord, In one another's peace delight, And so fulfill his wordl "When each can feel his brother's sigh, ) And with hira bear a part! , When sorrow flows from eye to eye. And Joy from heart to heartl When, free from envy, scorn and pride, Our wishes all above. Each can bis brothers-fallings hide, And show a brother's lovel "When love. Id one delightful stream. Through every bosom flows, When nnlon sweet, with dear esteem, In every action glows. "Love is the golden chain that binds The happy souls above; And he's an heir of heaven who finds His bosom glow with love." W. H. Haverqal. This world cannot be made any better under the present each-for-himself com mercial struggle and the church sanction of private property. In the degree that wealth is concentrating the world is grow ing worse, more Belfish, more miserable, The churches must awake, must hear the volceof God and repent of their divisions and family separations of property inter ests, or they are apostate. It cannot be denied that about all the evils which afflict men are bred and nourished by the each-for-himself commercial struggle for gain, for power to command service, and that theaccepted system makes Ishmael tes of us all. The day the young man (or woman) leaves home and enters the world of busi ness he finds its atmosphere, its controll ing spirit, to be the opposite of the home spirit. In the business world men are ruled by a cold, hard, grasping, cruel selfishness. Love cannot live in it, can not breathe its breath. This is not say ing that in it men do not freely, without price, sometimes helpeach other, incident ally, but that is not "business." It is selfish force that runs business, rules commercial relations, settles the price of products, the wages of labor, the scale of each man's living, their social positions, the grade of wealth or poverty which each enjoys or suffers. Each from the start, (if his parents are not of the rich, ruling class) is left to fight his own way; he must fight under a system of private property; and if he succeeds it is in large degree at the cost of others who fail. "Success," so-called, is measured by mo ney, the amount acquired. To be grasp ing, to gain in exchange all one can and give as little as one must, to care daily and hourly only for one's own family and wring tribute from others by mono- no! v tower. is to win success anil the re- specfc of the wealth-worshiping world From the beginning to the end of bum uess life selfishness must be cultivated, social good indulged in only incidentally, after business hours, and costly genero sity suppressed, or delayed till after death, that a sufficient accumulation of property may insure ones life against possible losses and consequent needs In the each-for-himself business system of the present, whole classes must fail rvimmon laborers must work hard and alwavs be poor. Mechanics can rarely eir neeas. Farmers never they do it by some otlier means than farming. Ninety-five per cent of the mer chants fail. And the overcrowded ranks of the learned professions keep a con siderable percentage of the lawyers, doc tors, and ministers in poverty and press ing need. Tbe aggressive corrupting power of the selfish business standard is a fact that should fill us with a great fear. For sel fishness in being universally accepted as the law or ruling impulse in the business world, acquires such a respectability that it proceeds forthwith to play the hypocrite and so run the political world; and religion not having interfered with it in business, of course has no influence worth mentioning against it in its schemes of legislation, and selfish or class legislation does not wait for the hell of another world, but creates hell hereall aboutus, and issinking us deeper and deeper into it all the time. If wo re ject the law of heaven as impracticable, we have for our sole alternative the law of hell; and we plunge ourselves and our posterity into misery with the fool notion that it is the only practicable thing to do. We heard a minister say in his sermon Doc. 8th, last, that, notwithstanding the hard times, his people, and the church as a whole, were not doing a tenth part what they ought to do, might do, to spread "the gospel." Well, why? (The man who said this is, as apreacher.one of the best of those who are struggling to make people Christ-like under the old each-for-himself comrner cial system.) The reason is plain, to the social, ethi cal student. If it is right and necessary to be selfish, self-centered, to care only for ones own family six days in the week, it must be right and necessary to hold on to what one has so accumulated on Sunday. So there is always a most la mentable religious coldness when the contribution box is passed. The churches (except those where the rich monopolists worship) are always financially straiten ed, appealing hard for funds, and never getting a tenth part of what they ought to get, according to their own state ments. The missionary boards and reli gious colleges and seminaries are also always greatly hampered by lack of means, by the spirit of selfishness which gripes the pure strings of com municants so-called. The selfish, pri vate-property-seeking standard of the commercial world, universally accepted by the church, thus chokes the life out of religion and reduces it to a dead form, to beautiful words and ceremonies, or to a sickly life of compromise with oues partly enlightened conscience. The selfish business system with its aggressive, liberty-absorbing "property rights" leads straight on to revolu tion. Politics, permeated with the each- for-himself immoral standard or principle of business, cannot be purified. The church, allowing this selfish standard of might to rule and herself using it six days out of the seven, has practically surrendered the standard of Jesus, of Jehovah, and there is no salvation for either the church or the world, unless the selfish business code is repented cf and the opposite principle of love, equal love to our neighbor, is en throned above it to govern us It is unquestionably true that the Christ taught communism or labor communion of the apostolic church was according: to the will of God, the Holy Spirit, and the will orjaw of God has not changed, cannot change., The Holy Spirit is the uniting, harmonizing Spirit of the whole, the all; and breathed upon Christ's disciples it united their divided hearts and minds and property interests. It began to overcome sin, separation, selfish strife, commercial anarchy and social chaos by organiz ing the hitherto self-centered individuals into a society for all mutual service, Families ceased to be selfish as families; the lawof equalizing love was recognized and manifested by them. And that first Christian organism, the social body of Christ, filled with the divine Spirit, was not ill-advised, unnatural, or in any wise a failure. Persecution broke it up, and as the disciples wherever they went met with persecutions, it was not possible for them in those times to stay organized as communes and live openly in unob structed helpfulness. Life, nevertheless, depends on contact, association, ex change of services. So it was in the power of enthroned selfishness to scatter the disciples, suppress their freedom, divide their forces, destroy their uncorrupted leaders, and crowd them back into the old commercial habits and the weakness of individual isolation. But, when firet scattered, wherever they went they held up Christ as the world's example and preached the law not alone of Christ's sacrifice, but of mutual and universal sacrifice as the means of salvation. It was not an invisible, internal, individual gospel merely, but a manifest, selfishness-destroying social gospel. It was not possible to make a good profession and slide into the church unnoticed, while keeping back part of the price, as two tried to do. The primi'tive gospel was not mystical, or metaphysical, or ob scure, but simple love, that poured itself out to save men from the conditions and spirit of selfishness. It was both spiri tual and material, material things being the recognized medium of the spiritual, were therefore of very great importance. Paul emphatically taught that first fun damental law given to man, that each , .t,,.-,,.! ffkjT! prrW to he, honest, in order to be helpful, "tat your own bread." "If any will not work neither let him eat." And do you think Paul or Christ would say, the question of what is our bread may be settled by either com petitive or monopoly force? Yet these are the forces which make all prices and establish the market values today. THE SOCIAL SOIEHOE 0LTJB The best, most advanced minds of Lin coln haveorganized a Social Science Club to discuss the pressing questions of the day. ' Prominent men will each Sunday evening address the club on subjects of their own individual choosing, thirty minutes to be occupied, and the remain ing time will be occupied in discussing the paper or speech. Judge Cornish speaks next Sunday evening, and the editor of The Wealth Makers on tbe following Sunday. All are welcome. A. O. U. W. Hall, 1114 0 St. Cleveland says, "The governmeuthas paid in gold more than nine-tenths of its United States notes and Btill owes them all." A false statement. Whom were tiie greenbacks first paid to as money to discharge a debt? To the soldiers. And if they were good money to pay the sol diers for fighting to preserve the nation they are good enough for all other classes. There was no government debt incurred for them except to the soldiers, and they were by them accepted as can celling the debt. Cleveland has made himself the mouthpiece and tool of the bankers to utter their falsehoods and financial sophistries. Do the Fopulists of this state prefer a characterless company of professional politicians, traders, tricksters, drunk ards, whore-masters and self-centered timeservers to conduct a state paper for them, rather than the sort of men who have for two years and more published The Wealth Makers? An effort is be ing made by a few fellows to start a paper that will, they hope, kill The Wealth Makers and leave them undis turbed in their efforts to work the Popu list party for their own benefit. A Christian civilization, did you say? What is there Christian, or Christ-like about it? It is a civilization built upon the business maxim, "each for himself. ,r In politics and legislation it is the same, n religion the great thing impressed is self-security, the need to "save your own soul," from future punishment. A Chris tian civilization would exercise faith in Christ's teaching, that 'It is more blessed to give than to gain.' Each would be eager to serve, instead of to gain power to command service. Do you want to read the new story to be begun in The Wealth Makers next . week? Then renew your subscription at once, we cannot anord to send you tne paper unless you pay for it. The story will cost us many times the price of your subscription for one whole year. Send in the dollar at once. The two Populist members of the Ken tucky legislature hold the balance of power and can elect a U. S. senator. The Republicans have 58 men, the Demo crats 58. There is great danger of "a holy war," we are told. What kind of a war? THE DECEMBER MAGAZINES The Review of Reviews for December, in its "Progress of the World" depart ment, plunges as usual into the discus sion of important current topics. The assembling of the Fifty-fourth Congress, at home, and the disturbed condition of Turkey and some of the European pow ers at this moment present questions which call for exteuded comment this month. The editor also devotes several paragraphs to the boundary dispute be tween Great Britain and Venezuela, and the result of the recent elections in the various states are reviewed and sum marized. But this department of the Review is by no means confined in its range to political or governmental affairs; it "covers" such subjt-cts as the foundation of the Luther League of America, the doings of Schlatter, the so called "Healer," in Denver, noteworthy events in the educational world (Mr. Rockefeller's latest gift to the University of Chicago, the inauguration of a new president at Colgate University, etc.,) and biographical notes on important men aud women who have died during the month (Eugene Field, Signor Bough and others.) The Century for December comes to . ... . II J us in holiday uress ana is mil oi gouu things. Its distinctive Christinas fea tures are, a paper by Edith Coues on Tissot's "Lifo of Christ," with twelve illustrations, one by Annie S. Peck, on "The Passion Day at Vorder-Thiersee," and a Christmas Btory, "Captain li.li s Bust Ear," by Frank H. Stockton. "Oue Way Out," a paper by Jacob A. Riis, describes a farm sdhool established in Westchester county, N. Y., for the train ing of children from the slums of the city, which promises to be a means of creat good. Other attractions are "Glamour," hy Edith M. Thomas, "The Brushwood Boy," by Itudyard Kipling, chapter first of Tom Grogun, by F. Hop kin son Smith, and the continuation of "SirGoorgeTressady," by Mrs. Ward, and Prof. Sloane's "Life of Napoleon." There are otlier short articles and poems and the usual departments. The December Arena marks anew de parture with this greatest of ethical, sociological and literary magazines. The price Is reduced from $5.00 to f 3.00, but there is no reduction in the size of the magazine or in the quality of its con tents. Among its valuable articles for December are: Prof. Herron's "Oppor tunity of the Church in the Present So cial Crisis;" "Government Control of the Telegraph," by Prof. Kichard T. Ely and Judge Walter Clark, LL. D. a supreme